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= Introduction =
{{MVC2 Character Intro|char= jin|full=Jin|short=JIN|content=
== Introduction ==
Jin Saotome and his giant robot Blodia are from the giant robot fighting game Cyberbots. In the Marvel vs. Capcom games, Jin fights on foot, utilizing fiery punches and kicks, some disturbing clothes-exploding action, and several supers that call in Blodia from the sidelines.
Jin Saotome and his giant robot Blodia are from the giant robot fighting game Cyberbots. In the Marvel vs. Capcom games, Jin fights on foot, utilizing fiery punches and kicks, some disturbing clothes-exploding action, and several supers that call in Blodia from the sidelines.

= Moves List =
'''TO-DO''': Add frame data, as well as missing sprites
== Gameplay ==
{{2 Column Flex|flex1=6|flex2=4
{{Content Box|content='''Jin''' is a brawler who can use his above-average range buttons & powerful supers to deal big damage fast and chip away at the health of his enemies with his heavy normals and charge moves. His main weaknesses are his slow startup, long recovery, and lack of mobility, which make him lean towards a risk-reward style where he has to make every hit count.
* Hits really hard for a guy with no weapon
* Heavy normals deal chip damage
* Has a semi-infinite on a portion of the cast
* Laggy startup and recovery on most of his kit
* He can't cancel grounded mediums into heavies which can feel weird
* No additional movement options in the air make him a bit linear
* Supers are kinda situational and punishable if they don't connect
{{Content Box|content=
== Character Summary ==
{{3 Column Flex
{{Content Box|header=Special Moves|content=
;Saotome Typhoon
*Charge {{b}}, {{f}} + {{p}}
;Saotome Dynamite
*Charge {{d}}, {{u}} + {{p}}
;Saotome Crush
{{Content Box|header=Hyper Combos|content=
;Blodia Punch
;Blodia Vulcan
;Saotome Cyclone
{{Content Box|header=Assist Types|content=
;Type α - Expansion Type
*Assist: {{lp}} Saotome Typhoon
*Counter: {{hp}} Saotome Typhoon
*Combination: Saotome Cyclone
;Type β - Anti-air Type
*Assist: {{hp}} Saotome Dynamite
*Counter: {{hp}} Saotome Dynamite
*Combination: Blodia Punch
;Type γ - Launcher Type
*Assist: {{mp}}
*Counter: {{mp}}
*Combination: Blodia Punch
== Moves List ==
=== Normal Moves ===
==== Ground Normals ====
|name= Light Punch
|linkname= s.LP
|input= s.{{lp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A quick punch ahead of him. While it deals a measly 2 damage (his other three light normals all deal 6 instead), it does reach very slightly farther than his crouching LP.
|name= Medium Punch
|linkname= s.MP
|input= s.{{mp}}
|Special Property= Launcher (normal)
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= His launcher that hits point blank and not much farther. This is the medium you'll usually want to go for when grounded, since you can air combo after.
|name= Heavy Punch
|linkname= s.HP
|input= s.{{hp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A sliding flaming punch that knocks the opponent back on hit. You can get pushed back pretty far when cancelling this move into specials or supers, so try to wait a bit before your next input to minimize this.
|name= Light Kick
|linkname= s.LK
|input= s.{{lk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A far reaching kick that moves him forwards slightly.
|name= Medium Kick
|linkname= s.MK
|input= s.{{mk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A spinning double kick that raises him up around 35ish degrees forwards. This move can't be cancelled into anything once he's airborne, and it puts them into a rollable knockdown.
|name= Heavy Kick
|linkname= s.HK
|input= s.{{hk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin hops and comes crashing down at a slightly downwards angle with a burning drill kick that sends him fullscreen and knocks down on hit. He can jump clean over some projectiles if timed right.
|name= Crouching Light Punch
|linkname= cr.LP
|input= cr.{{lp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Similar to his standing LP, but the range is slightly shorter. Despite this, it deals 6 damage instead of 2 so try using this move in combos instead of his standing LP
|name= Crouching Medium Punch
|linkname= cr.MP
|input= cr.{{mp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin slams his fist on the ground, making a shockwave around it.
|name= Crouching Heavy Punch
|linkname= cr.HP
|input= cr.{{hp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin strikes a pose with a flaming backhand that launches the opponent away like his standing HP.
|name= Crouching Light Kick
|linkname= cr.LK
|input= cr.{{lk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= The first of his two lows. It has similar range to his standing LK, but he can low profile attacks (example: Doom's Plasma Beam) thanks to being lower to the ground.
|name= Crouching Medium Kick
|linkname= cr.MK
|input= cr.{{mk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin hops forwards with two rising flaming kicks. Only combos if you hit a standing or crouching LP first, as his LKs push his opponent back too far for this move to connect.
|name= Crouching Heavy Kick
|linkname= cr.HK
|input= cr.{{hk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= His second low (of two). Jin slides forwards with his signature fire drill and it reaches about half a screen ahead of him. Has the same damage as but better startup than standing HK since he doesn't need to hop.
==== Air Normals ====
|name= Air Light Punch
|linkname= j.LP
|input= j.{{lp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A normal air jab with a hitbox in front of him that's active for a little bit.
|name= Air Medium Punch
|linkname= j.MP
|input= j.{{mp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A backhanded fire fist that hits in front of his head.
|name= Air Heavy Punch
|linkname= j.HP
|input= j.{{hp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A downwards one-handed slam that can trigger Flying Screen. His ideal jump-in to start combos with, since it does more damage than j.HK
|name= Air Light Kick
|linkname= j.LK
|input= j.{{lk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A long kick with a slight angle downwards that's also active for a little bit.
|name= Air Medium Kick
|linkname= j.MK
|input= j.{{mk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin kicks straight upwards, and despite the animation the hitbox is fine for landing chains into grounded attacks
|name= Air Heavy Kick
|linkname= j.HK
|input= j.{{hk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin hits a spin with two fiery kicks, but neither of them trigger Flying Screen. They reach farther than his other aerial options, and the two hits can try to stuff normal anti- or air-to-airs. Interestingly, this move puts him in Normal Jump state when it ends, (even if you super jump first) which gives him a window before he lands where he can call assists!
==== Command Normals ====
|name= Air Down Heavy Kick
|linkname= j.2HK
|input= j.{{d}}+{{hk}}
|Special Property=
|Cancel= None
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin stops his aerial momentum entirely and floats down at a 45 degree angle with a three-hit fire drill. It only hits three times, so you have to time this move right if you want to combo off of it - the lower the hits start, the better, because he's a falling, punishable duck once the third hit makes contact with something. It does the same total damage as j.HP, but j.HP better to jump-in with for a combo since it hits once (so it messes with damage scaling less) j.HP is also more reliable (and damaging, for the same reason) air combo ender as well.
There are height requirements that have to be met before he can use this move - he can't do it while rising until just before he reaches the apex of a normal jump, and he can't do it on the way down once he's between around the top of most characters' crouching heights. Regular air HK will come out instead.
=== Universal Mechanics ===
|name= Universal Launcher (Punch)
|linkname= Universal Launcher (Punch)
|input= {{df}}+{{hp}}
|Special Property= Launcher (normal)
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Seemingly identical to his standing MP, a point-blank uppercut that launches.
|name= Throw (Punch)
|linkname= Throw (Punch)
|input= {{f}}+{{hp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin slams his opponent into Blodia's fist, leaving them in the other corner of the screen as he jumps backwards.
|name= Throw (Kick)
|linkname= Throw (Kick)
|input= {{f}}+{{hk}}
|Special Property= Mashable
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin pins his opponent to the ground and punches them three times minimum, but he'll punch more if you mash. He jumps back about a character length away at the end.
|name= Air Throw (Punch)
|linkname= Air Throw (Punch)
|input= j.{{f}}+{{hp}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Effectively his grounded P throw, but airborne. Slams them into Blodia's fist, leaving them in the corner he's facing as he lands in the one behind him.
|name= Variable Attack (raw tag)
|linkname= Variable Attack
|input= {{lp}}+{{lk}} // {{hp}}+{{hk}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin flies in with a pose identical to his j.LK before cracking his knuckles upon landing.
=== Special Moves ===
|name= Saotome Typhoon
|linkname= Saotome Typhoon
|input= Charge {{b}}, {{f}} + {{p}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= -
|Adv. Guard= -
|Adv. Pushblock= -
|description= Jin spins forwards as a flame tornado, hitting up to four times. The LP version goes about halfscreen and HP goes about fullscreen length. Because of the distance/speed difference, LP Typhoon is more likely to hit multiple times, while HP Typhoon is better at getting you in (or out) of situations and intercepting stray offense/assists. Punishable on block, especially if you pressed HP first due to the pushback when cancelling.
|name= Saotome Dynamite
|linkname= Saotome Dynamite
|input= Charge {{d}}, {{u}} + {{p}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= -
|Adv. Guard= -
|Adv. Pushblock= -
|description= Jin's clothes explode off his body and hit everything nearby. Has some recovery, so it's mostly used as a combo ender (or combo into Cyclone in the corner) or as a get-off-me, especially with an assist to cover him.
|name= Saotome Crush
|linkname= Saotome Crush
|input= {{hcb}}+{{k}}
|Special Property=
|Adv. Hit= -
|Adv. Guard= -
|Adv. Pushblock= -
|description= Jin lunges forwards a bit, trying to grab his opponent's feet. If successful, he'll drag them along all four sides of the screen before dumping them into the corner he's facing and jumping backwards about two character lengths. It's a hitgrab, which means it *can* be blocked.
=== Hyper Combos ===
|name= Blodia Punch
|linkname= Blodia Punch
|input= {{qcf}}+{{lp}}+{{hp}}
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin punches forward (with a hitbox!), then Blodia's fist comes flying out of the side of the screen behind him. This does more damage the closer your opponent is to the corner behind you (where Blodia's punch comes from, as it gets to hit more), and can also put some hurt on stray assists. The final hit triggers Flying Screen, so you can't DHC out of it once that happens. Despite that, you can actually OTG off of the knockdown it provides (with crouch LK or crouch HK if you're fast enough) and keep the combo going. Interestingly, that knockdown can actually be mashed out of, so attempt the OTG with caution as you might get punished for pressing on their wakeup.
|name= Blodia Vulcan
|linkname= Blodia Vulcan
|input= {{qcb}}+{{lp}}+{{hp}}
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= Jin snaps his fingers, calling in a machine-gun assault from Blodia before jumping into it. If this hits,  and keeps firing, with a cool perspective from the cockpit. If it misses or is blocked, Jin will jump back out and punch the ground, completely vulnerable. Not mashable. "Note that there's a gap halfway into it: if they stop blocking they'll get hit." Be careful when using this super, as he has a bit of startup before he pilots Blodia. Once Jin jumps, he's invincible until he comes back. With a quick enough cancel, you can combo into this off of standing MP or downforward HP (as well as the launcher assist alpha counter) for ~64 damage.
|name= Saotome Cyclone
|linkname= Saotome Cyclone
|input= {{qcf}}+{{lk}}+{{hk}}
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= A stationary, short-ranged horizontally but *very* high-reaching hit-grab version of the Typhoon special. His most damaging super and one of the strongest hits in the game. You can DHC into it like any other super, but its DHC window unfortunately ends just before it deals its damage, so be mindful that it only deals damage at the end of DHCs. If it hits, it renders the opponent's character fully invincible, so in close-range THCs it may be a nuisance and cause you to waste 3 bars.

== Normal Moves ==
|name= Saotome Shine
|linkname= Saotome Shine
|input= Be actionable at low (~30ish%) health
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= At low health as the last character on his team, Jin gets Super Armor until he dies. While nice on paper, it also means that instead of flinching from hits, he'll instead freeze to a stop during hitstop, making his laggy buttons even *more* laggy while eating any damage in the process. People say it gives him a stat increase, but I've found conflicting information as to what changes & the exact health range Shine begins at.

== Special Moves ==
=== Variable Assists ===
|caption= Type α
|name= Expansion Type
|input= A1 // A2
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= LP Saotome Typhoon. Variable Counter is HP Saotome Typhoon. Variable Combination super is Saotome Cyclone. Thanks to it being LP Typhoon, its easier to combo into and out of. If he manages to hit twice or three times, you can use that height the opponent gains to start combos after the assist finishes. Each hit puts the opponent into a rollable soft knockdown if they land, but if your timing's good you can get a guaranteed OTG. Comparable to [[Psylocke (MvC2)|Psylocke]]'s Psy-Blade anti-air assist.
|caption= Type β
|name= Anti-air Type
|input= A1 // A2
|Special Property= 
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= HP Saotome Dynamite. Variable Counter is also HP Saotome Dynamite. Variable Combination super is Blodia Punch. A very potent get-off-me assist with invincibility to boot. Since the hitboxes of the move are projectiles, you can also use this assist to tank or beat out other projectiles. It's also nice for covering your point character while they do something that's slow to come out so they dont get hit during it.
|caption= Type γ
|name= Launcher Type
|input= A1 // A2
|Special Property= Launcher (normal)
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock=
|description= Standing MP. Variable Counter is also Standing MP. Variable Combination super is Blodia Punch. It sure does launch. With standing MP as its Variable Counter, it can be easier to get a Saotome Cyclone off of this counter compared to the others. Blodia Vulcan can also combo off of this counter, but Blodia Punch doesn't reach.

== Super Moves ==
=== Taunt ===
|name= Taunt
|input= Start, {lk} + Start
|Special Property=
|Cancel= None
|Adv. Hit= 
|Adv. Guard= 
|Adv. Pushblock= 
|description= If you mash he turns red and spawns a flaming hitbox on the back of his neck as he screams.
=== Colors ===
First row: {{lp}}, {{hp}}, A1. Second row: {{lk}}, {{hk}}, A2.

== Assist Moves ==

= The Basics =
= The Basics =
== Beginner Overview ==
== Combos ==
-Charge b,f + LP XX qcb + PP
-Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK > s.HK
-Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK > s.HP
-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK > s.LK
-Jump LK > LK \/ d.c.LP > c.LK
-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ f + LP
-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ f + LP XX qcb + PP
-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + KK/qcb + PP
-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P
-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK XX hcb + K
Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK
-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P
-Jump HK (charge d) \/ c.LP > c.LP XX u + P
-Jump d + HK \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP
-Jump HK \/ d.c.LP > c.LP XX qcf + PP
-Jump HK \/ d.s.LK > c.HK XX qcf + PP
-d.c.LP > c.LP XX qcf + PP
-d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK, c.LK > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP
-Jump d + HK \/ c.LK > c.HK XX qcf + PP
-Jump d + HK \/ d.s.LP > s.LP \/ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK, f + HP
-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HK
-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP
-Jump HK (charge b) \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + PP
-Jump d + HK (charge d) \/ c.LK > c.HK XX u + P
-Corner d.c.LP > LP XX qcf + PP (charge d), c.HK XX u + P XX qcf + KK
-Corner s.LP > s.LP XX qcb + PP
-Corner Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP, d.c.LK > s.HP
-Corner Jump LK (charge d) > LK \/ c.LK > c.HK XX u + P XX qcf + KK
-Corner Jump LK (charge db) > LP \/ c.LP > c.HP XX f + HP XX qcf + KK
-Corner Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP (charge db), c.HK XX f + LP XX qcf + KK
-Corner Jump LK (charge db) > LP \/ c.LP > c.HP XX f + HP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P XX qcf + KK)
-Corner Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P XX qcf + KK
-(charge db) c.LP > c.LP XX f + LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P
== Strategies ==
Jin is a slow character, but he has reach, and a decent aerial command normal (j.2HK). This move has three hits, and is one of his most important moves. If it is done too high or at a bad angle, you won't be able to combo off of it on hit and it will leave you vulnerable. With correct spacing, or even a quick super jump 2HK, this can be combo'd into 2LP then either MP (launch) XX Saotome Cyclone (qcf+KK), 2HK xx Blodia Punch (qcf+PP) or Saotome Dynamite (hold down during the j2HK and 2LP, then hit up & a punch button) if you're low on meter.
Jin's 2HK reaches a fair distance and can catch a lot of people off guard. It is cancellable into Dynamite (36 dmg) or Blodia Punch (damage varies, usually high 50s). You can use it simply to move closer while crouching against a lot of characters, but if you do it too frequently, most characters can capitalize easily off it with things like AHVB, Rocket Punch, or Hailstorm.
If you hit his Universal Launcher raw, you can cancel it into Saotome Crash (hcb+K) too cross under them and then cancel *that* into a Cyclone  (in the direction you were facing before the input) and have the it hit crossup & combo after with Dynamite
Jin's expansion assist is probably his best one. A player can pick up their opponent from the ground after it, like psylocke's assist, which is great for a Sentinel in melee range (c.LK xx rocket punch xx deploy), or if he's farther away he can HP xx rocket punch xx deploy while Jin is picking them up. Another use is while flying, Sentinel can call the assist, LK, HK, unfly, then launcher or c.LK xx rocket punch xx deploy. Also, this assist can be used to start the ROM infinite, get storm's launcher off, or iron man's infinite (usually, the infinite has to start with aerial LK MK 8HP, then the normal LP MP MK 8HP sequence starts working). Also, this assist is useful in block strings due to it's four hit potential.
If you catch someone's assist in the right spot at the right time with Blodia Punch, the super becomes unblockable for the enemy's point character. If it causes flying screen and his opponent lands in the center of the screen (OR if you do it in the corner & you're close enough to them), you can time a crouching LK to hit OTG and keep the combo going (usually 2LK > HP > imagination, sometimes certain raw tags will connect and you can combo even further).
You can combo his standing or crouching LKs into Crash on hit, and you may want to call an assist as youre inputting the combo just in case your assist can clip your opponent's while Jin handles their point character. Jin also appears to be fully invincible while dragging his victim during Crash, so you could use that to avoid an assist, for example.
You can charge a Dynamite during Cyclone and use it after it's over to hit OTG for bonus damage, and in the corner you can cancel that into a second Cyclone for massive damage.
Jin works well with storm, as her lightning attack xx lightning storm combo goes extremely well into Cyclone (or Blodia Vulcan (qcb+PP) if for some reason the opponent is too far away for cyclone), usually for a kill.

= Advanced Strategy =
= Advanced Strategy =
=== Corner Jinfinite ===
[[File:Jin-Corner-Loop.jpg|thumb|right|Semi-Finite Corner - Who it works on ]] In corner while holding forward - [ st.HP > cr.lp ] * loops  ([ video of the loop])
Jin has a Semi-Finite on a couple characters with loops on part of the cast. Anything below 4 isn't really worth attempting unless your execution is mad good, then you can probably get more than 1 loop.
<small>(These were done by hand but I'm 90% sure all -'s can't be looped because their hitbox isn't low enough when they recover).</small>
Easiest on Captain Commando
j.HP > > s.hp can go into it

Only characters worth using it on - Megaman / Commando / Servebot / Jin / Ryu / Colossus, otherwise you're better off going into an easier j.lp > whatever after s.hp in the corner

[[Category:Marvel Vs. Capcom 2]]
[[Category:Marvel Vs. Capcom 2]]

Latest revision as of 10:52, 22 June 2024


MVC2 jin art.png


Jin Saotome and his giant robot Blodia are from the giant robot fighting game Cyberbots. In the Marvel vs. Capcom games, Jin fights on foot, utilizing fiery punches and kicks, some disturbing clothes-exploding action, and several supers that call in Blodia from the sidelines.

TO-DO: Add frame data, as well as missing sprites


Jin is a brawler who can use his above-average range buttons & powerful supers to deal big damage fast and chip away at the health of his enemies with his heavy normals and charge moves. His main weaknesses are his slow startup, long recovery, and lack of mobility, which make him lean towards a risk-reward style where he has to make every hit count.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Hits really hard for a guy with no weapon
  • Heavy normals deal chip damage
  • Has a semi-infinite on a portion of the cast
  • Laggy startup and recovery on most of his kit
  • He can't cancel grounded mediums into heavies which can feel weird
  • No additional movement options in the air make him a bit linear
  • Supers are kinda situational and punishable if they don't connect

Character Summary

Special Moves

Saotome Typhoon
  • Charge B.png, F.png + P.png
Saotome Dynamite
  • Charge D.png, U.png + P.png
Saotome Crush
  • Hcb.png+K.png
Hyper Combos

Blodia Punch
  • Qcf.png+Lp.png+Hp.png
Blodia Vulcan
  • Qcb.png+Lp.png+Hp.png
Saotome Cyclone
  • Qcf.png+Lk.png+Hk.png
Assist Types

Type α - Expansion Type
  • Assist: Lp.png Saotome Typhoon
  • Counter: Hp.png Saotome Typhoon
  • Combination: Saotome Cyclone
Type β - Anti-air Type
  • Assist: Hp.png Saotome Dynamite
  • Counter: Hp.png Saotome Dynamite
  • Combination: Blodia Punch
Type γ - Launcher Type
  • Assist: Mp.png
  • Counter: Mp.png
  • Combination: Blodia Punch

Moves List

Normal Moves

Ground Normals

Light Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A quick punch ahead of him. While it deals a measly 2 damage (his other three light normals all deal 6 instead), it does reach very slightly farther than his crouching LP.

Medium Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher (normal) - - - -

His launcher that hits point blank and not much farther. This is the medium you'll usually want to go for when grounded, since you can air combo after.

Heavy Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A sliding flaming punch that knocks the opponent back on hit. You can get pushed back pretty far when cancelling this move into specials or supers, so try to wait a bit before your next input to minimize this.

Light Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A far reaching kick that moves him forwards slightly.

Medium Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A spinning double kick that raises him up around 35ish degrees forwards. This move can't be cancelled into anything once he's airborne, and it puts them into a rollable knockdown.

Heavy Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin hops and comes crashing down at a slightly downwards angle with a burning drill kick that sends him fullscreen and knocks down on hit. He can jump clean over some projectiles if timed right.

Crouching Light Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Similar to his standing LP, but the range is slightly shorter. Despite this, it deals 6 damage instead of 2 so try using this move in combos instead of his standing LP

Crouching Medium Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin slams his fist on the ground, making a shockwave around it.

Crouching Heavy Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin strikes a pose with a flaming backhand that launches the opponent away like his standing HP.

Crouching Light Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

The first of his two lows. It has similar range to his standing LK, but he can low profile attacks (example: Doom's Plasma Beam) thanks to being lower to the ground.

Crouching Medium Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin hops forwards with two rising flaming kicks. Only combos if you hit a standing or crouching LP first, as his LKs push his opponent back too far for this move to connect.

Crouching Heavy Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

His second low (of two). Jin slides forwards with his signature fire drill and it reaches about half a screen ahead of him. Has the same damage as but better startup than standing HK since he doesn't need to hop.

Air Normals

Air Light Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A normal air jab with a hitbox in front of him that's active for a little bit.

Air Medium Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A backhanded fire fist that hits in front of his head.

Air Heavy Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A downwards one-handed slam that can trigger Flying Screen. His ideal jump-in to start combos with, since it does more damage than j.HK

Air Light Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A long kick with a slight angle downwards that's also active for a little bit.

Air Medium Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin kicks straight upwards, and despite the animation the hitbox is fine for landing chains into grounded attacks

Air Heavy Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin hits a spin with two fiery kicks, but neither of them trigger Flying Screen. They reach farther than his other aerial options, and the two hits can try to stuff normal anti- or air-to-airs. Interestingly, this move puts him in Normal Jump state when it ends, (even if you super jump first) which gives him a window before he lands where he can call assists!

Command Normals

Air Down Heavy Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- None - - -

Jin stops his aerial momentum entirely and floats down at a 45 degree angle with a three-hit fire drill. It only hits three times, so you have to time this move right if you want to combo off of it - the lower the hits start, the better, because he's a falling, punishable duck once the third hit makes contact with something. It does the same total damage as j.HP, but j.HP better to jump-in with for a combo since it hits once (so it messes with damage scaling less) j.HP is also more reliable (and damaging, for the same reason) air combo ender as well.

There are height requirements that have to be met before he can use this move - he can't do it while rising until just before he reaches the apex of a normal jump, and he can't do it on the way down once he's between around the top of most characters' crouching heights. Regular air HK will come out instead.

Universal Mechanics

Universal Launcher (Punch)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher (normal) - - - -

Seemingly identical to his standing MP, a point-blank uppercut that launches.

Throw (Punch)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin slams his opponent into Blodia's fist, leaving them in the other corner of the screen as he jumps backwards.

Throw (Kick)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Mashable - - - -

Jin pins his opponent to the ground and punches them three times minimum, but he'll punch more if you mash. He jumps back about a character length away at the end.

Air Throw (Punch)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Effectively his grounded P throw, but airborne. Slams them into Blodia's fist, leaving them in the corner he's facing as he lands in the one behind him.

Variable Attack (raw tag)
Lp.png+Lk.png // Hp.png+Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin flies in with a pose identical to his j.LK before cracking his knuckles upon landing.

Special Moves

Saotome Typhoon
Charge B.png, F.png + P.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin spins forwards as a flame tornado, hitting up to four times. The LP version goes about halfscreen and HP goes about fullscreen length. Because of the distance/speed difference, LP Typhoon is more likely to hit multiple times, while HP Typhoon is better at getting you in (or out) of situations and intercepting stray offense/assists. Punishable on block, especially if you pressed HP first due to the pushback when cancelling.

Saotome Dynamite
Charge D.png, U.png + P.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin's clothes explode off his body and hit everything nearby. Has some recovery, so it's mostly used as a combo ender (or combo into Cyclone in the corner) or as a get-off-me, especially with an assist to cover him.

Saotome Crush
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin lunges forwards a bit, trying to grab his opponent's feet. If successful, he'll drag them along all four sides of the screen before dumping them into the corner he's facing and jumping backwards about two character lengths. It's a hitgrab, which means it *can* be blocked.

Hyper Combos

Blodia Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin punches forward (with a hitbox!), then Blodia's fist comes flying out of the side of the screen behind him. This does more damage the closer your opponent is to the corner behind you (where Blodia's punch comes from, as it gets to hit more), and can also put some hurt on stray assists. The final hit triggers Flying Screen, so you can't DHC out of it once that happens. Despite that, you can actually OTG off of the knockdown it provides (with crouch LK or crouch HK if you're fast enough) and keep the combo going. Interestingly, that knockdown can actually be mashed out of, so attempt the OTG with caution as you might get punished for pressing on their wakeup.

Blodia Vulcan
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Jin snaps his fingers, calling in a machine-gun assault from Blodia before jumping into it. If this hits, and keeps firing, with a cool perspective from the cockpit. If it misses or is blocked, Jin will jump back out and punch the ground, completely vulnerable. Not mashable. "Note that there's a gap halfway into it: if they stop blocking they'll get hit." Be careful when using this super, as he has a bit of startup before he pilots Blodia. Once Jin jumps, he's invincible until he comes back. With a quick enough cancel, you can combo into this off of standing MP or downforward HP (as well as the launcher assist alpha counter) for ~64 damage.

Saotome Cyclone
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

A stationary, short-ranged horizontally but *very* high-reaching hit-grab version of the Typhoon special. His most damaging super and one of the strongest hits in the game. You can DHC into it like any other super, but its DHC window unfortunately ends just before it deals its damage, so be mindful that it only deals damage at the end of DHCs. If it hits, it renders the opponent's character fully invincible, so in close-range THCs it may be a nuisance and cause you to waste 3 bars.

Saotome Shine
Be actionable at low (~30ish%) health
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

At low health as the last character on his team, Jin gets Super Armor until he dies. While nice on paper, it also means that instead of flinching from hits, he'll instead freeze to a stop during hitstop, making his laggy buttons even *more* laggy while eating any damage in the process. People say it gives him a stat increase, but I've found conflicting information as to what changes & the exact health range Shine begins at.

Variable Assists

Expansion Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

LP Saotome Typhoon. Variable Counter is HP Saotome Typhoon. Variable Combination super is Saotome Cyclone. Thanks to it being LP Typhoon, its easier to combo into and out of. If he manages to hit twice or three times, you can use that height the opponent gains to start combos after the assist finishes. Each hit puts the opponent into a rollable soft knockdown if they land, but if your timing's good you can get a guaranteed OTG. Comparable to Psylocke's Psy-Blade anti-air assist.

Anti-air Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

HP Saotome Dynamite. Variable Counter is also HP Saotome Dynamite. Variable Combination super is Blodia Punch. A very potent get-off-me assist with invincibility to boot. Since the hitboxes of the move are projectiles, you can also use this assist to tank or beat out other projectiles. It's also nice for covering your point character while they do something that's slow to come out so they dont get hit during it.

Launcher Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher (normal) - - - -

Standing MP. Variable Counter is also Standing MP. Variable Combination super is Blodia Punch. It sure does launch. With standing MP as its Variable Counter, it can be easier to get a Saotome Cyclone off of this counter compared to the others. Blodia Vulcan can also combo off of this counter, but Blodia Punch doesn't reach.


Start, {lk} + Start
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- None - - -

If you mash he turns red and spawns a flaming hitbox on the back of his neck as he screams.


First row: Lp.png, Hp.png, A1. Second row: Lk.png, Hk.png, A2.


The Basics

Beginner Overview


-Charge b,f + LP XX qcb + PP

-Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK > s.HK

-Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK > s.HP

-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK > s.LK

-Jump LK > LK \/ d.c.LP > c.LK

-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ f + LP

-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ f + LP XX qcb + PP

-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + KK/qcb + PP

-Jump LK (charge b) > LP \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P

-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK XX hcb + K

Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK

-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P

-Jump HK (charge d) \/ c.LP > c.LP XX u + P

-Jump d + HK \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP

-Jump HK \/ d.c.LP > c.LP XX qcf + PP

-Jump HK \/ d.s.LK > c.HK XX qcf + PP

-d.c.LP > c.LP XX qcf + PP

-d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK, c.LK > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP

-Jump d + HK \/ c.LK > c.HK XX qcf + PP

-Jump d + HK \/ d.s.LP > s.LP \/ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK, f + HP

-Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HK

-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP

-Jump HK (charge b) \/ s.LK XX f + HP XX qcf + PP

-Jump d + HK (charge d) \/ c.LK > c.HK XX u + P

-Corner d.c.LP > LP XX qcf + PP (charge d), c.HK XX u + P XX qcf + KK

-Corner s.LP > s.LP XX qcb + PP

-Corner Jump LK > LK \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP, d.c.LK > s.HP

-Corner Jump LK (charge d) > LK \/ c.LK > c.HK XX u + P XX qcf + KK

-Corner Jump LK (charge db) > LP \/ c.LP > c.HP XX f + HP XX qcf + KK

-Corner Jump LK > LP \/ d.s.LK XX qcf + PP (charge db), c.HK XX f + LP XX qcf + KK

-Corner Jump LK (charge db) > LP \/ c.LP > c.HP XX f + HP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P XX qcf + KK)

-Corner Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P XX qcf + KK

-(charge db) c.LP > c.LP XX f + LP XX qcf + KK (charge d), u + P


Jin is a slow character, but he has reach, and a decent aerial command normal (j.2HK). This move has three hits, and is one of his most important moves. If it is done too high or at a bad angle, you won't be able to combo off of it on hit and it will leave you vulnerable. With correct spacing, or even a quick super jump 2HK, this can be combo'd into 2LP then either MP (launch) XX Saotome Cyclone (qcf+KK), 2HK xx Blodia Punch (qcf+PP) or Saotome Dynamite (hold down during the j2HK and 2LP, then hit up & a punch button) if you're low on meter.

Jin's 2HK reaches a fair distance and can catch a lot of people off guard. It is cancellable into Dynamite (36 dmg) or Blodia Punch (damage varies, usually high 50s). You can use it simply to move closer while crouching against a lot of characters, but if you do it too frequently, most characters can capitalize easily off it with things like AHVB, Rocket Punch, or Hailstorm.

If you hit his Universal Launcher raw, you can cancel it into Saotome Crash (hcb+K) too cross under them and then cancel *that* into a Cyclone (in the direction you were facing before the input) and have the it hit crossup & combo after with Dynamite

Jin's expansion assist is probably his best one. A player can pick up their opponent from the ground after it, like psylocke's assist, which is great for a Sentinel in melee range (c.LK xx rocket punch xx deploy), or if he's farther away he can HP xx rocket punch xx deploy while Jin is picking them up. Another use is while flying, Sentinel can call the assist, LK, HK, unfly, then launcher or c.LK xx rocket punch xx deploy. Also, this assist can be used to start the ROM infinite, get storm's launcher off, or iron man's infinite (usually, the infinite has to start with aerial LK MK 8HP, then the normal LP MP MK 8HP sequence starts working). Also, this assist is useful in block strings due to it's four hit potential.

If you catch someone's assist in the right spot at the right time with Blodia Punch, the super becomes unblockable for the enemy's point character. If it causes flying screen and his opponent lands in the center of the screen (OR if you do it in the corner & you're close enough to them), you can time a crouching LK to hit OTG and keep the combo going (usually 2LK > HP > imagination, sometimes certain raw tags will connect and you can combo even further).

You can combo his standing or crouching LKs into Crash on hit, and you may want to call an assist as youre inputting the combo just in case your assist can clip your opponent's while Jin handles their point character. Jin also appears to be fully invincible while dragging his victim during Crash, so you could use that to avoid an assist, for example.

You can charge a Dynamite during Cyclone and use it after it's over to hit OTG for bonus damage, and in the corner you can cancel that into a second Cyclone for massive damage.

Jin works well with storm, as her lightning attack xx lightning storm combo goes extremely well into Cyclone (or Blodia Vulcan (qcb+PP) if for some reason the opponent is too far away for cyclone), usually for a kill.

Advanced Strategy

Corner Jinfinite

Semi-Finite Corner - Who it works on

In corner while holding forward - [ st.HP > cr.lp ] * loops (video of the loop)

Jin has a Semi-Finite on a couple characters with loops on part of the cast. Anything below 4 isn't really worth attempting unless your execution is mad good, then you can probably get more than 1 loop. (These were done by hand but I'm 90% sure all -'s can't be looped because their hitbox isn't low enough when they recover).

Easiest on Captain Commando

j.HP > > s.hp can go into it

Only characters worth using it on - Megaman / Commando / Servebot / Jin / Ryu / Colossus, otherwise you're better off going into an easier j.lp > whatever after s.hp in the corner

Game Navigation

Characters (New Pages)
Captain Commando
Silver Samurai
Characters (Updating)
Iron Man
Omega Red
Characters (Old Pages)
War Machine
Tron Bonne
Doctor Doom
Ruby Heart
Mega Man
Captain America
Wolverine - Bone
Wolverine - Claw