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== Introduction ==
=Moves List=
{{CvS2 Character Subnav|char=Blanka|short=Blanka}}
==Normal Moves==
==Special Moves==

'''Rolling Attack'''
== Story ==
*Charge back, forward + P(any)
'''Blanka''', who was born named Jimmy, is a feral man from the Brazilian jungle. One day, a boy named Jimmy unwittingly boarded a plane that was sabatoged by M. Bison and Shadaloo. It crashed somewhere over the Amazon rainforest, where Jimmy was lost. He was raised in the wilderness, becoming feral. He turned green, with orange hair, and learned to control electricity through his now much stronger body. One odd day, he hopped into the back of a car looking to eat a melon, not knowing it was a poachers car. The poacher drove Jimmy back to civilization for the first time in many years, and since then, Jimmy has lived as Blanka. Blanka competed in the first World Warrior tournament, where his mother was spectating, and his story ends with a tearful reunion. He now lives a peaceful life with his mother and his best friends Dan Hibiki and Sakura.

'''Electric Thunder'''
== Gameplay ==
*Any punch attack hit 5 times (5 punch inputs)
Blanka is a powerhouse of a top tier. Usually considered second only to Sagat in terms of strength, Blanka has all the tools a CvS2 character needs and more. Insane buttons and neutral control, high mobility, solid damage, great metered damage, useful defensive tools, and a few very powerful roll cancels send Blanka to the top of the tier list. He's quite Groove friendly as well, as while you usually see him as the classic anchor for A-Groove and N-Groove teams, Blanka excels in every Groove to some extent. A-Blanka is usually considered the strongest, and is a mainstay on the best A-Groove players teams. His ability to use Custom Combo offensively is stellar, and it gives him a very scary defensive option to work with. Mixed with his amazing neutral, your opponent has to take a risk to get in, which you can punish with a big Custom Combo into a mixup.

'''Vertical Rolling Attack'''
Blanka has very few real weaknesses in any setting, and is a simple and reliable pick for your team regardless of Grooves or team composition. He has every tool you would want and then some. If you want to win, and especially if you play A-Groove, you should definitely try out Blanka.
*Charge down, up + K(any)

'''Backstep Rolling'''
=== Groove Selection ===
*Charge back, forward + K(any)
'''Best - A/N:''' A-Blanka, as stated above, is Blanka's most powerful Groove. A-Groove is already widely considered the best Groove in the game thanks to Custom Combo and the other versatile subsystems. Alpha Counters give Blanka a solid get-off-me tool, rolls are useful for everyone but Blanka has two incredible RC specials with RC Electricity and RC Blanka Ball. While he doesn't get access to his admittedly strong supers, Blanka's CC is no joke, and turn his punishes from high damage to ''very'' high damage. N-Blanka gets much of the same, but now has run and hop on top of it, in trade for only having level 1 supers to end in. Run is a useful tool for his pressure, but hop is especially powerful. Blanka's hop HK is nigh uncontestable by anything that isn't invincible. Only having level 1 supers isn't that bad either, since Blanka has very useful level 1's. N-Blanka is defined by strong roll cancels, abusive hop pressure, and consistently ending combos in supers for huge damage.

=The Basics=
'''Useful - K/C/P/S:''' K-Blanka is right behind A and N. Rage and JD make for powerful neutral and high damage punishes. One solid hit from Blanka leads into a super for massive damage, and his Raged pokes are no joke. He can punish pretty reliably after a JD, and his simple poke-based neutral becomes much scarier in Rage. The loss of rolls hurts, but it's really the only big sacrifice. C-Blanka is similar to N-Blanka, but loses the mobility in exchange for airblocking and more versatile meter. Level 2 combos are a powerful tool for consistent damage, and the level 3 supers of C-Groove uniquely don't have any sort of prerequisite to spending them, allowing Blanka a chance at big damage. The loss of mobility hurts however, and A-Blanka Custom Combo is more valuable to him than level 2 supers, so generally C-Blanka loses to A-Blanka. P-Blanka gets parries, which give him more consistent punishes. A parry can easily lead into a punish like 2HK > Hop, starting Blanka's scary Electricity mixups. Sadly, P-Groove has no rolls, so you lose out on RC Electricity, but having hop HK is still strong enough of a neutral tool to not worry as much. S-Groove is the weakest Groove overall, but Blanka is solid enough to not worry about the lacking mechanics. Loss of RC Electricity and RC Blanka Balls is rough, but you still get run and hop, and dodge isn't entirely useless for Blanka.

==Bread and Butter Combos==
'''Worst - None:''' Blanka is an incredibly solid character overall, and your Groove selection won't hurt him much. He excels in some more than others, but is a valuable pick in every Groove.

Crossup forward, crouching short, st. jab, fierce Blanka Ball
'''Blanka''' is a powerhouse of a top tier, with incredible buttons and neutral control mixed with scary offense and both a strong roll cancel and strong hop normal. He has no real weaknesses that hold him back. Blanka is best in '''A-Groove''' and '''N-Groove'''.

Jump in RH, cr. forward, fierce Blanka Ball
'''Difficulty''': Medium<br>'''Tier''': S+
* '''Buttons:''' Blanka has some of the strongest buttons in the game, like 5LP, 5MP, 5HP, 3HP, j.HK, 2MK, 2HK, and more
* '''Mobility:''' His command hops allow him to quickly move backwards and forwards, and mixed with Roll Cancel, these are almost impossible to punish. Solid jumps and forward moving specials also help make him very mobile
* '''Mixup:''' Cancelling normals into hops to reset pressure, generating plus frames with his normals for powerful guard crush strings, and RC Electricity okizeme give Blanka unique but strong mixup potential
* '''Damage:''' Blanka's pokes do solid damage on their own, hitconfirms into super do a lot more however. If you have A-Blanka, you can punish with a Custom Combo as well for massive damage potential
* '''Roll Cancels:''' RC Electricity is a multi-hitting plus on block invincible special that knocks down, RC Blanka Balls are fast moving invincible fireball and poke punishes, and RC Hops are invincible command hops that are airborne so they can't be thrown
* '''Meterless:''' Without spending on a super or CC, Blanka struggles to get meaningful damage or a knockdown. He usually either cancels into a Blanka Ball, which is punishable even on hit, or a hop to push another mixup, which leaves a wide gap
* '''Reversals:''' Blanka's only meterless special with invincibility is Backward Hop, which isn't a strike and can be punished. This forces Blanka to spend meter on invincible reversals or go for a difficult and Groove specific RC Electricity/Blanka Ball reversal.

==Super Combos==
=== Players to Watch ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Country !! Groove !! Accounts !! Notes
| Ohara || Japan || C-Groove || N/A || A textbook C-Blanka player who makes great use of meter efficiency. <br> [ Sample Match]
| D44 BAS || Japan || A-Groove || Twitter: @ryo151 <br> Youtube: D44Bas <br> Discord: Bas#4095 || The anchor of BAS' star-studded squad. Pulls off ridiculous customs and is generally dominating the match all around with him at all times. <br> [ Sample Match]
| YSK || Japan || A-Groove || Twitter: @yosuke0815 || The king of the SBB (Sakura Bison Blanka) team. Uses Blanka as well as anyone else. <br> [ Sample Match]
| Izumi || Japan || P-Groove || Twitter: @IzumiSgroove || Uses P-Blanka extremely efficiently and lands level 3 combos the second he has a chance. <br> [ Sample Match]
| S-Zawa || Japan || P-Groove || Twitter: @Cvs2Fukuoka || Not a flashy player, but his fundamentals are extremely disciplined and takes his offensive opportunities when he has them. Also runs CvS2 Fukuoka events in Japan. <br> [ Sample Match]
| Tsuji || Japan || N-Groove || N/A || Old school N-Groover known for his Joe. Uses N-Blanka aggressively with his run and short hop game. <br> [ Sample Match]
| Bocchan || Japan || K-Groove || N/A || A strong K-CBS user. His Blanka in particular is calculated but aggressive and uses his momentum to its fullest. <br> [ Sample Match]

'''Direct Lightning'''
*Charge back, forward, back, forward + P

'''Rolling Attack Super'''
== Normal Moves ==
*Charge back, forward, back, forward + K
=== Far Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">5LP</span> ===
| name    = Far Jab
| input    = 5LP / Far LP
| subtitle = Far Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5LP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 2
  | recovery    = 11
  | total      = 15
  | advHit      = +2
  | advBlock    = +2
  | invul      = None
  | description = The slap. Stellar jab that starts in 2 frames and can't be crouched. Mix that with great range and you have a mashers dream. It does pay for this in the form of frame advantage, it's only +2 in a game where most jabs are +5 to +7. This means Blanka can't really link out of it, but he also doesn't need to. Great panic button in a multitude of situations. Also your main confirm into Blanka Ball.

'''(Don't know the name) Earthshout super?'''
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MP</span> ===
*Charge down+back, down+forward, down+back, Up+forward + P
| name     = Far Strong
| input    = 5MP / Far MP
| subtitle = Far Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5MP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900
  | stun        = 9
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 9
  | total      = 22
  | advHit      = +5
  | advBlock    = +5
  | invul      = None
  | description = Blanka stabs outward with his hand. One of many useful pokes in Blanka's kit, but not one you'll be using much. Usually done as a counterpoke anticipating an attack.

=== <span class="invisible-header">5HP</span> ===
| name    = Far Fierce
| input    = 5HP / Far HP
| subtitle = Far Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5HP_First.PNG
| caption  =
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_5HP_Second.PNG
| caption2 =
| linkname = 5HP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400,1200
  | stun        = 14,12
  | cancel      = SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 12
  | recovery    = 15
  | total      = 33
  | advHit      = -3
  | advBlock    = -3
  | invul      = None
  | description = One of Blanka's anti-airs. It may not look like it but it can hit some close jumps. Not too useful besides that.

'''Level 2/3'''
=== <span class="invisible-header">5LK</span> ===
*Crossup forward, crouching short x2, st. jab, Direct Lightning
| name    = Far Short
| input    = 5LK / Far LK
| subtitle = Far Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5LK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 11
  | total      = 21
  | advHit      = 0
  | advBlock    = 0
  | invul      = None
  | description = Because of the disjoint you can use this button for things like checking Blanka Ball in mirrors, or beating some low priority pokes. Probably your least used normal.

*Crouching short x4. Direct Lightning
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MK</span> ===
| name    = Far Forward
| input    = 5MK / Far MK
| subtitle = Far Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5MK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 2
  | recovery    = 16
  | total      = 25
  | advHit      = +2
  | advBlock    = +2
  | invul      = None
  | description = Another Blanka anti-air, best used against jumps that land a little in front of Blanka.

*Jump-in RH, crouching short, standing jab, Direct Lightning
=== <span class="invisible-header">5HK</span> ===
| name    = Far Roundhouse
| input    = 5HK / Far HK
| subtitle = Far Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_5HK_First.PNG
| caption  =
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_5HK_Second.PNG
| caption2 =
| linkname = 5HK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300,1200
  | stun        = 13,12
  | cancel      = SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 24
  | total      = 37
  | advHit      = -6
  | advBlock    = -6
  | invul      = None
  | description = An anti-air that actually looks like an anti-air. Best used to hit close jumps and attempted crossups, and does decent damage.

=Custom Combos=
=== Close Standing Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">clLK</span> ===
| name    = Close Short
| input    = cl.LK
| subtitle = Close Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_clLK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.LK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500,500
  | stun        = 5,5
  | cancel      = SP*/SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 17
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = -12
  | advBlock    = -12
  | invul      = None
  | description = Super minus on hit attack that does poor damage for how unsafe it is. Even if you hit it super meaty you're still minus. Never use.

*Basic Custom Combo
=== <span class="invisible-header">clMK</span> ===
| name    = Close Forward
| input    = cl.MK
| subtitle = Close Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_clLK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.MK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500+500
  | stun        = 5+5
  | cancel      = SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 2,2
  | recovery    = 28
  | total      = 38
  | advHit      = -10
  | advBlock    = -10
  | invul      = None
  | description = Same deal as cl.LK. Just don't use it.

Activate, slide, st. jab, [superjump, fierce x2, RH]until corner.
=== Crouching Normals ===
In corner:[superjump fierce x5]x2, back,forward,back,forward+kick.(kick super.)
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Jab
| input    = 2LP / cr.LP
| subtitle = Crouching Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2LP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 21
  | advHit      = -2
  | advBlock    = -2
  | invul      = None
  | description = A very slow crouch jab, unusual considering most crouch jabs in this game are fast. It's mainly used as an annoying up close poke and buffer into Electricity.

*Other variations
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Strong
| input    = 2MP / cr.MP
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2MP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 24
  | total      = 36
  | advHit      = -8
  | advBlock    = -8
  | invul      = None
  | description = Another anti-air. Hits at relatively the same range as st.MK, which are jumps that land a little out in front. As a poke it is -8 and does only 1000 damage. The super cancel doesn't help the risk/reward factor enough to warrant it's use unless you space it a lot. Just use it as an anti-air.

-Roll Cancel Electricity, activate, [st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball]x2, st. jab,[superjump, fierce x2, RH]until corner.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HP</span> ===
In corner: [superjump fierce x5]x3, st. RH kick super.
| name    = Crouch Fierce
| input    = 2HP / cr.HP
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2HP_First.PNG
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_2HP_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Animation and hitbox don't match
| image3  = CVS2_Blanka_2HP_Third.PNG
| caption3 = Final Hitbox
| linkname = 2HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1200,1300
  | stun        = 12,13
  | cancel      = SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 3(2)5
  | recovery    = 23
  | total      = 38
  | advHit      = -4
  | advBlock    = -4
  | invul      = None
  | description = A giant punch, looks like Sagat's cr.HP in some aspects. It's one of Blanka's main pokes, due to its pretty large range and high priority, allowing it to beat most normals. It can also be used as an anti-air the same way st.MK and cr.MP can, but works for even farther out jumps.

-Activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x3, slide, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, st. jab
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LK</span> ===
In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.
| name    = Crouch Short
| input    = 2LK / cr.LK
| subtitle = Crouching Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2LK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2LK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 6
  | total      = 14
  | advHit      = +5
  | advBlock    = +5
  | invul      = None
  | description = Blanka's only fast light outside of st.LP. You'll be using this as your main combo starter and for any up-close stuff. It is +5, which is par for the course in terms of light attacks, so overall a pretty decent light. The only problem is that it has a 4f startup, below average for a light. Aside from that, you'll be using this button a lot.

-After a knockdown: close st. strong, if it hits, activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x2, slide, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, st. jab, superjump fierce, super jump RH.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MK</span> ===
In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.
| name    = Crouch Forward
| input    = 2MK / cr.MK
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2MK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 800
  | stun        = 8
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 11
  | total      = 22
  | advHit      = +3
  | advBlock    = +3
  | invul      = None
  | description = Blanka's other main poke. It's fast, pretty noncommittal, and plus to boot. Usually this is your other main confirm into Blanka Ball when you land a jump-in.

-Counter hit cr. short, activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x2, slide, st. fierce, jab Blanka Ball, [cr. fierce, st. fierce, jab Blanka Ball]x2.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HK</span> ===
In corner: st. fierce, super jump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.
| name    = Crouch Roundhouse
| input    = 2HK / cr.HK
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_2HK_First.PNG
| caption  = Active
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_2HK_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Extended Hurtbox during recovery
| linkname = 2HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 23
  | total      = 34
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -3
  | invul      = None
  | description = A long range sweep, it's very good compared to other sweeps in the game. It's -3, so basically unpunishable even without spacing. Also gives Blanka a really good knockdown, as he can push a Blanka Ball mixup into meaty Electricity every time, and Blanka has enough time to also punish safe falls with either Slide or Blanka Ball.

*Blocked Blanka Ball setup
=== Jumping Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Jab
| input    = j.LP
| subtitle = Jumping Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_jLP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 26
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Decent air-to-air.

Block it high, activate, slide, [st. fierce,kkk hop]x3, st. jab
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MP</span> ===
In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.
| name    = Jump Strong
| input    = j.MP
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_jMP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900
  | stun        = 9
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 15
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = A really, REALLY good button. It seems to either beat or trade with just about anything. In terms of reward it's rather low but it's a really good jump button to stick out.

*Guard Crush Custom Combo
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Fierce
| input    = j.HP
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_njHP.PNG
| caption  = Neutral Jump
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_jHP_First.PNG
| caption2 =
| image3  = CVS2_Blanka_jHP_Second.PNG
| caption3 = Diagonal Jump
| linkname = j.HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|u}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 10
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000,1200
  | stun        = 10,12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 5
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 9
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = nj.HP is another air-to-air. If all other options fail this one is pretty consistent. Same goes for j.HP. They're both really good air-to-airs, and for j.HP, it's also a really good short-hop attack.

Activate, slide x3, fierce Electricity, kick super
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Short
| input    = j.LK
| subtitle = Jumping Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_jLK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.LK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 26
  | advHit      =
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = -
  | description = Usually hits opponents slightly on top on Blanka during jumps, not too useful outside of Custom Combos.

=Advanced Strategy=
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Forward
| input    = j.MK
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_njMK.PNG
| caption  = Neutral Jump
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_jMK.PNG
| caption2 = Diagonal Jump
| linkname = j.MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 800
  | stun        = 8
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 11
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 16
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = nj.MK is not really that useful since nj.HP is just better, however j.MK is going to be a really useful jump-in and more importantly a cross-up. Great for setting up mixups/pressure.

=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Roundhouse
| input    = j.HK
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_jHK_First.PNG
| caption  =
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_jHK_Second.PNG
| caption2 = The only attack you'll need
| linkname = j.HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 14
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Very good button. It has a lot of downward range so it is a great instant overhead, and arguably the best short-hop attack in the game. Combined with Blanka's fast jump, this button is very hard to beat.

== Command Normals ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Rock Crusher</span> ===
| name    = Rock Crusher
| input    = Close 4/6MP
| subtitle = Headbutt
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_cl6MP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Rock Crusher
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600+500
  | stun        = 6+5
  | cancel      = SP*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 2(2)10
  | recovery    = 17
  | total      = 35
  | advHit      = -7
  | advBlock    = -7
  | invul      = None
  | description = Pretty useless normal, not even an overhead, and there's much better cancellable normals.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Amazon River Run</span> ===
This section is for talking about other stuff related to Blanka that aren't Blanka's basics
==Groove Comparison(Which one is right?)==
| name    = Amazon River Run
| input    = 3HP
| subtitle = Slide
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_3HP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Amazon River Run
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|df}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1200
  | stun        = 12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 16
  | recovery    = 24
  | total      = 49
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -16
  | invul      = None
  | description = Blanka's slide is a good poke. Like his sweep, if Blanka lands this he gets a good knockdown. Unlike sweep, it is -16 on block, so it has to be spaced in order to avoid getting punished. At best you can make it 0, but most times it'll end up being around -2 ~ -4. In some matchups this button will be hard to use, like vs. Hibiki or Bison.

== Throws ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Wild Fang</span> ===
| name    = Wild Fang
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HP
| subtitle = Punch Throw
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_Pthrow.png
| caption  =  
| linkname = Wild Fang
| data  =  
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 800+200x(2~14)
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Grab
  | parry      = Grab
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = Grab
  | invul      = None
  | description = A good throw that gives Blanka a nice knockdown, and gives him time to punish safe falls.

=== <span class="invisible-header">X</span> ===
| name    = Jungle Toss
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HK
| subtitle = Kick Throw
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_Kthrow.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Kick Throw Name
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2000
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Grab
  | parry      = Grab
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 19
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = Grab
  | invul      = None
  | description = Gives Blanka a worse knockdown compared to punch, but it has a lot better corner carry. Use this throw if you need to corner the opponent. Also sets up 2P corner glitch.

== Ways to stop a blocked Blanka Ball ==
== Specials ==
(by Nick T.)
=== <span class="invisible-header">Electric Thunder</span> ===
| name    = Electric Thunder
| input    = Mash P
| subtitle = Electricity
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_PPP.PNG
| caption  = Top Tier in one image
| linkname = Electric Thunder
| data  =
  | version    = Mash {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 4(4)4...
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 30
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = 0
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = Mash {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1500
  | stun        = 15
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 2(2)2(2)2...
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 30
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +6
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = Mash {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600
  | stun        = 16
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 1(1)1...
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 26
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +10
  | invul      = None
  | description = Three words: Roll Cancel Electricity. Even someone who hasn't played CvS2 might recognize this move. It's by far Blanka's best move. As an RC, this move is a great counter poke, meaty option, all-purpose anti-air and pressure tool. It does very high chip, and is +10, allowing for more pressure. Not only that, but when landed, it can even confirm into Custom Combo, although that is pretty difficult. It's such a potent attack that whiffing a bunch of Elecs will not only give you good protection, but also build you a ton of meter. If you want to learn Roll Cancel Electricity (you should if you're playing Blanka in a roll groove) check out the [[Capcom vs SNK 2/Roll Cancelling|Roll Cancel]] page.

(Note: All of this was done on PS2 version, default settings. All characters have to block high. Dummy was set to all guard.)
Is this move still good without RC? Yes. Definitely. It's still a great meaty and anti-air. The only weaknesses this move has are that it has low range, which is hardly an issue since you're almost always using this up close or you're intentionally whiffing it from far away, and if you're against a K-Groover, they can JD 5 or so hits and get instant rage. Still though, there's no reason to leave this move out of your toolkit, it's necessary to make use of this move to get good at Blanka.
* (r) = Reversal Timing
* (ST) = Strict Timing

=== <span class="invisible-header">Rolling Attack</span> ===
| name    = Rolling Attack
| input    = [4]6P
| subtitle = Blanka Ball
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_46P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Rolling Attack
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1200
  | stun        = 12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 25
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 30
  | advHit      = -22
  | advBlock    = -22
  | invul      = 1~27 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 32
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 37
  | advHit      = -22
  | advBlock    = -22
  | invul      = 1~34 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 40
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 45
  | advHit      = -22
  | advBlock    = -22
  | invul      = 1~42 (Airborne)
  | description = A very fast advancing attack. It's a great punish tool, and a decent anti-air when RC'd, but there's one caveat. Blanka Ball is -22 and doesn't knock down on hit unless it's an airborne opponent. There is a lot of pushback when this move makes contact, but on block it's simply too minus. Almost every character in the game has a consistent punish for Blanka Ball, save some of the dumpster characters. I highly recommend not spamming this move since it's just gonna lead to a lot of unnecessary damage, but it's still a great move when used correctly.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Backstep Roll</span> ===
* (r) lvl 1 Shinku Haduken super
* (ST)Super jump forward + RH
| name    = Backstep Roll
*Run up, Crouching RH
| input    = [4]6K
| subtitle = Backstep Ball
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_46P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Backstep Roll
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}}+{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 28
  | active      = 33
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 64
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -23
  | invul      = 3~18, 25~61 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 28
  | active      = 34
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 65
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -25
  | invul      = 3~18, 25~62 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1500
  | stun        = 15
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 28
  | active      = 36
  | recovery    = 3
  | total      = 67
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -25
  | invul      = 3~18, 25~64 (Airborne)
  | description = A much shittier Blanka Ball. Though it knocks down on hit, it does not travel very far and also has a ton of startup. To add onto that, if blocked, it's not only -25, but causes a lot less pushback. It's almost guaranteed that you will be punished for doing this. Don't use this move.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Vertical Rolling</span> ===
* Toward + RH
*Run up, Crouching RH
| name    = Vertical Rolling
| input    = [2]8K
| subtitle = Upward Ball
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_28K.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Vertical Rolling
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|d}},{{Motion|u}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1200
  | stun        = 12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 16
  | recovery    = 39
  | total      = 57
  | advHit      = -23
  | advBlock    = -23
  | invul      = 1~53 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|d}},{{Motion|u}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 15
  | recovery    = 40
  | total      = 57
  | advHit      = -24
  | advBlock    = -24
  | invul      = 1~54 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|d}},{{Motion|u}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 14
  | recovery    = 42
  | total      = 58
  | advHit      = -25
  | advBlock    = -25
  | invul      = 1~55 (Airborne)
  | description = Blanka goes at a 45 degree angle straight up. This move really ties together his anti-air game. He has anti-airs for far jumps, close jumps, but not for straight basic 45 degree angle jumps. This is exactly what this move is for. It's a decent anti-air for what it does, however since it is only one hit, a parry or JD makes this move very unsafe, but that's only if they are expecting it. The only downside is that it is a charge move, unlike Blanka's other useful anti-airs. Still a good move overall.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Surprise</span> ===
* (ST)Super jump forward + RH
*Run up, Crouching RH
| name    = Surprise
| input    = KKK/4KKK
| subtitle = Hop
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_KKK.PNG
| caption  = Forward Hop
| image2  = CVS2_Blanka_4KKK.PNG
| caption2 = Backward Hop
| linkname =
| data  =
  | version    = {{Icon-Capcom|3K}}
  | subtitle    = Forward
  | damage      = None
  | stun        = None
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = None
  | parry      = None
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 20
  | recovery    = 7
  | total      = 30
  | advHit      = None
  | advBlock    = None
  | invul      = 4~23 (Airborne)
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|b}}+{{Icon-Capcom|3K}}
  | subtitle    = Backward
  | damage      = None
  | stun        = None
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = None
  | parry      = None
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 20
  | recovery    = 7
  | total      = 30
  | advHit      = None
  | advBlock    = None
  | invul      = 1~13 (Full), 4~23 (Airborne)
  | description = One of Blanka's most useful moves. With RCs, both the forward and back hop become super useful. The forward hop becomes an invincible approach tool (it does have 3 frames at the end where Blanka can be hit) and the back hop becomes a lot better in terms of invul. The forward hop is used mostly for pressure and mixups, and is pretty effective at doing that, while the back hop escapes any incoming poke or attack. It is one of the best pressure escape options in the game. You're mostly going to use it to bait pokes and avoid attempted punishes. If you are unsure if your attack will get punished or not, just back hop, it will avoid almost any attack. Almost being the operative. Though back hop has invul, it's only for 13 frames, meaning some advancing attacks can punish it, i.e. Psycho Crusher, Blanka Ball, Dash Straight. With RCs, it's much more difficult to do so since Blanka is only vulnerable for 3 frames instead of 17, and even then it's a read if the opponent tries to punish it, which can easily be baited with conditioning. Use the back hop a lot as a form of escaping pressure and attempted punishes.

== Supers ==
* Standing fierce
=== <span class="invisible-header">Direct Lightning</span> ===
| name    = Direct Lightning
| input    = [4]646P
| subtitle = Electric Super
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_4646P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Direct Lightning
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2400
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 30
  | recovery    = 4
  | total      = 42
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -19
  | invul      = 1~8 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3600
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 30
  | recovery    = 4
  | total      = 42
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -19
  | invul      = 1~14 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 5000
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 30
  | recovery    = 4
  | total      = 42
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -19
  | invul      = 1~22 (Full)
  | description = A souped up version of Blanka Ball. Still retains the very unsafe on block numbers, but knocks down on hit. However, it is also still one hit, so all it takes is a parry or JD to completely negate this attack. This super is mainly used as a desperation anti air or your main super confirm. It's also a really good desperation super for S-Groove.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Ground Shave Rolling</span> ===
* Fierce Blanka Ball
* Slide (D+F+fierce)
| name    = Ground Shave Rolling
* Crouching fierce
| input    = [4]646K
| subtitle = Rolling Super
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_4646K.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Ground Shave Rolling
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1900
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 22,30~111
  | recovery    = 15
  | total      = 75~156
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +10
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3000
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 28,30~117
  | recovery    = 15
  | total      = 81~168
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +10
  | invul      = 1~14 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}{{Motion|b}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 4500
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 34,30~123
  | recovery    = 15
  | total      = 87~180
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +10
  | invul      = 1~22 (Full)
  | description = Blanka charges up a roll, holding kick puts him in place and letting go has Blanka let it rip. Charging it has no significant effects, but Blanka can juggle an opponent if they land on top of him during his "charge" period, making it a niche anti-air. It causes an unusually high amount of blockstun on hit, leaving it +10 on block, even on level 1. Overall it's really good to use up close or for ending a Custom, but if you want to confirm a super use Direct Lightning.

=== <span class="invisible-header">Shout of Earth</span> ===
* Slide (D+F+RH)
* Fierce Psycho Crusher
| name    = Shout of Earth
| input    = [1]319P
| subtitle = Mash Super
| image    = CVS2_Blanka_1319P.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Shout of Earth
| data  =
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|db}},{{Motion|df}}{{Motion|db}}{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600~3200
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 54
  | recovery    = 26
  | total      = 88
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -53
  | invul      = 1~8 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|db}},{{Motion|df}}{{Motion|db}}{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600~4400
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 54
  | recovery    = 26
  | total      = 88
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -56
  | invul      = 1~14 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = Charge {{Motion|db}},{{Motion|df}}{{Motion|db}}{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2800~6400
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 54
  | recovery    = 26
  | total      = 88
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -53
  | invul      = 1~22 (Full)
  | description = A really cool looking super, and that's about all I have to say on it. Not only does it require a delta input, but it has no range. It's a good anti-air, but Ground Shave Roll is better. The damage is very inconsistent when you do land it. Just ignore this move entirely.

* Standing RH

'''Chun - Li:'''
* Walk forward, Standing Strong
* When Blanka bounces off and is about head level from the ground, do qcf x2 + short. Blanka has to be a bit higher to do qcf x2 + forward.

== Colors ==
* Standing Fierce

* Standing Fierce

* (r) Fierce Slap Hands (1 hit)

* Standing RH
[[Category:Capcom vs SNK 2]]
* (ST)(r) Qcf + forward
* Qcf + forward, forward
* Walk forward, Standing Strong
* (ST) Walk forward, Crouching Fierce
*Run up, Forward kick
* Slide (D+RH)
* Crouching Fierce
* Standing Fierce
* (ST) Fierce Patriot Circle (qcf+Fierce x3)
When blocking high:
* Standing Fierce
* Tiger Shot super(any lvl)
When blocking low:
* Standing Forward
* Tiger Shot super(any lvl)
* (ST) Standing RH
* Standing RH
* Crouching Fierce
* Crouching Strong
* Slide (D+RH)
* (r) Qcf + Fierce
* Standing Fierce
* (ST) Super jump forward + RH
*Run up, Crouching Fierce
* Forward + Forward kick
* Standing Fierce
* (ST) Standing RH
*Run up, Crouching RH
* Qcf + Strong
* Standing Strong
* Standing Fierce
* (r) Qcb + Fierce (1 hit)
* Run up, Crouching RH
* Walk forward, Standing RH
* Run up, Slide(D+RH)
* Walk up, Fierce
* Run up, Crouching, RH
* (ST) Super jump forward + RH
* Hcb + Forward/RH (Rapid Kicks)
*Run up, Crouching RH
* (r) Qcf + Fierce xx rekka combo
* Qcf + Strong xx rekka combo
*Run up, Crouching RH
* Walk up, Jab
*Run up, Crouching RH
* Qcf + Fierce
* Back, qcb + Fierce
* (r) Qcb + Strong
*Run up, Crouching RH
* Crouching Fierce
* (ST) Super jump forward + RH
*Run up, Crouching RH
* Forward + Forward kick
* Qcb + Fierce xx forward, down > forward + RH
* Standing RH
* Standing RH

Latest revision as of 20:26, 11 July 2023


CVS2 Blanka Data.png


Blanka, who was born named Jimmy, is a feral man from the Brazilian jungle. One day, a boy named Jimmy unwittingly boarded a plane that was sabatoged by M. Bison and Shadaloo. It crashed somewhere over the Amazon rainforest, where Jimmy was lost. He was raised in the wilderness, becoming feral. He turned green, with orange hair, and learned to control electricity through his now much stronger body. One odd day, he hopped into the back of a car looking to eat a melon, not knowing it was a poachers car. The poacher drove Jimmy back to civilization for the first time in many years, and since then, Jimmy has lived as Blanka. Blanka competed in the first World Warrior tournament, where his mother was spectating, and his story ends with a tearful reunion. He now lives a peaceful life with his mother and his best friends Dan Hibiki and Sakura.


Blanka is a powerhouse of a top tier. Usually considered second only to Sagat in terms of strength, Blanka has all the tools a CvS2 character needs and more. Insane buttons and neutral control, high mobility, solid damage, great metered damage, useful defensive tools, and a few very powerful roll cancels send Blanka to the top of the tier list. He's quite Groove friendly as well, as while you usually see him as the classic anchor for A-Groove and N-Groove teams, Blanka excels in every Groove to some extent. A-Blanka is usually considered the strongest, and is a mainstay on the best A-Groove players teams. His ability to use Custom Combo offensively is stellar, and it gives him a very scary defensive option to work with. Mixed with his amazing neutral, your opponent has to take a risk to get in, which you can punish with a big Custom Combo into a mixup.

Blanka has very few real weaknesses in any setting, and is a simple and reliable pick for your team regardless of Grooves or team composition. He has every tool you would want and then some. If you want to win, and especially if you play A-Groove, you should definitely try out Blanka.

Groove Selection

Best - A/N: A-Blanka, as stated above, is Blanka's most powerful Groove. A-Groove is already widely considered the best Groove in the game thanks to Custom Combo and the other versatile subsystems. Alpha Counters give Blanka a solid get-off-me tool, rolls are useful for everyone but Blanka has two incredible RC specials with RC Electricity and RC Blanka Ball. While he doesn't get access to his admittedly strong supers, Blanka's CC is no joke, and turn his punishes from high damage to very high damage. N-Blanka gets much of the same, but now has run and hop on top of it, in trade for only having level 1 supers to end in. Run is a useful tool for his pressure, but hop is especially powerful. Blanka's hop HK is nigh uncontestable by anything that isn't invincible. Only having level 1 supers isn't that bad either, since Blanka has very useful level 1's. N-Blanka is defined by strong roll cancels, abusive hop pressure, and consistently ending combos in supers for huge damage.

Useful - K/C/P/S: K-Blanka is right behind A and N. Rage and JD make for powerful neutral and high damage punishes. One solid hit from Blanka leads into a super for massive damage, and his Raged pokes are no joke. He can punish pretty reliably after a JD, and his simple poke-based neutral becomes much scarier in Rage. The loss of rolls hurts, but it's really the only big sacrifice. C-Blanka is similar to N-Blanka, but loses the mobility in exchange for airblocking and more versatile meter. Level 2 combos are a powerful tool for consistent damage, and the level 3 supers of C-Groove uniquely don't have any sort of prerequisite to spending them, allowing Blanka a chance at big damage. The loss of mobility hurts however, and A-Blanka Custom Combo is more valuable to him than level 2 supers, so generally C-Blanka loses to A-Blanka. P-Blanka gets parries, which give him more consistent punishes. A parry can easily lead into a punish like 2HK > Hop, starting Blanka's scary Electricity mixups. Sadly, P-Groove has no rolls, so you lose out on RC Electricity, but having hop HK is still strong enough of a neutral tool to not worry as much. S-Groove is the weakest Groove overall, but Blanka is solid enough to not worry about the lacking mechanics. Loss of RC Electricity and RC Blanka Balls is rough, but you still get run and hop, and dodge isn't entirely useless for Blanka.

Worst - None: Blanka is an incredibly solid character overall, and your Groove selection won't hurt him much. He excels in some more than others, but is a valuable pick in every Groove.

Blanka is a powerhouse of a top tier, with incredible buttons and neutral control mixed with scary offense and both a strong roll cancel and strong hop normal. He has no real weaknesses that hold him back. Blanka is best in A-Groove and N-Groove.

Difficulty: Medium
Tier: S+
Pros Cons
  • Buttons: Blanka has some of the strongest buttons in the game, like 5LP, 5MP, 5HP, 3HP, j.HK, 2MK, 2HK, and more
  • Mobility: His command hops allow him to quickly move backwards and forwards, and mixed with Roll Cancel, these are almost impossible to punish. Solid jumps and forward moving specials also help make him very mobile
  • Mixup: Cancelling normals into hops to reset pressure, generating plus frames with his normals for powerful guard crush strings, and RC Electricity okizeme give Blanka unique but strong mixup potential
  • Damage: Blanka's pokes do solid damage on their own, hitconfirms into super do a lot more however. If you have A-Blanka, you can punish with a Custom Combo as well for massive damage potential
  • Roll Cancels: RC Electricity is a multi-hitting plus on block invincible special that knocks down, RC Blanka Balls are fast moving invincible fireball and poke punishes, and RC Hops are invincible command hops that are airborne so they can't be thrown
  • Meterless: Without spending on a super or CC, Blanka struggles to get meaningful damage or a knockdown. He usually either cancels into a Blanka Ball, which is punishable even on hit, or a hop to push another mixup, which leaves a wide gap
  • Reversals: Blanka's only meterless special with invincibility is Backward Hop, which isn't a strike and can be punished. This forces Blanka to spend meter on invincible reversals or go for a difficult and Groove specific RC Electricity/Blanka Ball reversal.

Players to Watch

Name Country Groove Accounts Notes
Ohara Japan C-Groove N/A A textbook C-Blanka player who makes great use of meter efficiency.
Sample Match
D44 BAS Japan A-Groove Twitter: @ryo151
Youtube: D44Bas
Discord: Bas#4095
The anchor of BAS' star-studded squad. Pulls off ridiculous customs and is generally dominating the match all around with him at all times.
Sample Match
YSK Japan A-Groove Twitter: @yosuke0815 The king of the SBB (Sakura Bison Blanka) team. Uses Blanka as well as anyone else.
Sample Match
Izumi Japan P-Groove Twitter: @IzumiSgroove Uses P-Blanka extremely efficiently and lands level 3 combos the second he has a chance.
Sample Match
S-Zawa Japan P-Groove Twitter: @Cvs2Fukuoka Not a flashy player, but his fundamentals are extremely disciplined and takes his offensive opportunities when he has them. Also runs CvS2 Fukuoka events in Japan.
Sample Match
Tsuji Japan N-Groove N/A Old school N-Groover known for his Joe. Uses N-Blanka aggressively with his run and short hop game.
Sample Match
Bocchan Japan K-Groove N/A A strong K-CBS user. His Blanka in particular is calculated but aggressive and uses his momentum to its fullest.
Sample Match


Normal Moves

Far Normals


Far Jab
Far Light Punch
5LP / Far LP
CVS2 Blanka 5LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lp.png 400 4 SP/SU Mid Mid 2 2 11 15 +2 +2 None

The slap. Stellar jab that starts in 2 frames and can't be crouched. Mix that with great range and you have a mashers dream. It does pay for this in the form of frame advantage, it's only +2 in a game where most jabs are +5 to +7. This means Blanka can't really link out of it, but he also doesn't need to. Great panic button in a multitude of situations. Also your main confirm into Blanka Ball.


Far Strong
Far Medium Punch
5MP / Far MP
CVS2 Blanka 5MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mp.png 900 9 SU Mid High 7 6 9 22 +5 +5 None

Blanka stabs outward with his hand. One of many useful pokes in Blanka's kit, but not one you'll be using much. Usually done as a counterpoke anticipating an attack.


Far Fierce
Far Heavy Punch
5HP / Far HP
CVS2 Blanka 5HP First.PNG
CVS2 Blanka 5HP Second.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hp.png 1400,1200 14,12 SU* Mid High 6 12 15 33 -3 -3 None

One of Blanka's anti-airs. It may not look like it but it can hit some close jumps. Not too useful besides that.


Far Short
Far Light Kick
5LK / Far LK
CVS2 Blanka 5LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lk.png 400 4 SU Mid Mid 6 4 11 21 0 0 None

Because of the disjoint you can use this button for things like checking Blanka Ball in mirrors, or beating some low priority pokes. Probably your least used normal.


Far Forward
Far Medium Kick
5MK / Far MK
CVS2 Blanka 5MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mk.png 1000 10 SU Mid High 7 2 16 25 +2 +2 None

Another Blanka anti-air, best used against jumps that land a little in front of Blanka.


Far Roundhouse
Far Heavy Kick
5HK / Far HK
CVS2 Blanka 5HK First.PNG
CVS2 Blanka 5HK Second.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hk.png 1300,1200 13,12 SU* Mid High 7 6 24 37 -6 -6 None

An anti-air that actually looks like an anti-air. Best used to hit close jumps and attempted crossups, and does decent damage.

Close Standing Normals


Close Short
Close Light Kick
CVS2 Blanka clLK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lk.png 500,500 5,5 SP*/SU* Mid High 4 10 17 31 -12 -12 None

Super minus on hit attack that does poor damage for how unsafe it is. Even if you hit it super meaty you're still minus. Never use.


Close Forward
Close Medium Kick
CVS2 Blanka clLK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mk.png 500+500 5+5 SU* Mid High 6 2,2 28 38 -10 -10 None

Same deal as cl.LK. Just don't use it.

Crouching Normals


Crouch Jab
Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
CVS2 Blanka 2LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lp.png 400 4 SP/SU Mid Mid 4 4 13 21 -2 -2 None

A very slow crouch jab, unusual considering most crouch jabs in this game are fast. It's mainly used as an annoying up close poke and buffer into Electricity.


Crouch Strong
Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
CVS2 Blanka 2MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mp.png 1000 10 SU Mid Mid 8 4 24 36 -8 -8 None

Another anti-air. Hits at relatively the same range as st.MK, which are jumps that land a little out in front. As a poke it is -8 and does only 1000 damage. The super cancel doesn't help the risk/reward factor enough to warrant it's use unless you space it a lot. Just use it as an anti-air.


Crouch Fierce
Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
CVS2 Blanka 2HP First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Blanka 2HP Second.PNG
Animation and hitbox don't match
CVS2 Blanka 2HP Third.PNG
Final Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 1200,1300 12,13 SU* Mid Mid 5 3(2)5 23 38 -4 -4 None

A giant punch, looks like Sagat's cr.HP in some aspects. It's one of Blanka's main pokes, due to its pretty large range and high priority, allowing it to beat most normals. It can also be used as an anti-air the same way st.MK and cr.MP can, but works for even farther out jumps.


Crouch Short
Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
CVS2 Blanka 2LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lk.png 400 4 SP/SU Low Low 4 4 6 14 +5 +5 None

Blanka's only fast light outside of st.LP. You'll be using this as your main combo starter and for any up-close stuff. It is +5, which is par for the course in terms of light attacks, so overall a pretty decent light. The only problem is that it has a 4f startup, below average for a light. Aside from that, you'll be using this button a lot.


Crouch Forward
Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
CVS2 Blanka 2MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mk.png 800 8 SP/SU Low Low 5 6 11 22 +3 +3 None

Blanka's other main poke. It's fast, pretty noncommittal, and plus to boot. Usually this is your other main confirm into Blanka Ball when you land a jump-in.


Crouch Roundhouse
Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
CVS2 Blanka 2HK First.PNG
CVS2 Blanka 2HK Second.PNG
Extended Hurtbox during recovery
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 1300 13 SU Low Low 7 4 23 34 DWN -3 None

A long range sweep, it's very good compared to other sweeps in the game. It's -3, so basically unpunishable even without spacing. Also gives Blanka a really good knockdown, as he can push a Blanka Ball mixup into meaty Electricity every time, and Blanka has enough time to also punish safe falls with either Slide or Blanka Ball.

Jumping Normals


Jump Jab
Jumping Light Punch
CVS2 Blanka jLP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lp.png 500 5 None High High 4 22 0 26 Varies Varies None

Decent air-to-air.


Jump Strong
Jumping Medium Punch
CVS2 Blanka jMP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mp.png 900 9 None High High 5 10 0 15 Varies Varies None

A really, REALLY good button. It seems to either beat or trade with just about anything. In terms of reward it's rather low but it's a really good jump button to stick out.


Jump Fierce
Jumping Heavy Punch
CVS2 Blanka njHP.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Blanka jHP First.PNG
CVS2 Blanka jHP Second.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
U.png+Hp.png 1400 14 None High High 2 8 0 10 Varies Varies None
Ub.png/Uf.png+Hp.png 1000,1200 10,12 None High High 4 5 0 9 Varies Varies None

nj.HP is another air-to-air. If all other options fail this one is pretty consistent. Same goes for j.HP. They're both really good air-to-airs, and for j.HP, it's also a really good short-hop attack.


Jump Short
Jumping Light Kick
CVS2 Blanka jLK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lk.png 500 5 None High High 4 22 0 26 - - -

Usually hits opponents slightly on top on Blanka during jumps, not too useful outside of Custom Combos.


Jump Forward
Jumping Medium Kick
CVS2 Blanka njMK.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Blanka jMK.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mk.png 800 8 None High High 5 11 0 16 Varies Varies None

nj.MK is not really that useful since nj.HP is just better, however j.MK is going to be a really useful jump-in and more importantly a cross-up. Great for setting up mixups/pressure.


Jump Roundhouse
Jumping Heavy Kick
CVS2 Blanka jHK First.PNG
CVS2 Blanka jHK Second.PNG
The only attack you'll need
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None High High 6 8 0 14 Varies Varies None

Very good button. It has a lot of downward range so it is a great instant overhead, and arguably the best short-hop attack in the game. Combined with Blanka's fast jump, this button is very hard to beat.

Command Normals

Rock Crusher

Rock Crusher
Close 4/6MP
CVS2 Blanka cl6MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Mp.png 600+500 6+5 SP* Mid High 4 2(2)10 17 35 -7 -7 None

Pretty useless normal, not even an overhead, and there's much better cancellable normals.

Amazon River Run

Amazon River Run
CVS2 Blanka 3HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Df.png+Hp.png 1200 12 None Low Low 9 16 24 49 DWN -16 None

Blanka's slide is a good poke. Like his sweep, if Blanka lands this he gets a good knockdown. Unlike sweep, it is -16 on block, so it has to be spaced in order to avoid getting punished. At best you can make it 0, but most times it'll end up being around -2 ~ -4. In some matchups this button will be hard to use, like vs. Hibiki or Bison.


Wild Fang

Wild Fang
Punch Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HP
CVS2 Blanka Pthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 800+200x(2~14) 0 None Grab Grab 3 1 13 17 DWN Grab None

A good throw that gives Blanka a nice knockdown, and gives him time to punish safe falls.


Jungle Toss
Kick Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Blanka Kthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 2000 0 None Grab Grab 5 1 13 19 DWN Grab None

Gives Blanka a worse knockdown compared to punch, but it has a lot better corner carry. Use this throw if you need to corner the opponent. Also sets up 2P corner glitch.


Electric Thunder

Electric Thunder
Mash P
Top Tier in one image
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Mash Lp.png 1400 14 None Mid High 5 4(4)4... 13 30 DWN 0 None
Mash Mp.png 1500 15 None Mid High 7 2(2)2(2)2... 13 30 DWN +6 None
Mash Hp.png 1600 16 None Mid High 9 1(1)1... 14 26 DWN +10 None

Three words: Roll Cancel Electricity. Even someone who hasn't played CvS2 might recognize this move. It's by far Blanka's best move. As an RC, this move is a great counter poke, meaty option, all-purpose anti-air and pressure tool. It does very high chip, and is +10, allowing for more pressure. Not only that, but when landed, it can even confirm into Custom Combo, although that is pretty difficult. It's such a potent attack that whiffing a bunch of Elecs will not only give you good protection, but also build you a ton of meter. If you want to learn Roll Cancel Electricity (you should if you're playing Blanka in a roll groove) check out the Roll Cancel page.

Is this move still good without RC? Yes. Definitely. It's still a great meaty and anti-air. The only weaknesses this move has are that it has low range, which is hardly an issue since you're almost always using this up close or you're intentionally whiffing it from far away, and if you're against a K-Groover, they can JD 5 or so hits and get instant rage. Still though, there's no reason to leave this move out of your toolkit, it's necessary to make use of this move to get good at Blanka.

Rolling Attack

Rolling Attack
Blanka Ball
CVS2 Blanka 46P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.png+Lp.png 1200 12 None Mid High 2 25 3 30 -22 -22 1~27 (Airborne)
Charge B.png,F.png+Mp.png 1300 13 None Mid High 2 32 3 37 -22 -22 1~34 (Airborne)
Charge B.png,F.png+Hp.png 1400 14 None Mid High 2 40 3 45 -22 -22 1~42 (Airborne)

A very fast advancing attack. It's a great punish tool, and a decent anti-air when RC'd, but there's one caveat. Blanka Ball is -22 and doesn't knock down on hit unless it's an airborne opponent. There is a lot of pushback when this move makes contact, but on block it's simply too minus. Almost every character in the game has a consistent punish for Blanka Ball, save some of the dumpster characters. I highly recommend not spamming this move since it's just gonna lead to a lot of unnecessary damage, but it's still a great move when used correctly.

Backstep Roll

Backstep Roll
Backstep Ball
CVS2 Blanka 46P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png+F.png+Lk.png 1300 13 None Mid High 28 33 3 64 DWN -23 3~18, 25~61 (Airborne)
Charge B.png,F.png+Mk.png 1400 14 None Mid High 28 34 3 65 DWN -25 3~18, 25~62 (Airborne)
Charge B.png,F.png+Hk.png 1500 15 None Mid High 28 36 3 67 DWN -25 3~18, 25~64 (Airborne)

A much shittier Blanka Ball. Though it knocks down on hit, it does not travel very far and also has a ton of startup. To add onto that, if blocked, it's not only -25, but causes a lot less pushback. It's almost guaranteed that you will be punished for doing this. Don't use this move.

Vertical Rolling

Vertical Rolling
Upward Ball
CVS2 Blanka 28K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge D.png,U.png+Lk.png 1200 12 None Mid Mid 2 16 39 57 -23 -23 1~53 (Airborne)
Charge D.png,U.png+Mk.png 1300 13 None Mid Mid 2 15 40 57 -24 -24 1~54 (Airborne)
Charge D.png,U.png+Hk.png 1400 14 None Mid Mid 2 14 42 58 -25 -25 1~55 (Airborne)

Blanka goes at a 45 degree angle straight up. This move really ties together his anti-air game. He has anti-airs for far jumps, close jumps, but not for straight basic 45 degree angle jumps. This is exactly what this move is for. It's a decent anti-air for what it does, however since it is only one hit, a parry or JD makes this move very unsafe, but that's only if they are expecting it. The only downside is that it is a charge move, unlike Blanka's other useful anti-airs. Still a good move overall.


Forward Hop
CVS2 Blanka 4KKK.PNG
Backward Hop
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
None None None None None 3 20 7 30 None None 4~23 (Airborne)
None None None None None 3 20 7 30 None None 1~13 (Full), 4~23 (Airborne)

One of Blanka's most useful moves. With RCs, both the forward and back hop become super useful. The forward hop becomes an invincible approach tool (it does have 3 frames at the end where Blanka can be hit) and the back hop becomes a lot better in terms of invul. The forward hop is used mostly for pressure and mixups, and is pretty effective at doing that, while the back hop escapes any incoming poke or attack. It is one of the best pressure escape options in the game. You're mostly going to use it to bait pokes and avoid attempted punishes. If you are unsure if your attack will get punished or not, just back hop, it will avoid almost any attack. Almost being the operative. Though back hop has invul, it's only for 13 frames, meaning some advancing attacks can punish it, i.e. Psycho Crusher, Blanka Ball, Dash Straight. With RCs, it's much more difficult to do so since Blanka is only vulnerable for 3 frames instead of 17, and even then it's a read if the opponent tries to punish it, which can easily be baited with conditioning. Use the back hop a lot as a form of escaping pressure and attempted punishes.


Direct Lightning

Direct Lightning
Electric Super
CVS2 Blanka 4646P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Lp.png 2400 0 None Mid High 4:4 30 4 42 DWN -19 1~8 (Full)
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Mp.png 3600 0 SP/SU Mid High 4:4 30 4 42 DWN -19 1~14 (Full)
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Hp.png 5000 0 None Mid High 4:4 30 4 42 DWN -19 1~22 (Full)

A souped up version of Blanka Ball. Still retains the very unsafe on block numbers, but knocks down on hit. However, it is also still one hit, so all it takes is a parry or JD to completely negate this attack. This super is mainly used as a desperation anti air or your main super confirm. It's also a really good desperation super for S-Groove.

Ground Shave Rolling

Ground Shave Rolling
Rolling Super
CVS2 Blanka 4646K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Lk.png 1900 0 None Mid Mid 4:4 22,30~111 15 75~156 DWN +10 None
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Mk.png 3000 0 SP/SU Mid Mid 4:4 28,30~117 15 81~168 DWN +10 1~14 (Full)
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Hk.png 4500 0 None Mid Mid 4:4 34,30~123 15 87~180 DWN +10 1~22 (Full)

Blanka charges up a roll, holding kick puts him in place and letting go has Blanka let it rip. Charging it has no significant effects, but Blanka can juggle an opponent if they land on top of him during his "charge" period, making it a niche anti-air. It causes an unusually high amount of blockstun on hit, leaving it +10 on block, even on level 1. Overall it's really good to use up close or for ending a Custom, but if you want to confirm a super use Direct Lightning.

Shout of Earth

Shout of Earth
Mash Super
CVS2 Blanka 1319P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Lp.png 1600~3200 0 None Mid Mid 4:4 54 26 88 DWN -53 1~8 (Full)
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Mp.png 1600~4400 0 SP/SU Mid Mid 4:4 54 26 88 DWN -56 1~14 (Full)
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Hp.png 2800~6400 0 None Mid Mid 4:4 54 26 88 DWN -53 1~22 (Full)

A really cool looking super, and that's about all I have to say on it. Not only does it require a delta input, but it has no range. It's a good anti-air, but Ground Shave Roll is better. The damage is very inconsistent when you do land it. Just ignore this move entirely.


Blanka CvS2 colors.png

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