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== Introduction ==
{{CvS2 Character Subnav|char=Geese|short=Geese}}
== Story ==
'''Geese Howard''' is the infamous villain of the Fatal Fury franchise. Born in South Town, he is the son of an impoverished American woman and an Austrian terrorist. Geese's father immediately abandoned him. Once he came of age, Geese worked many jobs to support his mother. Eventually, his mother's health started failing, and she would come to pass when Geese was 15. Enraged at the fact that his very wealthy father never aided them, Geese hunted him down. He found his fathers name, Rudolph Krauser von Stroheim, and would hunt him down in Austria to assassinate him. He was stopped, however, by his half brother Wolfgang Krauser. Humiliated by defeat, Geese quickly learned that power ruled over all. He took to training in martial arts, and started to study under a master named Tung Fu Rue. Tung Fu Rue trained Geese and two other students, Jeff Bogard (who would become Terry's adoptive father) and Cheng Sinzan. The three became known as The Three Brothers of Godly Battle.

(all frame data from Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 Official Guidebook)
Geese could never shake his obsession with power however. Tung Fu Rue knew this, and instead passed the secrets of his martial arts to Jeff Bogard. Enraged, Geese left the dojo, overthrew the local crime bosses, and became the mastermind behind organized crime in South Town. With more and more money flowing in, he started his own business, Howard Connections. He uses this money to fund his plots for revenge and also begin the first ever King of Fighters tournaments, which he used to find new recruits. Geese would eventually start his road to revenge by killing his old training partner and friend, Jeff Bogard, right in front of his two adoptive sons Terry and Andy. The two brothers would chase Geese for years, and eventually put an end to his life by tossing him off the roof of his tower... twice.

Frame data explanation:  STARTUP/DURATION/RECOVERY, +/-X, +/-Y
== Gameplay ==
Geese is a ridiculously damaging rushdown character. Often ranked in the top tiers or just outside of it, Geese has the ability to rack up damage like nobody else can, and crush guard bars into dust. His infamous Deadly Rave gives him some of the highest damage potential in the game from almost any starter. Great normals for brawling allow Geese to control the close range and threaten massive damage. His neutral isn't entirely anything to scoff at either, with a useful fireball in Reppuken and a few solid normals. His various Atemi counters allow him to call out careless move usage for big damage and a mixup, and while he lacks any sort of reversal without meter, his level 3 Raging Storm is an incredible reversal when he has it. Even if you do end up landing a hit on him, he has one of the highest health values in the game, allowing him to take a few hits and keep going.

The first number shows how many frames a move takes to become active, the 2nd shows how long the move is active and can hit, and the 3rd shows how many recovery frames there are.  +/-X shows the frame advantage/disadvantage after the move hits, +/-Y shows the same if the move is blocked.
Geese can still struggle in some situations however. He's quite tall and somewhat slow, meaning he struggles to escape potent rushdown without calling it out with a mash or counter. His neutral isn't bad, but he lacks any solid ranged poke, and his best anti-air is 2HP which lacks any invinciblity or a knockdown. Geese often has to commit to an approach to maximize his potential, which can be very risky. Still, he has every tool required for this, especially in K-Groove where he truly excels.

=== Groove Selection ===
'''Best - K:''' It can be hard to justify playing any Geese besides K-Geese. K-Geese has everything he could ever want and more. Just Defend gives Geese a solid and safe way to deal with mindless button pressing in neutral, and thanks to his very stable and damaging combo potential with Jaeiken and Deadly Rave, it often makes the opponent hurt a lot more than they would hurt you. Run and hop give him scary mixup potential that loops into itself as well. Rage makes Geese a true nightmare, giving him access to 80% damage combos and two-touch guard crush strings. If you can get in while Raged with Geese, the round may very well be over, as even without Rage getting Geese off of you is difficult. Lack of a roll basically means nothing, as Geese has no powerful roll cancels, and JD makes up for the lack of it anyway.

Standing: 3/4/6, +7, +7
'''Useful - N/P/A:''' N-Geese is a bit of a lesser K-Geese. He maintains run and hop, with the added benefit of roll. While Geese doesn't need roll, it does give him access to RC Double Reppuken, which is a great reversal and anti-air. A big benefit of N-Geese is that he can utilize Max Mode as if it was a weaker on-command Rage. By waiting until a good moment to capitalize, N-Geese can guarantee having a Deadly Rave to make the punish hurt, while K-Geese can't. Still, Rage is much scarier overall, and without JD Geese struggles a lot more on defense and in neutral. P-Geese is an obviously useful pick, as parries live and die by how well you can punish, and Geese can punish very well. Parries work like a more potent JD as well, giving you all the same strengths but being even more likely to get you a punish. The downside is that you'll rarely have a Deadly Rave to make that punish do good damage, and you lose the crazy guard crush ability of Rage. A-Geese gets to use powerful Custom Combos, and he can utilize them fairly well. Roll and Alpha Counter are appreciated defensive tools as well. Geese's Custom Combo does great damage, but he doesn't utilize it as well as the other best A-Groove characters do, making him a bit of a weaker pick for A-Groove in comparison. Still, Geese is a great character, and excels in all of these Grooves. They just aren't K-Geese.

This is pretty good as far as standing jabs go but it's sort of overshadowed by his low jab as most characters can duck this. One way to use this move is if you know that someone is performing a jumpin parry/just defend, I use this move to take the parry or JD then you can retaliate in some other way like run behind and low fierce in the case of a JD or to do a low fierce/counter right after in the case of a parry.
'''Worst - C/S:''' C-Geese gets very little that A-Geese doesn't get. While being able to sit on a level 3 for as long as you want is quite nice, Geese gets nothing from a level 2 since level 2 Raging Storm isn't fully startup invincible. If it was, C-Geese would likely be a lot better. He also doesn't abuse level 2 cancels very well, with level 2 Raging Storm into a level 1 Raging Storm being the only thing he really gets. C-Geese is still just looking for a cancel into Deadly Rave, which all of the other Grooves do a bit better. The one benefit C-Geese has is being able to sit on that Deadly Rave for a long time. S-Geese is not useful in any way really. Dodge is meaningless to him and his is fairly bad, level 1 Raging Storm isn't very good at all, and not having consistent access to level 3's cuts his damage in half. S-Geese gets the benefit of still being Geese, but that's all he really has.

-d.LK, whiff s.LP, throw
'''Geese''' is a damage and guard crushing rushdown machine who shines when putting the opponent into scary close-range situations. He can end rounds quick using his powerful Deadly Rave super for massive damage. Arguably no other character synergizes with K-Groove like he does. Geese is best in '''K-Groove'''.

Crouching: 3/4/5, +8, +8
'''Difficulty''': Hard<br>'''Tier''': A+
* '''Damage:''' Geese has insane damage output, especially when in Rage, and can easily close out rounds with 2 or 3 solid hits. Even two raged kick throws can equal close to 50%.
* '''Offense:''' With multiple ways to put the opponent in blockstun, crush guard, and mix opponents with scary hop mixups, Geese can solidly get in and stay in
* '''Zoning:''' Geese has solid zoning tools, with a good fireball and an air fireball, and a great anti-zoning tool with Double Reppuken
* '''Deadly Rave:''' Deadly Rave is a massive damage super with the ability to link into normals for even higher damage
* '''K-Groove King:''' Geese has everything he could ever want when he's in K-Groove, with JD's making him much better at dealing with keepaway, and Rage skyrocketing his damage
* '''Stun Monster''' Geese has very high stun output to match his damage. After a Deadly Rave combo, most characters will be close to stun (70 stun) or stunned if done after a cross up (60 stun and select 70 stun fighters)
* '''Health:''' Geese has one of the highest health values in the game, meaning he can get hit a lot more than others and keep moving forward
* '''Tall and Slow:''' Geese's mobility isn't the greatest, and he's quite tall. This makes him subject to a lot of pressure that others simply avoid, especially when crouching. Geese is one of the few who can not duck Sagat's s.fp as an example.
* '''No standard Reversal:''' Without spending a lot of meter for level 3 Raging Storm, which would usually better be spent on a Deadly Rave, Geese lacks any sort of universal reversal. Counter is 1 frame true reversal, but requires guessing on your part although if successful can be rewarding.
* '''Zoned Out:''' Like any rushdown, Geese can lack a solid aggressive answer to zoning, and while he can use Double Reppuken it isn't guaranteed or very rewarding

This is one of your bread and butter moves. Unlike CVS1 noone can duck this move and looking at the frame advantage, you can see how this move is very useful for setting up counterhits on opponents that like to press alot of buttons at close range. Links into almost every normal geese has. This is your main counterhit weapon.
=== Players to Watch ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Country !! Groove !! Accounts !! Notes
| GAO || Japan || K-Groove || N/A || A dominating player with a godlike K-Geese. Does even the hardest of JDs with ease and the punishes to match. <br> [ Sample Match]
| 178 || Japan || C-Groove || Twitter: @chandesogeese || One of the few C-Geese users. Extremely methodical in his approach but deadly in his combos, no pun intended. <br> [ Sample Match]
| Wei || Japan || P-Groove || N/A || They don't call him P-Groove Guy for nothing. A very dominant Geese with very good parry punishes. <br> [ Sample Match]

Chun can cleanly go under this move with her low strong.

Jumping: 5/24/NA, NA, NA
== Normal Moves ==
=== Far Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">5LP</span> ===
| name    = Far Jab
| input    = 5LP / Far LP
| subtitle = Standing Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5LP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 300
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = RF/SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 6
  | total      = 13
  | advHit      = +7
  | advBlock    = +7
  | invul      = None
  | description =
This is pretty good as far as standing jabs go but it's sort of overshadowed by his low jab as most characters can duck this.  One way to use this move is if you know that someone is performing a jump-in parry/just defend, I use this move to take the parry or JD then you can retaliate in some other way like run behind and low fierce in the case of a JD or to do a low fierce/counter right after in the case of a parry

Goofy looking downward angled palm. I really can't think of a use for this move.  All of geese's air moves have a 5 frame startup and this move doesnt really cover a good angleDoes stay out a long time I suppose.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MP</span> ===
| name    = Far Strong
| input    = 5MP / Far MP
| subtitle = Far Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5MP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 9
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 28
  | advHit      = 0
  | advBlock    = 0
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese strikes with a palm. Cancellable into specials and supers. Has some decent reach for a standing normal, making for some decent use as a whiff punish or a way to stuff forward movement or laggy buttons.  

=== <span class="invisible-header">5HP</span> ===
| name    = Far Fierce
| input    = 5HP / Far HP
| subtitle = Far Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5HP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5HP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1500
  | stun        = 15
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 20
  | total      = 34
  | advHit      = 0
  | advBlock    = 0
  | invul      = None
  | description = A beefy punch. One of Geese's farther reaching normals, though it can't cancel in trade for that reach. Still, it does decent single hit damage, making it a decent whiff punish at longer ranges.

=== <span class="invisible-header">5LK</span> ===
| name    = Far Short
| input    = 5LK / Far LK
| subtitle = Far Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5LK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 22
  | advHit      = -3
  | advBlock    = -3
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese kicks at the opponents legs. Not a low, despite looks. Surprisingly good range, and would likely be a great light check if it could cancel to specials. Still is a pretty good light check, but landing this gets you basically nothing. With meter however, this is one of your longer range confirms into Deadly Rave, and the cancel isn't too hard if you do it as a negative edge. At just around tip range, even Deadly Rave won't combo, so watch for that.

Close: 4/9/14, +1, +1
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MK</span> ===
| name    = Far Forward
| input    = 5MK / Far MK
| subtitle = Far Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5MK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 17
  | total      = 33
  | advHit      = -5
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese kicks out around the opponents chest. Despite looks, this isn't really a great ranged poke, as many of Geese's better pokes outrange it, like 5LK, 2MK, and 5HP. Without a cancel window either, this has very little purpose in neutral. It does shrink Geese's lower hurtbox, which lets it work as a low crush.

This is the raise the roof punch, it is a little silly upwards angled palm where Geese slaps himself virtually in the shoulder.  The only possible use of this is as a meaty but even if you hit with the last possible active frame, you would just be at +8 which is the same thing you'd get just by doing a low jab. So its really not terribly useful, as far as I knowThis is Geese's dodge punch in S Groove.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5HK</span> ===
| name    = Far Roundhouse
| input    = 5HK / Far HK
| subtitle = Far Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5HK_First.PNG
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_5HK_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Second Hitbox
| image3  = CVS2_Geese_5HK_Third.PNG
| caption3 = Foot Invuln Endlag
| linkname = 5HK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 18
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 19
  | total      = 45
  | advHit      = -3
  | advBlock    = -3
  | invul      = Foot (Recovery Frames)
  | description = Geese lunges forward with an axe kick. The gorilla Geese agenda, moves you very far forward and is only -3 at worst, meaning the opponent can't punish it. While it does have invuln on Geese's feet in the end, the rest of the move doesn't have this, so if you spam this a good opponent will just snipe you with a 2MK > Super combo. If you're fighting a P/K-Groove player they can also just parry/JD for an even bigger punish. Use sparingly, as when it works it really works, but when it doesn't it really doesn't.  

Standing: 5/9/14, +0, +0
=== Close Standing Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">clLP</span> ===
| name    = Close Jab
| input    = cl.LP
| subtitle = Close Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5lp.png
| caption =
| linkname = cl.LP
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 300
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = RF/SP/SU
  | guard      = H/L
  | parry      = H/L
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 6
  | total      = 13
  | advHit      = +7
  | advBlock    = +7
  | invul      = None
  | description = Identical to the far version. Still a solid jab but also still crouchable, meaning you would still rather use 2LP for a majority of things.

Knife hand strike to the midsection. A little more range than it looks like it has but still nothing really special.
=== <span class="invisible-header">clMP</span> ===
| name    = Close Strong
| input    = cl.MP
| subtitle = Close Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_clMP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.MP
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 26
  | advHit      = +1
  | advBlock    = +1
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese hits a quick upward palm. Useful as a meaty or pressure normal thanks to being +1, and hit meaty it can be even more plus. Outside of that, doesn't really work for much. Geese's cl.HP has the same startup speed, so you would rather punish with that. Not a great anti-air despite looks either.  

Crouching: 7/7/14, -1, -1
=== <span class="invisible-header">clHP</span> ===
| name    = Close Fierce
| input    = cl.HP
| subtitle = Close Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_clHP.PNG
| caption =
| linkname = cl.HP
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 11
  | recovery    = 24
  | total      = 39
  | advHit      = -9
  | advBlock    = -9
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese quickly strikes with two palms. Your main normal for linking off of lights and cancelling into Jaeiken and Deadly Rave, and also a great raw punish starter on it's own. The hitbox is pretty beefy, so mixed with the fast startup, this tends to stuff a lot of mashing up close. Links from 2LP, 5LP, 2LK, and cl.LK allowing you to both combo and blockstring off of all of Geese's lights except 5LK into MK Jaeiken.

A chop that attacks the opponent's feet.  Kinda slow coming out but it does have it's rare uses if you really want to use it. This move is sort of like Balrog's low fwd in SF2, it punches the opponent's feet if they try a low attack and it is bufferable into super. For example this move will always beat blanka's slide and you can combo deadly rave off of itHowever whiffing this move is pretty dangerous so you better be sure, in general this is not very useful.
=== <span class="invisible-header">clLK</span> ===
| name    = Close Short
| input    = cl.LK
| subtitle = Close Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_clLK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.LK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = RF/SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 2
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 6
  | total      = 12
  | advHit      = +7
  | advBlock    = +7
  | invul      = -
  | description = Geese quickly knees the opponent. Amazing light normal, with lightning fast startup, massive plus frames to easily link into cl.HP both on hit and on block, and can't be crouched under. Great to start pressure or blockstrings, or as a quick punish when they're very close. Also Geese's highest damage light, so it's seen often after Deadly Rave. Instead of ending Deadly Rave in the usual 214HP input, you can end on the HK input, and you're plus enough to link into this and then link into cl.HP > MK Jaeiken for much higher damage.  

Jumping: 5/10/NA, NA, NA
=== <span class="invisible-header">clMK</span> ===
| name    = Close Forward
| input    = cl.MK
| subtitle = Close Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_5MK.PNG
| caption =
| linkname = cl.MK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 17
  | total      = 33
  | advHit      = -5
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = None
  | description = Identical to 5MK.

A horizontal chopThis is for jumping air to airYour 2 best air to air moves are this and diagonal jump roundhouse, this is good if the person is above you and the diagonal jumping roundhouse is good if they are in front of you. You wont find yourself using this too often but it does have some specific uses against characters.
=== <span class="invisible-header">clHK</span> ===
| name    = Close Roundhouse
| input    = cl.HK
| subtitle = Close Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_clHK_First.PNG
| caption = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_clHK_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Second Hitbox
| linkname = cl.HK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900+700
  | stun        = 9+7
  | cancel      = SP/SU*
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 3(4)6
  | recovery    = 16
  | total      = 33
  | advHit      = +4
  | advBlock    = +4
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese kicks upward and then follows with a kick to the chest. A bit of an odd normal that doesn't see much use. The first hit is fairly good as a close anti-air thanks to the high reach, and if it hits you can cancel into MP Reppuken to meaty them on landing. It can be crouched under however, limiting it's use as a meaty. The second hit cannot be cancelled, but to make up for that, it also can't be crouched and is +4 on block. This really doesn't mean much however, as the pushback limits a lot of what Geese can do, and without a cancel there just isn't much purpose for it.

=== Crouching Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Jab
| input    = 2LP / cr.LP
| subtitle = Crouching Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2LP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 300
  | stun        = 3
  | cancel      = RF/SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 5
  | total      = 12
  | advHit      = +8
  | advBlock    = +8
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese does a punch low to the ground. Stellar 2LP, massive plus frames and spammable to make for solid pressure. Running in and repeatedly doing these can be pretty oppressive. Often you'll use this after a crossup j.MK for a bit of damage increase, either to their health bar or their guard bar. Easy link into cl.HP as well, especially on counterhit, making this a solid move to fish for counterhits. Great for mashing as well thanks to the fast startup and decent hitbox. Only real downside is the low damage, but outside of Deadly Rave links, that won't matter too much.

Close: 4/11/24, -9, -9
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Strong
| input    = 2MP / cr.MP
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2MP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1100
  | stun        = 11
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Mid
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 7
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 28
  | advHit      = -1
  | advBlock    = -1
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese chops at the floor. Decent reach, but only cancels into supers. You can link this after two 2LP's, though it's a pretty tight link. Your highest damage medium normals as well, so if you need the punish, starting with this is optimal when in range. You'll still rarely use this though.

A little palm to the stomachBufferable into specials/supers. This move pushes you forward a little bit which gives it it's use in CC's since if you time correctly you can do several of these in a row at the beginning to really cause alot of CC damage. This move can also be linked off of low jab, stand short, low short in order to create combosThis is Geese's Counter Attack in N/C/S Groove.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Fierce
| input    = 2HP / cr.HP
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2HP_First.PNG
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_2HP_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Second Hitbox
| linkname = 2HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300,1100
  | stun        = 13,11
  | cancel      = SP*/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 9
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 40
  | advHit      = -12
  | advBlock    = -12
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese uppercuts high into the air. Your primary anti-air normal, and a pretty solid one overall, though it lacks the invincibility of things like DP's. Outside of anti-airs, this is a frame faster than cl.HP, so in situations where the opponent won't be punished by cl.HP you can use this instead. You can also use this for easier links if you struggle with linking into cl.HP, though it does sacrifice damage.  

Standing: 8/6/20, +0, +0
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Short
| input    = 2LK / cr.LK
| subtitle = Crouching Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2LK.PNG
| caption =
| linkname = 2LK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 7
  | total      = 14
  | advHit      = +6
  | advBlock    = +6
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese kicks at the opponents feet. Geese's main low mixup, though it doesn't cancel into itself like other 2LK's do. This isn't too bad, as it does link into both cl.HP and 2HP for combo confirms or safe blockstrings for guard crush. You can even just run in and do another, though it isn't quite as good at this as 2LP is due to only being +6 instead of +8. +6 is still nothing to scoff at though. It also makes up for no self-cancel by having surprisingly decent range for a 3 frame low, making it a very useful move to annoy opponents in close range with quick lows, though it can't combo to anything without a link or a Deadly Rave.

Standing punch with pretty good reachMost characters can duck this but it is still a useful poke at times.  Not nearly as useful as it could be though, Geese's hittable area seems to move forward alot when you press it so often when trying to punish the whiff of a meaty move with this, youll find yourself bumping yourself into the last frames of it. Happens alot with Sagat's fierces ><However the move does have good range so it has uses.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Forward
| input    = 2MK / cr.MK
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2MK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 7
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 26
  | advHit      = +1
  | advBlock    = +1
  | invul      = None
  | description = Another low kick like 2LK. Decent range for a Geese normal, making it a great poke. Works after longer 2LP strings and is an easier link than 2LP too. Confirms into Deadly Rave at all ranges as well, and thanks to the very fast startup, this is a stellar way to punish into big damage. Doesn't combo into anything else sadly, but it is plus, making a cancel into MP Reppuken a bit harder to escape than other 2MK > Fireball strings.  

Crouching: 3/9/27, -12, -12
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Roundhouse
| input    = 2HK / cr.HK
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_2HK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 2HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 35
  | total      = 45
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -15
  | invul      = None
  | description = A long reaching sweep kick with a cancel window. Geese having a cancellable sweep is a great tool, but this does come with a price in the form of massive endlag. If you don't whiff this, you can cancel into MP Reppuken for safety on block without sacrificing much if it does hit. On hit, you get a knockdown, which is great as it lets you run in and meaty for a guard crush string or a combo. This also works as a surprise low after some blockstrings, especially in the corner where the pushback isn't as harsh. However at longer ranges, no cancel is fast enough to be a true blockstring, letting them reversal or roll through whatever you do. His main BnB ender.

An uppercutYou'll find yourself using this move a lotIt comes out even faster than your low fwd, so for link combos this is a really solid move. Linking things like low short-low fierce are incredibly easy.  It is also your main anti air move.  However it has alot of recovery frames so be careful when using it as anti air, as if your opponent parries/JD's or it misses thats going to be dangerous.
=== Jumping Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Jab
| input    = j.LP
| subtitle = Jumping Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_jLP.PNG
| caption =
| linkname = j.LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600
  | stun        = 6
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 24
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 29
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese sticks out his hand to smack the opponent. Standard j.LP, though a bit slower than most. Decent hitbox makes it a nice air interrupt, but otherwise you won't use this much.

Crouching fierce has more horizontal range than close standing fierce does. Linking a crouching fierce after low jab lets Geese land run up, low jab, fierce xx super/jaiken from farther away than had he used tried to use close standing fierce. To avoid getting accidental far standing fierces when you're going for a link combo into super/special, it can be useful to use crouching fierce instead of going for close standing fierce.
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Strong
| input    = j.MP
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_jMP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1100
  | stun        = 11
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 15
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese sticks his arm out in front of him. Decent air-to-air with a high hitbox, though j.HK outranges it horizontally. This does make it a better rising air-to-air, but you would rather 2HP for anti-air most of the time.

Jumping: 1st hit: 5/4/NA 2nd hit: 4/4/NA, NA, NA
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Fierce
| input    = j.HP
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Geese_jHP_First.PNG
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_jHP_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Second Hitbox
| linkname = j.HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 800+900
  | stun        = 8+9
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 4(4)4
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 21
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese strikes downward twice. If both hits connect this is his highest damage jump-in, but combos off of it are a bit more difficult than j.HK. It can also work as a double overhead, but the timing for this can be a bit strict... unless done from a hop. This can be a very annoying overhead mixup off of a hop because of that, and it makes for a stellar confirm into Deadly Rave for huge damage.

A short range downward palm that hits twiceThat is the main distinction of the move, if the opponent blocks this it will do more guard crush damage than a normal fierce and both hits must be blocked high. It is very hard to make both hits hit a crouching opponent.
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Short
| input    = j.LK
| subtitle = Jumping Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_jLK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.LK
| data =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600
  | stun        = 6
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 27
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese kicks his leg out and leaves it there for a while. Would be a useful air-interrupt like j.LP, but the hitbox is a bit too low. Instead, it's a fast instant overhead, especially from a hop.

Towards+Fierce: 14/10/20, -4, knockdown
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Forward
| input    = j.MK
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_jMK.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = j.MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 12
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = A move with an identical animation to j.LK. Instead of being an IOH though, it's Geese's main crossup, and a very good one at that. Setting this up after a knockdown is very rewarding, as if it hits Geese gets a combo, and if it gets blocked Geese gets a great guard crush string. Mixing this up on knockdowns with a meaty j.HK is great in general for a mixup.

This move is bufferable to both specials and super moves. The main distinction of this move is it does alot more guard crush damage than a normal fierce.  It comes out quite slow but if you can make your opponent block it it is a good weapon. With rage on, this move into his HCB+kick does half the guard bar alone.
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Roundhouse
| input    = j.HK
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Geese_njHK_First.PNG
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_njHK_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Second Hitbox
| image3  = CVS2_Geese_jHK.PNG
| caption3 = Diagonal Jump
| linkname = j.HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|u}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 7
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 15
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 0
  | total      = 13
  | advHit      = Varies
  | advBlock    = Varies
  | invul      = None
  | description = Neutral j.HK is a move very similar to 5HK, and diagonal j.HK is a far reaching kick. With nj.HK, it can be a useful neutral jump air-to-air, but you usually won't use it much. Diagonal j.HK is likely the main move you'll use during a jump, as it is both a great jump-in and a solid air-to-air with long reach. While both hits of j.HP together do more damage, you usually won't get both hits, making this a much more consistent jump starter for damage.

== Command Normals ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Fudo Kassatsuriken</span> ===
| name    = Fudo Kassatsuriken
| input    = 6HP
| subtitle =
| image    = CVS2_Geese_6HP.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = 6HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600
  | stun        = 16
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 14
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 20
  | total      = 44
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -4
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese steps forward before striking down with an elbow. Great reach and an immediate knockdown on hit makes this a rewarding punish tool, and on block it's very safe and can cancel into MP Reppuken for solid pressure and great guard crush. In general this is very useful for guard crush strings, though the long startup means it can't be done as a true blockstring, so the opponent can always reversal or roll through. Still, if the opponent is respecting an option like cl.HP, it does a lot more guard damage. It can also be useful as a poke in general, though it does have a lot of whiff recovery. You can also get a bit greedy in blockstrings with this by walking slightly forward after they block something like MP Reppuken and doing this to catch a mash or jump, and once they respect that, you can walk all the way in and throw them. Notably, this move can kara-cancel pretty late into the startup, allowing you to add some forward movement to a Reppuken or Atemi counter.

== Throws ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Shinkuu Nage</span> ===
| name    = Shinkuu Nage
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HP
| subtitle = Punch Throw
| image    = CVS2_Geese_PThrow.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Shinkuu Nage
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1900
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Grab
  | parry      = Grab
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = Grab
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese's iconic command grab, now downgraded to just a standard grab. Faster of his two throws, like all punch throws are, but throws them very far away making it hard to get okizeme midscreen. The faster startup makes it better for punishes, but you would almost always rather use his kick throw for the stellar knockdown and damage.

Close: 2/4/6, +7, +7
=== <span class="invisible-header">Toraya</span> ===
| name    = Toraya
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HK
| subtitle = Kick Throw
| image    = CVS2_Geese_KThrow.PNG
| image2    = Geese hk throw damage.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Toraya
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2200
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Grab
  | parry      = Grab
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 19
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = Grab
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese slams the opponent over his shoulder. Great damage and an amazing knockdown makes for a very rewarding throw overall. A slight microwalk backwards allows you to easily set up a crossup j.MK safejump. Slightly slower than his punch throw, but this makes tick throws from Geese's very plus 2LP a bit easier, so that can almost be a benefit outside of punish situations.

A little knee.  This is your fastest move at 2 frames and it gives you a pretty hefty advantage. Up close you can use this move for lots of different counterhit/throw setups and link combos.
This throw is VERY powerful when Geese is raged. Geese can perform a deep cross up from a small jump and combo into easily to land a big combo. The throw also does a massive damage and just two of these can cause 50% damage. The opponent will usually be afraid of a combo into Deadly Rave, so don't be afraid to abuse HK throw.  

No character can duck this or go under it with any move, including Chun trying a d.MP.
== Specials ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Reppuken</span> ===
| name    = Reppuken
| input    = 236LP/MP
| subtitle = Fireball
| image    = CVS2_Geese_236P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Reppuken
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900
  | stun        = 9
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 12
  | active      = Traveling
  | recovery    = 46
  | total      = 58
  | advHit      = -13
  | advBlock    = -13
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 12
  | active      = Traveling
  | recovery    = 46
  | total      = 58
  | advHit      = -13
  | advBlock    = -13
  | invul      = None
  | description = Zoning tools and blockstring enders. The LP version is a slow tool to toss at fullscreen to take up space, while the MP version is your go-to blockstring ender for safety and guard crush, though it always ends your string. Grounded fireballs are universally inferior for zoning, as they're much easier to evade, so using these as you would usually use a fireball doesn't work as well as a high flying fireball would. This sorta limits them to blockstrings, close range pressure, and meaties, though they excel in these categories.  

Standing: 4/4/14, -3, -3
=== <span class="invisible-header">Double Reppuken</span> ===
| name    = Double Reppuken
| input    = 236HP
| subtitle = Double Fireball
| image    = CVS2_Geese_236HP_First.PNG
| caption  = Windup
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_236HP_Second.PNG
| caption2 = Traveling Hitbox
| linkname = Double Reppuken
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600+1000
  | stun        = 6+10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 12
  | active      = 20~Traveling
  | recovery    = 43
  | total      = 74
  | advHit      = -10
  | advBlock    = -10
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese spins a bit of energy up in front of him before sending it out as a Reppuken. Useful counter-zoning tools, as the first half deletes projectiles and will still send out the second part. Still not super useful for zoning sadly, even moreso because of the very long total duration. If both hits connect it does more damage than a Reppuken, but most of the time only the fireball will connect, which is identical to MP Reppuken.

A low kickIt is a low damaging short that leaves you at -3 and doesnt really have any clear uses to me.
=== <span class="invisible-header">Shippuken</span> ===
| name    = Shippuken
| input    = j.214P
| subtitle = Air Fireball
| image    = CVS2_Geese_j214P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Shippuken
| data  =
  | version    = In Air {{Motion|214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 700
  | stun        = 7
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 16
  | active      = Traveling
  | recovery    = Till Landing +6
  | total      = 20+
  | advHit      = -7
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = In Air {{Motion|214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 800
  | stun        = 8
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 16
  | active      = Traveling
  | recovery    = Till Landing +6
  | total      = 20+
  | advHit      = -7
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = In Air {{Motion|214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900
  | stun        = 9
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 16
  | active      = Traveling
  | recovery    = Till Landing +6
  | total      = 20+
  | advHit      = -7
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese tosses a fireball out midair and flies backwards. Useful zoning and anti-air bait tools, but they do have a bit of lag, so watch for spamming them as they can be punished into big damage. Against opponents who are trying to rush Geese down these can be very useful for escaping and zoning. The backwards movement can also be useful to bait and punish anti-airs, though invincible ones or fast ones will still usually win because of the high startup.

-max range d.LP, far s.LK xx super
=== <span class="invisible-header">Jaeiken</span> ===
| name    = Jaeiken
| input    = 63214K
| subtitle = Rush
| image    = CVS2_Geese_63214K.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Jaeiken
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400x2+1000
  | stun        = 4x2+10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7, 8~28 +2
  | active      = (2)4(5)4(11)6
  | recovery    = 11/41
  | total      = 58~101
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -23
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400x2+1100
  | stun        = 4x2+11
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 12, 13~33 +2
  | active      = 4(5)4(11)6
  | recovery    = 11/41
  | total      = 51~106
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -23
  | invul      = None
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500x2+1200
  | stun        = 5x2+12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 17, 18~38 +2
  | active      = 4(5)4(11)6
  | recovery    = 11/41
  | total      = 61~111
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -23
  | invul      = None
  | description = Geese rushes forward, and once in proximity of the opponent, goes into a series of strikes ending in a double palm for a knockdown. Your primary combo ender off of heavy hits, though you usually can't combo into the HK version. They can also be decent roll cancels to go through fireballs. Very unsafe on block, so make sure you know they'll hit or you'll eat a punish. The HK version is a guard crush monster, and when they're at about half guard bar, you can basically guarantee it will guard break.

Crouching: 3/4/7, +6, +6
=== <span class="invisible-header">Atemi</span> ===
| name    = Atemi Counters
| input    = 63214P
| subtitle = Counters
| image    = CVS2_Geese_63214LP.PNG
| caption  = High Counter, Jodan
| image2  = CVS2_Geese_63214MP.PNG
| caption2 = Mid Counter, Chudan
| image3  = CVS2_Geese_63214HP.PNG
| caption3 = Low Counter, Gedan
| linkname = Atemi
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    = Jodan Atemi
  | damage      = 1900
  | stun        = 19
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = N/A
  | parry      = N/A
  | startup    = 0
  | active      = 1~18
  | recovery    = 32
  | total      = 50
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = N/A
  | invul      = High (Counters from frame 1 to 18)
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    = Chudan Atemi
  | damage      = 2100
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = N/A
  | parry      = N/A
  | startup    = 0
  | active      = 1~18
  | recovery    = 32
  | total      = 50
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = N/A
  | invul      = Mid (Counters from frame 1 to 18)
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    = Gedan Atemi
  | damage      = 2000
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = N/A
  | parry      = N/A
  | startup    = 0
  | active      = 1~18
  | recovery    = 32
  | total      = 50
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = N/A
  | invul      = Low (Counters from frame 1 to 18)
  | description = Geese holds out his hands either at his head, around his torso, or down on the ground. If the opponent does an attack that comes in contact with his hands, he grabs them and knocks them down. High risk/high reward tools for calling out obvious pressure, jump-ins, and repetitive pokes. If you do get one of these, you take a chunk of the opponents lifebar and get a hard knockdown. However, they have a long total duration, so the opponent can easily punish into a combo if you whiff these or guess wrong on what parry you do. Frame 1 startup means that they can be reversals, but they aren't as reliable as a reversal DP while carrying just as much risk. They also don't beat throws like a reversal DP would. The high version can be a useful anti-air as well, but again, not as much as a reversal DP. Simply empty jumping will make Geese whiff the counter and allow the opponent to punish him.

This move is not as good as the low jab as far as speed or frame advantage but it does hit low. Therefore it's main use is going to be for when you need a low hit, for example after an empty jump to create a high/low mixup.  You can easily dial up a super, QCF+P, or HCB+K off combos starting with this.
== Supers ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Raging Storm</span> ===
| name    = Raging Storm
| input    = 1632143P
| subtitle = Anti-Air, Reversal Super
| image    = CVS2_Geese_1632143P.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Raging Storm
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|db}}{{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|df}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3300
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:10
  | active      = 9(3)9(3)9
  | recovery    = 30
  | total      = 77
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -7
  | invul      = 1~8 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|db}}{{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|df}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 4800
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:10
  | active      = 9(3)9(3)9(3)9
  | recovery    = 30
  | total      = 89
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -7
  | invul      = 1~14 (Full)
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|db}}{{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|df}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 6500
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:10
  | active      = 9(3)9(3)9(3)9(3)9
  | recovery    = 30
  | total      = 101
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = -7
  | invul      = 1~22 (Full)
  | description = Geese sends a huge storm of energy up and around him. These act as massive damage anti-airs, as long as you can do the input fast enough. Only the level 3 one is a reversal, and while it's a very good one, you usually want to save the level 3 for a Deadly Rave cancel rather than a high damage reversal. Slow startup makes these hard to use in general as well, with 10 frame startup after the super flash. While -7 sounds pretty safe for a reversal, some characters can still punish with a fast poke into super, so be sure what punish options every character has.

Jumping: 5/22/NA, NA, NA
The key to using this super is to pump the motions while poking or whiffing a normal, typically a light attack or Pumping half circles while poking and the moment they jump hit down forward + punch to get a very fast instantaneous Raging Storm. Working this tactic into you gameplay will help scare your opponent even more, allowing you to land you hits or break guard and perform a Deadly Rave combo.

This move has the same animation as the jumping forward, same speed, just weaker and stays out a bit longerReally not particularly useful seeing how good jumping forward is.
=== <span class="invisible-header">Deadly Rave</span> ===
| name    = Deadly Rave
| input    = 632146K...
| subtitle = Rave Super
| image    = CVS2_Geese_632146K.PNG
| caption  =
| linkname = Deadly Rave
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}>{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}>{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}>{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}>{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}>{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}>{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}>{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}>{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}>{{Motion|214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 6200
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4:4
  | active      = 41
  | recovery    = 23
  | total      = 72
  | advHit      = DWN
  | advBlock    = +13
  | invul      = 22 (Full)
  | description = Geese rushes forward before going into a series of attacks tied to your inputs. One of the reasons Geese is the top tier he is. This super does massive damage, the rush is +13 making it a safe fireball callout, and you can link after the HK part of the root for a damage increase. Combos from a lot of Geese's normals as well, making a single Geese punish capable of going through 70% of a lifebar. Mixed with Geese's amazing pressure, a guard crush can confirm into this easily. Your main way to end this isn't the 214HP ender, but instead, link a cl.LK, and then do cl.HP > 63214MK for much higher damage.

== Universal combos ==

*'''''Bread and Butter'''''

Standing: 8/8/17, -5, -5
'''c.lp, c.lp, c.lp, c.rh'''

A mid level side kick.  At first this move doesnt look that useful and it isnt really so great but it does have situational uses.  The hitbox of this move reaches well out beyond your vulnerable area giving it an "invincible tip" sort of.  So occasionally poking with it will stuff several moves that your opponents use.  For example this move always counterhits blanka's low fierce cleanly.  It is unfortunate that you cannot cancel super off of this.  This is Geese's dodge kick attack in S-Groove.

Crouching: 4/7/14, +1, +1
[ Deadly Rave stun combo]

A pretty high priority and fast low hit.  The main use of this move is going to be for whiff punishing and link combos into super.  Cancelling this move into Deadly Rave is going to cause alot of damage.  This move links off of low jab, short, close short all easily so you can easily confirm your hits into super.  Leaves you at +1 also and whiffs fast so its not too dangerous to throw out there.
== Colors ==

Jumping: 5/12/NA, NA, NA

You will find yourself using this move a lot.  This move is a huge cross up and also has alot of downward priority.  This move will be a decent part of your offense and certain anti airs have trouble with it.  For example you can find yourself trading/beating stuff like Vega's standing roundhouse with this.  Another less common use of this is as an overhead on larger characters during a low jump.  If Sagat for example is low on life so that a jump forward will kill him, low jump instant forward is a really fast overhead hit that will more than likely end the round.  Using this when they will survive it is somewhat dangerous as you will be vulnerable, however we all know that people dont always react to things like this correctly.  Overhead instant forward, land, super is just like roll -> super, works all the time for some reason.

[[Category:Capcom vs SNK 2]]
Close: 1st hit: 4/3 2nd hit: 4/6/16, +4, +4
A 2 hit side kick.  The first hit can be ducked by most characters.  This move really isnt horribly useful, except for the fact that it does give frame advantage but looks deceptive.  As long as it is used rarely you can use it on a rising opponent to set up a counterhit.  You have to use it early so they rise into the 2nd hit.  It would be a good anti air except that the low fierce covers the exact same angle much better.
Standing: 18/8/19, -3, -3
This is an important move.  It moves Geese forward a good distance and has good priority once the hitting frames come out.  The move normally leaves you at -3 which is pretty much completely safe however if you use it at a distance so that you hit later on in the active frames, you can actually get a frame advantage with this move.  That is one of the best uses of this move, to get in on the opponent.  It is too slow to use to punish whiffs usually but you can use it after a whiff in order to force the opponent to block it and put yourself in a better position.  You have 2 big disadvantages with this move however, one being the slow startup allowing it to be easily stuffed if the opponent is attacking, and the other being that it is possible to JD/parry on reaction to this move at times and if that happens Geese is very vulnerable.  Overall a very useful move but one must be careful.
Crouching: 6/4/35, -15, knockdown
Your sweep.  This is a pretty good sweep, long range and fast.  However it also moves your hittable area forward with alot like the standing fierce, so it loses if used against another high priority move in most cases.  Most players cancel a fireball off of this move, and if it hits that is a good idea to prevent the opponent from using safe fall.  However if it is blocked, be warned that almost any character can punish you for doing this pattern.  In general this move is not particularly safe if blocked, and I usually use it when I know it will hit to knock the opponent down so I can get in close.  Best uses are for punishing whiffs or linking it off of a few low jabs.
Jumping Vertically: 5/7/NA
This move has shorter range than it appears and is generally not really useful.  Jumping strong and jumping diagonally roundhouse are both much better for air to air.
Jumping Horizontally: 5/8/NA
This move has very good horizontal range and is great air to air.  For example if you block a Blanka ball standing you can jump in with this to punish it.  This move is basically used for air to air but it can also be very useful as a low jump attack at certain ranges.
Punch: 3/1/13
Kick: 5/1/13
As with all characters, the punch throw does a little less damage and is easier to tech, but it comes out faster, and the kick throw does a little more but is slower/harder to tech.  With Geese however his Kick throw has a special property that makes it impossible for the opponent to safe fall, so it is almost always used because it slams the opponent right next to you for more attacks.  Only use the punch throw generally if you think the throw will kill the opponent and you dont care about followups.
Geese's run isnt too fast and is generally not terribly special except for one property of it that is kind of strange.  Geese becomes very short when he runs due to him bending forward, and his run is actually shorter than his crouch.  This allows him to run under moves that he cannot even crouch.  The most famous example of this is Sagat's standing fierce.  Sagat's will use this move on Geese a lot because he cannot crouch it, but if you can bait this move you can actually run right into it and punish the Sagat player after it whiffs.
Geese's roll is nothing really special, not horrible but not great.  Its best use is for ambiguous crossups after a sweep or a kick throw.  It can also be used in ground games against laggy moves but it is not a fast roll so you have to be sure.  Randomly doing this is very dangerous as it is not hard to react to it.
Geese has a pretty fast dash.  Once you train your opponent to block against you you can get away with using this up close to keep the pressure on and make the opponent attack, giving you counterhits.  Low jab > dash is hard to punish unless the opponent is mashing something, in which case you can low jab, wait millisecond, low jab counterhit > whatever.
Geese's jump isn't terribly fast but his superjump moves pretty far forward allowing you to perform crossups from a pretty good distance away.  His low jump is also not very fast but he has some decent low jump attacks, like forward, roundhouse, and fierce.
QCF+P: Reppuken(fireball):
Jab: 12/NA/46, -13, -13
Strong: 12/NA/46, -13, -13
Fierce: 1st hit: 12/NA, 2nd: 20/NA/43, -10, -10
(frame disadvantages given for a point blank hit)
QCB+P (in air): Shippuken(air fireball):
All versions: 16/NA/NA
HCB+P: Counters:
All versions: 0/18/32
(duration refers to active counter frames)
HCB+K: Jaienken(rush move)
Short: 9/21/41, -23, knockdown
Forward: 14/21/41, -23, knockdown
Roundhouse: 19/21/41, -23, knockdown
(duration refers to active time during rush forward animation)
DB, HCB, DF+P: Raging Storm
LV1: 10/43/30, -7, knockdown
(has 4 frames of invincibility)
LV2: 10/55/30, -7, knockdown
(has 10 frames of invincibility)
LV3: 10/67/30, -7, knockdown
(has 18 frames of invincibility)
HCB, F+short:  Deadly Rave(LV3 only)
(on hit, input: Jab, Jab, Short, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse, QCB+Fierce)
4/NA/NA, +13, knockdown
(has 18 frames of invincibility, +13 refers to if first hit is blocked)
BY: Ragingstorm101
Geese is good for guard crushing and his best groove would be K groove or A groove. K groove is preferred because he has such strong moves that can guard crush and then you can get a level 3.
Raging Storm is helpful but not a necessity. In fact, don't try to spend the entire match to do the super. If you do get the move out, but it doesn't hit or you lose all your life, what's the point?
The official motion is dwn back, hcb, dwn fwd, + punch but I just do hcb hcb + punch. I like to do it on wake up because it's safe or if I know that someone is going to jump. Honestly in my opinion, you use Raging Storm when you know it's going to hit.
He has good normals such as, cr.lp, s.fierce, cr.fierce, f + fierce, s.RH, j.RH and low jump mk or RH.
If you're close to someone, do, cr.jab, cr.jab, cr.RH, cancel to jab reppuken. It doesn't matter if it hits or not. If it hits good, if it doesn't, then it still does good guard damage. HOWEVER, (big however), sometimes your opponent can hit you during the recovery from the reppuken. I've have numerous times where someone got a free Custom Combo on me or a level 3 super. So be careful (some examples are Blanka's level 3 Direct Lighting, Sagat's tiger cannon super or tiger raid, or just fast supers. CCs can usually hit Geese but people can mess up so that by the time the invincibility wears off, they get hit by the reppuken).
BTW the point of the reppuken is to cancel the recovery time of the cr.RH. It can hit people who use safe fall grooves and safe fall after they get hit by the cr.RH.
if you can get a cross up after, you can do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, Deadly Rave (hcb, f _ lk jab jab short short, mp, mp, mk mk) then instead of finishing it, do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, hcb + mk. Usually it can dizzy a 63 stun character or make it close for a 70 char. What you can do is run up, low jump mk so that they can get hit and get stunned. Then do cr.jab (or, s.fierce, hcb + mk.
DON'T do random  Jaei Kens (hcb + k). It's slow and sucks without being in a combo.
jab counter is good for high counters (like jumps), special moves (moves that require direction and normals) and supers. This is the best part of Geese's counters. It can COUNTER SUPERS! But keep in mind, it can only counter non projectile supers. So don't try counter Ryu's shinku hadouken. ever.
mp counter = good for s.normals like s.fierce.
fierce counter = counters cr.normals like or cr.RH.

Latest revision as of 13:31, 24 November 2023


CVS2 Geese Data.png


Geese Howard is the infamous villain of the Fatal Fury franchise. Born in South Town, he is the son of an impoverished American woman and an Austrian terrorist. Geese's father immediately abandoned him. Once he came of age, Geese worked many jobs to support his mother. Eventually, his mother's health started failing, and she would come to pass when Geese was 15. Enraged at the fact that his very wealthy father never aided them, Geese hunted him down. He found his fathers name, Rudolph Krauser von Stroheim, and would hunt him down in Austria to assassinate him. He was stopped, however, by his half brother Wolfgang Krauser. Humiliated by defeat, Geese quickly learned that power ruled over all. He took to training in martial arts, and started to study under a master named Tung Fu Rue. Tung Fu Rue trained Geese and two other students, Jeff Bogard (who would become Terry's adoptive father) and Cheng Sinzan. The three became known as The Three Brothers of Godly Battle.

Geese could never shake his obsession with power however. Tung Fu Rue knew this, and instead passed the secrets of his martial arts to Jeff Bogard. Enraged, Geese left the dojo, overthrew the local crime bosses, and became the mastermind behind organized crime in South Town. With more and more money flowing in, he started his own business, Howard Connections. He uses this money to fund his plots for revenge and also begin the first ever King of Fighters tournaments, which he used to find new recruits. Geese would eventually start his road to revenge by killing his old training partner and friend, Jeff Bogard, right in front of his two adoptive sons Terry and Andy. The two brothers would chase Geese for years, and eventually put an end to his life by tossing him off the roof of his tower... twice.


Geese is a ridiculously damaging rushdown character. Often ranked in the top tiers or just outside of it, Geese has the ability to rack up damage like nobody else can, and crush guard bars into dust. His infamous Deadly Rave gives him some of the highest damage potential in the game from almost any starter. Great normals for brawling allow Geese to control the close range and threaten massive damage. His neutral isn't entirely anything to scoff at either, with a useful fireball in Reppuken and a few solid normals. His various Atemi counters allow him to call out careless move usage for big damage and a mixup, and while he lacks any sort of reversal without meter, his level 3 Raging Storm is an incredible reversal when he has it. Even if you do end up landing a hit on him, he has one of the highest health values in the game, allowing him to take a few hits and keep going.

Geese can still struggle in some situations however. He's quite tall and somewhat slow, meaning he struggles to escape potent rushdown without calling it out with a mash or counter. His neutral isn't bad, but he lacks any solid ranged poke, and his best anti-air is 2HP which lacks any invinciblity or a knockdown. Geese often has to commit to an approach to maximize his potential, which can be very risky. Still, he has every tool required for this, especially in K-Groove where he truly excels.

Groove Selection

Best - K: It can be hard to justify playing any Geese besides K-Geese. K-Geese has everything he could ever want and more. Just Defend gives Geese a solid and safe way to deal with mindless button pressing in neutral, and thanks to his very stable and damaging combo potential with Jaeiken and Deadly Rave, it often makes the opponent hurt a lot more than they would hurt you. Run and hop give him scary mixup potential that loops into itself as well. Rage makes Geese a true nightmare, giving him access to 80% damage combos and two-touch guard crush strings. If you can get in while Raged with Geese, the round may very well be over, as even without Rage getting Geese off of you is difficult. Lack of a roll basically means nothing, as Geese has no powerful roll cancels, and JD makes up for the lack of it anyway.

Useful - N/P/A: N-Geese is a bit of a lesser K-Geese. He maintains run and hop, with the added benefit of roll. While Geese doesn't need roll, it does give him access to RC Double Reppuken, which is a great reversal and anti-air. A big benefit of N-Geese is that he can utilize Max Mode as if it was a weaker on-command Rage. By waiting until a good moment to capitalize, N-Geese can guarantee having a Deadly Rave to make the punish hurt, while K-Geese can't. Still, Rage is much scarier overall, and without JD Geese struggles a lot more on defense and in neutral. P-Geese is an obviously useful pick, as parries live and die by how well you can punish, and Geese can punish very well. Parries work like a more potent JD as well, giving you all the same strengths but being even more likely to get you a punish. The downside is that you'll rarely have a Deadly Rave to make that punish do good damage, and you lose the crazy guard crush ability of Rage. A-Geese gets to use powerful Custom Combos, and he can utilize them fairly well. Roll and Alpha Counter are appreciated defensive tools as well. Geese's Custom Combo does great damage, but he doesn't utilize it as well as the other best A-Groove characters do, making him a bit of a weaker pick for A-Groove in comparison. Still, Geese is a great character, and excels in all of these Grooves. They just aren't K-Geese.

Worst - C/S: C-Geese gets very little that A-Geese doesn't get. While being able to sit on a level 3 for as long as you want is quite nice, Geese gets nothing from a level 2 since level 2 Raging Storm isn't fully startup invincible. If it was, C-Geese would likely be a lot better. He also doesn't abuse level 2 cancels very well, with level 2 Raging Storm into a level 1 Raging Storm being the only thing he really gets. C-Geese is still just looking for a cancel into Deadly Rave, which all of the other Grooves do a bit better. The one benefit C-Geese has is being able to sit on that Deadly Rave for a long time. S-Geese is not useful in any way really. Dodge is meaningless to him and his is fairly bad, level 1 Raging Storm isn't very good at all, and not having consistent access to level 3's cuts his damage in half. S-Geese gets the benefit of still being Geese, but that's all he really has.

Geese is a damage and guard crushing rushdown machine who shines when putting the opponent into scary close-range situations. He can end rounds quick using his powerful Deadly Rave super for massive damage. Arguably no other character synergizes with K-Groove like he does. Geese is best in K-Groove.

Difficulty: Hard
Tier: A+
Pros Cons
  • Damage: Geese has insane damage output, especially when in Rage, and can easily close out rounds with 2 or 3 solid hits. Even two raged kick throws can equal close to 50%.
  • Offense: With multiple ways to put the opponent in blockstun, crush guard, and mix opponents with scary hop mixups, Geese can solidly get in and stay in
  • Zoning: Geese has solid zoning tools, with a good fireball and an air fireball, and a great anti-zoning tool with Double Reppuken
  • Deadly Rave: Deadly Rave is a massive damage super with the ability to link into normals for even higher damage
  • K-Groove King: Geese has everything he could ever want when he's in K-Groove, with JD's making him much better at dealing with keepaway, and Rage skyrocketing his damage
  • Stun Monster Geese has very high stun output to match his damage. After a Deadly Rave combo, most characters will be close to stun (70 stun) or stunned if done after a cross up (60 stun and select 70 stun fighters)
  • Health: Geese has one of the highest health values in the game, meaning he can get hit a lot more than others and keep moving forward
  • Tall and Slow: Geese's mobility isn't the greatest, and he's quite tall. This makes him subject to a lot of pressure that others simply avoid, especially when crouching. Geese is one of the few who can not duck Sagat's s.fp as an example.
  • No standard Reversal: Without spending a lot of meter for level 3 Raging Storm, which would usually better be spent on a Deadly Rave, Geese lacks any sort of universal reversal. Counter is 1 frame true reversal, but requires guessing on your part although if successful can be rewarding.
  • Zoned Out: Like any rushdown, Geese can lack a solid aggressive answer to zoning, and while he can use Double Reppuken it isn't guaranteed or very rewarding

Players to Watch

Name Country Groove Accounts Notes
GAO Japan K-Groove N/A A dominating player with a godlike K-Geese. Does even the hardest of JDs with ease and the punishes to match.
Sample Match
178 Japan C-Groove Twitter: @chandesogeese One of the few C-Geese users. Extremely methodical in his approach but deadly in his combos, no pun intended.
Sample Match
Wei Japan P-Groove N/A They don't call him P-Groove Guy for nothing. A very dominant Geese with very good parry punishes.
Sample Match

Normal Moves

Far Normals


Far Jab
Standing Light Punch
5LP / Far LP
CVS2 Geese 5LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lp.png 300 4 RF/SP/SU Mid Mid 3 4 6 13 +7 +7 None

This is pretty good as far as standing jabs go but it's sort of overshadowed by his low jab as most characters can duck this. One way to use this move is if you know that someone is performing a jump-in parry/just defend, I use this move to take the parry or JD then you can retaliate in some other way like run behind and low fierce in the case of a JD or to do a low fierce/counter right after in the case of a parry


Far Strong
Far Medium Punch
5MP / Far MP
CVS2 Geese 5MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mp.png 1000 10 SP/SU Mid High 5 9 14 28 0 0 None

Geese strikes with a palm. Cancellable into specials and supers. Has some decent reach for a standing normal, making for some decent use as a whiff punish or a way to stuff forward movement or laggy buttons.


Far Fierce
Far Heavy Punch
5HP / Far HP
CVS2 Geese 5HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hp.png 1500 15 None Mid High 8 6 20 34 0 0 None

A beefy punch. One of Geese's farther reaching normals, though it can't cancel in trade for that reach. Still, it does decent single hit damage, making it a decent whiff punish at longer ranges.


Far Short
Far Light Kick
5LK / Far LK
CVS2 Geese 5LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lk.png 500 5 SU Mid High 4 4 14 22 -3 -3 None

Geese kicks at the opponents legs. Not a low, despite looks. Surprisingly good range, and would likely be a great light check if it could cancel to specials. Still is a pretty good light check, but landing this gets you basically nothing. With meter however, this is one of your longer range confirms into Deadly Rave, and the cancel isn't too hard if you do it as a negative edge. At just around tip range, even Deadly Rave won't combo, so watch for that.


Far Forward
Far Medium Kick
5MK / Far MK
CVS2 Geese 5MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mk.png 1000 10 None Mid High 8 8 17 33 -5 -5 None

Geese kicks out around the opponents chest. Despite looks, this isn't really a great ranged poke, as many of Geese's better pokes outrange it, like 5LK, 2MK, and 5HP. Without a cancel window either, this has very little purpose in neutral. It does shrink Geese's lower hurtbox, which lets it work as a low crush.


Far Roundhouse
Far Heavy Kick
5HK / Far HK
CVS2 Geese 5HK First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Geese 5HK Second.PNG
Second Hitbox
CVS2 Geese 5HK Third.PNG
Foot Invuln Endlag
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hk.png 1400 14 None Mid High 18 8 19 45 -3 -3 Foot (Recovery Frames)

Geese lunges forward with an axe kick. The gorilla Geese agenda, moves you very far forward and is only -3 at worst, meaning the opponent can't punish it. While it does have invuln on Geese's feet in the end, the rest of the move doesn't have this, so if you spam this a good opponent will just snipe you with a 2MK > Super combo. If you're fighting a P/K-Groove player they can also just parry/JD for an even bigger punish. Use sparingly, as when it works it really works, but when it doesn't it really doesn't.

Close Standing Normals


Close Jab
Close Light Punch
CVS2 Geese 5lp.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lp.png 300 4 RF/SP/SU H/L H/L 3 4 6 13 +7 +7 None

Identical to the far version. Still a solid jab but also still crouchable, meaning you would still rather use 2LP for a majority of things.


Close Strong
Close Medium Punch
CVS2 Geese clMP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mp.png 1000 10 SP/SU Mid High 4 8 14 26 +1 +1 None

Geese hits a quick upward palm. Useful as a meaty or pressure normal thanks to being +1, and hit meaty it can be even more plus. Outside of that, doesn't really work for much. Geese's cl.HP has the same startup speed, so you would rather punish with that. Not a great anti-air despite looks either.


Close Fierce
Close Heavy Punch
CVS2 Geese clHP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hp.png 1400 14 SP/SU Mid High 4 11 24 39 -9 -9 None

Geese quickly strikes with two palms. Your main normal for linking off of lights and cancelling into Jaeiken and Deadly Rave, and also a great raw punish starter on it's own. The hitbox is pretty beefy, so mixed with the fast startup, this tends to stuff a lot of mashing up close. Links from 2LP, 5LP, 2LK, and cl.LK allowing you to both combo and blockstring off of all of Geese's lights except 5LK into MK Jaeiken.


Close Short
Close Light Kick
CVS2 Geese clLK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lk.png 500 5 RF/SP/SU Mid High 2 4 6 12 +7 +7 -

Geese quickly knees the opponent. Amazing light normal, with lightning fast startup, massive plus frames to easily link into cl.HP both on hit and on block, and can't be crouched under. Great to start pressure or blockstrings, or as a quick punish when they're very close. Also Geese's highest damage light, so it's seen often after Deadly Rave. Instead of ending Deadly Rave in the usual 214HP input, you can end on the HK input, and you're plus enough to link into this and then link into cl.HP > MK Jaeiken for much higher damage.


Close Forward
Close Medium Kick
CVS2 Geese 5MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mk.png 1000 10 None Mid High 8 8 17 33 -5 -5 None

Identical to 5MK.


Close Roundhouse
Close Heavy Kick
CVS2 Geese clHK First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Geese clHK Second.PNG
Second Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hk.png 900+700 9+7 SP/SU* Mid High 4 3(4)6 16 33 +4 +4 None

Geese kicks upward and then follows with a kick to the chest. A bit of an odd normal that doesn't see much use. The first hit is fairly good as a close anti-air thanks to the high reach, and if it hits you can cancel into MP Reppuken to meaty them on landing. It can be crouched under however, limiting it's use as a meaty. The second hit cannot be cancelled, but to make up for that, it also can't be crouched and is +4 on block. This really doesn't mean much however, as the pushback limits a lot of what Geese can do, and without a cancel there just isn't much purpose for it.

Crouching Normals


Crouch Jab
Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
CVS2 Geese 2LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lp.png 300 3 RF/SP/SU Mid Mid 3 4 5 12 +8 +8 None

Geese does a punch low to the ground. Stellar 2LP, massive plus frames and spammable to make for solid pressure. Running in and repeatedly doing these can be pretty oppressive. Often you'll use this after a crossup j.MK for a bit of damage increase, either to their health bar or their guard bar. Easy link into cl.HP as well, especially on counterhit, making this a solid move to fish for counterhits. Great for mashing as well thanks to the fast startup and decent hitbox. Only real downside is the low damage, but outside of Deadly Rave links, that won't matter too much.


Crouch Strong
Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
CVS2 Geese 2MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mp.png 1100 11 SU Mid Mid 7 7 14 28 -1 -1 None

Geese chops at the floor. Decent reach, but only cancels into supers. You can link this after two 2LP's, though it's a pretty tight link. Your highest damage medium normals as well, so if you need the punish, starting with this is optimal when in range. You'll still rarely use this though.


Crouch Fierce
Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
CVS2 Geese 2HP First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Geese 2HP Second.PNG
Second Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 1300,1100 13,11 SP*/SU Mid High 3 9 27 40 -12 -12 None

Geese uppercuts high into the air. Your primary anti-air normal, and a pretty solid one overall, though it lacks the invincibility of things like DP's. Outside of anti-airs, this is a frame faster than cl.HP, so in situations where the opponent won't be punished by cl.HP you can use this instead. You can also use this for easier links if you struggle with linking into cl.HP, though it does sacrifice damage.


Crouch Short
Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
CVS2 Geese 2LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lk.png 400 4 SP/SU Low Low 3 4 7 14 +6 +6 None

Geese kicks at the opponents feet. Geese's main low mixup, though it doesn't cancel into itself like other 2LK's do. This isn't too bad, as it does link into both cl.HP and 2HP for combo confirms or safe blockstrings for guard crush. You can even just run in and do another, though it isn't quite as good at this as 2LP is due to only being +6 instead of +8. +6 is still nothing to scoff at though. It also makes up for no self-cancel by having surprisingly decent range for a 3 frame low, making it a very useful move to annoy opponents in close range with quick lows, though it can't combo to anything without a link or a Deadly Rave.


Crouch Forward
Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
CVS2 Geese 2MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mk.png 1000 10 SP/SU Low Low 4 7 14 26 +1 +1 None

Another low kick like 2LK. Decent range for a Geese normal, making it a great poke. Works after longer 2LP strings and is an easier link than 2LP too. Confirms into Deadly Rave at all ranges as well, and thanks to the very fast startup, this is a stellar way to punish into big damage. Doesn't combo into anything else sadly, but it is plus, making a cancel into MP Reppuken a bit harder to escape than other 2MK > Fireball strings.


Crouch Roundhouse
Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
CVS2 Geese 2HK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 1400 14 SP/SU Low Low 6 4 35 45 DWN -15 None

A long reaching sweep kick with a cancel window. Geese having a cancellable sweep is a great tool, but this does come with a price in the form of massive endlag. If you don't whiff this, you can cancel into MP Reppuken for safety on block without sacrificing much if it does hit. On hit, you get a knockdown, which is great as it lets you run in and meaty for a guard crush string or a combo. This also works as a surprise low after some blockstrings, especially in the corner where the pushback isn't as harsh. However at longer ranges, no cancel is fast enough to be a true blockstring, letting them reversal or roll through whatever you do. His main BnB ender.

Jumping Normals


Jump Jab
Jumping Light Punch
CVS2 Geese jLP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lp.png 600 6 None High High 5 24 0 29 Varies Varies None

Geese sticks out his hand to smack the opponent. Standard j.LP, though a bit slower than most. Decent hitbox makes it a nice air interrupt, but otherwise you won't use this much.


Jump Strong
Jumping Medium Punch
CVS2 Geese jMP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mp.png 1100 11 None High High 5 10 0 15 Varies Varies None

Geese sticks his arm out in front of him. Decent air-to-air with a high hitbox, though j.HK outranges it horizontally. This does make it a better rising air-to-air, but you would rather 2HP for anti-air most of the time.


Jump Fierce
Jumping Heavy Punch
CVS2 Geese jHP First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Geese jHP Second.PNG
Second Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hp.png 800+900 8+9 None High High 5 4(4)4 0 21 Varies Varies None

Geese strikes downward twice. If both hits connect this is his highest damage jump-in, but combos off of it are a bit more difficult than j.HK. It can also work as a double overhead, but the timing for this can be a bit strict... unless done from a hop. This can be a very annoying overhead mixup off of a hop because of that, and it makes for a stellar confirm into Deadly Rave for huge damage.


Jump Short
Jumping Light Kick
CVS2 Geese jLK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lk.png 600 6 None High High 5 22 0 27 Varies Varies None

Geese kicks his leg out and leaves it there for a while. Would be a useful air-interrupt like j.LP, but the hitbox is a bit too low. Instead, it's a fast instant overhead, especially from a hop.


Jump Forward
Jumping Medium Kick
CVS2 Geese jMK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mk.png 1000 10 None High High 5 12 0 17 Varies Varies None

A move with an identical animation to j.LK. Instead of being an IOH though, it's Geese's main crossup, and a very good one at that. Setting this up after a knockdown is very rewarding, as if it hits Geese gets a combo, and if it gets blocked Geese gets a great guard crush string. Mixing this up on knockdowns with a meaty j.HK is great in general for a mixup.


Jump Roundhouse
Jumping Heavy Kick
CVS2 Geese njHK First.PNG
First Hitbox
CVS2 Geese njHK Second.PNG
Second Hitbox
CVS2 Geese jHK.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
U.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None High High 8 7 0 15 Varies Varies None
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/Uf.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None High High 5 8 0 13 Varies Varies None

Neutral j.HK is a move very similar to 5HK, and diagonal j.HK is a far reaching kick. With nj.HK, it can be a useful neutral jump air-to-air, but you usually won't use it much. Diagonal j.HK is likely the main move you'll use during a jump, as it is both a great jump-in and a solid air-to-air with long reach. While both hits of j.HP together do more damage, you usually won't get both hits, making this a much more consistent jump starter for damage.

Command Normals

Fudo Kassatsuriken

Fudo Kassatsuriken
CVS2 Geese 6HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
F.png+Hp.png 1600 16 SP/SU Mid High 14 10 20 44 DWN -4 None

Geese steps forward before striking down with an elbow. Great reach and an immediate knockdown on hit makes this a rewarding punish tool, and on block it's very safe and can cancel into MP Reppuken for solid pressure and great guard crush. In general this is very useful for guard crush strings, though the long startup means it can't be done as a true blockstring, so the opponent can always reversal or roll through. Still, if the opponent is respecting an option like cl.HP, it does a lot more guard damage. It can also be useful as a poke in general, though it does have a lot of whiff recovery. You can also get a bit greedy in blockstrings with this by walking slightly forward after they block something like MP Reppuken and doing this to catch a mash or jump, and once they respect that, you can walk all the way in and throw them. Notably, this move can kara-cancel pretty late into the startup, allowing you to add some forward movement to a Reppuken or Atemi counter.


Shinkuu Nage

Shinkuu Nage
Punch Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HP
CVS2 Geese PThrow.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 1900 0 None Grab Grab 3 1 13 17 DWN Grab None

Geese's iconic command grab, now downgraded to just a standard grab. Faster of his two throws, like all punch throws are, but throws them very far away making it hard to get okizeme midscreen. The faster startup makes it better for punishes, but you would almost always rather use his kick throw for the stellar knockdown and damage.


Kick Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Geese KThrow.PNG
Geese hk throw damage.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 2200 0 None Grab Grab 5 1 13 19 DWN Grab None

Geese slams the opponent over his shoulder. Great damage and an amazing knockdown makes for a very rewarding throw overall. A slight microwalk backwards allows you to easily set up a crossup j.MK safejump. Slightly slower than his punch throw, but this makes tick throws from Geese's very plus 2LP a bit easier, so that can almost be a benefit outside of punish situations.

This throw is VERY powerful when Geese is raged. Geese can perform a deep cross up from a small jump and combo into easily to land a big combo. The throw also does a massive damage and just two of these can cause 50% damage. The opponent will usually be afraid of a combo into Deadly Rave, so don't be afraid to abuse HK throw.



CVS2 Geese 236P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.png+Lp.png 900 9 None Mid High 12 Traveling 46 58 -13 -13 None
Qcf.png+Mp.png 1000 10 None Mid High 12 Traveling 46 58 -13 -13 None

Zoning tools and blockstring enders. The LP version is a slow tool to toss at fullscreen to take up space, while the MP version is your go-to blockstring ender for safety and guard crush, though it always ends your string. Grounded fireballs are universally inferior for zoning, as they're much easier to evade, so using these as you would usually use a fireball doesn't work as well as a high flying fireball would. This sorta limits them to blockstrings, close range pressure, and meaties, though they excel in these categories.

Double Reppuken

Double Reppuken
Double Fireball
CVS2 Geese 236HP First.PNG
CVS2 Geese 236HP Second.PNG
Traveling Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.png+Hp.png 600+1000 6+10 None Mid High 12 20~Traveling 43 74 -10 -10 None

Geese spins a bit of energy up in front of him before sending it out as a Reppuken. Useful counter-zoning tools, as the first half deletes projectiles and will still send out the second part. Still not super useful for zoning sadly, even moreso because of the very long total duration. If both hits connect it does more damage than a Reppuken, but most of the time only the fireball will connect, which is identical to MP Reppuken.


Air Fireball
CVS2 Geese j214P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
In Air Qcb.png+Lp.png 700 7 None Mid High 16 Traveling Till Landing +6 20+ -7 -5 None
In Air Qcb.png+Mp.png 800 8 None Mid High 16 Traveling Till Landing +6 20+ -7 -5 None
In Air Qcb.png+Hp.png 900 9 None Mid High 16 Traveling Till Landing +6 20+ -7 -5 None

Geese tosses a fireball out midair and flies backwards. Useful zoning and anti-air bait tools, but they do have a bit of lag, so watch for spamming them as they can be punished into big damage. Against opponents who are trying to rush Geese down these can be very useful for escaping and zoning. The backwards movement can also be useful to bait and punish anti-airs, though invincible ones or fast ones will still usually win because of the high startup.


CVS2 Geese 63214K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.png+Lk.png 400x2+1000 4x2+10 None Mid High 7, 8~28 +2 (2)4(5)4(11)6 11/41 58~101 DWN -23 None
Hcb.png+Mk.png 400x2+1100 4x2+11 None Mid High 12, 13~33 +2 4(5)4(11)6 11/41 51~106 DWN -23 None
Hcb.png+Hk.png 500x2+1200 5x2+12 None Mid High 17, 18~38 +2 4(5)4(11)6 11/41 61~111 DWN -23 None

Geese rushes forward, and once in proximity of the opponent, goes into a series of strikes ending in a double palm for a knockdown. Your primary combo ender off of heavy hits, though you usually can't combo into the HK version. They can also be decent roll cancels to go through fireballs. Very unsafe on block, so make sure you know they'll hit or you'll eat a punish. The HK version is a guard crush monster, and when they're at about half guard bar, you can basically guarantee it will guard break.


Atemi Counters
CVS2 Geese 63214LP.PNG
High Counter, Jodan
CVS2 Geese 63214MP.PNG
Mid Counter, Chudan
CVS2 Geese 63214HP.PNG
Low Counter, Gedan
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Jodan Atemi
1900 19 None N/A N/A 0 1~18 32 50 DWN N/A High (Counters from frame 1 to 18)
Chudan Atemi
2100 0 None N/A N/A 0 1~18 32 50 DWN N/A Mid (Counters from frame 1 to 18)
Gedan Atemi
2000 0 None N/A N/A 0 1~18 32 50 DWN N/A Low (Counters from frame 1 to 18)

Geese holds out his hands either at his head, around his torso, or down on the ground. If the opponent does an attack that comes in contact with his hands, he grabs them and knocks them down. High risk/high reward tools for calling out obvious pressure, jump-ins, and repetitive pokes. If you do get one of these, you take a chunk of the opponents lifebar and get a hard knockdown. However, they have a long total duration, so the opponent can easily punish into a combo if you whiff these or guess wrong on what parry you do. Frame 1 startup means that they can be reversals, but they aren't as reliable as a reversal DP while carrying just as much risk. They also don't beat throws like a reversal DP would. The high version can be a useful anti-air as well, but again, not as much as a reversal DP. Simply empty jumping will make Geese whiff the counter and allow the opponent to punish him.


Raging Storm

Raging Storm
Anti-Air, Reversal Super
CVS2 Geese 1632143P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Db.pngHcb.pngDf.png+Lp.png 3300 0 None Mid High 4:10 9(3)9(3)9 30 77 DWN -7 1~8 (Full)
Db.pngHcb.pngDf.png+Mp.png 4800 0 SP/SU Mid High 4:10 9(3)9(3)9(3)9 30 89 DWN -7 1~14 (Full)
Db.pngHcb.pngDf.png+Hp.png 6500 0 None Mid High 4:10 9(3)9(3)9(3)9(3)9 30 101 DWN -7 1~22 (Full)

Geese sends a huge storm of energy up and around him. These act as massive damage anti-airs, as long as you can do the input fast enough. Only the level 3 one is a reversal, and while it's a very good one, you usually want to save the level 3 for a Deadly Rave cancel rather than a high damage reversal. Slow startup makes these hard to use in general as well, with 10 frame startup after the super flash. While -7 sounds pretty safe for a reversal, some characters can still punish with a fast poke into super, so be sure what punish options every character has.

The key to using this super is to pump the motions while poking or whiffing a normal, typically a light attack or Pumping half circles while poking and the moment they jump hit down forward + punch to get a very fast instantaneous Raging Storm. Working this tactic into you gameplay will help scare your opponent even more, allowing you to land you hits or break guard and perform a Deadly Rave combo.

Deadly Rave

Deadly Rave
Rave Super
CVS2 Geese 632146K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.pngF.png+Lk.png>Lp.png>Lp.png>Lk.png>Lk.png>Mp.png>Mk.png>Hp.png>Hk.png>Qcb.png+Hp.png 6200 0 None Mid High 4:4 41 23 72 DWN +13 22 (Full)

Geese rushes forward before going into a series of attacks tied to your inputs. One of the reasons Geese is the top tier he is. This super does massive damage, the rush is +13 making it a safe fireball callout, and you can link after the HK part of the root for a damage increase. Combos from a lot of Geese's normals as well, making a single Geese punish capable of going through 70% of a lifebar. Mixed with Geese's amazing pressure, a guard crush can confirm into this easily. Your main way to end this isn't the 214HP ender, but instead, link a cl.LK, and then do cl.HP > 63214MK for much higher damage.

Universal combos

  • Bread and Butter

c.lp, c.lp, c.lp, c.rh

Deadly Rave stun combo


Geese CvS2 colors.png

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