Street Fighter 6/Lily/Data

From SuperCombo Wiki

Character Vitals

Portrait Icon HP Throw Range / Hurtbox Jump Speed Jump Apex Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw)
SF6 Lily Portrait.png SF6 Lily Face.png 10000 0.8 / 0.33 5+39+3 2.139 0.434
Forward Walk Speed Forward Dash Speed Forward Dash Distance Forward Jump Distance Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block)
0.042 21 1.154 1.95 1.900
Back Walk Speed Back Dash Speed Back Dash Distance Back Jump Distance Drive Rush Max Distance
0.027 24 0.939 1.56 3.044


Standing Normals



Standing Light Punch
SF6 Lily 5lp.png
SF6 Lily 5lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
350 - 20% Starter LH Chn Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 8 15 17 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-9 +10 +3 +6 -1
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+10 +6 -1
Chains into 5LP/5LK/2LP/2LK; more damage than other light attacks; DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame


Standing Medium Punch
SF6 Lily 5mp.png
SF6 Lily 5mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 4 17 29 22 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [6000] 2000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 +5 0 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -4
Strong poke with great range and hitbox priority; no head hurtbox on frames 8-25


Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 Lily 5hp.png
SF6 Lily 5hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 - - LH Sp SA 19
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 3 22 35 25 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [8000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-23 +4 -1 +14 +9
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +84 Crumple 0 -5
Punish Counter crumple state is +5 before opponent becomes airborne and +28 to land a juggle follow-up; Punish Counter puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; extends a hurtbox 1f before active that is vulnerable to projectiles; no head hurtbox on frames 10-35; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame


Standing Light Kick
SF6 Lily 5lk.png
SF6 Lily 5lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 20% Starter LH Chn Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 3 8 14 16 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-13 +9 +3 +6 0
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 -1
Chains into 5LP/5LK/2LP/2LK; true blockstring when chained from 2LK; Lily's fastest button but incredibly short range


Standing Medium Kick
SF6 Lily 5mk.png
SF6 Lily 5mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 - - LH Sp SA 15
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 3 15 24 20 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 1500 700 (490) 350 (175) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-16 +6 +3 +10 +7
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -1
Combo tool (primarily for counter-hit links); decent neutral buffer that can go over low pokes and has low whiff recovery


Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 Lily 5hk.png
SF6 Lily 5hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 - - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
14 4 21 38 26 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
6000 [10000] 3000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-23 +5 -1 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +47 +1 -5
Solid poke with good range and high pushback; useful whiff punish due to the Punish Counter knockdown; Punish Counter puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state

Crouching Normals



Crouching Light Punch
SF6 Lily 2lp.png
SF6 Lily 2lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 20% Starter LH Chn Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 3 8 16 16 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-9 +9 +3 +6 0
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 -1
Chains into 5LP/5LK/2LP/2LK; great range for a light attack


Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 Lily 2mp.png
SF6 Lily 2mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
700 - - LH SA 15 (SA)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 3 18 28 22 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [6000] 2000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 +5 +1 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -3
Strong poke with great hitbox priority; can buffer into Super Arts (SA2 is likely to whiff if buffered as a counterpoke)


Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 Lily 2hp.png
SF6 Lily 2hp hitbox.pngSF6 Lily 2hp hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500x2 - - LH Sp SA (2nd) 30(18)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 2,4 22 37 28(26) 26(24)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500x2 [4000x2] 1000x2 500x2 (350x2) 250x2 (125x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1,1 0,1 0,1
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-26(-24) +4 +2 +15 +13
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+4 0 -2
Counter-hit/Punish Counter puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; incredible anti-air hitbox that can hit cross-up on first 2 active frames; ; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame (2nd active frame of 2nd hit); has an extended hurtbox on whiff until the end of recovery


Crouching Light Kick
SF6 Lily 2lk.png
SF6 Lily 2lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200 - 20% Starter L Chn -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 2 12 18 16 12
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-12 +6 +2 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -2
Chains into 5LP/5LK/2LP/2LK


Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 Lily 2mk.png
SF6 Lily 2mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - 20% Starter L Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 3 18 29 22 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000 [4000] 1000 600 (420) 300 (150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 +5 -1 +10 +4
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -5
Slow and stubby compared to most cancelable 2MKs in the game; Range: 1.364; special/DR cancel is delayed until after active frames


Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 Lily 2hk.png
SF6 Lily 2hk hitbox.pngSF6 Lily 2hk hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
450x2 - - L,L* - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 2(6)2 24 44 26,- 22(14)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000x2 [5000x2] 1500x2 500x2 (350x2) 250x2 (125x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1,1 1,1 5,6
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-24 HKD +32 -8 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +47 HKD +32 -12
2 hits; 2nd hit is not low if the 1st hit is blocked; 1st hit doesn't knock down (-4 if the 2nd hit whiffs on a long range Punish Counter); has juggle potential (no Hard Knockdown when juggled into)

Jumping Normals



Jumping Light Punch
SF6 Lily jlp.png
SF6 Lily jlp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 9 3 land - 13 9
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-5(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+10(+13) +6(+9) +2(+5)
Decent horizontal air-to-air


Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 Lily jmp.png
SF6 Lily jmp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
700 - - H TC 21 TC
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 4 3 land - 15 11
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 2
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-8(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9(+15) +5(+11) +1(+7)
Puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; decent hitbox priority for horizontal jump-in approaches (longest horizontal range of all Lily's air normals); shifts Lily's hurtbox upward during startup


Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 Lily jhp.png
SF6 Lily jhp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 6 3 land - 19 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 0 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-11(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+10(+19) +6(+15) +2(+11)
Causes spike knockdown vs. airborne opponents; good downward hitbox priority for close range jump-ins


Jumping Light Kick
SF6 Lily jlk.png
SF6 Lily jlk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 6 3 land - 13 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-8(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+8(+14) +4(+10) 0(+6)


Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 Lily jmk.png
SF6 Lily jmk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 5 3 land - 17 13
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-8-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+11(+17) +7(+13) +3(+9)
Cross-up; shifts Lily's hurtbox upward during startup


Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 Lily jhk.png
SF6 Lily jhk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 6 3 land - 19 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-7(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+14(+19) +10(+15) +4(+9)

Command Normals



Desert Storm 1
SF6 Lily 6hp.png
SF6 Lily 6hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 - - LH TC Sp SA 16 (21 TC)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
18 2 24 43 27 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [8000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-24 +5 -1 +17 +11
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -5
Cancelable to Desert Storm target combo (can frame trap opponents if not in Burnout); good range and incredible hitbox priority for a cancelable normal, but slow startup; not a useful anti-air despite the animation; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (can juggle full TC sequence)


Horn Breaker
SF6 Lily 4hp.png
SF6 Lily 4hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 - - LH Sp SA 18
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
14 4 18 35 27 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [8000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-20 +9 +2 +17 +10
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 -2
Good range, strong hitbox priority (strong bufferable neutral tool)


Ridge Thrust
SF6 Lily 3hp.png
SF6 Lily 3hp hitbox.pngSF6 Lily 3hp hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
25 3 18 45 23 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
5-19 Lower Body - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 +6 +1 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -3
Good range and hitbox priority for an overhead; Lily is in a crouching state on frames 25-42 (only the final 3f of recovery has a standing hurtbox)


Great Spin
SF6 Lily j2hp.png
SF6 Lily j2hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 11 3 land - 19 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-6(-2) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+15(+19) +11(+15) +7(+11)
Cross-up; can be used from any jump direction

Target Combos



Desert Storm 2
SF6 Lily 6hp hp.png
SF6 Lily 6hp hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - LH TC 52-55(16)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
20 2 27 48 29 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 1
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+4 0 -9
2f gap on block between 1st/2nd hits of TC (can frame trap opponents if not in Burnout); puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (can juggle full TC sequence)


Desert Storm 3
SF6 Lily 6hp hp hp.png
SF6 Lily 6hp hp hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500(400) - - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
20 5 42 64 - 19
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-43 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +23 KD +23 -26
() refers to scaled damage when starting a combo with 6HP~HP; 1f gap on block between 2nd and 3rd hits of TC (can frame trap opponents if not in Burnout); full TC sequence can juggle vs. airborne opponents


Double Arrow
SF6 Lily jmp mp.png
SF6 Lily jmp mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
700 - - H SA2 40-44
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 3 3 land - - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - 1000 500 (350) - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 2
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state




Canyon Throw
SF6 Lily lplk.png
SF6 Lily lplk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 (2040) - 20% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 23 30 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 2000 2000(1400) [4000(2800)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +20 KD +20 -
Can Drive Rush for a corner strike/throw mixup; has a true walking throw loop vs. Blanka/E.Honda/Zangief that requires frame perfect timing


Falling Cliff
SF6 Lily 4lplk.png
SF6 Lily 4lplk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 (2040) - 20% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 23 30 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 2000 2000(1400) [4000(2800)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +32 KD +32 -
Side switch; requires Drive Rush to land another meaty throw after cornering opponent; can also use immediate 236MK to become +4 on block for a mixup (or Windclad 236LK to become +3); forward dash can set up a meaty normal but no real throw mixup

Drive Moves



Earth's Rage
SF6 Lily hphk.png
SF6 Lily hphk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 200 20% Starter LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
26 2 35 62 - 34
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 10000 [15000] -10000 [3000(2100)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- 1-27 - 0 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
Crumple (Standing +21, Juggle +46, HKD +104) KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72
See Drive Impact. Airborne connect gives spinning juggle state on Punish Counter or corner Wall Splat with variable height.


Cross Hammer
SF6 Lily 6hphk.png
SF6 Lily 6hphk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 recoverable 125 recoverable - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
20(18) 3 26(31) 48(53) - 23
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -20000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-22(20) Full Break - 200 100 1
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +23 KD +23 -6
18f startup refers to wake-up version; 4f screen freeze when used out of blockstun; 5f extra recovery on hit; see Drive Reversal.


Drive Parry
SF6 Lily mpmk.png
SF6 Lily mpmk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - 50% Multiplier (Perfect) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) 45(3) - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -5000,250~ - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
6 Full (after Perfect Parry) - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
See Drive Parry. Perfect Parrying has only 1F of recovery and disables the opponent from canceling their attack. Perfect Parrying projectiles puts you into fixed 11 frames of recovery. After a Perfect Parry, all Super Gauge gain is reduced by 20% and Drive Gauge gain/damage is reduced by 50% for the entire punish combo.


Drive Rush
SF6 Lily 66.png
SF6 Lily 66 hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - 15% Multiplier (Mid-Combo) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9(3+8) 46(45) total 24(23) total - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -10000(-30000) - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
See Drive Rush. Frame data shown in parentheses refers to the Drive Rush version used from a Parry. Distance: 0.434 (min/throw), 1.900 (min/block), 3.044 (max/final DR frame)

Special Moves

Condor Wind



Condor Wind (stock)
SF6 Lily 214lp.png
SF6 Lily 214lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
46(71/90) - 1(19) 47(90/109) - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Windclad stock gained on frame 46 (frames 71 and 90 if held); LP must be held for 59f/89f for Lv.2/Lv.3 versions (releasing too early extends the animation without building a stock); can build up to 3 Windclad stocks; stocks can be spent for enhanced versions of Condor Spire, Tomahawk Buster, or Condor Dive


Condor Wind (attack)
SF6 Lily 214mp.png
SF6 Lily 214mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 225 - LH SA3 20
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
23(4) 4 25 51 31 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [8000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 2
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -8
Windclad stock gained on the first active frame (or frames 46, 71 and 90 if held); can delay the attack by holding MP (attack comes out 4f after button release); cancels and self-hitstop do not occur until after the 2nd active frame; useful for comboing into SA3 as it leaves the opponent grounded on hit; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state on hit; head hurtbox shrinks during active frames and the first 16 recovery frames


Condor Wind (attack)
File:SF6 Lily 214hp.png
File:SF6 Lily 214hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1100 275 - LH SA3* 20*
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
25(4) 4 25 53 - 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [8000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 2
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +30 KD +30 -8
Windclad stock gained on the first active frame (or frames 46, 71 and 90 if held); can delay the attack by holding HP (attack comes out 4f after button release); puts opponents into limited juggle state on hit; cancel into SA3 does not combo (only useful when absorbed by armor); cancels and self-hitstop do not occur until after the 2nd active frame; head hurtbox shrinks during active frames and the first 16 recovery frames


Condor Wind (attack)
SF6 Lily 214pp.png
File:SF6 Lily 214pp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 300 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH SA2 SA3* 20
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
19(4) 4 23 45 - 22
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [8000] -20000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-25 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +39 KD +39 -5
Windclad stock gained on the 1st active frame; holding the buttons for 16-24f increases the startup (attack comes out 4f after button release); puts opponents into limited juggle state on hit (can land a follow-up juggle with up to 6f startup); holding for 25f or longer results in non-attack version instead; SA3 cancel does not combo on hit (only useful when absorbed by armor); cancels and self-hitstop do not occur until after the 2nd active frame; head hurtbox shrinks during active frames and the first 16 recovery frames


Condor Wind (stock)
SF6 Lily 214pp hold.png
File:SF6 Lily 214pp hold hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
38 - 2 40 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -20000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Windclad stock gained on frame 38; buttons must be held 25f for the non-attack version to come out; can built up to 3 Windclad stocks; stocks can be spent for enhanced versions of Condor Spire, Tomahawk Buster, or Condor Dive; 7f faster than the LP version, making it much safer to use in neutral

Condor Spire



Condor Spire
SF6 Lily 236lk.png
SF6 Lily 236lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 200 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
17 13 2+14 land 45 - 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [7000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 8-31 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27(-15) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +33(+45) KD +33(+45) -8(+4)
Can be spaced out for better frame advantage, allowing a strike/throw mixup on block; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit (juggle follow-up is possible at certain ranges)


Condor Spire
File:SF6 Lily 236mk.png
File:SF6 Lily 236mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 225 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
21 13 2+14 land 49 - 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [7000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 9-35 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27(-15) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +37(+49) KD +37(+49) -8(+4)
Can be spaced out for better frame advantage, allowing a strike/throw mixup on block; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit (juggle follow-up is possible at certain ranges)


Condor Spire
File:SF6 Lily 236hk.png
File:SF6 Lily 236hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 250 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
25 13 2+14 land 53 - 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [7000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 11-39 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27(-15) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +37(+49) KD +37(+49) -8(+4)
Can be spaced out for better frame advantage, allowing a strike/throw mixup on block; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit (juggle follow-up is possible at certain ranges)


Condor Spire
SF6 Lily 236kk.png
SF6 Lily 236kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 250 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH SA2 27(14)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
15 13 2+14 land 43 - 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [7000] -20000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 7-29 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27(-15) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +42(+54) KD +42(+54) -8(+4)
Can be spaced out for better frame advantage, allowing a strike/throw mixup on block; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit (juggle follow-up is possible at certain ranges); SA2 hitconfirm time decreases when connecting from longer ranges

Condor Spire (Windclad)

236LK (1 stock)

236LK (Windclad)

Condor Spire (Windclad)
SF6 Lily 236lk 1stock.png
SF6 Lily 236lk 1stock hitbox.pngSF6 Lily 236lk 1stock hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x2,800 25x2,200 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 5(6)11,7 2+12 land 51 - 44(22)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500x2,2000 [500x2,6000] 600,700x2 250x2,600 (175x2,420) 125x2,300 (62x2,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 9-39 (FKD) 3,3,1 3,3,1 5,9,12
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19(-13) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +47(+46~52) KD +47(+46~52) +1(+7)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; 3 hits (can lose hits from farther range); can be spaced out for better frame advantage if only 3rd hit connects; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit; can land a follow-up juggle with 5f startup (up to 10f startup on max range connect)
236MK (1 stock)

236MK (Windclad)

Condor Spire (Windclad)
File:SF6 Lily 236mk 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily 236mk 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x2,900 25x2,225 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
13 5(6)11,7 2+12 land 55 - 44(22)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500x2,2000 [500x2,6000] 600,700x2 250x2,600 (175x2,420) 125x2,300 (62x2,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 13-43 (FKD) 3,3,1 3,3,1 5,9,12
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19(-13) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +49(+47~53) KD +49(+47~53) +1(+7)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; 3 hits (can lose hits from farther range); can be spaced out for better frame advantage if only 3rd hit connects; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit; can land a follow-up juggle with 7f startup (up to 11f startup on max range connect)
236HK (1 stock)

236HK (Windclad)

Condor Spire (Windclad)
File:SF6 Lily 236hk 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily 236hk 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x2,1000 25x2,250 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
17 5(6)11,7 2+12 land 59 - 44(22)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500x2,2000 [500x2,6000] 600,700x2 250x2,600 (175x2,420) 125x2,300 (62x2,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 17-47 (FKD) 3,3,1 3,3,1 5,9,12
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19(-13) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +52(+50~56) KD +52(+50~56) +1(+7)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; 3 hits (can lose hits from farther range); can be spaced out for better frame advantage if only 3rd hit connects; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit; can land a follow-up juggle with 10f startup (up to 14f startup on max range connect)
236KK (1 stock)

236KK (Windclad)

Condor Spire (Windclad)
SF6 Lily 236kk 1stock.png
SF6 Lily 236kk 1stock hitbox.pngSF6 Lily 236kk 1stock hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x2,1000 25x2,250 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH SA2 51(14)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 14,3,7 2+12 land 46 - 40(23)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500x2,2000 [7000] -20000 250x2,600 (175x2,420) 125x2,300 (62x2,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
9-32 Projectile - 9-34 (FKD) 3,3,1 3,3,1 5,9,12
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19(-13) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +56(+62) KD +56(+62) +2(+8)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; 3 hits (can lose hits from farther range); can be spaced out for better frame advantage if only 3rd hit connects; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit; can land a follow-up juggle with 16f startup (up to 22f startup on max range connect); SA2 hitconfirm time decreases when connecting from longer ranges

Tomahawk Buster



Tomahawk Buster
SF6 Lily 623lp.png
SF6 Lily 623lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 225 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 11 21+12 land 49 - 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Air - 7-37 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-42 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +36(+41) KD +36(+41) -27
Puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit


Tomahawk Buster
File:SF6 Lily 623mp.png
SF6 Lily 623mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 250 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 12 25+12 land 56 - 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-12 Air - 9-44 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-47 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +36(+42) KD +36(+42) -32
Puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit


Tomahawk Buster
File:SF6 Lily 623hp.png
SF6 Lily 623hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 300 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 13 26+12 land 61 - 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-14 Air - 11-49 (FKD) 1 1 3
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-50 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +36(+41) KD +36(+41) -35
Puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit


Tomahawk Buster
SF6 Lily 623pp.png
SF6 Lily 623pp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800,600 200,150 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH j.PPP (hit) 58
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 3,9 28+15 land 60 - 20(17)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000x2 [5000] -20000 500x2 (350x2) 250x2 (125x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Throw, 1-10 Air - 7-45 (FKD) 1 1 5,6
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-53 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +32(+37) KD +32(+37) -35
Puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit (cancelable into OD Condor Dive for extra damage at the cost of 2 Drive bars)

Tomahawk Buster (Windclad)

623LP (1 stock)

623LP (Windclad)

Tomahawk Buster (Windclad)
SF6 Lily 623lp 1stock.png
SF6 Lily 623lp 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400,600 100,150 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 4,9 21+12 land 49 - 21(17)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000x2 [5000] 1000x2 500,600 (350,420) 250,300 (125,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Air - 7-37 (FKD) 1,1 1,1 12,13
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-37(-44) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +41(+43) KD +41(+43) -25
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock (2f faster, 100 more damage, better juggles and KD Adv.); puts opponents into limited juggle state; 4f startup means this move cannot be safe jumped unless jump-in is spaced out to make it whiff
623MP (1 stock)

623MP (Windclad)

Tomahawk Buster (Windclad)
File:SF6 Lily 623mp 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily 623mp 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400,800 100,200 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 4,10 25+12 land 56 - 21(17)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000x2 [5000] 1000x2 500,600 (350,420) 250,300 (125,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-12 Air - 9-44 (FKD) 1,1 1,1 12,13
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-42(-49) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +41(+43) KD +41(+43) -30
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock (2f faster, 200 more damage, better juggles and KD Adv.); puts opponents into limited juggle state
623HP (1 stock)

623HP (Windclad)

Tomahawk Buster (Windclad)
File:SF6 Lily 623hp 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily 623hp 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400,1000 100,250 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 4,12 26+12 land 61 - 21(17)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000x2 [5000] 1000x2 500,600 (350,420) 250,300 (125,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-14 Air - 11-49 (FKD) 1,1 1,1 12,13
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-45(-52) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +41(+43) KD +41(+43) -33
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock (2f faster, 200 more damage, better juggles and KD Adv.); puts opponents into limited juggle state
623PP (1 stock)

623PP (Windclad)

Tomahawk Buster (Windclad)
SF6 Lily 623pp 1stock.png
SF6 Lily 623pp 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400,600x2 100,150x2 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) LH j.PPP (hit) 69
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 2,2,10 28+15 land 60 - 22(20)(18)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000,1000x2 [5000] -20000 200,400,500 (140,280,350) 100,200,250 (50,100,125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Throw, 1-10 Air - 7-45 (FKD) 1,1,1 1,1,1 12,15,16
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-48(-55) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +33(+38) KD +33(+38) -35
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock (2f faster, 200 more damage, better juggles and KD Adv.); puts opponents into limited juggle state; 4f startup means this move cannot be safe jumped unless jump-in is spaced out to make it whiff; cancelable into OD Condor Dive on hit (if 623PP hits grounded opponents, the final cancel frame into j.PPP will not connect); has extra range on the 2nd active frame vs. grounded opponents only for combo consistency

Condor Dive



Condor Dive
SF6 Lily jpp.png
SF6 Lily jpp hitbox.pngSF6 Lily jpp hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 200 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 11(17) 5+19 land - - 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD) 10 10 50
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35(-41) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +32(+37) KD +32(+37) -24(-19)
Usable during neutral/forward jump; final active frame has an expanded downward hitbox; can hit cross-up


Condor Dive
SF6 Lily jppp.png
File:SF6 Lily jppp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1400 350 10% Immediate LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 10(14) 5+19 land - - 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] -20000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD) 10 10 50
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35(-41) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +40(+46) KD +40(+46) -24(-19)
Usable during neutral/forward jump, or canceled from 623PP on hit; final active frame has an expanded downward hitbox; can hit cross-up

Condor Dive (Windclad)

j.PP (1 stock)

j.PP (Windclad)

Condor Dive (Windclad)
SF6 Lily jpp 1stock.png
SF6 Lily jpp 1stock hitbox.pngSF6 Lily jpp 1stock hitbox2.pngSF6 Lily jpp 1stock hitbox3.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200,800 50,200 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 11(17) 5+19 land - - 19 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500x2 [2500x2] 1000,2000 500,600 (350,420) 250,300 (125,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD) 10 10,10 50,50
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-36(-41) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +33(+38) KD +33(+38) -24(-19)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; usable during neutral/forward jump; final active frame has an expanded downward hitbox; can hit cross-up
j.PPP (1 stock)

j.PPP (Windclad)

Condor Dive (Windclad)
SF6 Lily jppp 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily jppp 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200,1400 50,350 10% Immediate LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 10(14) 5+19 land - - 19 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500x2 [2500x2] -20000 500,600 (350,420) 250,300 (125,150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD) 10 10,10 50,50
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-36(-41) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +41(+47) KD +41(+47) -24(-19)
Consumes 1 Windclad Stock; usable during neutral/forward jump, or canceled from 623PP on hit; final active frame has an expanded downward hitbox; can hit cross-up

Mexican Typhoon



Mexican Typhoon
SF6 Lily 360lp.png
SF6 Lily 360lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2000 (2300) - 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 53 60 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 5000 3000 (2100) - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +28 HKD +28 -
Puts Lily fullscreen after successful grab; Range: 1.38


Mexican Typhoon
File:SF6 Lily 360mp.png
SF6 Lily 360mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2400 (2760) - 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 53 60 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 5000 3000 (2100) - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +28 HKD +28 -
Puts Lily fullscreen after successful grab; Range: 1.23


Mexican Typhoon
File:SF6 Lily 360hp.png
SF6 Lily 360hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2800 (3220) - 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 53 60 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 5000 3000 (2100) - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +28 HKD +28 -
Puts Lily fullscreen after successful grab; Range: 0.98


Mexican Typhoon
SF6 Lily 360pp.png
File:SF6 Lily 360pp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2900 (3350) - 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 53 60 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] -20000 3000 (2100) - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +28 HKD +28 -
Puts Lily fullscreen after successful grab; Range: 1.38

Super Arts



Breezing Hawk
SF6 Lily 236236p.png
SF6 Lily 236236p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2200 (1840) 100x5 (500) 30% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 2(5)2(7)2(8)2(8)2 54 101 - 57 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500x5 (2500) 200x13,2400(5000) / 200x2,4200(4600) - -10000 -10000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-11 Strike/Throw Break - 1 1xN 99
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-54 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +27(+19) KD +27(+19) -36
First 2 hits give full animation; partial connect gives reduced damage and KD advantage; Dmg distribution: 80x13,1160 (full animation), 80x2,1680 (partial animation)


SF6 Lily 236236k.png
SF6 Lily 236236k hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2600 550,50xN (750~850) 40% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2(2)3x6(9)2 39+24 land 104 - 36 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x5~7 (5000~7000) 500x7,6500 (10000) - -20000 -20000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-41 Full Break 7-80 (FKD) 1 1xN 99
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-87(-80) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +42 KD +42 -60(-66)
Connects 7 times vs. stand block, 5 times vs. crouch block (affects Block Adv, Chip Damage, and Drive Damage); hits on both sides of Lily (good anti-air against cross-ups); must be Perfect Parried twice (3 times for tall standing characters); suction effect on hit (can be used against extended projectile hurtboxes); Dmg distribution: 100x7,1900
236236K (1 stock)


Thunderbird (Windclad)
SF6 Lily 236236k 1stock.png
SF6 Lily 236236k 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2900 225x2,50xN (750~900) 40% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2x11,3(6)2 39+24 land 104 - 37 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
750x8~11 (6000~8250) 500x12,4000 (10000) - -20000 -20000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-41 Full Break 7-80 (FKD) 1 1xN 99
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-87(-80) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +46 KD +46 -59(-65)
Consumes 1 Windclad stock (+300 damage, +4 KD Adv, better horizontal range in both directions); connects 11 times vs. stand block, 8 times vs. crouch block (affects Block Adv, Chip Damage, and Drive Damage); hits on both sides of Lily (good anti-air against cross-ups); must be Perfect Parried twice (3 times for tall standing characters); suction effect on hit (can be used against extended projectile hurtboxes); Dmg distribution: 100x12,1700


Soaring Thunderbird
File:SF6 Lily j236236k.png
File:SF6 Lily j236236k hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2600 552,33x6 (684~750) 40% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2(2)3x6(9)2 25 land - - 36 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
800,700x6 (5000) 500x12,4000 (10000) - -20000 -20000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-41 Full Break Until Land (FKD) 1 1xN 99
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-67(-94) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +36~42 KD +36~42 -54(-66)
2f startup if canceled from OD Condor Spire; total recovery time before landing depends on activation height; hits on both sides of Lily; if input after a cross-up jump, Lily turns to face the opponent (can be used to escape anti-air punish after jumping out of corner); Dmg distribution: 100x7,1800
j.236236K (1 stock)


Soaring Thunderbird (Windclad)
File:SF6 Lily j236236k 1stock.png
File:SF6 Lily j236236k 1stock hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2900 225x2,30x10 (375~750) 40% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2x11,3(6)2 25 land - - 39 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500x12 (6000) 500x12,4000 (10000) - -20000 -20000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-41 Full Break Until Land (FKD) 1 1xN 99
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-67(-94) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +39~45 KD +39~45 -51(-65)
2f startup if canceled from OD Condor Spire; consumes 1 Windclad stock (+300 damage, +4 KD Adv, better horizontal range in both directions); total recovery time before landing depends on activation height; hits on both sides of Lily; if input after a cross-up jump, Lily turns to face the opponent (can be used to escape anti-air punish after jumping out of corner); Dmg distribution: 100x12,1600


Raging Typhoon
SF6 Lily 214214p.png
SF6 Lily 214214p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
4500 - 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5+2 2 106 114 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- 15000 - -30000 - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-8 Full - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +4 HKD +4 -
Can be jumped out of during startup; can be comboed into like a hit-grab (immediate damage scaling applies to any combo into SA3); cinematic time regenerates ~1.7 Drive bars for Lily; Range: 1.73 (1.76 on 2nd active frame)
214214P (CA)


Raging Typhoon (CA)
SF6 Lily 214214p(ca).png
File:SF6 Lily 214214p(ca) hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
5000 - 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5+2 2 106 114 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- 20000 - -30000 - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-8 Full - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +4 HKD +4 -
Can be jumped out of during startup; can be comboed into like a hit-grab (immediate damage scaling applies to any combo into SA3); available at 25% HP or below; cinematic time regenerates ~2.4 Drive bars for Lily; Range: 1.73 (1.76 on 2nd active frame)




Neutral Taunt
SF6 Lily 5pppkkk.png
SF6 Lily 5pppkkk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1 - - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
147(17) 3 217 366 19 14
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-209 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
-197 -201 -206
"Okay, smile! Good stuff."; Camera flash is a 1-hit low priority projectile; can hold any button to indefinitely delay the camera flash (17f startup after release)


Forward Taunt
SF6 Lily 6pppkkk.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
338 (total) - - 338 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
"Hey! Is there anyone that wants to duke it out with me? Oh wait, you're here."


Back Taunt
SF6 Lily 4pppkkk.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
144 (total) - - 144 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
"Come on! I'm ready to fight!"

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison