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= Introduction =
== Introduction ==
{{CvS2 Character Subnav|char=Raiden|short=Raiden}}
== Story ==
'''Raiden''' is an Australian professional wrestler. He was known for violence, often maiming his opponents and injuring them heavily. Geese Howard noticed this, and hired him on as a henchman. He excelled at this, mostly due to his violent nature. When Geese started The King of Fighters, Raiden entered to find strong fighters to hurt. While he did well in the beginning, he eventually fought against Andy Bogard, who swiftly dispatched him. Humiliated by his defeat, he changed his ways. He went from a heel wrestler (a violent, villain persona wrestler) to a face wrestler (a heroic and fan favorite wrestler), renaming himself to Big Bear. Nowadays, he hangs out with the Bogard brothers and Joe, and enters tournaments under either of his characters to relive his glory days mostly.

= Moves List =
== Gameplay ==
Raiden is a very unique character. He's a large, big-body style character mainly, with the highest health value possible in the game. He has a few solid buttons, neat pressure strings, a 421P Rekka in Combination Body Blow for knockdowns, and a strange but useful invincible special with [4]6P Giant Bomb. His useful neutral tools allow him to get a knockdown with his Rekkas and run his notably useful guard crush strings, especially in K-Groove. While he does have a command grab, he doesn't use it often. Instead, he uses his abnormally long range and high damage punch throw to threaten a tick throw from very far away. This has powerful conjunction with his guard crush strings, as the opponent essentially has to guess between a tick throw or a rekka, and then even after the rekka, they have to guess between the 214P followup which is a strike and the 214K followup command grab. Even better, Raiden can use his 63214P Poison Breath for an extremely plus on block special, allowing him to reset this situation constantly.
Raiden does have to struggle around some big weaknesses however. The biggest ones being his size and speed. Raiden wants to get close, but can't crouch under much of anything, and isn't fast enough to evade any pokes either. His poor jump arc doesn't help, forcing him to often just walk and block or risk a gimmick option to get in. Raiden comes equipped with plenty of gimmick options, like Giant Bomb which will blow through opponents mashing buttons or throwing poor fireballs. Still, if the opponent knows how to beat these tools, Raiden isn't left with much that isn't notably high risk. Raiden is an interesting big body character with hints of both the grappler and the guard crush style in him, who has to struggle through neutral and especially on defense to win.
=== Groove Selection ===
'''Best - K:''' K-Raiden is easily his best Groove. While his run isn't the greatest, it's much better than his dash, and run is always better for approaching. Having hop helps him evade things, and hop j.2HP Flying Body Press lets him threaten a very useful crossup. Rage sends his damage up high, and especially sends his guard crush high, allowing Raiden to realistically guard crush with a few moves. Blocking vs. a Raged Raiden is scary, and if he does land a hit, he hits like a truck. He has plenty of scary good setups into his throw and 360 and especially his 720, as low jump LK is a very good tool to set it up. Just Defend is useful to call out pokes aggressively, make jumps a bit less risky, and to beat pressure strings where the opponent doesn't change their timings. His level 3 6321463214P Fire Breath super is also incredibly useful, being able to confirm from his rekka ender easily. This lets him do MASSIVE damage from clean hits, and gives him very realistic 2-touch potential. K-Raiden has everything he needs and more, and is solidly his best Groove.
'''Useful - N/P/C:''' N-Raiden is essentially a lesser K-Raiden. He maintains the mobility, but gains a roll, which can be very useful for roll cancels. RC Rekkas and RC Poison Breath especially can be very useful. He sacrifices K-Raiden's guard crush ability and massive damage output, as only the level 3 version of Fire Breath juggles, meaning N-Raiden has to activate Max Mode. Though this isn't a huge weakness, as Raiden has decent dizzy potential, and one dizzy with two bars will likely end the round. P-Raiden gets very consistent parry punishes, and still has hop to use for better mixup potential. His punishes up close are great, but even a far parry can at least get him a throw thanks to his amazing punch throw. P-Raiden won't have meter often, but when he does, he can do massive damage. C-Raiden gets more access to supers overall, upping his damage, and airblock somewhat makes up for losing hop. His level 2 combo does decent damage when using his 236236P Crazy Train super, and while it isn't quite as damaging as a level 3 Fire Breath, he has access to it more often.
'''Worst - A/S:''' A-Raiden has one massive weakness, and that's lacking any synergy with Custom Combo. While Raiden's CC is simple and does good damage, he lacks any utility with it in the same way the best A-Groove characters have. His only real anti-air CC being in the corner, no good blocked CC, and all of the utility it has like being able to confirm a CC after a Rekka being done better by level 3 Fire Breath holds him back a lot. Otherwise, all of what A-Raiden has, C-Raiden also has. S-Raiden similarly struggles, as he loses any high damage potential until very low health. Raiden can charge and not be too scared of getting hit thanks to his high health, but it's still not a great thing to deal with, and S-Groove has very little strength otherwise.
'''Raiden''' is a big body character who dishes out damage and crushes guard with the best of them when he gets in. He has to struggle to get the opponent sitting still, but if he can, he shines with powerful blockstrings and massive damage, especially in his best Groove. Raiden is best in '''K-Groove'''.
'''Difficulty''': Hard<br>'''Tier''': C+
* '''Damage:''' Raiden is capable of dishing out massive damage, especially with Rage, where he can juggle after his 421P > 214P with a level 3 Fire Breath
* '''Health:''' Tied with Zangeif and Chang for the highest health value possible, Raiden can take plenty of hits and keep going
* '''Guard Crush:''' Using his 63214P Poison Breath, Raiden can constantly reset pressure, all while threatening a powerful strike/throw mixup, allowing him to melt opponents guard bars
* '''Strike/Throw:''' While you may think this is because of his command grab, Raiden actually uses just his simple punch throw for this. This is because his punch throw has abnormally long reach and high damage, allowing him to threaten a throw from farther out than anyone else can
* '''Giant Bomb:''' [4]6P Giant Bomb is a unique special with tons of invincibility on the startup, and it can be spaced out to be fairly hard to punish. If your opponent doesn't know how to deal with this, Raiden's neutral becomes much better
* '''Big and Slow:''' Raiden has to struggle through neutral vs a lot of the top tiers since he is both a very large hurtbox and not very mobile. CvS2 is almost entirely about neutral, so this weakness can't be understated
* '''No Reversal:''' While Giant Bomb does have invincibility, it isn't a true reversal, forcing Raiden to rely on system mechanics to escape pressure
* '''Weak Normals:''' Raiden lacks any sort of ridiculous button like many of the top tiers, and will often just be walking forward and blocking in neutral to get into close range
* '''K-Groove Reliant:''' Because of the strength of K-Groove and his synergy with it, Raiden can only really compete in K-Groove, which means many teams simply can't have Raiden and still succeed
=== Players to Watch ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Country !! Groove !! Accounts !! Notes
| 178 || Japan || C-Groove || Twitter: @chandesogeese || Works around C-Raiden's sluggish speed well. Also uses dropkick like Boxer's TAP. <br> [ Sample Match]
| Wadatsumi || Japan || C-Groove || Twitter: @wadatsunami || Runs a weird team with Raiden as his anchor. Great fundamentals. <br> [ Sample Match]
| bea || Japan || K-Groove || Twitter: @bea_not_bear <br> Youtube: bea_ch || A very strong K-Groover who uses big body characters to minimalize his margin for error. Great use of Raiden's rushdown abilities. <br> [ Sample Match]
| DESORA || Japan || K-Groove || Twitter: @desora24 <br> Youtube: KEIKE DESORA || A player with a large character pool, and is a great K-Groover overall. Doesn't miss an opportunity to land Raiden's dangerous level 3 supers. <br> [ Sample Match]

== Normal Moves ==
== Normal Moves ==
=== Far Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">5LP</span> ===
| name    = Far Jab
| input    = 5LP / Far LP
| subtitle = Far Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5LP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 10
  | total      = 18
  | advHit      = +1
  | advBlock    = +1
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick upward chop.
* Slow, but can work as a very short but useable anti-air.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MP</span> ===
| name    = Far Strong
| input    = 5MP / Far MP
| subtitle = Far Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5MP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1100
  | stun        = 11
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 32
  | advHit      = -1
  | advBlock    = -1
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A big palm strike.
* Most times you may get this normal because you're trying to get close 5MP, but it still has uses.
* Works as an anti-air, but the vertical range on the hitbox is short, so you can't press it too early.
* Useable poke.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5HP</span> ===
| name    = Far Fierce
| input    = 5HP / Far HP
| subtitle = Far Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5HP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5HP
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600
  | stun        = 16
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 10
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 15
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = +5
  | advBlock    = +5
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A big gut punch.
* No cancels, but does the highest damage a single button can do, so it's definitely a worthwhile thing to punish with from ranges that 2LP and 2LK/MK will whiff at.
* Really slow as a poke, but if landed you are +5 and get good damage.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5LK</span> ===
| name    = Far Short
| input    = 5LK / Far LK
| subtitle = Far Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5LK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5LK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 500
  | stun        = 5
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 7
  | total      = 19
  | advHit      = +4
  | advBlock    = +4
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick midsection kick.
* Really good button to pressure with while threating a strike/throw mixup.
* Great poke, decent range and pretty fast, you can throw it out and risk nothing.
* Has good active frames for a light normal.
=== <span class="invisible-header">5MK</span> ===
| name    = Far Forward
| input    = 5MK / Far MK
| subtitle = Far Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5MK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5MK
| data  =
  | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 10
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 33
  | advHit      = -2
  | advBlock    = -2
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A long ranged toe kick.
* Has good range, but as a poke it's slow and not rewarding at all.
* Not that useful.

<table style="width:600px;border:1px solid silver" cellborder="1">
=== <span class="invisible-header">5HK</span> ===
| name    = Far Roundhouse
| input    = 5HK / Far HK
| subtitle = Far Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_5HK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 5HK
| data  =
   | version    = Far {{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
   | subtitle    =
   | damage      = 1400
   | stun        = 14
   | cancel      = None
   | guard      = Mid
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=3>Jab</td>
   | parry      = High
   | startup    = 14
   | active      = 8
   | recovery    = 18
   | total      = 40
   | advHit      = -9
   | advBlock    = 0
   | invul      = None
   | description =
Raiden does a standing dropkick.
* A very unique normal. While it can go over lows that is pretty much it's only good use.
* The reason why this normal is -9 on hit and 0 on block is because the movehit data for air normals is used for this button. On block it causes a lot of pushback and is 0. This was most likely customized data specifically for this button. On hit, it causes very little pushback and is -9, which was the result of air normal hitstun and pushback being used here. In terms of practicality, this button kinda sucks, it's punishable on hit, but it's still unique and unlike any other normal in the game.

=== Close Standing Normals ===
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=4>Strong</td>
=== <span class="invisible-header">clMP</span> ===
| name    = Close Strong
| input    = cl.MP
| subtitle =
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_cl5MP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.MP
| data  =
   | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
   | subtitle    =
   | damage      = 1100
   | stun        = 11
   | cancel      = SP/SU
   | guard      = Mid
   | parry      = High
   | startup    = 7
   | active      = 7
   | recovery    = 11
   | total      = 25
   | advHit      = +4
   | advBlock   = +4
   | invul      = None
   | description =
A downward elbow strike.
* Your go-to confirm into HP Combination Body Blow and Crazy Train.
* Decent meaty and up close button.
* Has a very short proximity range, your best confirm into it is from a crossup j.2HP but you can get it from a typical jump-in but it has to be deep.
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=4>Fierce</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=4>Short</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=4>Forward</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan=3>Roundhouse</td>
  <td>'''Command Normals'''</td>
   <td style="border:1px solid green"> df+Roundhouse</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid green"> (air)d+Fierce</td>

=== <span class="invisible-header">clHP</span> ===
| name    = Close Fierce
| input    = cl.HP
| subtitle = Close Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_cl5HP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.HP
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1600
  | stun        = 16
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 26
  | total      = 40
  | advHit      = -8
  | advBlock    = -8
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A slow, powerful clothesline.
* Nothing really that special with this button, it's unsafe but does have a cancel to super.
* Most likely seen when Raiden fails to get his punch throw.

== Special Moves ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">clLK</span> ===
| name    = Close Short
| input    = cl.LK
| subtitle = Close Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_cl5LK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.LK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600
  | stun        = 6
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 7
  | total      = 16
  | advHit      = +4
  | advBlock    = +4
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick midsection knee.
* Pretty much the same as 5LK, you can pressure with this button and continuously threaten a punch throw.
* Has a really, really short activation range but the data is pretty much unchanged from 5LK outside of 100 extra damage so it doesn't change too much.
* Has a special cancel unlike 5LK, but the only special it combos into is LP Combination Body Blow, but since the activation range is near nonexistent you cannot combo into it from chains like 2LP.

'''Punch Throw''' (f+hp) - Raiden has the best punch throw in the game. With a range of 85 pixels, he can usually grab characters outside of their jab range meaning some characters will have an extremely difficult time teching or countering Raiden's throw attempts. Raiden's punch throw being so far ranged is extremely versatile in K as many normals when JD'd can now be thrown due to the 85 pixels.
=== <span class="invisible-header">clMK</span> ===
| name    = Close Forward
| input    = cl.MK
| subtitle = Close Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_cl5MK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = cl.MK
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1100
  | stun        = 11
  | cancel      = SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 28
  | advHit      = 0
  | advBlock    = 0
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A goofy looking upkick.
* Can be an up close anti-air for short hops, but much like Raiden's other close normals the activation range is really short.
* Can't be used for anything else, the super cancel and relatively weak damage makes it not worth using in most situations.  

'''d+hp''' (In Air) - Raiden's version of a cross up. Extremely large hit-box and hits extremely deep. Useful in his BnB combo of j.j+hp, xx rdp+lp, qcb+p
=== Crouching Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Jab
| input    = 2LP / cr.LP
| subtitle = Crouching Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2LP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 2LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 300
  | stun        = 3
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 6
  | total      = 14
  | advHit      = +5
  | advBlock    = +5
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A fast crouching jab.
* A good jab as they come, it doesn't hit low but it's really fast and plus.
* Great button for ticking/pressuring, and is Raiden's go-to jab starter.

'''Giant Bomb''' (charge b, f+p) - Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward with a shoulder ram. Very interesting special due to its heavy invulnerability window. 21/31/39 frames of invulnerability with 26/34/42 startup frames and -14/-16/-18 on block depending on power of punch used. This special much like Joe's Slash Kick, Cammy's Spiral Arrow or Rock's Hard Edge can be distanced correctly so that it becomes difficult or impossible to punish for certain characters on block. RC Giant bomb is nearly useless as the invulnerability window of the RC will be completely overshadowed by the moves normal invulnerability.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Strong
| input    = 2MP / cr.MP
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2MP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 19
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = -1
  | advBlock    = -1
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick low punch.
* While a serviceable poke, the fact that this button has no cancels makes it very unrewarding in his combos and neutral game.
* Pretty short ranged and slow in recovery.

'''Poison Breath''' (hcb+p) - Raiden spits out green poison that awards a knockdown on connect. 17/21/24 frames of startup and +9 at all levels on block. Huge recovery on whiff (101 on HP version!). Useful as early AA and for corner tricks.  
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HP</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Fierce
| input    = 2HP / cr.HP
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2HP2.png
| caption  = First Hitbox
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_2HP1.png
| caption2  = Second Hitbox
| linkname = 2HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 900+600
  | stun        = 9+6
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 11
  | active      = 2+3
  | recovery    = 29
  | total      = 45
  | advHit      = -8
  | advBlock    = -8
  | invul      = None
  | description =
An upward axe handle swing.
* While it's supposed to be one of Raiden's anti-airs, it's painfully slow. The second hitbox (the one that is meant to anti-air) starts up in 13 frames, and considering the massive 29 frame recovery, throwing it out there expecting a jump is not going to lead to good results.
* Cannot cancel the first hit for combo purposes, it should only be used as a very early anti-air.

'''Drop Kick''' (hold 2x kicks and release) - Raiden's overhead where he jumps up into the air and sticks his legs out in front of him. In general, not too great due to heavy recovery (-35 and up). It's worth noting that RC Drop Kick however is his AA of choice as the hit-box is large. RC drop kick should always be done by holding down MK and HK with middle and ring finger. Upon tapping the roll inputs, lifting up the middle and index finger will execute the RC drop kick.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2LK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Short
| input    = 2LK / cr.LK
| subtitle = Crouching Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2LK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 2LK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 400
  | stun        = 4
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 5
  | recovery   = 11
  | total      = 20
  | advHit      = -2
  | advBlock    = -2
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick low toe tap.
* Unlike 2LP, 2LK can combo into HP Combination Body Blow, so it should be used for light confirms into it.
* Good poke, but due to the big 11 frame recovery and being minus it's not the best pressure option.

'''Jumping Lariat Drop''' (dp+p) - Raiden does a flying lariat off a jump that travels a distance dependent on the punch used. Good for surprise tactics and mix-up but plagued with TERRIBLE recovery on block.
=== <span class="invisible-header">2MK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Forward
| input    = 2MK / cr.MK
| subtitle = Crouching Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2MK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 2MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = SP/SU
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 7
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 27
  | advHit      = -2
  | advBlock    = -2
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A slower toe tap.
* Essentially a slower 2LK, but cannot be confirmed into from any ground normal.
* Has enough hitstun to combo into LP Poison Breath for guard break strings.
* If you're too far out to get close 5MP, use this normal to confirm into HP Combination Body Blow from a jump-in.

'''Combination Body Blow''' (rdp+p) - Raiden rushes forward and strikes his opponent with a punch to the stomach. Comes out in 13/14/15 frames depending on punch used and leaves Raiden at (-13/-14/-15) on block and hit. Can be followed up with two possible specials
=== <span class="invisible-header">2HK</span> ===
| name    = Crouch Roundhouse
| input    = 2HK / cr.HK
| subtitle = Crouching Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_2HK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = 2HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Low
  | parry      = Low
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = 24
  | total      = 41
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -8
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A sweeping heel kick.
* Pretty good startup for a sweep, and being -8 means it's pretty safe with good spacing.
* While being pretty committing without a cancel, landing this sweep awards Raiden a knockdown and can begin his strong pressure.

'''Headbutt''' (qcb+p AFTER Combination Body Blow) - Raiden headbutts his opponent, launching them into the air, and also into a juggleable state meaning Raiden can connect a level three fire spit super after it. Leaves Raiden at -7 on block so Combination Body Blow should always be followed up as the recovery is better.  
=== Jumping Normals ===
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Jab
| input    = j.LP
| subtitle = Jumping Light Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jLP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.LP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600
  | stun        = 6
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 8
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = -
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick aerial palm strike.
* One of your many air-to-airs. Small damage with okay startup.
* Pretty outclassed by j.LK unless the opponent in the air-to-air situation is above you.

'''Front Suplex''' (qcb+k AFTER Combination Body Blow) - Raiden moves forward and attempts to grab his opponent, landing a suplex on connect. Not horribly useful for anything other than following up a blocked Commbination Body Blow. Because it is a grab, it's unblockable but can be easily reacted to with a quick normal, special or even super. It's useful to know that if an opponent is thinking you will be following up with a headbutt, often times a Front Suplex will catch them off guard.  
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Strong
| input    = j.MP
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jMP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.MP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1200
  | stun        = 12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 10
  | active      = 11
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = -
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = -
  | description =
A slower aerial palm strike.
* If you want damage from your air-to-air you can use this button, but it is very slow in startup so you need to read the jump most times.

'''Thunder Crush Bomb''' (360+p) - Raiden's command grab with a range of 85 frames on the jab version. Comes out in 3 frames meaning it has the same speed as his punch throw, but cannot be teched. Useful for when you feel your opponent is going to tech your throw attempts such as after JD's, empty jumps, or low jump shorts. Can be RC'd much like Honda's Ooichou Nage command grab for corner and wake-up mix-ups.
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HP</span> ===
| name    = Jump Fierce
| input    = j.HP
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Punch
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jHP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.HP
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 11
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = -
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A double palm chop.
* One of Raiden's main jump-in attacks, it is the most damaging air normal Raiden has.
* As an air-to-air the small disjoint makes it useable but it's even slow than j.MP so the reads are still necessary.

== Super Moves ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.LK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Short
| input    = j.LK
| subtitle = Jumping Light Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jLK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.LK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 600
  | stun        = 6
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 4
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = -
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
A quick outward leg kick.
* One of Raiden's best normals. Has really good range, and is especially scary in hop grooves where he can use a 4-frame high in tandem with his lows and threaten a punch throw afterwards, and he then gets in for more pressure.
* Great air-to-air and jump-in. It's really fast and has the range to land from most air-to-air positions, but due to the low hitbox those situations are not beneficial to use this normal for.

'''Destruction Drop''' (720+k) - Raiden's command super throw. The farthest reaching throw in the game at level 3 with a range of 118 pixels! Immense damage of 6400 at level 3, it is inescapable if the opponent has not jumped once super flash has occurred (same as E.Honda and Zangief's super throws).  
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.MK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Forward
| input    = j.MK
| subtitle = Jumping Medium Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jMK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.MK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1100
  | stun        = 11
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 7
  | active      = 11
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = 18
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden sticks his leg out.
* Good air to air and a very long ranged move overall. If j.LK lacks the hitstun for jump-ins or setups, j.MK can be used as an alternative
* Very okay jump-in, not the best one Raiden has.

'''Crazy Train''' (qcfx2+p) - Raiden rushes forward with a flurry of punches and finishes the sequence with a giant bomb. Does 6600 damage at level 3 meaning it is extremely powerful. Can be combo'd into off of close strong, jabx3 and close fierce. 4 frame startup at all levels means decent for use on wake-up.
=== <span class="invisible-header">j.HK</span> ===
| name    = Jump Roundhouse
| input    = j.HK
| subtitle = Jumping Heavy Kick
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_jHK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = j.HK
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|ub}}/{{Motion|u}}/{{Motion|uf}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 8
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does an aerial dropkick.
* Decent air-to-air if done early, but the lack of active frames compared to startup frames can make it a little difficult to use.
* Can be a jump-in, but Raiden has better options.

'''Flame Breath''' (hcbx2+p) - Raiden spits out a stream of fire with a massive hit-box. Can be crouched by a few of the very short cast. Does 5000 damage at level 3 and can be super cancelled in C-Groove. By itself, the super is only useful as a very early AA due to its 13 frame startup but when used after a corner connected giant bomb or connected combination body blow to headbut, its effects are devastating as it hits juggled opponents for FULL damage, not partial like Kyo's Serpent Wave super or  Chun Li's Chi Palm super.
== Command Normals ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Body Press</span> ===
| name    = Bear Stomp
| input    = 3HK
| subtitle =
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_3HK.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Bear Stomp
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|df}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 13
  | active      = 6
  | recovery    = 19
  | total      = 38
  | advHit      = +2
  | advBlock    = +2
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a goofy looking stomp in front of him.
* While looking useless on the surface, as the range is nonexistent and has no visible threat in neutral, this command normal has some specific but very helpful uses due to it's big disjoint on the ground.
* The main purpose of this normal is to punish low hitting attacks on the ground. While there are many cases where this normal can work, the most noteworthy examples of this are [ Blanka's Slide/Rolling Ball], and [ Cammy's Spiral Arrow], which are moves that you will see a lot of if you face those characters. Keep in mind the startup for this move is 13 frames so you may have to preemptively stick it out in neutral, which might lead to it getting beat out during it's recovery. It's a risk that Raiden can take though, as his high health can spare him of some mistakes he makes in neutral.

= The Basics =
Raiden's strongest groove is without a doubt, K, due to his lack of a solid AA. Crouching fierce is a decent AA but has heavy startup as does RC drop kick. Also, Raiden can use meter extremely effectively due to his deadly mix-up meaning having a steady supply of level 3's makes him dangerous. Raged Raiden also has nasty guard break potential as combination body blow and poison spit do very respectable guard damage.
=== <span class="invisible-header">Body Press</span> ===
| name    = Body Press
| input    = j.2HP
| subtitle =
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_dj2HP.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Body Press
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|d}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = High
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 22
  | recovery    = -
  | total      = 27
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden stretches his arms outward as he does a flying crossbody.
* This is Raiden's main cross-up tool. It just adds on to his mix-up game.
* The main move to confirm into close 5MP, can land at close and farther range.

In the air, Raiden is very slow so low jumps greatly improve his game as his d+hp and low lump short are extremely high in priority. Also, low jumps help him land his command throws making him much more threatening.
== Throws ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Piledriver</span> ===
| name    = Piledriver
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HP
| subtitle = Punch Throw
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_Rangethrow.png
| caption  = Throw Range
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_Pthrow.png
| caption2  = Piledriver
| linkname = Piledriver
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2100
  | stun        = 22
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =

= Combos =
Raiden grabs and piledrives his opponent.
* An absolutely scary throw. At a huge range of 85 pixels, it boasts the longest normal throw range in the game. It also does great damage, especially when raged.
* Raiden prefers this throw in a vacuum over his 360 as he can activate it instantly and it gives him great pressure afterwards.
* This is also his go-to throw over his kick throw does not share the same range.

j.d+hp, xx CBB+HB
=== <span class="invisible-header">Bear Hug</span> ===
| name    = Bear Hug
| input    = Near Opponent, 4/6HK
| subtitle = Kick Throw
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_Kthrowrange.png
| caption  = Throw Range
| image2  = CVS2_Raiden_Kthrow.png
| caption2  = Bear Hug
| linkname = Bear Hug
| data  =
  | version    = Close {{Motion|b}}/{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 1000 + 200 (up to 17 times)
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = -
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 5
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 17
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden puts his opponent in a chokehold and squeezes them.
* While this throw can do more damage than the punch throw, most times it's equal to it, and it does not have the same range as the punch throw at 52 pixels, and starts up two frames slower, therefore essentially making it outclassed by the punch throw. If you need to use one of Raiden's normal throws, use the punch throw every time.

c.lp, c.lp, xx CBB+HB
== Special Moves ==
===== <span class="invisible-header">Giant Bomb</span> =====
| name    = Giant Bomb
| subtitle = [4]6+P / Charge B, F+P
| input    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_46P1.png
| caption  = Startup Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Raiden_46P2.png
| caption2 = Active Hitbox
| linkname = Giant Bomb
| data  =
  | version    = LP
  | subtitle    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | damage      = 1800
  | stun        = 18
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 26
  | active      = 24
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 64
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -14
  | invul      = 23 Frames (Full Body)
  | description =
Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.
* While having a ton of i-frames, it is not a true reversal, and the startup is too much to be a good reversal.
* You can catch people off guard with this move, and even anti-air with it, but it has to be spaced in order to make it safe.
* Completely useless as an RC because the i-frames of the move itself exceed the i-frames given from the roll cancel.
* Shortest ranged of the three, can whiff from longer ranges in neutral.
* Cannot be combo'd into due to the startup.
  | header      = no
  | version    = MP
  | subtitle    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | damage      = 2000
  | stun        = 20
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 34
  | active      = 26
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 74
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -16
  | invul      = 31 Frames (Full Body)
  | description =
Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.
* Takes the same uses as the LP version, but takes on even more range, about 3/4 screen.
  | header      = no
  | version    = HP
  | subtitle    = Charge {{Motion|b}},{{Motion|f}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | damage      = 2200
  | stun        = 22
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 42
  | active      = 28
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 84
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -18
  | invul      = 39 Frames (Full Body)
  | description =
Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.
* Has the most i-frames, but has the slowest startup and recovery, but can land from almost all ranges on the screen. If the screen doesn't scroll, HP Giant Bomb can land from fullscreen.
* Can be used as an anti-zoning tool, but it requires specific timing and the projectile being fast enough to pass through Raiden before his i-frames run out.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Poison Breath</span> =====
| name    = Poison Breath
| subtitle = 63214+P / HCB+P
| input    = {{Motion|63214}} + {{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_63214P1.png
| caption  = Startup Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Raiden_63214P2.png
| caption2 = Active Hitbox
| linkname = Poison Breath
| data  =
  | version    = LP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|63214}} + {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | damage      = 1200, 1100
  | stun        = 12, 11
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 17
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 51
  | total      = 68
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = +9
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.
* While the recovery seems big, that is only if this move doesn't connect. If it does, Raiden immediately recovers, and it leaves him +9 on block. On top of that, it knocks down on hit, giving him more pressure and mixups.
* Raiden's go-to guard string pressure tool, at range it can hit a majority of characters who are crouching. It's even more dangerous on big characters like himself, Sagat, Zangief, and Chang, where it can land at wonky ranges meaning Raiden gets more room to pressure.
* Pretty weak damage for combo purposes, only use it for guard string pressure.
  | header      = no
  | version    = MP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|63214}} + {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | damage      = 1300, 1200
  | stun        = 13, 12
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 21
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 75
  | total      = 96
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = +9
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.
* Can be a decent RC anti-air, but Raiden has better options. It's 4 frames slower in startup but 24 frames slower in recovery, so it's best to use the light version for any pressure purposes.
  | header      = no
  | version    = HP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|63214}} + {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | damage      = 1400, 1300
  | stun        = 14, 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 24
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 101
  | total      = 125
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = +9
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.
* Not used much, on whiff it's absolutely dreadful, with a triple digit recovery time of 101 frames, whiffing this attack almost certainly doesn't end well.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Thunder Crush Bomb</span> =====
| name    = Thunder Crush Bomb
| subtitle = 360+K
| input    = {{Motion|360}} + {{Icon-Capcom|K}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_Rangethrow.png
| caption  = Throw Range (LK)
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_360MKrange.png
| caption2  = Throw Range (MK)
| image3    = CVS2_Raiden_360HKrange.png
| caption3  = Throw Range (HK)
| image4  = CVS2_Raiden_360hit.png
| caption4 = Success
| linkname = Thunder Crush Bomb
| data  =
  | version    = LK
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|360}} + {{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | damage      = 2200
  | stun        = 22
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.
* Has the most range but weakest damage. Considering the fact that it does only 100 more damage than the punch throw and needs a 360, as well as sharing the exact same 85 pixel throw range, most times Raiden wants his punch throw over this move.
  | header      = no
  | version    = MK
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|360}} + {{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | damage      = 2400
  | stun        = 24
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.
* Has slightly less range but does 200 more damage. Not too many uses for this version.
  | header      = no
  | version    = HK
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|360}} + {{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | damage      = 2600
  | stun        = 26
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 3
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 31
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.
* Has the least range at 79 pixels, but does the most damage. If you want damage out of your meterless throws this is the option. Although, Raiden's 360 does somewhat make it difficult for him to pressure afterwards so keep that in mind.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Super Dropkick</span> =====
| name    = Super Dropkick
| subtitle = [KK]
| input    = Hold {{Icon-Capcom|K}}{{Icon-Capcom|K}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_DK1.png
| caption  = Active Hitbox
| image2  = CVS2_Raiden_DK2.png
| caption2 = Active Hitbox (Falling Down)
| image3  = CVS2_Raiden_DK3.png
| caption3 = Landing Hurtbox
| linkname = Super Dropkick
| data  =
  | version    = Hold {{Icon-Capcom|K}}{{Icon-Capcom|K}} for 1~8 Seconds
  | subtitle    = Level 1
  | damage      = 1400
  | stun        = 14
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 18
  | active      = 17
  | recovery    = 42
  | total      = 77
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -35
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.
* Similar to Boxer's Turn Around Punch, this move will increase in strength as you hold 2K for longer periods of time.
* It's not Raiden's strongest move unlike KOF 13, as this move fills one role and one role only, that being Raiden's main choice of anti air. If RC'd, dropkick fills a big hole in Raiden's defense.
* There isn't that much upside to charging this move for longer period of time. Most of the time Raiden will just need to charge a lvl.1 dropkick and use it for his anti air game, but if he does end up charging more levels then that's fine.
* In terms of what two kicks to use, MK and HK are the best ones since Raiden has access to 5LK, 2LK and j.LK, all good normals, while only losing access to 2MK, j.HK and 3HK. He doesn't spend much time holding a charge but if he has to then he can afford to lose those normals for extended periods of time.
  | header      = no
  | version    = Hold {{Icon-Capcom|K}}{{Icon-Capcom|K}} for 8~24 Seconds
  | subtitle    = Level 2
  | damage      = 1800
  | stun        = 18
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 18
  | active      = 18
  | recovery    = 42
  | total      = 78
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -35
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.
* Adds slightly more range and 400 more damage. Raiden most likely gets this by accident when preparing to charge a lvl.1 dropkick for anti air purposes.
  | header      = no
  | version    = Hold {{Icon-Capcom|K}}{{Icon-Capcom|K}} for 24~48 Seconds
  | subtitle    = Level 3
  | damage      = 2200
  | stun        = 22
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 18
  | active      = 20
  | recovery    = 42
  | total      = 80
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -38
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.
* Adds even more damage and range. Nothing much else.
  | header      = no
  | version    = Hold {{Icon-Capcom|K}}{{Icon-Capcom|K}} for 48 or more Seconds
  | subtitle    = Level 4
  | damage      = 3800
  | stun        = 38
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 18
  | active      = 21
  | recovery    = 42
  | total      = 81
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -39
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.
* If you somehow get this level, it will deal big damage, around lvl.2 super damage. It's not a good idea to deliberately try and get to this level of charging since it's not Raiden's main gameplan, and it requires a very long amount of charge to do so, which is again misusing Raiden's kit.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Combination Body Blow</span> =====
| name    = Combination Body Blow
| subtitle = aka CBB/Rekka <br> 421+P / RDP+P
| input    = {{Motion|rdp}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_421P1.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Combination Body Blow
| data  =
  | version    = LP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|rdp}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | damage      = 800
  | stun        = 8
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 13
  | active      = 16
  | recovery    = 18
  | total      = 37
  | advHit      = -13
  | advBlock    = -13
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.
* Raiden's main meterless combo tool. Deals good damage and guard bar, although if not followed up is very unsafe, so use Raiden's followups no matter what.
* LP Version combos from lights, but does the least damage.
* If done raw this move can land at times but has long recovery so it's a bit of a risk.
* Has two followups, Headbutt (214P) and Suplex (214K). Both can be done without CBB connecting, they just need to be inputted during the active frames.
  | header      = no
  | version    = MP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|rdp}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | damage      = 900
  | stun        = 9
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 14
  | active      = 16
  | recovery    = 18
  | total      = 38
  | advHit      = -14
  | advBlock    = -14
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.
* If you have trouble comboing into the HP version from 2LK, use this version instead.
* Has one extra frame of startup and 100 more damage.
  | header      = no
  | version    = HP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|rdp}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | damage      = 1000
  | stun        = 10
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 15
  | active      = 16
  | recovery    = 18
  | total      = 39
  | advHit      = -15
  | advBlock    = -15
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.
* The main move to confirm into off of cl.5MP, 2LK and 2MK. Deals the most damage but also has the longest startup, so lights other than 2LK won't be able to combo into it.
* The 2LK cancel is really tight, but the cl.5MP and 2MK ones are easy.

*with meter, a flame spit super can hit juggled opponents in the air after the headbutt
===== <span class="invisible-header">Headbutt</span> =====
| name    = Headbutt
| subtitle = during CBB <br> 214+P / QCB+P
| input    = {{Motion|qcb}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_421P2.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Headbutt
| data  =
  | version    =
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|qcb}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
  | damage      = 1300
  | stun        = 13
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 12
  | active      = 4
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 43
  | advHit      = -7
  | advBlock    = -7
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden does a big headbutt.
* The main followup from CBB. Since it is only -7, it is very hard to punish at range, and on hit puts the opponent very close to him, allowing Raiden to continue his pressure and push a left-right mixup with j.2HP.
* Also the main juggle into lvl.3 Flame Breath, leading to massive damage.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Suplex</span> =====
| name    = Suplex
| subtitle = during CBB <br> 214+K / QCB+K
| input    = {{Motion|qcb}}+{{Icon-Capcom|K}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_214K1.png
| caption  = Throw Range
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_214K2.png
| caption2  = Success
| linkname = Suplex
| data  =
  | version    =
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|qcb}}+{{Icon-Capcom|K}}
  | damage      = 2200
  | stun        = 22
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 24
  | active      = 13
  | recovery    = 13
  | total      = 50
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = -
  | description =
Raiden attempts a back suplex.
* While the grab is unblockable, it leaves a massive gap in between the initial hit of CBB and the grab attempt. On hit it does do good damage, but leaves Raiden far away from his opponent, having to get in again to resume his pressure.
* While this followup is supposed to be used in tandem with headbutt for an in-built strike-throw mixup, the grab is very noticeable and can be jumped out of. Even worse, there is an option select that denies the mix-up entirely. If the opponent simply holds up-back after blocking a CBB, they will block the headbutt but also jump out of the throw attempt and get a free combo. The only way to prevent this is to slightly delay the headbutt so it hits opponents who are holding up. This in of itself is kind of a mini-mixup but still relies on the much better headbutt followup to do the work. If the opponent forgets this move exists, you can use it once or twice to catch them off guard, but there are hard counters to this move that can be learned quickly so don't use it too much.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Lariat Drop</span> =====
| name    = Lariat Drop
| subtitle = 623+P / DP+P
| input    = {{Motion|dp}} + {{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_623P1.png
| caption  = Throw hitbox
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_623P2.png
| caption2  = Success
| linkname = Lariat Drop
| data  =
  | version    = LP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|dp}} + {{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | damage      = 1600
  | stun        = 16
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 25
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 65
  | total      = 91
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.
* Distance is dependent on strength. All versions have the same startup, active and recovery time.
* LP version can work up close, but point blank it will fly over the opponent at times.
* The measly 1 active frame makes this move hard to land in any up close mixup scenarios. This can work for any surprise tactics but due to the long recovery on whiff and how difficult it is to not whiff the move, Raiden prefers his other mixup tools to scare the opponent.
* Whiffs on most crouchers. This applies to all three versions.
  | header      = no
  | version    = MP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|dp}} + {{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | damage      = 1700
  | stun        = 17
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 25
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 65
  | total      = 91
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.
* Has more range, can be used at midscreen but keep in mind the 1 active frame makes it very difficult to land, and the opponent simply walking back can avoid the move entirely.
  | header      = no
  | version    = HP
  | subtitle    = {{Motion|dp}} + {{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | damage      = 1800
  | stun        = 26
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 25
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 65
  | total      = 91
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = None
  | description =
Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.
* Has very long range, can land from near fullscreen. It can work as a yolo anti-zone tool, but it carrie's too much risk to little reward.
* Still very difficult to hit.

c.lpx3 xx Crazy Train
== Super Moves ==
=== <span class="invisible-header">Flame Breath</span> ===
| name    = Flame Breath
| input    = aka Fire Spit/Flame Spit <br> {{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| subtitle = 6312463214+P / HCB,HCB+P
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_6321463214P.png
| caption  =
| linkname = Flame Breath
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2100
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 19
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 67
  | total      = 86
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -27
  | invul      = 9 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden spews fire from his mouth.
* Alright anti-air, but not really worth spending meter for unless it's a desperation super.
* Very unsafe.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3400
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 19
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 67
  | total      = 86
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = 15 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden spews fire from his mouth.
* Doesn't have many reliable cancels and the damage is alright.
* Is safe, but this version is not a good way of spending 2 bars.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|63214}}{{Motion|63214}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 5000
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 19
  | active      = -
  | recovery    = 67
  | total      = 86
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -4
  | invul      = 23 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden spews fire from his mouth.
* Raiden's main lvl.3 combo ender. Lvl.3 Flame Breath gains a property that the other levels don't, and that's juggle potential. After a connected CBB headbutt followup, Raiden can do a Lvl.3 Flame Breath and juggle into it, but it doesn't connect partially, he gets a full connect, getting all of the 5000 damage that the move has. This makes his combo damage insane when raged or when he has a Lvl.3 at his disposal.
* Raiden doesn't have to do CBB to get a full connect. He can juggle into Flame Spit from anything as long as the Flame Spit hitbox connects. The list includes: late connect Giant Bomb, anti-air Poison Spit, and Alpha Counter. The fact that Raiden can confirm into this move from anything that puts the opponent really high is really valuable.

= Advanced Strategy =
=== <span class="invisible-header">Destruction Drop</span> ===
| name    = Destruction Drop
| input    = {{Motion|360}}{{Motion|360}}+{{Icon-Capcom|K}}
| subtitle = 720+P
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_720LP.png
| caption  = Throw Range (LK)
| image2    = CVS2_Raiden_720MP.png
| caption2  = Throw Range (MK)
| image3    = CVS2_Raiden_720HP.png
| caption3  = Throw Range (HK)
| image4    = CVS2_Raiden_720hit.png
| caption4  = Success
| linkname = Destruction Drop
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|360}}{{Motion|360}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3200
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 34
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = 9 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.
* As a desperation super, it can replace Raiden's punch throw in strike throw mixups if you can hit 720s well.
* Really good damage for a level 1, gives a lot of reward for not that much cost.
* Has insane range at 102 pixels, and the range only increases with each version.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|360}}{{Motion|360}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 4800
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 34
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = 15 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.
* Like Fire Spit, Lvl.2 Destruction Drop has no real uses and Raiden is better off just waiting until he gets a level 3.
* While it has even larger range at 110 pixels, it's still a redundant move in Raiden's kit.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|360}}{{Motion|360}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HK}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 6400
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = -
  | parry      = -
  | startup    = 6
  | active      = 1
  | recovery    = 27
  | total      = 34
  | advHit      = -
  | advBlock    = -
  | invul      = 23 (Full)
  | description =
Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.
* Raiden's scariest throw. Not only does he get crazy damage and a true reversal, but the range is insane, at 118 pixels, he can grab opponents from distances that jabs would whiff at, meaning they can't quite poke out of the throw. It is a true 1f command grab so if the opponent wasn't already jumping they are getting grabbed.
* Can land from all of Raiden's tick throw setups, and considering it's massive range, Raiden can throw on extra tick throw pressure on top of it.
* Between lvl.3 Fire Spit and lvl.3 Destruction Drop both have their uses, so Raiden has to pick and choose where to spend his meter wisely, although in a vacuum if Raiden has a level 3 and hits CBB on an opponent with around 30% then he should absolutely use Fire Spit but both have a time and place.
=== <span class="invisible-header">Crazy Train</span> ===
| name    = Crazy Train
| input    = {{Motion|236}}{{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|P}}
| subtitle = 236236+P / QCF,QCF+P
| image    = CVS2_Raiden_236236P1.png
| caption  = First Hit
| image2  = CVS2_Raiden_236236P2.png
| caption2  = Tackle Ender
| linkname = Crazy Train
| data  =
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}{{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|LP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 2600
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 6 [16] 5 [21] 15
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 56
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = 9 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)
  | description =
Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a gut punch and ends with a tackle.
* A true reversal and the main lvl.1 super Raiden has.
* Decent desperation super and great combo ender.
* Unlike other levels, this super almost never falls out of combos, but does have limited range.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}{{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|MP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 3800
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 6 [9] 6 [8] 3 [18] 4 [19] 15
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 56
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = 15 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)
  | description =
Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a short series of attacks and ends with a tackle.
* Really good damage with a lvl.2 cancel, optimal one being an HP Giant Bomb right after the Giant Bomb that ends the lvl.2.
* Can fall out in the corner or at longer ranges from jump-in confirms.
  | header      = no
  | version    = {{Motion|236}}{{Motion|236}}+{{Icon-Capcom|HP}}
  | subtitle    =
  | damage      = 6600
  | stun        = 0
  | cancel      = None
  | guard      = Mid
  | parry      = High
  | startup    = 9
  | active      = 5 [12] 8 [8] 3 [14] 4 [2] 6 [16] 4 [20] 15
  | recovery    = 14
  | total      = 56
  | advHit      = HKND
  | advBlock    = -5
  | invul      = 23 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)
  | description =
Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a flurry of attacks and ends with a tackle.
* Huge damage. While being Raiden's highest damaging lvl.3. in terms of what Raiden wants to spend all of his resources on, he has better options.
* Can still fall out of combos in the corner and at range.
== Colors ==

= Match-ups =

[[Category:Capcom vs SNK 2]]
[[Category:Capcom vs SNK 2]]
[[category:SNK Characters]]

Latest revision as of 12:53, 13 March 2024


CVS2 Raiden Data.png


Raiden is an Australian professional wrestler. He was known for violence, often maiming his opponents and injuring them heavily. Geese Howard noticed this, and hired him on as a henchman. He excelled at this, mostly due to his violent nature. When Geese started The King of Fighters, Raiden entered to find strong fighters to hurt. While he did well in the beginning, he eventually fought against Andy Bogard, who swiftly dispatched him. Humiliated by his defeat, he changed his ways. He went from a heel wrestler (a violent, villain persona wrestler) to a face wrestler (a heroic and fan favorite wrestler), renaming himself to Big Bear. Nowadays, he hangs out with the Bogard brothers and Joe, and enters tournaments under either of his characters to relive his glory days mostly.


Raiden is a very unique character. He's a large, big-body style character mainly, with the highest health value possible in the game. He has a few solid buttons, neat pressure strings, a 421P Rekka in Combination Body Blow for knockdowns, and a strange but useful invincible special with [4]6P Giant Bomb. His useful neutral tools allow him to get a knockdown with his Rekkas and run his notably useful guard crush strings, especially in K-Groove. While he does have a command grab, he doesn't use it often. Instead, he uses his abnormally long range and high damage punch throw to threaten a tick throw from very far away. This has powerful conjunction with his guard crush strings, as the opponent essentially has to guess between a tick throw or a rekka, and then even after the rekka, they have to guess between the 214P followup which is a strike and the 214K followup command grab. Even better, Raiden can use his 63214P Poison Breath for an extremely plus on block special, allowing him to reset this situation constantly.

Raiden does have to struggle around some big weaknesses however. The biggest ones being his size and speed. Raiden wants to get close, but can't crouch under much of anything, and isn't fast enough to evade any pokes either. His poor jump arc doesn't help, forcing him to often just walk and block or risk a gimmick option to get in. Raiden comes equipped with plenty of gimmick options, like Giant Bomb which will blow through opponents mashing buttons or throwing poor fireballs. Still, if the opponent knows how to beat these tools, Raiden isn't left with much that isn't notably high risk. Raiden is an interesting big body character with hints of both the grappler and the guard crush style in him, who has to struggle through neutral and especially on defense to win.

Groove Selection

Best - K: K-Raiden is easily his best Groove. While his run isn't the greatest, it's much better than his dash, and run is always better for approaching. Having hop helps him evade things, and hop j.2HP Flying Body Press lets him threaten a very useful crossup. Rage sends his damage up high, and especially sends his guard crush high, allowing Raiden to realistically guard crush with a few moves. Blocking vs. a Raged Raiden is scary, and if he does land a hit, he hits like a truck. He has plenty of scary good setups into his throw and 360 and especially his 720, as low jump LK is a very good tool to set it up. Just Defend is useful to call out pokes aggressively, make jumps a bit less risky, and to beat pressure strings where the opponent doesn't change their timings. His level 3 6321463214P Fire Breath super is also incredibly useful, being able to confirm from his rekka ender easily. This lets him do MASSIVE damage from clean hits, and gives him very realistic 2-touch potential. K-Raiden has everything he needs and more, and is solidly his best Groove.

Useful - N/P/C: N-Raiden is essentially a lesser K-Raiden. He maintains the mobility, but gains a roll, which can be very useful for roll cancels. RC Rekkas and RC Poison Breath especially can be very useful. He sacrifices K-Raiden's guard crush ability and massive damage output, as only the level 3 version of Fire Breath juggles, meaning N-Raiden has to activate Max Mode. Though this isn't a huge weakness, as Raiden has decent dizzy potential, and one dizzy with two bars will likely end the round. P-Raiden gets very consistent parry punishes, and still has hop to use for better mixup potential. His punishes up close are great, but even a far parry can at least get him a throw thanks to his amazing punch throw. P-Raiden won't have meter often, but when he does, he can do massive damage. C-Raiden gets more access to supers overall, upping his damage, and airblock somewhat makes up for losing hop. His level 2 combo does decent damage when using his 236236P Crazy Train super, and while it isn't quite as damaging as a level 3 Fire Breath, he has access to it more often.

Worst - A/S: A-Raiden has one massive weakness, and that's lacking any synergy with Custom Combo. While Raiden's CC is simple and does good damage, he lacks any utility with it in the same way the best A-Groove characters have. His only real anti-air CC being in the corner, no good blocked CC, and all of the utility it has like being able to confirm a CC after a Rekka being done better by level 3 Fire Breath holds him back a lot. Otherwise, all of what A-Raiden has, C-Raiden also has. S-Raiden similarly struggles, as he loses any high damage potential until very low health. Raiden can charge and not be too scared of getting hit thanks to his high health, but it's still not a great thing to deal with, and S-Groove has very little strength otherwise.

Raiden is a big body character who dishes out damage and crushes guard with the best of them when he gets in. He has to struggle to get the opponent sitting still, but if he can, he shines with powerful blockstrings and massive damage, especially in his best Groove. Raiden is best in K-Groove.

Difficulty: Hard
Tier: C+
Pros Cons
  • Damage: Raiden is capable of dishing out massive damage, especially with Rage, where he can juggle after his 421P > 214P with a level 3 Fire Breath
  • Health: Tied with Zangeif and Chang for the highest health value possible, Raiden can take plenty of hits and keep going
  • Guard Crush: Using his 63214P Poison Breath, Raiden can constantly reset pressure, all while threatening a powerful strike/throw mixup, allowing him to melt opponents guard bars
  • Strike/Throw: While you may think this is because of his command grab, Raiden actually uses just his simple punch throw for this. This is because his punch throw has abnormally long reach and high damage, allowing him to threaten a throw from farther out than anyone else can
  • Giant Bomb: [4]6P Giant Bomb is a unique special with tons of invincibility on the startup, and it can be spaced out to be fairly hard to punish. If your opponent doesn't know how to deal with this, Raiden's neutral becomes much better
  • Big and Slow: Raiden has to struggle through neutral vs a lot of the top tiers since he is both a very large hurtbox and not very mobile. CvS2 is almost entirely about neutral, so this weakness can't be understated
  • No Reversal: While Giant Bomb does have invincibility, it isn't a true reversal, forcing Raiden to rely on system mechanics to escape pressure
  • Weak Normals: Raiden lacks any sort of ridiculous button like many of the top tiers, and will often just be walking forward and blocking in neutral to get into close range
  • K-Groove Reliant: Because of the strength of K-Groove and his synergy with it, Raiden can only really compete in K-Groove, which means many teams simply can't have Raiden and still succeed

Players to Watch

Name Country Groove Accounts Notes
178 Japan C-Groove Twitter: @chandesogeese Works around C-Raiden's sluggish speed well. Also uses dropkick like Boxer's TAP.
Sample Match
Wadatsumi Japan C-Groove Twitter: @wadatsunami Runs a weird team with Raiden as his anchor. Great fundamentals.
Sample Match
bea Japan K-Groove Twitter: @bea_not_bear
Youtube: bea_ch
A very strong K-Groover who uses big body characters to minimalize his margin for error. Great use of Raiden's rushdown abilities.
Sample Match
DESORA Japan K-Groove Twitter: @desora24
A player with a large character pool, and is a great K-Groover overall. Doesn't miss an opportunity to land Raiden's dangerous level 3 supers.
Sample Match

Normal Moves

Far Normals


Far Jab
Far Light Punch
5LP / Far LP
CVS2 Raiden 5LP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lp.png 500 5 SP/SU Mid High 4 4 10 18 +1 +1 None

A quick upward chop.

  • Slow, but can work as a very short but useable anti-air.


Far Strong
Far Medium Punch
5MP / Far MP
CVS2 Raiden 5MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mp.png 1100 11 None Mid High 9 10 13 32 -1 -1 None

A big palm strike.

  • Most times you may get this normal because you're trying to get close 5MP, but it still has uses.
  • Works as an anti-air, but the vertical range on the hitbox is short, so you can't press it too early.
  • Useable poke.


Far Fierce
Far Heavy Punch
5HP / Far HP
CVS2 Raiden 5HP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hp.png 1600 16 None Mid High 10 6 15 31 +5 +5 None

A big gut punch.

  • No cancels, but does the highest damage a single button can do, so it's definitely a worthwhile thing to punish with from ranges that 2LP and 2LK/MK will whiff at.
  • Really slow as a poke, but if landed you are +5 and get good damage.


Far Short
Far Light Kick
5LK / Far LK
CVS2 Raiden 5LK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lk.png 500 5 SU Mid High 6 6 7 19 +4 +4 None

A quick midsection kick.

  • Really good button to pressure with while threating a strike/throw mixup.
  • Great poke, decent range and pretty fast, you can throw it out and risk nothing.
  • Has good active frames for a light normal.


Far Forward
Far Medium Kick
5MK / Far MK
CVS2 Raiden 5MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mk.png 1000 10 None Mid High 9 10 14 33 -2 -2 None

A long ranged toe kick.

  • Has good range, but as a poke it's slow and not rewarding at all.
  • Not that useful.


Far Roundhouse
Far Heavy Kick
5HK / Far HK
CVS2 Raiden 5HK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hk.png 1400 14 None Mid High 14 8 18 40 -9 0 None

Raiden does a standing dropkick.

  • A very unique normal. While it can go over lows that is pretty much it's only good use.
  • The reason why this normal is -9 on hit and 0 on block is because the movehit data for air normals is used for this button. On block it causes a lot of pushback and is 0. This was most likely customized data specifically for this button. On hit, it causes very little pushback and is -9, which was the result of air normal hitstun and pushback being used here. In terms of practicality, this button kinda sucks, it's punishable on hit, but it's still unique and unlike any other normal in the game.

Close Standing Normals


Close Strong
CVS2 Raiden cl5MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mp.png 1100 11 SP/SU Mid High 7 7 11 25 +4 +4 None

A downward elbow strike.

  • Your go-to confirm into HP Combination Body Blow and Crazy Train.
  • Decent meaty and up close button.
  • Has a very short proximity range, your best confirm into it is from a crossup j.2HP but you can get it from a typical jump-in but it has to be deep.


Close Fierce
Close Heavy Punch
CVS2 Raiden cl5HP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hp.png 1600 16 SU Mid High 6 8 26 40 -8 -8 None

A slow, powerful clothesline.

  • Nothing really that special with this button, it's unsafe but does have a cancel to super.
  • Most likely seen when Raiden fails to get his punch throw.


Close Short
Close Light Kick
CVS2 Raiden cl5LK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lk.png 600 6 SP/SU Mid High 3 6 7 16 +4 +4 None

A quick midsection knee.

  • Pretty much the same as 5LK, you can pressure with this button and continuously threaten a punch throw.
  • Has a really, really short activation range but the data is pretty much unchanged from 5LK outside of 100 extra damage so it doesn't change too much.
  • Has a special cancel unlike 5LK, but the only special it combos into is LP Combination Body Blow, but since the activation range is near nonexistent you cannot combo into it from chains like 2LP.


Close Forward
Close Medium Kick
CVS2 Raiden cl5MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mk.png 1100 11 SU Mid High 6 8 14 28 0 0 None

A goofy looking upkick.

  • Can be an up close anti-air for short hops, but much like Raiden's other close normals the activation range is really short.
  • Can't be used for anything else, the super cancel and relatively weak damage makes it not worth using in most situations.

Crouching Normals


Crouch Jab
Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
CVS2 Raiden 2LP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lp.png 300 3 SP/SU Mid Low 4 4 6 14 +5 +5 None

A fast crouching jab.

  • A good jab as they come, it doesn't hit low but it's really fast and plus.
  • Great button for ticking/pressuring, and is Raiden's go-to jab starter.


Crouch Strong
Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
CVS2 Raiden 2MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mp.png 1000 10 None Mid Low 8 4 19 31 -1 -1 None

A quick low punch.

  • While a serviceable poke, the fact that this button has no cancels makes it very unrewarding in his combos and neutral game.
  • Pretty short ranged and slow in recovery.


Crouch Fierce
Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
CVS2 Raiden 2HP2.png
First Hitbox
CVS2 Raiden 2HP1.png
Second Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 900+600 9+6 None Mid High 11 2+3 29 45 -8 -8 None

An upward axe handle swing.

  • While it's supposed to be one of Raiden's anti-airs, it's painfully slow. The second hitbox (the one that is meant to anti-air) starts up in 13 frames, and considering the massive 29 frame recovery, throwing it out there expecting a jump is not going to lead to good results.
  • Cannot cancel the first hit for combo purposes, it should only be used as a very early anti-air.


Crouch Short
Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
CVS2 Raiden 2LK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lk.png 400 4 SP/SU Low Low 4 5 11 20 -2 -2 None

A quick low toe tap.

  • Unlike 2LP, 2LK can combo into HP Combination Body Blow, so it should be used for light confirms into it.
  • Good poke, but due to the big 11 frame recovery and being minus it's not the best pressure option.


Crouch Forward
Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
CVS2 Raiden 2MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mk.png 1000 10 SP/SU Low Low 6 7 14 27 -2 -2 None

A slower toe tap.

  • Essentially a slower 2LK, but cannot be confirmed into from any ground normal.
  • Has enough hitstun to combo into LP Poison Breath for guard break strings.
  • If you're too far out to get close 5MP, use this normal to confirm into HP Combination Body Blow from a jump-in.


Crouch Roundhouse
Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
CVS2 Raiden 2HK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None Low Low 9 8 24 41 HKND -8 None

A sweeping heel kick.

  • Pretty good startup for a sweep, and being -8 means it's pretty safe with good spacing.
  • While being pretty committing without a cancel, landing this sweep awards Raiden a knockdown and can begin his strong pressure.

Jumping Normals


Jump Jab
Jumping Light Punch
CVS2 Raiden jLP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lp.png 600 6 None High High 8 22 - - - - None

A quick aerial palm strike.

  • One of your many air-to-airs. Small damage with okay startup.
  • Pretty outclassed by j.LK unless the opponent in the air-to-air situation is above you.


Jump Strong
Jumping Medium Punch
CVS2 Raiden jMP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mp.png 1200 12 None High High 10 11 - - - - -

A slower aerial palm strike.

  • If you want damage from your air-to-air you can use this button, but it is very slow in startup so you need to read the jump most times.


Jump Fierce
Jumping Heavy Punch
CVS2 Raiden jHP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hp.png 1400 14 None High High 11 8 - - - - None

A double palm chop.

  • One of Raiden's main jump-in attacks, it is the most damaging air normal Raiden has.
  • As an air-to-air the small disjoint makes it useable but it's even slow than j.MP so the reads are still necessary.


Jump Short
Jumping Light Kick
CVS2 Raiden jLK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lk.png 600 6 None High High 4 22 - - - - None

A quick outward leg kick.

  • One of Raiden's best normals. Has really good range, and is especially scary in hop grooves where he can use a 4-frame high in tandem with his lows and threaten a punch throw afterwards, and he then gets in for more pressure.
  • Great air-to-air and jump-in. It's really fast and has the range to land from most air-to-air positions, but due to the low hitbox those situations are not beneficial to use this normal for.


Jump Forward
Jumping Medium Kick
CVS2 Raiden jMK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mk.png 1100 11 None High High 7 11 - 18 - - None

Raiden sticks his leg out.

  • Good air to air and a very long ranged move overall. If j.LK lacks the hitstun for jump-ins or setups, j.MK can be used as an alternative
  • Very okay jump-in, not the best one Raiden has.


Jump Roundhouse
Jumping Heavy Kick
CVS2 Raiden jHK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None High High 9 8 - 17 - - None

Raiden does an aerial dropkick.

  • Decent air-to-air if done early, but the lack of active frames compared to startup frames can make it a little difficult to use.
  • Can be a jump-in, but Raiden has better options.

Command Normals

Body Press

Bear Stomp
CVS2 Raiden 3HK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Df.png+Hk.png 1400 14 None Mid High 13 6 19 38 +2 +2 None

Raiden does a goofy looking stomp in front of him.

  • While looking useless on the surface, as the range is nonexistent and has no visible threat in neutral, this command normal has some specific but very helpful uses due to it's big disjoint on the ground.
  • The main purpose of this normal is to punish low hitting attacks on the ground. While there are many cases where this normal can work, the most noteworthy examples of this are Blanka's Slide/Rolling Ball, and Cammy's Spiral Arrow, which are moves that you will see a lot of if you face those characters. Keep in mind the startup for this move is 13 frames so you may have to preemptively stick it out in neutral, which might lead to it getting beat out during it's recovery. It's a risk that Raiden can take though, as his high health can spare him of some mistakes he makes in neutral.

Body Press

Body Press
CVS2 Raiden dj2HP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 1300 13 None High High 5 22 - 27 - - None

Raiden stretches his arms outward as he does a flying crossbody.

  • This is Raiden's main cross-up tool. It just adds on to his mix-up game.
  • The main move to confirm into close 5MP, can land at close and farther range.



Punch Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HP
CVS2 Raiden Rangethrow.png
Throw Range
CVS2 Raiden Pthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 2100 22 None - - 3 1 13 17 - - None

Raiden grabs and piledrives his opponent.

  • An absolutely scary throw. At a huge range of 85 pixels, it boasts the longest normal throw range in the game. It also does great damage, especially when raged.
  • Raiden prefers this throw in a vacuum over his 360 as he can activate it instantly and it gives him great pressure afterwards.
  • This is also his go-to throw over his kick throw does not share the same range.

Bear Hug

Bear Hug
Kick Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Raiden Kthrowrange.png
Throw Range
CVS2 Raiden Kthrow.png
Bear Hug
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 1000 + 200 (up to 17 times) 10 - - - 5 1 13 17 - - None

Raiden puts his opponent in a chokehold and squeezes them.

  • While this throw can do more damage than the punch throw, most times it's equal to it, and it does not have the same range as the punch throw at 52 pixels, and starts up two frames slower, therefore essentially making it outclassed by the punch throw. If you need to use one of Raiden's normal throws, use the punch throw every time.

Special Moves

Giant Bomb
Giant Bomb
[4]6+P / Charge B, F+P
Charge B.png,F.png+P.png
CVS2 Raiden 46P1.png
Startup Hitbox
CVS2 Raiden 46P2.png
Active Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.png+Lp.png
1800 18 None Mid High 26 24 14 64 HKND -14 23 Frames (Full Body)

Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.

  • While having a ton of i-frames, it is not a true reversal, and the startup is too much to be a good reversal.
  • You can catch people off guard with this move, and even anti-air with it, but it has to be spaced in order to make it safe.
  • Completely useless as an RC because the i-frames of the move itself exceed the i-frames given from the roll cancel.
  • Shortest ranged of the three, can whiff from longer ranges in neutral.
  • Cannot be combo'd into due to the startup.
Charge B.png,F.png+Mp.png
2000 20 None Mid High 34 26 14 74 HKND -16 31 Frames (Full Body)

Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.

  • Takes the same uses as the LP version, but takes on even more range, about 3/4 screen.
Charge B.png,F.png+Hp.png
2200 22 None Mid High 42 28 14 84 HKND -18 39 Frames (Full Body)

Raiden takes a sprinter's stance and charges forward.

  • Has the most i-frames, but has the slowest startup and recovery, but can land from almost all ranges on the screen. If the screen doesn't scroll, HP Giant Bomb can land from fullscreen.
  • Can be used as an anti-zoning tool, but it requires specific timing and the projectile being fast enough to pass through Raiden before his i-frames run out.
Poison Breath
Poison Breath
63214+P / HCB+P
Hcb.png + P.png
CVS2 Raiden 63214P1.png
Startup Hitbox
CVS2 Raiden 63214P2.png
Active Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.png + Lp.png
1200, 1100 12, 11 None Mid High 17 - 51 68 HKND +9 None

Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.

  • While the recovery seems big, that is only if this move doesn't connect. If it does, Raiden immediately recovers, and it leaves him +9 on block. On top of that, it knocks down on hit, giving him more pressure and mixups.
  • Raiden's go-to guard string pressure tool, at range it can hit a majority of characters who are crouching. It's even more dangerous on big characters like himself, Sagat, Zangief, and Chang, where it can land at wonky ranges meaning Raiden gets more room to pressure.
  • Pretty weak damage for combo purposes, only use it for guard string pressure.
Hcb.png + Mp.png
1300, 1200 13, 12 None Mid High 21 - 75 96 HKND +9 None

Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.

  • Can be a decent RC anti-air, but Raiden has better options. It's 4 frames slower in startup but 24 frames slower in recovery, so it's best to use the light version for any pressure purposes.
Hcb.png + Hp.png
1400, 1300 14, 13 None Mid High 24 - 101 125 HKND +9 None

Raiden spits a poison mist from his mouth.

  • Not used much, on whiff it's absolutely dreadful, with a triple digit recovery time of 101 frames, whiffing this attack almost certainly doesn't end well.
Thunder Crush Bomb
Thunder Crush Bomb
360.png + K.png
CVS2 Raiden Rangethrow.png
Throw Range (LK)
CVS2 Raiden 360MKrange.png
Throw Range (MK)
CVS2 Raiden 360HKrange.png
Throw Range (HK)
CVS2 Raiden 360hit.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
360.png + Lk.png
2200 22 None - - 3 1 27 31 - - None

Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.

  • Has the most range but weakest damage. Considering the fact that it does only 100 more damage than the punch throw and needs a 360, as well as sharing the exact same 85 pixel throw range, most times Raiden wants his punch throw over this move.
360.png + Mk.png
2400 24 None - - 3 1 27 31 - - None

Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.

  • Has slightly less range but does 200 more damage. Not too many uses for this version.
360.png + Hk.png
2600 26 None - - 3 1 27 31 - - None

Raiden piledrives his opponent, then jumps up and throws them down from the air.

  • Has the least range at 79 pixels, but does the most damage. If you want damage out of your meterless throws this is the option. Although, Raiden's 360 does somewhat make it difficult for him to pressure afterwards so keep that in mind.
Super Dropkick
Super Dropkick
Hold K.pngK.png
CVS2 Raiden DK1.png
Active Hitbox
CVS2 Raiden DK2.png
Active Hitbox (Falling Down)
CVS2 Raiden DK3.png
Landing Hurtbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hold K.pngK.png for 1~8 Seconds
Level 1
1400 14 None Mid High 18 17 42 77 HKND -35 None

Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.

  • Similar to Boxer's Turn Around Punch, this move will increase in strength as you hold 2K for longer periods of time.
  • It's not Raiden's strongest move unlike KOF 13, as this move fills one role and one role only, that being Raiden's main choice of anti air. If RC'd, dropkick fills a big hole in Raiden's defense.
  • There isn't that much upside to charging this move for longer period of time. Most of the time Raiden will just need to charge a lvl.1 dropkick and use it for his anti air game, but if he does end up charging more levels then that's fine.
  • In terms of what two kicks to use, MK and HK are the best ones since Raiden has access to 5LK, 2LK and j.LK, all good normals, while only losing access to 2MK, j.HK and 3HK. He doesn't spend much time holding a charge but if he has to then he can afford to lose those normals for extended periods of time.
Hold K.pngK.png for 8~24 Seconds
Level 2
1800 18 None Mid High 18 18 42 78 HKND -35 None

Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.

  • Adds slightly more range and 400 more damage. Raiden most likely gets this by accident when preparing to charge a lvl.1 dropkick for anti air purposes.
Hold K.pngK.png for 24~48 Seconds
Level 3
2200 22 None Mid High 18 20 42 80 HKND -38 None

Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.

  • Adds even more damage and range. Nothing much else.
Hold K.pngK.png for 48 or more Seconds
Level 4
3800 38 None Mid High 18 21 42 81 HKND -39 None

Raiden does a big leaping dropkick.

  • If you somehow get this level, it will deal big damage, around lvl.2 super damage. It's not a good idea to deliberately try and get to this level of charging since it's not Raiden's main gameplan, and it requires a very long amount of charge to do so, which is again misusing Raiden's kit.
Combination Body Blow
Combination Body Blow
aka CBB/Rekka
421+P / RDP+P

CVS2 Raiden 421P1.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
800 8 None Mid High 13 16 18 37 -13 -13 None

Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.

  • Raiden's main meterless combo tool. Deals good damage and guard bar, although if not followed up is very unsafe, so use Raiden's followups no matter what.
  • LP Version combos from lights, but does the least damage.
  • If done raw this move can land at times but has long recovery so it's a bit of a risk.
  • Has two followups, Headbutt (214P) and Suplex (214K). Both can be done without CBB connecting, they just need to be inputted during the active frames.
900 9 None Mid High 14 16 18 38 -14 -14 None

Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.

  • If you have trouble comboing into the HP version from 2LK, use this version instead.
  • Has one extra frame of startup and 100 more damage.
1000 10 None Mid High 15 16 18 39 -15 -15 None

Raiden lunges forward with a gut punch.

  • The main move to confirm into off of cl.5MP, 2LK and 2MK. Deals the most damage but also has the longest startup, so lights other than 2LK won't be able to combo into it.
  • The 2LK cancel is really tight, but the cl.5MP and 2MK ones are easy.
during CBB
214+P / QCB+P

CVS2 Raiden 421P2.png
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1300 13 None Mid High 12 4 27 43 -7 -7 None

Raiden does a big headbutt.

  • The main followup from CBB. Since it is only -7, it is very hard to punish at range, and on hit puts the opponent very close to him, allowing Raiden to continue his pressure and push a left-right mixup with j.2HP.
  • Also the main juggle into lvl.3 Flame Breath, leading to massive damage.
during CBB
214+K / QCB+K

CVS2 Raiden 214K1.png
Throw Range
CVS2 Raiden 214K2.png
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
2200 22 None - - 24 13 13 50 - - -

Raiden attempts a back suplex.

  • While the grab is unblockable, it leaves a massive gap in between the initial hit of CBB and the grab attempt. On hit it does do good damage, but leaves Raiden far away from his opponent, having to get in again to resume his pressure.
  • While this followup is supposed to be used in tandem with headbutt for an in-built strike-throw mixup, the grab is very noticeable and can be jumped out of. Even worse, there is an option select that denies the mix-up entirely. If the opponent simply holds up-back after blocking a CBB, they will block the headbutt but also jump out of the throw attempt and get a free combo. The only way to prevent this is to slightly delay the headbutt so it hits opponents who are holding up. This in of itself is kind of a mini-mixup but still relies on the much better headbutt followup to do the work. If the opponent forgets this move exists, you can use it once or twice to catch them off guard, but there are hard counters to this move that can be learned quickly so don't use it too much.
Lariat Drop
Lariat Drop
623+P / DP+P
Dp.png + P.png
CVS2 Raiden 623P1.png
Throw hitbox
CVS2 Raiden 623P2.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Dp.png + Lp.png
1600 16 None - - 25 1 65 91 - - None

Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.

  • Distance is dependent on strength. All versions have the same startup, active and recovery time.
  • LP version can work up close, but point blank it will fly over the opponent at times.
  • The measly 1 active frame makes this move hard to land in any up close mixup scenarios. This can work for any surprise tactics but due to the long recovery on whiff and how difficult it is to not whiff the move, Raiden prefers his other mixup tools to scare the opponent.
  • Whiffs on most crouchers. This applies to all three versions.
Dp.png + Mp.png
1700 17 None - - 25 1 65 91 - - None

Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.

  • Has more range, can be used at midscreen but keep in mind the 1 active frame makes it very difficult to land, and the opponent simply walking back can avoid the move entirely.
Dp.png + Hp.png
1800 26 None - - 25 1 65 91 - - None

Raiden jumps and attempts a flying lariat drop.

  • Has very long range, can land from near fullscreen. It can work as a yolo anti-zone tool, but it carrie's too much risk to little reward.
  • Still very difficult to hit.

Super Moves

Flame Breath

Flame Breath
6312463214+P / HCB,HCB+P
aka Fire Spit/Flame Spit
CVS2 Raiden 6321463214P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.pngHcb.png+Lp.png 2100 0 None Mid High 19 - 67 86 HKND -27 9 (Full)

Raiden spews fire from his mouth.

  • Alright anti-air, but not really worth spending meter for unless it's a desperation super.
  • Very unsafe.
Hcb.pngHcb.png+Mp.png 3400 0 None Mid High 19 - 67 86 HKND -5 15 (Full)

Raiden spews fire from his mouth.

  • Doesn't have many reliable cancels and the damage is alright.
  • Is safe, but this version is not a good way of spending 2 bars.
Hcb.pngHcb.png+Hp.png 5000 0 None Mid High 19 - 67 86 HKND -4 23 (Full)

Raiden spews fire from his mouth.

  • Raiden's main lvl.3 combo ender. Lvl.3 Flame Breath gains a property that the other levels don't, and that's juggle potential. After a connected CBB headbutt followup, Raiden can do a Lvl.3 Flame Breath and juggle into it, but it doesn't connect partially, he gets a full connect, getting all of the 5000 damage that the move has. This makes his combo damage insane when raged or when he has a Lvl.3 at his disposal.
  • Raiden doesn't have to do CBB to get a full connect. He can juggle into Flame Spit from anything as long as the Flame Spit hitbox connects. The list includes: late connect Giant Bomb, anti-air Poison Spit, and Alpha Counter. The fact that Raiden can confirm into this move from anything that puts the opponent really high is really valuable.

Destruction Drop

Destruction Drop
CVS2 Raiden 720LP.png
Throw Range (LK)
CVS2 Raiden 720MP.png
Throw Range (MK)
CVS2 Raiden 720HP.png
Throw Range (HK)
CVS2 Raiden 720hit.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
360.png360.png+Lk.png 3200 0 None - - 6 1 27 34 - - 9 (Full)

Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.

  • As a desperation super, it can replace Raiden's punch throw in strike throw mixups if you can hit 720s well.
  • Really good damage for a level 1, gives a lot of reward for not that much cost.
  • Has insane range at 102 pixels, and the range only increases with each version.
360.png360.png+Mk.png 4800 0 None - - 6 1 27 34 - - 15 (Full)

Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.

  • Like Fire Spit, Lvl.2 Destruction Drop has no real uses and Raiden is better off just waiting until he gets a level 3.
  • While it has even larger range at 110 pixels, it's still a redundant move in Raiden's kit.
360.png360.png+Hk.png 6400 0 None - - 6 1 27 34 - - 23 (Full)

Raiden piledrives his opponent then lariats them down to the ground.

  • Raiden's scariest throw. Not only does he get crazy damage and a true reversal, but the range is insane, at 118 pixels, he can grab opponents from distances that jabs would whiff at, meaning they can't quite poke out of the throw. It is a true 1f command grab so if the opponent wasn't already jumping they are getting grabbed.
  • Can land from all of Raiden's tick throw setups, and considering it's massive range, Raiden can throw on extra tick throw pressure on top of it.
  • Between lvl.3 Fire Spit and lvl.3 Destruction Drop both have their uses, so Raiden has to pick and choose where to spend his meter wisely, although in a vacuum if Raiden has a level 3 and hits CBB on an opponent with around 30% then he should absolutely use Fire Spit but both have a time and place.

Crazy Train

Crazy Train
236236+P / QCF,QCF+P
CVS2 Raiden 236236P1.png
First Hit
CVS2 Raiden 236236P2.png
Tackle Ender
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.pngQcf.png+Lp.png 2600 0 None Mid High 9 6 [16] 5 [21] 15 14 56 HKND -5 9 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)

Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a gut punch and ends with a tackle.

  • A true reversal and the main lvl.1 super Raiden has.
  • Decent desperation super and great combo ender.
  • Unlike other levels, this super almost never falls out of combos, but does have limited range.
Qcf.pngQcf.png+Mp.png 3800 0 None Mid High 9 6 [9] 6 [8] 3 [18] 4 [19] 15 14 56 HKND -5 15 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)

Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a short series of attacks and ends with a tackle.

  • Really good damage with a lvl.2 cancel, optimal one being an HP Giant Bomb right after the Giant Bomb that ends the lvl.2.
  • Can fall out in the corner or at longer ranges from jump-in confirms.
Qcf.pngQcf.png+Hp.png 6600 0 None Mid High 9 5 [12] 8 [8] 3 [14] 4 [2] 6 [16] 4 [20] 15 14 56 HKND -5 23 (Full), 13 (Full, during tackle ender)

Raiden does a downward elbow followed by a flurry of attacks and ends with a tackle.

  • Huge damage. While being Raiden's highest damaging lvl.3. in terms of what Raiden wants to spend all of his resources on, he has better options.
  • Can still fall out of combos in the corner and at range.


Raiden CvS2 colors.png

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