Street Fighter 6/JP: Difference between revisions

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* Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
* Chains into {{clr|L|5LP}}/{{clr|L|2LP}}/{{clr|L|2LK}}
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
JP's farthest reaching light normal, and can be chained into from his 2LP or 2LK, making it good for confirming light chains into LP Striborg.
** {{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}} oH / {{sf6-adv|E|0}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
JP's farthest reaching light normal, making it a good light chain ender for canceling into {{clr|L|LP Stribog}}.

At 6 frames startup, this is not a move that you should try to mash on defense.
The startup is too slow to be a consistent defensive option, though it can be useful for avoiding spacing traps where {{clr|L|2LP}} whiffs.

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{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=180px|jp_5mp|caption=Only a spoonful of disjoint}}
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JP's farthest reaching poke, with a good disjoint at the tip. Good as a harassment and keepaway tool as it provides heavy pushback on block, and can also be used for long range whiff punishes when 5HP won't reach. Has no reward on hit even with Drive Rush or Punish Counter, and lack of cancel makes it vulnerable to Drive Impact.  
JP's farthest reaching poke, with a good hitbox disjoint at the tip. {{clr|M|5MP}} is a great neutral tool to control space, whiff punish when {{clr|H|5HP}} won't reach, and stop some longer-range {{clr|4|Drive Rushes}} (a common counter to his zoning). The high pushback on block keeps it safe at most ranges, making it great for harassment and keepaway.
{{clr|M|5MP}} is vulnerable to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} since it cannot be canceled, and it lacks any reward on hit even with {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} or Punish Counter; use {{clr|H|5HP}} instead whenever the range allows it.
As a round start option, {{clr|M|5MP}} can trade with fireballs and interrupt some {{clr|4|Drive Rushes}}, but beware of buttons like Chun-Li's {{clr|H|5HP}} that can potentially whiff punish it hard.

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* Punish Counter: +25
* Punish Counter: {{sf6-adv|VP|+25 Stagger}}
* Has very high juggle potential and puts airborne opponents into a {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* Extends a hurtbox 1f before active that is vulnerable to projectiles
* Extends a widened hurtbox during active/recovery frames (easier to whiff punish)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f (PC: 23f)
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+17}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
An important mid-range, combo, and juggle tool thanks to its disjointed hitbox and great reward on hit. Unlike some of his other mid-range moves, it is cancelable; this allows it to shut down {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} and convert stray hits into full combos. Frame-wise it is very similar to {{clr|M|5MP}}, giving up some range in exchange for versatility.

Important midrange tool for JP's, as it has quite good hitbox properties, and good reward on hit. It is cancelable unlike many of his other midrange moves, which is important for dealing with DI and for starting big combos.
The heavy hitstun allows a combo into {{clr|L|LK Torbalan}} from any range. Buffering {{clr|L|LP}}/{{clr|M|MP}} Stribog is very effective at mid-range, leading to a knockdown on hit or an airtight blockstring (unless the first hit of {{clr|M|MP Stribog}} whiffs). Most characters cannot punish this if well-spaced. Canceling into {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} leaves a large blockstring gap, so it cannot be abused for endless pressure; {{clr|10|OD Stribog}} also leaves a small gap that can lose to reversals or Perfect Parry.

The hurtbox only extends during the active frames, so it is good for outranging your opponents shorter pokes while being difficult to whiff-punish.
{{clr|H|5HP}} (along with {{clr|H|2HP}}) is useful in {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} combos, leading to a powerful {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} wall bounce. It has incredible juggle potential even without {{clr|4|Drive Rush}}, and sees a lot of use in JP's launch combos.  
On hit, it's heavy hitstun allows combos into L Torbalan on hit from any range. It also has juggle potential, and sees a lot of use in JP's launch combos. On Punish Counter you get massive frameadvantage, which makes it a great punish starter for very unsafe attacks (like a blocked DP).

JP gets massive frame advantage on Punish Counter, making it a useful starter for very unsafe moves like blocked reversals. The opponent is staggered long enough to link a 1-bar {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} follow-up instead of using a 3-bar cancel. He can even cancel into {{clr|10|OD Departure}} while still linking {{clr|M|2MP}} for a powerful 2-bar juggle starter. Keep in mind that there is extra damage scaling when starting a punish with {{clr|H|5HP}}, so there may be more optimal starters in some circumstances.

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* Hitbox is low enough to the ground to break Upper-Body armor (like Marisa's meterless parry)
* Hitbox is low enough to the ground to break Upper-Body armor (like Marisa's meterless parry)
Can't be chained into, and has less range than 5LP. Still useful for some specific punishes or mashing situations where 2LP lacks range, like frametrapping after a blocked 5HK at longer distance.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
** {{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}} oH / {{sf6-adv|P|+1}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
Since it can't be chained into, {{clr|L|5LK}} is reserved for Counter-hit confirms (usually from {{clr|M|2MK}}), or for frame trapping after a blocked {{clr|H|5HK}} at longer distance where {{clr|L|2LP}} would lack range.

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1f slower, but farther reaching than 2MP which generally makes this button JP's main special cancellable button in neutral. It can be especially threating off Drive Rush and has the same enders as 2MP for combos. One of JPs normals with the most pushback on block, which makes it particularly safe and useful for pressure. Uniquely, when 5MK is special canceled it also moves JP forward.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 15f
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after active frames
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} oB
1f slower, but farther reaching than {{clr|M|2MP}} which generally makes this button JP's main special cancelable button in neutral. It can be especially threating off {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} and has the same enders as {{clr|M|2MP}} for combos. One of JPs normals with the most pushback on block, which makes it particularly safe and useful for pressure. Uniquely, when {{clr|M|5MK}} is special canceled it also moves JP forward.

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* Whiffs on crouchers at max range.
* '''Anti-Air Invuln:''' 9-15f (Head) / 12-17f (Leg)
Your best combo starter as it links into 2MP, or goes into the 5HP target combo if you're too far away. Fast enough to work after jump-ins or Drive Impact crumples.
* Whiffs on crouching opponents at farther ranges
On block, this is JP's only plus on block normal, allowing you to frametrap with 2LP or 5LK.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 18f (TC)
A strong upward-angled kick with many uses. It is great for block pressure at {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}, giving JP a frame trap into {{clr|L|2LP}} or {{clr|L|5LK}}; however, on block he is not in throw range even after {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} momentum. Due to the low recovery, JP can block the opponent's Drive Reversal if it isn't used at the earliest possible timing. It is also a great combo starter on hit, linking into {{clr|M|2MP}} at closer ranges or chaining into the {{clr|H|5HK}}~{{clr|H|HP}} Target Combo from nearly any range. This [[#5HK~HP~HP/HK|Target Combo]] is also safe on block with multiple cancel options to keep the opponent on their toes.

It can also work as an anti-air for distant jumps that might make 2HP whiff, but has less reward than 6HK in those situations.
{{clr|H|5HK}} is fast enough to combo after jump-ins or {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} crumples. It can even anti-air in some situations where {{clr|H|2HP}} or {{clr|H|6HK}} might whiff, though it's far less rewarding than {{clr|H|6HK}}. The only downside is that it doesn't reach crouching opponents at its max range.

=== Crouching Normals ===
=== Crouching Normals ===
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* Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
* Chains into {{clr|L|5LP}}/{{clr|L|2LP}}/{{clr|L|2LK}}
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 12f
JP's fastest attack, good for contesting the opponent's blockstrings. Can combo into LP Striborg. After a Punish Counter for -4 attacks, can combo into 2MP.
** {{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}} oH / {{sf6-adv|P|+1}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
* Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-5 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air
JP's fastest attack, good for contesting the opponent's blockstrings. Can combo into {{clr|L|LP Stribog}}. After a Punish Counter against {{sf6-adv|VM|-4}} attacks, it can combo into {{clr|M|2MP}}.

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As a poke, 2MP has less range than your other mediums, but is faster and has less total frames, making it less commital. Its hitbox is also high enough to sometimes work as an anti-air, though this isn't very reliable or rewarding.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after active frames
Its also an important combo tool for JP, as it can link from 5HK and then cancel into MP Striborg (except at maximum range where it falls out, in that case use LP Striborg). It can also be Drive Rush cancelled into 2HP for HP Striborg combos. Links into itself on Counter Hit/Punish Counter, wich can make hitconfirming a bit easier.
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}} oH / {{sf6-adv|P|+3}} oB
* Extends a hurtbox on whiff until end of recovery
* Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-10 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air
Great mid-range poke, and the least committal of JP's mediums thanks to low recovery, on top of being safe against {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. A bit stubbier than {{clr|M|5MK}}, but the faster speed and the good disjoint will help in some situations. Links into itself, {{clr|M|5MK}} or {{clr|M|4MP}} if you can score a Counter-hit in neutral and aren't too far, but can't link into anything if you hit at the tip. Its hitbox is also high enough to sometimes work as an anti-air, though this isn't very reliable or rewarding.

{{clr|M|2MP}} is also an important combo tool for JP, as it can link from {{clr|H|5HK}} and then cancel into {{clr|M|MP Stribog}} (except at maximum range where it falls out, in that case use {{clr|L|LP Stribog}}). It can also be {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} canceled into {{clr|H|2HP}} for {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} combos.

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* Solid anti-air but cannot hit cross-up
* Forces stand on hit
* Forces stand on hit
Good anti-air, and causes an aerial reset when used in juggles. Special-cancelable, allowing for potential setups or mixups after anti-airing. You can setup Departure or try to surprise them with Embrace.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 20f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+17}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+10}} oB
JP's most consistent anti-air, with short horizontal range and a disjointed vertical hitbox. Against strong jump-ins, JP must use this early to avoid trading with his extended arm hurtbox. It cannot hit opponents behind JP, so against closer jumps it's safer to use Air Throw or {{clr|L|j.LP}} instead. When used against Forced Knockdown aerial moves like Cammy's Hooligan Combination or Dhalsim's Air Teleport, {{clr|H|2HP}} can be canceled into {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|5HP}} > {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} for a powerful conversion.
{{clr|H|2HP}} has the highest juggle potential out of all of JP's normals. In most anti-air and juggle routes, it results in an air reset. Canceling into Torbalan allows for a high/low mixup that is safe to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}, though some Supers can punish this upon landing. In the corner, this cancel must be done very low to the ground to prevent the opponent from mashing out. A cancel into Torbalan Feint is roughly even on hit and can bait reversals or cause the opponent to whiff a parry. Canceling into Departure is riskier, but much more rewarding if the opponent isn't ready for an immediate punish; {{clr|10|OD Departure}} is only around {{sf6-adv|VM|-4}}, making it a safe air reset option unless absolutely point blank. Embrace is the riskiest of all anti-air cancel options, but can be useful as an occasional surprise against opponents who tend to parry frequently.
{{clr|H|2HP}} is JP's fastest heavy normal, making it useful in some {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} routes where {{clr|H|5HP}}, {{clr|H|5HK}}, or {{clr|H|6HK}} cannot combo.

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* Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
* Chains into {{clr|L|5LP}}/{{clr|L|2LP}}/{{clr|L|2LK}}
JP's fastest low, and only move for chaining multiple lows during pressure. Also good for catching opponents trying to walk out of pressure (such as when they are covered by an Amnesia bomb) or close range-shimmy.
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
JP's fastest low, and your only way to chain multiple lows during pressure. Also good for catching opponents trying to walk out of pressure (such as when they are covered by an Amnesia bomb). The 6 frames of startup makes it harder to mash during your opponent's pressure, but it still useful for countering shimmy, which will happen often as your opponents attempt to bait {{clr|10|OD Amnesia}} or Delay Tech.

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Fantastic neutral poke as it hits low, has great range, combos on Counter Hit and moves him forward. The downsides include not being cancelable and being vulnerable to early Drive Impacts. Using it after Drive Rush improves it to +1 on block and +7 on hit making it JP's best low from Drive Rush.
* Moves JP forward; extends a hurtbox on whiff until end of recovery
A fantastic neutral poke with great range and forward movement throughout the animation. It offers useful links on Counter-hit ({{clr|L|5LK}}) and Punish Counter ({{clr|M|2MP}}). It is not cancelable, making it a bit vulnerable to early {{clr|4|Drive Impacts}}, though this is a risky read for your opponent. The forward movement and low-hitting property also makes it a surprisingly good button on defense to beat spacing traps.
Using it out of {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} improves it to {{sf6-adv|P|+1}} on block and {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} on hit, making it one of JP's best approach buttons, and your best way to start a combo from a low.

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* Counterhit/Punish Counter: +48 HKD
* Counter-hit/Punish Counter: HKD +48
* Has slight juggle potential (after corner 22P or 236KK); not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into
JP's sweep has less range than his 2MK but compensates by being safer than most sweeps with a lower disadvantage on block, making it harder to punish outside of close range.
Relatively short range (even shorter than {{clr|M|2MK}}), but compensates with great hitbox priority and by being much safer on block than most sweeps. Difficult for most characters to punish unless done at close range.  

=== Jumping Normals ===
=== Jumping Normals ===
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Whiffs on crouchers
* Whiffs on crouching opponents
* Extends a large hurtbox 2f before active
His longest air-to-air, useful for distant jumps and after neutral jumps, but it will whiff if the opponent stays crouched
JP's longest ranged air normal, making it a great air-to-air from a distance most characters cannot reach. Neutral jumping at mid-range allows JP to come down with {{clr|M|j.MP}} to stuff the opponent's grounded approach, and can punish some whiffed normals and projectiles. The hurtbox is quite large, so an opponent who correctly predicts this button can easily hit JP out of the air.

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Slams the opponent on Counterhit/Punish Counter.
* Causes spike knockdown vs. airborne opponents on Counter-hit/Punish Counter
JP's most disjointed air normal, allowing him to stuff some anti-air normals when jumping from close range.

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Can cross-up
* Can hit cross-up
* Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead (requires perfect safe jump timing)
Works as an instant overhead on standing opponents
This simple kick is one of your most versatile air normals for pressure. It works great as a jump-in after a Teleport, can crossup from Teleport, allows fuzzy overhead setups with OD Portals, punishes Delay Tech when covered by a portal or [ reset combos during {{clr|10|SA2}}].

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Puts airborne opponents into a juggle state, and has juggle potential itself.
* Puts airborne opponents into a {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state, and has juggle potential itself
* Shifts JP's hurtbox upward during startup
Has worse range than {{clr|M|j.MP}}, but much better reward after an air-to-air thanks to the juggle state that gives strong okizeme. Also an important combo tool for {{clr|10|OD Departure}} combos.

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JP's best air normal. Works for jump-ins, air to airs, covering yourself during a back jump, etc.
* Extends a hurtbox 1f before active
JP's best all-purpose air normal. The large hitbox covers both air and ground approaches and works great for both jump-ins, retreating jumps, and Teleports if you manage to avoid moves with high recovery.
Do note that it won't link to {{clr|H|5HK}} on normal hit if you land it too high up, so be ready to follow up with {{clr|M|4MP}} in those situations.

== Command Normals ==
== Command Normals ==
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Short range strike that confirms into a target combo with 5MP. Situational punish starter when 5HK would be too slow as canceling the target combo is stronger than canceling 2MP/5MK.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f / 23f (TC)
** TC cancel leaves a 1f blockstring gap
Is fast and disjointed in the front of JP, so can be used to stuff-out advancing attacks too close for JP 5HP to avoid trading, or as a situational whiff-punish.
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+14}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}} oB
A short range strike that can be confirmed into a {{clr|M|4MP}}~{{clr|M|MP}} Target Combo with quite lenient hitconfirm timing. A situational alternative to {{clr|M|5MK}} with less range but a more disjointed hitbox, making it a safer poke and more suited to beat advancing moves or other disjoints.  

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Safe on block overhead. Can be linked out of on Counter-Hit or with Drive Rush.  
A safe on block overhead. A {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} starter lets JP link into {{clr|M|2MP}} for high damage and corner carry, and meaty timing allows a meterless link into {{clr|L|2LP}}.

You can also use Amnesia's bomb or Departure's followup to combo off it.
{{clr|M|6MK}} is an invaluable tool when combined with moves like Amnesia Bomb, Departure spikes, and {{clr|10|SA2}}. These allow JP to get much stronger follow-up combos, and the distracting visual effects can make it harder for the opponent to react to the overhead startup.

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Long-range sweep with the cane. Great range, but slow and unsafe unless you cover yourself with Departure/Amnesia. A good tool against peoples trying to shimmy you or back walk out of pressure.
* Counter-hit/Punish Counter: HKD +39
* Has high juggle potential; not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into
* +17 on normal hit knockdown, +39 on counter and punish counter.
A long-range sweep with a disjointed hitbox on the cane. Has great range, and can be difficult for some characters to punish if well-spaced. At closer ranges where the pushback is less relevant, JP can still cover his recovery with Departure or Amnesia bombs. {{clr|H|3HP}} is a good tool against people who frequently back walk out of JP's pressure, or who walk in and out of JP's other poke ranges to bait a whiff.

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Two-hit launching kick. Excellent combo starter and has the same speed as 5HK. 6HK is generally better in the corner while 5HK is better mid-screen.
* '''Anti-Air Invuln:''' 8-16f (Head/Leg); cannot hit cross-up
* 1st hit forces stand; 2nd hit whiffs on crouch blocking opponents (3f worse advantage)
* Puts opponents into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 34f (2nd hit only)
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame (2nd active frame of 2nd hit)
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' KD +55 oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+12}} oB
A 2-hit launching kick. Works as a highly rewarding ranged anti-air, though the startup is a bit slow and can whiff under close jumps. A cancel into Triglav works consistently, but stronger options exist depending on the screen position and distance from the opponent. In the corner, a raw {{clr|H|6HK}} can juggle to HP Stribog for a wall bounce, or to {{clr|M|MP Stribog}} after a {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} wall splat. Midscreen, a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel into {{clr|H|5HP}} > {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} can work, but requires somewhat precise timing to avoid whiffing under the opponent.

Doubles as an anti-air for distant jumps with great reward as it keeps the opponents juggled and cancels, allowing it to combo into Triglav.
JP cannot cancel {{clr|H|6HK}} to keep himself safe against a crouch blocking opponent, as the 2nd hit whiffs and the 1st hit is not cancelable. In this scenario it becomes {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}} on block, leading to a hefty punish. The first hit does force stand, allowing a successful combo even on a crouching opponent.

== Target Combos ==
== Target Combos ==
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Special-cancelable target combo. Has a bit more hitstun than 2MP/5MK, allowing it to combo into Triglav or LK Torbalan for corner juggles.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f (single hit) / 46f (full TC)
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+16}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} oB
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
A special-cancelable Target Combo that makes hitconfirming {{clr|M|4MP}} very easy. Since it has more hitstun than {{clr|M|2MP}}/{{clr|M|5MK}}, it can combo into Triglav or {{clr|L|LK Torbalan}} for corner juggles.
Chaining into the second hit on block always leaves a 1-frame gap that will beat mashing, but it loses to invincible reversals or Perfect Parry.

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A target combo that does everything you could ask it to. It is safe on block, cancels, easy to hit confirm in neutral, and has mixups attached to it.
* True blockstring from {{clr|H|5HK}} (can leave 1f gap if manually delayed)
* '''Special Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 18f (single-hit) / 51-54f (full TC)
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
* '''TC Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 21f (single-hit) / 54-57f (full TC)
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+15}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}} oB
A Target Combo that does everything you could hope for. This 2nd hit is safe on block, cancelable, easy to hitconfirm in neutral, and has built-in mixups. The {{clr|H|HP}}/{{clr|H|HK}} enders are not true combos and are mostly reserved for Departure/{{clr|10|SA2}} mixups.

Canceling into MP Stribog frametraps everything that's isn't invincible but is unsafe on block, while canceling into Triglav trades with 4 frame attacks but leaves you so plus that you will have the time to setup Departure and still be advantageous.  
The safest option on block is to simply end the string and wait, as JP is only {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}. This allows you to bait reversals, whiffed Parry, and {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. You can also cancel into {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} to force a mixup and avoid a disadvantageous situation, though this is expensive. Depending on how you expect the opponent to react, here are some other cancel options:
* {{clr|M|MP Stribog}} ({{clr|M|236MP}}): frame traps all non-invincible moves, but is unsafe on block and loses to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. At longer ranges, the pushback may keep JP safe. Beats most {{clr|10|SA1}} reversals, but some like Luke's are fast enough to punish JP before the projectile hitbox comes out.
* Triglav (22P): trades with 4f attacks, leaving JP with enough KD advantage to set up Departure and still have frame advantage afterwards. Can juggle with {{clr|10|SA3}}, or even more in the corner. Loses to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} but beats reversal {{clr|10|SA1}}.
* {{clr|L|LK Torbalan}} ({{clr|L|236LK}}): trades with 4f attacks like Triglav, but has worse KD advantage. Recovers in time to punish {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} and beats reversal {{clr|10|SA1}}.
* {{clr|M|MK}}/{{clr|H|HK}} Torbalan (236{{clr|M|MK}}/{{clr|H|HK}}): Loses to fast reversal normals, but can be spaced to make many buttons whiff. Recovers in time to punish {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. Will beat most {{clr|10|SA1}} reversals, but some faster ones can punish JP.
* Embrace (214K): throws opponents who block, parry, or attempt {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. Use sparingly, as it's quite reactable and leads to a huge punish if jumped. Loses to {{clr|10|SA1s}}.
Overhead follow-up. Does not combo naturally from {{clr|H|5HK}}~{{clr|H|HP}}, and leaves an 8f blockstring gap that is easily interruptible unless covered with Departure or {{clr|10|SA2}}.
Low follow-up. Does not combo naturally from {{clr|H|5HK}}~{{clr|H|HP}}, and leaves an 8f blockstring gap that is easily interruptible unless covered with Departure or {{clr|10|SA2}}.

If the opponents decides to block/parry the followup, you can cancel into Embrace to surprise them.
You can substitute the overhead and low follow-ups with cancels to {{clr|M|MK}} or {{clr|H|HK}} Torbalan. This leave the same gap on block, but give better reward on hit, allowing corner combos without counter-hit. They are also safe to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. Because they are projectiles, they can beat most {{clr|10|SA1}} reversals, which is especially important to know against characters without fully invincible {{clr|10|OD}} reversals.

Finally, as the target combo is only -3, you can end it with no followup to bait DPs and Drive Impacts.
The only advantage to the High/Low TC enders is that they are less punishable, at {{sf6-adv|VM|-4}} instead of Torbalan's {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}}.
Overhead followup. Loses to mash.
Low followup. Loses to mash.

== Throws ==
== Throws ==
Line 412: Line 506:
| info    =  
| info    =  
* Has access to corner throw loops without walking or dashing; throw must be manually timed
* Punish Counter: HKD +24
* Applies 40% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (into {{clr|10|SA2}}/Departure/{{clr|10|OD Amnesia}})
* Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)
JP has access to a corner throw loop without walking or dashing, but it must be manually timed. He can also dash forward to be {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}, giving easier timing but reducing his ability to shimmy to bait a throw while blocking reversals. Midscreen, the opponent is sent far away, allowing JP to start setting up his offense.

JP can combo out of his throw if Departure's automatic followup triggers right after the throw's hit. For this to work, you have to throw the opponent immediatly after setting up Departure.
JP can combo out of Forward Throw with either {{clr|10|SA2}} or a Departure spike. To land this juggle, JP must throw immediately after setting up a Departure portal or after activating {{clr|10|SA2}}. In the corner it's also possible for the opponent to block 1 hit of {{clr|10|SA2}} before getting thrown and juggled by the last hit, but this is very precise. The 2nd {{clr|10|OD Amnesia}} bomb can also juggle after a throw, but it doesn't lead to any further damage.

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| info    =  
| info    =  
* Side switches
* Side switch
* Punish Counter: HKD +36
* Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)
* No additional scaling if opponent is juggled into {{clr|10|SA2}}/Departure/{{clr|10|OD Amnesia}} (throw does 0 damage in this case)
JP throws the opponent nearly a full screen away. After throwing the opponent back into the corner, he can dash to become {{sf6-adv|VP|+14}}, but is left too far away to walk up for strike/throw oki. JP can {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} instead of dash to get closer, or he can lock the opponent down with 22P or any 236K instead to preserve Drive meter.

Departure can also hit your opponent during the throw's animation. Midscreen you will have no combo and it will do 400 less damage as the back throw's damage comes from the hit when your opponent hits the floor. In the corner, JP recovers fast enough to combo with most normals, and can actually start the combo with 100% scaling since the throw only doesn’t do damage until the end.
Just like Forward Throw, it's possible to juggle into {{clr|10|SA2}} or a Departure spike, and can even juggle into the 2nd bomb of {{clr|10|OD Amnesia}} with a true follow-up combo. When this happens, the throw itself does 0 damage; this is great for scaling purposes when throwing the opponent back into the corner, where JP can follow up with further juggles. Midscreen, a combo after back throw is fairly useless; the Departure spike does less damage than just letting the throw play out on its own and has no follow-up, and an immediate {{clr|10|SA2}} into throw doesn't even juggle (JP must throw after the first projectile is blocked).

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| info    =  
| info    =  
* Side switches
* Side switch
* Punish Counter: HKD +32
Can work as a backup anti-air
Jump back air throw is a good anti-air against close jumps and cross-ups that could make {{clr|H|2HP}} whiff. Midscreen, this leads to very weak oki; it's better to just set up a Departure or throw a projectile. If throwing the opponent backwards into the corner, it's possible for JP to force some real oki.

== Drive System ==
== Drive System ==
Line 454: Line 559:
| title    = Drive Impact
| title    = Drive Impact
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| input    = HPHK
| input    = {{Classic_sf6}} HPHK<br>{{Modern_sf6}} DI
| images  =  
| images  =  
Line 461: Line 566:
| info    =  
| info    =  
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]]
* '''Armor (2-hit):''' 1-27f; '''Range:''' 2.535 (1.455 movement + 1.08 hitbox)
* On Hit/PC: Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo
* On Block: Applies 20% scaling multiplier to all follow-up hits after Wall Splat; the next attack can incur additional Starter Scaling
* Combos when canceled from {{clr|H|5HP}}/{{clr|H|2HP}} or Punish Counter {{clr|M|4MP}} (no corner wallsplat; useful for depleting Drive gauge, especially after Perfect Parry)
* A blocked {{clr|4|DI}} can combo into another {{clr|4|DI}} if opponent is not fully cornered (Stuns if opponent has less than 1.5 Drive bars)
** This happens because a blocked {{clr|4|DI}} is not considered a "hit" for combo purposes
** Causes both the 20% Starter and 20% Multiplier scaling to apply to the follow-up combo
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]] on the Gauges page for more details.

When cancelled from a normal, these are the important '''blockstring gaps'''; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout
When canceled from a normal, these are the important '''blockstring gaps'''; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout
* -
* {{clr|H|6HK}}: 5[1]
* {{clr|H|5HP}}: 6[2]
* {{clr|H|2HP}}: 7[3]
* {{clr|H|5HK}}~{{clr|H|HP}}: 8[4]
* {{clr|M|4MP}}: 9[5]
* {{clr|M|5MK}}, {{clr|M|4MP}}~{{clr|M|MP}}: 10[6]
* {{clr|M|2MP}}: 14[10]
* Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters
* Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters
Against the following characters in Burnout:
* '''JP (22K)''', frame 3 counter
* '''Marisa (214K)''', frame 3 armor
* '''Zangief ({{clr|H|5[HP]}})''', frame 4 armor
It's important to use a blockstring that cannot be absorbed by their armor/counter moves. Ideally, the string should also not be a true combo, or it will cause a Lock and prevent Stun.<br>{{clr|10|*}} Denotes a move that causes Lock on Counter-hit, allowing the opponent to escape a Stun by mashing on wakeup.
* {{clr|H|6HK}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit, but whiffs on crouch block
* {{clr|H|5HP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|H|2HP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 3f blockstring gap will work vs. Zangief {{clr|H|5[HP]}}
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|M|4MP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|M|5MK}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit

Line 472: Line 601:
| title    = Drive Reversal
| title    = Drive Reversal
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| input    = 6HPHK (in blockstun)
| input    = {{Classic_sf6}} 6HPHK<br>{{Modern_sf6}} 6DI
| images  =  
| images  =  
Line 479: Line 608:
| info    =  
| info    =  
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]]
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-22f; Armor Break
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-22f; Armor Break
* 5f extra recovery on hit; 4f screen freeze during startup
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-20f; Armor Break
* 5f extra recovery on hit; no screen freeze
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]] on the Gauges page for more details.

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| info    =  
| info    =  
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Parry|Drive Parry]]
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Parry|Drive Parry]] on the Gauges page for more details.
* Perfect Parry has only 1f recovery, and disables the opponent from canceling their attack
* Perfect Parry:
* Perfect Parry vs. projectiles puts you into a fixed 11f recovery
** Applies a 50% damage scaling multiplier to any punish afterwards
** vs. strikes, has only 1f recovery and prevents the opponent from canceling their attack
** vs. projectiles, puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Drive Rush (66)</font>=====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Drive Rush (MPMK~66)</font>=====
| title    = Drive Rush
| title    = Drive Rush
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =
| input    = 66
| input    = {{Classic_sf6}} MPMK~66<br>{{Modern_sf6}} DP~66
| images  =  
| images  =
| hitboxes =  
| hitboxes =
| info    =  
| info    =
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]]. Frame data shown in (parentheses) refers to the version used after Parry.
* 1-bar version performed out of Parry
* Notable Drive Rush cancel combo routes:
* Startup is 1+8 immediately after successful Parry
* Notable Drive Rush cancel blockstring gaps:
* 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal
** Can also be performed from whiffed cancelable light normals
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]] on the Gauges page for more details. See Strategy page for [[Street_Fighter_6/JP/Strategy#Drive_Rush|Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes]]
* Startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} animation
* The first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack
* The final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry)
* Only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with '''+4''' frame advantage and improved juggle properties
* Applies 15% damage scaling multiplier to any follow-up hits when used mid-combo
** Only applies scaling once per combo; does not apply when a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} enhanced attack starts the combo
* 0.525 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
* 1.857 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
* 3.628 (max, final {{clr|4|DR}} frame)

== Special Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
Line 524: Line 672:
| input    = 22P
| input    = 22P
| images  =  
| images  =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_22pp|caption='' *colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_22pp|caption="Break through!" - '' colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game ''}}
| hitboxes =  
| hitboxes =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_22pp|caption='' *colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_22pp|caption="Break through!" - '' colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game ''}}
| info    =  
| info    =  
* Counts as a projectile
* Counts as a projectile
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super)
JP summons a spike from the ground, with the button used determining the location.
JP summons a spike from the ground, with the button used determining the location.

Important zoning tool: First, it's a great way to force opponent to sit still after blocking Torbalan or Departure's followup, which are highly plus when done from fullscreen. It will catch them jumping or dashing, forcing them to walk and block or wait for the spike to come out before acting.
Important zoning tool: First, it's a great way to force opponent to sit still after blocking Torbalan or Departure's follow-up, which are highly plus when done from fullscreen. It will catch them jumping or dashing, forcing them to walk and block or wait for the spike to come out before acting.
It's also great for anti-zoning as it will ignore your opponent's fireball and strike them directly, at the price that you will trade with their fireball instead of nullifying it, which can be a viable strategy if you have life lead.
It's also great for anti-zoning as it will ignore your opponent's fireball and strike them directly, at the price that you will trade with their fireball instead of nullifying it, which can be a viable strategy if you have life lead.
Also works as a full-screen check against character that might try to use the distance for setups (like Ryu's Denjin Charge).
Also works as a full-screen check against characters that might try to use the distance for setups (like Ryu's Denjin Charge).

The best counterplay to Triglav is to attempt to perfect parry and punish with either a fast traveling move (Spiral Arrow, Blanka Ball) or with Drive Rush into a fast normal.
The best counter-play to Triglav is to attempt to perfect parry and punish with either a fast traveling move (Spiral Arrow, Blanka Ball) or with {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} into a fast normal.

Triglav is also an important combo tool for JP. The spikes launch the opponent into a juggle state, and have juggle potential themselves. On regular grounded hit, you can only land 2HP or level 1 in the corner. But on a high air connect, you can land a second spike anywhere on screen. The importance of Triglav comes in completing launch combos for JP, such as after an HP Striborg wallbounce, after an ennemy has been hit by Departure's followup and many of JP's other launches.
Triglav is also an important combo tool for JP. The spikes launch the opponent into a juggle state, and have juggle potential themselves. On regular grounded hit, you can only land 2HP or {{clr|10|SA1}} in the corner. But on a high air connect, you can land a second spike anywhere on screen. The importance of Triglav comes in completing launch combos for JP, such as after an HP Stribog wall bounce, after an enemy has been hit by Departure's follow-up and many of JP's other launches.
* Punish Counter on 1st hit launches higher for slightly better advantage (KD +57)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 19f (Super)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
JP summons two spikes. The button combination determines the location, with LP+MP using the LP location, LP+HP using the MP location and MP+HP using the HP location.
JP summons two spikes. The button combination determines the location, with LP+MP using the LP location, LP+HP using the MP location and MP+HP using the HP location.

Hits two times, useful for single-hit armored moves that might beat regular Triglav, and is also plus on block allowing for pressure reset if you cancel it from a heavy normal or the 4MP target combo. On hit, the juggle state is a little more limited as you can't land 2HP anymore but can still juggle level 1.
Hits two times, useful for single-hit armored moves that might beat regular Triglav, and is also plus on block allowing for pressure reset if you cancel it from a heavy normal or the 4MP target combo. On hit, the juggle state is a little more limited as you can't land 2HP anymore but can still juggle {{clr|10|SA1}}.

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| info    =  
| info    =  
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
JP swipes his cane in front of him, sending his opponent away on hit. LP and MP are both combo enders, and can confirm into level 3.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 27f (Super); 11f if only projectile hits
JP swipes his cane in front of him, sending his opponent away on hit. LP and MP are both combo enders, and can confirm into {{clr|10|SA3}}.
In corner juggles, the LP version is used either as an ender to setup a safe jump (canceled from 5HP), or when going for damage/{{clr|10|SA3}} after a very high connect of Triglav. During an {{clr|10|SA2}} juggle (like after a cancel from OD Triglav), the LP and MP version instead act as combo extenders, used to maintain the opponent juggled while the ghosts attack.

Midscreen, your opponent is thrown far enough that you can setup Departure without too much risk, but in the corner your opponent will be able to interrupt you.
Midscreen, your opponent is thrown far enough that you can setup Departure without too much risk, but in the corner your opponent will be able to interrupt you.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
* Puts opponents into a [[Street_Fighter_6/Glossary#Juggles|limited juggle state]] on hit
* Puts opponents into a {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state on hit
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 30f (Super); 13f if only projectile hits
On a grounded hit, 236MP's frame advantage is enough for an auto-timed safe jump, or an OD Departure setup that still gives you the time to meaty with a light normal. On a cornered opponent, you can also follow a ground hit with 2HP for a reset, or {{clr|10|SA1}} for damage. In corner juggles, 236MP is used to extend combos by popping the opponent upward (usually immediatly after HP Stribog or during wallsplat combos).

On a cornered opponent, you can follow MP Striborg with 2HP or level 1.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 31f (Super); 6f if only projectile hits
* 1st hit has 3f extra recovery on Perfect Parry (allows {{clr|4|DI}} punish)

HP Striborg wallbounces and acts as a combo extender. This version is way slower and won't combo from any normal on normal grounded hit. To land it, you have to use a Drive Rush heavy, or juggle into it after 6HK in the corner.
HP Stribog wall bounces and acts as a combo extender. This version is way slower and won't combo from any normal on normal grounded hit. To land it, you have to use a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} heavy, or juggle into it after 6HK in the corner.

As it is plus on block, you can use it to reset pressure on opponents that respects you too much, but keep in mind that any cancel into HP Striborg outside of burnout leaves at least 6-frames gaps for your opponent to attack.
As it is plus on block, you can use it to reset pressure on opponents that respects you too much, but keep in mind that any cancel into HP Stribog outside of burnout leaves at least 6-frames gaps for your opponent to attack.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile.
* First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super, 1st hit only; {{clr|10|SA3}} whiffs point blank)
* 1st hit has 3f extra recovery on Perfect Parry (allows {{clr|4|DI}} punish)

Faster than the HP version, allowing it to combo after heavies or the 4MP target combo. It still wallbounces, but not as long as HP Striborg, which makes the followups a bit more limited.
Faster than the {{clr|M|MP}}/{{clr|H|HP}} versions, allowing it to combo after mediums or Punish Counter lights. It still wall bounces, but not as long as {{clr|H|HP Stribog}}, which makes the follow-ups a bit more limited. Compared to the {{clr|H|HP}} version, this move is slightly less plus on block, but has the advantage of being a true blockstring from heavy normals and frame trapping after all mediums except {{clr|M|2MP}}.

Still plus on block, but unlike OD Triglav doesn't true string from heavies, however the gap is small enough that anything that isn't invincible will get countered.
Canceling the first hit into {{clr|10|SA2}} is a good way to get momentum started. It also allows a follow-up juggle on hit, though the opponent drops before the first projectile hits if you don't add a button like {{clr|H|5HP}}.

Line 598: Line 757:
| input    = 214P
| input    = 214P
| images  =  
| images  =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_214p|caption="Now observe."}}
| hitboxes =  
| hitboxes =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_214p|caption="Now observe."}}
| info    =  
| info    =  
* Portal placement depends on button strength (LP close, MP mid, HP far)
* Portal disappears if JP is hit, or if portal disappears off-screen
* Goes away if JP is hit or if it gets left behind off-screen. It will also disappear after a certain distance away from JP.
JP sets up a portal, with the button used determining the location.
JP places a mid-air portal that can be followed up with a teleport or a spike projectile. If no follow-up is input, it automatically performs a spike in the direction of the opponent. The portal cannot be placed beyond the corner of the screen, so in the corner there is no difference between strengths.

Useful for zoning, okizeme and mixups. Having Departure set up and close to your opponent forces them to respect JP's options, otherwise they risk being hit by the followup. However, Departure's animation is very long, and JP usually needs a knockdown to set it up safely.
Useful for zoning, okizeme and mixups. Having Departure set up and close to your opponent forces them to respect JP's options, otherwise they risk being hit by the follow-up. However, Departure's animation is very long, and JP usually needs a knockdown to set it up safely. The automatic spike projectile will come out even if JP is blocking, making it risky for the opponent to attempt any offense besides a throw.
OD Departure sets up two portals. The button combination determines the location, with LP+MP using the LP location, LP+HP using the MP location and MP+HP using the HP location.
OD Departure places two portals. The button combination determines where each portal is located, allowing for 3 possible placement configurations. In the corner, both portals will occupy the same space since they cannot be placed off-screen.
LP will teleport to the portal closest to JP while MP teleports to the second portal. HP will trigger spikes from both, with the first spike coming out of the portal closest to where it was summoned from.
The spike follow-ups are always triggered from the closest summoned portal first, with a slight delay before the farther spike activates. The teleport follow-up travels to the closest portal if input with 214LP, or the farthest portal if input with 214MP.  
Due to having 10 fewer frames of recovery, OD Departure is safer to set up in neutral or after knockdowns. The staggered double spike hit also gives more combo and mixup opportunities. Punish Counter 5HP can be canceled into OD Departure, leaving enough time for an extended combo follow-up. This gives JP a high damage punish and the opportunity to side switch with the LP+HP version.

=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Departure Followups (214P~214P)</font>=====
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Departure: Window (214P~214LP/MP)</font>======
| title    = Departure Followups
| title    = Departure: Window
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| input    = 214P~214P
| input    = 214P~214LP/MP
| images  =  
| images  =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|jp_214p_214lp_mp|caption='' Departure: Window ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|jp_214p_214lp_mp|caption="Excuse me."}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|jp_214p_214hp|caption='' Departure: Shadow ''}}
| info    =  
| info    =  
JP teleports to his portal, and can act out of it. Fantastic repositioning tool, allowing for side switches and useful for avoiding some advancing moves like Spiral Arrow if used in time.
* '''Full Invuln:''' 6-25f; '''Airborne''' 26-41f ({{FKD}} state)
From it, you can use one of your jump-ins, either to punish their action like a fireball or get plus frames on block. You can also empty jump low for catching opponent asleep/not parrying/not mashing.
JP teleports to his portal, and can act out of it after reappearing in the air. Depending on the position of the portal, this can set up a left/right mixup or an empty jump into 2LK or throw. If the opponent has a strong horizontal attack like Sumo Headbutt or Blanka Ball, JP can use Departure: Window to reposition (though this is difficult to do on reaction).
If the opponent is attempting to parry projectiles like the Departure spikes, mixing up with the teleport allows JP to land and punish the parry recovery with a throw. It can also be used if you predict the opponent will throw their own projectile, giving JP a full jump-in punish from anywhere on the screen. There is a visual/audio cue to differentiate between teleport and spike, so opponents with decent reactions can hit JP out of the air if done predictably.

Another great aspect of Departure's teleport is catching the opponent parrying projectiles. When zoning with Triglav or Torbalan, opponents might start parrying to avoid losing more drive gauge. Teleport into throw can get you a punish throw.
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Departure: Shadow (214P~214HP)</font>======
| title    = Departure: Shadow
| subtitle =
| input    = 214P~214HP
| images  =
| info    =
* Puts opponents into a [[Street_Fighter_6/Glossary#Juggles|free juggle state]] on hit
* Puts opponents into a {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state on hit
* Triggers even if JP is blocking
* Opponent builds 50% extra Drive meter when parrying the projectile spike
Departure's spike followup, will detonate on its own and can also be manually triggered by using 214HP.
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
Forces opponents to approach and pressure JP carefuly as the reward on hit can be huge and will trigger even while JP is blocking. Makes opponents think twice about advancing, allowing for zoning with Torbalan and Triglav, slowly chipping away their Drive/Health Bar.
* Puts opponents into a {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state on hit
* Opponent builds 40% extra Drive meter when parrying the projectile spikes
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
Summons a spike projectile aimed diagonally downward toward the opponent regardless of which side they are on. The spike itself is identical to the version that triggers automatically, but since JP has to snap his fingers, he is less free to mix up the opponent with the spike covering his approach. However, the ability to mix up the timing of his various projectiles makes the manual spike activation a more potent zoning tool.

Manually triggering is JP's fastest way to hit an opponent below it from fullscreen, great for catching jumps/dashes after they blocked Triglav, or the startup of fullscreen advancing moves like Blanka Ball. On block, the frame advantage allows JP to use Triglav without much risk while catching commital movement, or use the threat of it to throw Torbalan or even summon another Departure if they respect it too much.
Opponents will find the spike difficult to avoid once JP has a portal set up at mid/long range. The threat of the spike projectile makes opponents want to parry more frequently, which can be exploited with a teleport instead. Because it's so hard to avoid, it becomes an invaluable tool for chipping away at the Drive gauge (or the HP gauge, if the opponent is in Burnout). If the spike is blocked, JP has enough frame advantage for a nearly guaranteed Triglav to chip away even further.

On hit, can be followed up with 5HP into different enders (Triglav meterlessly, OD Torbalan...) for great damage and distance with your opponent.
A stray hit with Departure: Shadow can be very rewarding to land due to its free juggle state; from certain ranges, JP can react with a {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|5HP}} for a high damage juggle sequence. Even at full screen, JP can simply juggle Triglav > {{clr|10|SA3}}, or simply set up another Departure to continue zoning.

Line 647: Line 822:
| input    = 236K
| input    = 236K
| images  =  
| images  =  
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236lk|caption=Mid, knocks down}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236lk|caption="Go!" - Mid, knocks down}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236mk|caption="Go!" - Overhead}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236hk|caption="Go!" - Low}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236kk|caption=''Extremely'' plus on block}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=120px|jp_236kk|caption="To shreds!" - ''Extremely'' plus on block}}
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{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236lk|caption=Mid, knocks down}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236lk|caption="Go!" - Mid, knocks down}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236mk|caption="Go!" - Overhead}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236hk|caption="Go!" - Low}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236kk|caption=''Extremely'' plus on block}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|jp_236kk|caption="To shreds!" - ''Extremely'' plus on block}}
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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 20f (Super)
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f (Super, no combo at close range without CH/PC)
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
* Can be feinted by holding down the button
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f (Super, no combo at close range without CH/PC)
Torbalan is an unique projectile as it does not have a hitbox while traveling, but will instead "activate" upon contact with the opponent.
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
Torbalan is an unique "ghost" projectile as it does not have a hitbox while traveling, but will instead start its attack when in close proximity to the opponent.

One of JP's core zoning tools, as they provide frame advantage when blocked at a distance which lets JP threaten with Triglav to enforce the plus frames. Once the opponent is scared of the spike, you can go for greedier things like Departure or another Torbalan. They are also essential in zoning wars to cancel out your opponent's projectiles.
One of JP's core zoning tools, as they provide frame advantage when blocked at a distance which lets JP threaten with Triglav to enforce the plus frames. Once the opponent is scared of the spike, you can go for greedier things like Departure or another Torbalan. They are also essential in zoning wars to cancel out your opponent's projectiles.

Uniquely for projectiles, MK hits overhead while HK hits low, allowing JP to mixup his opponent from a distance. While slow when done from far away, the low proprety of HK can be used to prevent opponents from walking back out of pressure or making the threat of Departure Teleport into a jump normal harder to defend against, while MK's proprety as a high can disrupt opponents using a charge anti-air like Flash Kick looking to anti-air the teleport.  
Uniquely for projectiles, MK hits overhead while HK hits low, allowing JP to mixup his opponent from a distance. While slow when done from far away, the low property of HK can be used to prevent opponents from walking back out of pressure or making the threat of Departure Teleport into a jump normal harder to defend against, while MK's property as a high can disrupt opponents using a charge anti-air like Flash Kick looking to anti-air the teleport.  

From up-close, they are a bit more efficient as raw mixup thanks to their ability to be canceled into from normals and their similar animations and startup sound, although any cancel outside of Drive Rush/Burnout will leave big mashable gabs. Those gaps can be made scarier to challenge thanks to LK Torbalan being fast enough to frametrap and Embrace being able to catch Parries and Drive Impacts.  
From up-close, they are a bit more efficient as raw mixup thanks to their ability to be canceled into from normals and their similar animations and startup sound, although any cancel outside of {{clr|4|Drive Rush}}/Burnout will leave big mashable gabs. Those gaps can be made scarier to challenge thanks to LK Torbalan being fast enough to frame trap and Embrace being able to catch Parries and {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}.  

On hit, LK Torbalan knocks ennemies into a limited juggle state similar to the one of MP Striborg, while MK and HK leaves the opponent standing. Combos out of MK/HK are possible on regular hit but difficult outside of the corner as the pushback prevents JP's light from reaching unless they were used raw and point blank. On counter-hit, you can link 5MK and get a combo. At long-range, you can usually follow any version with Triglav.
On hit, LK Torbalan knocks enemies into a limited juggle state similar to the one of MP Stribog, while MK and HK leaves the opponent standing. Combos out of MK/HK are possible on regular hit but difficult outside of the corner as the pushback prevents JP's light from reaching unless they were used raw and point blank. On counter-hit, you can link 5MK and get a combo. At long-range, you can usually follow any version with Triglav.

Due to their nature of only activating once close, a big counterplay to Torbalan is rapid forward movement, be it from special moves (Ken's Dragonlash), Drive Rushes (Dee Jay) or even dashes (Juri). If the opponents passes through Torbalan too fast, it will miss and leave JP punishable.
Due to their nature of only activating once close, a big counter-play to Torbalan is rapid forward movement, be it from special moves (Ken's Dragonlash), {{clr|4|Drive Rushes}} (Dee Jay) or even dashes (Juri). If the opponents passes through Torbalan too fast, it will miss and leave JP punishable.
OD Torbalan is a great way to force JP's turn, with great advantage on block up-close. If the opponent respects it from a distance, you can usually get away with summoning Departure. It's also fast enough to frametrap from heavy buttons. On hit, can be followed up anywhere with Triglav or level 1 when close.
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 10f (Super, 1st hit, closest range)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
OD Torbalan is a great way to either force JP's turn, with great advantage on block up-close, or to win fireball wars thanks to going through meterless ones. If the opponent respects it from a distance, you can usually get away with summoning Departure. It's also fast enough to frame trap from heavy buttons and resets pressure on block. On hit, can be followed up anywhere with Triglav or {{clr|10|SA1}} when close.
Canceling the first hit into {{clr|10|SA2}} allows JP to lock the opponent down with a true blockstring or pick up a combo if it hits. This is great for forcing Burnout or guaranteed chip damage.
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Torbalan Feint (236[K])</font>======
| title    = Torbalan Feint
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| input    = 236[K]
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By holding down the button, meterless versions of Torbalan will become a feint with much less recovery. This allows JP to bait moves like jump, Parry, or anti-projectile attacks that would otherwise be fast enough to punish Torbalan on reaction. The recovery is faster than any actual projectile, but still slow enough that JP could get hit by a random jump or {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} if timed poorly. OD Torbalan cannot be feinted.

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| input    = 214K
| input    = 214K
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{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=140px|jp_214k|caption="Shall we?"}}
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* Counts as a projectile: Will dissipate on contact with other projectiles, and will lose to projectiles-invulnerable moves. Will beat JP's own OD Amnesia.
* Throw with 1 hit of non-OD projectile durability
* Cannot be performed while [[##Departure_(214P)|Departure]] is active
* Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
* Can be comboed into; cannot be performed while [[##Departure_(214P)|Departure]] or [[##Level 2 Super (214214P)|SA2]] is active on-screen

JP summons a clone that will go full screen and grab a grounded opponent. On top of adding an additional layers to JP's zoning that opponents need to be constantly aware of, preventing them from reaction blocking/parrying, it allows JP to counter universal options against Torbalan and Triglav, such as Drive Parries on reaction, or Drive Impacts. Just like Torbalan, the hitbox is not present until the clone makes contact with the opponent.
JP summons a clone that will travel full screen and grab a grounded opponent. On top of adding an additional layers to JP's zoning that opponents need to be constantly aware of, preventing them from reaction blocking/parrying, it allows JP to counter universal options against Torbalan and Triglav, such as Drive Parries on reaction, or {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}. Just like Torbalan, the throw hitbox is not present until the clone is in close proximity to the opponent. It is also much harder to bypass using fast grounded moves like {{clr|4|Drive Rush}}.

At close range, it's slow for a command grab, but the threat of being able to cancel into it from any normal that could cancel to safe frametraps or high/low mixups, while having similar visuals to Torbalan, can make it a viable option if used sparringly. Leaves at least 6-frames gap when canceled into, however using Drive Rush/Burnout 5HP into Embrace becomes a frametrap.
It's worth noting that projectile invincibility (e.g. Cammy's Spin Knuckle) does not allow the opponent to bypass the Embrace; instead, the opponent must use airborne or throw invincible moves. This makes it harder for some characters to use a one-size-fits-all counter as soon as they react to JP throwing a projectile. Opponents can listen for a specific voice clip to jump over the throw, so the farther away the opponent is, the easier it will be for them to react consistently.
Embrace is slow for a command grab when used at close range, but can still be effective due to the Torbalan-like visual cue and the threat of cancelling into other safe frame trap or high/low projectiles. It's also much harder for opponents to listen for the audio cue from close range cancels while still focusing on other aspects of JP's offense. Embrace leaves a 6-frame gap at minimum when canceled into, but any bonus advantage from {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} or Burnout turns 5HP > Embrace into a true frame trap.
* Can absorb non-OD projectiles
* Throw with 1-hit OD projectile durability (destroys non-OD projectiles)
* Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
* Can be comboed into; cannot be performed while [[##Departure_(214P)|Departure]] or [[##Level 2 Super (214214P)|SA2]] is active on-screen

OD Embrace has some extra damage and can go through opponents projectiles for more reward than OD Torbalan. Otherwise has similar speed and knockdown advantage.
OD Embrace has some extra damage and can go through opponents' projectiles. The slower startup makes it weaker than OD Torbalan in projectile wars, but it is quite rewarding to land especially against opponents who instinctively try to parry against JP. Besides the damage, durability, and Drive cost, it is identical to the meterless version.

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| input    = 22K
| input    = 22K
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* Counters any physical attack (not projectiles) from frame 3 onward. Loses to throws.
* '''Strike Invuln:''' 3-20f; counters any physical attack (not throws or projectiles)
* 17f of recovery on successful counter
* Counter-hit state on frames 1-2, then Punish Counter state until end of recovery
JP takes a pose, and will counter any attack while he is glowing. If Amnesia successfully catches an attack, JP will place a bomb behind him that tracks enemies and explodes after a certain moment.
* 17f recovery on successful counter activation is fully invincible; advantage depends on opponent's attack
The frame advantage after a parry heavily depends on the attack that was countered. Mediums attacks usually won't give enough frame advantage to punish but still leave JP in an advantageous position, while Heavies can often be punished with light or mediums. Drive Impacts leave JP +19 allowing for 5HP punishes. Be careful, as light will leave you at disadvantage while jump-ins makes you punishable on catch.
* Successful counter prevents opponent from canceling their attack (similar to Perfect Parry)
JP takes a pose, and will counter any attack while he is glowing. If Amnesia successfully catches an attack, JP will place one bomb behind him that tracks enemies and explodes after a certain moment. JP usually cannot punish light or medium attacks after a successful counter, while slower heavies and specials are often punishable. Countering a {{clr|4|Drive Impact}} leaves JP at +19, allowing for a full 5HP punish.  

When used mid-screen, JP will take a big step back after a catch, wich makes optimal punishes harder (5HP will usually not reach unless the move had very high recovery). 2MK or 5MP are your best moves post-counter to knock your opponent into the bombs. When JP has his back to the corner, punishes are way easier
After a midscreen counter, JP will take a big step back, making it much harder to punish the opponent; 5HP will rarely reach unless the opponent's move was extremely unsafe. 5MP and 2MK are more reliable in this situation due to their long range. In the corner, there is nowhere for JP to step back to, so he is left much closer for a punish opportunity.
* Counters physical attacks AND throws from frame 1.
* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-20f; counters any physical attack or throw (not projectiles)
* 17f of recovery on successful counter  
* Punish Counter state until end of recovery
OD Amnesia is a true reversal that is frame 1 and will work on throws, making it very useful on wakeup and in any telegraphed blockstring gaps. This version also leaves two bombs behind. Keep in mind that this will still lose to projectiles, so a wary opponent can still meaty a fireball and stuff your counter.
* 17f recovery on successful counter activation is fully invincible; advantage depends on opponent's attack
* Successful counter prevents opponent from canceling their attack (similar to Perfect Parry)
OD Amnesia is JP's primary reversal option; unlike the meterless version, it activates on frame 1 and beats throws. This makes it an extremely powerful option on wakeup or in any blockstring gap. The long active frame period means that even if the opponent delays their throw attempt after baiting JP's wakeup, they can still be punished for their throw attempt. Characters with strong meaty projectile options can deal with this move more effectively, as they will not cause the counter to activate. This version leaves 2 bombs behind, granting much stronger combo and mixup potential.  

Being a parry rather than an invincible attack has its pros and cons. If you parry an attack with a particularly high recovery, JP's reversal damage can greatly exceed the one usually seen on other OD reversals. On the other hand, damage isn't always guaranteed either due to spacing or attacks not having enough recovery, forcing JP to try to mixup his opponent if he wants to get damage off of his reversal.
There are pros and cons to having a counter rather than a traditional invincible reversal. The damage can greatly exceed that of a traditional reversal, and it can lead to strong mixups even if the opponent uses lower-risk options. It's especially devastating as a response to corner throw loops, greatly tilting the risk/reward balance. However, the damage after OD Amnesia is often not guaranteed, especially midscreen. When JP is pressured by safer light or medium strikes, he has to earn his damage by landing a mixup before the bombs detonate.
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Amnesia Bomb (22K)</font>======
| title    = Amnesia Bomb
| subtitle =
| input    = 22K
| images  =
| hitboxes =
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* Puts opponents into a [[Street_Fighter_6/Glossary#Juggles|free juggle state]] on hit
* Puts opponents into a {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state on hit
* Doesn't go away if JP is hit
* Doesn't go away if JP is hit
Almost uncontestable tools wich allow JP to setup whatever he wants as long as they are on the opponent and outside of throw or super range. If the opponent attempts to OD Reversal out, the bomb will usually hit them after their invincibility end and give a free combo to JP.  
* Applies 50% damage scaling when beginning a combo; applies 60% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
Almost uncontestable tools which allow JP to setup whatever he wants as long as they are on the opponent and outside of throw or super range. If the opponent attempts to OD Reversal out, the bomb will usually hit them after their invincibility end and give a free combo to JP. The bomb has an enormous proximity guard range, preventing the opponent from walking back to gain separation from JP before the detonation.

The only real way of going around the bombs is to use an attack with a cinematic, such as any throw/command grab, or a level 3.
The only real way of going around the bombs is to use an attack with a cinematic, such as any throw/command grab, or a cinematic {{clr|10|SA3}}.
* Puts opponents into a [[Street_Fighter_6/Glossary#Juggles|free juggle state]] on hit
* Puts opponents into a {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state on hit
* Doesn't go away if JP is hit
* Doesn't go away if JP is hit
Two bombs instead of one, the first one explodes at the same time the regular one would while the second one is delayed. This allows JP to combo out of his throw if used immediatly after the counter.
* Opponent builds 50% extra Drive meter when parrying the bombs
* Applies 50% damage scaling when beginning a combo; applies 60% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
Two bombs instead of one; the first one explodes at the same time the regular one would while the second one is delayed. This allows JP to combo out of his throw if used immediately after the counter. Like the meterless version, the bomb's proximity guard range makes it impossible to walk back out of JP's range before it detonates.
Some characters can block or parry the first bomb, then whiff an immediate air normal to avoid the second hit. This is not a free escape, as JP can apply pressure to prevent the jump out; other counterplay includes setting up a portal and punishing the jump with Departure: Shadow. The following are some moves that can be used to escape between bomb hits:
* {{clr|M|j.MP}}: A.K.I., Cammy, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Ed, Guile, Jamie, Ken, Kimberly, Lily, M. Bison, Manon, Rashid, Ryu
* {{clr|M|j.MK}}: Akuma, Cammy, Ed, Guile, JP, Ken, Lily, M. Bison, Manon, Rashid, Ryu
* {{clr|H|j.HK}}: Chun-Li, Ed, Jamie, Juri
* {{clr|H|nj.HK}}: Chun-Li, Juri, Ken
* Misc: Chun-Li {{clr|M|j.2MK}} (whiff only), Rashid {{clr|H|nj.8HK}}, Dhalsim ground teleport
* No Escape: Blanka, E. Honda, Luke, Marisa, Zangief

== Super Arts ==
== Super Arts ==
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* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-10f; Armor Break
* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-10f; Armor Break
* Depletes 1/2 Drive bar from opponent on hit
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 0.5 bars (hit) / 0.25 bars (block)
* Both hits count as a projectile
* 2-hit projectile hitbox with Super priority
** 1st hit can be Perfect Parried like a strike; useful in corner juggles
** 2nd hit travels fullscreen
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.3 (2nd hit)
* 30% minimum damage scaling
Chornobog hits a short distance in front of JP before shooting a full-screen projectile on the 2nd hit. It can go through and punish some slower fireballs (like JP's own Torbalan). The vertical hitbox can whiff on some neutral jump baits, but overall can be a solid anti-air. {{clr|10|SA1}} is a solid reversal option, especially when in Burnout or if you expect the opponent to use a safe meaty strike against {{clr|10|OD Amnesia}}.

Chornobog is a solid Level 1 reversal, sending off a projectile full-screen on the 2nd hit. Can be fit into many of JPs combos.
{{clr|10|SA1}} has some of the highest juggle potential of JP's arsenal, and can be used at the end of most of his launches for extra damage. The corner makes it much easier to land the first hit, allowing juggle routes like {{clr|M|236MP}} into {{clr|10|SA1}}. Do note that ending a combo in {{clr|10|SA1}} sacrifices okizeme.
Because {{clr|10|SA1}} is a projectile, many characters can bait the reversal and avoid it with a projectile-invuln move after the super freeze (e.g. Jamie's Bakkai, Cammy's Spin Knuckle, or Zangief's Lariat). This allows a burned out opponent to slightly delay their pressure without fear of being chipped out by reversal {{clr|10|SA1}}.

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* While this move is active, JP is unable to use [[#Torbalan_(236K)|Torbalan]] or [[#Embrace_(214K)|Embrace]].
* Armor Break; hurtbox is expanded during startup
* The clones Armor Break
* Summons four 1-hit projectile clones with Super priority (disappears if JP is hit)
* Each clone depletes 1/4 Drive bar from opponent on hit
** Total startup of each projectile: 34f / 71f / 108f / 145f
* The clones disappears if JP is hit.
* JP cannot use [[#Torbalan_(236K)|Torbalan]] or [[#Embrace_(214K)|Embrace]] while active
JP summons multiple clones on the opponent's location that perform 4 attacks. Great for combo extensions or full-screen punishes/lockdown.
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1 bar (0.25 per hit) / 0.4 bars (0.1 per block)
The four attacks must always be blocked Mid, High, Low, High. As JP is free to act during that time, you can throw off the order by using Overheads or Lows during the sequence, or even setup unblockables if the opponent isn't using Drive Parry.
* 40% minimum damage scaling (applies to projectile clones only)
* Applies 25% damage scaling to 3rd hit when beginning a combo (100/100/55...)
* Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
JP summons 4 projectile clones that track the opponent's location, attacking one at a time. Great as a combo extender or to start pressure from anywhere on the screen. The invincibility only lasts until the Super freeze, so it shouldn't be used as a defensive option. The recovery is also quite lengthy for an install Super, allowing many characters to punish a raw activation from close or mid range.
The projectiles always have the same attack pattern and must be blocked in the order: Low/High > High > Low > High. On block or parry, there is a 17 frame gap between each projectile; this allows JP to threaten the opponent with a throw, which prevents the opponent from simply holding parry to avoid the mixup. Depending on the timing, a throw can even combo into one of the clones, allowing a (heavily scaled) follow-up juggle. The blockstring gaps give the opponent an opportunity to counter with an invincible reversal, but JP can use other moves to extend the blockstun and prevent this.

On block, the four attacks aren't a true blockstring, allowing you to potentially throw an opponent looking to block/parry the sequence, but keep in mind that this also gives them an opportunity to reversal.
The game does not allow simultaneous Low and Overhead hits to break the opponent's guard, so there are no true unblockable setups with this Super. However, even a 1 frame difference between hits will require the opponent to block both in the proper direction. Combining an overhead projectile with {{clr|L|2LK}}/{{clr|M|2MK}} or a low projectile with [[#6MK|{{clr|M|6MK}}]] creates a "pseudo-unblockable" sequence. While parry can block both directions, the opponent cannot activate their parry if they are already stuck in blockstun.
The 4 projectiles all combo into each other on hit, allowing JP to add a few strong hits of his own before the Super ends or reposition for optimal screen position. He is locked out of any other ghost projectile specials (236K/214K) for the duration of the Super, but can still set up Departure portals for increased damage or a tricky reset.

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* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-23f; Armor Break
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-23f; Armor Break
* Depletes 1.5 Drive bar from opponent on hit
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1.5 bars (hit) / 0.75 bars (block)
** Cinematic time regenerates ~1.8 Drive bars for JP
* 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-23f; Armor Break
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-23f; Armor Break
* Depletes 2 Drive bar from opponent on hit
* Available at 25% HP or below
* Can whiff if the opponent is too high up (such as after HP Striborg)
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 2 bars (hit) / 1 bar (block)
** Cinematic time regenerates ~2.2 Drive bars for JP
* 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
JP teleports to his opponent and tries to grab them (but can be blocked). On top of being great to add damage to combos, JP's level 3 works well as a full-screen punish, especially against fireballs. The long startup makes it risky as a reversal, as some meaties will have time to block and punish. The CA version knockdown has the same frameadvantage as his regular level 3, but always puts JP fullscreen away from the opponent.
JP teleports to the opponent's location, allowing combo conversions from full screen or a projectile punish with good reactions. The attack can whiff if the opponent is too high in the air, like after a {{clr|H|HP Stribog}} wall bounce. The startup is quite slow, making it risky as a reversal option; {{clr|10|SA1}} is the better Super reversal unless the opponent is using a meaty projectile. {{clr|10|SA3}} leaves the opponent about 3/4 screen away after the cinematic, which just barely lets JP use {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} to apply pressure with some max range normals, or chip their Drive gauge with immediate 22P.
The {{clr|10|Critical Art}} version has better knockdown advantage than his regular {{clr|10|SA3}}, and leaves JP and the opponent a full screen apart after the cinematic. This allows JP to set up a Departure portal.

== Taunts ==
== Taunts ==
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{{Character Subnav SF6|chara={{SUBPAGENAME}}|discord={{{discord|}}} }}
{{Character Subnav SF6|chara={{SUBPAGENAME}}|discord={{{discord|}}} }}

Latest revision as of 06:16, 29 June 2024


Head of an international NGO responsible for many successful investment projects, and the man behind Nayshall's present prosperity. Has a beloved cat named Cybele.

The elegant ex-Shadaloo financier saunters onto the battlefield as a slow but powerful zoner. Unlike other zoners who focus on firing off quick projectiles or pestering opponents with fast and long-ranged normals, JP chooses instead to bury his opposition in a barrage of psychic power. JP wants his opponents sitting still, for it is when they feel there is no hope of escape that he can set them up for a devious mixup situation.

JP's central special moves are Torbalan and Triglav. The former is a slow but large projectile that can be fired along three different lanes of movement, and the latter is a nearly instant spike attack that can come out at nearly any part of the screen. While Torbalan is slow, it has a ton of uses and can even mix up your opponents as one variant is a low and another is an overhead. Triglav meanwhile acts as both a detterent and anti-air, catching people trying to move towards JP and sniping out poor air approaches. With these two special moves, JP forces his opponents back towards the corner and continues to bury them in full-screen pressure. Once an opponent has eaten a combo or chooses to sit still for long enough, JP can deploy his signature Departure, a portal that will either shoot out a tracking spike or act as a teleport point for JP to warp to at any time.

While JP's zoning is strong, any good opponent will eventually get past it. Once they are within striking distance, JP likes to use his midrange pokes to bat opponents backwards. 5HP is a great callout tool that can be special canceled, while his 2HP is a solid anti-air and his 2HK is a fantastic poke. Any good hit JP gets can be instantly canceled into a Drive Rush combo that sends your opponent to the opposite end of the screen and allows him to resume his zoning. Opponents who make overly-deliberate plays can be hit with JP's counter Amnesia, which deals no damage but leaves opponents stuck to a timed bomb.

JP has an extremely large mixup toolbox. His throw game is very strong and has high reward, but he can also perform powerful high/low mixups if he has Depature set up above you. His level 2 super is an incredible mixup tool that can be used to create airtight mixups, resets, and even full-on unblockables to melt your health bar. JP has mixups everywhere- he has mixups in his Target Combos, he has mixups in his pressure sequences, and he even has mixups in his zoning! JP has access to Embrace, a fullscreen projectile command grab that gives JP excellent pressure opportunity on hit, looks just like Torbalan, and does high damage.

It's important to stress that all this offensive power comes at a steep cost, that being JP's movement. Unlike other zoners who don't necessarily sacrifice movement for their zoning prowess, JP has terrible movement stats and must rely on Drive Rush for any considerable mobility. In addition, JP's zoning specials are very slow and open him up to punish opportunities on an incorrect play that other zoners might be safe from. JP also has a notable deadzone within the midrange, where his pokes are either fast, but too stubby, or long, but too slow. His tall standing hurtbox and wide frame also make him vulnerable to mixups at a greater extent than other members of the cast, and while he does have Amnesia to bail him out of bad scenarios, that too carries immense risk. In general, JP is great for players who love to keep their opponents at a constant disadvantage and can manage to get around his slower movement. If you love overwhelming offensive might without having to get your hands too dirty, then there's no better pick than this master of Psycho Power.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Having a varied zoning kit comprised of Projectiles and Strikes, with mixups and counters to Drive Parry built in
  • Using a variety of strong and safe close-range buttons with options for mixups
  • Crafting tons of setups which can lead to resets, mixups, and even unblockables
  • A unique counter reversal that works on both strikes and throws and allow for custom follow-ups and punishes
  • Needing momentum in life or frames to win zoning wars due to slower startup on projectiles and Triglav trading most of the times
  • Being slower than average, both in walkspeed and Drive Rushes
  • Having to deal with unique counters to your zoning present on most of the cast

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern JP
Missing Normals
  • Standing Light Kick (5LK)
  • Crouching Medium Punch (2MP)
  • Crouching Heavy Kick (2HK)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Light Kick (j.LK)
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (j.HP)
Missing Command Normals
  • N/A
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Stribog (5S)
    • Light/OD Only
  • Amnesia (6S)
  • Embrace (4S)
Miscellaneous Changes
  • H Stribog will appear during M Auto Combo on hit
  • 5LP/2LP is missing 2LK chain
  • 2LK is missing 2LP/2LK chain
  • 2LK 5LP Auto Combo hitconfirms into 236LP on hit, but not on block

SF6 JP Portrait.png
Life Points 10000
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.037
Backward Walk Speed 0.025
Forward Dash Speed 22
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.454
Backward Dash Distance 1.003
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw) 0.525
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block) 1.857
Drive Rush Max Distance 3.628
Jump Speed 4+38+3
Jump Apex 2.115
Forward Jump Distance 1.90
Backward Jump Distance 1.52
Throw Range 0.8
Throw Hurtbox 0.33
Frame Data Glossary - SF6
Hitbox Images

🟥 (Red): Attack hitbox

  • Appears pink for Throw hitboxes

🟩 (Green): Vulnerable hurtbox that can be hit by strikes/projectiles

  • If a move's hitbox and hurtbox overlap, the colors blend to appear orange

🟦 (Blue): Vulnerable throw hurtbox

  • Will be thrown if Pink throw hitbox touches Blue throw hurtbox


How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Hitconfirm Windows

Hitconfirm reaction windows into Special Moves, Target Combos, and Super Arts.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel one attack into another attack on reaction
    • e.g. most cancelable 2MKs have a 13 frame window to cancel into a Special/Super on reaction, making them nearly impossible to hitconfirm
  • Counts from the first frame the attack connects until the final cancelable frame
    • Visual effects like hitsparks and HP drain do not actually occur until frame 2; the first frame is still counted to keep the numbers consistent with previous games, and because it is technically possible to start reacting to the character's reeling animation on frame 1
  • If a Target Combo is cancelable into another attack, the hitconfirm window will include the entire sequence starting from the first hit
    • If there is a frame gap on block between hits of the TC, the hitconfirm window may also be included for just the followup hit
    • Some sequences like Ken's 5MP~HP TC may have a range of values listed (43f~47f). In this example, inputting 5MP~HP at its usual timing gives a 43f hitconfirm into a Special/Super. Delaying the chain into HP gives more total time for the final hitconfirm.


Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.

Damage Scaling

Some moves cause additional damage scaling in combos. Refer to Game Data page for a more detailed breakdown.

Scaling Types:

  • Starter: When a move begins the combo, the next attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Ryu 2MK (20% Starter) > Hadoken: Hadoken is at 80% damage scaling
  • Combo: When a move is comboed into, the next attack is scaled by X percent or X number of hits
    • e.g. Ryu 2HP > OD High Blade Kick (2-Hit Combo Scaling) > Shoryuken: Shoryuken is at 70% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [skip 80%] > 70%)
    • e.g. Cammy 5HP > OD Spiral Arrow (5% Combo Scaling) > Cannon Spike: Cannon Spike is at 75% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [80-5 = 75%])
  • Immediate: When a move is comboed into, this attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Drive Impact Crumple (20% Starter) > Throw (20% Immediate): Throw is at 60% damage scaling
  • Multiplier: A damage scaling multiplier applies after Perfect Parry (50%) and mid-combo Drive Rush (15%). Any hits in the combo continue their usual damage scaling, but reduced by these amounts. These can bring the minimum scaling below the usual 10%, and they stack with each other; as a result, the minimum scaling can reach 4% using a long Drive Rush combo after Perfect Parry.
  • Minimum Scaling: The lowest damage scaling that can be applied to an attack. Super Art Level 1/2/3 generally has 30%/40%/50% minimum scaling respectively. This ensures the attack will still do reasonable damage even at the end of a heavily scaled combo.

Drive Rush Cancel Advantage

Refers to the frame advantage when canceling a normal, command normal, or Target Combo into Drive Rush on hit or block (abbreviated as DRC for Drive Rush Cancel). This is calculated at the moment a follow-up attack can be input, not at the moment the character can block or perform movement options. An attack that with DRC +8 on Hit can link into an 8-frame attack, and DRC +4 on Block can create a true blockstring into a 4-frame attack.

Note that any DRC on Block worse than +4 cannot form a true blockstring, allowing the opponent to interrupt with an invincible reversal. Most light normals are slightly negative after a DRC on block, meaning the opponent can mash their fastest normal to guarantee a counter-hit (though this requires fast reactions). The attacking character could punish this with Light > DRC into an immediate invincible attack, but this would be an incredibly expensive and high-risk gambit.

Forced Knockdown

Most airborne command normals, special moves, and Super Arts put the user in a "Forced Knockdown" state. While in this state, an air knockdown will occur when being hit by any attack, even if it would otherwise cause an air reset.

As an example, Ryu's 2HP causes an air reset when used as an anti-air. Against a move like Cammy's Hooligan Combination, however, the 2HP puts her into an air knockdown state. This allows Ryu to successfully cancel 2HP into Shoryuken for a juggle, similar to how a Drive Impact wall splat works. Taking advantage of Forced Knockdown juggles is important for dealing with moves like Ken's Dragonlash, Dhalsim's Air Teleport, or Kimberly's 6HK~Hop sequence.

Moves that already cause an air knockdown, like most j.MP air-to-airs, will not display the "Forced Knockdown" message.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit ≥ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value ≥ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be ≥ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 ≥ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.


Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
SF6 JP 5lp.png
SF6 JP 5lp hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Standing Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 3 10 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -2
  • Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
    • DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +6 oH / 0 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

JP's farthest reaching light normal, making it a good light chain ender for canceling into LP Stribog.

The startup is too slow to be a consistent defensive option, though it can be useful for avoiding spacing traps where 2LP whiffs.

Standing Medium Punch
SF6 JP 5mp.png
SF6 JP 5mp hitbox.png
Only a spoonful of disjoint
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Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 3 21 - 700 LH +1 -6

JP's farthest reaching poke, with a good hitbox disjoint at the tip. 5MP is a great neutral tool to control space, whiff punish when 5HP won't reach, and stop some longer-range Drive Rushes (a common counter to his zoning). The high pushback on block keeps it safe at most ranges, making it great for harassment and keepaway.

5MP is vulnerable to Drive Impact since it cannot be canceled, and it lacks any reward on hit even with Drive Rush or Punish Counter; use 5HP instead whenever the range allows it.

As a round start option, 5MP can trade with fireballs and interrupt some Drive Rushes, but beware of buttons like Chun-Li's 5HP that can potentially whiff punish it hard.

Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 JP 5hp.png
SF6 JP 5hp hitbox.png
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Standing Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2 22 Sp SA 800 LH +3 -3
  • Punish Counter: +25 Stagger
  • Has very high juggle potential and puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Extends a hurtbox 1f before active that is vulnerable to projectiles
  • Extends a widened hurtbox during active/recovery frames (easier to whiff punish)
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f (PC: 23f)
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +17 oH / +11 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

An important mid-range, combo, and juggle tool thanks to its disjointed hitbox and great reward on hit. Unlike some of his other mid-range moves, it is cancelable; this allows it to shut down Drive Impact and convert stray hits into full combos. Frame-wise it is very similar to 5MP, giving up some range in exchange for versatility.

The heavy hitstun allows a combo into LK Torbalan from any range. Buffering LP/MP Stribog is very effective at mid-range, leading to a knockdown on hit or an airtight blockstring (unless the first hit of MP Stribog whiffs). Most characters cannot punish this if well-spaced. Canceling into HP Stribog leaves a large blockstring gap, so it cannot be abused for endless pressure; OD Stribog also leaves a small gap that can lose to reversals or Perfect Parry.

5HP (along with 2HP) is useful in Drive Rush combos, leading to a powerful HP Stribog wall bounce. It has incredible juggle potential even without Drive Rush, and sees a lot of use in JP's launch combos.

JP gets massive frame advantage on Punish Counter, making it a useful starter for very unsafe moves like blocked reversals. The opponent is staggered long enough to link a 1-bar Drive Rush follow-up instead of using a 3-bar cancel. He can even cancel into OD Departure while still linking 2MP for a powerful 2-bar juggle starter. Keep in mind that there is extra damage scaling when starting a punish with 5HP, so there may be more optimal starters in some circumstances.

Standing Light Kick
SF6 JP 5lk.png
SF6 JP 5lk hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Standing Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 11 Sp SA 300 LH +3 -2
  • Hitbox is low enough to the ground to break Upper-Body armor (like Marisa's meterless parry)
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
    • DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +6 oH / +1 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Since it can't be chained into, 5LK is reserved for Counter-hit confirms (usually from 2MK), or for frame trapping after a blocked 5HK at longer distance where 2LP would lack range.

Standing Medium Kick
SF6 JP 5mk.png
SF6 JP 5mk hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 19 Sp SA 600 LH +1 -3
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 15f
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after active frames
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +11 oH / +7 oB

1f slower, but farther reaching than 2MP which generally makes this button JP's main special cancelable button in neutral. It can be especially threating off Drive Rush and has the same enders as 2MP for combos. One of JPs normals with the most pushback on block, which makes it particularly safe and useful for pressure. Uniquely, when 5MK is special canceled it also moves JP forward.

Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 JP 5hk.png
SF6 JP 5hk hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Standing Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 4 17 TC 800 LH +7 +2
  • Anti-Air Invuln: 9-15f (Head) / 12-17f (Leg)
  • Whiffs on crouching opponents at farther ranges
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 18f (TC)

A strong upward-angled kick with many uses. It is great for block pressure at +2, giving JP a frame trap into 2LP or 5LK; however, on block he is not in throw range even after Drive Rush momentum. Due to the low recovery, JP can block the opponent's Drive Reversal if it isn't used at the earliest possible timing. It is also a great combo starter on hit, linking into 2MP at closer ranges or chaining into the 5HK~HP Target Combo from nearly any range. This Target Combo is also safe on block with multiple cancel options to keep the opponent on their toes.

5HK is fast enough to combo after jump-ins or Drive Impact crumples. It can even anti-air in some situations where 2HP or 6HK might whiff, though it's far less rewarding than 6HK. The only downside is that it doesn't reach crouching opponents at its max range.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
SF6 JP 2lp.png
SF6 JP 2lp hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 2 11 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1
  • Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 12f
    • DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +6 oH / +1 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
  • Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-5 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air

JP's fastest attack, good for contesting the opponent's blockstrings. Can combo into LP Stribog. After a Punish Counter against -4 attacks, it can combo into 2MP.

Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 JP 2mp.png
SF6 JP 2mp hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4 14 Sp SA 600 LH +6 -2
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after active frames
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +11 oH / +3 oB
  • Extends a hurtbox on whiff until end of recovery
  • Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-10 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air

Great mid-range poke, and the least committal of JP's mediums thanks to low recovery, on top of being safe against Drive Impact. A bit stubbier than 5MK, but the faster speed and the good disjoint will help in some situations. Links into itself, 5MK or 4MP if you can score a Counter-hit in neutral and aren't too far, but can't link into anything if you hit at the tip. Its hitbox is also high enough to sometimes work as an anti-air, though this isn't very reliable or rewarding.

2MP is also an important combo tool for JP, as it can link from 5HK and then cancel into MP Stribog (except at maximum range where it falls out, in that case use LP Stribog). It can also be Drive Rush canceled into 2HP for HP Stribog combos.

Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 JP 2hp.png
SF6 JP 2hp hitbox.png
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Crouching Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 6 20 Sp SA 800 LH +1 -6
  • Solid anti-air but cannot hit cross-up
  • Forces stand on hit
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 20f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +17 oH / +10 oB

JP's most consistent anti-air, with short horizontal range and a disjointed vertical hitbox. Against strong jump-ins, JP must use this early to avoid trading with his extended arm hurtbox. It cannot hit opponents behind JP, so against closer jumps it's safer to use Air Throw or j.LP instead. When used against Forced Knockdown aerial moves like Cammy's Hooligan Combination or Dhalsim's Air Teleport, 2HP can be canceled into DR~5HP > HP Stribog for a powerful conversion.

2HP has the highest juggle potential out of all of JP's normals. In most anti-air and juggle routes, it results in an air reset. Canceling into Torbalan allows for a high/low mixup that is safe to Drive Impact, though some Supers can punish this upon landing. In the corner, this cancel must be done very low to the ground to prevent the opponent from mashing out. A cancel into Torbalan Feint is roughly even on hit and can bait reversals or cause the opponent to whiff a parry. Canceling into Departure is riskier, but much more rewarding if the opponent isn't ready for an immediate punish; OD Departure is only around -4, making it a safe air reset option unless absolutely point blank. Embrace is the riskiest of all anti-air cancel options, but can be useful as an occasional surprise against opponents who tend to parry frequently.

2HP is JP's fastest heavy normal, making it useful in some Drive Rush routes where 5HP, 5HK, or 6HK cannot combo.

Crouching Light Kick
SF6 JP 2lk.png
SF6 JP 2lk hitbox.png
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Crouching Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 2 10 Chn 200 L +2 -2
  • Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

JP's fastest low, and your only way to chain multiple lows during pressure. Also good for catching opponents trying to walk out of pressure (such as when they are covered by an Amnesia bomb). The 6 frames of startup makes it harder to mash during your opponent's pressure, but it still useful for countering shimmy, which will happen often as your opponents attempt to bait OD Amnesia or Delay Tech.

Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 JP 2mk.png
SF6 JP 2mk hitbox.png
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Crouching Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 17 - 700 L +3 -3
  • Moves JP forward; extends a hurtbox on whiff until end of recovery

A fantastic neutral poke with great range and forward movement throughout the animation. It offers useful links on Counter-hit (5LK) and Punish Counter (2MP). It is not cancelable, making it a bit vulnerable to early Drive Impacts, though this is a risky read for your opponent. The forward movement and low-hitting property also makes it a surprisingly good button on defense to beat spacing traps.

Using it out of Drive Rush improves it to +1 on block and +7 on hit, making it one of JP's best approach buttons, and your best way to start a combo from a low.

Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 JP 2hk.png
SF6 JP 2hk hitbox.png
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Crouching Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 21 - 900 L HKD +27 -6
  • Counter-hit/Punish Counter: HKD +48
  • Has slight juggle potential (after corner 22P or 236KK); not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into

Relatively short range (even shorter than 2MK), but compensates with great hitbox priority and by being much safer on block than most sweeps. Difficult for most characters to punish unless done at close range.

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
SF6 JP jlp.png
SF6 JP jlp hitbox.png
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Jumping Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 10 3 land - 300 H - -

JP's fastest air attack alongside air throw if you're not sure your other air-to-airs will be fast enough.

Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 JP jmp.png
SF6 JP jmp hitbox.png
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Jumping Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 3 3 land - 700 H - -
  • Whiffs on crouching opponents
  • Extends a large hurtbox 2f before active

JP's longest ranged air normal, making it a great air-to-air from a distance most characters cannot reach. Neutral jumping at mid-range allows JP to come down with j.MP to stuff the opponent's grounded approach, and can punish some whiffed normals and projectiles. The hurtbox is quite large, so an opponent who correctly predicts this button can easily hit JP out of the air.

Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 JP jhp.png
SF6 JP jhp hitbox.png
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Jumping Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 5 3 land - 800 H - -
  • Causes spike knockdown vs. airborne opponents on Counter-hit/Punish Counter

JP's most disjointed air normal, allowing him to stuff some anti-air normals when jumping from close range.

Jumping Light Kick
SF6 JP jlk.png
SF6 JP jlk hitbox.png
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Jumping Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 8 3 land - 300 H - -
  • Can hit cross-up
  • Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead (requires perfect safe jump timing)

This simple kick is one of your most versatile air normals for pressure. It works great as a jump-in after a Teleport, can crossup from Teleport, allows fuzzy overhead setups with OD Portals, punishes Delay Tech when covered by a portal or reset combos during SA2.

Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 JP jmk.png
SF6 JP jmk hitbox.png
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Jumping Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 6 3 land - 600 H - -
  • Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state, and has juggle potential itself
  • Shifts JP's hurtbox upward during startup

Has worse range than j.MP, but much better reward after an air-to-air thanks to the juggle state that gives strong okizeme. Also an important combo tool for OD Departure combos.

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 JP jhk.png
SF6 JP jhk hitbox.png
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Jumping Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 6 3 land - 800 H - -
  • Extends a hurtbox 1f before active

JP's best all-purpose air normal. The large hitbox covers both air and ground approaches and works great for both jump-ins, retreating jumps, and Teleports if you manage to avoid moves with high recovery.

Do note that it won't link to 5HK on normal hit if you land it too high up, so be ready to follow up with 4MP in those situations.

Command Normals

Grom Strelka
SF6 JP 4mp.png
SF6 JP 4mp hitbox.png
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Grom Strelka 1st
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 16 Sp SA TC 500 LH +5 -1
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f / 23f (TC)
    • TC cancel leaves a 1f blockstring gap
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +14 oH / +8 oB

A short range strike that can be confirmed into a 4MP~MP Target Combo with quite lenient hitconfirm timing. A situational alternative to 5MK with less range but a more disjointed hitbox, making it a safer poke and more suited to beat advancing moves or other disjoints.

SF6 JP 6mk.png
SF6 JP 6mk hitbox.png
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Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
22 2 19 - 700 H +3 -3

A safe on block overhead. A Drive Rush starter lets JP link into 2MP for high damage and corner carry, and meaty timing allows a meterless link into 2LP.

6MK is an invaluable tool when combined with moves like Amnesia Bomb, Departure spikes, and SA2. These allow JP to get much stronger follow-up combos, and the distracting visual effects can make it harder for the opponent to react to the overhead startup.

SF6 JP 3hp.png
SF6 JP 3hp hitbox.png
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Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 3 31 - 900 L HKD +17 -14
  • Counter-hit/Punish Counter: HKD +39
  • Has high juggle potential; not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into

A long-range sweep with a disjointed hitbox on the cane. Has great range, and can be difficult for some characters to punish if well-spaced. At closer ranges where the pushback is less relevant, JP can still cover his recovery with Departure or Amnesia bombs. 3HP is a good tool against people who frequently back walk out of JP's pressure, or who walk in and out of JP's other poke ranges to bait a whiff.

SF6 JP 6hk.png
SF6 JP 6hk hitbox.png
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Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 2,4 24 Sp SA (2nd) 300,600 LH KD +38 -5(-8)
  • Anti-Air Invuln: 8-16f (Head/Leg); cannot hit cross-up
  • 1st hit forces stand; 2nd hit whiffs on crouch blocking opponents (3f worse advantage)
  • Puts opponents into limited juggle state
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 34f (2nd hit only)
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame (2nd active frame of 2nd hit)
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: KD +55 oH / +12 oB

A 2-hit launching kick. Works as a highly rewarding ranged anti-air, though the startup is a bit slow and can whiff under close jumps. A cancel into Triglav works consistently, but stronger options exist depending on the screen position and distance from the opponent. In the corner, a raw 6HK can juggle to HP Stribog for a wall bounce, or to MP Stribog after a Drive Impact wall splat. Midscreen, a Drive Rush cancel into 5HP > HP Stribog can work, but requires somewhat precise timing to avoid whiffing under the opponent.

JP cannot cancel 6HK to keep himself safe against a crouch blocking opponent, as the 2nd hit whiffs and the 1st hit is not cancelable. In this scenario it becomes -8 on block, leading to a hefty punish. The first hit does force stand, allowing a successful combo even on a crouching opponent.

Target Combos

Grom Strelka
SF6 JP 4mp mp.png
SF6 JP 4mp mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Grom Strelka
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 20 Sp SA 500 LH +3 -6
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f (single hit) / 46f (full TC)
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +16 oH / +7 oB
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

A special-cancelable Target Combo that makes hitconfirming 4MP very easy. Since it has more hitstun than 2MP/5MK, it can combo into Triglav or LK Torbalan for corner juggles.

Chaining into the second hit on block always leaves a 1-frame gap that will beat mashing, but it loses to invincible reversals or Perfect Parry.

SF6 JP 5hk hp.png

SF6 JP 5hk hp hp.png

SF6 JP 5hk hp hk.png
SF6 JP 5hk hp hitbox.png

SF6 JP 5hk hp hp hitbox.png

SF6 JP 5hk hp hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 20 Sp SA TC 500 LH +3 -3
  • True blockstring from 5HK (can leave 1f gap if manually delayed)
  • Special Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 18f (single-hit) / 51-54f (full TC)
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame
  • TC Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 21f (single-hit) / 54-57f (full TC)
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +15 oH / +9 oB

A Target Combo that does everything you could hope for. This 2nd hit is safe on block, cancelable, easy to hitconfirm in neutral, and has built-in mixups. The HP/HK enders are not true combos and are mostly reserved for Departure/SA2 mixups.

The safest option on block is to simply end the string and wait, as JP is only -3. This allows you to bait reversals, whiffed Parry, and Drive Impact. You can also cancel into Drive Rush to force a mixup and avoid a disadvantageous situation, though this is expensive. Depending on how you expect the opponent to react, here are some other cancel options:

  • MP Stribog (236MP): frame traps all non-invincible moves, but is unsafe on block and loses to Drive Impact. At longer ranges, the pushback may keep JP safe. Beats most SA1 reversals, but some like Luke's are fast enough to punish JP before the projectile hitbox comes out.
  • Triglav (22P): trades with 4f attacks, leaving JP with enough KD advantage to set up Departure and still have frame advantage afterwards. Can juggle with SA3, or even more in the corner. Loses to Drive Impact but beats reversal SA1.
  • LK Torbalan (236LK): trades with 4f attacks like Triglav, but has worse KD advantage. Recovers in time to punish Drive Impact and beats reversal SA1.
  • MK/HK Torbalan (236MK/HK): Loses to fast reversal normals, but can be spaced to make many buttons whiff. Recovers in time to punish Drive Impact. Will beat most SA1 reversals, but some faster ones can punish JP.
  • Embrace (214K): throws opponents who block, parry, or attempt Drive Impact. Use sparingly, as it's quite reactable and leads to a huge punish if jumped. Loses to SA1s.
Zilant High
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
21 3 22 - 1000 H +3 -4

Overhead follow-up. Does not combo naturally from 5HK~HP, and leaves an 8f blockstring gap that is easily interruptible unless covered with Departure or SA2.

Zilant Low
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
21 3 22 - 1000 L +3 -4

Low follow-up. Does not combo naturally from 5HK~HP, and leaves an 8f blockstring gap that is easily interruptible unless covered with Departure or SA2.

You can substitute the overhead and low follow-ups with cancels to MK or HK Torbalan. This leave the same gap on block, but give better reward on hit, allowing corner combos without counter-hit. They are also safe to Drive Impact. Because they are projectiles, they can beat most SA1 reversals, which is especially important to know against characters without fully invincible OD reversals.

The only advantage to the High/Low TC enders is that they are less punishable, at -4 instead of Torbalan's -8.


Forward Throw (LPLK)
Forward Throw
SF6 JP lplk.png
SF6 JP lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +24 -
  • Punish Counter: HKD +24
  • Applies 40% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (into SA2/Departure/OD Amnesia)
  • Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)

JP has access to a corner throw loop without walking or dashing, but it must be manually timed. He can also dash forward to be +2, giving easier timing but reducing his ability to shimmy to bait a throw while blocking reversals. Midscreen, the opponent is sent far away, allowing JP to start setting up his offense.

JP can combo out of Forward Throw with either SA2 or a Departure spike. To land this juggle, JP must throw immediately after setting up a Departure portal or after activating SA2. In the corner it's also possible for the opponent to block 1 hit of SA2 before getting thrown and juggled by the last hit, but this is very precise. The 2nd OD Amnesia bomb can also juggle after a throw, but it doesn't lead to any further damage.

Back Throw (4LPLK)
Back Throw
SF6 JP 4lplk.png
SF6 JP lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +36 -
  • Side switch
  • Punish Counter: HKD +36
  • Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)
  • No additional scaling if opponent is juggled into SA2/Departure/OD Amnesia (throw does 0 damage in this case)

JP throws the opponent nearly a full screen away. After throwing the opponent back into the corner, he can dash to become +14, but is left too far away to walk up for strike/throw oki. JP can Drive Rush instead of dash to get closer, or he can lock the opponent down with 22P or any 236K instead to preserve Drive meter.

Just like Forward Throw, it's possible to juggle into SA2 or a Departure spike, and can even juggle into the 2nd bomb of OD Amnesia with a true follow-up combo. When this happens, the throw itself does 0 damage; this is great for scaling purposes when throwing the opponent back into the corner, where JP can follow up with further juggles. Midscreen, a combo after back throw is fairly useless; the Departure spike does less damage than just letting the throw play out on its own and has no follow-up, and an immediate SA2 into throw doesn't even juggle (JP must throw after the first projectile is blocked).

Air Throw (LPLK Air)
Air Throw
LPLK (air)
SF6 JP jlplk.png
SF6 JP jlplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 3 land - 1200 (2040) T KD +32 -
  • Side switch
  • Punish Counter: HKD +32

Jump back air throw is a good anti-air against close jumps and cross-ups that could make 2HP whiff. Midscreen, this leads to very weak oki; it's better to just set up a Departure or throw a projectile. If throwing the opponent backwards into the corner, it's possible for JP to force some real oki.

Drive System

Drive Impact (HPHK)
Drive Impact
SF6 Classic.png HPHK
SF6 Modern.png DI
SF6 JP hphk.png
SF6 JP hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 2 35 - 800 LH KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72
  • Armor (2-hit): 1-27f; Range: 2.535 (1.455 movement + 1.08 hitbox)
  • On Hit/PC: Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo
  • On Block: Applies 20% scaling multiplier to all follow-up hits after Wall Splat; the next attack can incur additional Starter Scaling
  • Combos when canceled from 5HP/2HP or Punish Counter 4MP (no corner wallsplat; useful for depleting Drive gauge, especially after Perfect Parry)
  • A blocked DI can combo into another DI if opponent is not fully cornered (Stuns if opponent has less than 1.5 Drive bars)
    • This happens because a blocked DI is not considered a "hit" for combo purposes
    • Causes both the 20% Starter and 20% Multiplier scaling to apply to the follow-up combo

See Drive Impact on the Gauges page for more details.

When canceled from a normal, these are the important blockstring gaps; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout

  • 6HK: 5[1]
  • 5HP: 6[2]
  • 2HP: 7[3]
  • 5HK~HP: 8[4]
  • 4MP: 9[5]
  • 5MK, 4MP~MP: 10[6]
  • 2MP: 14[10]
  • Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

Against the following characters in Burnout:

  • JP (22K), frame 3 counter
  • Marisa (214K), frame 3 armor
  • Zangief (5[HP]), frame 4 armor

It's important to use a blockstring that cannot be absorbed by their armor/counter moves. Ideally, the string should also not be a true combo, or it will cause a Lock and prevent Stun.
* Denotes a move that causes Lock on Counter-hit, allowing the opponent to escape a Stun by mashing on wakeup.

  • 6HK* > DI: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit, but whiffs on crouch block
  • 5HP* > DI: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
  • 2HP* > DI: 3f blockstring gap will work vs. Zangief 5[HP]
  • DR~4MP* > DI: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
  • DR~5MK* > DI: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit

Drive Reversal (6HPHK)
Drive Reversal
SF6 Classic.png 6HPHK
SF6 Modern.png 6DI
SF6 JP 6hphk.png
SF6 JP 6hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Exilio (Block)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6
  • Full Invuln: 1-22f; Armor Break
  • 5f extra recovery on hit; 4f screen freeze during startup
Exilio (Recovery)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6
  • Full Invuln: 1-20f; Armor Break
  • 5f extra recovery on hit; no screen freeze

See Drive Reversal on the Gauges page for more details.

Drive Parry (MPMK)
Drive Parry
SF6 JP mpmk.png
SF6 JP mpmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Drive Parry
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) - - - - -

See Drive Parry on the Gauges page for more details.

  • Perfect Parry:
    • Applies a 50% damage scaling multiplier to any punish afterwards
    • vs. strikes, has only 1f recovery and prevents the opponent from canceling their attack
    • vs. projectiles, puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

Drive Rush (MPMK~66)
Drive Rush
SF6 Classic.png MPMK~66
SF6 Modern.png DP~66
SF6 JP 66.png
SF6 JP 66 hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Parry Drive Rush
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
3+8 - 15(37) - - - - -
  • 1-bar version performed out of Parry
  • Startup is 1+8 immediately after successful Parry
MPMK or 66
Drive Rush Cancel
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 - 15(37) - - - - -
  • 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal
    • Can also be performed from whiffed cancelable light normals

See Drive Rush on the Gauges page for more details. See Strategy page for Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes

  • Startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation
  • The first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack
  • The final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry)
  • Only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties
  • Applies 15% damage scaling multiplier to any follow-up hits when used mid-combo
    • Only applies scaling once per combo; does not apply when a Drive Rush enhanced attack starts the combo


  • 0.525 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
  • 1.857 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
  • 3.628 (max, final DR frame)

Special Moves

Triglav (22P)
SF6 JP 22p.png

SF6 JP 22pp.png
"Break through!" - colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game
SF6 JP 22p hitbox.png

SF6 JP 22PP hitbox.png
"Break through!" - colors used for clarity, does not reflect actual game
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
22 10 24 SA3 800 LH KD +44 -2
  • Counts as a projectile
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super)

JP summons a spike from the ground, with the button used determining the location.

Important zoning tool: First, it's a great way to force opponent to sit still after blocking Torbalan or Departure's follow-up, which are highly plus when done from fullscreen. It will catch them jumping or dashing, forcing them to walk and block or wait for the spike to come out before acting. It's also great for anti-zoning as it will ignore your opponent's fireball and strike them directly, at the price that you will trade with their fireball instead of nullifying it, which can be a viable strategy if you have life lead. Also works as a full-screen check against characters that might try to use the distance for setups (like Ryu's Denjin Charge).

The best counter-play to Triglav is to attempt to perfect parry and punish with either a fast traveling move (Spiral Arrow, Blanka Ball) or with Drive Rush into a fast normal.

Triglav is also an important combo tool for JP. The spikes launch the opponent into a juggle state, and have juggle potential themselves. On regular grounded hit, you can only land 2HP or SA1 in the corner. But on a high air connect, you can land a second spike anywhere on screen. The importance of Triglav comes in completing launch combos for JP, such as after an HP Stribog wall bounce, after an enemy has been hit by Departure's follow-up and many of JP's other launches.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 10,10 14 SA2 SA3 500x2 LH KD +53(+50) +3
  • Punish Counter on 1st hit launches higher for slightly better advantage (KD +57)
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 19f (Super)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

JP summons two spikes. The button combination determines the location, with LP+MP using the LP location, LP+HP using the MP location and MP+HP using the HP location.

Hits two times, useful for single-hit armored moves that might beat regular Triglav, and is also plus on block allowing for pressure reset if you cancel it from a heavy normal or the 4MP target combo. On hit, the juggle state is a little more limited as you can't land 2HP anymore but can still juggle SA1.

Stribog (236P)
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 3,3 28 SA3 300,700 LH KD +38 -10
  • First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 27f (Super); 11f if only projectile hits

JP swipes his cane in front of him, sending his opponent away on hit. LP and MP are both combo enders, and can confirm into SA3.

In corner juggles, the LP version is used either as an ender to setup a safe jump (canceled from 5HP), or when going for damage/SA3 after a very high connect of Triglav. During an SA2 juggle (like after a cancel from OD Triglav), the LP and MP version instead act as combo extenders, used to maintain the opponent juggled while the ghosts attack.

Midscreen, your opponent is thrown far enough that you can setup Departure without too much risk, but in the corner your opponent will be able to interrupt you.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3(1)3 27 SA3 400,800 LH KD +42 -8
  • First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
  • Puts opponents into a limited juggle state on hit
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 30f (Super); 13f if only projectile hits

On a grounded hit, 236MP's frame advantage is enough for an auto-timed safe jump, or an OD Departure setup that still gives you the time to meaty with a light normal. On a cornered opponent, you can also follow a ground hit with 2HP for a reset, or SA1 for damage. In corner juggles, 236MP is used to extend combos by popping the opponent upward (usually immediatly after HP Stribog or during wallsplat combos).

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
28 3(9)3 19 SA3 300,500 LH KD +67(+87) +4
  • First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 31f (Super); 6f if only projectile hits
  • 1st hit has 3f extra recovery on Perfect Parry (allows DI punish)

HP Stribog wall bounces and acts as a combo extender. This version is way slower and won't combo from any normal on normal grounded hit. To land it, you have to use a Drive Rush heavy, or juggle into it after 6HK in the corner.

As it is plus on block, you can use it to reset pressure on opponents that respects you too much, but keep in mind that any cancel into HP Stribog outside of burnout leaves at least 6-frames gaps for your opponent to attack.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19 3(6)3 22 SA2 SA3 (1st) 600,400 LH KD +56(+72) +2
  • First hit counts as a strike, the 2nd hit as a projectile
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super, 1st hit only; SA3 whiffs point blank)
  • 1st hit has 3f extra recovery on Perfect Parry (allows DI punish)

Faster than the MP/HP versions, allowing it to combo after mediums or Punish Counter lights. It still wall bounces, but not as long as HP Stribog, which makes the follow-ups a bit more limited. Compared to the HP version, this move is slightly less plus on block, but has the advantage of being a true blockstring from heavy normals and frame trapping after all mediums except 2MP.

Canceling the first hit into SA2 is a good way to get momentum started. It also allows a follow-up juggle on hit, though the opponent drops before the first projectile hits if you don't add a button like 5HP.

Departure (214P)
SF6 JP 214p.png
"Now observe."
SF6 JP 214p hitbox.png
"Now observe."
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
50+100 [10] 50 total - 800 LH KD ~ -
  • Portal placement depends on button strength (LP close, MP mid, HP far)
  • Portal disappears if JP is hit, or if portal disappears off-screen

JP places a mid-air portal that can be followed up with a teleport or a spike projectile. If no follow-up is input, it automatically performs a spike in the direction of the opponent. The portal cannot be placed beyond the corner of the screen, so in the corner there is no difference between strengths.

Useful for zoning, okizeme and mixups. Having Departure set up and close to your opponent forces them to respect JP's options, otherwise they risk being hit by the follow-up. However, Departure's animation is very long, and JP usually needs a knockdown to set it up safely. The automatic spike projectile will come out even if JP is blocking, making it risky for the opponent to attempt any offense besides a throw.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
40+70 [10(20)10] 40 total - 500x2 LH KD ~ -

OD Departure places two portals. The button combination determines where each portal is located, allowing for 3 possible placement configurations. In the corner, both portals will occupy the same space since they cannot be placed off-screen.

The spike follow-ups are always triggered from the closest summoned portal first, with a slight delay before the farther spike activates. The teleport follow-up travels to the closest portal if input with 214LP, or the farthest portal if input with 214MP.

Due to having 10 fewer frames of recovery, OD Departure is safer to set up in neutral or after knockdowns. The staggered double spike hit also gives more combo and mixup opportunities. Punish Counter 5HP can be canceled into OD Departure, leaving enough time for an extended combo follow-up. This gives JP a high damage punish and the opportunity to side switch with the LP+HP version.

Departure: Window (214P~214LP/MP)
Departure: Window
SF6 JP 214p 214lp mp.png
"Excuse me."

Departure: Window
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 [20] 16+3 land - - - - -

JP teleports to his portal, and can act out of it after reappearing in the air. Depending on the position of the portal, this can set up a left/right mixup or an empty jump into 2LK or throw. If the opponent has a strong horizontal attack like Sumo Headbutt or Blanka Ball, JP can use Departure: Window to reposition (though this is difficult to do on reaction).

If the opponent is attempting to parry projectiles like the Departure spikes, mixing up with the teleport allows JP to land and punish the parry recovery with a throw. It can also be used if you predict the opponent will throw their own projectile, giving JP a full jump-in punish from anywhere on the screen. There is a visual/audio cue to differentiate between teleport and spike, so opponents with decent reactions can hit JP out of the air if done predictably.

Departure: Shadow (214P~214HP)
Departure: Shadow
SF6 JP 214p 214hp.png

Departure: Shadow
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19(21) [10] 21 - 800 LH KD +58(+60) +9(+11)
  • Puts opponents into a free juggle state on hit
  • Opponent builds 50% extra Drive meter when parrying the projectile spike
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
OD Departure: Shadow
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19(21) [10(20)10] 21 - 500x2 LH KD +92 +39(+40)
  • Puts opponents into a free juggle state on hit
  • Opponent builds 40% extra Drive meter when parrying the projectile spikes
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Summons a spike projectile aimed diagonally downward toward the opponent regardless of which side they are on. The spike itself is identical to the version that triggers automatically, but since JP has to snap his fingers, he is less free to mix up the opponent with the spike covering his approach. However, the ability to mix up the timing of his various projectiles makes the manual spike activation a more potent zoning tool.

Opponents will find the spike difficult to avoid once JP has a portal set up at mid/long range. The threat of the spike projectile makes opponents want to parry more frequently, which can be exploited with a teleport instead. Because it's so hard to avoid, it becomes an invaluable tool for chipping away at the Drive gauge (or the HP gauge, if the opponent is in Burnout). If the spike is blocked, JP has enough frame advantage for a nearly guaranteed Triglav to chip away even further.

A stray hit with Departure: Shadow can be very rewarding to land due to its free juggle state; from certain ranges, JP can react with a DR~5HP for a high damage juggle sequence. Even at full screen, JP can simply juggle Triglav > SA3, or simply set up another Departure to continue zoning.

Torbalan (236K)
SF6 JP 236lk.png
"Go!" - Mid, knocks down

SF6 JP 236mk.png
"Go!" - Overhead

SF6 JP 236hk.png
"Go!" - Low

SF6 JP 236kk.png
"To shreds!" - Extremely plus on block
SF6 JP 236lk hitbox.png
"Go!" - Mid, knocks down

SF6 JP 236mk hitbox.png
"Go!" - Overhead

SF6 JP 236hk hitbox.png
"Go!" - Low

SF6 JP 236kk hitbox1.png
"To shreds!" - Extremely plus on block
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14+8 6 50 total SA3 800 LH KD +42~ -6~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 20f (Super)
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14+12 6 50 total SA3 1000 H +6~ -8~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f (Super, no combo at close range without CH/PC)
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14+12 6 50 total SA3 1000 L +6~ -8~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f (Super, no combo at close range without CH/PC)
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)

Torbalan is an unique "ghost" projectile as it does not have a hitbox while traveling, but will instead start its attack when in close proximity to the opponent.

One of JP's core zoning tools, as they provide frame advantage when blocked at a distance which lets JP threaten with Triglav to enforce the plus frames. Once the opponent is scared of the spike, you can go for greedier things like Departure or another Torbalan. They are also essential in zoning wars to cancel out your opponent's projectiles.

Uniquely for projectiles, MK hits overhead while HK hits low, allowing JP to mixup his opponent from a distance. While slow when done from far away, the low property of HK can be used to prevent opponents from walking back out of pressure or making the threat of Departure Teleport into a jump normal harder to defend against, while MK's property as a high can disrupt opponents using a charge anti-air like Flash Kick looking to anti-air the teleport.

From up-close, they are a bit more efficient as raw mixup thanks to their ability to be canceled into from normals and their similar animations and startup sound, although any cancel outside of Drive Rush/Burnout will leave big mashable gabs. Those gaps can be made scarier to challenge thanks to LK Torbalan being fast enough to frame trap and Embrace being able to catch Parries and Drive Impact.

On hit, LK Torbalan knocks enemies into a limited juggle state similar to the one of MP Stribog, while MK and HK leaves the opponent standing. Combos out of MK/HK are possible on regular hit but difficult outside of the corner as the pushback prevents JP's light from reaching unless they were used raw and point blank. On counter-hit, you can link 5MK and get a combo. At long-range, you can usually follow any version with Triglav.

Due to their nature of only activating once close, a big counter-play to Torbalan is rapid forward movement, be it from special moves (Ken's Dragonlash), Drive Rushes (Dee Jay) or even dashes (Juri). If the opponents passes through Torbalan too fast, it will miss and leave JP punishable.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
22 6(14)6 50 total SA2 SA3 (1st) 400x2 LH KD +66~ +25~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 10f (Super, 1st hit, closest range)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)

OD Torbalan is a great way to either force JP's turn, with great advantage on block up-close, or to win fireball wars thanks to going through meterless ones. If the opponent respects it from a distance, you can usually get away with summoning Departure. It's also fast enough to frame trap from heavy buttons and resets pressure on block. On hit, can be followed up anywhere with Triglav or SA1 when close.

Canceling the first hit into SA2 allows JP to lock the opponent down with a true blockstring or pick up a combo if it hits. This is great for forcing Burnout or guaranteed chip damage.

Torbalan Feint (236[K])
Torbalan Feint
SF6 JP 236k hold.png

Torbalan Feint
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
34 total - - - - - - -

By holding down the button, meterless versions of Torbalan will become a feint with much less recovery. This allows JP to bait moves like jump, Parry, or anti-projectile attacks that would otherwise be fast enough to punish Torbalan on reaction. The recovery is faster than any actual projectile, but still slow enough that JP could get hit by a random jump or Drive Rush if timed poorly. OD Torbalan cannot be feinted.

Embrace (214K)
SF6 JP 214k.png
"Shall we?"

SF6 JP 214kk.png
SF6 JP 214k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26~ 3 44 - 1800 (2070) T HKD +18 -
  • Throw with 1 hit of non-OD projectile durability
  • Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
  • Can be comboed into; cannot be performed while Departure or SA2 is active on-screen

JP summons a clone that will travel full screen and grab a grounded opponent. On top of adding an additional layers to JP's zoning that opponents need to be constantly aware of, preventing them from reaction blocking/parrying, it allows JP to counter universal options against Torbalan and Triglav, such as Drive Parries on reaction, or Drive Impact. Just like Torbalan, the throw hitbox is not present until the clone is in close proximity to the opponent. It is also much harder to bypass using fast grounded moves like Drive Rush.

It's worth noting that projectile invincibility (e.g. Cammy's Spin Knuckle) does not allow the opponent to bypass the Embrace; instead, the opponent must use airborne or throw invincible moves. This makes it harder for some characters to use a one-size-fits-all counter as soon as they react to JP throwing a projectile. Opponents can listen for a specific voice clip to jump over the throw, so the farther away the opponent is, the easier it will be for them to react consistently.

Embrace is slow for a command grab when used at close range, but can still be effective due to the Torbalan-like visual cue and the threat of cancelling into other safe frame trap or high/low projectiles. It's also much harder for opponents to listen for the audio cue from close range cancels while still focusing on other aspects of JP's offense. Embrace leaves a 6-frame gap at minimum when canceled into, but any bonus advantage from Drive Rush or Burnout turns 5HP > Embrace into a true frame trap.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26~ 3 44 - 2600 (2990) T HKD +18 -
  • Throw with 1-hit OD projectile durability (destroys non-OD projectiles)
  • Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into
  • Projectile Speed: 0.13 (decelerates by 0.01/frame in close proximity)
  • Can be comboed into; cannot be performed while Departure or SA2 is active on-screen

OD Embrace has some extra damage and can go through opponents' projectiles. The slower startup makes it weaker than OD Torbalan in projectile wars, but it is quite rewarding to land especially against opponents who instinctively try to parry against JP. Besides the damage, durability, and Drive cost, it is identical to the meterless version.

Amnesia (22K)
SF6 JP 22k.png

SF6 JP 22kk.png
SF6 JP 22k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
3 18 35(17) - - - - -
  • Strike Invuln: 3-20f; counters any physical attack (not throws or projectiles)
  • Counter-hit state on frames 1-2, then Punish Counter state until end of recovery
  • 17f recovery on successful counter activation is fully invincible; advantage depends on opponent's attack
  • Successful counter prevents opponent from canceling their attack (similar to Perfect Parry)

JP takes a pose, and will counter any attack while he is glowing. If Amnesia successfully catches an attack, JP will place one bomb behind him that tracks enemies and explodes after a certain moment. JP usually cannot punish light or medium attacks after a successful counter, while slower heavies and specials are often punishable. Countering a Drive Impact leaves JP at +19, allowing for a full 5HP punish.

After a midscreen counter, JP will take a big step back, making it much harder to punish the opponent; 5HP will rarely reach unless the opponent's move was extremely unsafe. 5MP and 2MK are more reliable in this situation due to their long range. In the corner, there is nowhere for JP to step back to, so he is left much closer for a punish opportunity.

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 20 35(17) - - - - -
  • Strike/Throw Invuln: 1-20f; counters any physical attack or throw (not projectiles)
  • Punish Counter state until end of recovery
  • 17f recovery on successful counter activation is fully invincible; advantage depends on opponent's attack
  • Successful counter prevents opponent from canceling their attack (similar to Perfect Parry)

OD Amnesia is JP's primary reversal option; unlike the meterless version, it activates on frame 1 and beats throws. This makes it an extremely powerful option on wakeup or in any blockstring gap. The long active frame period means that even if the opponent delays their throw attempt after baiting JP's wakeup, they can still be punished for their throw attempt. Characters with strong meaty projectile options can deal with this move more effectively, as they will not cause the counter to activate. This version leaves 2 bombs behind, granting much stronger combo and mixup potential.

There are pros and cons to having a counter rather than a traditional invincible reversal. The damage can greatly exceed that of a traditional reversal, and it can lead to strong mixups even if the opponent uses lower-risk options. It's especially devastating as a response to corner throw loops, greatly tilting the risk/reward balance. However, the damage after OD Amnesia is often not guaranteed, especially midscreen. When JP is pressured by safer light or medium strikes, he has to earn his damage by landing a mixup before the bombs detonate.

Amnesia Bomb (22K)
Amnesia Bomb
SF6 JP 22k bomb.png
SF6 JP 22k bomb hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

22K (Bomb)
Amnesia Bomb
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
59 10 - - 800 LH KD ~ -
  • Puts opponents into a free juggle state on hit
  • Doesn't go away if JP is hit
  • Applies 50% damage scaling when beginning a combo; applies 60% immediate damage scaling when comboed into

Almost uncontestable tools which allow JP to setup whatever he wants as long as they are on the opponent and outside of throw or super range. If the opponent attempts to OD Reversal out, the bomb will usually hit them after their invincibility end and give a free combo to JP. The bomb has an enormous proximity guard range, preventing the opponent from walking back to gain separation from JP before the detonation.

The only real way of going around the bombs is to use an attack with a cinematic, such as any throw/command grab, or a cinematic SA3.

22KK (Bomb)
Amnesia Bomb
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
59 10(32)10 - - 600x2 LH KD ~ -
  • Puts opponents into a free juggle state on hit
  • Doesn't go away if JP is hit
  • Opponent builds 50% extra Drive meter when parrying the bombs
  • Applies 50% damage scaling when beginning a combo; applies 60% immediate damage scaling when comboed into

Two bombs instead of one; the first one explodes at the same time the regular one would while the second one is delayed. This allows JP to combo out of his throw if used immediately after the counter. Like the meterless version, the bomb's proximity guard range makes it impossible to walk back out of JP's range before it detonates.

Some characters can block or parry the first bomb, then whiff an immediate air normal to avoid the second hit. This is not a free escape, as JP can apply pressure to prevent the jump out; other counterplay includes setting up a portal and punishing the jump with Departure: Shadow. The following are some moves that can be used to escape between bomb hits:

  • j.MP: A.K.I., Cammy, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Ed, Guile, Jamie, Ken, Kimberly, Lily, M. Bison, Manon, Rashid, Ryu
  • j.MK: Akuma, Cammy, Ed, Guile, JP, Ken, Lily, M. Bison, Manon, Rashid, Ryu
  • j.HK: Chun-Li, Ed, Jamie, Juri
  • nj.HK: Chun-Li, Juri, Ken
  • Misc: Chun-Li j.2MK (whiff only), Rashid nj.8HK, Dhalsim ground teleport
  • No Escape: Blanka, E. Honda, Luke, Marisa, Zangief

Super Arts

Level 1 Super (236236P)
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 JP 236236p.png
SF6 JP 236236p hitbox1.png
SF6 JP 236236p hitbox2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 14,1~ 62 - 400,1600 (2000) LH KD +22(+32) -33(-23)
  • Strike/Throw Invuln: 1-10f; Armor Break
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 0.5 bars (hit) / 0.25 bars (block)
  • 2-hit projectile hitbox with Super priority
    • 1st hit can be Perfect Parried like a strike; useful in corner juggles
    • 2nd hit travels fullscreen
  • Projectile Speed: 0.3 (2nd hit)
  • 30% minimum damage scaling

Chornobog hits a short distance in front of JP before shooting a full-screen projectile on the 2nd hit. It can go through and punish some slower fireballs (like JP's own Torbalan). The vertical hitbox can whiff on some neutral jump baits, but overall can be a solid anti-air. SA1 is a solid reversal option, especially when in Burnout or if you expect the opponent to use a safe meaty strike against OD Amnesia.

SA1 has some of the highest juggle potential of JP's arsenal, and can be used at the end of most of his launches for extra damage. The corner makes it much easier to land the first hit, allowing juggle routes like 236MP into SA1. Do note that ending a combo in SA1 sacrifices okizeme.

Because SA1 is a projectile, many characters can bait the reversal and avoid it with a projectile-invuln move after the super freeze (e.g. Jamie's Bakkai, Cammy's Spin Knuckle, or Zangief's Lariat). This allows a burned out opponent to slightly delay their pressure without fear of being chipped out by reversal SA1.

Level 2 Super (214214P)
Level 2 Super Art
SF6 JP 214214p.png
SF6 JP 214214p hitbox1.png
SF6 JP 214214p hitbox2.png
SF6 JP 214214p hitbox3.png
SF6 JP 214214p hitbox4.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 - 12 - 500x4 (2000) LH,H,L,H - -
  • Armor Break; hurtbox is expanded during startup
  • Summons four 1-hit projectile clones with Super priority (disappears if JP is hit)
    • Total startup of each projectile: 34f / 71f / 108f / 145f
  • JP cannot use Torbalan or Embrace while active
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1 bar (0.25 per hit) / 0.4 bars (0.1 per block)
  • 40% minimum damage scaling (applies to projectile clones only)
  • Applies 25% damage scaling to 3rd hit when beginning a combo (100/100/55...)
  • Applies 25% immediate damage scaling when comboed into

JP summons 4 projectile clones that track the opponent's location, attacking one at a time. Great as a combo extender or to start pressure from anywhere on the screen. The invincibility only lasts until the Super freeze, so it shouldn't be used as a defensive option. The recovery is also quite lengthy for an install Super, allowing many characters to punish a raw activation from close or mid range.

The projectiles always have the same attack pattern and must be blocked in the order: Low/High > High > Low > High. On block or parry, there is a 17 frame gap between each projectile; this allows JP to threaten the opponent with a throw, which prevents the opponent from simply holding parry to avoid the mixup. Depending on the timing, a throw can even combo into one of the clones, allowing a (heavily scaled) follow-up juggle. The blockstring gaps give the opponent an opportunity to counter with an invincible reversal, but JP can use other moves to extend the blockstun and prevent this.

The game does not allow simultaneous Low and Overhead hits to break the opponent's guard, so there are no true unblockable setups with this Super. However, even a 1 frame difference between hits will require the opponent to block both in the proper direction. Combining an overhead projectile with 2LK/2MK or a low projectile with 6MK creates a "pseudo-unblockable" sequence. While parry can block both directions, the opponent cannot activate their parry if they are already stuck in blockstun.

The 4 projectiles all combo into each other on hit, allowing JP to add a few strong hits of his own before the Super ends or reposition for optimal screen position. He is locked out of any other ghost projectile specials (236K/214K) for the duration of the Super, but can still set up Departure portals for increased damage or a tricky reset.

Level 3 Super (236236K)
Level 3 Super Art
SF6 JP 236236k.png

SF6 JP 236236k(ca).png
CA version grants 500 extra damage
SF6 JP 236236k hitbox.png
Travels across the screen
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 6 62 - 4000 LH HKD +23 -50
  • Full Invuln: 1-23f; Armor Break
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1.5 bars (hit) / 0.75 bars (block)
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~1.8 Drive bars for JP
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
Interdiction (CA)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 6 62 - 4500 LH HKD +44 -50
  • Full Invuln: 1-23f; Armor Break
  • Available at 25% HP or below
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 2 bars (hit) / 1 bar (block)
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~2.2 Drive bars for JP
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves

JP teleports to the opponent's location, allowing combo conversions from full screen or a projectile punish with good reactions. The attack can whiff if the opponent is too high in the air, like after a HP Stribog wall bounce. The startup is quite slow, making it risky as a reversal option; SA1 is the better Super reversal unless the opponent is using a meaty projectile. SA3 leaves the opponent about 3/4 screen away after the cinematic, which just barely lets JP use Drive Rush to apply pressure with some max range normals, or chip their Drive gauge with immediate 22P.

The Critical Art version has better knockdown advantage than his regular SA3, and leaves JP and the opponent a full screen apart after the cinematic. This allows JP to set up a Departure portal.


Neutral Taunt (5PPPKKK)
Neutral Taunt
SF6 JP 5pppkkk.png
"Is... something the matter?"

Neutral Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
220 (total) - - - - - - -

Forward Taunt (6PPPKKK)
Forward Taunt
SF6 JP 6pppkkk.png
"Do you need to take a rest?"

Forward Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
395 (total) - - - - - - -

Back Taunt (4PPPKKK)
Back Taunt
SF6 JP 4pppkkk.png
"Is this fight not what you wanted?"

Back Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
202 (total) - - - - - - -

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison