Street Fighter 6/Kimberly/Strategy

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Kimberly has some of the fastest overall movement speed in the game, which is further enhanced after activating her Level 3 Super Art. She lacks strong threatening options at mid and long range, like projectiles and cancelable low pokes, so her movement is the key to success in the neutral game.

5MK - One of Kimberly's most important pokes due to its range and cancelability. Since she doesn't have a cancelable low poke, this is her primary button for Drive Rush cancels.

5HP - One of Kimberly's most hitconfirmable buttons in neutral; she moves forward and is relatively safe on block at farther ranges. The recovery is a bit long, so whiffing should be avoided as much as possible.

2MK - As a neutral poke, 2MK is good for space control despite not being cancelable. It has fairly low recovery and gives Kimberly frame advantage on hit or block. Just be wary of opponent who use Drive Impact frequently.

2HK - Useful against opponents who like to move without stopping to block low. Some characters have difficulty punishing, while others have a nearly guaranteed sweep punish in return; the utility of 2HK varies a lot based on the specific matchup, but it's always best to space it near max range.

2MP - The fast recovery makes this button useful as a predictive counterpoke, capable of interrupting the startup of an opponent's slower buttons. Depending on the opponent's neutral buttons, the risk/reward may be skewed in favor of the opponent, however.

6HK - This long-range hopkick is safe on block and can hop over some low pokes.

j.2MP - Elbow Drop completely stops Kimberly's forward jump momentum, allowing her to bait anti-air attacks when used from certain ranges. It can also allow her to jump over a projectile while maintaining a safe distance. The threat of this move can cause opponents to hesitate when they see Kimberly jump, making it easier to approach from the air.

j.214K - If done near the very end of Kimberly's forward jump, it will hit 3 times with a slight delay; this can be useful when mixing up with an empty jump into immediate throw, as the defender's throw tech will cause the delayed Air Senpukyaku to connect. Mixing up Kimberly's jump timing and trajectory makes it harder for the opponent to focus on both the ground/air game.

  • The OD version can be used as an instant cross-up if done low to the ground with a Tiger Knee input (214~9+KK). This will whiff on crouching opponents, but is great for baiting throw techs and scoring a Punish Counter.


Frame Traps

Light Chains - all chainable light normals (5LP, 2LP, 2LK) have very small gaps between each blocked hit

  • This will beat any defensive button press, but there is no airtight chain to prevent the opponent's invincible reversal
  • A chain of 2LP, 5LP, 5LP~MP is great for hitconfirms; -6 oB but very difficult for many characters to punish due to pushback

2MK - Plus on block (+1) low starter. There are few useful frame traps without Drive Rush momentum, however.

5HK - At +2 on block and less pushback, Kimberly can frame trap into any light; Counter-hit follow-ups here are finicky and can depend on the character/spacing. Using 5MP or 2MP will trade with 4f buttons, possibly resulting in a trade combo (5MP into 5MK being the most consistent).

236K~LK - +1 oB (+3 for OD version) after the flip kick, and keeps Kimberly at close range; can frame trap into immediate 2LP for continued pressure. Throw will lose to reversal 4f normal, but if the opponent knows the matchup they are less likely to attempt this.

5HP Spacing Traps

Kimberly's 5HP does not extend a hurtbox for most of its startup, so she can use it in certain blockstrings that cause the opponent's 4f normal to whiff, granting a hitconfirmable Punish Counter. This depends on the range of the opponent's button; characters like Zangief or E. Honda with extremely long-ranged light normals cannot easily be hit with this spacing trap. The opponent can also hit a longer-ranged button if they expect a 5HP, as there is a large frame gap between hits.

The following table lists some of these spacing traps, along with the range of the opponent's light normal that can be trapped (see the "4f Normals" tab on the Range Comparisons page, or search for "5HP Spacing Traps" on the Matchups page). This table assumes you are starting at point blank; manually adjusting your spacing allows for more freedom when attempting a spacing trap.

(Spacing Trap)
4f Range
5LP, 5LP, 5HP ≤ 0.94 All 4f for A.K.I., Dhalsim, Juri, Lily
  • Also Chun-Li 2LP/2LK, Ken 2LP, Ryu 2LP
2LK, 2LP, 5HP
2LK, 5LP, 5HP ≤ 0.98 Jamie 2LP (+ all of the above)
2LK, 2LK, 5HP ≤ 1.09 All 4f for Cammy, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Guile, JP, Ken, Kimberly, Manon, Ryu
  • Also Rashid 5LK
N/A ≥ 1.11 No spacing traps with 2-light strings
  • Rashid 5LP, and all 4f lights for Blanka, E. Honda, Luke, Marisa, Zangief

5MP Trade Combos

In situations where Kimberly has +2 Advantage, 5MP will trade with the opponent's reversal 4f normal, allowing for a trade combo.

The following table lists these trade scenarios and their advantage. Assumes a blocked 5HK starter, but any button written with green brackets (e.g. [5MP]) requires a Drive Rush starter (DR~5LP/2LP/5MP/2HP).

Character Abare Normal Adv / Combo
A.K.I. 5LK +6 / 5MP
2LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Akuma 5LP +10 / 5MK, 5HP, [5MP]
2LP +8 / 5MP, 5MK
Blanka 5LK +8 / 5MK
Cammy 5LP +9 / 5MK, 5HP, [5MP]
2LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Chun-li 5LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
2LP +10 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
2LK +12 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Dee Jay 5LP +11 / 5MK, 5HP, [5MP]
Dhalsim 5LP +9 / 5MK, 5HP, [5MP]
2LK +6 / 5MP
E. Honda 2LP +7 / 5MP
5LK +8 / 5MK
Guile 2LP +8 / 5MK, [5MP]
Jamie 2LP +8 / 5MP, 5MK
JP 2LP +7 / 5MP
Juri 5LP* +8 / 5MP, 5MK
2LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Ken 5LP +10 / 5MK, 5HP, [5MP]
2LP +8 / 5MP, 5MK
Kimberly 2LP +10 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Lily 5LK* +8 / 5MK, [5MP]
Luke 2LP +8 / 5MP, 5MK
M. Bison 5LK +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
2LP +8 / 5MP, 5MK
Manon 5LP +7 / [5MP]
2LP +8 / 5MK, [5MP]
Marisa 2LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Ryu 5LP +10 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
2LP +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
Zangief 2LK +9 / 5MP, 5MK, 5HP
* = Whiffs if Kimberly does nothing after 5HK

Okizeme and Mixups

Meterless High/Low: When Kimberly has point blank oki, she can mix up with 4HK Overhead (+4 oH) or 2LK/2MK Low starter without using Drive Rush. Both will only link into light normals without Counter-hit in this scenario. This is a very useful option after air resets as well, but it can be difficult for the Overhead to connect close enough for a follow-up combo.

Due to her variety of mobility tools, Kimberly has many ways to chase knockdowns with frame kills that maintain her advantage. The fact that she can use her Run~Stop for so many of her frame kills can make her offense confusing to keep up with, since any time she starts moving she's threatening an overhead. In any situation where Run~Overhead is an oki option (meaning, it will beat wakeup 4f and be safe vs wakeup DI) you can also Run~Stop and be +2 or better, and as long as that leaves you in range to do it, 2LK will hit only 1f later than Run~Overhead, which makes it extremely difficult to fuzzy block.

Knockdown Advantage: All scenarios assume that opponent will Back Rise midscreen when possible, unless otherwise stated.

Knockdown KD Adv. Oki/Notes
Forward Throw +17 Gives strong corner throw loops by walking forward with manual timing
  • Midscreen, can apply pressure with DR~2MK, but a wakeup button will stop repeated throws
Back Throw +8 Cannot chase down opponent for point blank oki
  • If throwing opponent back into the corner, can reach with meaty 5HP/5MK/2MK
  • Meaty 5HK connects on crouch blocking Blanka/Dee Jay/E. Honda/JP/Marisa/Zangief and can set up a +11~15 trade vs. 4f lights
    • Follow-ups are character specific; see this section for details
Drive Impact
(No Crumple)
+35 On a regular midscreen connect, Drive Rush into delayed 2MK works well
  • Cannot hold down for the 2MK input or the DR will be canceled; must input 2+MK nearly simultaneously
  • Other options: Teleport~2LP, Teleport~5MP (trade with 4f), meaty 236K~LK or 236K~HK
Drive Reversal +23 No real midscreen oki, but can potentially chase down with DR~5HP or DR~6HK
  • If the opponent reaches the corner:
    • 236KK~HK will hit frame 1 of their wakeup; -1 oB, safe vs DI
2HK HKD +31
HKD +43 (CH/PC)
KD +38~42 (Juggle)
On normal hit:
  • Dash + 5HK hits meaty; +4 on block, safe vs DI
  • DR~4HK hits frame 2 of their wakeup; +1, safe vs DI

On Counter-hit/Punish Counter:

  • Forward Dash x2 gives +5 point blank
  • Forward Dash + 236KK~HK hits meaty; 0 oB, safe vs DI
  • Corner Forward Dash + 236K~LK trades with wakeup 4f, juggles to Tatsu, +1, safe vs DI
(Bushin Prism Strikes)
+29 (DR juggle)
All options here are for the grounded version of the target combo, as there's little reason to juggle into the DR version when Hellchain does more damage and has a longer knockdown
  • Forward Dash is +8 and chases back rise, but won't be point blank
  • 236K~HK hits frame 1 of wakeup, -3, safe vs DI
  • 236KK~HK hits meaty, +1, safe vs DI
  • 236K~LK hits frame 3 of wakeup, +1, safe vs DI
  • In the corner, whiff 2LP, 5HK hits meaty; +4, safe vs DI
  • Stopping at HP gives the same knockdown advantage and juggle situation as 5MP~HP > 236K~MK
(Bushin Hellchain)
+45 (DR juggle)
On midscreen grounded hit, all you get is a safe meaty Run~Slide, not worth doing.
  • In the corner, the knockdown situation is the exact same as Prism Strikes
  • After 236HP launch into DR~5LP, this TC keeps opponents in a juggle state with much better advantage
    • Juggling into 236LP gives enough advantage to DR~4HK, +1, safe vs DI
    • Dash, Run~Overhead hits meaty, -2, safe vs DI
    • Run~Stop twice chases back rise and leaves you point blank, but only +1
    • Run~Stop, OD Run~Overhead hits frame 1 of wakeup, -1, safe vs DI
    • Run~Stop, DR~5HK hits meaty, +7, safe vs DI
  • In the corner, after the juggled version:
    • Bomb gives +1, not ideal since opponents can mash vs low or throw, but it's still a bomb setup
    • Whiff 2LP, DR~4HK hits frame 2 of wakeup, +1, safe vs DI
(Bushin Hellchain Throw)
+16 Not an ideal knockdown, and can't be used to end a juggle.
  • DR~2MK hits frame 3 of wakeup, +5, safe vs DI
  • Immediate slide meaties, but is -3
+39 (Meterless)
+47 (OD)
+47~+49 (Juggled)
(Depends on route)
Great corner carry while keeping close to opponent.
  • Forward Dash x2 for great oki anywhere

Out of 5MP~HP midscreen:

  • Dash, Run~Overhead hits meaty, +0, safe vs DI
  • Dash, Run~Stop 2MK hits meaty, +2, safe vs DI, links to 5MP

Out of 5MP~HP corner:

  • Bomb gives +3, ideal throw oki
  • Whiff 2MK, 4HK hits meaty, -2, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2MK, whiff 2LK, 2MK meaties, +3, safe vs DI, links to 5MP

Out of 236HP, DR~5LP midscreen:

  • Run~Stop, Run~Overhead hits meaty wakeup, -2, safe vs DI

Out of 236HP, DR~5LP corner:

  • Bomb gives +5, even more ideal throw oki, 2LK hits meaty
+25 (OD)
+44~+48 (OD juggle)
After normal Run~Overhead midscreen:
  • Run~Stop chases back rise and gives +1
  • Run~Overhead hits frame 4 of wakeup, -3, trades with wakeup 4f, loses to DI
  • OD Run~Overhead hits frame 1 of wakeup, -1, safe vs DI
  • OD Run~Stop chases back rise and gives +4
  • Forward dash chases back rise and gives +5
  • DR~5HK hits meaty, +7, safe vs DI

In the corner, +23 is 1f off from a meaty 4HK. It's fairly lenient to manually time an overhead that will beat wakeup 4f but if you're a real sicko you can try to manually time the meaty as well.
After OD Run~Overhead:

  • Run~Overhead hits frame 2 of wakeup, -3 safe vs DI
  • OD Run~Overhead gives a much longer knockdown if it catches an opponent jumping out. In that instance, Run~Stop into forward dash will be +4~+8, and the Run~Stop gives you time to confirm how it hit.

Keep in mind that KD advantage will be different on a Run~Overhead that hits meaty. For example, if your meaty Run~Overhead gives you +1 on block, your knockdown will be +27, meaning a second Run~Overhead will also be meaty and be -2 instead of -3, as well as +24 on the knockdown, which is enough time to threaten another Run~Overhead that beats wakeup 4f and is safe vs DI.

+53~56 (juggle)
+43 (OD)
+56~60 (OD juggle)
Dash x2 for oki
  • Primarily used after Wall Splat or OTG bounce for Spraycan oki (or juggled into 236LP > SA3)

Gives +55 from OD Prox Run~Divekick in the corner, enabling a variety of mixups:

  • Teleport 4HK hits meaty, -2, safe vs DI
  • Teleport 5LP, 2MK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2MK, Run~Overhead hits meaty, +1, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2MK, Run~Stop, 2MK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • Spray Can gives +11, after which...
    • 2HP hits meaty, +2, safe vs DI, useful to drain the drive gauge
    • Throw can combo into H spray can, but MUST be manually timed to connect on the first throw vulnerable frame of your opponent's wakeup. Throws have 3 active frames, so you do have a fair amount of leniency making this happen.
(Bushin Senpukyaku)
  • From 214HK, DR~5HK hits frame 3 of wakeup, +6, safe vs DI
  • From 214HK, DR~5HP hits frame 2 of wakeup on its last active frame vs back roll, +2, safe vs DI. You could maybe trick someone into thinking they can press a 4f here and get a trade combo from 5MP into 5MK?


  • After grounded 214MK, 4HK hits meaty (+5 and links to 5LP~MP~HP), while remaining safe vs DI
  • From 214MK, whiff 2LK, 2MK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • Same knockdown as above from 236HP, DR 5LP~MP~HP, 214LK
j.MP > j.214K
(Air Bushin Senpukyaku)
+48~50 (OD)
These options assume you're using this at the earliest possible timing after a 236HP/236PP launch.
  • Teleport 2MK hits frame 1 of wakeup and chases back roll, +1
  • DR~6HK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI


  • Whiff 2LP, Run~Overhead hits frame 1 of wakeup, -3, safe vs DI

The knockdown situation after OD air tatsu is 1f better than after 5MP~HP > 236K~K, so all of your options should be basically the same, but to do meaty 4HK you whiff 5MP instead of 2MK since it's 1f longer total duration. Unfortunately the reel back on 5MP whiff means you won't get 5LP as a link from 4HK which means you can't end in target combo.

(Nue Twister)
HKD +22 Corner:
  • Forward dash gives +4 at ideal shimmy range


  • DR~5HK hits frame 1 of wakeup, +6, safe vs DI

OD is usually used in corner combos and gives two juggle options; Run~Flip is less damage and gives +55, 6HK~j.MP gives +53. Either way is plenty of advantage for a corner mixup so you should probably always go for damage. Corner oki options:

  • Whiff 5HP, 4HK hits meaty, -2, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 5HP, 5LP, 2MK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2LK~5LP, Run~Overhead hits meaty, +1, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2LK~5LP, Run~Stop, 2MK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • H Bomb gives +9 and allows a throw combo

Additionally, juggling into j.HP instead of j.MP gives +42, which gives automatic timing for a j.HK safe jump.

(MP Vagabond Edge)
+26 (juggled)
  • DR~6HK hits frame 2 of wakeup, +1, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2LP, Run~Overhead hits frame 3 of wakeup, -3, safe vs DI


  • Dash + 4HK hits frame 3 of wakeup, -3, safe vs DI
  • Whiff 2LK~5LP, 5HK hits meaty, +5, safe vs DI

The juggled version gives +26, which is the same KD timing as either grounded Bushin Prism Strikes or Hellchain.

Prox 236K~K
(Arc Step~Divekick)
+43 (OD Midscreen)
KD advantage depends on screen position, as KD timing depends on how far the divekick travels before hitting the opponent.


  • DR~4HK hits frame 3 of wakeup, trades with abare in the corner, either way gives full combo and is +1, safe vs DI
  • Run~Overhead hits meaty, +1, safe vs DI, however...
  • Run~Stop, 2MK hits meaty, +3, but leaves you out of range to follow up unless you are close to the corner

In the corner, if you juggle into Prox 236K (likely from 5MP~HP target combo), instead of ending in divekick, you can end in 236LP for a little more damage and the same +30 knockdown as midscreen Prox 236K~K.
OD version Wall Splats near corner, but midscreen gives oki with Forward Dash x2

Prox 236K~P
(Arc Step~Throw)
HKD +31
  • Dash + 5HK hits meaty, +3, safe vs DI
  • DR~4HK hits frame 2 of wakeup, +1 safe vs DI

OD version causes a ground bounce for a juggle.

SA1 - 236236K
(Bushin Beats)
+38 (Spraycan)
With bomb:
  • Midscreen:
    • Teleport chases back rise and multiple buttons will beat abare, but you won't be in range to follow up without DR
    • Dash, DR~5HK hits frame 3 of wakeup, +6, safe vs DI
    • Forward dash, OD Run~Overhead hits frame 3 of wakeup, -1, safe vs DI, but Run~Stop is only +1 and will not be in range to threaten a low
  • Corner:
    • Double forward dash gives +2 point blank
    • DR~6HK hits meaty, +2, safe vs DI
    • DR Run~Overhead, hits meaty, -2, safe vs DI
    • DR Run~Stop gives +5 at ideal shimmy spacing

No bomb:

  • Midscreen:
    • DR~5HK hits frame 1 of wakeup, +6, safe vs DI
    • OD Run~Overhead hits frame 1 of wakeup, -1, safe vs DI
  • Corner:
    • Fwd dash gives +4 in range of her longer normals
SA2 - 214214P
(Bushin Scramble)
HKD +22 (Ground/Air) Hard KDs at very close range, giving strong offense at any screen position
  • Forward dash is +4 point blank
  • 236KK~HK hits frame 1 of wakeup, -1, safe vs DI
SA3/CA - 236236P
(Bushin Ninjastar Cypher)
HKD +16 Same knockdown timing as Bushin Hellchain Throw.
  • DR~2MK hits frame 3 of wakeup, +5, safe vs DI
  • Immediate slide meaties, but is -3

Shuriken Bomb Setups

With enough knockdown advantage, Kimberly can throw a spraycan against a cornered opponent and follow up with various mixup options. Most spraycan setups require Kimberly to either sacrifice some damage or spend extra Drive meter, but this is usually worthwhile due to the high potential reward. Because spraycans do not automatically refill between rounds, be sure not to waste them if an alternative KO route is possible in Round 1 or 2.

Unless otherwise stated, these are corner only; throw the Spraycans as early as possible and use 22HP Shuriken Bomb. If Kimberly is out of spraycans, these setups also allow her to safely refill and go for a strike/throw mixup.

Setup into Spraycan Notes
5MP~HP > 236K~MK Slide
  • Juggle into Run~Slide is required; grounded hit has less KD advantage
  • OD Run~Slide gives enough KD Advantage to work against grounded opponents
5LP~MP~HP Target Combo
  • Can also be done after 236HP/PP launch into DR~5LP (useful for reaching the corner)
(Any launcher), j.MP > j.214KK
  • Works at any height, but higher juggles may require delaying any follow-up throw
  • Works in any juggle relatively close to the ground
  • e.g. Drive Impact (wall splat), 2HP > 236K~LK
  • after Close 236KK~K high wall splat, must delay the Spraycan
(Wall Splat/OTG Bounce),
  • Similar to the above setup, but 6HK will reach cornered opponent from farther out than 236K~LK
  • Looks very similar to Kimberly's most common Safe Jump setup (j.HP knockdown), making this harder to react to
  • Does not work after 236KK~K Wall Splat (not enough juggle potential on j.MP)
236KK~K (Wall Splat)
  • Immediately throw Spraycan for a safe jump j.HP/j.HK into instant overhead j.LK or low 2MK
  • Sacrifices significant juggle damage, but gives a mixup that beats every reversal except Lily Windclad 623LP/623PP
  • Immediate j.236PP is the most consistent juggle after instant overhead; doesn't leave enough time for stronger Drive Rush juggles
Spraycan Mixups Notes
Forward Throw
  • Spraycan explosion juggles mid-throw (causes heavy damage scaling)
  • Follow with j.236PP (OTG bounce), then 236K~LK
  • If opponent techs the throw, they must still block the explosion
  • Kimberly does not usually have enough KD Adv. to walk back for shimmy
Backdash, 5HP > 236LP
  • Baits opponent's throw tech, but loses to reversals
  • Highly damaging route with relatively little damage scaling
2LK, 2LP > 236LP
  • Low starter; allows more follow-up pressure if blocked
  • On hit, follow with j.236PP or 236K~LK
2LK, 2LP, 2LP > 236K~HK/MK
  • Auto-timed to combo into explosion with either route
    • Overhead is more likely to work, and is -3 ~ +1 oB depending on setup timing
    • Slide can catch opponents who expect the overhead, and is +5 ~ +10 oB depending on setup timing
  • On hit, follow with j.236PP (easy) or DR~2HP juggles (harder, may not work on all Overhead routes)
  • If opponent is holding Parry, do Run~Stop into a Punish Counter Throw instead (no combo into explosion)
  • Opponent can interrupt with Back Throw, quick airborne specials that avoid explosion, or cinematic Supers
4HK, 2LP > 236K~LK
  • Overhead starter; Spraycan explodes shortly after 2LP connects
  • If the entire sequence is blocked, Kimberly is still +1
  • 4HK loses to defensive button press or early throw tech
2LK, 4HK
  • Low > Overhead setup; Spraycan explodes shortly after 4HK connects
  • On hit, follow with j.236PP
  • 2LK will stuff immediate button/throw mash
  • Can also start with 2 lights, but the timing for instant j.236PP is more strict
Double Spraycan Mixups Notes
5MP > Drive Impact
  • If opponent attempts to counter-DI, their armor is eaten by the explosions and Kimberly's DI hits
  • If opponent blocks the explosions, DI wall splats (follow with immediate j.236PP)
  • An aware opponent can simply Parry the DI, or throw Kimberly out of the blockstring gap
  • Invincible cinematic Supers can also punish Kimberly's DI startup
    • Most regular reversals will lose, and non-cinematic supers may trade mid-animation

Punishing Opponent's Reversal after Shuriken Bomb

See the Matchups page and look for "Shuriken Bomb Corner Setup info" for details on how to deal with every character's reversals during Spraycan setups. Many opponents are prone to using reversals when they see a spraycan due to the strength of Kimberly's high/low/throw/shimmy mixups, and it's important to optimize your punishes when this occurs.

Starting a punish with the spraycan explosion is usually a bad idea due to its low damage and high scaling. The ideal punish usually starts with 2HP > 236LP before the explosion, but there is not always enough time for this. An immediate 2HP into the explosion is another good option, and it can also be used to start a Forced Knockdown juggle that skips the explosion entirely. While a raw 236LP does decent damage, it introduces 20% extra damage scaling; many other normals and specials have similar starter scaling.

After the explosion connects, the easiest conversion is a 2-bar j.236PP that sets up an OTG juggle state. With the right timing and spacing, however, a juggle into 236K~LK can launch high enough to loop a follow-up DR~2HP > 236K~LK, ending with either 214HK or j.236P. This does almost as much damage for 1 less Drive bar. Kimberly has a tendency to whiff under some opponents on her Flip Kick, so be sure to check which characters can be juggled.

Two characters can even be punished after their reversal hits Kimberly, as long as she does not Back Rise:

  • Luke 623PP: immediate 3MK (no follow-up juggle; does not work if Luke follows with Slam Dunk)
  • Juri 623PP: immediate DR~5HP into either 236K~LK juggle or 236KK~K wall splat
    • Avoid holding MP+MK for Drive Rush until just before wakeup, or Kimberly will perform a Back Rise
    • Note: this also works vs. Kimberly 214KK, but it has no invincibility so is unlikely to ever occur

Punishing Drive Reversal during Shuriken Bomb Setup

If the opponent attempts a Wakeup Drive Reversal against your spraycan setup, it can be punished with 5MP > Explosion and a full juggle. If Kimberly is knocked down, the opponent will be able to safely block the spraycan (except for Chun-Li and Dhalsim due to their 2-hitting Drive Reversals).

If the opponent attempts to Drive Reversal your meaty normal and you block, the punish will usually start with the explosion. With extremely early timing against some normals, it may be possible to start this punish with 5MP as well. More importantly, Kimberly can sometimes pick up a juggle even after being knocked down by a Drive Reversal out of blockstun if performed early enough (with the exception of Blanka, Chun-Li, and Dhalsim).

  • DR~5HP > 236K~LK, 214HK/236LP
  • DR~5MK > 236K~LK, 214HK/236LP (more consistent, especially vs. Guile and Marisa)
  • Must not Back Rise (do not hold Parry for Drive Rush until near end of wakeup)
  • A slower meaty normal or a delayed Drive Reversal will make this juggle impossible

vs. Burnout

3MK can be safely spaced more easily against a burned out opponent, making it a stronger approach tool. If the opponent is aware that you are going for this, they can walk forward to get hit intentionally at a closer range, which will likely allow them to punish even on hit.

236LP becomes safe (-1) on block, allowing for safe cancels that are easily confirmed into SA3.

Looping Run pressure:
[2LP, 5MP > Run~Stop], repeat

  • There is a 4f gap between 2LP and 5MP, which can give Kimberly a trade combo
  • 5MP > Run~Stop is +1, which will frame trap into the next 2LP
  • This sequence is good for pushing to the corner, but does no chip on its own. Mix with throws, chip specials, or a corner DI with unpredictable timing.

Chip Damage sequence (~25% chip, safe against 4f buttons but loses to invincible Supers):
[5MP~HP > 236KK~HK] x4, 5MP~HP > 236LP > SA3

  • If 5MP~HP hits, it can be easily confirmed into high damage
  • If opponent hits a button or gets hit by the Overhead, Kimberly can immediately restart the sequence with any remaining Drive meter
  • Looping the sequence 4 times will guarantee Burnout for Kimberly; this should only be done to guarantee the KO

Counter-DI Burnout Sequence (2 blockstring routes):
nj.HK (juggle), DR~2HP > 22HP Spraycan, Run~Stop, 5MP~HP > 22MP Spraycan (during explosion), 5MP~HP > 236LP (explosion),
... 5HK, 5MP~HP > DR~2HP (Burnout) > Drive Impact (stun)

  • Route 1 - opponent starting with 6 Drive bars
  • 6f gap between 22MP Spraycan and 5MP; 4f gap between 5HK and 5MP that can trade with 4f normals

... DR~5HK (Burnout), 2HP > Drive Impact (stun)

  • Route 2 - opponent starting with ~4.5 Drive bars; eliminates the 4f gap at the end

Important notes about this sequence:

  • Requires 2 Spraycans; will drain a blocking opponent's entire Drive Gauge after they spend 1 bar on Drive Impact
  • Kimberly spends 2 Drive bars (counter-DI + first Drive Rush), builds it back, then spends 4 more on the final Drive Rush cancel and Drive Impact
  • Does ~3/4 screen corner carry; if Kimberly is fully cornered at the beginning, it will not reach the opposite corner for a stun
  • Opponent has options like invincible reversals/supers or Drive Reversal to escape, and getting hit will not drain additional Drive
  • Video: Pupumon203 on Twitter

Drive Rush

When canceling a normal into Drive Rush on block and following it up with another normal, there may be an interruptible gap in the blockstring. The following table lists these blockstring gaps when performed at the fastest possible timing.

Gap Value Meaning
0 True Blockstring (no gap) if input with fastest button timing; can still lose to Drive Reversal
1 to 4 Small blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt with an invincible reversal; a 4f gap can trade with 4f normal attack
5+ Large blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt without an invincible attack
Drive Rush Cancel - Blockstring Gaps
5LP~DR 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 24 29
5MP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13 18
5HP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13 18
5LK~DR 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 21 26
5MK~DR 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 15 20
2LP~DR 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 24 29
2MP~DR 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 18 23
2HP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 16
5MP~HP~DR 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 15 20

The following table lists the general BnB combo routes when canceling a button into Drive Rush on hit. In Kimberly's case, there are really only two things you need to know: light normals should link to 2LP > 2HP, and medium/heavy normals should link to 5HK. You can choose to end your combos however you'd like, but there are diminishing returns on spending more Drive meter due to damage scaling; consider saving your meter unless it will secure the KO.

Drive Rush Cancel - Combo Routes
Starter Hit Adv. Combo Route
2LP~DR +4 2LP, 2HP > 236HP/236KK ...
5LP~DR +5 2LP, 2HP > 236HP/236KK ...
5LP, 5HP > 236HP/236KK ...
5MK~DR +12 5HK, 2HP > 236HP/236KK ...
5HK, 2MP, 5MP~HP > 236K~MK ...
5MP~DR +14
5HP~DR +16
5MP~HP~DR Free Juggle 2HP > 236K~LK ...
2HP, instant j.236PP ...


  • 2LP, 2HP does more damage than 5LP, 5HP and works at most ranges; a very long range light whiff punish may require the 5HP route
  • In the corner, the 5HK, 2MP, 5MP~HP route can juggle into 214MK or end with a Shuriken Bomb setup; it can also cancel to Lv.3 Super anywhere
  • After DR~5HK, the 2HP route usually leads to more damage; the 2MP route is generally better for meterless corner carry and oki



  • SA1 (236236K) - Strike/Throw invincible, but some characters can perfectly time a meaty jab to bait it safely
  • SA2 (214214P) - No true invincibility, but can occasionally escape certain attacks as she teleports to the top of the screen
  • SA3/CA (236236P) - Fully invincible, reasonably fast, and rewarding to land, but very expensive to use as a guess


  • 2HP - Good at close ranges; can cancel into Run~Stop for a left/right mixup afterward
    • After a Forced Knockdown, can usually juggle instant j.236PP for a strong conversion
  • Bushin Senpukyaku (214K) - Must be used a little preemptively against stronger jump-ins
    • The OD version has total air invincibility, and is cancelable into Air SA2 for good damage
  • j.MP - Good air-to-air that is special cancelable and puts the opponent into a juggle state
  • Nue Twister (j.236P) - Air-to-air command throw; the OD version is very rewarding with its OTG bounce state
    • Difficult to use consistently on reaction, but can be done from any jump direction


  • Water Slicer Slide (3MK) - Near its max range, can be used against most projectiles on reaction, allowing a follow-up Punish Counter link.
    • Less effective against fast-recovering projectiles like Guile's Sonic Boom, or projectiles that move very slowly.
  • Elbow Drop (j.2MP) - Jumping from long range into Elbow Drop is a good way to navigate around projectiles without taking too much risk.
  • Shadow Slide (236K~MK) - A bit hard to use on reaction, but starting a sprint allows Kimberly to react with MK (or hit P to stop if no projectile is thrown). The OD version is much more projectile invincible, making it practical as a reaction tool as long as you don't get hit during the early sprinting frames.
  • OD Hidden Variable (214PP) - Kimberly teleports above the opponent quickly, bypassing the projectile entirely and allowing her to start immediate pressure even if it was too slow to punish.
    • The meterless version can also pass through projectiles, though usually requires a prediction for a successful punish
  • SA3/CA (236236P) - The range is limited, but farther than it initially appears. The invincibility allows Kimberly to punish fireballs on reaction from a closer range than her other anti-projectile tools.

Kimberly Super vs. Super Interactions

Kimberly's Level 1 Super has above average strike/throw invincibility due to its slow startup. In many cases, this allows it to be used on reaction to the opponent's Super freeze as a direct counter. If Kimberly is in Burnout at low health, opponents may attempt a reversal Super or may dash up into a raw Super to attempt a chip kill; by knowing which Supers can be directly countered with SA1, it's possible to avoid some of these chip scenarios. Level 2 Super also has some utility for escaping after the opponent's Super freeze (especially against projectile Supers) and can often lead to a punish after she whiffs. See Video Explanation for some of the more unique interactions. The following table details how Kimberly's Supers interact with the rest of the cast:

Kimberly SA1
SA2/SA3 Better?
A.K.I. SA1 🟩 Wins -
SA2 🟨 Loses (projectile), but Kimberly can punish at close range with CH 2MP, 5HP 🟩 SA3 counters from slightly outside Kimberly's poke range
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Blanka SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA2 whiffs at close range for a full punish, or hits Blanka from mid-range
🟩 SA3 punishes directly if in range
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Cammy SA1 🟩 Wins -
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (crouch to avoid at close range, 3MK if slightly farther out; jump back or anti-air 5HK near max range) -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Chun-Li SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA2 whiffs over Chun at close range for a full punish (loses from farther range)
🟩 SA3 wins cleanly if inside Chun's SA1 range
SA2 🟩 Wins, but just Forward Jump for full punish -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Dee Jay SA1 🟩 Wins, but just interrupt with CH 5LP, 5MP~HP instead -
SA2 🟨 Loses unless SA1 is delayed, but just Neutral Jump for a punish instead
(SA1 is still useful if SA2 is used against Kimberly's safe meaty jab)
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Dhalsim SA1 🟩 Wins, but just interrupt with CH 2MP, 5HP instead
(Do not jump in case Dhalsim used HP SA1)
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (use a crouching punish or a delayed Throw punish) 🟩 SA3 wins cleanly if you want to use the cinematic to ensure the downward fireball doesn't hit you
SA3 🟩 Wins -
E. Honda SA1 🟩 Wins -
SA2 🟩 Wins, but just Back Jump for full punish -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Guile SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA2 whiffs over horizontal SA1 at close range for full punish, or hits Guile from mid-range
🟩 SA3 wins cleanly at close range
SA3 🟨 Whiffs under Guile and avoids chip, but no punish midscreen
In the corner, gets a full 5HP punish
🟩 SA2 whiffs over Guile at close range, allowing 236K~MK punish
🟩 SA3 whiffs under Guile, allowing a full 5HP punish midscreen
Jamie SA1 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
SA3 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
JP SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile); if the 1st hit whiffs, Kimberly can jump over fireball 🟩 Whiffs over JP at close range only, allowing a strict Walk + 5HP (or slightly easier 5MK) punish
🟩 SA3 wins cleanly
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (interrupt with CH 2MP, 5HP if close enough) -
SA3 🟨 Irrelevant (Neutral Jump to avoid chip)
SA1 can still be useful in a blockstring like 236PP > SA3 however
Kimberly SA1
SA2/SA3 Better?
Juri SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA3 wins cleanly from close range (only option to avoid chip)
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (interrupt with CH 2MP, 5HP to beat both install and charge attack) -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Ken SA1 🟩 Wins -
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (mash 2LP to interrupt at close range) -
SA3 🟩 Wins (SA1 punishes after whiffing through the first part of Ken SA3) 🟥 SA3 loses when activated after Ken's
Kimberly SA1 🟩 Wins, but just Back Jump and Walk + 5HP for full punish -
SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (crouch to avoid at close range, Back Jump or AA 2HP at farther ranges) -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Lily SA1 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
SA2 🟥 Loses (extremely invincible); must delay SA1 as late as possible to whiff underneath, allowing Dash + 5HP punish -
SA3 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
Luke SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA2 whiffs over Luke at close range for full punish, or hits from mid-range
🟩 SA3 wins cleanly
SA2 🟩 Wins -
SA3 🟩 Wins -
Manon SA1 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
SA2 🟩 Wins -
SA3 🟩 Wins, but just Neutral Jump for full punish -
Marisa SA1 🟨 Irrelevant (just Throw or Forward Jump into punish); SA1 can lose to charged SA1 counter -
SA2 🟩 Wins -
SA3 🟩 Wins, but just Back Jump for full punish (or Neutral Jump if cornered) -
Rashid SA1 🟩 Kimberly whiffs underneath Rashid, allowing 236HP punish
If Rashid was cornered, gets a full 5HP punish
SA2 🟨 Loses, but just use normal or Throw if close enough 🟩 SA3 can work from slightly farther (cinematic causes Tornado to disappear)
SA3 🟩 Trade Combo (+16), Kimberly only takes 10 damage
Can delay SA1 to win outright if uncertain about HP
Ryu SA1 🟥 Loses (projectile) 🟩 SA2 whiffs over Ryu at close range for full punish, or hits from mid-range
🟩 SA3 wins cleanly
SA2 🟩 Wins, but just early Neutral j.HP or Forward Jump + immediate 5MK > 236HP instead)
SA2 is not a true projectile
SA3 🟩 Kimberly whiffs underneath Ryu, allowing 236MP or strict Walk + 5MK > 236HP punish
In the corner, allows a full 5HP punish
🟨 SA2 whiffs over Ryu but only gets 236K~MK punish midscreen
🟩 SA3 whiffs underneath and allows a full 5HP punish midscreen
Zangief SA2 🟨 Irrelevant (Forward Jump to avoid chip)
SA1 can still be useful vs. meaty SA2 or a Burnout blockstring like 2LP > SA2
🟥 SA3 loses when activated after Zangief's SA2
Kimberly SA1
SA2/SA3 Better?

Note: Table does not include Installs or Supers with no meaningful interaction like Zangief SA1/SA3
Assumes that Kimberly is in a neutral state (e.g. not a meaty Super on Kimberly's wakeup)

Fighting vs. Kimberly

6HK~Hop in neutral

  • Without the Hop cancel, Kimberly is -3 on block, allowing you to take back your turn
  • 5LP is a near universal option to beat both Forward Hop and Vertical Hop, while remaining safe to everything else
  • A stronger option like many 2HP attacks can lead to very powerful Forced Knockdown juggles, but may be unsafe if Kimberly does nothing
  • Back Hop is hard to punish due to its range, but some long-range attacks can reach for a punish
  • Attempting a reversal special like Shoryuken is not recommended, as it may be punishable if unsuccessful

Sprint Follow-ups

  • Kimberly's LK Flip Kick is +1 on block, allowing her to continue pressure; however, it's very slow, making it interruptible
  • The MK Slide hits low and is fast enough to beat a defensive button press in a blockstring; however, it's extremely unsafe
  • The HK Overhead must be blocked high; it is safe on block (-3, or -1 for OD version) and usually slow enough to interrupt
    • The overhead out of OD run can catch opponents jumping out, but the meterless one won't. As a result, some moves are able to go over both the overhead and low follow-up out of run, though not necessarily as a reactive option or a reversal. Examples:
      • Chun 6HK
      • Lily 236K
      • Manon 214KK
      • Marisa 623P
      • Ken 623K
  • Parry or Drive Impact can defend against all 3 of these follow-up options, but Kimberly can stop and Throw for a Punish Counter instead
    • Arc Step will also safely bounce away from Drive Impact; she can also reaction cancel into a Super to break the armor
  • If Kimberly has SA3 available, be wary of Run~MK Slide into Lv.3 for big damage. The Run~HK Overhead cannot combo in this way.

Sprint ~ Arc Step (236K at close proximity)

  • Due to pushback, Arc Step is almost always safe if she bounces away with no follow-up
  • Kimberly has two specials she can cancel into mid-air, a Divekick and a Command Throw
    • The Divekick is unsafe if blocked, at -8
    • The Command Throw is very unsafe if the defender backdashes or neutral jumps
    • Neutral Jump is a riskier option, as Kimberly may instead bounce away, then dash up for an anti-air
  • This makes the situation a 50/50 mixup for both the attacker and defender
    • For the meterless version, Kimberly is at much greater risk due to the potential for high punish damage
    • The OD Arc Step follow-ups allow much greater damage, making it a more balanced risk
  • Any anti-air invincible uppercut can beat both follow-ups, but this is punishable if Kimberly chooses not to input a follow-up
  • Meterless Arc Step is interruptible when canceled from any button except 2HP, so don't let the opponent get away with always canceling into this from buttons like 5HP or 5MK


Corner Back Throw into Meaty 5HK

An immediate 5HK after throwing the opponent back into the corner can hit all standing characters, as well as crouching Blanka, Dee Jay, E. Honda, JP, Marisa, and Zangief. If the opponent hits a reversal 4f button, this can result in a trade combo that depends heavily on pushback, trade advantage, and whether the opponent is standing or crouching. For the most part, a trade follow-up is easier if the opponent's 4f button is a 2LP.

The following table shows all 5HK trade scenarios. Note that 3MK is universal as long as the 5HK connects, but it leaves Kimberly at slight frame disadvantage for very little damage. Some follow-ups require a micro-walk which may be very strict.

Character 4f Button Trade Adv. Follow-Up Combo Microwalk Follow-Up
A.K.I. 2LP +13 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
Blanka 5LK +12 3MK N/A
Cammy 2LP +13 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
5LP +13 SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 236LP / 2HK
Chun-Li 2LP +14 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
5LP +13 SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK
2LK - N/A (Kimberly 5HK whiffs) N/A (Kimberly 5HK whiffs)
Dee Jay 5LP +15 SA1 / 3MK 236LP / SA3 / 2HK / 5MK
Dhalsim 5LP +13 SA1 / 3MK 236LP / 2HK
E. Honda 2LP +11 236LP / SA3 / 2HK / 3MK 5MK
5LK +12 3MK N/A
Guile 2LP +12 3MK N/A
Jamie 2LP +12 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK
JP 2LP +11 236LP / 3MK N/A
Juri 2LP +13 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
5LP +12 SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 236LP / 2HK
Ken 2LP +12 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK
5LP +14 SA1 / 3MK 236LP / SA3 / 2HK
Kimberly 2LP +14 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
Lily 5LK +12 3MK N/A
Luke 2LP +12 3MK N/A
Manon 2LP +13 SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 236LP / 2HK
5LP +11 3MK N/A
Marisa 2LP +13 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 2HK / 3MK 5MK
Rashid 5LK +12 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
5LP +13 SA1 / 3MK N/A
Ryu 2LP +13 236LP / SA1 / SA3 / 3MK 2HK / 5MK
5LP +14 SA1 / 3MK 236LP / SA3 / 2HK
Zangief 2LK - N/A (Kimberly 5HK whiffs) N/A (Kimberly 5HK whiffs)
Character 4f Button Trade Adv. Follow-Up Combo Microwalk Follow-Up

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison