Street Fighter 6/Rashid/Strategy

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Revision as of 18:37, 2 November 2023 by Jiwas (talk | contribs) (→‎Okizeme: 214HP~6K is safer than 214HP)


Normal Attacks

Rashid's main poking normals are 2MK, 5MK, and 5HP. 2MK and 5HP are both special cancelable and combo into MK and HK Eagle Spike respectively when they hit as Punish Counters, letting Rashid immediately start his okizeme from a good whiff punish. On block, Rashid has an extremely safe bufferable option with LP Spinning Mixer. It's uniquely safe on block and safe versus Drive Impact, as the three hit nature of the move cleanly beats the armor. Rashid's poking range is shorter than most of the cast, making the midrange difficult for him. His goal is to whiff punish a midrange poke into Eagle Spike, advance into close range, or back off and start his Whirlwind Shot mindgames.

Special Moves

Whirlwind Shot is Rashid's defining neutral tool. It has a non-traditional travel angle compared to other projectiles (unless the OD version is used) and requires a bit more thought to use effectively. The LK version has the most range, with the HK version rising right in front of Rashid. The LK version is his best long-range poke save for the incredibly risky Eagle Spike, making it easiest to use against slow characters or tall characters when trying to keep space. The MK is somewhere in between the LK and HK versions, best for the midrange where it can potentially catch a jump. The HK version is typically the riskiest to use as it barely travels at all, but it can stop close jumps that the other versions would lose to.

On top of having different angles it can cover, Whirlwind Shot can be charged. Half charge WWS will beat most other Drive-less projectiles, but usually will not punish the opponent for throwing them due to the travel angle. The full charge WWS leave an Air Current, which (besides the projectile itself) is the main reason to use them. Mixing which version of WWS is used and how much they're charged makes navigating neutral against Rashid incredibly tricky. However, he does need space to start playing games with WWS. Some matchups will deny him the opportunity.

With an Air Current, neutral sways heavily in Rashid's favor. His main options from neutral with an air current up are 236LP, 214HK, and Jump. LP Spinning Mixer is the most straightforward option, as it's an advancing, plus on block special move that crushes Drive Impact. It's fast enough to be difficult to react to, even with the multitude of hits. HK Eagle Spike is his other main option, as it requires different responses to deal with and can heavily punish attempts to preemptively stop LP Mixer. Both of these options lose to Parry, which is where his jump comes in. Air currents boost the horizontal momentum of his jumps to an absurd degree, letting him j.MK from pretty much anywhere on the screen or land and throw to beat Parry. Air current jump also goes over projectiles where 236LP and 214HK would run headlong into them.


Frame Traps

Light Chains

Rashid is blessed with an incredible 5LP and some generally decent light normals. Chaining lights will frame trap opponents on block and Rashid can use the newfound respect from his opponent to reset his pressure or attempt a throw.

Other Normals

Rashid's 5MP and 2MP are both plus on block. 2MP has less pushback and 5MP has more, which is more useful will depend on where Rashid wants to be.

Special Moves

HK Whirlwind Shot is very easy to space to be advantageous on block in the corner. A simple string like 5MP, 5LP 236HK will leave Rashid plus and able to whiff punish anything he couldn't outright beat with a normal.


Knockdown Advantage: all scenarios assume that opponent will Back Rise midscreen when possible, unless otherwise stated

Knockdown KD Adv. Oki/Notes
Forward Throw +27 +9 after dash, gives corner throw loop.
  • If you immediately hold 1 after your 66 input, Rashid's dash is 1f longer, giving him meaty 2MP for +4 on block.
  • After punish counter or into the corner, DR 6HK hits meaty, +2, safe vs DI.
Back Throw +27 Same KD timing as forward throw.
  • Into corner or after punish counter, dash into micro-run into throw beats wakeup 4f.
Air Throw +27 Same KD timing as forward throw.
  • Into corner or after punish counter, dash into micro-run into throw beats wakeup 4f.
Drive Reversal +23 In the corner:
  • 6HP hits meaty, -1 on block, safe vs DI, combos to 5f on hit.
  • Dash, 2LK hits meaty, 0 on block, combos to 4f on hit. 2LK cannot normally combo to 5LK vs a standing opponent, but works here.
5MP~HK (Rising Kick)
+42 Gives a safejump, but if you do this target combo and don't follow it up I am personally coming to your house and uninstalling SF6 from your computer.
  • 5MP~HK xx 214HP~4K, j.HK is +52.
    • Gives enough time for full charge fireball to release, but gives the opponent a gap to act.
    • 6KK side switches and is +20.
      • After the side switch, 6HP hits frame 2 of wakeup, -3 on block, safe vs DI.
    • SA2 followed by Dash~Run will hit meaty then push the opponent out of the super vs rise in place, and puts the super right in front of them if they back roll.
  • 5MP~HK xx 214HP~4K, j.MP is +55.
    • Whiff 5LP frame kills for a safe jump.
    • Good as a way to put the opponent in the corner while creating distance to set up SA2 for protected corner offense.
  • 5MP~HK xx 214PP, 66K, 236MP is +32.
    • DR 6HP hits frame 1 of wakeup, safe vs DI.
    • If the opponent is carried into the corner, 214HP~6K hits meaty, +14 on block, safe vs DI.
      • 214HP~4K true strings into any immediate jump normal.
  • 5MP~HK xx 214HP~4K, j.214LK is +23.
    • 6HP hits meaty, -1 on block, safe vs DI, combos to 5f on hit.
    • Dash, 2LK hits meaty, 0 on block, combos to 4f on hit. 2LK cannot normally combo to 5LK vs a standing opponent, but works here.
5MP~HK (Rising Kick)
+42 Gives a safejump, but if you do this target combo and don't follow it up I am personally coming to your house and uninstalling SF6 from your computer.
  • 5MP~HK xx 214HK is +67. If that doesn't get you going I don't know what will.
    • Backdash frame kills for a safejump, but you have better ways to do this.
    • 214LP~4K sets up a much spicier safe jump and if you do this one you will be very cool.
      • Immediately whiffing j.LP leaves you safe at -2.
      • Delayed jump normal safe jumps, but you have to manually time it. Good luck!
  • 5MP~HK xx 236[K], 6MP xx 214MP~6K~K is +41, giving a safe jump.
214MK +52
  • Midscreen:
    • 6KK, dash chases both wakeups and is +2.
    • Dash, DR 6HP hits meaty, +3 on block, safe vs DI.
    • 236[KK] gives the opponent enough time to do something on wakeup, but sets up a tornado and leaves you plenty of time to anti-air.
  • Corner:
    • Whiff 5MK, 6HP hits meaty, -1 on block, safe vs DI, combos to 5f.
    • Whiff 5MK, dash, 2LK hits meaty, 0 on block, combos to 4f on hit. 2LK cannot normally combo to 5LK vs a standing opponent, but works here.
    • 236[K] hits frame 1 of wakeup, +8 on block, beats DI, sets up a tornado, but if your opponent has a projectile-invul reversal they have a million years to see you charging and do it on reaction.
214HK +56 Massive corner carry, so you usually get corner setups.
  • Corner:
    • Whiff 5LP frame kills for a safe jump.
    • Whiff DR 5MP, 6HP hits meaty, -1 on block, safe vs DI, combos to 5f.
    • Whiff DR 5MP, dash, 2LK hits meaty, 0 on block, combos to 4f on hit. 2LK cannot normally combo to 5LK vs a standing opponent, but works here.
236MP +31
  • Midscreen:
    • DR 6HP hits frame 2 of wakeup, +1 on block, safe vs DI.
  • Corner:
    • 214HP hits meaty, ++9 on block, safe vs DI.

vs. Burnout

Drive Rush

When canceling a normal into Drive Rush on block and following it up with another normal, there may be an interruptible gap in the blockstring. The following table lists these blockstring gaps when performed at the fastest possible timing.

Gap Value Meaning
0 True Blockstring (no gap) if input with fastest button timing; can still lose to Drive Reversal
1 to 4 Small blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt with an invincible reversal; a 4f gap can trade with 4f normal attack
5+ Large blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt without an invincible attack
Drive Rush Cancel - Blockstring Gaps
5LP~DR 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 16 22
5MP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 8 14
5HP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 7 13
5LK~DR 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 16 22
2LP~DR 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 18 24
2MP~DR 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 8 14
2MK~DR 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 12 18
6MP~DR 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 6 9 15
5MP~HK~DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 13 19

The following table lists the general BnB combo routes when canceling a button into Drive Rush on hit. Note that comboing directly into DR~5HP allows a cancel into 214HK for massive corner carry and KD Advantage, while an extension like 5MK, 5HP or 2HP, 5HP must use a different ender.

Drive Rush Cancel - Combo Routes
Starter Hit Adv. Combo Route
5LK~DR +4 5LP, 5MK, 5MP ...
5LP~DR +5 2LP, 5HP ...
5LP, 5MK, 5MP ...
2MK~DR +8 5MK, 5HP ...
2MP~DR +11 5HP ...
5MK, 5HP ...
5MP~DR +12 5HP ...
2HP, 5HP ...
6MP(1)~DR +13
5HP~DR +14
5MP~HK~DR Free Juggle ?



OD Spinning Mixer
Super Rashid Kick


Other Anti-Airs



Arabian Cyclone
Whirlwind Shot

Fighting vs. Rashid

Offense vs. Rashid
Defense vs. Rashid

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison