Capcom vs SNK 2/Sagat

From SuperCombo Wiki


CVS2 Sagat CAPCOM Art.jpg
Health (at Ratio 2)
14800 High
70 Average
Dash Length
15 Frames Short
Dash Type
Slide Corpse Hop=No, Proj. Hop=No
Run Speed
7.2 Slow
Roll Distance
120 pixels Medium
Roll Duration
25f Average
Wakeup Speed compared to Ryu
0f Average


Sagat (サガット Sagatto) is a Muai Thai practitioner from Thailand. He is considered the "Emperor of Muai Thai" because of how unstoppable he was when he fought. Nobody could defeat him, and soon became one of the strongest fighters in the world. He uses typical Muai Thai moves like fierce kicks, stiff knees and devastating punches, however he also has the ability to shoot projectiles (Tiger Shot), and uses a variation of Ryu's Shoryuken (Tiger Blow / Tiger Uppercut) as payback for Ryu scarring him. He dedicates his life to the martial arts, and works hard every day to make sure he retains his status as the best Muai Thai fighter to ever live, and that hard work payed off well as when he is at full strength, nothing can stop him. He is a proud and humble individual who knows and appreciates the work he and his opponents work into every fight.

Sagat used to be one of the key antagonists of Street Fighter, first starting out as the final boss of the first Street Fighter. Once he lost to Ryu, he let his hate and anger lead him down to dark paths. He became one of the main members of the crime syndicate Shadaloo, becoming one of the 4 Heavenly Kings and Dictator's personal bodyguard. After Dictator brainwashed Ryu during the events of Street Fighter Alpha 3, he realized the moral wrongdoings of Shadaloo, so he left, and soon became one of the protagonists of the game.

In a majority of Street Fighter games Sagat has made an appearance in, he was usually an incredibly strong character and remained near or at the very top of the tier lists. Old Sagat from Super Turbo and SFIV Vanilla Sagat are notable examples of really strong variants of Sagat. In each game he appears in, he's very strong for a different reason. O. Sagat was strong because of his zoning, SFIV Vanilla Sagat is strong because of his insane damage output, and you'll see why CvS2 Sagat is the strongest version of himself compared to all his other game appearances.


Sagat is generally regarded as the king of CvS2. He is at the very, very top of every tierlist, usually listed as the best character in the whole game in multiple grooves. He's a great character in any groove you throw him on. He is all about playing neutral and using his big buttons to confirm into big damage. He has it all: high health, high damage output, good defensive options, great pressure, the best buttons in the game, you can't ask for anything more in a character. He's relatively easy to play if you know when to use each of his buttons, since they serve a variety of uses.

Unfortunately, while a majority of this cast becomes incredibly better thanks to RCs (Roll Cancels), Sagat doesn't get too much from it, outside of RC Tiger Knee, there's no need to RC any of his specials. They won't offer much in the long run as they serve only a couple uses, but overall in neutral these specials don't serve much purpose at all.

Most if not all top CvS2 players have Sagat on their main C and K groove team, usually as their R2 guy in the back. He should be there, since he is just too strong to be passed up on, and as said before, he's not that hard of a character to learn in any groove, outside of his own core gameplay design, he doesn't change much at all from the groove you have him in, so you're still getting relatively the same character no matter your preferred groove. Even in grooves like S and P, he's the best character available for those grooves.

Generally the best spot you want to be in is either in neutral or pressuring up close. While Sagat's defensive options are great, it might get difficult to deal with rushdown heavy characters due to Sagat's sluggish speed, so it's best he's in a position where his speed isn't a part of the equation. You'll chip away at the opponent's health in neutral, but your main source of damage is from a confirm into super. It bags massive damage, as Sagat has the most reliable supers to give him that burst damage.

Groove Selection

While Sagat performs well in every Groove, he still favors some more than others. K-Sagat is the best of them, and is the best character in the game. Rage benefits Sagat a ton, as his already ridiculous damage skyrockets. He can easily confirm into a Tiger Cannon or Tiger Raid for great damage as well. Run and shorthop legitimize his mixup game, and JD gives him a solid defensive option to deal with rushdown. C-Sagat is likely right behind. C-Groove gives Sagat an even better defensive tool in Alpha Counter, which more than makes up for the mobility loss. Sagat also has a great level 2 combo, and since he has such great meter build he can do it often. While his roll isn't stellar, it's still a roll, and it can get him out of sticky situations when he needs it.

N-Sagat is his third best Groove. He gets access to the mobility of K-Sagat with a lot more chances to cancel into a level 1 super for good damage. He doesn't like guard cancel roll as much since his roll isn't the best, but it's more than welcome as a defensive option. Sagat doesn't like having to get into Max Mode for his level 3s however, and his meterbuild isn't as stellar since N-Groove has to build a bigger bar. A-Sagat, while on paper would sound like his best Groove, falls flat a bit. His CC isn't as good as you might hope, and while activation is still a ridiculously powerful mechanic and Sagat gets a lot of mileage from it, he just can't convert with it as well as other A-Groove characters. He would rather spend meter on a level 3 super usually, as those are more common for him and more reliable. Still, A-Sagat can make a nice battery character.

S-Sagat is the best S-Groove character, and it still isn't the best Groove for him. He retains shorthop and run, which are inherently great for him, and at low health he can replace his Tiger Shots with Tiger Cannons. However, lack of supers often and unreliable sources of meter make it hard to do well with him until you reach low health. P-Sagat loses the run, but shorthop is more important for him anyway. Parries are a useful tool for him, as he can parry into a simple punish for decent damage, but he will rarely have a super to make that scary.

Sagat is the best character in CvS2, and is a beast in every situation he is in. Simple and unbelievably strong, there's little reason not to play him. Sagat is best in K-Groove and C-Groove, but famously works in every Groove well
Pros Cons
  • Normals: Some of the best normals in the game, giving him insane ability in neutral
  • Health: High health and defense values make him very tanky
  • Damage: Very high average damage output, especially with meter
  • Great Supers: Versatile and useful supers
  • Easy: Simple execution and easy to understand basic gameplan
  • Groove Friendly: Is very viable in every Groove
  • Big: He is tall and somewhat slow, dealing with rushdown can be a bit of a struggle
  • RC and CC: Doesn't have a great Roll Cancel, and his Custom Combo is on the weaker side, meaning he can't abuse two of the most powerful CvS2 mechanics
  • Best in the Game: You can only put him on your team once


Normal Moves


Stand Jab
Sagat 5lp.png
Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
500 5 SP/SU H/L H/L 2 3 6 11 +6 +6 -
  • Solid jab. While it may have fairly short range, it can be used in guard crush strings and jail the opponent in the corner with repeated use of it. It can link into cr.MK and st.MP for some good block strings and set ups, and is a usable anti air as well, however note it's a pretty slow jab at that and it can't be rapid fired.


Stand Strong
Sagat 5mp.png
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1100 16 SP/SU H/L H/L 4 3 24 31 -7 -7 -
  • Fairly quick startup with a lot of recovery. Unfortunately you can't kara cancel this move so don't use it in neutral too much, or at all really. He has way better buttons out there. Outside of being used as block string filler from st.LP this normal is just outclassed by other better buttons.


Stand Fierce
Sagat 5hp.png
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1600 16 SU H/L H/L 6 8 20 34 -4 -4 -
  • Amazing button. It has insane priority, making it able to beat out almost every poke in the game. It's also a really good anti air, as it has a lot of active frames and it can beat a fair amount of jump-in attacks, especially short hop jump-ins, making dealing with N and K groove characters far easier for Sagat. Mainly use this button as a whiff punish, button stuff and anti air. The only problem with this move is that it can easily get crouched under, however there's another poke Sagat has that fixes this issue.


Close Stand Fierce
Close Hp.png
Sagat cl5hp 1.png
Close Heavy Punch 1st Hitbox
Sagat cl5hp 2.png
Close Heavy Punch 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1300 / 1100 13/11 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H 3 8 27 38 -13 -13 -
  • You might misinput this button while going for tick throws, but it has a practical use. It's good for shutting down any cross-ups, as the second hitbox has a high vertical range. If you hit the first part of this normal cancel into a safe special since on it's own it's a fairly unsafe button up close.


Stand Short
Sagat 5lk 1.png
Light Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5lk 2.png
Light Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
200/400 2/4 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 5 8 10 23 -1 -1 -
  • Two hit short kick. Really good button, this is one of your main options to poke with in neutral, as it's safe at range and beats more stuff than you'd think. It has a fast startup and has great range. Also looks really good when using this off of shimmies.


Stand Forward
Sagat 5mk 1.png
Medium Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5mk 2.png
Medium Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400/900 4/9 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 5 11 24 40 -12 -12 -
  • Decent long ranged kick. It's only effective if used at it's max range, since it's fairly unsafe. It can also be used as a late anti-air if you don't want to use st.HP.


Stand Roundhouse
Sagat 5hk 1.png
Heavy Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5hk 2.png
Heavy Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
500/1300 5/13 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 6 10 24 40 -7 -7 -
  • Very high kick. By design this button is your go-to anti air, however st.HP is more practical for short hops. When it comes to basic anti airs outside of short hop rushdown, use this button instead, since it also has high priority and even higher vertical range to boot.


Crouch Jab
Sagat 2lp.png
Crouch Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400 4 SP/SU H/L H/L 5 4 8 17 +3 +3 -
  • Just a far more gimped version of st.LP. Not only is it a very slow jab, it does not even hit low, so there's no real situations where this move warrants use over st.LP.


Crouch Strong
Sagat 2mp.png
Crouch Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 14 SP/SU H/L H/L 6 4 12 22 +4 +4 -
  • Another overlooked button. It can work as a good melee poke but nothing more. It's actually really plus, however it's just overshadowed by other better buttons.


Crouch Fierce
Sagat 2hp.png
Crouch Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1500 15 SU H/L H/L 7 8 14 17 +2 +2 -
  • The big button. It's st.HP but he is lower to the ground. It still retains the same functionality, and it will be your go-to confirm into super (mainly Low Tiger Cannon) and it bags massive damage. While it may be harder to anti air with cr.HP as opposed to st.HP, it can still do so much. Just don't get too trigger happy with this button as it is weak to short hops if it whiffs, and moves that are fast enough can beat this poke out.


Crouch Short
Cvs2 sagat 2lk.png
Crouch Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400 4 SP/SU L L 3 4 6 13 +5 +5 -
  • Decent low kick. It comes out very fast, and it can link into itself. This is going to be your main combo starter, as it confirms into Tiger Knee fairly easily. It also works as a frame trap normal and a tool for guard crush strings, as it can link into st.LP and cr.MK, however since it is a 1-frame link cr.MK more a frame trap/string.


Crouch Forward
Cvs2 sagat 2mk.png
Crouch Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 14 SP/SU L L 4 5 17 24 -2 -2 -
  • Really fast long ranged poke. Really good in situations where cr.HP is too slow up close. It can link from st.LP for combo purposes, and is another one of your go-to confirms into specials and supers.


Crouch Roundhouse
Cvs2 sagat 2hk.png
Crouch Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1500 15 SU L L 7 8 27 44 KND -7 -
  • Very slow sweep. Not exactly the best one out there since it has mere pixels longer range than cr.MK, and there's better options out there if you want a quick knockdown.


Jump Jab
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png Lp.png
Cvs2 sagat 8lp.png
Jump Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
600 11 - H H 4 22 - - - - -
  • Quick air-to-air. Has low priority so it will lose to good air to airs, however due to it's extremely high active frames it can still work if timed right.


Jump Strong
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png Mp.png
Cvs2 sagat 8mp.png
Jump Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1100 16 - H H 4 10 - - - - -
  • Odd air attack. The hitbox is extremely small but it does have high priority. It might be able to beat out some air attacks but most times it loses.


Jump Fierce
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png Hp.png
Cvs2 sagat 8hp.png
Jump Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1600 13 - H H 6 8 - - - - -
  • Very high priority air to air. Works against most air attacks in the game, however it has a fairly slow startup, however it is less active than other air-to-airs Sagat has, so timing is slightly more precise.


Stand Short
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png Lk.png
Cvs2 sagat 8lk.png
Jump Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
600 6 - H H 5 22 - - - - -
  • Very useful button, works primarily as your cross-up button. It can cross-up everyone in the game, however it's weak to anti cross-up buttons. Use it wisely.


Jump Forward
U.png Mk.png
Cvs2 sagat 8mk.png
Jump Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 10 - H H 6 8 - - - - -
  • Overlooked button. Has a big hitbox below Sagat's body that makes it very weak to anti airs, even bad ones. Ignore in favor of j.HP.


Jump Diag. Forward
Ub.png/Uf.png Mk.png
Cvs2 sagat79mk.png
Jump Diag. Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 14 - H H 6 8 - - - - -
  • Exactly the same as j.MK except now the hitbox covering Sagat's leg is shifted downwards. Again, ignore in favor of j.HP.


Jump Roundhouse
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png Hk.png
Cvs2 sagat 8hk.png
Jump Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1400 14 - H H 5 8 - - - - -
  • Scary button. This is your go-to jump in. It has very high priority and starts up fast. It's also your primary short hop jump in button. You can confirm into just about anything after hitting j.HK, since it has a lot of hit stun, and the damage is great, especially when raged.



Tiger Carry
(Up Close) B.png/F.png Hp.png
cl 4/6HP
Cvs2 sagat throw range.png
Throw Hitbox
Cvs2 sagat tiger carry.png
Tiger Carry
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1600 - - H H 2 1 11 14 KND - -
  • Go-to throw off of a throw setup. Deals great damage.


King's Clutch
(Up Close) B.png/F.png Hk.png
cl 4/6HK
Cvs2 sagat throw range.png
Throw Hitbox
Cvs2 sagat kings clutch.png
King's Clutch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Up to 2000 - - H H 2 1 11 14 KND - -
  • While admittedly way cooler than the Tiger Carry, the fact that this move is mashable makes this throw less worth it than Tiger Carry, as you might lose out on the good damage if the opponent mashes fast enough.

Special Moves

Tiger Shot
Tiger Shot
Qcf.png + P.png
Cvs2 sagat tigershot.png
Sagat hitbox
Cvs2 sagat projectile 1.png
Projectile 1st Hitbox
Cvs2 sagat projectile 2.png
Projetile 2nd Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.png + Lp.png
800 4 None Mid Mid 10 - 44 54 -11 -11 -

Zoning fireball

  • Fairly slow projectile, usually used as a stalling move for zoning. Up close this move is not that useful, but it is great from fullscreen as you can set up easy anti airs if they choose to hop over the fireball.
Qcf.png + Mp.png
900 7 None Mid Mid 10 - 45 55 -12 -12 -

A little bit of both

  • The most versatile of the three. You can use it from a majority of ranges safely. It can work as a stalling move but also a quick anti air or for fireball wars.
Qcf.png + Hp.png
1000 10 None Mid Mid 10 - 46 56 -13 -13 -

Anti-air fireball

  • Very fast. It usually works as a quick anti air or for fireball wars.
Tiger Shot
Low Tiger Shot
Qcf.png + K.png
Cvs2 sagat low tigershot.png
Sagat hitbox
Cvs2 sagat projectile 1.png
Projectile 1st Hitbox
Cvs2 sagat projectile 2.png
Projetile 2nd Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.png + Lk.png
700 4 None Mid Mid 10 - 45 55 -12 -12 -

Another zoning fireball

  • Same speed, pretty much the same applicability, however it's far easier to avoid.
Qcf.png + Mk.png
800 7 None Mid Mid 10 - 46 56 -13 -13 -
  • No real reason to use this one.
Qcf.png + Hk.png
900 10 None Mid Mid 10 - 47 57 -14 -14 -

String ender

  • Another very fast fireball. Works as your usual combo or blockstring ender and as a fireball war tool.

Tiger Uppercut

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Punch
    • LP 1800,900 down/-35 3/15/35
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • MP 1900,900 down/-43 3/19/39
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • HP 700+500+400+200x2 down/-35 3/[4]/[5]/[5]/[5]/[5]/42
      • 7 frames full body

Tiger Crush

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Kick
    • LK 400+1100 down/-10 6/[6]/[5]/23
    • MK 500+1200 down/-12 5/[6]/[6]/24
    • HK 600+1300 down/-15 4/[6]/[7]/26

Super Moves

High Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Punch
    • High Tiger Cannon super has one frame less startup before the super flash than Ground Tiger Cannon super. It makes a difference when punishing another Sagat's whiffed far s.HP with far s.HP xx High Tiger Cannon as opposed to far s.HP xx Ground Tiger Cannon.

Ground Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Punch
    • LP down/-2
    • MP down/+1
    • HP down/+4

Tiger Raid

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Kick

Tiger Genocide

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Kick


Sagat doesn't have that much of a combo game. It's mainly built of linking 2-3 normals into a special/super, with the latter being crucial in Sagat's damage output. Most of his combos feature 2f links, while that seems daunting it's way easier than you think. The good thing is you aren't required to learn all of Sagat's combos to play him properly, however it's good to know them anyways. Here are the best ones out there:


st.LP, st.LP, st.MK xx Tiger Knee

Lp.png , Lp.png , D.png Mk.png xx Dp.png+Hk.png

cr.LK, cr.LK xx Tiger Knee

D.png Lk.png , D.png Lk.png xx Dp.png+Hk.png

cr.LK, st.LP, cr.MK xx Low Tiger Shot

D.png Lk.png , Lp.png , D.png Mk.png xx Qcf.png+Hk.png

crossup j.LK, xx Tiger Uppercut

Uf.png Lk.png , (close) Hp.png xx Dp.png+Hp.png

cr.LK, xx Tiger Uppercut

D.png Lk.png , (close) Hp.png xx Dp.png+Hp.png

Super Combos

cr.LK, xx Tiger Genocide

D.png Lk.png , (close) Hp.png xx Qcf.pngQcf.png+Hk.png

st.LP, st.LP, st.MK xx Tiger Raid

Lp.png , Lp.png , D.png Mk.png xx Qcb.pngQcb.png+Hk.png

cr.HP xx Low Tiger Cannon

D.png Hp.png xx Qcb.pngQcb.png+Hp.png


Sagat in practice is not that complicated of a character. He has two real main playstyles: a neutral heavy Sagat that focuses on using his pokes to confirm into damage, and a pressure heavy Sagat that uses his short hops to kill the opponent slowly. As you would expect, the Capcom grooves are where you'd play the neutral Sagat, and the SNK grooves are the ones where you'd play pressure Sagat.









Groove Strategy

Cvs2 C-Groove Label.png

C-Groove Sagat is scary. He almost always has at least half a bar of meter that confirms into fat damage, and the system mechanics in place really compliment the type of character he is, like air blocking, rolling, and the unique level 2 super cancel that gives him access to one of the most damaging optimal combos in the whole game.

Pros Cons
+ Level 2 Super Cancel deals insane damage - No short hop
+ Air Blocking makes being in the air safer - Somewhat difficult since you can't pressure


Cvs2 A-Groove Label.png

You might come to believe this variation of Sagat would be very strong. CCs in general do get big damage, however this version of Sagat is just redundant. In practice, he's merely a worse version of C Sagat. His CC also has little practicality, only working as either an anti air or up-close punish, however the CC itself is quite difficult to perform. Overall, there's way better A-groove characters out there and C Sagat is far stronger than this version.

Pros Cons
+ Air blocking makes jumping safer - No level 2 or 3 supers
+ Fairly simple and linear meter to work with - No short hop to make his pressure scary
+ Has both a roll and alpha counter to get out of pressure - CC is situational


Cvs2 P-Groove Label.png

P-Groove sucks. Common knowledge, but even with P-Groove you can make Sagat work. This groove turns Sagat from a fairly simple character to learn to a hard challenge. He's still strong, but it's really hard to deal with good grooves as P Sagat. You need to make good use of parries and the rare times you can use a level 3 super.

Pros Cons
+ Parrying gives free openings and approaches - At most you'll get to use one super per round
+ Short hop makes pressure scary - Weak defensive options: No roll, alpha counter or air block


Cvs2 S-Groove Label.png

S Sagat is the best character you can possibly use in S-Groove. That's not saying much, since S-Groove in general sucks, but Sagat has some niche tools in S-Groove like using his dodge attack in neutral, or replacing his tigershot for his tiger cannon once he reaches low health. His damage output only really gets high when he gets those infinite level 1 supers, but again he can only get them if he's about to die, making it a very risky situation to be in.

Pros Cons
+ Infinite supers make his damage good at low health - Supers are scarce until you reach low health
+ Short hop makes pressure scary - No reliable source of meter outside power charge


Cvs2 N-Groove Label.png

N-Groove Sagat may be far less threatening compared to his optimal grooves but don't get it twisted. He's still very strong. He still has access supers frequently, and can "pop" to bag in some really big damage. Not to mention he still has a short hop. He's like a fusion of C and K but with the core parts of each groove taken out, you still end up with a very strong character.

Pros Cons
+ Easy control of supers with traditional meter - Needs to spend extra and "pop" for level 3 supers
+ Short hop makes pressure scary - No air blocking makes jumps less safe
+ Retains a roll and a counter roll to escape pressure - Fairly slow building meter, supers are not as frequent


Cvs2 K-Groove Label.png

The strongest CvS2 character. K-Sagat is the scariest man in the whole game. He has access to a short hop, already making his pressure insanely good, and benefits the most from K-Groove's Rage and Just Defense. Once Sagat is raged, once good super turns the round in his favor, and thanks to the extremely convenient Just Defense (JD) it makes getting rage far easier that you think.

Pros Cons
+ Rage Mode can easily deny the opponent the win - No Alpha Counter, hard to escape good pressure
+ Just Defense gives you a good amount of meter - No control over your supers due to the nature of K-Groove's meterbuild
+ Short hop makes your pressure very scary - No air block forces you to make smart jumps




Cvs2 sagat lp palette.gif Lp.png Cvs2 sagat mp palette.gif Mp.png Cvs2 sagat hp palette.gif Hp.png Cvs2 sagat 3p palette.gif 3p.png
Cvs2 sagat lk palette.gif Lk.png Cvs2 sagat mk palette.gif Mk.png Cvs2 sagat hk palette.gif Hk.png Cvs2 sagat 3k palette.gif 3k.png

Wiki Edited By JtheSaltyy

CvS2 Wiki Navigation

Roll Cancel
CvS2 Versions
Netplay/ Training
Groove Overview
Groove Subsystems
Capcom Characters
Akuma (Gouki)
Balrog (Boxer)
M. Bison (Dictator)
Vega (Claw)
SNK Characters
Boss Characters
Shin Akuma
Ultimate Rugal
Evil Ryu
Orochi Iori