Marvel vs Capcom 2/Sentinel

From SuperCombo Wiki

MVC2 sentinel art.png


The Sentinel is a character from the X-Men series by Marvel. Sentinels are robots designed to hunt mutants. They can fire laser blasts from their palms specifically designed to damage mutants.

The Sentinel that appears in the series has the model number COTA-94, debuting as a playable character in X-Men: Children of the Atom. It reappeared in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. It is a secret assist character in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes.


Sentinel is a beast in MvC2. A high-level Sentinel stomping on the opponent and then unblockabling the next character coming in renders about 3/4 of the game's characters nearly unplayable. He is God Tier and one of the best characters in the game.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Coming soon.
  • Coming soon.

Character Summary

Special Moves

Rocket Punch (Air OK)
  • Down:Qcf.png + Lp.png
  • Forward:Qcf.png + Hp.png
  • Up:Dp.png + Lp.png or Hp.png
  • Retract early: B.png + Lp.png or Hp.png
Sentinel Force
  • Control: Qcf.png + Lk.png, Hold or release
  • Carpet Bomb: Qcf.png + Hk.png, Hold to delay
Hover (Air OK)
  • Qcb.png + Lk.png + Hk.png, press again to end
Super Moves

Plasma Storm
  • Qcf.png + Lp.png + Hp.png (Mashable)
Hyper Sentinel Force
  • Qcf.png + Lk.png + Hk.png
Hard Drive (Air Only)
  • Qcf.png + Lp.png + Hp.png (Mashable)
Assist Types

Type α - Projectile Type
  • Assist: Lp.png Rocket Punch
  • Counter: Lp.png Rocket Punch
  • Combination: Hyper Sentinel Force
Type β - Launcher Type
  • Assist: Hk.png
  • Counter: Hk.png
  • Combination: Hyper Sentinel Force
Type γ - Ground Type
  • Assist: Lk.png Sentinel Force
  • Counter: Lk.png Sentinel Force
  • Combination: Hyper Sentinel Force


First row: LP, HP, A1. Second row: LK, HK, A2.


Moves List

Normal Moves

Ground Normals

Light Punch
5LP / s.LP
Sent 5LP 3.png
A mace, to your face.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6 9 4 12 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Medium Punch
5MP / s.MP
Sent 5MP 2.png
Sent 5MP 4.png
They HAD to give him Dhalsim normals, he needs it
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6+3 7 6(3)6 29 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super, SJ cancellable frames 17~33 - - -

Placeholder text

Heavy Punch
5HP / s.HP
Sent 5HP 11.png
Close your mouth son!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
10+10 21 39 40 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text. Can randomly hit twice on 27th frame. Takes 6 frames for beam to hit edge of screen.

Light Kick
5LK / s.LK
Sent 5LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
5 7 2 17 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Medium Kick
5MK / s.MK
Sent 5MK.png
All knees should pop out
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
5 10 3 18 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Heavy Kick
5HK / s.HK
Sent 5HK 1.png
Sent 5HK 2.png
Sent 5HK 3.png
My knee can explode too, you know
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
18 13 2, 2, 2 35 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
Sent 2LP.png
Your knees are weak, old man
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6 8 2 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
Sent 2MP 1.png
Sent 2MP 2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6+3 13 3(3)3 28 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super, SJ Cancellable 22~38 - - -

Placeholder text

Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
Sent 2HP.png
...guaranteed to BLOW YOUR MIND
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
10+10 16 36 39 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
2nd hit unblockable Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text. 7 frames to reach edge of screen. Unblockable in certain contexts.

Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
Sent 2LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6 9 3 20 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
Sent 2MK 1.png
Sent 2MK 2.png
Dhalsim footsies
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6+3 12 2(9)2 28 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super SJ cancellable 22・42 - - -

Placeholder text

Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
Sent 2HK 1.png
Sent 2HK 2.png
Sent 2HK 3.png
This robot hates your knees
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6+6+6 12 2(9)2(4)2 36 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Placeholder text

Air Normals

Air Light Punch
Sent j.LP.png
Stick around.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
5 6 4 16 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Air Medium Punch
Sent j.MP.png
I said, stick around.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
8 8 3 22 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Air Heavy Punch
Sent j.HP 1.png
Sent j.HP 1.png
...waiting for the hammer to fall
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
18 12 4 34 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Flying screen Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Air Light Kick
Sent j.LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
5 6 5 21 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Air Medium Kick
Sent j.Medium Kick.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
8 9 4 28 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Air Heavy Kick
Sent j.HK.png
Hittin' u with the Sicily!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
15 11 5 23 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Flying Screen Special, Super - - -

Placeholder text

Special Moves

Rocket Punch
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Rocket Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Probably Sentinel's single most used special move in the game, due to his bread-and-butter hp>RP. This can be done with either lp, which goes down between 45 degrees and 60 degrees (approximations, just demonstrating variation) or hp, which punches straight.

The rocket punch can be chained from the lp>mp>short/hard RP or from Hp.png (hard RP) SECONDARY NOTE: this can be used as an anti-air with Z+punch, though it's not very useful outside of air combos

Sentinel Force
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Sentinel Force
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Using short will summon mini Sentinels that you can control vertically with the joystick; roundhouse summons slow-moving mini Sentinels that will bomb the area just in front of you (hold the button to cause them to bomb across the screen).

Short Sentinel Force is pretty easy to use, although it's tricky to combo afterwards because you can't use Hyper Sentinel Force while mini-Sentinels are on screen. Roundhouse Sentinel Force is harder, and is best used with an assist that pins the opponent vertically such as Blackheart. RH also is a good way to stop crossup rushdown if they use superjumps to come in at you.

Flight Mode
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Flight Mode
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Repeat to end. You can't block in flight mode, but you are way more mobile and can call assists if they come near. This is your bread and butter. Fly and show them your boots of love or your frying pan of justice. If your Sentinel doesn't fly, you're going to get killed.

Hyper Combos

Plasma Storm
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Plasma Storm
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Mash buttons for more damage. This is a less useful super, though if it connects, it can be very damaging. See Bread-and-Butter Combos.

Hyper Sentinel Force
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Hyper Sentinel Force
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Note: Can be comboed into and out of, especially with bread-and-butter Hp.png X Rocket Punch.

Hard Drive
Sent j.LP.png
Pretend this is Hard Drive
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air only. This move is one of the more useless of the supers. The best use for this super is as a DHC (such as the hailstorm), or his his launcher xx sj.lp>>sj.lp xx HD

The Unblockable

His cFP is unblockable in a certain situations. This can then easily be linked into most any combo, notably cFP (unblockable), RP, death combo. There are two parts to this move: only the first part is unblockable. If they wake up or land on the second part, they cannot block it. Wake-up into it is the guaranteed version: learn this. Them coming onscreen into it (as in after one character dies) IS blockable but only if they block as soon as you start the move. If they're already blocking or forget to do this, it's unblockable and they should be dead if you do your job.

The Basics

Bread-and-Butter Combos

HP xx Rocket Punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force. Can be repeated: HP xx RP xx HSF xx HP xx RP xx HSF, etc. This is a semi-infinite

(in air)short>rh xx light rocket punch. This is his bread-and-butter stomp combo that does 1/3 damage on some characters, and without the rocket punch is used for pressure

launcher>sj.lp>sj.short>sj.strong>>rocket punch

(in corner) Any combo into HSF>Dash xx launcher>sj.lp>sj.short>sj.strong> xx fly mode> fly forward>airthrow> fly forward>short>forward>upwards rocket punch>fly forward>airthrow>fly forward>short>forward>upwards rocket punch

Fastfly: Launch > wait until sentinel is ABOVE character > lk xx fly xx joystick up xx lk > mk > dpRP (if team has Captain Commando, you can press Assist+lk for much extra damage)

Fast Fly

Normally when you enter into Fly mode, there is a (vulnerable) pause for activation. However, you can can cancel this and immediately get the ability to attack, defend, etc. To do this, after you fly return to neutral, then select a direction and press an attack button.

Easy fast fly combo: jump in LK HK, jump up LK HK, fastfly LK HK Rocket Punch. (7hits)


Normally when you end fly mode you can't attack nor block(!). To get unfly mode you need to get hit in the air by any non-knockdown move. You then enter into unfly mode (until you normal jump or use it 5-7 times). This is extremely useful for fast stomping.

Advanced Strategy

Game Navigation

Characters (New Pages)
Captain Commando
Silver Samurai
Characters (Updating)
Iron Man
Omega Red
Characters (Old Pages)
War Machine
Tron Bonne
Doctor Doom
Ruby Heart
Mega Man
Captain America
Wolverine - Bone
Wolverine - Claw