Street Fighter 6/Juri/Introduction: Difference between revisions

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{{ ReasonsToPick
{{ ReasonsToPick
| pick=
| pick=
* Strong pokes and counterpokes that lead to good cancel options or grant a lot of frame advantage
* Strong pokes and counterpokes that lead to good cancel options and grant a lot of frame advantage
* Forcing your opponent to deal with fireball pressure while you approach them and enforce further mixup
* Forcing your opponent to deal with fireball pressure while you approach them and enforce mixup after mixup
* Using openings to quickly dash in on your opponent and start your pressure from almost anywhere on the screen
* Combo and pressure options that become much more freeform with a powerup super
* Combo and pressure options that become much more freeform with a powerup super
| avoid=
| avoid=
* Having to manage an additional resource to maximize damage and conversions
* Having to manage an additional resource to maximize damage and conversions
* Lacking a conventional fireball that can interact with others
* Learning long combo sequences and getting used to changes in move properties during power-up supers
* Learning long combo sequences and getting used to changes in move properties during power-up supers
* A linear, rushdown-oriented gameplan

Revision as of 06:22, 14 August 2023


This sadistic thrillseeker enjoys the strife and suffering of others, taking immense joy in obliterating her foes. Without revenge against M. Bison as a motivator, she whiles away her time in a gloomy haze.

Juri is well suited to explosive, aggressive rushdown and strike/throw mix that's empowered by space control with her ground normals and storing up stocks to improve her special moves, making her a menace at close and mid range. She can also get some very massive and flashy combos off of her hits, making her a great pick for someone who loves pulling off long combo strings.

The core of Juri's playstyle is centered around Fuhajin, which grants Juri a special stock (up to a maximum of 3). These stocks will separately enhance three of her other special moves; Saihasho is a ground-based projectile that travels much farther when enhanced, Ankensatsu is an advancing kick that has more hitstun for combo extensions when enhanced, and Go Ohsatsu is a lunging roundhouse that gains another kick when enhanced, increasing its corner carry potential. Juri can also cancel between these three moves if she has a stock available, using their enhanced versions when she does so, and her Level 1 Super Art, Sakkai Fuhazan, can be enhanced for extra damage on the last hit by holding down the button with a stock available.

Aside from those moves, Juri's ground and anti-air game are quite powerful. Her dash covers a lot of space at a time, making her strike/throw game especially dangerous, and many of her buttons either cover a lot of space in front of her (5MK, 5HK), convert into a Fuhajin knockdown either directly or through combos (6MP, 2MK), or do both (5HP). She can also shut down a ton of air approaches with 2HP as well as her dedicated anti-air special Tensenrin, particularly its HP version. Juri's powerful ground presence is also enhanced by the speed and length of Juri's Drive Rush; getting caught by Drive Rush normals from her usually results in her cashing out for a fair bit of damage and at minimum getting a Fuhajin stock.

Juri's most powerful and unique tool, however, is her Level 2 Super Art, the Feng Shui Engine. While it's active, Juri can chain her normals together in ascending order so long as she doesn't use the same button twice, similar to the magic series of the Darkstalkers games, and many of her normals gain new properties and cancel points that they lack otherwise, opening up FSE-exclusive combo routes and letting her crank out even stronger pressure. She can also choose to start it off with a dash that does damage and breaks through armor, allowing her to bully through enemies that try to Drive Impact or otherwise push through when she initially engages it.

While Juri has a lot going for her, there are a few things to keep in mind when playing her. Managing her Fuhajin stocks is critical to maximizing her effectiveness -- she's not so dependent on them that lacking them will completely ruin her offense, but not having any does shut out some options for her and can make her a little less threatening. Similarly, while she doesn't strictly need Feng Shui Engine to be effective, it offers a wide range of benefits for both combos and pressure, so mastering its use means learning and labbing out its chains in order to seize any opportunity the opponent gives her. If you enjoy the rush of kicking your opponents when they're down and crushing their defenses, Juri is the riotous rider for you.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Strong pokes and counterpokes that lead to good cancel options and grant a lot of frame advantage
  • Forcing your opponent to deal with fireball pressure while you approach them and enforce mixup after mixup
  • Using openings to quickly dash in on your opponent and start your pressure from almost anywhere on the screen
  • Combo and pressure options that become much more freeform with a powerup super
  • Having to manage an additional resource to maximize damage and conversions
  • Lacking a conventional fireball that can interact with others
  • Learning long combo sequences and getting used to changes in move properties during power-up supers
  • A linear, rushdown-oriented gameplan

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern Juri
Missing Normals
  • Standing Light Punch (5LP)
  • Standing Medium Kick (5MK)
  • Crouching Medium Punch (2MP)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Medium Punch (j.MP)
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (j.HP)
Missing Command Normals
  • N/A
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • N/A
Miscellaneous Changes
  • N/A

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison