Street Fighter 6/Lily/Matchups

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SF6 A.K.I. Icon.png Lily vs. A.K.I.
  • Her slow projectile is incredibly vulnerable to W.236KK. If you already have wind it's an easy punish. If not, it's possible to get a stock with Condor Wind during her startup and threaten to spire if she tries to follow it. Just be careful not to get baited with a neutral jump.
  • Her only OD reversal is vulnerable to throws. It's possible to OS throw or command grab during a sequence of chained lights to throw her the moment any of them whiffs.
    e.g. 6LK > 6842LP > 2LP > (2684 Release LP)
    • Each button press must be timed during the last 5 frames of hitstop for the previous move on block. It isn't possible to cancel normal moves into a grab, so despite the 360 motion the inputs still come out as 2LP.
    • If timed correctly then when a light attack whiffs, the lack of hitstop means the next button press now occurs after its recovery, triggering a command grab.
      • If the button is pressed too early then the light chain will work, but command grab will not come out on whiff due to still being in the recovery of the light attack.
      • If the button is pressed too late (i.e. after hitstop) the command grab input locks out the ability to chain cancel so the next light attack does not come out.
      • With button release inputs turned on, hold down the light punch button for a moment. Releasing it early can cause an extra command grab input, locking out the chain cancel in the same way.
    • A 360 motion stays buffered 20 frames, so it's possible to register multiple command grab inputs with one motion. This means the second 2LP input in the example sequence can also trigger a command grab.
    • The final command grab requires button release inputs to be enabled. Using a button press will chain into a whiff punishable 2LP on block or hit. A button release input prevents this.
    • OD command grab can be used instead by tapping LP+MP instead of just LP.
    • The result is that if A.K.I. uses OD Snake Step at any point during this sequence, she gets grabbed.
  • Perfect meaty 5LK, 5LP and 2LP are safe against wakeup SA1 and SA3. It's worth learning setups for it (e.g. W.236MK, Dash Twice, 2LP).
  • If A.K.I. attempts to chip kill with SA2, at full screen it can be dodged by jumping backwards and then delaying a forward jump over the last hit. Punish with either another forward jump j.HK or dash 5HP.
    If too close or when there is not enough screen space to back out of range, or if she tries to cover the escape options by throwing a bubble first, it's still possible to completely dodge it by delaying Lily's aerial SA2 as much as possible after a jump.
SF6 Akuma Icon.png Lily vs. Akuma

Akuma's ground fireball game is fairly difficult for Lily to counteract.

  • Unlike most other characters, Akuma's hands are invulnerable during his grounded fireball. Avoid trying to use standing normals to counter poke as they usually just whiff.
  • W.236KK is effective but more difficult than against other characters for the same reason.
  • Akuma's fireball does have a lingering hurtbox on his front foot. It's possible to aim for a trade by hitting his foot with a predictive 2HP, 2HK, or 214PP/HP.
  • Reading a fireball with neutral jump and then reacting in the air with Condor Dive is another useful option, particularly the OD version which works from quite far away. It works from even further out if done early enough to reach the ground and hit Akuma's foot.
  • Finding a gap between fireballs to build Windclad can be difficult. Don't be afraid to force the issue with a semi-random 214PP. Getting whiff punished for it is mostly fine because the Windclad stock will make up for it later.

Anti airing Akuma is a little awkward due to his wide array of air options, but there's usually at least something that works for every situation.

  • 623P is Lily's most effective anti-air as it has more anti-air invincibility than other versions (including OD), allowing it to pass through air fireballs more easily.
  • W.236KK is effective against air fireball specifically, but not as reliable against other air options.
  • Air-to-air j.MP is very strong. It's difficult to react in time to catch a regular jump attack, but anything that modifies Akuma's jump arc is relatively easy to tag for a huge chunk of damage.
  • Avoid relying on anti-air 2HP too much. It will whiff and get punished if Akuma delays his landing with an air special.
  • If he throws an air fireball at an angle that seems too awkward to anti-air, jump backwards or backdash to avoid being forced to block it and be ready to check him if he tries to follow up.

Other notes:

  • Akuma's 2-hit 5HK can be severely punished by pressing 2HP on reaction, punishing the whiffed second hit.
  • Akuma's 2HK can be punished at long range by Lily's 2LP, as it is fast enough to tag his leg before it fully retracts. Combo into 236KK or DR~2HP.
    Other punishes, particularly 2HP, only work at a slightly closer range.
SF6 Blanka Icon.png Lily vs. Blanka
  • 2MP > SA1 can be used to check Light Blanka Ball.
  • Max range 2HP is safe against reversal OD Blanka Ball.
  • Non-Windclad 236KK and SA2 both set up a safe jump against OD Blanka Ball.
  • Condor Spire can be used to navigate over Blanka-chan.
SF6 Cammy Icon.png Lily vs. Cammy
  • Avoid using slow buttons too much. Especially 2HP. Cannon Strike whiff punishes them almost for free.
  • 2HP does not work properly as an anti-air. Be ready to buffer Tomahawk Buster at all times.
  • Long range Hooligan movement can be dealt with using Condor Spire.
  • 214LP can be reliably punished by Cammy's SA1 and SA3. When Cammy has meter, it is only safe after a +39 or better knockdown, or slightly less depending on spacing. This includes:
    • Any Windclad Special Move except W.623PP
    • 214PP or 236KK
    • j.PPP (either raw or after 623PP)
    • 236236K (SA2)
    • PC 5HK
    • Midscreen Drive Impact
    • Late hitting 236K or 623P
  • 214[PP] is safe to use after a +32 or better knockdown, or slightly less depending on spacing:
    • Any Special Move (most notably 360P) except 214HP/214MP
    • Midscreen 214HP/214MP if spaced correctly
    • Midscreen 236236P (SA1)
  • Note that Drive Reversal is not listed above. It's tempting to try grabbing a stock afterwards, but it is NOT safe to do so.
SF6 Chun-Li Icon.png Lily vs. Chun-Li
  • It's important to build and maintain Windclad stocks, as it is useful for dealing with fireballs and disrespecting safe jumps.
  • If wind isn't available, 4HP can be used to check Chun-Li while she's walking behind a slow fireball.
  • 3HP goes over Hazanshu into a Punish Counter combo.
  • Max range 2HP is safe against reversal OD Tensho Kicks.

Serenity Stream stance will low-profile the following moves:

  • j.LP
Dee Jay
SF6 DeeJay Icon.png Lily vs. DeeJay
  • Avoid standing in the mid-range, as that makes it very difficult to interrupt Drive Rush.
  • Aim to be either close enough to interrupt Drive Rush with light attacks, or far enough away to stuff the normal with 5MP/2MP/4HP.
  • It's possible to react to Dee Jay's projectile with a neutral or backward jump that lands directly behind it. Landing close enough provides enough time to take a Windclad stock with 214LP before the next projectile can get there to interrupt it. Dee Jay can adapt by attempting to Drive Rush instead, but the long range makes it very interruptable with normals if you choose not to take Windclad, or by taking Windclad using 214MP/214HP and releasing it when he moves forward.
  • Dee Jay's sway is dangerous to Lily's bigger buttons in neutral, especially 2HP, as the low option whiff punishes into a full combo. Try to maintain Windclad stocks to shut this down with Condor Spire.
  • Blockstrings into Sway can be interrupted depending on the spacing and the available resources.
    • SA1 beats any followup of regular or OD Sway, but will lose to no followup if spaced correctly.
    • 360LP can interrupt followups after regular Sway, but gets punished with a full combo by delayed low or no followup.
    • 623LP/623PP can interrupt any followup of regular Sway, potentially trading hits with the low, but will lose to no followup if spaced correctly.
    • W.623LP/W.623PP extends this to work with OD Sway, as the faster startup allows it to trade with the low.
    • W.236LK or W.236KK can be used to disrespect Sway, but will lose to the low followup if there is not enough of a gap to get airborne (e.g. after 5HP).
    • 3HP can be used on reaction to regular Sway to hop over and punish the low followup (even if delayed), but it loses to other options. Does not work against 5HP > Sway > Low due to the gap being too small.
SF6 Dhalsim Icon.png Lily vs. Dhalsim
  • 5HP > DR can be used to whiff punish his normals from anywhere on the screen.
  • It's almost impossible to shut down Dhalsim's slow fireballs without Windclad stocks. Take every opportunity to fill up early in the round even if it means taking some hits.
  • Get used to reacting to crossup teleport with Tomahawk Buster shortcuts. e.g. If facing right and already holding Down-Left then you only need to input Down > Down-Left > Punch.
  • Condor Spire goes over slide. It's a good idea to sometimes just throw it out whenever Dhalsim throws a high fireball.
  • Stick to using crouching attacks for pressure to make his SA2 ineffective as a reversal. Meaty 3HP is NOT safe - it ducks under the initial hit but gets punished if Dhalsim holds the button.
  • Reliable ways to punish SA2:
    • Wait, PC 360HP/360PP/Throw
    • Wait, PC 5HP, 360HP/360PP - More damage, but less drive damage.
    • PC 2HP > SA1/SA2/SA3
    • PC 2HP > 214PP > SA2
    • Parry, PC 5LK > (Light Starter Combo) - Low damage, but builds drive gauge and erases the ball for better knockdown options.
    • Wait, PC DI, Parry, 5HP/5MK > (Crumple Combo) - Only reliable if he releases the ball immediately. A delayed launch makes the timing stricter, and a full charge requires frame perfect timing.
SF6 Ed Icon.png Lily vs. Ed
  • Lily gets a safe jump against Ed after most knockdowns. Anything +39 to +44 is auto-timed, with the timing being lenient enough to manually time the delay for longer knockdowns.
    After a knockdown on the low end of this range such as 214PP (+39) or W.623LP/MP/HP (+40~), it's possible to delay the attack in the air to change the Perfect Parry timing while still being safe against Ed's anti-airs.
  • Meaty 5LK, 5LP and 2LP are easy to make safe against Ed's slow OD reversal and SA1.
    • 5LK: +2 to +5
    • 5LP: +3 to +6
    • 2LP: +4 to +7
    • This makes the total potential safe range anywhere from +2 to +7, with the last frame for each normal also being safe against Ed's SA3.
    • See the frame advantage table on the Strategy page for ways to set up these advantages.
SF6 Ehonda Icon.png Lily vs. E.Honda
  • Honda can try to bait Tomahawk Buster by doing Light Headbutt from full screen. Use DI or SA1 instead to reach him no matter which version he does.
  • After blocking Sumo Headbutt, use 5LP or 2LP to stop him from pressing buttons or jumping away afterwards, and when he's scared to mash start mixing in 360MP/PP.
  • Anti-air Sumo Smash by holding down and mashing left and right, hitting HP at the very last moment to Tomahawk Buster.
    • (6/3)131HP or (4/1)313HP is the minimum input needed to cover both directions. 313 counts as a forwards motion and 131 counts as a backwards motion.
    • The first backwards direction must occur after Honda reaches peak height. The backwards motion fails if Honda crosses-up in the middle of it.
    • If already holding back or down-back, the simplest approach is to continue to hold it until Honda reaches the peak, then quickly input 313HP.
    • While possible to use other versions, HP is more reliable as the longer startup makes it less liable to whiff underneath.
SF6 Guile Icon.png Lily vs. Guile
  • Use 5MP and 4HP to poke his Sonic Boom startup.
  • 4HP can also be used to disrespect Sonic Blade. Lily will get hit, but will still make contact with Guile standing behind it.
  • If Guile is constantly throwing Sonic Boom, try to walk into jump range then try to Perfect Parry and tap up-forward. This allows you to attempt a jump-in punish if Guile throws another Sonic Boom.
    • As long as you tap and do not hold up-forward, the jump will only come out upon a successful Perfect Parry.
    • j.MP has the best range of Lily's normals, but j.HK leads to more damage if close enough.
    • j.PPP has even better range, and is usually the only move fast enough to punish OD Sonic Boom.

It can be difficult to find a gap to build Windclad stocks, but there are a few ways to force the issue:

  • Using Perfect Parry as described above can make Guile hesitant to throw consecutive Sonic Booms, which will naturally result in bigger gaps to take advantage of.
  • After perfect parrying a Sonic Boom, 214MP can be used to grab a stock in exchange for taking the hit from the next one. Be careful doing this as Guile may Drive Rush after it for a combo.
  • Blocking a Heavy or OD Sonic Boom also provides enough time for 214MP. Block is better than regular parry in this case due to more pushback.
  • A gap can be created by performing an early neutral/forward jump over a slow Sonic Boom or a backward jump over a fast Sonic Boom to land directly behind it, preventing Guile from immediately throwing another.
    • This gap can also be used to directly approach Guile. Walking him down is one option, or gamble with Drive Rush or 236PP.
    • Beware of Guile doing Drive Rush into anti-air after a slow Sonic Boom. Try to stuff it with an early j.HP or j.PP.
SF6 Jamie Icon.png Lily vs. Jamie
  • Trying to take Windclad stocks often gives Jamie a free drink in return, and vice-versa. It's somewhat worth letting him have one early on just to get that first Windclad stock, then maintain Condor Spire distance to stop him getting any more, replenishing the wind after each knockdown.
  • Do not backroll after getting knocked down, especially after Freeflow Strikes or Drive Reversal. This keeps you in range to punish excessive drinking with 236KK or DR~5MK/2HP.
  • After a command grab, generate Windclad stocks with 214MP instead of 214LP. This leaves Jamie close enough that W.236KK can interrupt any attempts to drink.
SF6 JP Icon.png Lily vs. JP
  • Drive Rush 5HK and 3HP slide more than other moves, and can sometimes be used to make a spike whiff behind you.
  • 2HP shuts down JP trying to control space with neutral jump MP.
  • Try to have Windclad stocks ready at all times to shut down Amnesia once you're on offense.
  • If OD Amnesia is triggered by a Light attack, follow up with 5LK > W.236KK. This combos on hit, is safe on block, and completely dodges the first orb.
  • Alternatively, attempt a regular throw and buffer SA2 to anti-air JP if he jumps out of it. This goes clean through both orbs.
SF6 Juri Icon.png Lily vs. Juri
  • Aim to be either close enough to interrupt Drive Rush with light attacks, or far enough away to stuff the normal with 5MP/2MP/4HP.
  • Any version of Condor Spire goes over Juri's projectiles.
  • When Juri has 2 bars, it's good to have Windclad stocks ready to break her safe jump setups with W.623LP/623PP
SF6 Ken Icon.png Lily vs. Ken
  • 214HP or 214PP can be used to trade with his fireball startup for a knockdown, which then gives time to immediately grab a second stock.
  • Light or Medium Jinrai Kick can be punished on block with SA3, which beats every follow up option.
  • Light Jinrai Kick can be punished with Windclad SA2. Without wind it doesn't have enough range to punish if he doesn't do a followup.
  • A poorly spaced Light Jinrai Kick can also be punished with 5LP, 360LP or 360PP.
  • 2MK canceled into Jinrai Kick is a common part of the Ken flowchart, but can be somewhat handled even without the meter for SA3:
    • Medium Jinrai has a gap before it which can be Perfect Parried. It also loses to Drive Impact unless Ken has 3 bars to cancel the low followup into SA3.
    • Light Jinrai does not leave a gap. After blocking 2MK and attempting to Parry or DI, react to being locked in blockstun to punish with 360LP, 360PP, Windclad SA2, or SA3.
    • Heavy Jinrai messes up Perfect Parry timing, but is still vulnerable to Drive Impact.
  • When expecting Ken to Drive Rush after a slow fireball, it's possible to slap the fireball with the tip of 2LP to take the hit early. This creates a bigger gap, making it much easier to interrupt the Drive Rush.
  • It's possible to hard read his 2MK with Lily's 3HP for a Punish Counter combo.
  • Anti-air Shoryuken loses to air-to-air SA2. Useful as a threat in burnout situations where Ken could otherwise checkmate by Drive Rushing after a fireball into a guaranteed chip kill if you don't jump, or an anti-air if you do.
SF6 Kimberly Icon.png Lily vs. Kimberly
  • Learn the timings for safe meaty 5LK, 5LP and 2LP to shut down reversal SA1.
    • The needed frame advantages are +5, +6 and +7 respectively. Refer to the advantage chart on the Strategy page for details on how to set these up.
  • React to smoke with 2HP. It interrupts the regular version and also anti-airs the OD version.
  • 3HP over slide for a Punish Counter combo.
  • Heavy and OD Tomahawk Buster are very effective anti-airs. The forward movement makes it difficult for Kimberly to use j.2MP as bait.
SF6 Lily Icon.png Lily vs. Lily
  • Spam Wind Spires and Drive Impact and pray.
SF6 Luke Icon.png Lily vs. Luke
  • It's possible to hard read his 2MK with Lily's 3HP for a Punish Counter combo.
  • Mash SA2 during his L~M~H string to interrupt any special followup. Note that the 3rd hit must be blocked standing to interrupt Light Sand Blast.
SF6 Mbison Icon.png Lily vs. M.Bison
  • A badly spaced scissor kick can be punished with 5LP. This combos into W.236LK / DR~2HP / 214PP / SA1 / 236PP > SA2.
  • An extremely badly spaced scissor kick can be punished with 360LP/PP instead.
  • Be ready to anti-air with j.MP more than against any other character.
  • Easy to safe jump, especially if he doesn't have meter. 236KK is useful, or 214PP near the corner.
  • Learn the timings for safe meaty 5LK, 5LP and 2LP to shut down reversal SA.
    • The needed frame advantages are +5, +6 and +7 respectively. Refer to the advantage chart on the Strategy page for details on how to set these up.
SF6 Manon Icon.png Lily vs. Manon
  • 214MP/214HP/214PP can do some work in neutral as the release can catch Manon at the range where she wants to either do one of her forward moving specials or walk forwards a little bit more to get into range of her normals. Just be wary of jump-ins, and of Drive Impact until you have enough meter to cancel into SA.
  • Perfect meaty 5LP is safe against wakeup SA1. It's worth learning setups for it (e.g. W.236MK, Dash Twice, 5LP).
  • When Lily is burned out, Manon's 5MP loop can be interrupted by using W.623LP to trade for a knockdown. This is the only real way out without meter, as 5LK trades badly - it does push Manon away she stays in range to just do it again with the option of Drive Rushing back in.
SF6 Marisa Icon.png Lily vs. Marisa
  • 5HP, 2HP and 4HP can be used to whiff punish any of Marisa's big buttons with big damage.
  • 2HP is particularly effective against a whiffed Gladius. Condor Spire pressure won't work without first shutting down Gladius.
  • W.j.PPP is good at interrupting Marisa's big buttons from a neutral jump, and since it hits twice it will also break armored moves.
  • Marisa's reversal options are generally weak to throws, but she gets a huge reward for jumping a command grab. It's safer to rely more on normal throws until she starts teching them.
SF6 Rashid Icon.png Lily vs. Rashid
  • W.236KK shuts down a lot of Rashid's gimmicks. Try to have Windclad stocks ready at all times.
  • Especially try to be Windclad when Rashid has 2 bars. W.236KK ruins SA2 tornado setups.
  • Depending on the range, Rashid's SA2 can be directly punished using:
    • W.236KK - Long distance. At the tip of its range it will trade unless canceled into SA2.
    • DR~SA3 - Round start distance.
    • 214PP - Round start distance. Trades somewhat favorably.
    • 5MP / W.SA2 / SA3 - Footsie range.
    • At close range, 2HP or any other move faster than 11 frames.
SF6 Ryu Icon.png Lily vs. Ryu
  • 214HP or 214PP can be used to trade with his fireball startup for a knockdown, which then gives time to immediately grab a second stock.
  • It's possible to hard read his 2MK with Lily's 3HP for a Punish Counter combo.
SF6 Zangief Icon.png Lily vs. Zangief
  • Abuse him with long ranged normals. 5MP keeps him at bay, while 2HP shuts down attempts to counter with armor.
  • Fill up on Windclad stocks at the first opportunity. Zangief's reversals are the worst in the game which makes him particularly vulnerable to Wind Spire shenanigans.
  • It's fairly safe to do a meaty jump-in after 623LP or 236MK/236HK. The attack hits too low for Lariat/SA1/SA2 to work as an anti-air, and too high for SA3 to punish the landing.
  • Never get backthrown when his back is to the corner. Try to meaty from outside his throw range to make it harder to sideswap if he gets a perfect parry.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison