Street Fighter 6/Chun-Li/Data: Difference between revisions

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(290 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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== Character Vitals ==
== Character Vitals ==
| chara = Chun-Li
| chara         = Chun-Li
| name          = Chun-Li
| name          = Chun-Li
| portrait      = SF6 Chun li Portrait.png
| portrait      = SF6 Chun-Li Portrait.png
| icon          = SF6 Chunli Face.png
| icon          = SF6 Chun-Li Face.png
| hp            =
| hp            = 10000
| fwdWalkSpd    =
| throwRange    = 0.8
| bwdWalkSpd    =
| throwHurtbox  = 0.33
| fwdDashSpd    =
| fwdWalkSpd    = 0.050
| bwdDashSpd    =
| bwdWalkSpd    = 0.035
| fwdDashDist  =
| fwdDashSpd    = 19
| bwdDashDist  =  
| bwdDashSpd    = 25
| fwdJumpSpd    =
| fwdDashDist  = 1.508
| bwdJumpSpd    =  
| bwdDashDist  = 1.211
| ntlJumpSpd    =  
| jumpSpd      = 4+42+3
| fwdJumpDist  =  
| jumpApex      = 2.247
| bwdJumpDist  =  
| fwdJumpDist  = 2.10
| throwHurtbox  =  
| bwdJumpDist  = 1.68
| throwRange   =  
| dRushMin      = 1.044
| dRushBlock   = 2.222
| dRushMax      = 3.163
All possible move variables
Can delete row if not applicable, EXCEPT input / name / images / startup / active / recovery / cancel / damage / guard / hitAdv / blockAdv (that appears on main page)
For hit/block/punish/perfParry advantage, use the sf6-adv template to change the color (NOT on knockdowns)
sf6-adv|color code|number; color codes: VM (-4 or worse), M (-3 to -1), E (0), P (+1 to +3), VP (+4 or better)
| input        = (move input in Numpad notation)
| name          = (Official move name)
| images        = (PNG filename of move image)
| hitboxes      = (PNG filename of hitbox image)
| damage        = (Attack's damage value for each hit; separate by commas and use "xN" for multiple hits of the same damage)
| chip          = (Attack's chip damage value vs. opponents in Burnout for each hit)
| dmgScaling    = (Amount/Type of damage scaling applied to move; Starter = beginning of combo, Combo = mid-combo (applies to next move), Immediate = mid-combo (applies to this move)
| startup      = (Startup frames, including the first active frame)
| active        = (Total number of active frames, separated per hit; also includes gaps in parentheses; e.g. 3,2,3 without gap or 2(5)2 with gap)
| recovery      = (Recovery frames after active frames end; airborne moves should have recovery split into air+landing frames)
| total        = (Total frame count of the move)
| guard        = (Direction a move must be blocked; L = low, H = high/overhead, LH = block either direction, T = throw)
| cancel        = (Move's cancel ability; Chn = chain, TC = target combo, Jmp = Jump, Sp = special, SA = any super, SA(N) = Super Art N)
| hitconfirm    = (Hitconfirm reaction window when canceling into specials, supers, target combos, etc; from first hit frame until final cancel frame)
| hitAdv        = (Frame advantage on Hit; no color template on Knockdown; can list a range of values if move can be spaced out)
| blockAdv      = (Frame advantage on Block; can list a range of values if move can be spaced out; do not list a block KD Advantage on throws)
| punishAdv    = (Frame advantage on Punish Counter + effects like Spin, Tumble, Crumple, etc.)
| perfParryAdv  = (Frame advantage of a move that is Perfect Parried on the first active frame, or a range of values for moves that can be spaced out)
| DRcancelHit  = (Hit advantage of a NORMAL CANCELED INTO DRIVE RUSH on hit; calculated from the moment a follow-up attack is possible)
| DRcancelBlk  = (Block advantage of a NORMAL CANCELED INTO DRIVE RUSH on block; calculated from the moment a follow-up attack is possible)
| afterDRHit    = (Hit advantage of a normal/command normal when used AFTER Drive Rush; +4 from hitAdv, but may also affect juggle state)
| afterDRBlk    = (Block advantage of a normal/command normal when used AFTER Drive Rush; +4 from blockAdv)
| hitstun      = (Number of GROUNDED HITSTUN frames caused by attack; for multi-hit moves, separate by hit if possible or list as "N Total")
| blockstun    = (Number of BLOCKSTUN frames caused by attack; for multi-hit moves, separate each hit if possible or list as "N Total")
| hitstop      = (Number of HITSTOP/HITFREEZE frames caused by attack; if attacker/defender have different hitstop, list both)
| driveDmgBlk  = (Amount of Drive Meter drained from opponent when attack is blocked)
| driveDmgHit  = (Amount of Drive Meter drained from opponent when attack hits; put [Punish Counter] value in square brackets)
| driveGain    = (Amount of Drive Meter built or spent upon activation; if different between Hit/Block, list it as Hit(Block); 10000 = 1 bar)
| superGainHit  = (Amount of Super Meter built when attack hits, or spent upon activation; formatted as Attacker(Defender); 10000 = 1 bar)
| superGainBlk  = (Amount of Super Meter built when attack is blocked, or spent upon activation; formatted as Attacker(Defender); 10000 = 1 bar)
| invuln        = (Type/Amount of Invulnerability [Full, Air, Projectile, Throw, Upper Body etc.]; use most recent Hitbox Viewer, not in-game frame meter)
| armor        = (Any armor frames, number of armor hits, and location on body (e.g. Upper Body Armor); can also list Armor Break property)
| airborne      = (Any airborne frames of the attack; list FKD for Forced Knockdown state)
| jugStart      = (Opponent's juggle count after attack begins a juggle; often has different value vs. grounded and airborne opponent)
| jugIncrease  = (Amount the opponent's juggle count is increased when connecting mid-juggle)
| jugLimit      = (Maximum juggle count that still allows the move to connect against juggled opponent; 0 only hits in free juggle state)
| projSpeed    = (Movement speed of projectiles; if movement speed changes over time, list multiple values)
| notes        = (Additional details about the move that do not have their own dedicated field)

== Normals ==
== Normals ==
Line 31: Line 79:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5lp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5lp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5lp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5lp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 4
| startup      = 4
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 7
| invuln       =
| total        = 13
| hitAdv        = +5
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -2
| cancel       = SS Chn Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 13
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| hitstun      = 15
| blockstun    = 7
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 250
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; combos naturally to 5MP; Stance Cancel: -1/-8; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame

Line 55: Line 116:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5mp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5mp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5mp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5mp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| startup      = 5
| active        =  
| active        = 4
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 10
| invuln       =
| total        = 18
| hitAdv        = +6
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = +1
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 16
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+10}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-12}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+10}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| hitstun      = 20
| blockstun    = 15
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1500
| superGainHit  = 600 (420)
| superGainBlk  = 300 (150)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Good combo/frame trap starter; Stance Cancel: +3/-1; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 3rd active frame

Line 79: Line 152:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5hp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5hp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5hp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 13
| startup      = 13
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 20
| invuln       =
| total        = 35
| hitAdv        = +2
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -4
| cancel       = SS
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 19 (stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-3}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-21}}
| notes        =
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| hitstun      = 25
| blockstun    = 20
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 6000
| driveDmgHit  = [8000]
| driveGain    = 3000
| superGainHit  = 800 (560)
| superGainBlk  = 400 (200)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Great long-ranged poke and whiff punish tool; cancelable into Stance and can input follow-ups after 16f; combos naturally to Stance LP if close enough, or stance MK/HK on Punish Counter; Stance Cancel: +6/+1 into follow-up, -4/-9 into blocking

Line 103: Line 186:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5lk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| startup      = 5
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 10
| invuln       =
| total        = 17
| hitAdv        = +2
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -2
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 13
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-11}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 15
| blockstun    = 11
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 250
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Stance Cancel: 0/-3; DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame

Line 127: Line 223:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 500
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 4
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16
| invuln       =
| total        = 26
| hitAdv        = +4
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -2
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 16
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-18}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+14}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 24
| blockstun    = 18
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1500
| superGainHit  = 700 (490)
| superGainBlk  = 350 (175)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cannot hit crouching opponents; good anti-air (cannot hit cross-up); Stance Cancel: +9/+4

Line 151: Line 259:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 900
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 14
| startup      = 14
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 18
| invuln       =
| total        = 34
| hitAdv        = +4
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = 0
| cancel       = SS
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 18 (stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-19}}
| notes        =
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| hitstun      = 25
| blockstun    = 21
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 6000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain    = 3000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cannot hit crouching opponents; slow but rewarding mid-range anti-air (leg/head are invulnerable to airborne strikes 14-16f); cannot hit cross-up; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; Stance Cancel: +10/+6 into follow-up, -3/-7 into blocking

Line 176: Line 295:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2lp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2lp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2lp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2lp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 4
| startup      = 4
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 7
| invuln       =
| total        = 13
| hitAdv        = +4
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -2
| cancel       = SS Chn Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 13
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 14
| blockstun    = 8
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 250
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; Stance Cancel: -1/-6

Line 200: Line 332:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2mp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2mp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2mp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2mp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 6
| startup      = 6
| active        =  
| active        = 4
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 13
| invuln       =
| total        = 22
| hitAdv        = +4
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -2
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 16
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-15}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 21
| blockstun    = 15
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1500
| superGainHit  = 600 (420)
| superGainBlk  = 300 (150)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Decent range and hitbox disjoint for a poke; Stance Cancel: +6/+1; topmost hurtbox on frames 1-9 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air

Line 224: Line 368:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2hp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2hp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2hp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 450x2
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 11
| startup      = 11
| active        =  
| active        = 3(5)5
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 18
| invuln       =
| total        = 41
| hitAdv        = +1
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -3
| cancel       = SS Sp SA (2nd)
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 29 (30 stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-21}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+14}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+10}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| hitstun      = 32 total
| blockstun    = 28 total
| hitstop      = 5,9
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500x2
| driveDmgHit  = [4000x2]
| driveGain    = 1000x2
| superGainHit  = 600,400 (420,280)
| superGainBlk  = 300,200 (150,100)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 2 hits (only 2nd is cancelable); forces stand on hit; solid anti-air on frames 12-13 and 21-23 (cannot hit cross-up); 1st hit puts airborne opponent into limited juggle state (2nd hit causes air reset, but can whiff for a knockdown); counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage applies to both hits; Stance Cancel: +8/+4 into follow-up, -6/-10 into blocking

Line 248: Line 404:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2lk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 200
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| startup      = 4
| driveDamage  =
| active        = 2
| startup      = 5
| recovery      = 10
| active        =  
| total        = 15
| recovery      =  
| guard        = L
| invuln       =
| cancel       = SS Chn Sp SA
| hitAdv        = 0
| hitconfirm    = 12
| blockAdv      = -2
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| guard        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| cancel        =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+4}}
| punish        =
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-10}}
| hitstun      =  
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| blockstun    =  
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| notes        =
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 12
| blockstun    = 10
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 250
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; fully cancelable (rare for a 2LK); Stance Cancel: -3/-4

Line 272: Line 441:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 500
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 19
| invuln       =
| total        = 28
| hitAdv        = -2
| guard        = L
| blockAdv      = -6
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 13
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-6}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-20}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      = 20
| blockstun    = 16
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 2000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Good range for a cancelable low poke; Stance Cancel: +5/+2; Range: 1.477; DR cancel is delayed until after active frames

Line 293: Line 475:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_2hk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_2hk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 2HK
| input        = 2HK
| name          = Standing Heavy Kick
| name          = Crouching Heavy Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_2hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_2hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 900
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 9
| startup      = 9
| active        =  
| active        = 6
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 19
| invuln       =
| total        = 33
| hitAdv        = KD (+33)
| guard        = L
| blockAdv      = -7
| cancel       = SS
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 29 (stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = HKD +33
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-7}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = HKD +48
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-23}}
| notes        =
| afterDRHit    = HKD +33
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| blockstun    = 18
| hitstop       = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain     = 3000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = More active frames and safer on block than most sweeps; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (can juggle after late anti-air 2HK); not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into; Stance Cancel: HKD/-11 into follow-up, HKD/-21 into blocking

Line 321: Line 512:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jlp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jlp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jlp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jlp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| startup      = 4
| chip          =
| active        = 10
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel       = -
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 13
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 10
| punish        =
| hitstop       = 9
| hitstun       =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| blockstun     =  
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| notes        =
| driveGain     = 500
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead vs. Dee Jay/JP/Marisa/Zangief

Line 345: Line 542:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jmp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jmp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jmp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jmp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300x2
| damage        =  
| startup      = 7
| chip          =
| active        = 4(6)5
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel       = Sp SA1
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 15,17
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 13,13
| punish        =
| hitstop       = 8,10
| hitstun       =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 1250
| blockstun     =  
| driveDmgHit  = [2000x2]
| notes        =
| driveGain     = 500x2 (500)
| superGainHit  = 250x2 (175x2)
| superGainBlk  = 125 (62)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 2 hits, can only connect once vs. grounded opponents; both hits put airborne opponents into limited juggle state; cancels to Air Lightning Legs or Air SA1 from either hit; shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup

Line 369: Line 572:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800(500)
| damage        =  
| startup      = 9
| chip          =
| active        = 6
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel       = TC
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 20
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 15
| punish        =
| hitstop       = 12
| hitstun       =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| blockstun     =  
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| notes        =
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (300 less damage vs. airborne); cancelable into j.HP~j.HP even on whiff

Line 393: Line 602:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jlk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jlk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jlk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jlk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| startup      = 4
| chip          =
| active        = 8
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel       = -
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 13
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 10
| punish        =
| hitstop       = 9
| hitstun       =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| blockstun     =  
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| notes        =
| driveGain     = 500
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        =  

Line 417: Line 632:
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jmk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jmk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jmk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jmk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 500
| damage        =  
| startup      = 6
| chip          =
| active        = 5
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel       = -
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 17
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 13
| punish        =
| hitstop       = 11
| hitstun       =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500
| blockstun     =  
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| notes        =
| driveGain     = 1000
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cross-up

===== j.HK =====
===== j.HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_jhk | moveType = air_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_jhk | moveType = air_normal
| input        = j.HK
| input        = 7HK or 9HK
| name          = Jumping Heavy Kick
| name          = Jumping Heavy Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhk_hitbox.png
| cost         =
| damage        = 800
| damage       =  
| startup      = 8
| chip          =
| active        = 5
| driveDamage  =
| recovery      = 3 land
| startup      =  
| total        = -
| active        =  
| guard        = H
| recovery      =  
| cancel        = -
| invuln       =
| hitAdv        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockAdv      =  
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| guard        =  
| hitstun      = 20
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 15
| punish       =
| hitstop      = 13
| hitstun      =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| blockstun    =  
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| notes        =
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead vs. JP/Marisa/Zangief (opponent must be in Burnout for true blockstring); shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup
===== 8j.HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_8jhk | moveType = air_normal
| input        = 8HK
| name         = Neutral Jump Heavy Kick
| images       = SF6_Chun-Li_8jhk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_8jhk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 800
| startup      = 8
| active        = 7
| recovery      = 3 land
| total        = -
| guard        = H
| cancel       = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv     = -
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      = 20
| blockstun    = 15
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit     =  
| notes        = Hits on both sides, preventing the opponent from walking under for a punish; useful air-to-air; shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup
=== Wall Jump ===
===== 9 (near wall) =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_walljump | moveType = Special
| input        = 9 (against wall)
| name          = Wall Jump
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_walljump.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_walljump_hitbox.png
| damage        = -
| startup      = -
| active        = -
| recovery      = -
| total        = -
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv       = -
| blockAdv      = -
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| notes        = Counter-hit state during entire duration; can be done from Back or Neutral jump if fully against the wall, or after Forward Jump against a cornered opponent

Line 463: Line 740:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6mp | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6mp | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 4/6MP
| input        = 4/6MP
| name          = Forward/Back Medium Punch
| name          = Swift Thrust
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6mp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6mp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6mp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6mp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 15
| invuln       =
| total        = 24
| hitAdv        = +2
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -3
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 15
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-16}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| hitstun      = 20
| blockstun    = 15
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1500
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Great poke and neutral buffer tool with a disjointed hitbox and lenient hitconfirm window; Stance Cancel: +5/+1; DR cancel is delayed until after active frames

Line 487: Line 776:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_4hp | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_4hp | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 4HP
| input        = 4HP
| name          = Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future
| name          = Hakkei
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_4hp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_4hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_4hp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_4hp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| startup      = 8
| active        =  
| active        = 6
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 14
| invuln       =
| total        = 27
| hitAdv        = +5
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -1
| cancel       = SS Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 19 (20 stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-1}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-18}}
| notes        =
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+15}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| hitstun      = 25
| blockstun    = 19
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Short range combo and frame trap tool; high active frame count makes it amazing as a meaty option; Stance Cancel: +9/+3 into follow-up, -5/-11 into blocking

Line 511: Line 812:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_3hp | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_3hp | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 3HP
| input        = 3HP
| name          = Overhead
| name          = Water Lotus Fist
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_3hp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_3hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_3hp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_3hp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 21
| startup      = 21
| active        =  
| active        = 4
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 14
| invuln        =
| total        = 38
| hitAdv        = +1
| blockAdv      = -2
| guard        = H
| guard        = H
| cancel        =  
| cancel        = SS
| punish       =
| hitconfirm    = 18 (stance)
| hitstun      =  
| hitAdv       = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| notes        =
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-16}}
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| hitstun      = 19
| blockstun    = 16
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Stance Cancel: +2/-1 into follow-up, -6/-9 into blocking; 1-8f Crouching state; does not allow a follow-up link (except for Punish Counter 3HP into Stance LP)

Line 535: Line 846:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6hk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6hk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 6HK
| input        = 6HK
| name          = Forward Heavy Kick
| name          = Yokusen Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 16
| startup      = 16
| active        =  
| active        = 2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 23
| invuln       =
| total        = 40
| hitAdv        = -1
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -4
| cancel       = SS
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 20 (stance)
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-1}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-4}}
| hitstun      =  
| punishAdv    = KD +72 Crumple
| blockstun    =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-23}}
| notes        =
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| hitstun      = 24
| blockstun    = 21
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| airborne      = 8-28 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Punish Counter crumple state can lead to Stance HK launch or Stance LP grounded combo; causes spinning free juggle state on Punish Counter vs. airborne opponents; great hitbox priority; Stance Cancel: +2/-1 into follow-up, -6/-9 into blocking

Line 559: Line 881:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_3hk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_3hk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 3HK
| input        = 3HK
| name          = Bad move
| name          = Falling Crane
| images        = SF3_Chun-Li_6hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_3hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF3_Chun-Li_6hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_3hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 37
| startup      = 37
| active        =  
| active        = 2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 13
| invuln       =
| total        = 51
| hitAdv        = +7
| guard        = H
| blockAdv      = +5
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}}
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}}
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-13}}
| blockstun    =  
| afterDRHit    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}}
| notes        =
| afterDRBlk    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}}
| hitstun      = 22
| blockstun    = 20
| hitstop      = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| airborne      = 7-39 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Side-switching overhead; can only hit cross-up (does not work on fully cornered opponents); puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; 1f better hit advantage vs. most crouching characters; has extremely long range when performed out of Drive Rush

Line 583: Line 915:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j2mk | moveType = air_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j2mk | moveType = air_normal
| input        = j.2MK
| input        = j.2MK
| name          = Headstomp
| name          = Yoso Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 15% Starter
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 3
| startup      = 3
| active        =  
| active        = 11
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 3 land
| invuln        =
| total        = -
| hitAdv        = -13 (Crouching opponent)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -19 (Crouching opponent)
| cancel        = TC Sp SA
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = -
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = -
| punish       =
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-26(-35)}}
| hitstun      =  
| hitstun      = 17
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 10
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD after bounce)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Not an overhead, but can hit immediately on the way up to bait throw techs; cancelable into itself on hit/block (up to 3 total uses) or into other air moves; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)
== Target Combos ==
===== j.HP~j.HP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_jhp_jhp | moveType = air_normal
| input        = j.HP~j.HP
| name          = Soaring Eagle Punches
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp_jhp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhp_jhp_hitbox.png
| damage        = 500
| startup      = 6
| active        = 4
| recovery      = 3 land
| total        = -
| guard        = H
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| hitstun      = 24
| blockstun    = 19
| hitstop      = 10
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Can be performed on whiff; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state
===== j.2MK~j.2MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j2mk_2 | moveType = air_normal
| input        = j.2MK~j.2MK
| name          = Yoso Kick 2
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_j2mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_j2mk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 300
| startup      = 6
| active        = 11
| recovery      = 3 land
| total        = -
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = TC Sp SA
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|VM|-26}}
| hitstun      = 17
| blockstun    = 10
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD after bounce)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Cancelable into itself on hit/block (up to 3 total uses) or into other air moves; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)
===== j.2MK~j.2MK~j.2MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j2mk_3 | moveType = air_normal
| input        = j.2MK~j.2MK~j.2MK
| name          = Yoso Kick 3
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_j2mk_j2mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j2mk_j2mk_j2mk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 500
| startup      = 6
| active        = 11
| recovery      = 3 land
| total        = -
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = Sp SA
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| perfParryAdv  = ≤ {{sf6-adv|VM|-26}}
| hitstun      = 17
| blockstun    = 17
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 500 (350)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD after bounce)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Cancelable into other air moves on hit/block but cannot chain into any further Yoso Kicks; causes spike knockdown vs. airborne opponents; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)
== Serenity Stream ==
===== 214P =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P
| name          = Serenity Stream
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hitbox.png
| damage        = -
| startup      = 14(~)
| active        = [57~]
| recovery      = -
| total        = -
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| invuln        = 23-71 Head Projectile
| notes        = Crouching state 14-22f, then low profiles until exiting stance; follow-ups can be input on frame 15 at the earliest; counter-hit state for entire animation; if no follow-up, stays crouched for 57f (hold crouch to extend); can block while crouching (cannot block overheads, as this leads to Stance Exit); blocking an attack immediately exits stance and allows a Drive Reversal; can take longer to enter stance when canceled from heavy normals, giving much worse frame advantage if a follow-up is not used immediately
===== 214P~214P =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_214p | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~214P
| name          = Serenity Stream Exit
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_214p.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_214p_hitbox.png
| damage        = -
| startup      = -
| active        = -
| recovery      = 23(18)
| total        = -
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Input 214P again to manually exit stance (fastest total Serenity Stream time is 37f); cannot block while exiting stance; counter-hit state for entire animation; final 14f of recovery is in a standing state; 18f version occurs automatically after 14+57f (can delay by holding crouch)
===== 214P~LP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_lp | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~LP
| name          = Orchid Palm
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_lp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_lp_hitbox.png
| damage        = 500
| startup      = 5
| active        = 5
| recovery      = 16[36]
| total        = 25[45]
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = Sp SA
| hitconfirm    = 15
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-2{{sf6-adv|VM|(-22)}}}}
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3{{sf6-adv|VM|(-23)}}}}
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2{{sf6-adv|VM|(-18)}}}}
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-16(-39)}}
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| hitstun      = 19
| blockstun    = 18
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 500
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; slight low profile for entire move duration; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame
===== 214P~MP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_mp | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~MP
| name          = Snake Strike
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_mp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_mp_hitbox.png
| damage        = 750
| startup      = 11
| active        = 7
| recovery      = 19[32]
| total        = 36[49]
| guard        = L
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = KD +38(+44)<br>[KD +25(+31)]
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-10(-4)}}<br>{{sf6-adv|VM|[-23(-17)]}}
| punishAdv    = KD +38(+44)<br>[KD +25(+31)]
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-24(-37)}}
| blockstun    = 16
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 500
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Low profile/upper body projectile invuln: 1-31f (exit stance) / 1-36f (remain crouched); extra-low profile 8-21f (can even go under Drive Impact); [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; () refers to KD Adv. when exiting Serenity Stream on hit
===== 214P~HP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_hp | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~HP
| name          = Lotus Fist
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hp_hitbox.png
| damage        = 400,500
| startup      = 23
| active        = 2(6)2
| recovery      = 19
| total        = 51
| guard        = H,H
| cancel        = Sp SA
| hitconfirm    = 27
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-19}}
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+13}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| hitstun      = 31 total
| blockstun    = 26 total
| hitstop      = 4,12
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500x2
| driveDmgHit  = [3000x2]
| driveGain    = 1000x2
| superGainHit  = 300x2 (210x2)
| superGainBlk  = 150x2 (75x2)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; exits Serenity Stream upon use; only first hit is an overhead; 1-2f low profile, 1-5f crouching state; 29-42f no head hurtbox
===== 214P~LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_lk | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~LK
| name          = Forward Strike
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_lk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 500
| startup      = 8
| active        = 5
| recovery      = 13[36]
| total        = 25[48]
| guard        = L
| cancel        = Sp SA
| hitconfirm    = 15
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|E|0{{sf6-adv|VM|(-23)}}}}
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-4(-27)}}
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}{{sf6-adv|VM|(-19)}}
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-16(-39)}}
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| hitstun      = 18
| blockstun    = 14
| hitstop      = 9
| driveDmgBlk  = 1500
| driveDmgHit  = [2000]
| driveGain    = 500
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream
===== 214P~MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_mk | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~MK
| name          = Senpu Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_mk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 800
| startup      = 10
| active        = 5
| recovery      = 22[46]
| total        = 36[60]
| guard        = L
| cancel        = Sp SA
| hitconfirm    = 18
| hitAdv       = {{sf6-adv|VM|-5(-29)}}
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-9(-33)}}
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|M|-1{{sf6-adv|VM|(-25)}}}}
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-25(-49)}}
| DRcancelHit  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| DRcancelBlk  = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| hitstun      = 22
| blockstun    = 18
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1000 (700)
| superGainBlk  = 500 (250)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame

== Universal Mechanics ==
===== 214P~HK =====
=== Throws ===
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p_hk | moveType = serenity_stream
| input        = 214P~HK
| name          = Tenku Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 700
| startup      = 8
| active        = 5
| recovery      = 24
| total        = [36]
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = Jmp
| hitconfirm    = 30 (jump)
| hitAdv        = KD +41
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-9}}
| punishAdv    = KD +41
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-27}}
| blockstun    = 20
| hitstop      = 11
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain    = 2000
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Jump cancelable on hit only; puts opponent into limited juggle state; exits Serenity Stream upon use; 1-6f crouching state
== Throws ==
===== Forward Throw =====
===== Forward Throw =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_lplk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_lplk | moveType = throw
| input        = LPLK
| input        = LPLK
| name          = Forward Throw
| name          = Koshuto
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_lplk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_lplk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_lplk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_lplk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 1200 (2040)
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Immediate
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| startup      = 5
| active        = 3
| active        = 3
| recovery      = 23
| recovery      = 23
| invuln        =
| total        = 30
| hitAdv        = KD (+?)
| blockAdv      = KD (+?)
| guard        = T
| guard        = T
| cancel        = No
| cancel        = -
| punish       = HKD (+?)
| hitAdv       = KD +11
| hitstun      =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockstun     =  
| punishAdv    = HKD +11
| notes        =
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 2000(1400) [4000(2800)]
| notes        = Has large pushback during throw animation, preventing corner throw loops (with frame-perfect timing, can throw loop vs. Blanka, E. Honda, and Zangief)

===== Back Throw =====
===== Back Throw =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_4lplk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_4lplk | moveType = throw
| input        = 4LPLK
| input        = 4LPLK
| name          = Back Throw
| name          = Taiji Fan
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_4lplk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_4lplk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_4lplk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_lplk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 1200 (2040)
| damage        =  
| dmgScaling    = 20% Immediate
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| startup      = 5
| active        = 3
| active        = 3
| recovery      = 23
| recovery      = 23
| invuln        =
| total        = 30
| hitAdv        = KD (+?)
| blockAdv      = KD (+?)
| guard        = T
| guard        = T
| cancel        = No
| cancel        = -
| punish       = HKD (+?)
| hitAdv       = KD +13
| hitstun      =  
| blockAdv      = -
| blockstun     =  
| punishAdv    = HKD +13
| notes        =
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 2000(1400) [4000(2800)]
| notes        = Side switches; in the corner, does not allow true strike/throw oki without Drive Rush

=== Drive Moves ===
===== Air Throw =====
===== MPMK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_jlplk | moveType = throw
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_mpmk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = j.LPLK
| input        = MPMK
| name          = Ryuseiraku
| name          = Drive Parry
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jlplk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_mpmk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jlplk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_mpmk.png
| damage        = 1200 (2040)
| cost          =
| startup      = 5
| damage        =  
| active        = 3
| chip          =
| recovery      = 3 land
| driveDamage  =
| total        = -
| startup      = 1
| guard        = T
| active        = 8 or until released
| cancel        = -
| recovery      = 29(1)(11)
| hitAdv       = KD +10
| invuln        = 6f (after Perfect Parry)
| blockAdv      = -
| hitAdv        =
| punishAdv     = HKD +10
| blockAdv      =  
| driveDmgHit  = [10000]
| guard        =  
| driveGain    = 2000
| cancel        =  
| superGainHit  = 2000(1400) [4000(2800)]
| punish       =  
| notes        = Throw height doesn't affect KD advantage, but higher connect will throw opponent farther; no throw oki but can use a ranged meaty strike against cornered opponent
| hitstun      =  
| blockstun     =  
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Parry|Drive Parry]]. Perfect Parrying has only 1F of recovery and disables the opponent from canceling their attack. Perfect Parrying projectiles puts you into fixed 11 frames of recovery.
===== 66 =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_66 | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 66
| name          = Drive Rush
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_66.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_66.png
| cost          = 3 drive (from normal) / 0.5 drive (from parry)
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      =
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        =
| blockAdv      =
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]]. Framedata shown in parentheses refers to the Drive Rush version used from a Parry.

== Drive Moves ==
===== HPHK =====
===== HPHK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_hphk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_hphk | moveType = drive
| input        = HPHK
| input        = HPHK
| name          = Drive Impact
| name          = Hosen Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_hphk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_hphk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_hphk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_hphk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 1 drive
| damage        = 800
| damage        =  
| chip          = 200
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 26
| startup      = 26
| active        = 2
| active        = 2
| recovery      = 35
| recovery      = 35
| invuln       =
| total        = 62
| hitAdv        = KD (+35/65)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -3 / HKD (+72)
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}} / Wall Splat HKD +72
| punish        = crumple
| punishAdv    = Crumple (Standing +21, Juggle +46, HKD +104)
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-35}}
| blockstun     =  
| blockstun    = 34
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]].
| hitstop      = 25
| driveDmgBlk  = 5000
| driveDmgHit  = 10000 [15000]
| driveGain     = -10000
| superGainHit  = [3000(2100)]
| armor        = 1-27
| jugStart      = 0
| jugIncrease  = 1
| jugLimit      = 0
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]]. Airborne connect gives spinning juggle state on Punish Counter or corner Wall Splat with variable height.

===== 6HPHK =====
===== 6HPHK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6hphk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6hphk | moveType = drive
| input        = 6HPHK
| input        = 6HPHK
| name          = Drive Reversal
| name          = Hoyoku Kick (Block)
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        = 250x2 recoverable
| damage        =  
| chip          = 65,60 recoverable
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 20
| startup      = 20
| active        = 3
| active        = 3(10)3
| recovery      = 26
| recovery      = 26(33)
| invuln        = 1-22
| total        = 61(68)
| hitAdv        = KD (+23)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -8
| cancel        = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +23
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-6}}
| punish       =  
| punishAdv    = KD +23
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-27}}
| blockstun     =  
| blockstun    = 36 total
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]].
| hitstop      = 4,16
| driveGain    = -20000
| invuln        = 1-22 Full
| armor        = Break (1st hit)
| jugStart      = 1,200
| jugIncrease  = 100
| jugLimit      = 1
| notes        = 2 hits; performed by inputting 6HPHK during blockstun; 7f extra recovery on hit; freezes the screen for 4f during startup; if 1st hit is Perfect Parried, opponent can interrupt with a move 11f or faster; see [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]].
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6hphk_recovery | moveType = drive
| input        = 6HPHK
| name          = Hoyoku Kick (Recovery)
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_6hphk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 250x2 recoverable
| chip          = 65,60 recoverable
| startup      = 18
| active        = 3(10)3
| recovery      = 26(33)
| total        = 59(66)
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = KD +23
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-6}}
| punishAdv    = KD +23
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-27}}
| blockstun    = 36 total
| hitstop      = 4,16
| driveGain    = -20000
| invuln        = 1-20 Full
| armor        = Break (1st hit)
| jugStart      = 1,200
| jugIncrease  = 100
| jugLimit      = 1
| notes        = 2 hits; performed by inputting 6HPHK on wakeup; 7f extra recovery on hit; does not have any screen freeze; if 1st hit is Perfect Parried, opponent can interrupt with a move 11f or faster; see [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]].
===== MPMK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_mpmk | moveType = drive
| input        = MPMK
| name          = Drive Parry
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_mpmk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_mpmk_hitbox.png
| damage        = -
| dmgScaling    = 50% Multiplier (Perfect)
| startup      = 1
| active        = 12 or until released
| recovery      = 33(1)(11)
| total        = 45(3)
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| invuln        = 6 Full (after Perfect Parry)
| driveGain    = -5000,250~
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Parry|Drive Parry]]. Perfect Parrying has only 1F of recovery and disables the opponent from canceling their attack. Perfect Parrying projectiles puts you into fixed 11 frames of recovery. After a Perfect Parry, all Super Gauge gain is reduced by 20% and Drive Gauge gain/damage is reduced by 50% for the entire punish combo.
===== MPMK~66 =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = chun-Li_mpmk_66_pdr | moveType = drive
| input        = MPMK~66
| name          = Parry Drive Rush
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_66.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_66_hitbox.png
| damage        = -
| dmgScaling    = 15% Multiplier (Mid-Combo)
| startup      = 3+8
| active        = -
| recovery      = 15(37)
| total        = 26(48)
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv       = -
| blockAdv      = -
| driveGain     = -10000
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]]; 1-bar version performed out of a Parry; startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation (if performed immediately after a successful Parry, only 1+8 startup); the first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack; the final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry); only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties; Distance: 1.044 (min/throw), 2.222 (min/block), 3.163 (max/final DR frame)

== Target Combos ==
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = chun-Li_mpmk_66_drc | moveType = drive
===== j.HP~HP =====
| input        = MPMK or 66
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_jhphp | moveType = air_normal
| name          = Drive Rush Cancel
| input        = j.HP~HP
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_66.png
| name          = Jumping Heavy Punch Heavy Punch
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_66_hitbox.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_jhphp.png
| damage        = -
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_jhphp_hitbox.png
| dmgScaling    = 15% Multiplier (Mid-Combo)
| cost          =
| startup      = 9
| damage        =  
| active        = -
| chip          =
| recovery      = 15(37)
| driveDamage  =
| total        = 24(46)
| startup      =  
| guard        = -
| active        =  
| cancel        = -
| recovery      =  
| hitAdv       = -
| invuln        =
| blockAdv      = -
| hitAdv        =
| driveGain     = -30000
| blockAdv      =  
| notes        = See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]]; 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal; can also be performed on whiff from cancelable light normals; startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation; the first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack; the final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry); only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties
| guard        =  
| cancel        =  
| punish       =
| hitstun      =  
| blockstun     =  
| notes        =

== Special Moves ==
== Special Moves ==
=== Kikoken ===
===== [4]6LP =====
===== [4]6LP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46lp | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46lp | moveType = Special
| input        = [4]6LP
| input        = [4]6LP
| name          = LP Kikoken
| name          = Kikoken
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46lp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46lp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46lp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46lp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          = 150
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 15
| startup      = 15
| active        =  
| active        = [90]
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 32
| invuln       =
| total        = 47
| hitAdv        = -3
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -7
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 4
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-7}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-22}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 30
| blockstun    = 26
| hitstop       = 8
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500
| driveDmgHit  = [3000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 600 (420)
| superGainBlk  = 300 (150)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| projSpeed     = 0.037
| notes        = 50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~90% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict
===== [4]6MP =====
===== [4]6MP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46mp | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46mp | moveType = Special
| input        = [4]6MP
| input        = [4]6MP
| name          = MP Kikoken
| name          = Kikoken
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46mp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46mp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46mp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46mp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          = 150
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 12
| startup      = 12
| active        =  
| active        = [55]
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 33
| invuln       =
| total        = 45
| hitAdv        = -3
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -7
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 4
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-7}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+1}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-23}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 31
| blockstun    = 27
| hitstop       = 8
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500
| driveDmgHit  = [3000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 600 (420)
| superGainBlk  = 300 (150)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| projSpeed     = 0.05
| notes        = 50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~80% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict
===== [4]6HP =====
===== [4]6HP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46hp | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46hp | moveType = Special
| input        = [4]6HP
| input        = [4]6HP
| name          = HP Kikoken
| name          = Kikoken
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46hp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46hp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46hp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46hp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 600
| damage        =  
| chip          = 150
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 11
| startup      = 11
| active        =  
| active        = [25]
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 32
| invuln       =
| total        = 43
| hitAdv        = -2
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -6
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 4
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|M|-2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-6}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-22}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 31
| blockstun    = 27
| hitstop       = 8
| driveDmgBlk  = 2500
| driveDmgHit  = [3000]
| driveGain    = 1000
| superGainHit  = 600 (420)
| superGainBlk  = 300 (150)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| projSpeed     = 0.07
| notes        = 50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~60% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict
===== [4]6PP =====
===== [4]6PP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46pp | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_46pp | moveType = Special
| input        = [4]6PP
| input        = [4]6PP
| name          = Overdrive Kikoken
| name          = Kikoken
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46pp.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_46pp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46pp_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_46pp_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        = 400x2
| damage        =  
| chip          = 100x2
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 11
| startup      = 11
| active        =  
| active        = -
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 28
| invuln       =
| total        = 39
| hitAdv        = +5
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = 0
| cancel       = SA2 SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 11
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-7}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 34 total
| blockstun    = 29 total
| hitstop       = 8,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 1250x2
| driveDmgHit  = [2500x2]
| driveGain    = -20000
| superGainHit  = 200,250 (140,175)
| superGainBlk  = 100,125 (50,62)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| projSpeed     = 0.095
| notes        = 45f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); 2-hit projectile; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage applies after both hits

=== Hundred Lightning Kicks ===
===== 236LK =====
===== 236LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236lk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236lk | moveType = Special
| input        = 236LK
| input        = 236LK
| name          = LK Lightning Legs
| name          = Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236lk_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_236lk_hitbox2.png, SF6_Chun-Li_236lk_hitbox3.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 250x2,300 (800)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 62x2,76 (200)
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| startup      = 8
| active        =  
| active        = 2(5)2(5)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 20
| invuln       =
| total        = 43
| hitAdv        = +3
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -8
| cancel       = SA3 (2nd)
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 16
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-20}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 39 total
| blockstun    = 28 total
| hitstop       = 3,3,6
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x3
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 666x2,668
| superGainHit  = 250x2,300 (175x2,210)
| superGainBlk  = 125x2,150 (62x6,75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 3 hits; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up
===== 236MK =====
===== 236MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236mk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236mk | moveType = Special
| input        = 236MK
| input        = 236MK
| name          = MK Lightning Legs
| name          = Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 225x4 (900)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 56x3,57 (225)
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 14
| startup      = 14
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(4)2(5)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 22
| invuln       =
| total        = 56
| hitAdv        = +3
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -8
| cancel       = SA3 (3rd)
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 24
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-8}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-22}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 46 total
| blockstun    = 35 total
| hitstop       = 3x3,6
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x4
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 500x4
| superGainHit  = 200x4 (140x4)
| superGainBlk  = 100x4 (50x4)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 4 hits; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up
===== 236HK =====
===== 236HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236hk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236hk | moveType = Special
| input        = 236HK
| input        = 236HK
| name          = HK Lightning Legs
| name          = Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 200x5 (1000)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 50x5 (250)
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 23
| startup      = 23
| active        =  
| active        = 2(3)2(2)<br>2(4)2(6)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 15
| invuln       =
| total        = 62
| hitAdv        = KD (+50)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -3
| cancel       = SA3 (4th)
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 30
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +50
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = KD +50
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-15}}
| notes        =
| blockstun    = 37 total
| hitstop       = 3x4,10
| driveDmgBlk  = 800x5
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 400x5
| superGainHit  = 160x5 (112x5)
| superGainBlk  = 80x5 (40x5)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 5 hits; puts opponents into limited juggle state; can juggle into 22K in the corner or SA1/SA3 anywhere (optimal for SA3 damage, skipping the additional damage scaling when canceled); cannot hit cross-up
===== 236KK =====
===== 236KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236kk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236kk | moveType = Special
| input        = 236KK
| input        = 236KK
| name          = Overdrive Lightning Legs
| name          = Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        = 160x5 (800)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 40x5 (200)
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| startup      = 8
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(4)<br>2(4)2(4)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 21
| invuln       =
| total        = 54
| hitAdv        = +3
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -3
| cancel       = SA2 SA3 (5th)
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 41 SA / 43 follow-up
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+3}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-20}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 50 total
| blockstun    = 44 total
| hitstop       = 2x4,6
| driveDmgBlk  = 800x5
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = -20000
| superGainHit  = 160x5 (112x5)
| superGainBlk  = 80x5 (40x5)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 5 hits; can follow-up with KK on hit/block for no extra Drive cost; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up
===== 236KK~KK =====
===== 236KK~KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236kkkk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236kk_kk | moveType = Special
| input        = 236KK~KK
| input        = 236KK~KK
| name          = Overdrive Lightning Legs Extension
| name          = Lightning Kick Barrage
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236kkkk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk_kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236kkkk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236kk_kk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 100x4,300 (700)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 25x4,75 (175)
| chip          =
| startup      = 11
| driveDamage  =
| active        = 2(5)2(4)<br>2(5)2(13)3
| startup      =  
| recovery      = 25
| active        =  
| total        = 73
| recovery      =  
| guard        = LH
| invuln       =
| cancel       = -
| hitAdv        = KD (+29)
| hitAdv        = KD +29
| blockAdv      = -13
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-13}}
| guard        =  
| punishAdv    = KD +29
| cancel        =  
| blockstun    = 50
| punish        =
| hitstop      = 2x4,10
| hitstun      =  
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x5
| blockstun    =  
| superGainHit  = 100x5 (70x5)
| notes        =
| superGainBlk  = 50x5 (25x5)
| jugStart      =  
| jugIncrease  =  
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 10 hits total; does not cost additional Drive meter; cannot hit cross-up

=== Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks ===
===== j.236LK =====
===== j.236LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236lk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236lk | moveType = Special
| input        = j.236LK
| input        = j.236LK
| name          = Air LK Lightning Legs
| name          = Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk_hitbox2.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk_hitbox3.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236lk_hitbox4.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 300x3 (900)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 75,84 (159)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| startup      = 8
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(4)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 15(18) land
| invuln       =
| total        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      =  
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VM|-4{{sf6-adv|P|(+1)}}}}
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-7{{sf6-adv|M|(-2)}}}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|E|0{{sf6-adv|VP|(+5)}}}}
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-24(-16)}}
| blockstun     =  
| hitstun      = 20 each
| notes        =
| blockstun    = 17 each
| hitstop       = 3,3,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x2
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 666x2,668 (666,668)
| superGainHit  = 250x2,300 (175x2,210)
| superGainBlk  = 125,150 (62,75)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 3 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state
===== j.236MK =====
===== j.236MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236mk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236mk | moveType = Special
| input        = j.236MK
| input        = j.236MK
| name          = Air MK Lightning Legs
| name          = Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 250x4 (1000)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 62,64 (126)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 10
| startup      = 10
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(4)2(5)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 15(18) land
| invuln       =
| total        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      =  
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VM|-4{{sf6-adv|P|(+1)}}}}
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-8{{sf6-adv|M|(-3)}}}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|E|0{{sf6-adv|VP|(+5)}}}}
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-25(-17)}}
| blockstun     =  
| hitstun      = 22 each
| notes        =
| blockstun    = 18 each
| hitstop       = 3x3,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x2
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 500x4 (500x2)
| superGainHit  = 200x4 () (140x4)
| superGainBlk  = 100x2 (50x2)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 4 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state
===== j.236HK =====
===== j.236HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236hk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236hk | moveType = Special
| input        = j.236HK
| input        = j.236HK
| name          = Air HK Lightning Legs
| name          = Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 220x5 (1100)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 55x2 (110)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 12
| startup      = 12
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(3)<br>2(4)2(3)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 15(18) land
| invuln       =
| total        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      =  
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VM|-5{{sf6-adv|M|(-2)}}}}
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-9(-6)}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|M|-1{{sf6-adv|P|(+2)}}}}
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-29(-24)}}
| blockstun     =  
| hitstun      = 24 each
| notes        =
| blockstun    = 20 each
| hitstop       = 3x4,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x2
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 400x5 (400x2)
| superGainHit  = 160x5 (112x5)
| superGainBlk  = 80x2 (40x2)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 5 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state; very strict timing required to hit standing opponent (can hit twice vs. tall characters)
===== j.236KK =====
===== j.236KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236kk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236kk | moveType = Special
| input        = j.236KK
| input        = j.236KK
| name          = Air Overdrive Lightning Legs
| name          = Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox2.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox3.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox4.png, SF6_Chun-Li_j236kk_hitbox5.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 250x5,350 (1600)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 54x3,54 (217)
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 6
| startup      = 6
| active        =  
| active        = 2(4)2(2)2(3)<br>2(2)2(3)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 5 land
| invuln       =
| total        = -
| hitAdv        =  
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      =  
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +38~39
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv     = {{sf6-adv|VM|-32(-16)}}
| punish       =
| punishAdv    = KD +38~39
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-46(-30)}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 21(7)
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 1x5,10
| driveDmgBlk  = 666x3,670
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = -20000
| superGainHit  = 100x5,300 (70x5,210)
| superGainBlk  = 50x3,150 (25x3,75)
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = 6 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; cannot hit crouching; no minimum height requirement; slightly better KD Adv. when used in air juggles; entire landing recovery is in crouching state
=== Spinning Bird Kick ===
===== [2]8LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28lk | moveType = Special
| input        = [2]8LK
| name          = Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28lk_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_28lk_hitbox2.png
| damage        = 333x2,334 (1000)
| chip          = 84x2,83 (251)
| startup      = 9
| active        = 2(6)2(6)2
| recovery      = 6+24 land
| total        = 56
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = KD +33
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-18}}
| punishAdv    = KD +33
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-30}}
| blockstun    = 30 total
| hitstop      = 2,2,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 1000x3
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 666x2,668
| superGainHit  = 400x3 (280x3)
| superGainBlk  = 200x3 (100x3)
| airborne      = 8-32 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = 30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from light normals; cannot hit cross-up
===== [2]8MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28mk | moveType = Special
| input        = [2]8MK
| name          = Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28mk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 200x4,400 (1200)
| chip          = 50x4,100 (300)
| startup      = 16
| active        = 2(6)2(6)<br>2(7)2(4)2
| recovery      = 8+21 land
| total        = 77
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = KD +34
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-17}}
| punishAdv    = KD +34
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-28}}
| blockstun    = 45 total
| hitstop      = 2x4,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 800x5
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 400x5
| superGainHit  = 240x5 (168x5)
| superGainBlk  = 120x5 (60x5)
| airborne      = 15-56 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit     =  
| notes        = 30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from medium normals; cannot hit cross-up
===== [2]8HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28hk | moveType = Special
| input        = [2]8HK
| name          = Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28hk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 180x6,320 (1400)
| chip          = 45x6,80 (350)
| startup      = 21
| active        = 2(4)2(8)2(6)<br>2(5)2(5)2(3)2
| recovery      = 8+22 land
| total        = 95
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv       = KD +33
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-18}}
| punishAdv    = KD +33
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-35}}
| blockstun    = 57 total
| hitstop       = 2x6,4
| driveDmgBlk  = 600x7
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 285x6,290
| superGainHit  = 150x6,300 (105x6,210)
| superGainBlk  = 75x6,150 (37x6,75)
| airborne      = 19-73 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = 30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from heavy normals and 5MK; cannot hit cross-up
===== [2]8KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28kk | moveType = Special
| input        = [2]8KK
| name          = Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28kk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 100x6,200 (800)
| chip          = 25x6,50 (200)
| startup      = 16
| active        = 2(4)2(4)2(5)<br>2(4)2(5)2(4)2
| recovery      = 8+15 land
| total        = 78
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = KD +55(+41)
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-12}}
| punishAdv    = KD +55(+41)
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-28(-23)}}
| blockstun    = 51 total
| hitstop      = 2x6,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 600x7
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = -20000
| superGainHit  = 150x6,300 (105x6,210)
| superGainBlk  = 75x6,150 (37x6,75)
| airborne      = 14-63 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); puts opponent into limited juggle state (juggle follow-up only possible vs. grounded opponents); combos from medium normals; cannot hit cross-up

=== Hazanshu ===
===== 214LK =====
===== 214LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214lk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214lk | moveType = Special
| input        = 214LK
| input        = 214LK
| name          = LK Hazanshu
| name          = Hazanshu
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214lk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 1000
| damage        =  
| chip          = 250
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 23
| startup      = 23
| active        =  
| active        = 2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 21
| invuln       =
| total        = 45
| hitAdv        = 0
| guard        = H
| blockAdv      = -9
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 16
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|E|0}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-9}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-21}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 23
| blockstun    = 14
| hitstop       = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| driveDmgHit  = [4000]
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1200 (840)
| superGainBlk  = 600 (300)
| invuln        = 7-18 Lower Body Projectile
| airborne      = 5-20 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up
===== 214MK =====
===== 214MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214mk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214mk | moveType = Special
| input        = 214MK
| input        = 214MK
| name          = MK Hazanshu
| name          = Hazanshu
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 1000
| damage        =  
| chip          = 250
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 30% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 27
| startup      = 27
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16
| invuln       =
| total        = 45
| hitAdv        = +2
| guard        = H
| blockAdv      = -3
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 17
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|P|+2}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-17}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 21
| blockstun    = 16
| hitstop       = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1200 (840)
| superGainBlk  = 600 (300)
| invuln        = 7-21 Lower Body Projectile
| airborne      = 6-24 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up
===== 214HK =====
===== 214HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214hk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214hk | moveType = Special
| input        = 214HK
| input        = 214HK
| name          = HK Hazanshu
| name          = Hazanshu
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 1200
| damage        =  
| chip          = 250
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 32
| startup      = 32
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16(18)
| invuln       =
| total        = 50(52)
| hitAdv        = +6
| guard        = H
| blockAdv      = -1
| cancel       = SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 17
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}}
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|M|-1}}
| hitstun       =  
| punishAdv    = {{sf6-adv|VP|+10}}
| blockstun     =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-19}}
| notes        =
| hitstun      = 27
| blockstun    = 18
| hitstop       = 13
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
| driveDmgHit  = [7000]
| driveGain     = 2000
| superGainHit  = 1200 (840)
| superGainBlk  = 600 (300)
| invuln        = 7-26 Lower Body Projectile
| airborne      = 6-29 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 2f extra recovery on whiff; crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up
===== 214KK =====
===== 214KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214kk | moveType = Special
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214kk | moveType = Special
| input        = 214KK
| input        = 214KK
| name          = Overdrive Hazanshu
| name          = Hazanshu
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214kk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214kk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214kk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        = 1200
| damage        =  
| chip          = 250
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits)
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 26
| startup      = 26
| active        =  
| active        = 3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16
| invuln        =
| total        = 44
| hitAdv        = KD (+53)
| guard        = H
| blockAdv      = -5
| cancel        = SA2 SA3
| guard        =  
| hitconfirm    = 20
| cancel        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +52 OTG
| punish        =
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-5}}
| hitstun      =
| punishAdv     = KD +52 OTG
| blockstun    =
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-17}}
| notes        =
| blockstun    = 14
| hitstop      = 16
| driveDmgBlk  = 4000
===== [2]8LK =====
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28lk | moveType = ground_normal
| driveGain    = -20000
| input        = [2]8LK
| superGainHit  = 1200 (840)
| name          = LK Spinning Bird Kick
| superGainBlk  = 600 (300)
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28lk.png
| invuln       = 7-21 Lower Body Projectile, 22-28 Projectile
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28lk_hitbox.png
| airborne     = 6-23 (FKD)
| cost          =
| jugStart     =  
| damage        =
| jugIncrease  =  
| chip          =
| jugLimit      =  
| driveDamage  =
| notes        = Bounces for an OTG juggle state on hit; crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up
| startup      = 9
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+33)
| blockAdv      = -18
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun     =  
| notes        =
===== [2]8MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28mk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = [2]8MK
| name          = MK Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 16
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+34)
| blockAdv      = -17
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =  
| notes        =
===== [2]8HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28hk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = [2]8HK
| name          = HK Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_28hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 21
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+33)
| blockAdv      = -18
| guard        =
| cancel       =  
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =
===== [2]8KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_28kk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = [2]8KK
| name          = Overdrive Spinning Bird Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_28kk.png
| hitboxes     = SF6_Chun-Li_28kk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 16
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+55)
| blockAdv     = -12
| guard        =  
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =  
| notes        =

=== Tensho Kicks ===
===== 22LK =====
===== 22LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22lk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22lk | moveType = Special
| input        = 22LK
| input        = 22LK
| name          = LK Tenshou Kyaku
| name          = Tensho Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22lk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22lk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22lk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22lk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 450x2 (900)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 113
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| startup      = 5
| active        =  
| active        = 2(10)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 27+12 land
| invuln       =
| total        = 57
| hitAdv        = KD (+29)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -37
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +29
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-37}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +29
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-51}}
| blockstun     =  
| blockstun    = 16
| notes        =
| hitstop       = 3,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 1000x2 (1000)
| superGainHit  = 500x2 (350x2)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| invuln        = 1-10 Air
| airborne      = 8-45 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state
===== 22MK =====
===== 22MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22mk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22mk | moveType = Special
| input        = 22MK
| input        = 22MK
| name          = MK Tenshou Kyaku
| name          = Tensho Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22mk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22mk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22mk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22mk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 450,550 (1000)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 113
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 2(10)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 31+12 land
| invuln       =
| total        = 63
| hitAdv        = KD (+25)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -41
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +25
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-41}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +25
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-55}}
| blockstun     =  
| blockstun    = 16
| notes        =
| hitstop       = 3,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 1000x2 (1000)
| superGainHit  = 500x2 (350x2)
| superGainBlk  = 250 (125)
| invuln        = 1-10 Air
| airborne      = 8-51 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state
===== 22HK =====
===== 22HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22hk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22hk | moveType = Special
| input        = 22HK
| input        = 22HK
| name          = HK Tenshou Kyaku
| name          = Tensho Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22hk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22hk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22hk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22hk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        = 200x3,600 (1200)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 50
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 9
| startup      = 9
| active        =  
| active        = 2(8)2(8)2(11)2
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 26+12 land
| invuln       =
| total        = 81
| hitAdv        = KD (+37)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -57
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +37
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-57}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +37
| hitstun       =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-71}}
| blockstun     =  
| blockstun    = 16
| notes        =
| hitstop       = 3x3,10
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain     = 500x4 (500)
| superGainHit  = 250x4 (175x4)
| superGainBlk  = 125 (62)
| invuln        = 1-10 Air
| airborne      = 8-69 (FKD)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state
===== 22KK =====
===== 22KK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22kk | moveType = ground_normal
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_22kk | moveType = Special
| input        = 22KK
| input        = 22KK
| name          = Overdrive Tenshou Kyaku
| name          = Tensho Kicks
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22kk.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_22kk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22kk_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_22kk_hitbox.png
| cost          = 2 drive
| damage        = 180x5,500 (1400)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 45
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 6
| startup      = 6
| active        =  
| active        = 3(5)3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16+25 land
| invuln        =
| total        = 57
| hitAdv        = KD (+30)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -40
| cancel        = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +30
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-40}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +30
| hitstun      =
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-50}}
| blockstun    =
| blockstun    = 12
| notes        =
| hitstop       = 10 / 4x2,3x3,15
| driveDmgBlk  = 3000
| driveGain     = -20000
=== Stance ===
| superGainHit  = 200x6 (140x6)
===== 214P =====
| superGainBlk  = 100 (50)
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214p | moveType = ground_normal
| invuln       = 1-7 Full
| input        = 214P
| airborne     = 8-32 (FKD)
| name          = Enter Stance
| jugStart      =  
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214p.png
| jugIncrease   =  
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214p_hitbox.png
| jugLimit     =  
| cost          =
| notes        = Active/Recovery frames listed are for whiff/block (follow-up attack only occurs after 2nd hit connects); cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 14
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        =  
| blockAdv      =  
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =
===== 214P~LP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214plp | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~LP
| name          = Stance Light Punch
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214plp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214plp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 5
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = -22
| blockAdv      = -23
| guard        =
| cancel        = yes
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =
===== 214P~MP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214pmp | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~MP
| name          = Stance Medium Punch
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214pmp.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214pmp_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 11
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+25)
| blockAdv      = -23
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =
===== 214P~HP =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214php | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~HP
| name          = Stance Heavy Punch
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214php.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214php_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 23
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = +2
| blockAdv      = -3
| guard        = H
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =
===== 214P~LK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214plk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~LK
| name          = Stance Light Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214plk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214plk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = -23
| blockAdv      = -27
| guard        =
| cancel        = Y
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =  
| notes        =
===== 214P~MK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214pmk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~MK
| name          = Stance Medium Kick
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214pmk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214pmk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage  =
| startup       = 10
| active        =
| recovery      =
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = -29
| blockAdv      = -33
| guard        =
| cancel        = Y
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun     =  
| notes        =
===== 214P~HK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214phk | moveType = ground_normal
| input        = 214P~HK
| name          = Stance Heavy Kick
| images       = SF6_Chun-Li_214phk.png
| hitboxes     = SF6_Chun-Li_214phk_hitbox.png
| cost          =
| damage        =
| chip          =
| driveDamage   =
| startup      = 8
| active        =
| recovery     =  
| invuln        =
| hitAdv        = KD (+41)
| blockAdv      = -9
| guard        =
| cancel        =
| punish        =
| hitstun      =
| blockstun    =
| notes        =

Line 1,531: Line 2,337:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236236p | moveType = Super
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236236p | moveType = Super
| input        = 236236P
| input        = 236236P
| name          =  
| name          = Kikosho
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236236p.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236236p.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236236p_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236236p_hitbox.png
| cost          = 1 super
| damage        = 300x4,500 (1700)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 100x5 (500)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 30% Minimum
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 70
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 46
| invuln       =
| total        = 122
| hitAdv        = KD (+22)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -22
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +22
| cancel       =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-22}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +22
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-35}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 66 total
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 9x4.10
| driveDmgBlk  = 500x5
| driveDmgHit  = 1000x5
| superGainHit  = -10000
| superGainBlk  = -10000
| invuln       = 1-7 Strike/Throw
| armor        = Break
| jugStart      =  
| jugIncrease  =  
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 5-hit Super projectile; can hit cross-up (behind Chun-Li)
===== j.236236P =====
====== j.236236P ======
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236236p | moveType = Super
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_j236236p | moveType = Super
| input        = j.236236P
| input        = j.236236P
| name          =  
| name          = Aerial Kikosho
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236236p.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_j236236p.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236236p_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_j236236p_hitbox.png
| cost          = 1 super
| damage        = 300x4,800 (2000)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 100x5 (500)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 30% Minimum
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 7
| startup      = 7
| active        =  
| active        = 50
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 16 land
| invuln       =
| total        = 103
| hitAdv        = KD
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      =  
| cancel       = -
| guard         =  
| hitAdv        = KD +14
| cancel        =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-20}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = KD +14
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-37~}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 72 total
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 9x5
| driveDmgBlk  = 500x5
| driveDmgHit  = 1000x5
| superGainHit  = -10000
| superGainBlk  = -10000
| armor         = Break
| airborne      = Until Land (FKD)
| jugStart      =  
| jugIncrease  =  
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 5-hit Super projectile; can hit cross-up (behind Chun-Li); higher activation height causes longer recovery before reaching the ground

Line 1,578: Line 2,403:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236236k | moveType = Super
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_236236k | moveType = Super
| input        = 236236K
| input        = 236236K
| name          = Evo Moment #37
| name          = Hoyoku-sen
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236236k.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_236236k.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236236k_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_236236k_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_236236k_hitbox2.png
| cost          = 2 super
| damage        = 2000(1000)
| damage        =  
| chip          = 30x7,150,30x6,160,50 (750)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 40% Minimum; 40% Starter; Combo (3 hits)
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 11
| startup      = 11
| active        =  
| active        = [2(1)x3],2(2),<br>[2(1)x3],2(11),<br>[2(2)x6],2(23)3
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 48
| invuln       =
| total        = 144
| hitAdv        = KD (+29)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -35
| cancel       = Jmp
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = KD +29
| cancel        = J (hit only)
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-35}}
| punish       =
| punishAdv    = KD +29
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-49}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 76(7)20
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 3x7,6,3x6,6,15
| driveDmgBlk  = 312x15,320 (5000)
| driveDmgHit  = 625x16 (10000)
| superGainHit  = -20000
| superGainBlk  = -20000
| invuln       = 1-12 Full
| armor        = Break
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =  
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = 12f blockstring gap before final hit (8f in Burnout); 1000 damage if only the last hit connects; last hit is forward jump cancelable and puts opponent into free juggle state on grounded hit (limited juggle state if juggled into); applies 30% scaling to Super Art gain until end of combo; Full active frame distribution: 2(1)2(1)2(1)2(2)2(1)2(1)2(1)2(11)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(23)3

Line 1,602: Line 2,436:
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214214k | moveType = Super
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214214k | moveType = Super
| input        = 214214K
| input        = 214214K
| name          = Wing Chun (Li)
| name          = Soten Ranka
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k.png
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k_hitbox.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k_hitbox.png, SF6_Chun-Li_214214k_hitbox2.png
| cost         = 3 super
| damage        = 4000 (500x2)
| damage        =  
| chip         = 500,250x2 (1000)
| chip          =
| dmgScaling    = 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate (Sp)
| driveDamage  =
| startup      = 8
| active        = 2(24)1(7)1
| recovery      = 40
| total        = 82
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = HKD +6
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-24}}
| punishAdv    = HKD +6
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-39}}
| blockstun    = 51(25)
| hitstop      = 6,3,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 6500,500x2 (7500)
| driveDmgHit  = 15000
| superGainHit  = -30000
| superGainBlk  = -30000
| invuln        = 1-9 Full
| armor        = Break
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = Hits 3 times on block (true blockstring); no cinematic if 1st hit whiffs (1000 dmg total); cinematic time regenerates ~1.8 Drive bars for Chun-Li
====== 214214K (CA) ======
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_214214k(ca) | moveType = Super
| input        = 214214K
| name          = Soten Ranka (CA)
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k_ca.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_214214k_ca_hitbox.png
| damage        = 4500 (500x2)
| chip          = 750,250x2 (1250)
| dmgScaling    = 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate (Sp)
| startup      = 8
| startup      = 8
| active        =  
| active        = 2(24)1(7)1
| recovery      =  
| recovery      = 40
| invuln       =
| total        = 82
| hitAdv        = KD (+6)
| guard        = LH
| blockAdv      = -24
| cancel       = -
| guard        =  
| hitAdv        = HKD +18
| cancel       =  
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-24}}
| punish        =
| punishAdv    = HKD +18
| hitstun      =  
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-39}}
| blockstun    =  
| blockstun    = 51(25)
| notes        =
| hitstop      = 6,3,8
| driveDmgBlk  = 9000,500x2 (10000)
| driveDmgHit  = 20000
| superGainHit  = -30000
| superGainBlk  = -30000
| invuln       = 1-9 Full
| armor        = Break
| jugStart      =  
| jugIncrease  =  
| jugLimit      =  
| notes        = Hits 3 times on block (true blockstring); no cinematic if 1st hit whiffs (1000 dmg total); available at 25% HP or below; cinematic time regenerates ~2 Drive bars for Chun-Li

== Taunts ==
===== 5PPPKKK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_5pppkkk | moveType = taunt
| input        = 5PPPKKK
| name          = Neutral Taunt
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_5pppkkk.png
| hitboxes      = SF6_Chun-Li_5pppkkk_hitbox.png
| damage        = 300
| startup      = 35
| active        = 2
| recovery      = 70
| total        = 106
| guard        = LH
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = {{sf6-adv|VM|-58}}
| blockAdv      = {{sf6-adv|VM|-65}}
| punishAdv    = KD +35 Crumple
| perfParryAdv  = {{sf6-adv|VM|-70}}
| hitstun      = 14
| blockstun    = 7
| hitstop      = 9(25)
| driveDmgBlk  = 600
| driveDmgHit  = [5000]
| driveGain    = 300
| superGainHit  = 300 (210)
| superGainBlk  = 150 (75)
| jugStart      =
| jugIncrease  =
| jugLimit      =
| notes        = "Sorry!"; Punish Counter crumple is the only way to keep it safe, but does not allow follow-up combo
===== 6PPPKKK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_6pppkkk | moveType = taunt
| input        = 6PPPKKK
| name          = Forward Taunt
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_6pppkkk.png
| hitboxes      =
| damage        = -
| startup      = 273 (total)
| active        = -
| recovery      = -
| total        = 273
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| notes        = "Welcome!"
===== 4PPPKKK =====
{{FrameData-SF6 | chara = Chun-Li | moveId = Chun-Li_4pppkkk | moveType = taunt
| input        = 4PPPKKK
| name          = Back Taunt
| images        = SF6_Chun-Li_4pppkkk.png
| hitboxes      =
| damage        = -
| startup      = 401 (total)
| active        = -
| recovery      = -
| total        = 401
| guard        = -
| cancel        = -
| hitAdv        = -
| blockAdv      = -
| notes        = "Yawn... are you ready yet?"
{{Character Subnav SF6 | chara=Chun-Li }}
[[Category: Street Fighter 6]]
[[Category: Street Fighter 6]]

Revision as of 13:24, 29 June 2024

Character Vitals

Portrait Icon HP Throw Range / Hurtbox Jump Speed Jump Apex Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw)
SF6 Chun-Li Portrait.png SF6 Chun-Li Face.png 10000 0.8 / 0.33 4+42+3 2.247 1.044
Forward Walk Speed Forward Dash Speed Forward Dash Distance Forward Jump Distance Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block)
0.050 19 1.508 2.10 2.222
Back Walk Speed Back Dash Speed Back Dash Distance Back Jump Distance Drive Rush Max Distance
0.035 25 1.211 1.68 3.163


Standing Normals



Standing Light Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 5lp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 20% Starter LH SS Chn Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 3 7 13 15 7
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-8 +9 +1 +4 -3
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 -3
Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; combos naturally to 5MP; Stance Cancel: -1/-8; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame


Standing Medium Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 5mp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 - - LH SS Sp SA 16
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 4 10 18 20 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 1500 600 (420) 300 (150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-12 +10 +5 +8 +3
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+10 +6 +1
Good combo/frame trap starter; Stance Cancel: +3/-1; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 3rd active frame


Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 5hp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - LH SS 19 (stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
13 3 20 35 25 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
6000 [8000] 3000 800 (560) 400 (200) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-21 +6 0 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -3
Great long-ranged poke and whiff punish tool; cancelable into Stance and can input follow-ups after 16f; combos naturally to Stance LP if close enough, or stance MK/HK on Punish Counter; Stance Cancel: +6/+1 into follow-up, -4/-9 into blocking


Standing Light Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 5lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 20% Starter LH SS Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 10 17 15 11
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-11 +6 +2 +4 0
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -2
Stance Cancel: 0/-3; DR cancel is delayed until after 2nd active frame


Standing Medium Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 5mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - LH SS Sp SA 16
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 4 16 26 24 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 1500 700 (490) 350 (175) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-18 +8 +2 +14 +8
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+8 +4 -2
Cannot hit crouching opponents; good anti-air (cannot hit cross-up); Stance Cancel: +9/+4


Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 5hk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 - 20% Starter LH SS 18 (stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
14 3 18 34 25 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
6000 [10000] 3000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 +8 +4 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+8 +4 0
Cannot hit crouching opponents; slow but rewarding mid-range anti-air (leg/head are invulnerable to airborne strikes 14-16f); cannot hit cross-up; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; Stance Cancel: +10/+6 into follow-up, -3/-7 into blocking

Crouching Normals



Crouching Light Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 2lp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 20% Starter LH SS Chn Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 3 7 13 14 8
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-8 +8 +2 +4 -2
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+8 +4 -2
Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; Stance Cancel: -1/-6


Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 2mp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 - - LH SS Sp SA 16
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 4 13 22 21 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 1500 600 (420) 300 (150) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-15 +8 +2 +11 +5
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+8 +4 -2
Decent range and hitbox disjoint for a poke; Stance Cancel: +6/+1; topmost hurtbox on frames 1-9 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air


Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 Chun-Li 2hp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
450x2 - - LH SS Sp SA (2nd) 29 (30 stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 3(5)5 18 41 32 total 28 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500x2 [4000x2] 1000x2 600,400 (420,280) 300,200 (150,100) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-21 +5 +1 +14 +10
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -3
2 hits (only 2nd is cancelable); forces stand on hit; solid anti-air on frames 12-13 and 21-23 (cannot hit cross-up); 1st hit puts airborne opponent into limited juggle state (2nd hit causes air reset, but can whiff for a knockdown); counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage applies to both hits; Stance Cancel: +8/+4 into follow-up, -6/-10 into blocking


Crouching Light Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 2lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200 - 20% Starter L SS Chn Sp SA 12
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 2 10 15 12 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500 [2000] 250 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-10 +4 +2 +2 0
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+4 0 -2
Chains into 5LP/2LP/2LK; fully cancelable (rare for a 2LK); Stance Cancel: -3/-4


Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 2mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - 20% Starter L SS Sp SA 13
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 3 19 28 20 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2000 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-20 +2 -2 +8 +4
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+2 -2 -6
Good range for a cancelable low poke; Stance Cancel: +5/+2; Range: 1.477; DR cancel is delayed until after active frames


Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 2hk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 2hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
900 - - L SS 29 (stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 6 19 33 - 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [10000] 3000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-23 HKD +33 -3 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +48 HKD +33 -7
More active frames and safer on block than most sweeps; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (can juggle after late anti-air 2HK); not a Hard Knockdown when juggled into; Stance Cancel: HKD/-11 into follow-up, HKD/-21 into blocking

Jumping Normals



Jumping Light Punch
SF6 Chun-Li jlp.png
SF6 Chun-Li jlp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 10 3 land - 13 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead vs. Dee Jay/JP/Marisa/Zangief


Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 Chun-Li jmp.png
SF6 Chun-Li jmp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300x2 - - H Sp SA1 -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 4(6)5 3 land - 15,17 13,13
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1250 [2000x2] 500x2 (500) 250x2 (175x2) 125 (62) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
2 hits, can only connect once vs. grounded opponents; both hits put airborne opponents into limited juggle state; cancels to Air Lightning Legs or Air SA1 from either hit; shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup


Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 Chun-Li jhp.png
SF6 Chun-Li jhp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800(500) - - H TC -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 6 3 land - 20 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state (300 less damage vs. airborne); cancelable into j.HP~j.HP even on whiff


Jumping Light Kick
SF6 Chun-Li jlk.png
SF6 Chun-Li jlk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
4 8 3 land - 13 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -


Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 Chun-Li jmk.png
SF6 Chun-Li jmk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 5 3 land - 17 13
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -

7HK or 9HK

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 Chun-Li jhk.png
SF6 Chun-Li jhk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 5 3 land - 20 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Can be used as a fuzzy instant overhead vs. JP/Marisa/Zangief (opponent must be in Burnout for true blockstring); shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup


Neutral Jump Heavy Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 8jhk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 8jhk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 7 3 land - 20 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Hits on both sides, preventing the opponent from walking under for a punish; useful air-to-air; shifts Chun-Li's hurtbox upward during startup

Wall Jump

9 (near wall)

9 (against wall)

Wall Jump
SF6 Chun-Li walljump.png
SF6 Chun-Li walljump hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
- - - - - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD) - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Counter-hit state during entire duration; can be done from Back or Neutral jump if fully against the wall, or after Forward Jump against a cornered opponent

Command Normals



Swift Thrust
SF6 Chun-Li 6mp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 6mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 - - LH SS Sp SA 15
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 3 15 24 20 15
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 1500 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-16 +6 +1 +8 +3
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -3
Great poke and neutral buffer tool with a disjointed hitbox and lenient hitconfirm window; Stance Cancel: +5/+1; DR cancel is delayed until after active frames


SF6 Chun-Li 4hp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 4hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - LH SS Sp SA 19 (20 stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 6 14 27 25 19
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [10000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-18 +9 +3 +15 +9
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 -1
Short range combo and frame trap tool; high active frame count makes it amazing as a meaty option; Stance Cancel: +9/+3 into follow-up, -5/-11 into blocking


Water Lotus Fist
SF6 Chun-Li 3hp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 3hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H SS 18 (stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
21 4 14 38 19 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-16 +5 +2 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+5 +1 -2
Stance Cancel: +2/-1 into follow-up, -6/-9 into blocking; 1-8f Crouching state; does not allow a follow-up link (except for Punish Counter 3HP into Stance LP)


Yokusen Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 6hk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 6hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - LH SS 20 (stance)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
16 2 23 40 24 21
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [10000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 8-28 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-23 +3 0 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +72 Crumple -1 -4
Punish Counter crumple state can lead to Stance HK launch or Stance LP grounded combo; causes spinning free juggle state on Punish Counter vs. airborne opponents; great hitbox priority; Stance Cancel: +2/-1 into follow-up, -6/-9 into blocking


Falling Crane
SF6 Chun-Li 3hk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 3hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
37 2 13 51 22 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [10000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 7-39 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-13 +11 +7 - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+11 +7 +3
Side-switching overhead; can only hit cross-up (does not work on fully cornered opponents); puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; 1f better hit advantage vs. most crouching characters; has extremely long range when performed out of Drive Rush


Yoso Kick
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - 15% Starter LH TC Sp SA -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
3 11 3 land - 17 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD after bounce)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-26(-35) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Not an overhead, but can hit immediately on the way up to bait throw techs; cancelable into itself on hit/block (up to 3 total uses) or into other air moves; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)

Target Combos



Soaring Eagle Punches
SF6 Chun-Li jhp jhp.png
SF6 Chun-Li jhp jhp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - H - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 4 3 land - 24 19
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [5000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-2 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Can be performed on whiff; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state


Yoso Kick 2
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk j2mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk j2mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - LH TC Sp SA -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 11 3 land - 17 10
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD after bounce)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-26 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Cancelable into itself on hit/block (up to 3 total uses) or into other air moves; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)


Yoso Kick 3
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk j2mk j2mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li j2mk j2mk j2mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - LH Sp SA -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 11 3 land - 17 17
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [4000] 1000 500 (350) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD after bounce)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-26 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Cancelable into other air moves on hit/block but cannot chain into any further Yoso Kicks; causes spike knockdown vs. airborne opponents; can hit cross-up (bounces away from wall if opponent is fully cornered)

Serenity Stream



Serenity Stream
SF6 Chun-Li 214p.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
14(~) [57~] - - - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
23-71 Head Projectile - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Crouching state 14-22f, then low profiles until exiting stance; follow-ups can be input on frame 15 at the earliest; counter-hit state for entire animation; if no follow-up, stays crouched for 57f (hold crouch to extend); can block while crouching (cannot block overheads, as this leads to Stance Exit); blocking an attack immediately exits stance and allows a Drive Reversal; can take longer to enter stance when canceled from heavy normals, giving much worse frame advantage if a follow-up is not used immediately


Serenity Stream Exit
SF6 Chun-Li 214p 214p.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p 214p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
- - 23(18) - - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
Input 214P again to manually exit stance (fastest total Serenity Stream time is 37f); cannot block while exiting stance; counter-hit state for entire animation; final 14f of recovery is in a standing state; 18f version occurs automatically after 14+57f (can delay by holding crouch)


Orchid Palm
SF6 Chun-Li 214p lp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - LH Sp SA 15
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 5 16[36] 25[45] 19 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-16(-39) - - +6 +5
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+2(-18) -2(-22) -3(-23)
No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; slight low profile for entire move duration; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame


Snake Strike
SF6 Chun-Li 214p mp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
750 - - L - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 7 19[32] 36[49] - 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-24(-37) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +38(+44)
[KD +25(+31)]
KD +38(+44)
[KD +25(+31)]
Low profile/upper body projectile invuln: 1-31f (exit stance) / 1-36f (remain crouched); extra-low profile 8-21f (can even go under Drive Impact); [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; () refers to KD Adv. when exiting Serenity Stream on hit


Lotus Fist
SF6 Chun-Li 214p hp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400,500 - - H,H Sp SA 27
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
23 2(6)2 19 51 31 total 26 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500x2 [3000x2] 1000x2 300x2 (210x2) 150x2 (75x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 - - +13 +8
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -3
No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; exits Serenity Stream upon use; only first hit is an overhead; 1-2f low profile, 1-5f crouching state; 29-42f no head hurtbox


Forward Strike
SF6 Chun-Li 214p lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
500 - - L Sp SA 15
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 5 13[36] 25[48] 18 14
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1500 [2000] 500 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-16(-39) - - +8 +4
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+4(-19) 0(-23) -4(-27)
No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream


Senpu Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 214p mk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 - - L Sp SA 18
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 5 22[46] 36[60] 22 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [4000] 2000 1000 (700) 500 (250) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-25(-49) - - +9 +5
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
-1(-25) -5(-29) -9(-33)
No charge required to cancel into Kikoken or Spinning Bird Kick; [] refers to recovery when exiting Serenity Stream; puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state; special/DR cancel is delayed until after 4th active frame


Tenku Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 214p hk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214p hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
700 - - LH Jmp 30 (jump)
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 5 24 [36] - 20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 [10000] 2000 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +41 KD +41 -9
Jump cancelable on hit only; puts opponent into limited juggle state; exits Serenity Stream upon use; 1-6f crouching state


Forward Throw


SF6 Chun-Li lplk.png
SF6 Chun-Li lplk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 (2040) - 20% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 23 30 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 2000 2000(1400) [4000(2800)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +11 KD +11 -
Has large pushback during throw animation, preventing corner throw loops (with frame-perfect timing, can throw loop vs. Blanka, E. Honda, and Zangief)
Back Throw


Taiji Fan
SF6 Chun-Li 4lplk.png
SF6 Chun-Li lplk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 (2040) - 20% Immediate T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 23 30 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 2000 2000(1400) [4000(2800)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +13 KD +13 -
Side switches; in the corner, does not allow true strike/throw oki without Drive Rush
Air Throw


SF6 Chun-Li jlplk.png
SF6 Chun-Li jlplk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 (2040) - - T - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 3 3 land - - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- [10000] 2000 2000(1400) [4000(2800)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +10 KD +10 -
Throw height doesn't affect KD advantage, but higher connect will throw opponent farther; no throw oki but can use a ranged meaty strike against cornered opponent

Drive Moves



Hosen Kick
SF6 Chun-Li hphk.png
SF6 Chun-Li hphk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
800 200 20% Starter LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
26 2 35 62 - 34
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
5000 10000 [15000] -10000 [3000(2100)] - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- 1-27 - 0 1 0
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
Crumple (Standing +21, Juggle +46, HKD +104) KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72
See Drive Impact. Airborne connect gives spinning juggle state on Punish Counter or corner Wall Splat with variable height.


Hoyoku Kick (Block)
SF6 Chun-Li 6hphk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 6hphk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
250x2 recoverable 65,60 recoverable - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
20 3(10)3 26(33) 61(68) - 36 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -20000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-22 Full Break (1st hit) - 1,200 100 1
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +23 KD +23 -6
2 hits; performed by inputting 6HPHK during blockstun; 7f extra recovery on hit; freezes the screen for 4f during startup; if 1st hit is Perfect Parried, opponent can interrupt with a move 11f or faster; see Drive Reversal.


Hoyoku Kick (Recovery)
SF6 Chun-Li 6hphk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 6hphk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
250x2 recoverable 65,60 recoverable - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
18 3(10)3 26(33) 59(66) - 36 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -20000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-20 Full Break (1st hit) - 1,200 100 1
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-27 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +23 KD +23 -6
2 hits; performed by inputting 6HPHK on wakeup; 7f extra recovery on hit; does not have any screen freeze; if 1st hit is Perfect Parried, opponent can interrupt with a move 11f or faster; see Drive Reversal.


Drive Parry
SF6 Chun-Li mpmk.png
SF6 Chun-Li mpmk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - 50% Multiplier (Perfect) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) 45(3) - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -5000,250~ - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
6 Full (after Perfect Parry) - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
See Drive Parry. Perfect Parrying has only 1F of recovery and disables the opponent from canceling their attack. Perfect Parrying projectiles puts you into fixed 11 frames of recovery. After a Perfect Parry, all Super Gauge gain is reduced by 20% and Drive Gauge gain/damage is reduced by 50% for the entire punish combo.


Parry Drive Rush
SF6 Chun-Li 66.png
SF6 Chun-Li 66 hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - 15% Multiplier (Mid-Combo) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
3+8 - 15(37) 26(48) - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -10000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
See Drive Rush; 1-bar version performed out of a Parry; startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation (if performed immediately after a successful Parry, only 1+8 startup); the first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack; the final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry); only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties; Distance: 1.044 (min/throw), 2.222 (min/block), 3.163 (max/final DR frame)

MPMK or 66

Drive Rush Cancel
SF6 Chun-Li 66.png
SF6 Chun-Li 66 hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - 15% Multiplier (Mid-Combo) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 - 15(37) 24(46) - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - -30000 - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
See Drive Rush; 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal; can also be performed on whiff from cancelable light normals; startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation; the first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack; the final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry); only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties

Special Moves




SF6 Chun-Li 46lp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 46lp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 150 - LH SA3 4
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
15 [90] 32 47 30 26
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [3000] 1000 600 (420) 300 (150) 0.037
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-22 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+1 -3 -7
50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~90% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict


File:SF6 Chun-Li 46mp.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 46mp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 150 - LH SA3 4
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 [55] 33 45 31 27
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [3000] 1000 600 (420) 300 (150) 0.05
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-23 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+1 -3 -7
50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~80% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict


File:SF6 Chun-Li 46hp.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 46hp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
600 150 - LH SA3 4
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 [25] 32 43 31 27
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
2500 [3000] 1000 600 (420) 300 (150) 0.07
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-22 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+2 -2 -6
50f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); travels ~60% screen; Super cancel timing is very strict


SF6 Chun-Li 46pp.png
SF6 Chun-Li 46pp hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
400x2 100x2 20% Starter LH SA2 SA3 11
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 - 28 39 34 total 29 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1250x2 [2500x2] -20000 200,250 (140,175) 100,125 (50,62) 0.095
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-7 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+9 +5 0
45f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); 2-hit projectile; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage applies after both hits

Hundred Lightning Kicks



Hundred Lightning Kicks
SF6 Chun-Li 236lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 236lk hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li 236lk hitbox2.pngSF6 Chun-Li 236lk hitbox3.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
250x2,300 (800) 62x2,76 (200) - LH SA3 (2nd) 16
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 2(5)2(5)2 20 43 39 total 28 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x3 [5000] 666x2,668 250x2,300 (175x2,210) 125x2,150 (62x6,75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-20 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+7 +3 -8
3 hits; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up


Hundred Lightning Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236mk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
225x4 (900) 56x3,57 (225) - LH SA3 (3rd) 24
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
14 2(4)2(4)2(5)2 22 56 46 total 35 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x4 [5000] 500x4 200x4 (140x4) 100x4 (50x4) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-22 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+7 +3 -8
4 hits; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up


Hundred Lightning Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236hk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200x5 (1000) 50x5 (250) - LH SA3 (4th) 30
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
23 2(3)2(2)
15 62 - 37 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
800x5 [5000] 400x5 160x5 (112x5) 80x5 (40x5) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-15 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +50 KD +50 -3
5 hits; puts opponents into limited juggle state; can juggle into 22K in the corner or SA1/SA3 anywhere (optimal for SA3 damage, skipping the additional damage scaling when canceled); cannot hit cross-up


Hundred Lightning Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236kk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
160x5 (800) 40x5 (200) - LH SA2 SA3 (5th) 41 SA / 43 follow-up
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 2(4)2(4)
21 54 50 total 44 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
800x5 [5000] -20000 160x5 (112x5) 80x5 (40x5) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-20 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+7 +3 -3
5 hits; can follow-up with KK on hit/block for no extra Drive cost; counter-hit/Punish Counter bonus advantage carries over through all hits; cannot hit cross-up


Lightning Kick Barrage
SF6 Chun-Li 236kk kk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 236kk kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x4,300 (700) 25x4,75 (175) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 2(5)2(4)
25 73 - 50
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x5 - - 100x5 (70x5) 50x5 (25x5) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +29 KD +29 -13
10 hits total; does not cost additional Drive meter; cannot hit cross-up

Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks



Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
SF6 Chun-Li j236lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li j236lk hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236lk hitbox2.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236lk hitbox3.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236lk hitbox4.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300x3 (900) 75,84 (159) 20% Starter LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 2(4)2(4)2 15(18) land - 20 each 17 each
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x2 [5000] 666x2,668 (666,668) 250x2,300 (175x2,210) 125,150 (62,75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-24(-16) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
0(+5) -4(+1) -7(-2)
3 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state


Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li j236mk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li j236mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
250x4 (1000) 62,64 (126) 20% Starter LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
10 2(4)2(4)2(5)2 15(18) land - 22 each 18 each
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x2 [5000] 500x4 (500x2) 200x4 () (140x4) 100x2 (50x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-25(-17) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
0(+5) -4(+1) -8(-3)
4 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state


Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li j236hk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li j236hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
220x5 (1100) 55x2 (110) 20% Starter LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
12 2(4)2(3)
15(18) land - 24 each 20 each
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x2 [5000] 400x5 (400x2) 160x5 (112x5) 80x2 (40x2) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-29(-24) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
-1(+2) -5(-2) -9(-6)
5 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; 3f extra landing recovery on whiff; cannot hit crouching; final 5f landing recovery is in crouching state; very strict timing required to hit standing opponent (can hit twice vs. tall characters)


Aerial Hundred Lightning Kicks
SF6 Chun-Li j236kk.png
SF6 Chun-Li j236kk hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236kk hitbox2.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236kk hitbox3.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236kk hitbox4.pngSF6 Chun-Li j236kk hitbox5.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
250x5,350 (1600) 54x3,54 (217) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 2(4)2(2)2(3)
5 land - - 21(7)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
666x3,670 [5000] -20000 100x5,300 (70x5,210) 50x3,150 (25x3,75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - Until Land (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-46(-30) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +38~39 KD +38~39 -32(-16)
6 hits; Forward/Neutral Jump only; cannot hit crouching; no minimum height requirement; slightly better KD Adv. when used in air juggles; entire landing recovery is in crouching state

Spinning Bird Kick



Spinning Bird Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 28lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 28lk hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li 28lk hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
333x2,334 (1000) 84x2,83 (251) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2(6)2(6)2 6+24 land 56 - 30 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
1000x3 [5000] 666x2,668 400x3 (280x3) 200x3 (100x3) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 8-32 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-30 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +33 KD +33 -18
30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from light normals; cannot hit cross-up


Spinning Bird Kick
File:SF6 Chun-Li 28mk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 28mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200x4,400 (1200) 50x4,100 (300) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
16 2(6)2(6)
8+21 land 77 - 45 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
800x5 [5000] 400x5 240x5 (168x5) 120x5 (60x5) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 15-56 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-28 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +34 KD +34 -17
30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from medium normals; cannot hit cross-up


Spinning Bird Kick
File:SF6 Chun-Li 28hk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 28hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
180x6,320 (1400) 45x6,80 (350) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
21 2(4)2(8)2(6)
8+22 land 95 - 57 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
600x7 [5000] 285x6,290 150x6,300 (105x6,210) 75x6,150 (37x6,75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 19-73 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +33 KD +33 -18
30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); combos from heavy normals and 5MK; cannot hit cross-up


Spinning Bird Kick
SF6 Chun-Li 28kk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 28kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
100x6,200 (800) 25x6,50 (200) - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
16 2(4)2(4)2(5)
8+15 land 78 - 51 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
600x7 [5000] -20000 150x6,300 (105x6,210) 75x6,150 (37x6,75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - 14-63 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-28(-23) - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +55(+41) KD +55(+41) -12
30f charge (no charge required if canceled from Stance normals); puts opponent into limited juggle state (juggle follow-up only possible vs. grounded opponents); combos from medium normals; cannot hit cross-up




SF6 Chun-Li 214lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 250 20% Starter H SA3 16
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
23 2 21 45 23 14
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [4000] 2000 1200 (840) 600 (300) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
7-18 Lower Body Projectile - 5-20 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-21 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+4 0 -9
Crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up


File:SF6 Chun-Li 214mk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 214mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1000 250 30% Starter H SA3 17
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
27 3 16 45 21 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] 2000 1200 (840) 600 (300) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
7-21 Lower Body Projectile - 6-24 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-17 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+6 +2 -3
Crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up


File:SF6 Chun-Li 214hk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 214hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 250 20% Starter H SA3 17
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
32 3 16(18) 50(52) 27 18
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [7000] 2000 1200 (840) 600 (300) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
7-26 Lower Body Projectile - 6-29 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-19 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
+10 +6 -1
2f extra recovery on whiff; crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up


SF6 Chun-Li 214kk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 214kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
1200 250 20% Starter; Combo (2 hits) H SA2 SA3 20
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
26 3 16 44 - 14
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
4000 [5000] -20000 1200 (840) 600 (300) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
7-21 Lower Body Projectile, 22-28 Projectile - 6-23 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-17 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +52 OTG KD +52 OTG -5
Bounces for an OTG juggle state on hit; crouching state during recovery; cannot hit cross-up

Tensho Kicks



Tensho Kicks
SF6 Chun-Li 22lk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 22lk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
450x2 (900) 113 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
5 2(10)2 27+12 land 57 - 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [5000] 1000x2 (1000) 500x2 (350x2) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Air - 8-45 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-51 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +29 KD +29 -37
Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state


Tensho Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li 22mk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 22mk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
450,550 (1000) 113 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 2(10)2 31+12 land 63 - 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [5000] 1000x2 (1000) 500x2 (350x2) 250 (125) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Air - 8-51 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-55 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +25 KD +25 -41
Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state


Tensho Kicks
File:SF6 Chun-Li 22hk.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 22hk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
200x3,600 (1200) 50 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
9 2(8)2(8)2(11)2 26+12 land 81 - 16
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 [5000] 500x4 (500) 250x4 (175x4) 125 (62) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-10 Air - 8-69 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-71 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +37 KD +37 -57
Cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state


Tensho Kicks
SF6 Chun-Li 22kk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 22kk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
180x5,500 (1400) 45 - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
6 3(5)3 16+25 land 57 - 12
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
3000 - -20000 200x6 (140x6) 100 (50) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-7 Full - 8-32 (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-50 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +30 KD +30 -40
Active/Recovery frames listed are for whiff/block (follow-up attack only occurs after 2nd hit connects); cannot hit cross-up; the final landing recovery frame is in a crouching state

Super Arts



SF6 Chun-Li 236236p.png
SF6 Chun-Li 236236p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300x4,500 (1700) 100x5 (500) 30% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 70 46 122 - 66 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500x5 1000x5 - -10000 -10000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-7 Strike/Throw Break -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-35 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +22 KD +22 -22
5-hit Super projectile; can hit cross-up (behind Chun-Li)


Aerial Kikosho
SF6 Chun-Li j236236p.png
SF6 Chun-Li j236236p hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300x4,800 (2000) 100x5 (500) 30% Minimum LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
7 50 16 land 103 - 72 total
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
500x5 1000x5 - -10000 -10000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- Break Until Land (FKD)
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-37~ - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +14 KD +14 -20
5-hit Super projectile; can hit cross-up (behind Chun-Li); higher activation height causes longer recovery before reaching the ground


SF6 Chun-Li 236236k.png
SF6 Chun-Li 236236k hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li 236236k hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
2000(1000) 30x7,150,30x6,160,50 (750) 40% Minimum; 40% Starter; Combo (3 hits) LH Jmp -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
11 [2(1)x3],2(2),
48 144 - 76(7)20
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
312x15,320 (5000) 625x16 (10000) - -20000 -20000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-12 Full Break -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-49 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +29 KD +29 -35
12f blockstring gap before final hit (8f in Burnout); 1000 damage if only the last hit connects; last hit is forward jump cancelable and puts opponent into free juggle state on grounded hit (limited juggle state if juggled into); applies 30% scaling to Super Art gain until end of combo; Full active frame distribution: 2(1)2(1)2(1)2(2)2(1)2(1)2(1)2(11)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(23)3


Soten Ranka
SF6 Chun-Li 214214k.png
SF6 Chun-Li 214214k hitbox.pngSF6 Chun-Li 214214k hitbox2.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
4000 (500x2) 500,250x2 (1000) 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate (Sp) LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 2(24)1(7)1 40 82 - 51(25)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
6500,500x2 (7500) 15000 - -30000 -30000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-9 Full Break -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-39 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +6 HKD +6 -24
Hits 3 times on block (true blockstring); no cinematic if 1st hit whiffs (1000 dmg total); cinematic time regenerates ~1.8 Drive bars for Chun-Li
214214K (CA)


Soten Ranka (CA)
SF6 Chun-Li 214214k ca.png
File:SF6 Chun-Li 214214k ca hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
4500 (500x2) 750,250x2 (1250) 50% Minimum; 10% Immediate (Sp) LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
8 2(24)1(7)1 40 82 - 51(25)
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
9000,500x2 (10000) 20000 - -30000 -30000 -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
1-9 Full Break -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-39 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
HKD +18 HKD +18 -24
Hits 3 times on block (true blockstring); no cinematic if 1st hit whiffs (1000 dmg total); available at 25% HP or below; cinematic time regenerates ~2 Drive bars for Chun-Li




Neutral Taunt
SF6 Chun-Li 5pppkkk.png
SF6 Chun-Li 5pppkkk hitbox.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
300 - - LH - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
35 2 70 106 14 7
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
600 [5000] 300 300 (210) 150 (75) -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
-70 - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
KD +35 Crumple -58 -65
"Sorry!"; Punish Counter crumple is the only way to keep it safe, but does not allow follow-up combo


Forward Taunt
SF6 Chun-Li 6pppkkk.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
273 (total) - - 273 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -


Back Taunt
SF6 Chun-Li 4pppkkk.png
Damage Chip Dmg Dmg Scaling Guard Cancel Hitconfirm Window
- - - - - -
Startup Active Recovery Total Hitstun Blockstun
401 (total) - - 401 - -
DriveDmg Blk DriveDmg Hit [PC] Drive Gain Super Gain Hit Super Gain Blk Projectile Speed
- - - - - -
Invuln Armor Airborne Juggle Start Juggle Increase Juggle Limit
- - - - - -
Perfect Parry Advantage After DR Hit After DR Blk DR Cancel Hit DR Cancel Blk
- - - - -
Punish Advantage Hit Advantage Block Advantage
- - -
"Yawn... are you ready yet?"

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison