Capcom vs SNK 2/Sagat

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< Capcom vs SNK 2
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In a Nutshell:

Sagat is the king of CvS2. If you like a play style of dominating pokes/neutral that can convert into big damage, but also have up close pressure options, Sagat is the character for you. He has nearly everything you'd want in a character.
- Some of the best normals in the game
- Excellent array of supers for all needs.
- Great damage output and health.

-Slow move speed
-Big hurtboxes make him vulnerable to normals and instant overheads that much of the cast can duck
- Weakness maintaining pressure against short characters that can duck close standing jab.
- Sub par roll cancels (and specials, generally)

Sagat CvS2 colors.png

Preferred Grooves

Footsie Sagat generally prefers having stored supers to unleash big damage, so C or P are viable. Rushdown Sagat just needs low jump to be scary, so N and K are viable.

A groove isn't ideal, as Sagat's customs aren't really super damaging and are fairly difficult, but its still Sagat, so it's not a *bad* character. But we won't be focusing much on A-Sagat.

S Sagat is less than ideal because S-Groove isn't good period, but Sagat is definitely on the top 3 S-Groove team. Infinite level 1 Tiger Cannons is no joke.

C Groove-


  • Level 2 cancelling- Cancelling Tiger Raid into Fierce Tiger Uppercut is one of the best meter savers. You only lose 100 damage and gain a Tiger Uppercut worth of meter on top of the meter you save compared to the level 3.
  • Cheap meters- on top of the level 2 canceling, C-Groove has the fastest building gauge.
  • Delayed Get-up- Unpunishable method to mess with setup/safejumps.
  • Air Block-


  • Rush down- You need to earn your way in through footsies and pressure.

K Groove-


  • RAGE- When you're red, opponents are terrified. Make sure to throw them a few times and laugh that that's basically a super's worth of damage.
  • Low Jump- Sagat's low jump RH is very very good. It also opens up the low jump RH/ empty jump Tiger Raid Mixup
  • Safe Supers- Obviously Sagat gets this in all grooves, but K allows for "random" use it or lose it supers. Having 1 safe and 1 mostly safe supers is amazing for this.
  • Safe Fall- Quickly get back in the fight, but watch for punishment!
  • Just Defense- Get life back AND 1/12 meter for holding back? Great! The goal is to get around 12 JD's a round, so you end up getting 2 or 3 rage opportunities instead of 1 or 2.


  • No Alpha Counter- This is brutal against A Groove
  • Less control over meter usage- An opponent can wait you out, or taunt you before a match to cost your rage.

N Groove-


  • Low Jump
  • More control over Supers
  • Counter Attack/Roll


  • Need to "pop" for level 3's
  • Slower overall functional meter than K or C.


Forward = F/f, Backward = B/b, Up = U/u, Down = D/d

Light punch = LP (Jab Punch), Medium Punch = MP (Strong Punch), Hard punch = HP (Fierce Punch), Light kick = LK (Short Kick), Medium Kick = MK (Forward Kick), Hard kick = HK (Roundhouse Kick)

Any Punch = AP, Any Kick = AK

QCF - d,df,f (Hadoken/Tiger shot movement), QCB - d,db,b (Hurricane Kick movement), DP - f,df,f (Dragon punch/Tiger Uppercut movement)

Normal Moves


Stand Jab
Sagat 5lp.png
Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
500 4 SP/SU H/L H/L 2 3 6 11 +6 +6 -
  • Solid jab. While it may have fairly short range, it can be used in guard crush strings and jail the opponent in the corner with repeated use of it. It can link into cr.MK and st.MP for some good block strings and set ups, and is a usable anti air as well, however note it's a pretty slow jab at that and it can't be rapid fired.


Stand Strong
Sagat 5mp.png
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1100 10 SP/SU H/L H/L 4 3 24 31 -7 -7 -
  • Fairly quick startup with a lot of recovery. Unfortunately you can't kara cancel this move so don't use it in neutral too much, or at all really. He has way better buttons out there. Outside of being used as block string filler from st.LP this normal is just outclassed by other better buttons.


Stand Fierce
Sagat 5hp.png
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1600 14 SU H/L H/L 6 8 20 34 -4 -4 -
  • Amazing button. It has insane priority, making it able to beat out almost every poke in the game. It's also a really good anti air, as it has a lot of active frames and it can beat a fair amount of jump-in attacks, especially short hop jump-ins, making dealing with N and K groove characters far easier for Sagat. Mainly use this button as a whiff punish, button stuff and anti air. The only problem with this move is that it can easily get crouched under, however there's another poke Sagat has that fixes this issue.


Close Stand Fierce
Close Hp.png
Sagat cl5hp 1.png
Close Heavy Punch 1st Hitbox
Sagat cl5hp 2.png
Close Heavy Punch 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1300 / 1100 13/14 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H 3 8 27 38 -13 -13 -
  • You might misinput this button while going for tick throws, but it has a practical use. It's good for shutting down any cross-ups, as the second hitbox has a high vertical range. If you hit the first part of this normal cancel into a safe special since on it's own it's a fairly unsafe button up close.


Stand Short
Sagat 5lk 1.png
Light Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5lk 2.png
Light Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
200/400 2/3 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 5 8 10 23 -1 -1 -
  • Two hit short kick. Unfortunately doesn't have the same practicality as the jab but if hit at close to max range it's a fairly safe frame trap tool.


Stand Forward
Sagat 5mk 1.png
Medium Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5mk 2.png
Medium Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400/900 9/10 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 5 11 24 40 -12 -12 -
  • Decent long ranged kick. It's only effective if used at it's max range, since it's fairly unsafe. It can also be used as a late anti-air if you don't want to use st.HP.


Stand Roundhouse
Sagat 5hk 1.png
Heavy Kick 1st Hitbox
Sagat 5hk 2.png
Heavy Kick 2nd Hitbox
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
500/1300 13/14 SP/SU (1st Hit Only) H/L H/L 6 10 24 40 -7 -7 -
  • Very high kick. By design this button is your go-to anti air, however st.HP is more practical for short hops. When it comes to basic anti airs outside of short hop rushdown, use this button instead, since it also has high priority and even higher vertical range to boot.


Crouch Jab
Sagat 2lp.png
Crouch Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400 4 SP/SU H/L H/L 5 4 8 17 +3 +3 -
  • Just a far more gimped version of st.LP. There's very little situations where this move warrants any use over st.LP, so just ignore it in favor of st.LP.


Crouch Strong
Sagat 2mp.png
Crouch Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 9 SP/SU H/L H/L 6 4 12 22 +4 +4 -
  • Another overlooked button. It can work as a good melee poke but nothing more. It's actually pretty safe on block, however it's just overshadowed by other better buttons.


Crouch Fierce
Sagat 2hp.png
Crouch Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1500 14 SU H/L H/L 7 8 14 17 +2 +2 -
  • By far Sagat's best button. It's literally st.HP but he is lower to the ground. It still retains the same functionality, and it will be your go-to confirm into super (mainly Low Tiger Cannon) and it bags massive damage. While it may be harder to anti air with cr.HP as opposed to st.HP, it can still do so much. Just don't get too trigger happy with this button as it is weak to short hops if it whiffs.

Normal Moves Data Table

Button Position Buffers: Itself Specials Supers Hit Block Startup Active Recovery Damage
Jab Standing n y y +6 +6 2 3 6 500
Crouching n y y +3 +3 5 4 8 400
Jumping - - - - - 4 22 - 600
Strong Standing n y y -7 -7 4 3 24 1100
Crouching n y y +4 +4 6 4 12 1000
Jumping - - - - - 4 10 - 1100
Fierce Close n/n y/n y/y -13 -13 3 8 27 1300,1100
Far n n y -4 -4 6 8 20 1600
Crouching n n y +2 +2 7 8 14 1500
Jumping - - - - - 6 8 - 1600
Short Standing n,n y,n y,y -1 -1 5 2+6 10 200+400
Crouching n y y +5 +5 3 4 6 400
Jumping - - - - - 5 22 - 600
Forward Standing n/n y/n y/n -12 -12 5 3+8 24 400+900
Crouching n y y -2 -2 4 5 17 1000
Jumping - - - - - 6 8 - 1000
Roundhouse Standing n/n y/n y/n -7 -7 6 3+7 24 500+1300
Crouching n n y down -7 7 8 23 1500
Jumping - - - - - 5 8 - 1400

Moves with detached/invincible hitboxes:

-j.HK (tip of foot)

-far s.HP and d.HP (tip of fists, VERY small)

-far s.MK (tip of foot)


Tiger Carry

  • Forward or Back + Fierce

Tiger Rage

  • Forward or Back + Roundhouse (Mashable)

Special Moves

Tiger Shot

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Punch
    • LP 800 -11/-11 10/44
    • MP 900 -12/-12 10/45
    • HP 1000 -13/-13 10/46

Ground Tiger Shot

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Kick
    • LK 700 -12/-12 12/45
    • MK 800 -13/-13 12/46
    • HK 900 -14/-14 12/47

Tiger Uppercut

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Punch
    • LP 1800,900 down/-35 3/15/35
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • MP 1900,900 down/-43 3/19/39
      • 3 frames full body, 4 frames lower body
    • HP 700+500+400+200x2 down/-35 3/[4]/[5]/[5]/[5]/[5]/42
      • 7 frames full body

Tiger Crush

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Kick
    • LK 400+1100 down/-10 6/[6]/[5]/23
    • MK 500+1200 down/-12 5/[6]/[6]/24
    • HK 600+1300 down/-15 4/[6]/[7]/26

Super Combos

High Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Punch
    • High Tiger Cannon super has one frame less startup before the super flash than Ground Tiger Cannon super. It makes a difference when punishing another Sagat's whiffed far s.HP with far s.HP xx High Tiger Cannon as opposed to far s.HP xx Ground Tiger Cannon.

Ground Tiger Cannon

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Punch
    • LP down/-2
    • MP down/+1
    • HP down/+4

Tiger Raid

  • Double Quarter Circle Back + Kick

Tiger Genocide

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Kick

Bread and Butter Combos

s.jabx2, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

cr.short, s.jab, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

s.jab, s.fierce, tiger uppercut

cr.shortx2, tiger uppercut/tiger knee

C-Groove Combos

Crossover lk, 2 standing lp, crouching mk ~ lvl. 2 Ground Tiger Cannon ~ lvl. 1 Tiger Cannon

The Basics

Advanced Strategy

Edited By: Haaris Abbasi & Markudea

CvS2 Wiki Navigation

Roll Cancel
CvS2 Versions
Netplay/ Training
Groove Overview
Groove Subsystems
Capcom Characters
Akuma (Gouki)
Balrog (Boxer)
M. Bison (Dictator)
Vega (Claw)
SNK Characters
Boss Characters
Shin Akuma
Ultimate Rugal
Evil Ryu
Orochi Iori