Street Fighter 6/Dhalsim: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
(→‎Special Moves: revamped descriptions for many of the special moves, increasing accuracy and clarity)
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An extremely good fireball. Starts up fast, and has wildly varying speeds depending on the version chosen. It can be charged for an additional hit and more damage. The OD version is fast enough to combo from light attacks, making it a reliable combo ender, as well as a great way to eat through other meterless fireballs as it's an OD projectile.
An solid fireball that travels a bit slower than most. It can be charged by holding the button for an additional hit and more damage. The OD version is fast enough to combo from lights and gives very good oki, making it a reliable combo ender. Overall, it's very good at complimenting Dhalsim's space control, especially when cancelling his long reaching buttons on block.

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A fireball that arcs upward until hitting the ground. One of Dhalsim's most unique and versatile tools, primarily used for setups and preventing jumps. Each version travels in different arc, LK being close, MK being medium, and HK being far. The OD versions of all of these hit twice, but more importantly bounce twice on the ground as they travel. The OD version also has three variants, with LK+MK and LK+HK bouncing forward, while MK+HK goes over the opponents head and bounces backward toward you. If you're able to put this out, it can hold down a good space to cover for quite some time.
* LK+MK and LK+HK bounce forward
* MK+HK go over the opponents head and bounce back towards you
A fireball that travels upward in an arc. One of Dhalsim's most unique tools, primarily used for pressure setups and controlling the air. If it does hit an airborne opponent, it puts them in a juggle state that you can fairly consistently get moves like 2MK, 2HK, or Yoga Blast off of. The OD versions hit and bounce twice on the ground as they travel, holding down a lot of space for quite some time. Does not disappear if you get hit, allowing it to hit the opponent out of their combos after they attempt to mash out of your pressure. This move does still create a big opening for an opponent to move in on you in neutral, so it must be used more mindfully than a regular fireball.

If HK Yoga Arch is done point blank in the corner, it is possible for it to instantly hit the opponent regardless of if they are standing or crouching. This is useful for corner combos as it can leave you plus enough to link, but it is especially good when combined with the lack of pushback on 1MK, giving you an infinite blockstring on an opponent's Burnout.
If HK Yoga Arch is done point blank in the corner, it is possible for it to instantly hit the opponent regardless of if they are standing or crouching. This is useful for corner combos as it can leave you plus enough to link, but it is especially good when combined with the lack of pushback on 1MK, giving you an infinite blockstring on an opponent's Burnout.
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* Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
* Clashes with 2 hits of a non-OD fireball
* Clashes with 3 hits of a non-OD fireball
One of Dhalsim's main combo enders, and combos from almost anything. HP is notable as it has three hits, which means it beats Drive Impact by itself. The OD version is a launcher that allows for followups on hit.
* Clashes with 2 hits of an OD fireball
One of Dhalsim's main pressure, meaty and frame trap tools. Though HK Yoga Blast is typically a better resourceless combo ender as it is faster, does the same damage, and gives better oki; Yoga Flame is still sometimes usable in combos if the opponent is crouching or at a longer range. The HP version is especially notable for its range, drive damage, and built-in three hits, beating Drive Impact by itself. The OD version is a combo-oriented launcher that allows for followups on hit, which tends to be Dhalsim's most efficient use of Drive for damage. The MP version is also a bit notable in that it can clash with two hit non-OD fireballs, such as Ryu's Denjin Hadouken and Guile's Sonic Cross.
Every non-OD version is -4 on block naturally, but the incredibly long active frames make each of them very strong meaties that can be made upwards of +10 with the right setups. Combined with the Drive damage, it will condition opponents to parry on wakeup, which then lets you strike/throw them for even greater reward.

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* Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
* Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
* Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
A combo ender on standing opponents, and a good predictive anti-air that allows for followups depending on how it hits. The OD version has the speed of the light version and the range of the heavy version, while also launching higher, making followups easier.
* Clashes with 2 hits of an OD fireball
Dhalsim's main combo ender on standing opponents—the main strategy to make it hit even if they're crouching, however, is to use 4MP earlier in the combo in order to force the opponent to stand (e.g. Drive Rush 2LP > 4MP > HK Yoga Blast). The OD version has the speed of the light version and more range than the heavy version, while also launching higher, allowing for combos into Lvl 2 Super. Outside of combos, it doesn't see much practical use outside of being a rewarding but very predictive anti-air that allows for followups depending on how it hits. Another theoretical use of it is to clash fireballs, as each version has notably lower recovery time than a fireball (including Yoga Fire), potentially leaving you plus or even in the situation.

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A very interesting space control move, as Dhalsim shoots a fireball diagonally downward across the screen. Each of the meterless version have a different speed and travel different distances because of it. The OD version can be acted out of shortly after launching the projectile, and can go into almost any other air action.
Another unique space control move, and the only real air fireball in the game (until Akuma is added). Dhalsim shoots a fireball diagonally downward across the screen. Each of the meterless versions have different speeds and travel distances, dissipating after a set time. The OD version does not dissipate and allows you to act after launching the projectile, letting you go into any other air action. A very notable property of this move is that it is treated independently from your other fireball moves, allowing you to have it on screen at the same time as Yoga Fire and Yoga Arch. Because of this, you can use it to deny approaches while you set up your slower fireballs to continue pressure and suffocate the opponent with projectiles.

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Dhalsim floats in place for a short time. You can press forward and backward to levitate in that direction freely. At any point, you can attack or use an aerial special move out of your float. You do have a limited time you can remain in the air, but this is a great way to hang back and play mindgames.
Dhalsim floats in the air for a little over 100 frames. An extremely versatile and unique movement option that defines Dhalsim's air game alongside Teleport. Once the float has initiated, you can press forward and backward to levitate in that direction freely with a movespeed that far exceeds his grounded walk. You can also use any air move out of it, ending the float and causing you to fall to the ground if it was a normal. Jumping and doing an instant Yoga Float in the air is much faster than doing it off the ground, so the ground version is typically only used if you're cancelling into it. Short hops, air-to-airs, and divekick spacing are just a few big applications to keep in mind for this move.

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* '''Full Invuln:''' 10-15f
* '''Full Invuln:''' 10-15f
Another huge movement option for Dhalsim that allows him to quickly reposition himself on the screen to maintain a preferred range, get out of a dangerous position, or mix the opponent up. Teleporting backwards has a fixed distance regardless of what buttons you use, but teleporting forward puts you directly behind your opponent with punches and in front of your opponent with kicks. Has some invincibility, but it's not frame 1, so it isn't a true reversal like it is in previous games. The grounded version tend to have invulnerability faster, making them better for avoiding certain moves, but the air version can be made harder to react to as you're able to do it instantly off a jump and immediately fall with a j.LP to check or cross up the opponent. The air version can be used for safejumps, while the grounded version can be used for strike/throw when the knockdown doesn't give enough time to safejump. Since Dhalsim has many slow-moving projectiles to control space, it's quite easy for him to set up a fireball and then teleport behind the opponent as it's about to hit to instantly swap the side they need to block it from.  
One of Dhalsim's main ways to open opponents up, as it allows him to teleport to different places around the screen. Teleporting backward teleports him fixed distances each time. Teleporting forward with punches puts you behind your opponent, while doing it with kicks puts you in front of your opponent. Has invincibility, but it's not frame 1, so it does not function well as a reversal unlike previous games.

Revision as of 02:46, 18 August 2023


A monk and yoga master from India who has served as a guide for countless suffering souls. Prefers to avoid conflict when possible, but his innate hatred of evil compels him to dispense stern justice.

It isn't a stretch to say that Dhalsim is an expert of proactively frustrating his opponent with a plethora of projectiles, unique movement, and multifarious normals that threaten almost every space of the stage. Dhalsim's win condition is achieved using these tools to force blunders that open opponents up to his strong mixup and okizeme options.

As a master of the art of yoga, Dhalsim is all about patient play and dedicated but rewarding moves. The key element of Dhalsim's kit is that many of his tools are very slow, but cash out for large reward if they land. For example, Dhalsim's 5HP, 5HK, and j.HP are slow to start up but deal great damage if they land and have exceptional reach. Dhalsim's jump might be slow, but it allows him a large amount of control over the screen thanks to his stellar air normals, and synergizes well with his divekick, Yoga Float and Yoga Teleport abilities. All of Dhalsim's crouching kicks slide him forward for dealing with opposing projectiles and other high attacks, and he has a good number of cancelable pokes that lead into respectable damage and okizeme. Overall, Dhalsim is very dominant at controlling the screen whether he's in the air or on the floor.

Dhalsim is also well known for his stellar setplay. If Dhalsim has gotten you blocking for long enough, he can set up for powerful mixup scenarios using Yoga Arch. The fireball launched from Yoga Arch controls a large portion of the screen and is difficult to deal with unless you spend resources, giving Dhalsim a way to funnel you into specific responses. Similarly, Dhalsim's reward once he's gotten a hit is fairly good. He does great damage and can often spend resources to set up for additional mixup scenarios to snowball his damage. His various Teleports also allow him to go on the offensive once he has an opponent afraid of his reach, opening them up for simple, yet devastating returns.

Dhalsim's largest weakness should be obvious - his speed. While a fair tradeoff for his reach, Dhalsim is undeniably one of the slowest characters in the game, both on the ground and in the air. He often requires additional setup to make situations like strike/throw possible where other characters can threaten it in basic pressure. His speed also makes him a prime target for aggressive characters, and he often has to fight hard to control neutral against them. Without a fully invulnerable reversal to bank on, Dhalsim often has to be very careful when he's in a pressure situation.

Overall, Dhalsim is a great character for those who have the patience and confidence to play him. If you like belligerent screen control combined with lots of reward for zen-like patience, begin your inner cultivation with Dhalsim.


Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Being an undisputed master of space control, with normals that can hit every part of the screen and specials that allow you to position wherever you like
  • Transitioning from zoning into strong offense and mix-ups once you land a hit
  • Strange but tricky movement options including a float, a teleport, divekicks, and low profile slides
  • Lots of setups that can knowledge check unaware opponents and still lead to good outcomes against aware ones
  • Challenging and unorthodox characters
  • Being incredibly slow and floaty, relying heavily on your unique movement options
  • Needing setup to get things that other characters get for free, like strike/throw mixups
  • Extremely flawed defense with no meterless reversals and even risky metered ones
  • Lacking traditional mid-range pokes and needing to cycle between many different moves that all hit independent parts of the screen
  • Having lackluster light confirm combos, requiring the opponent to be close and standing or spending meter just to get a knockdown
  • Challenging and unorthodox characters

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern Dhalsim
Missing Normals
  • Standing Light Kick (5LK)
  • Standing Medium Kick (5MK)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Medium Kick (j.MK)
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (j.HK)
Missing Command Normals
  • Yoga Mountain (4HK)
  • Karma Kick (1HK)
  • Yoga Mummy (j.2LP)
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Yoga Arch (6S)
    • Medium / OD (Medium) Only
  • Yoga Blast (2S)
    • Heavy/OD Only
Miscellaneous Changes
  • 1L is 1LK but switches to 2LP if chained into
    • 2LP is unavailable outside of chains
  • Divine Kick (4MK) is now the Starter for M Auto Combo
  • L Auto Combo starter is a Medium normal, Crouching Medium Punch (2MP)
  • Yoga Inferno (236236P) input determines angle
    • 5H+S = LP version, aimed downward
    • 6H+S = MP version, aimed straight forward
    • 236236L = HP version, aimed upward

SF6 Dhalsim Portrait.png
Life Points 10000
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.028
Backward Walk Speed 0.025
Forward Dash Speed 25
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.467
Backward Dash Distance 1.00
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw) 0.471
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block) 1.787
Drive Rush Max Distance 2.700
Jump Speed 4+68+3
Jump Apex 2.178
Forward Jump Distance 2.04
Backward Jump Distance 1.768
Throw Range 0.8
Throw Hurtbox 0.33
Frame Data Glossary - SF6
Hitbox Images

🟥 (Red): Attack hitbox

  • Appears pink for Throw hitboxes

🟩 (Green): Vulnerable hurtbox that can be hit by strikes/projectiles

  • If a move's hitbox and hurtbox overlap, the colors blend to appear orange

🟦 (Blue): Vulnerable throw hurtbox

  • Will be thrown if Pink throw hitbox touches Blue throw hurtbox


How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Hitconfirm Windows

Hitconfirm reaction windows into Special Moves, Target Combos, and Super Arts.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel one attack into another attack on reaction
    • e.g. most cancelable 2MKs have a 13 frame window to cancel into a Special/Super on reaction, making them nearly impossible to hitconfirm
  • Counts from the first frame the attack connects until the final cancelable frame
    • Visual effects like hitsparks and HP drain do not actually occur until frame 2; the first frame is still counted to keep the numbers consistent with previous games, and because it is technically possible to start reacting to the character's reeling animation on frame 1
  • If a Target Combo is cancelable into another attack, the hitconfirm window will include the entire sequence starting from the first hit
    • If there is a frame gap on block between hits of the TC, the hitconfirm window may also be included for just the followup hit
    • Some sequences like Ken's 5MP~HP TC may have a range of values listed (43f~47f). In this example, inputting 5MP~HP at its usual timing gives a 43f hitconfirm into a Special/Super. Delaying the chain into HP gives more total time for the final hitconfirm.


Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.

Damage Scaling

Some moves cause additional damage scaling in combos. Refer to Game Data page for a more detailed breakdown.

Scaling Types:

  • Starter: When a move begins the combo, the next attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Ryu 2MK (20% Starter) > Hadoken: Hadoken is at 80% damage scaling
  • Combo: When a move is comboed into, the next attack is scaled by X percent or X number of hits
    • e.g. Ryu 2HP > OD High Blade Kick (2-Hit Combo Scaling) > Shoryuken: Shoryuken is at 70% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [skip 80%] > 70%)
    • e.g. Cammy 5HP > OD Spiral Arrow (5% Combo Scaling) > Cannon Spike: Cannon Spike is at 75% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [80-5 = 75%])
  • Immediate: When a move is comboed into, this attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Drive Impact Crumple (20% Starter) > Throw (20% Immediate): Throw is at 60% damage scaling
  • Multiplier: A damage scaling multiplier applies after Perfect Parry (50%) and mid-combo Drive Rush (15%). Any hits in the combo continue their usual damage scaling, but reduced by these amounts. These can bring the minimum scaling below the usual 10%, and they stack with each other; as a result, the minimum scaling can reach 4% using a long Drive Rush combo after Perfect Parry.
  • Minimum Scaling: The lowest damage scaling that can be applied to an attack. Super Art Level 1/2/3 generally has 30%/40%/50% minimum scaling respectively. This ensures the attack will still do reasonable damage even at the end of a heavily scaled combo.

Drive Rush Cancel Advantage

Refers to the frame advantage when canceling a normal, command normal, or Target Combo into Drive Rush on hit or block (abbreviated as DRC for Drive Rush Cancel). This is calculated at the moment a follow-up attack can be input, not at the moment the character can block or perform movement options. An attack that with DRC +8 on Hit can link into an 8-frame attack, and DRC +4 on Block can create a true blockstring into a 4-frame attack.

Note that any DRC on Block worse than +4 cannot form a true blockstring, allowing the opponent to interrupt with an invincible reversal. Most light normals are slightly negative after a DRC on block, meaning the opponent can mash their fastest normal to guarantee a counter-hit (though this requires fast reactions). The attacking character could punish this with Light > DRC into an immediate invincible attack, but this would be an incredibly expensive and high-risk gambit.

Forced Knockdown

Most airborne command normals, special moves, and Super Arts put the user in a "Forced Knockdown" state. While in this state, an air knockdown will occur when being hit by any attack, even if it would otherwise cause an air reset.

As an example, Ryu's 2HP causes an air reset when used as an anti-air. Against a move like Cammy's Hooligan Combination, however, the 2HP puts her into an air knockdown state. This allows Ryu to successfully cancel 2HP into Shoryuken for a juggle, similar to how a Drive Impact wall splat works. Taking advantage of Forced Knockdown juggles is important for dealing with moves like Ken's Dragonlash, Dhalsim's Air Teleport, or Kimberly's 6HK~Hop sequence.

Moves that already cause an air knockdown, like most j.MP air-to-airs, will not display the "Forced Knockdown" message.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit ≥ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value ≥ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be ≥ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 ≥ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.


Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 5lp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5lp hitbox.png
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Standing Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 3 8 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1

Dhalsim's fastest normal. Like many 5LPs in the game, it's best used as an abare or to check your opponent rushing in.

In terms of combo usage, 5LP can reliably link into 2LP and itself. Unfortunately, Dhalsim needs to spend drive meter to reliably combo into a special, the only one being OD Yoga Fire. If you have the extra bar, it's better to go for a drive rush combo for higher reward and damage.

The other best-case usage for 5LP is combo filler after a drive rush cancel. It leaves Dhalsim +8 on hit, allowing you to link into his various medium normals.

Many combos involving this move can often be substituted for 2LP which has one more frame of startup but has slightly better range.

Standing Medium Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 5mp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5mp hitbox.png
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Standing Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 19 - 700 LH -2 -5

A poke that can hit the opponent at roundstart distance. Use it in conjunction with Yoga Fire and Yoga Arch to force the opponent to block, making them lose valuable drive gauge.

Dhalsim’s 5MP and his other pokes have combo potential if you can time your fireballs to hit the opponent before or after your poke hits them. For example, at roundstart distance, you can do M Yoga Arch > 5MP > *fireball hit* > 5HP. This also works well as a blockstring.

5MP can also be a great button to throw out at the very start of a round. If the opponent chooses to jump in, 5MP will recover in time for you to anti-air with 4MP.

Opponents will often use Drive Impact to beat this move, so be careful not to be too predictable. It’s possible to recover in time to counter it, but only if they DI within a few frames before your active frames start.

Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 5hp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5hp hitbox.png
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Standing Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 4 27 - 1000 LH -6 -11

Dhalsim’s longest normal. It doesn’t quite hit at fullscreen — its range is merely a few steps back from roundstart distance. It has a very long extended hurtbox, so be careful not to whiff this move.

It has considerable knockback on both hit and block.

Like his other pokes, you should use 5HP in conjunction with Yoga Fire and Yoga Arch to force the opponent to block, making them lose valuable drive gauge. This move in particular causes the opponent to lose half a drive bar on block, making it extremely good in this niche.

Punish Counter causes a knockdown on hit, greatly expanding the distance between you and your opponent. However, if you’re actively trying to punish something from far away (like Lily building stocks), the very handy special-cancellable 5HK will grant you far better reward.

Standing Light Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 5lk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5lk hitbox.png
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Standing Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 4 11 Sp SA 300 LH +2 -6

A fast, special-cancellable midrange normal. You will occasionally use this as a whiff punishing tool and an abare in instances where the opponent is out of range of 2LP. It's also excellent at checking your opponent's ground approaches.

At max range, 5LK has very few reliable combo routes aside from Drive Rush or Level 1 Super, so make sure you have enough Drive Bar or Super Meter before attempting to capitalize on it.

Standing Medium Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 5mk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5mk hitbox.png
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Standing Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 3 18 - 600 LH -2 -6

A poke similar to 5MP that has slightly less range but makes up for it by having slightly less startup and recovery. Its advantageous frame data makes it less susceptible to Drive Impact than 5MP.

Despite not being considered a Low, its angle also allows you to catch opponents in the event they attempt to check your other normals.

Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 5hk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 5hk hitbox.png
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Standing Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
17 3 20 Sp SA 800 LH +3 -6

A versatile poke and is by far the longest special-cancellable normal in the game. It has similar range to Dhalsim's 5HP but is slightly shorter.

This move serves as Dhalsim’s go-to punish combo starter after blocking a high-recovery move like a Shoryuken since it leaves him +21, allowing you to slip in another move without needing to spend meter.

You can capitalize on a Punish Counter at max range by canceling this move into Drive Rush and immediately performing a 2MK, leaving you +5 to +12.

It also serves as a surprisingly good long-range anti-air in instances where your opponent is trying to jump over a fullscreen Yoga Fire. Even without a counterhit, you can combo from an anti-air by Drive Rush canceling into 2MK and immediately linking into Level 1 or Level 3 Super.

5HK’s main drawback is that it will whiff on crouching opponents. Even then, it is difficult for the opponent to punish it unless they are close to you.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 2lp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2lp hitbox.png
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Crouching Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 9 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1

A quick crouching jab. This move allows Dhalsim to complete one of his only meterless light combos from up close, in 2LP XX HK Yoga Blast. Can also be used in pressure as it's not too bad on block and hit. Link into this move once the opponent is out of range of 5LP.

Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 2mp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2mp hitbox.png
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Crouching Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 3 16 Sp SA 600 LH 0 -4

Use this move to force the opponent to respect your grounded zoning. Opponents that would otherwise use Drive Impact to catch your high-recovery normals can be caught themselves by your own Drive Impact.

This move only has 16 frames of recovery, so even if you miss the cancel window to counter a drive impact with your own, it’s very possible to do so afterwards.

Once you’ve conditioned the opponent to acknowledge the threat of countering their Drive Impact with your own, canceling 2MP into Yoga Arch can prevent jump-ins and can give you a safe mixup opportunity. Canceling into Yoga Fire can also be rewarding as it serves as both a frametrap and, depending on the spacing, a safe setup for 2MK.

It’s also serves as a great midrange combo starter if you can confirm 2MP into Drive Rush and then proceed to combo with 2LP or 4MK.

Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 2hp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2hp hitbox.png
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Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19 4 24 - 800 L -1 -12

With quick reactions, this can be used to low profile many fireballs while counterattacking, making this an excellent response to them. As opposed to Dhalsim's other anti-fireball tool, 2HK, 2HP allows you to maintain your position from the opponent to continue zoning.

Crouching Light Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 2lk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 7 16 - 200 L -5(+1) -10(-4)

A slide which starts up and recovers pretty quickly. Unfortunately it isn't really good at sliding under fireballs, but it does make for an unorthodox anti-crossup tool by allowing you to slide underneath the opponent's hitbox.

Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 2mk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 13 14 - 500 L -3(+9) -10(+2)
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

Dhalsim’s most versatile slide. If you manage to hit the opponent at the tip of this move (which is roughly an inch forward from roundstart distance), you can be up to +9 on block, allowing you to perform meterless combos from midrange.

If you’ve spaced this move correctly, it puts you at point-blank range from the opponent which is perfect for setting up a strike/throw mixup on block.

It’s also a great answer to fireballs if you’re in range. If used in this manner, there is more leniency on spacing due to Punish Counter giving you 4 more plus frames on hit.

Performing Yoga Arch beforehand can make you safe even if you don’t space 2MK correctly. If the opponent chooses to punish your 2MK, they will instead get hit with the incoming fireball, setting you up for a potent combo on hit, or a mixup on block.

Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 2hk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 16 20 - 900 L HKD +22(+37) -16(-1)

This slide causes a hard knockdown on hit and travels farther than 2MK.

Arguably a more reliable anti-fireball tool than 2MK since you don’t have to worry about spacing. However, setting up for a meaty can vary depending on the initial distance from the opponent. Here are some sample meaty setups:

  • If you used 2HK at roundstart distance, TK j.2LK will leave you up to +3 on block.
  • If you used 2HK at close range, TK j.2HK will leave you up to +2 on block.

If you’re in the corner, 2HK can also serve as a high-risk/low-reward option for getting out. The safest way to do this is [2HK hit > Forward Jump until you’re directly above the opponent xx Yoga Float (this covers both DPs, anti-airs, and you can contest air-to-airs with j.LP) xx Crossup j.HP to make your landing safe].

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
SF6 Dhalsim jlp.png
SF6 Dhalsim jlp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 4 3 land - 300 H - -

A short range slap. Has decent hitstun for linking into lights or 4MK after teleports, where this is most used. Note that it doesn't hit crouching opponents when used in this way.

Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 Dhalsim jmp.png
SF6 Dhalsim jmp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 6 3 land Sp 700 LH - -
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

A far reaching punch. It can be cancelled into his special moves and float, which allows him to use this as a long range anti-air, provided you react fast enough.

Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 Dhalsim jhp.png
SF6 Dhalsim jhp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 4 3 land - 800 H - -
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

A big swipe with a ton of range and coverage. On airborne opponents it spikes them into the ground, scoring you a knockdown, and on grounded opponents it has plenty of hitstun to combo out of. Especially useful after his teleport for pressure.

Jumping Light Kick
SF6 Dhalsim jlk.png
SF6 Dhalsim jlk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 4 3 land - 300 H - -

A very fast downward kick. This is good out of a very low air teleport, as it still functions as an overhead while also having just enough hitstun to combo out of. It also can function as an instant overhead to close out a round, though this is a very unsafe use for the move if it doesn't kill.

Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 Dhalsim jmk.png
SF6 Dhalsim jmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 6 3 land - 500 H - -
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

A move that reaches decently far below Dhalsim. A bit slow, so hard to use for instant overhead abuse or as a jump in from teleports.

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 Dhalsim jhk.png
SF6 Dhalsim jhk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 10 3 land - 800 H - -
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

One of Dhalsim's highest hitstun jump-in attacks, but it doesn't have a great hitbox for hitting crouchers so it's somewhat outclassed by j.HP.

Command Normals

Yoga Uppercut
SF6 Dhalsim 4mp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 4mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Uppercut
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 6 16 Sp SA 700 LH +2 -3
  • Forces stand

An excellent anti-air. Being fast, wide and tall makes this an excellent choice. It also has some utility in grounded combos and drive rush conversions.

Yoga Lance
SF6 Dhalsim 4hp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 4hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Lance
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 7 29 Sp SA 900 LH -9 -16
  • Causes a knockdown on counterhit
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

Slower than 4MP, but more range and higher reward to compensate.

Divine Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 4mk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 4mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Divine Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4 17 Sp SA 600 LH +3 0

One of your main cancelling normals, as it has decent hitstun and good cancel options.

Yoga Mountain
SF6 Dhalsim 4hk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 4hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Mountain
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 6 20 - 1000 LH 0 -9
  • Causes a knockdown on counterhit

Slow but rewarding anti-air if you can react fast enough. Counterhit juggles into 1HK are possible in the corner, and Level 1 anywhere.

Dhalsim himself also gets really low to the ground during this, reducing the chances of him trading blows or having the attack get beat outright.

Nirvana Punch
SF6 Dhalsim 1hp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 1hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Nirvana Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 4 20 Sp SA 800 LH +3 -3

A very good cancellable heavy for Dhalsim. This is one of his only cancels into HP Yoga Flame. Drive rushing into this move makes it +7 and you can link 4MK on hit.

Agile Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 1lk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 1lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Agile Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 10 Chn 200 L +1 -5

A fast low kick. Allows him to start a combo from a low that can actually be confirmed into a special move.

Thrust Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 1mk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 1mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Thrust Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 20 Sp SA 500 L -3 -7
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

A decent range low option with much safer frame data than his slides. Can be used in some meaty combos or empty cancelling.

Karma Kick
SF6 Dhalsim 1hk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 1hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Karma Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 22 - 900 L HKD +33 -7

A quick low sweep. Knocks down on hit. Notable for having juggle potential, allowing this to link after certain moves in the corner like HK Yoga Blast for slightly higher damage.

Yoga Mummy
SF6 Dhalsim j2lp.png
SF6 Dhalsim j2lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Mummy
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 until land 9 land Sp 500 LH -18(+8) -22(+4)

Can be cancelled on hit or block into any special. Does not cancel into float.

Drill Kick
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 117: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

                  No results
  • Applies a 20% damage scaling penalty to the next hit when used as a combo starter (100/80/70/60...)

A very slow semi-divekick. Hard to make safe or plus, and can grant some combos if you hit at the feet.

Target Combos

Dhalsim has no target combos


Forward Throw (LPLK)
Forward Throw
SF6 Dhalsim lplk.png
SF6 Dhalsim lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Smash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +31 -

Standard forward throw. Performing a Drive Rush into 2MK will hit meaty and leave you +5 on block. Otherwise, can be used to reset a situation.

Back Throw (4LPLK)
Back Throw
SF6 Dhalsim 4lplk.png
SF6 Dhalsim lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +19 -

Standard back throw. Use this to switch sides with your opponent if they try to corner you.

Crouch Throw (2LPLK)
Crouch Throw
SF6 Dhalsim 2lplk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Splash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +35 -

Unique throw for Dhalsim. Chucks the opponent much farther than his standard forward throw, making it useful for re-establishing distance for his zoning. Trickier to land due to the unconventional input, but is also much more rewarding. Dhalsim also goes low to grab at his opponent's feet, potentially allowing him to avoid high swings.

Is not considered a command grab, and thus can be teched normally.

Drive System

Drive Impact (HPHK)
Drive Impact
SF6 Dhalsim hphk.png
SF6 Dhalsim hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Rise
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 2 35 - 800 LH KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72

See Drive Impact

When cancelled from a normal, these are the important blockstring gaps; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout

  • -
  • Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

Drive Reversal (6HPHK)
Drive Reversal
6HPHK (in blockstun)
SF6 Dhalsim 6hphk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 6hphk hitbox.png
SF6 Dhalsim 6hphk hitbox2.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Illusion (Block)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3(6)3 26(32) - 250x2 recoverable LH KD +24 -6

See Drive Reversal

  • Full Invuln: 1-22f; Armor Break

Primary method of getting out of tough situations, due to Dhalsim's lack of reliable meter-less reversals.

Drive Parry (MPMK)
Drive Parry
SF6 Dhalsim mpmk.png
SF6 Dhalsim mpmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Drive Parry
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) - - - - -

See Drive Parry

  • Perfect Parry has only 1f recovery, and disables the opponent from canceling their attack
  • Perfect Parry vs. projectiles puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

Drive Rush (66)
Drive Rush
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 117: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

                  No results

See Drive Rush. Frame data shown in (parentheses) refers to Parry Drive Rush.

  • Distance:
    • 0.471 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
    • 1.787 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
    • 2.700 (max, final DR frame)
  • See Strategy page for Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes

Special Moves

Yoga Fire (236P)
Yoga Fire
SF6 Dhalsim 236p.png

SF6 Dhalsim 236pp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 236p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Fire
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
15(11) - 33 SA3 600 LH -2 -6
Yoga Fire (hold)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
43 - 30 SA3 400x2 LH KD +51 -3
Yoga Fire
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 - 32 SA2 SA3 500x2 LH KD +49 -3

An solid fireball that travels a bit slower than most. It can be charged by holding the button for an additional hit and more damage. The OD version is fast enough to combo from lights and gives very good oki, making it a reliable combo ender. Overall, it's very good at complimenting Dhalsim's space control, especially when cancelling his long reaching buttons on block.

Yoga Arch (236K)
Yoga Arch
SF6 Dhalsim 236k.png
L + M = LK Arc
L + H = MK Arc
M + H = HK Arc
SF6 Dhalsim 236k hitbox.png
Falling hitbox

SF6 Dhalsim 236k hitbox2.png
Floor hitbox
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Arch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 [81+10] 27 SA3 600 LH +1 -1
Yoga Arch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 [190+10] 27 SA2 SA3 500x2 LH +1 -3
  • LK+MK and LK+HK bounce forward
  • MK+HK go over the opponents head and bounce back towards you

A fireball that travels upward in an arc. One of Dhalsim's most unique tools, primarily used for pressure setups and controlling the air. If it does hit an airborne opponent, it puts them in a juggle state that you can fairly consistently get moves like 2MK, 2HK, or Yoga Blast off of. The OD versions hit and bounce twice on the ground as they travel, holding down a lot of space for quite some time. Does not disappear if you get hit, allowing it to hit the opponent out of their combos after they attempt to mash out of your pressure. This move does still create a big opening for an opponent to move in on you in neutral, so it must be used more mindfully than a regular fireball.

If HK Yoga Arch is done point blank in the corner, it is possible for it to instantly hit the opponent regardless of if they are standing or crouching. This is useful for corner combos as it can leave you plus enough to link, but it is especially good when combined with the lack of pushback on 1MK, giving you an infinite blockstring on an opponent's Burnout.

Yoga Flame (63214P)
Yoga Flame
SF6 Dhalsim 63214lp.png

SF6 Dhalsim 63214pp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 63214lp hitbox.png
Light Punch

SF6 Dhalsim 63214mp hitbox.png
Medium Punch

SF6 Dhalsim 63214hp hitbox.png
Heavy Punch

SF6 Dhalsim 63214pp hitbox.png
OD Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 15 15 SA3 800 LH KD +33 -4
  • Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 15 17 SA3 450x2 LH KD +33 -4
  • Clashes with 2 hits of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 17 16 SA3 400x3 LH KD +45(+47) -4(-2)
  • Clashes with 3 hits of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 5,5,5,5,5 24 SA2 SA3 100x2,200x3 (800) LH KD +50 -11
  • Clashes with 2 hits of an OD fireball

One of Dhalsim's main pressure, meaty and frame trap tools. Though HK Yoga Blast is typically a better resourceless combo ender as it is faster, does the same damage, and gives better oki; Yoga Flame is still sometimes usable in combos if the opponent is crouching or at a longer range. The HP version is especially notable for its range, drive damage, and built-in three hits, beating Drive Impact by itself. The OD version is a combo-oriented launcher that allows for followups on hit, which tends to be Dhalsim's most efficient use of Drive for damage. The MP version is also a bit notable in that it can clash with two hit non-OD fireballs, such as Ryu's Denjin Hadouken and Guile's Sonic Cross.

Every non-OD version is -4 on block naturally, but the incredibly long active frames make each of them very strong meaties that can be made upwards of +10 with the right setups. Combined with the Drive damage, it will condition opponents to parry on wakeup, which then lets you strike/throw them for even greater reward.

Yoga Blast (63214K)
Yoga Blast
SF6 Dhalsim 63214lk.png

SF6 Dhalsim 63214kk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 63214lk hitbox.png
L/M/H Versions

SF6 Dhalsim 63214kk hitbox.png
OD Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Blast
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 10 23 SA3 1000 LH KD +39 -6
  • Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Blast
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
15 10 20 SA3 1200 LH KD +42 -3
  • Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Blast
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
15 10 20 SA3 1200 LH KD +42 -3
  • Clashes with 1 hit of a non-OD fireball
Yoga Blast
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 10 20 SA2 SA3 500x2 LH KD +42 0
  • Clashes with 2 hits of an OD fireball

Dhalsim's main combo ender on standing opponents—the main strategy to make it hit even if they're crouching, however, is to use 4MP earlier in the combo in order to force the opponent to stand (e.g. Drive Rush 2LP > 4MP > HK Yoga Blast). The OD version has the speed of the light version and more range than the heavy version, while also launching higher, allowing for combos into Lvl 2 Super. Outside of combos, it doesn't see much practical use outside of being a rewarding but very predictive anti-air that allows for followups depending on how it hits. Another theoretical use of it is to clash fireballs, as each version has notably lower recovery time than a fireball (including Yoga Fire), potentially leaving you plus or even in the situation.

Yoga Comet (j.63214P)
Yoga Comet
SF6 Dhalsim j63214p.png

SF6 Dhalsim j63214pp.png
SF6 Dhalsim j63214p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Comet
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
30 [~55] 8 land - 800 LH -4~ -2~
Yoga Comet
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
30 until land 3 land - 600x2 LH +5~ +6~

Another unique space control move, and the only real air fireball in the game (until Akuma is added). Dhalsim shoots a fireball diagonally downward across the screen. Each of the meterless versions have different speeds and travel distances, dissipating after a set time. The OD version does not dissipate and allows you to act after launching the projectile, letting you go into any other air action. A very notable property of this move is that it is treated independently from your other fireball moves, allowing you to have it on screen at the same time as Yoga Fire and Yoga Arch. Because of this, you can use it to deny approaches while you set up your slower fireballs to continue pressure and suffocate the opponent with projectiles.

Yoga Float (2KK)
Yoga Float
SF6 Dhalsim 2kk.png
SF6 Dhalsim 2kk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

2KK or 3KK
Yoga Float
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
36 (85) 20+3 land - - - - -
Aerial Yoga Float
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
15 (81) 18+3 land - - - - -

Dhalsim floats in the air for a little over 100 frames. An extremely versatile and unique movement option that defines Dhalsim's air game alongside Teleport. Once the float has initiated, you can press forward and backward to levitate in that direction freely with a movespeed that far exceeds his grounded walk. You can also use any air move out of it, ending the float and causing you to fall to the ground if it was a normal. Jumping and doing an instant Yoga Float in the air is much faster than doing it off the ground, so the ground version is typically only used if you're cancelling into it. Short hops, air-to-airs, and divekick spacing are just a few big applications to keep in mind for this move.

Yoga Teleport (6/4 + PPP/KKK)
Yoga Teleport
6/4 + PPP/KKK (AIR OK)
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 117: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

                  No results
  • Full Invuln: 5-15f

No results

  • Full Invuln: 5-15f

No results

  • Full Invuln: 10-15f

No results

  • Full Invuln: 10-15f

Another huge movement option for Dhalsim that allows him to quickly reposition himself on the screen to maintain a preferred range, get out of a dangerous position, or mix the opponent up. Teleporting backwards has a fixed distance regardless of what buttons you use, but teleporting forward puts you directly behind your opponent with punches and in front of your opponent with kicks. Has some invincibility, but it's not frame 1, so it isn't a true reversal like it is in previous games. The grounded version tend to have invulnerability faster, making them better for avoiding certain moves, but the air version can be made harder to react to as you're able to do it instantly off a jump and immediately fall with a j.LP to check or cross up the opponent. The air version can be used for safejumps, while the grounded version can be used for strike/throw when the knockdown doesn't give enough time to safejump. Since Dhalsim has many slow-moving projectiles to control space, it's quite easy for him to set up a fireball and then teleport behind the opponent as it's about to hit to instantly swap the side they need to block it from.

Super Arts

Level 1 Super (236236P)
Yoga Inferno
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 Dhalsim 236236lp.png

SF6 Dhalsim 236236mp.png

SF6 Dhalsim 236236hp.png
SF6 Dhalsim 236236lp hitbox.png
Light Punch

SF6 Dhalsim 236236mp hitbox.png
SF6 Dhalsim 236236mp hitbox2.png
Medium Punch

SF6 Dhalsim 236236hp hitbox.png
Heavy Punch
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Inferno
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 104 20 - 160x12 (1920) LH KD +24 -15
Yoga Inferno
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 104 20 - 175x12 (2100) LH KD +24 -15
Yoga Inferno
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 84 40 - 170x12 (2040) LH KD +27 -22
  • Throw Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • Depletes 1/2 Drive bar from opponent on hit
  • 30% minimum damage scaling

A great combo ender which works in almost any juggle for good damage and a setup opportunity. Each version has its own unique advantages and disadvantages:

  • LP has the best range, reaching nearly 1/2 screen
  • MP does the most damage, but has less range than the other versions
  • HP has the best KD Advantage and a great disjointed hitbox for mid-range anti-airs, but whiffs on crouching opponents and is the most unsafe on block

This Super has no strike or projectile invincibility, making it overall weak as a reversal; however, the throw invincibility can allow Dhalsim to escape corner throw loops. Since most players do not hesitate to pressure Dhalsim in the corner, it may occasionally be worth the risk.

Level 2 Super (214214K)
Yoga Sunburst
Level 2 Super Art
214214K (HOLD OK)
SF6 Dhalsim 214214k hold.png

SF6 Dhalsim 214214k.png
SF6 Dhalsim 214214k hitbox.png
SF6 Dhalsim 214214k hitbox2.png
SF6 Dhalsim 214214k hitbox3.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Yoga Sunburst
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 [142+20] 60 - 450x4,1000 (2800) LH KD +50 -4
  • Full Invuln: 1-9f; Armor Break (all versions)
  • 40% minimum damage scaling (all versions)
  • 5-hit projectile; depletes 1 Drive bar from opponent on hit
Yoga Sunburst
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
23~70 [142+20] 58 - 400x6,700 (3100) LH KD -
  • 7-hit projectile; depletes 1.4 Drive bars from opponent on hit
Yoga Sunburst
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
71~91 [142+20] 58 - 375x8,1000 (4000) LH KD -
  • 9-hit projectile; depletes 1.8 Drive bar from opponent on hit

Dhalsim launches a large fireball upwards at an arc; if the initial hit doesn't connect, it will come back down with a trajectory based on which button strength was used. Holding the button will charge it up to become more powerful, which also increases the size of the hitbox. If the hitbox above Dhalsim's head makes contact with the opponent, he will immediately release the attack.

This Super actually has true invincibility, making it a viable reversal and anti-air. However, it will not connect on crouching opponents until it comes down from its arc, so pressuring with a crouching button is safe to his 1-bar and 2-bar reversals.

By activating at range or after a knockdown, this Super can be used to set up tricky mixups. It's also great against opponents in Burnout, as it becomes hard to avoid the chip damage. It can be juggled into, such as after a Punish Counter 4HP at certain ranges.

Level 3 Super (236236K)
Merciless Yoga
Level 3 Super Art
SF6 Dhalsim 236236k.png

SF6 Dhalsim 236236k(ca).png
CA version grants 500 extra damage
SF6 Dhalsim 236236k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Merciless Yoga
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 5 75 - 4000 LH HKD +19 -62
  • Full Invuln: 1-14f; Armor Break
  • Depletes 1.5 Drive bars from opponent on hit
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~2 Drive bars for Dhalsim
  • 50% minimum damage scaling
Merciless Yoga (CA)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 5 75 - 4500 LH HKD +19 -62
  • Full Invuln: 1-14f; Armor Break
  • Depletes 2 Drive bars from opponent on hit
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~2.5 Drive bars for Dhalsim
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; available at 25% HP or below

A cinematic super where Dhalsim whips his opponent in the air with his limbs, then headbutts them to the ground again. It is Dhalsim's only "true" reversal, making it a very expensive defensive guess. At 10f startup, it is possible for some meaty light normals to recover safely before this Super connects, so even this is not a guaranteed option against the opponent's pressure. It does good damage in combos and juggles, and has a large anti-air hitbox that will make the opponent think twice about jumping over an extended limb.


Neutral Taunt (5PPPKKK)
Neutral Taunt
SF6 Dhalsim 5pppkkk.png
"What is it... already finished?"

Neutral Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
190 (total) - - - - - - -

Dhalsim's arm will stretch a different distance depending on how far you are away from the opponent when you taunt.

Forward Taunt (6PPPKKK)
Forward Taunt
SF6 Dhalsim 6pppkkk.png
"Unleash your heart!"

Forward Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
380 (total) - - - - - - -

Dhalsim high profiles many low attacks during this taunt.

Back Taunt (4PPPKKK)
Back Taunt
SF6 Dhalsim 4pppkkk.png
"I am in no hurry. Everything flows as one."

Back Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
430 (total) - - - - - - -

Dhalsim high profiles many low attacks during this taunt.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison