Street Fighter 6/Akuma: Difference between revisions

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}} oH / {{sf6-adv|M|-1}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}} oB
Akuma's main pressure normal aside from his light normals. Plus on block and frame traps into said lights. Comes with a TC attached for combos.
Akuma's main pressure normal aside from his light normals. Plus on block and frame traps into said lights. Comes with a TC attached for combos.
On {{clr|M|counter-hit}} be linked into {{clr|M|5MP~MP}} TC at point blank range for extra damage. At longer ranges can be linked into {{clr|M|2MP}} (whiff at max range) and {{clr|L|5LK}} to be safer on block for less damage. It may be more practical to use {{clr|M|5MP~MP}} TC and cancel into {{clr|L|236P}} for safety instead.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 19f
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after 3rd active frame
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+14}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}} oB
Long reaching and fast shoto-style 5HP. Special cancelable and links into 5MK on Punish Counter. Very easy for Akuma to bully opponents with, especially considering his swift walk speed.
Long reaching, special cancelable and fast shoto-style {{clr|H|5HP}}. Very easy for Akuma to bully opponents with, especially considering his swift walk speed.
Most reliable damage cancel is {{clr|H|214HP}} and {{clr|10|214PP}} in the corner. {{clr|H|214HP}} will be blocked if canceled even 1f too late (needs to come out after 3rd active frame). It can also combo into 214HK tatsu, but this will whiff at further ranges.
On {{clr|H|Punish Counter}} links into {{clr|M|5MK}} at close range.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
** {{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after active frames
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}} oH / {{sf6-adv|M|-2}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
Notable as Akuma's farthest reaching light button, while also being special cancellable. Great for whiff punishing due to its long range and fast start up.

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* Forces stand on hit.
* Forces stand on hit
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (only 15f to confirm TC without Counter-hit)
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+13}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} oB
A solid pressure button for Akuma due to being disjointed. At -3, Akuma can use this to keep his opponent locked down in the corner from a good distance away. That said, {{clr|M|2MP}} has longer reach and is 0 on block, making that the preferable option for pressure.
Force stand property makes this an important combo tool to cancel into {{clr|L|214LK}} and {{clr|M|214MK}}
Has a force stand property, which makes this an important combo tool to cancel into {{clr|L|214LK}} and {{clr|M|214MK}}. {{clr|M|2MK}} > DR {{clr|M|5MK}} will force opponents standing while giving enough time to confirm into {{clr|M|5MP~MP}} target combo.

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* Second hit can be ducked if the first hit is blocked.
* Second hit can be ducked if the first hit is blocked.
** Ducking the second hit leaves Akuma -13.
** Ducking the second hit leaves Akuma -13.
* Forces stand on hit.
* Forces stand on hit
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
A very strange but powerful button. Akuma sweeps outwards with two kicks. If both hits connect, then Akuma is left +3 to continue pressure. However, the second hit can be ducked, leaving Akuma at -13 and ready to be punished. While the button has no cancel options, Akuma is plus enough on normal hit to link into his {{clr|M|5MP~MP}} target combo.
Akuma move forwards when this button is pressed, allowing him to tag opponents at surprisingly long ranges. As it forces standing on hit, this is Akuma's go-to Drive Rush button when he lands a {{clr|H|5HP}}.

This move has weird properties when used in an air hit. Akuma can juggle opponents with both hits and can sometimes follow-up with a special move (such as his Shoryuken) for an ender, but since the move has no cancel points it's harder for him to cancel into it.
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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
** {{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after active frames
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}} oH / {{sf6-adv|M|-1}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
* Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-5 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air
Important combo and confirm tool. Has the most advantage on hit out of Akuma's grounded light buttons, linking naturally into {{clr|L|5LK}} for light confirms. This also makes it the light button of choice from a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} combo, as it easily combos into {{clr|H|2HP}} to force standing for {{clr|L|L}} or {{clr|M|M}} Tatsu.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 16f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+13}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+6}} oB
* Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-8 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air
Similar to Luke's 2MP, this button is incredible with a disjointed hitbox. While it's not {{clr|4|+oB}}, it is extremely {{clr|4|+oH}}, linking into itself at mid range.

Most reliable cancel is into {{clr|M|214MP~6P}}. Cancel into {{clr|L|236LP}} for spacing and {{clr|H|214HK}} at point blank range. Cancel into {{clr|10|214PP~6P}} in the corner for wallsplat extensions.
On CH can combo into {{clr|M|5MK}} for optimal combos or {{clr|M|2MK}} at max range if the former would whiff. On CH can also cancel into {{clr|H|214HP}}
On PC can combo into {{clr|H|5HP}} making this a great shimmy button. At max range when whiff punishing, can cancel directly into {{clr|H|214HP~6P}}
In {{clr|4|DR}} can link into {{clr|H|5HP}} too.

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* Forces stand on hit.
* Forces stand on hit
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+17}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+9}} oB
Another button that forces stand so you can confirm into your various Tatsus. Great combo filler due to the high damage and it cancels to almost any special.

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* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
Akuma's fastest low, and a mixup option from Demon Raid feints or from a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}}, the latter being able to link into {{clr|M|5MK}} on normal hit for combos.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 13f
** Special/{{clr|4|DR}} cancel is delayed until after active frames
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+11}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+4}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

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Sweep. Has some juggle potential, and can be used as a combo ender after 214LK, which gives you incredible oki or even a safe jump.
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| input    = j.LP
| input    = j.LP
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Akuma's prime air to air button. Allows for air to ground conversions by using {{clr|10|j.214KK}}, {{clr|10|j.236P}} series, or Air Level 1 Super.

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| input    = j.MK
| input    = j.MK
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Akuma's overhead to start offenses with good range.
Akuma's overhead to start his offense. Has good range.  
{{clr|4|DR}} {{clr|M|6MP}} links into {{clr|M|2MP}} or {{clr|M|5MK}}
{{clr|4|DR}} {{clr|M|6MP}} links into {{clr|M|2MP}} or {{clr|M|5MK}}, the latter link being very important becauses it forces stand as this move is very likely to hit them crouching, allowing Akuma to combo into {{clr|L|214LK}}.

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A solid poking normal with great range, but little reward on hit. On {{clr|H|Punish Counter}} notably links into {{clr|H|2HK}} for a knockdown, or Level 2 Super for a potential combo near the corner, however these have a tendency to whiff near the kick's max range.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 20f (TC)
Akuma steps forward while punching, making this button one of his farthest reaching pokes. Hitconfirms into {{clr|H|6HP~6HK}} target combo.

Due to scaling, {{clr|H|6HP}} is the preferred link in {{clr|4|DRC}} over {{clr|H|5HK}}.

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* Puts airborne opponents into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state.
* Puts airborne opponents into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 19f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' KD +69 oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} oB
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
A very rewarding anti-air and combo filler button. Forces limited juggle on hit, allowing Akuma to combo further. In the corner, the usual extension is {{clr|H|4HK}} > Level 2 fireball > {{clr|H|H}} Shoryu or Tatsu, but you can also do {{clr|H|4HK}} > 236K~K > {{clr|H|H}} Shoryu or Tatsu for slightly less damage.

When used as an anti-air, {{clr|H|4HK}} is very slow but highly rewarding. Since it can be special canceled, Akuma can get strong midscreen conversions. An example is {{clr|H|4HK}} > Level 2 fireball > Parry Drive Rush > {{clr|H|5HK}} > {{clr|M|M}} Tatsu.

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* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
A situational divekick that can only be performed during a forward jump. Has a very steep angle, similar to 236K~{{clr|L|LK}}. Like other divekicks, the closer the attack lands to the opponent's feet, the more advantage Akuma will have. Oddly enough, has exactly one more frame of advantage than 236K~K, on both block and hit at all spacings.
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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 38f
* '''{{clr|4|Drive Rush}} cancel advantage:''' {{sf6-adv|VP|+13}} oH / {{sf6-adv|VP|+8}} oB
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

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* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Somewhat sneaky, safe on block overhead. Has situational use during combos; causes a ground bounce on hit if opponent is in a juggleable state.

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* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 41-42f (TC)
Key hit-confirmable TC for Akuma. {{clr|H|6HP~6HP}} can be finished into {{clr|M|623MP}} for more damage in the corner.
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* Punish Counter: HKD +?
* Punish Counter: HKD +28
* Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)

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* Side switches
* Side switches
* Punish Counter: HKD +?
* Punish Counter: HKD +14
* Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)

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* '''Armor (2-hit):''' 1-27f
* '''Armor (2-hit):''' 1-27f; '''Range:''' 2.561 (1.511 movement + 1.05 hitbox)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (including Wall Splat on block)
* On Hit/PC: Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo
* Combos when canceled from {{clr|H|--}} (no corner wallsplat)
* On Block: Applies 20% scaling multiplier to all follow-up hits after Wall Splat; the next attack can incur additional Starter Scaling
** Useful for draining opponent's Drive gauge, especially after Perfect Parry
* Combos when canceled from {{clr|H|2HP}} / Punish Counter {{clr|H|5HP}}/{{clr|M|2MP}} (no corner wallsplat; useful for depleting Drive gauge, especially after Perfect Parry)
* A blocked {{clr|4|DI}} can combo into another {{clr|4|DI}} if opponent is not fully cornered (Stuns if opponent has less than 1.5 Drive bars)
** This happens because a blocked {{clr|4|DI}} is not considered a "hit" for combo purposes
** Causes both the 20% Starter and 20% Multiplier scaling to apply to the follow-up combo
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]] on the Gauges page for more details.
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Impact|Drive Impact]] on the Gauges page for more details.

When canceled from a normal, these are the important '''blockstring gaps'''; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout
When canceled from a normal, these are the important '''blockstring gaps'''; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout
* -
* {{clr|H|2HP}}: 8[4]
* {{clr|H|5HP}}, {{clr|M|5MP~MP}}: 9[5]
* {{clr|H|4HK}}, {{clr|M|5MK}}: 10[6]
* {{clr|M|5MP}}, {{clr|M|2MP}}: 11[7]
* {{clr|M|2MK}} 13[9]
* Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters
* Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

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* '''Marisa (214K)''', frame 3 armor
* '''Marisa (214K)''', frame 3 armor
* '''Zangief ({{clr|H|5[HP]}})''', frame 4 armor
* '''Zangief ({{clr|H|5[HP]}})''', frame 4 armor
It's important to use a blockstring that cannot be absorbed by their armor/counter moves. Ideally, the string should also not be a true combo, or it will cause a Lock and prevent Stun. Note that if the opponent mashes buttons on wakeup, the counter-hit will cause {{clr|4|DI}} to Lock.
It's important to use a blockstring that cannot be absorbed by their armor/counter moves. Ideally, the string should also not be a true combo, or it will cause a Lock and prevent Stun.<br>{{clr|10|*}} Denotes a move that causes Lock on Counter-hit, allowing the opponent to escape a Stun by mashing on wakeup.
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|5HP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|2HP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|delay DI}}: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|M|5MK}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|4HK}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit (juggles into {{clr|4|DI}} on hit)
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|M|2MP}}{{clr|10|*}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 3f blockstring gap prevents Zangief {{clr|H|5[HP]}} from absorbing the hit
* {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|M|5MP}} > {{clr|4|DI}}: 3f blockstring gap prevents Zangief {{clr|H|5[HP]}} from absorbing the hit

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| title    = Drive Reversal
| title    = Drive Reversal
| subtitle =
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| input    = 6HPHK (in blockstun)
| input    = {{Classic_sf6}} 6HPHK<br>{{Modern_sf6}} 6DI
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* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-22f; Armor Break
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-22f; Armor Break
* 5f extra recovery on hit
* 5f extra recovery on hit; 4f screen freeze during startup
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-20f; Armor Break
* 5f extra recovery on hit; no screen freeze
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]] on the Gauges page for more details.
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Reversal|Drive Reversal]] on the Gauges page for more details.
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=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Drive Rush (66)</font>=====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Drive Rush (MPMK~66)</font>=====
| title    = Drive Rush
| title    = Drive Rush
| subtitle =
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| input    = 66
| input    = {{Classic_sf6}} MPMK~66<br>{{Modern_sf6}} DP~66
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* 1-bar version performed out of Parry
* Startup is 1+8 immediately after successful Parry
* 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal
** Can also be performed from whiffed cancelable light normals
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]] on the Gauges page for more details. See Strategy page for [[Street_Fighter_6/Akuma/Strategy#Drive_Rush|Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes]]
* Startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} animation
* The first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack
* The final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry)
* Only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with '''+4''' frame advantage and improved juggle properties
* Applies 15% damage scaling multiplier to any follow-up hits when used mid-combo
* Applies 15% damage scaling multiplier to any follow-up hits when used mid-combo
** Only applies scaling once per combo; does not apply when an enhanced Drive Rush attack starts the combo
** Only applies scaling once per combo; does not apply when a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} enhanced attack starts the combo
See [[Street_Fighter_6/Gauges#Drive_Rush|Drive Rush]] on the Gauges page for more details. Frame data shown in (parentheses) refers to Parry Drive Rush.
* Distance:
** 0.880 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
* 0.880 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
** 2.112 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
* 2.121 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
** 3.425 (max, final DR frame)
* 3.425 (max, final {{clr|4|DR}} frame)
* See Strategy page for [[Street_Fighter_6/Akuma/Strategy#Drive_Rush|Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes]]
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| title    = Gou Hadoken
| title    = Gou Hadoken
| subtitle =
| subtitle = Lv.1 Fireball
| input    = 236P
| input    = 236P
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* Slow 1-hit projectile; '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.055
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 16~
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 4f (Super)
* Medium-speed 1-hit projectile; '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.075
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 14~
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 4f (Super)
* Fast 1-hit projectile; '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.095
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 12~
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 4f (Super)
* Fast 2-hit OD projectile; '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.095
* Has juggle potential; puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state on hit
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 12~
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 12f (Super)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Akuma's fireball is very similar to Ryu's. It can be fired at three different speeds, and functions as a strong zoning and keepaway tool. When mixed with his fast walkspeed and movement-based specials, Akuma is one of the best characters at controlling screen space. {{clr|LP|236LP}} is the safest version but has the slowest startup, while {{clr|HP|236HP}} is the fastest but most unsafe if not well-spaced.
At Lv.1, Gou Hadoken is most useful as a low-risk harassment tool. Unlike most characters, Akuma does not extend a hurtbox on his arms when throwing a projectile; this makes it very difficult to counterpoke him in neutral and forces many characters to risk a jump-in to punish his zoning. He does slightly extend a hurtbox near his feet when the fireball is active, but this will at best lead to a trade.

What makes Akuma's zoning game so threatening (in addition to his different fireball speeds) is the ability to charge them up to a stronger version. Holding the button for less than 25f (or less than 24f for the {{clr|10|OD}} version) will result in a regular Gou Hadoken with worse startup; this can still be valuable to throw off the opponent's timing, but does not improve the attack properties. When the button is released, the projectile hitbox will start up in 6 frames (4 for {{clr|10|OD}}).

======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Gou Hadoken Lv.2 (236{P})</font>======
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Charged Gou Hadoken (236{P}/236[P])</font>======
| title    = Gou Hadoken Lv.2
| title    = Charged Gou Hadoken
| subtitle =
| subtitle = Lv.2 / Lv.3 Fireball
| input    = 236{P}
| input    = 236{P} / 236[P]
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* 2-hit projectile; button must be held 25f (up to 48f)
* Button strength determines speed; '''Projectile Speed:''' {{clr|L|LP}} 0.07 / {{clr|M|MP}} 0.085 / {{clr|H|HP}} 0.105
* Projectile hitbox comes out 6f after button release; total startup 31-54f
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 13~
* Has juggle potential; puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 15f (Super)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
When Lv.2 fireball is ready, Akuma will pose with his arms outstretched, and his projectile changes to a reddish-purple color. Releasing the button too early will result in a regular Gou Hadoken, and holding it too long gives the opponent more time to react and may cause specific combos to drop (e.g. corner {{clr|H|4HK}} > 236{P} > {{clr|H|623HP}}), so it's important to learn this timing.

When zoning at mid-range, charging to a Lv.2 fireball can punish opponents who try to neutral jump on reaction, causing them to land directly on top of the projectile. However, it does leave Akuma wide open for a jump-in if used too predictably. If the opponent blocks at range, he has plenty of advantage to approach with {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} for extended pressure, or he can hang back and continue zoning.

======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Gou Hadoken Lv.3 (236[P])</font>======
In the corner, Akuma has many combo enders (e.g. {{clr|H|214HK}} or {{clr|L|214LK}} > {{clr|H|2HK}}) that allow him to set up a meaty Lv.2 fireball on the opponent's wakeup. This stuffs any {{clr|10|SA1}} on startup while giving him advantage on block or a juggle ({{clr|H|214HK}}, {{clr|H|623HP}} > {{clr|10|SA3}}, or {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} normals) on hit.
| title    = Gou Hadoken Lv.3
* 3-hit projectile (must be held 49f for full charge); '''Projectile Speed:''' {{clr|L|LP}} 0.09 / {{clr|M|MP}} 0.115 / {{clr|H|HP}} 0.145
| subtitle = Red Fireball
* Has juggle potential; puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
| input    = 236[P]
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 13~
| images  =
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 12f (Super)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
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* Fast 3-hit OD projectile (must be held 24f for full charge); '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.145
* Has juggle potential; puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 10~
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 12f (Super)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
An even stronger version of the charged fireball; each version travels much faster, but you can still vary the speed depending on which button is pressed. All versions are otherwise identical. Once the button is held for 49f, he automatically fires the Lv.3 fireball, so the timing can't be varied like the Lv.1 and Lv.2 versions. This version is very hard to use for zoning, as the opponent has plenty of time to react to the charge animation; it works best at long range when the opponent expects you to release a fast Lv.2 version, and only if they don't have good anti-zoning specials.
On block, Akuma will always have advantage, but the exact amount depends on the distance and projectile speed used. He even has advantage if the hits are all Perfect Parried. After a ranged knockdown, Akuma can time an immediate {{clr|H|Lv.2 236{HP}}} to lock the opponent down on wakeup and continue zoning. He can also advance forward with {{clr|10|236KK~236P}}, which can stuff or avoid immediate wakeup reversals. Opponents can counter this by delaying their reversal, but Akuma can also mix in {{clr|10|236KK~P}}, and it's hard to consistently distinguish between these two setups.

{{clr|10|OD Gou Hadoken}} skips directly to a fully charged version; there is no intermediate version like 236{P}. Besides the faster startup and faster travel speed, it functions almost identically to the meterless Lv.3 fireball. The higher priority makes it more useful in projectile wars, since it will go through all 2-hit {{clr|10|OD}} fireballs while retaining a hit.

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* 1-hit projectile; can be input on Forward jump only
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* Button strength determines angle and speed
** {{clr|L|LP}}: ~35°, '''Projectile Speed''' 0.04
** {{clr|M|MP}}: ~45°, '''Projectile Speed''' 0.055
** {{clr|H|HP}}: ~50°, '''Projectile Speed''' 0.075
* 3-hit OD projectile; can be input on Forward/Neutral jump
* Stationary projectile on frames 6-20 before firing (only 2 more hits if this collides with something)
* Travels downward at ~50° angle; '''Projectile Speed''' 0.075
* Puts grounded opponents into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
All versions:
* Can be input on airborne frames 9-33 (not counting 4f pre-jump); {{FKD}} until landing
* On '''HIT''' only, landing recovery after 2f~ can be canceled into anything except walk/jump (guaranteed combo)
* Puts airborne opponents into {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state (or maintains existing juggle state)
* Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
* Projectile immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
* Foot hurtbox is '''Projectile Invuln''' 1f~land; upper half of hitbox only connects on opponents mid-combo
Akuma's essential tool for safely approaching while controlling space. No other member of the cast has a move like this, allowing Akuma unique neutral opportunities. Just like the ground version, Akuma can vary his projectile speeds, making it harder to know when to attempt a counterattack. {{clr|L|LP}} is good for creating a projectile wall to keep himself safe, while {{clr|M|MP}} and {{clr|H|HP}} are better at stuffing anti-air attempts and scoring frame advantage from long range.
Akuma's advantage on hit or block varies tremendously depending on how it connects. On hit, the ability to cancel his landing recovery guarantees a follow-up of some sort even at point blank against a tall character. On block, a minimum-height Zanku can be approximately {{sf6-adv|VM|-5}} vs. tall characters or {{sf6-adv|M|-3}} vs. standard characters (or {{sf6-adv|M|-3}}/{{sf6-adv|M|-1}} for {{clr|10|OD}}); outside of this unlikely scenario, you should always assume that Akuma is extremely plus on hit or block. Interestingly, an opponent that Perfect Parries all hits of the {{clr|10|OD}} version is actually left at a disadvantage even in the best case scenario.
By stalling in the air, Akuma can cause many anti-air attacks to whiff; it can be very difficult to time an anti-air that beats both Zanku and his strong {{clr|H|j.HP}}. However, any move with anti-air invincibility (like most DP specials) can blow right throw the projectile and punish either option. If the opponent predicts the Zanku, they can even anti-air with a projectile invuln attack instead. In either case, once Akuma is hit, the threat of the projectile is eliminated.
When spaced properly against a grounded opponent, Akuma can usually {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} for additional pressure on block or a combo extension on hit. If you're unsure of the advantage, the safest option is {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|L|5LP}} > {{clr|M|214MK}}, but it's often possible to get {{clr|4|DR~}}{{clr|H|5HP}}.
Zanku Hadoken can be useful for air-to-air purposes. If it hits an opponent trying to jump out of the way, they are left in a free juggle state that Akuma may be able to capitalize on. After an air-to-air {{clr|M|j.MP}} > j.236P, Akuma can usually pick up a {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} juggle; at most spacings, this works best with {{clr|H|HP Zanku}} due to the knockback, but in the corner {{clr|L|LP Zanku}} usually works better.

{{clr|10|OD Zanku}} has 3 hits and travels very fast, though Akuma can't vary the speed or trajectory. He pauses in the air for much longer and can perform it from a neutral jump, making it easier to space safely against the opponent's anti-airs while still allowing follow-up pressure. Against opponents in the corner, this is especially deadly, as a neutral jump {{clr|10|OD Zanku}} can also stuff jump-out attempts, leading to a {{clr|H|4HK}} extension.

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| title    = Gou Shoryuken
| title    = Gou Shoryuken
| subtitle =
| subtitle = Dragon Punch
| input    = 623P
| input    = 623P
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_623pp|caption=OD followup}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_623pp|caption=OD Follow-up}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_623lp|caption=LP/MP Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_623hp|caption=HP Version (tall hitbox is juggle-only)}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=170px|akuma_623pp|caption=OD Version}}
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Anti-Air Invuln:''' 1-14f; '''Airborne''' 7-35f ({{FKD}} state); cannot hit cross-up
* 300 less damage on active frames 4-10 (high anti-air connect)
* Puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state (follow-up juggles possible after high connect)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > {{clr|10|SA3}} starter: 30% total scaling)
* '''Anti-Air Invuln:''' 1-9f; '''Airborne''' 8-42f ({{FKD}} state); cannot hit cross-up
* Puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > {{clr|10|SA3}} starter: 30% total scaling)
* '''Anti-Air Invuln:''' 1-8f; '''Airborne''' 9-52f ({{FKD}} state); cannot hit cross-up
* vs. crouch block, loses 3f advantage, 100 chip, and 2000 Drive damage
* Puts opponent into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > {{clr|10|SA3}} starter: 30% total scaling)
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-8f; '''Airborne''' 8-53f ({{FKD}} state); cannot hit cross-up
* vs. crouch block, loses 2f advantage, 75 chip, and 1250 Drive damage
* Transitions to cinematic slam on first 2 hits (active frames 1-4)
** If these hits whiff, 3rd hit connects for only 300 damage and no cinematic
Akuma's DP is not special in any particular way, being functionally identical to Ryu's in terms of stats. This makes it a good anti-air, combo ender, and defensive tool like other DP's.
{{clr|H|623HP}} is notable in that it has a SA3 cancel point, allowing it to be used as a high-damage combo ender anywhere on the screen. Akuma can go into this from {{clr|L|214LK}} > {{clr|HP|623HP}}, but this has a nasty habit of whiffing from far ranges.
OD Shoryu is unique in that it puts opponents into a hitgrab follow-up on clean hit that leaves Akuma +14. From here, he can layer in a sneaky Oboro Throw.

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| input    = 214K
| input    = 214K
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|akuma_214lk|caption=L/M/OD version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|akuma_214lk|caption=L/M/OD Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|akuma_214hk|caption=HK version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=180px|akuma_214hk|caption=HK Version}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_214lk|caption=LK Verion}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=130px|akuma_214mk|caption=MK Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|akuma_214hk|caption=HK Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=130px|akuma_214kk|caption=OD Version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=120px|akuma_214kk|2|caption=On Hit Only}}
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Airborne''' 5-27f ({{FKD}} state)
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* '''Lower Body Projectile Invuln:''' 8-38f; '''Airborne''' 5-38f ({{FKD}} state)
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* '''Airborne''' 8-72f ({{FKD}} state)
* '''Airborne''' 5-44f ({{FKD}} state)
{{clr|L|Light}} and {{clr|M|Medium}} versions will whiff on crouching opponents. Start combos with {{clr|H|5HK}} or use {{clr|M|5MK}} to force stand.
{{clr|L|Light}} and {{clr|M|Medium}} versions will whiff on crouching opponents. Start combos with {{clr|H|5HK}} or use {{clr|M|5MK}} or {{clr|H|2HP}} to force stand.
{{clr|L|214LK}} can combo into {{clr|H|623HP}} for damage or {{clr|H|2HK}} for safejump.
{{clr|L|214LK}} can combo into {{clr|H|623HP}} for damage or {{clr|H|2HK}} for a safejump.
Although more range specific, ending combos with {{clr|H|214HK}} does slightly more damage and has a few more frames of knockdown advantage than {{clr|H|623HP}}.
Both the grounded and air {{clr|10|OD}} versions cause a ground bounce that can be followed up with {{clr|L|Light}}, {{clr|M|Medium}}, or {{clr|10|OD}} Shoryuken.

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* {{FKD}} state until landing
* Applies 30% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/70/60...)
* {{FKD}} state until landing
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Can cross-up if performed from a jump over close to the ground.

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| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 17f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Akuma leans back before delivering a powerful chest strike. Use for crouching conversions if you forgot to make the opponent stand, or in the corner for additional damage.
Shifts Akuma backwards during startup. Can be used to shimmy, but can't be point blank as you will get grabbed in startup. On PC, {{clr|M|Medium}} and {{clr|H|Heavy}} versions put you {{clr|4|+10/+12}} on first hit respectively, allowing you to link to your best extensions.
When used as a DP punish starter, Akuma can link it into whatever follow-up he wants. {{Clr|H|H}} Adamant Flame is Akuma's best starter for punishing OD DP's, while {{clr|M|M}} Adamant Flame is useful for punishing wakeup Level 1 supers like Ryu's Shinku Hadouken or Luke's Vulcan Blast.
OD Adamant Flame is Akuma's metered combo extender in the corner, giving him a wallsplat with the follow-up or a cancel point into his Level 2. Notably, while the move looks incredibly unsafe, it's actually only -3, allowing Akuma to bait a reversal if he messes up a confirm. In burnout, Adamant Flame becomes plus, allowing Akuma to consistently loop it and deal excellent chip.

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{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=170px|akuma_214hp_6p|caption=HP version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=170px|akuma_214hp_6p|caption=HP version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=170px|akuma_214pp_6p|caption=OD version}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=140px|akuma_214pp_6p|caption=OD version}}
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 45-48f (Super)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 45-48f (Super)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 47-50f (Super)
* Counts as 3 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* '''Cancel Hitconfirm Window:''' 54-57f (Super)
All version count as an additional hit for combo damage and scaling. So 5HPxx214P~6P is 100/100/80.
{{clr|L|Light}} version leaves the opponent standing, useful for Raging Demon combos. Sets up a perfect strike/throw opportunity as well.
{{clr|M|Medium}} version lets you knockdown when you can't force stand on an opponent.

{{clr|H|Heavy}} version will lead to a {{clr|H|623HP}} or {{clr|H|214HK}} follow up in the corner. It count as 3 hit for scaling purposes (So 5HPxx214P~6P,623HP is 100/100/80/50). At midscreen, this version can lead into an okizeme situation with {{clr|H|236HK}}~2 chase that leaves Akuma +2 and in grab range.
{{clr|10|OD}} version wallsplats and is an important combo tool to maximize corner damage. If used as a combo starter, it counts for two hit for scaling purposes (so the next hits will be at 80/70/60 scaling etc). If used mid-combo, it doesn't. OD follow-up also has incredible corner carry- if used before a launch, it can wallsplat from slightly further than midscreen. Akuma can follow this up with a Drive Rush {{clr|H|5HK}} or {{clr|H|5P}} to extend the combo further, both of which can lead into any tatsu or DP for an ender.

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* '''Airborne''' 7-45f ({{FKD}} state); Counter-hit state for entire duration
* '''Airborne''' 7-45f ({{FKD}} state); Counter-hit state for entire duration
Akuma's signature "demon flip". A command jump that leaves Akuma airborne and has four possible follow-ups: an overhead, a divekick, a sweep, and a feint.
Each button strength changes Akuma's approach angle. {{clr|L|LK}} leaves him at one character length away, {{clr|M|MK}} puts him about halfscreen, and {{clr|H|HK}} sends him fullscreen. Akuma is airbone for at minimum 33f before he can commit to a follow-up, making this a much faster jump than the standard 45f. That said, Akuma can still be anti-aired on reaction, as any DP will cut through his follow-ups.

When Akuma uses Demon Raid, he puts the opponent in an RPS. Either they can hold Drive Parry to defuse the incoming three-way mixup, or Akuma can land and PC Throw them. Each follow-up can leave Akuma plus, making this a fairly skewed situation in his favor. As Akuma can cancel into this special from any special cancelable button, he can blitz his opponents quite quickly. At midscreen, Akuma can use the varied angles of Demon Raid to create fairly ambiguous cross-ups, potentially leading opponents to whiff their anti-air.
OD Demon Raid causes Akuma to track to the opponent's location at the same speed, making it an effective tool for calling out fullscreen zoning. As well, he gains two additional follow-ups: Demon Gou Zankou and Demon Gou Rasen, both of which can call out opponent's attempts to anti-air Demon Raid. The former even gives Akuma a combo on hit, making it very effective.

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Akuma's low follow-up from Demon Raid. Not particularly useful as a mixup option, as it has by far the longest startup.

Best used as a fullscreen tool for getting in by Demon Raiding ''in front'' of the opponent and sweeping instead of ''on top of them.'' The sweep leaves Akuma plus and knocks down on hit, allowing Akuma to apply further pressure either way.

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* {{FKD}} state until landing
* {{FKD}} state until landing
Akuma's overhead follow-up from Demon Raid. A very valuable and powerful move with multiple functions.

Generally not useful as a mixup tool, but knocks down on hit and does sizeable damage anyways. Very valuable as a pressure tool as it leaves Akuma quite plus and right in front of the opponent. This means the move can be used as a meterless pressure reset anywhere on the screen. In the corner, {{clr|H|236HK}}~P can dodge over reversal attempts if delayed, while leaving Akuma plus if it lands.
Lastly, Demon Guillotine immediately cuts all of Akuma's forward momentum from Demon Raid, similar to Cammy's Silent Step or Kimberly's Elbow Drop. This can be used to bait DPs and land to punish them.

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| hitboxes =
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| info    =
* {{FKD}} state until landing
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* {{FKD}} state until landing
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Akuma's divekick follow-up out of Demon Raid. Very useful for punishing fireballs, and depending on landing height, can leave Akuma either plus or safe. Like other divekicks, the closer the attack lands to the opponent's feet, the more advantage Akuma will have. The angle of the divekick can be changed depending on button strength- {{clr|L|LK}} sends Akuma nearly straight down, while {{clr|M|MK}} and {{clr|H|HK}} send Akuma down and forward at more obtuse angles.
Generally, Demon Guillotine is better for corner pressure, mostly leaving this as a mobility and anti-fireball tool. It's important to synchronize Akuma's Demon Raid strength with the divekick strength to optimally punish fireballs. Generally, {{clr|MK|236MK~MK}} is best for punishing fireballs if you're at jump-in range, while {{clr|HK|236HK~HK}} is best for fullscreen zoning.

As the frame advantage changes on the divekick and angle selected, it can be tricky to know how to combo. Generally, Punish Counters will leave Akuma between +5 and +9, giving him a guaranteed {{clr|LP|5LP}} follow-up.

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| hitboxes =
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| info    =
* {{FKD}} state until landing
* {{FKD}} state until landing
An option new to SF6; by simply holding down during Demon Raid, Akuma lands and does not perform a follow-up, recovering faster.

Useful as a tool to bait reactions from opponents trying to interrupt Demon Raid, to quickly land and throw opponents attempting to Drive Parry the Demon Raid follow-ups, or as a mixup by landing and attacking with a quick low such as {{clr|L|2LK}}.

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* {{FKD}} state until landing
* '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.075

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| info    =
* {{FKD}} state until landing
* Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Line 892: Line 1,112:
Akuma's classic "teleport" returns, but with no invincibility. Akuma quickly travels forwards or backwards and will pass through opponents during traversal.
Can be used as a situational movement option, such as after a midscreen {{clr|10|214PP~6P}} to quickly reach the corner. The pass through can sometimes cause an opponent's attack to whiff on the side Akuma was traveling from, possibly creating a punish opportunity.
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Oboro Throw (6KKK~LPLK)</font>======
======<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Oboro Throw (6KKK~LPLK)</font>======
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A tricky but slow and short ranged command grab from Ashura Senku.

Can sometimes be effective at calling out opponents using Drive Parry after conditioning with fireball spam. Or as a tricky meaty option from high frame advantage knockdowns such as {{clr|H|623HP}} or {{clr|H|214HK}} in the corner, where the animation for Ashura Senku is not as obvious.

== Super Arts ==
== Super Arts ==
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* '''Strike/Throw Invuln:''' 1-14f; Armor Break
* 5-hit Super-priority projectile; '''Projectile speed:''' 0.12
* Can be used while {{clr|10|OD}} projectile are on-screen
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 0.5 bars (hit) / 0.25 bars (block)
* 30% minimum damage scaling
Akuma's classic fireball super returns as his level 1. Very similar to Ryu's Level 1: Shinku Hadoken, trading slightly higher base damage for slower startup. Like other projectile supers, the priority system allows this super to destroy all other non-super projectiles. Can be performed while {{clr|10|OD Gou Hadoken}} is also on-screen, which combined with Akuma's ability to charge his non-super fireball, can create punish opportunities against jumping opponents, or those attempting to force a fireball war.
The best confirms into this super are from any combo ending with {{clr|L|214LK}}, or from a raw {{clr|10|236PP}} hit at most ranges (though the timing seems to get stricter closer to midscreen).

Unlike Gou Hadoken, this super does not have varying projectile speeds and cannot be charged. When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent, be aware that all characters except Dhalsim, Lily, and Zangief can jump to avoid a raw {{clr|10|SA1}} fireball after the Super freeze. Additionally, Dhalsim can avoid it with Teleport while Zangief can react with a meterless Lariat, so only Lily can be chipped out this way without canceling from a normal first. Her only hope of escape is her {{clr|10|SA2}}, but even this doesn't always work since Akuma doesn't extend a hurtbox on startup.

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| info    =
| info    =
* {{FKD}} state until landing; leg hurtbox is '''Projectile Invuln''' 1f~land
* 5-hit Super-priority projectile; can be input during Forward/Neutral jump
* Travels downward at ~45° angle; '''Projectile Speed:''' 0.075
* Can be used while {{clr|10|OD}} projectile are on-screen
* 10f extra landing recovery on block/whiff (crouching state during final recovery frame)
* KD advantage varies depending on angle and distance from opponent; puts airborne opponents into {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state
* Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
* Projectile immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
* Applies 10% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; applies an extra 5% damage scaling to next attack when comboed into
* 30% minimum damage scaling

Line 951: Line 1,193:
| input    = 214214P
| input    = 214214P
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=170px|akuma_214214p|caption=''' "Flames of ruin!" '''}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-11f; Armor Break
* 2f startup when canceled from {{clr|10|214PP}}/{{clr|10|214PP~6P}}
* Wallsplat if opponent reaches corner (unless {{clr|10|214PP~6P}} wallsplat occurred earlier in combo)
** This wallsplat resets the opponent's juggle counter and allows unique juggle starters similar to {{clr|4|Drive Impact}}
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
* Applies 40% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 4 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
* 40% minimum damage scaling
Akuma attacks with an explosive flaming palm strike, sending the opponent tumbling nearly a full screen away. Only performs a single strike on whiff or block, but enters a cinematic on hit that can lead to a wallsplat combo near the corner. Works well as a reversal, and with good reactions it can be used as an anti-projectile tool from inside half screen.
The extension of choice is {{clr|H|4HK}} > 236K~K, {{clr|H|214HK}}. Due to the heavy post-super damage scaling, it is usually not worth spending further resources, unless the extension is sure to kill. [[Street_Fighter_6/Akuma/Combos#SA2_Extensions|See here]] for more info.

When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent with a raw {{clr|10|SA2}}, they will not be able to jump away. Without an invincible Super, only Dhalsim (Teleport) and JP (Amnesia) can avoid the chip.

Line 967: Line 1,219:
| input    = 236236K
| input    = 236236K
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=140px|akuma_236236k|caption=''' "" '''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=140px|akuma_236236k|caption=''' "Weaklings must perish!" '''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=140px|akuma_236236k(ca)|caption= Critical Art adds 500 more damage}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=140px|akuma_236236k(ca)|caption= Critical Art adds 500 more damage}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=140px|akuma_236236k|caption= Critical Art adds 500 more damage}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=200px|akuma_236236k|caption= Critical Art adds 500 more damage}}
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-11f; Armor Break
* 2f startup when canceled from 623P/214P/214P~6P
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1.5 bars (hit) / 0.75 bars (block)
** Cinematic time regenerates ~1.9 Drive bars for Akuma
* 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-11f; Armor Break
* Available at 25% HP or below
* 2f startup when canceled from 623P/214P/214P~6P
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 2 bars (hit) / 1 bar (block)
** Cinematic time regenerates ~2.3 Drive bars for Akuma
* 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
Akuma unleashes a powerful palm strike, leading to a cinematic on hit. Overall a fairly standard Level 3 Super, with limited use outside of a high damage combo ender. Like {{clr|10|SA2}} it can work as an expensive reversal, though the shorter range makes it a bit less effective against projectiles. The vertical hitbox reaches high enough to anti-air most jumps outside of cross-up range, though it can whiff under some attacks that alter air trajectory.
The cancel option of choice is {{clr|L|LP Gou Shoryuken}}, which front-loads all its damage into a single hit. The {{clr|M|MP}} and {{clr|H|HP}} versions distribute their damage among multiple hits, which weakens the cancel. Unfortunately, Akuma is not always in range for {{clr|L|623LP}} to connect during midscreen juggles. In some low-scaling combos (like a single button into {{clr|L|LK Tatsu}}), it can actually be better to skip the cancel and juggle directly to {{clr|10|SA3}}. 214P~6P is also a good starter to cancel from, especially on a midscreen grounded combo.

- 2 frame startup when cancelled into from Gou Shoryuken
On hit, the opponent is left close enough for Akuma to pressure with {{clr|4|Drive Rush}} into pressure or a throw; the timing on a throw is a bit strict to beat wakeup 4f normals, though it's slightly easier after a {{clr|10|CA}} knockdown. For a cheaper option, microwalk {{clr|H|6HP}} is safe, beats 4f normals, and can be hitconfirmed into its Target Combo follow-ups. Going for a gimmicky Teleport into Oboro Throw can easily lose to wakeup buttons, but can work against opponents looking out for Akuma's many approach options.
When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent with a raw {{clr|10|SA3}}, they will not be able to jump away. Without an invincible Super, only Dhalsim (Teleport) and JP (Amnesia) can avoid the chip.

Line 988: Line 1,254:
| input    = LP~LP~6LK~HP
| input    = LP~LP~6LK~HP
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_lp_lp_6lk_hp(ca)|caption=''"DIE ONE THOUSAND DEATHS!"''}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
| info    =
| info    =
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1f; '''Projectile Invuln:''' 6-27f
** Can be hit out of startup after meter is already spent
* Available at 25% HP or below
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 2 bars (hit)
** Cinematic time regenerates ~2.3 Drive bars for Akuma
* 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
Akuma's secret weapon, the iconic Raging Demon. A 0f after the superflash at minimum range, comboable, travelling, high damage command grab. Does a preposterous '''4700''' damage on raw hit. If it will KO, Akuma will recite a poem during the attack: "Usurp the heavens, embrace the sorrow, become the demon!"
Shun Goku Satsu can only be used when Akuma is in CA state, making it a last resort. It immediately makes him threatening even if he's on the back foot, but the move cannot be used as a reversal thanks to the odd input. As well, opponents can jump the super upon seeing the cinematic animation that signals it, making in unwise to use in the midrange. Instead, canceling into it from a Drive Rush or on hit is key to using it.

The move is also projectile invincible, allowing Akuma to zoot through projectiles and punish their use. Again, this is unwise outside of being a direct callout.
Line 1,024: Line 1,299:
| info    =
| info    =
* Triggers proximity guard on frames ?-? (prevents opponent from walking back)
* Triggers proximity guard on frames 107-570 (prevents opponent from walking back)
* Special dialogue if opponent jumps over Akuma
** "Hmph... you are a disgrace."

Line 1,034: Line 1,311:
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=160px|akuma_4pppkkk|caption= '' "You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare." ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=160px|akuma_4pppkkk|caption= '' "You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare." ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_4pppkkk_2pppkkk|caption= '' "I'm satiated." ''
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_4pppkkk|caption= '' "You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare." ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_4pppkkk|caption= '' "You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare." ''}}
| info    =
| info    =
* Inputting 2PPPKKK while he turns his head back will trigger a unique extended taunt, once completed Akuma will gain access to two Hidden Super Arts and one Hidden Special Move.
* Inputting 2PPPKKK (Down Taunt) on frames 592-628 (when Akuma turns his head) triggers am extended taunt
* 1790f total
* Akuma gains Super Art gauge while eating:
** 1/2 bar on frame 931 and 1129
** 1 bar on frame 1353
** 1 bar on frame 1604 (becomes Shin Akuma)
* Remains in Shin Akuma state even if hit during recovery after frame 1604
* Shin Akuma gains access to a new special move and 2 new Level 2 Super Arts:
** [[#Double_Zanku_Hadoken_(j.214PP)|Double Zanku Hadoken]]
** [[#Level_2_Super_(214214K)|Misogi]]
** [[#Level_2_Super_(22PPP)|Kongou-Kokuretsuzan]]

Line 1,047: Line 1,337:
| input    = 2PPPKKK
| input    = 2PPPKKK
| images  =
| images  =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_2pppkkk|caption= '' " 滅 " ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|imageHeight=200px|akuma_2pppkkk|caption= '' "滅 (Metsu!)" ''}}
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_2pppkkk|caption= '' "" ''}}
{{MoveDataCargoImage|hitbox=yes|imageHeight=160px|akuma_2pppkkk|caption= '' "滅 (Metsu!)" ''}}
| info    =
| info    =
Line 1,064: Line 1,354:
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
| info    =
| info    =
* Only accessible after performing secret taunt input.
* Only accessible as Shin Akuma after [[#Back_Taunt_(4PPPKKK)|Secret Taunt]]
* Can only be performed from a forward jump.
* Two consecutive 1-hit projectiles that travel downward at ~45° angle; '''Projectile Speed''' 0.04 (1st) / 0.055 (2nd)
* Projectiles immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
* Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
* Can be performed during Forward Jump on airborne frames 9-33 (not counting 4f pre-jump); {{FKD}} until landing
* On '''HIT''' only, landing recovery after 2f~ can be canceled into anything except walk/jump (guaranteed combo)
* Puts airborne opponents into {{sf6-jug|free juggle}} state (or maintains existing juggle state)
* Foot hurtbox is '''Projectile Invuln''' 1f~land; upper half of hitbox only connects on opponents mid-combo
* Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Powered up version of [[#Zanku_Hadoken_(j.236P)|Zanku Hadoken]] (see move entry for a more general overview of how the attack is used).

Akuma's advantage on hit or block varies tremendously depending on how it connects, but he always has advantage unless the opponent Perfect Parries, and a guaranteed combo on hit. On block, a minimum-height Double Zanku can be approximately {{sf6-adv|VP|+5}} vs. tall characters or {{sf6-adv|VP|+7}} vs. standard characters; in more realistic scenarios, his frame advantage is significantly higher.

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| info    =
| info    =
* Only accessible after performing secret taunt input.
* 2-bar Super Art; only accessible as Shin Akuma after [[#Back_Taunt_(4PPPKKK)|Secret Taunt]]
* Costs 2 bars to perform.
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-11f; Armor Break
* Cannot be canceled into from {{clr|10|OD Specials}}
* Startup is functionally 9f on grounded opponents (10f vs. standard-height crouchers)
* 3f less recovery on whiff or vs. Perfect Parry; 2f more recovery vs. airborne opponents
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
* 40% minimum damage scaling
Shin Akuma teleports above the opponent's location and slams down with an incredibly fast attack. Easily the best anti-projectile move in the game, as well as a strong anti-air and reversal. The opponent crumples forward on hit; this is mostly cosmetic, since Akuma's recovery is far too slow to allow a juggle. He can forward dash to chase down a midscreen Back Rise for oki, though the timing to land a throw against a reversal 4f normal is quite strict.

Jumps are out of the question once Shin Akuma has this Super stocked; an opponent neutral jumping from full-screen can be anti-aired just as easily as if they were right in front of him. If Shin Akuma does hit an opponent out of the air, he gets much less knockdown advantage and will not get oki outside the corner.
Due to the speed and hitbox, this move is usually unavoidable as a chip-out tool against opponents in Burnout unless they have a Super with significant invincibility. Dhalsim's grounded teleport and JP's Amnesia are the only meterless moves that can avoid it. Despite the animation, this is not considered an airborne attack, so moves with anti-air invincibility cannot be used as a counter.

Line 1,098: Line 1,406:
| hitboxes =
| hitboxes =
| info    =
| info    =
* Only accessible after performing secret taunt input.
* 2-bar Super Art; only accessible as Shin Akuma after [[#Back_Taunt_(4PPPKKK)|Secret Taunt]]
* Costs 2 bars to perform.
* '''Full Invuln:''' 1-11f; Armor Break
* 9-hit Super projectile that extends up beyond the top of the screen
* Cannot be canceled into from {{clr|10|OD Specials}}
* Puts opponents into {{sf6-jug|limited juggle}} state
* '''Drive Gauge Depletion:''' 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
* 40% minimum damage scaling
Shin Akuma summons an enormous projectile pillar that hits in front, behind, and above him. An incredible reversal, anti-air, and juggle ender. It's technically possible (but impractical) to get a follow-up juggle on a very high opponent.

Latest revision as of 03:56, 29 June 2024


A demon of combat that has welcomed the Satsui no Hado into his being in his quest to become the ultimate master of the fist.

Akuma has an incredibly versatile toolkit, with strong, far-reaching normals and a high walkspeed to control space, multiple projectiles to force or shield an approach, and incredible corner carry to force his foes into the most dangerous of situations. He's especially good at maintaining his advantageous positions, with certain knockdowns leading to a potentially rewarding vortex that can loop back into itself. All this is counterbalanced by his lower health, a massive drawback that makes each mistake that much more costly and forces him to use each tool in his arsenal wisely to avoid inviting his own destruction.

While Akuma has the traditional shoto toolkit (fireball, DP, tatsu, shoto normals), he puts his own dark spin on them, encouraging peerless aggression. His Gou Hadoken has three vastly different speeds it can be fired at, and can be charged for additional hits. His fireball also has a unique air version called Zanku Hadoken, which can be used to counter DP attempts or set up for continued pressure. His Gou Shoryuken acts as a great combo ender and anti-air, with an OD version that leaves opponents close on hit. His Tatsumaki Zanku-kyaku goes through fireballs like Ryu's, but the heavy version goes into the air, allowing him to cruelly punish bad jumpins. What really sets Akuma apart from the other shotos is his signature Demon Raid. Upon pressing this special, Akuma leaps into the air and can perform a series of followups. He has an overhead, a low, and a divekick, and each option can leave Akuma plus. If opponents try to parry through the followups, Akuma can always call this out by landing and throwing them for a Punish Counter Throw. Demon Raid is an incredible special for allowing Akuma to get his gameplan started, and the OD version even allows Akuma to throw a fireball and counter attempts to stuff his approach. While Demon Raid is strong, it can be easily anti-aired on reaction, requiring Akuma to be very considerate with where he unleashes it.

In the neutral, Akuma leverages his shoto normals of 2MK, 5HP and 5LP/5LK to control space. His fast walkspeed and strong pokes give him a dominating neutral presence. He also has some strong command normals for counterpoking, including the powerful 6MK snap kick and 6HP lunging punch. Once he's gotten you in the corner, Akuma excels at a diverse and threatening offense. He has many ways to be plus, including his 5MP and 5HK, though the latter can be ducked and punished. Akuma can use his new Adamant Flame special to set up shimmys and crush your opponent's Drive Gauge. Successful hits can be brutally effective, as Akuma's combo game is very strong with excellent juggle points OD special extensions. His devastating Empyrean's End Level 2 super leads to combo extensions, and his Level 3 is easy to combo into, allowing him to pile on the damage. On top of all of this, Akuma also has an alternate CA called Shun Goku Satsu, a 0f comboable command grab that deals incredible damage when it connects. Truly, Akuma is the master of violence.

Akuma's low vitality is a genuine concern in this game, as he has 9000 health compared to the standard 10,000. This might not seem like a lot, but it is a noticeable con, as Akuma can be two-touched by most of the cast. While opponents may fear his rewarding and dominating offense, Akuma carries much risk in basic play. Opponents who find an opening or make a specific read can punish Akuma harder than anyone else in the cast, especially if they have a Level 3 charged up. Akuma lives and dies by the mastery of the person playing him. If you can pilot him well, he will reward your efforts tenfold. If you like offense-oriented characters and can stay calm on the razor's edge, then embrace the demon with Akuma.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Strong pressure options, with many ways to be plus
  • Controlling neutral with long-reaching strikes and fast walkspeed
  • Being able to both zone and quickly approach
  • A diverse but still accessible kit, with good options for every situation
  • Having less health than the rest of the cast

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern Akuma
Missing Normals
  • Crouching Medium Punch (2MP)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Medium Kick (j.MK)
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (j.HK)
Missing Command Normals
  • Skull Splitter (6MP)
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Adamant Flame (4S)
    • Medium/OD Only
    • Adamant Flame Follow-Up is (4S~6S or 6X)
  • Demon Raid (2S)
    • Medium/OD Only
    • Demon Low Slash is (2S~No Input)
    • Demon Guillotine is (2S~S)
    • Demon Blade Kick is (2S~X)
    • Demon Swoop is (2S~[2])
    • Demon Gou Zanku is (2A[S]~A[S])
    • Demon Gou Rasen is (2A[S]~A[X])
Assist Combos
  • A[L~L]: 5LK ~ HP Gou Hadoken
  • A[M~M~M~M~M]: Viscera Piercer (5MP~MP) ~ OD Adamant Flame ~ Level 2 Super
    • On burnout it will use Viscera Piercer (5MP~MP) ~ M Adamant Flame
  • A[H~H~H~H~H]: 5HK ~ 5MK ~ OD Tatsumaki Zanku-kyaku ~ M Gou Shoryuken ~ Level 3 Super
    • On burnout it will use 5HK ~ 5MK ~ H Gou Shoryuken ~ Level 3 Super
Miscellaneous Changes
  • 2L is 2LK but switches to 2LP if chained into
    • 2LP is unavailable outside of chains

SF6 Akuma Portrait.png
Life Points 9000
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.052
Backward Walk Speed 0.036
Forward Dash Speed 19
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.352
Backward Dash Distance 0.923
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw) 0.880
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block) 2.121
Drive Rush Max Distance 3.425
Jump Speed 4+38+3
Jump Apex 2.115
Forward Jump Distance 1.90
Backward Jump Distance 1.52
Throw Range 0.8
Throw Hurtbox 0.33
Frame Data Glossary - SF6
Hitbox Images

🟥 (Red): Attack hitbox

  • Appears pink for Throw hitboxes

🟩 (Green): Vulnerable hurtbox that can be hit by strikes/projectiles

  • If a move's hitbox and hurtbox overlap, the colors blend to appear orange

🟦 (Blue): Vulnerable throw hurtbox

  • Will be thrown if Pink throw hitbox touches Blue throw hurtbox


How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Hitconfirm Windows

Hitconfirm reaction windows into Special Moves, Target Combos, and Super Arts.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel one attack into another attack on reaction
    • e.g. most cancelable 2MKs have a 13 frame window to cancel into a Special/Super on reaction, making them nearly impossible to hitconfirm
  • Counts from the first frame the attack connects until the final cancelable frame
    • Visual effects like hitsparks and HP drain do not actually occur until frame 2; the first frame is still counted to keep the numbers consistent with previous games, and because it is technically possible to start reacting to the character's reeling animation on frame 1
  • If a Target Combo is cancelable into another attack, the hitconfirm window will include the entire sequence starting from the first hit
    • If there is a frame gap on block between hits of the TC, the hitconfirm window may also be included for just the followup hit
    • Some sequences like Ken's 5MP~HP TC may have a range of values listed (43f~47f). In this example, inputting 5MP~HP at its usual timing gives a 43f hitconfirm into a Special/Super. Delaying the chain into HP gives more total time for the final hitconfirm.


Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.

Damage Scaling

Some moves cause additional damage scaling in combos. Refer to Game Data page for a more detailed breakdown.

Scaling Types:

  • Starter: When a move begins the combo, the next attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Ryu 2MK (20% Starter) > Hadoken: Hadoken is at 80% damage scaling
  • Combo: When a move is comboed into, the next attack is scaled by X percent or X number of hits
    • e.g. Ryu 2HP > OD High Blade Kick (2-Hit Combo Scaling) > Shoryuken: Shoryuken is at 70% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [skip 80%] > 70%)
    • e.g. Cammy 5HP > OD Spiral Arrow (5% Combo Scaling) > Cannon Spike: Cannon Spike is at 75% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [80-5 = 75%])
  • Immediate: When a move is comboed into, this attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Drive Impact Crumple (20% Starter) > Throw (20% Immediate): Throw is at 60% damage scaling
  • Multiplier: A damage scaling multiplier applies after Perfect Parry (50%) and mid-combo Drive Rush (15%). Any hits in the combo continue their usual damage scaling, but reduced by these amounts. These can bring the minimum scaling below the usual 10%, and they stack with each other; as a result, the minimum scaling can reach 4% using a long Drive Rush combo after Perfect Parry.
  • Minimum Scaling: The lowest damage scaling that can be applied to an attack. Super Art Level 1/2/3 generally has 30%/40%/50% minimum scaling respectively. This ensures the attack will still do reasonable damage even at the end of a heavily scaled combo.

Drive Rush Cancel Advantage

Refers to the frame advantage when canceling a normal, command normal, or Target Combo into Drive Rush on hit or block (abbreviated as DRC for Drive Rush Cancel). This is calculated at the moment a follow-up attack can be input, not at the moment the character can block or perform movement options. An attack that with DRC +8 on Hit can link into an 8-frame attack, and DRC +4 on Block can create a true blockstring into a 4-frame attack.

Note that any DRC on Block worse than +4 cannot form a true blockstring, allowing the opponent to interrupt with an invincible reversal. Most light normals are slightly negative after a DRC on block, meaning the opponent can mash their fastest normal to guarantee a counter-hit (though this requires fast reactions). The attacking character could punish this with Light > DRC into an immediate invincible attack, but this would be an incredibly expensive and high-risk gambit.

Forced Knockdown

Most airborne command normals, special moves, and Super Arts put the user in a "Forced Knockdown" state. While in this state, an air knockdown will occur when being hit by any attack, even if it would otherwise cause an air reset.

As an example, Ryu's 2HP causes an air reset when used as an anti-air. Against a move like Cammy's Hooligan Combination, however, the 2HP puts her into an air knockdown state. This allows Ryu to successfully cancel 2HP into Shoryuken for a juggle, similar to how a Drive Impact wall splat works. Taking advantage of Forced Knockdown juggles is important for dealing with moves like Ken's Dragonlash, Dhalsim's Air Teleport, or Kimberly's 6HK~Hop sequence.

Moves that already cause an air knockdown, like most j.MP air-to-airs, will not display the "Forced Knockdown" message.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit ≥ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value ≥ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be ≥ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 ≥ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.


Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
SF6 Classic.png 5LP
SF6 Modern.png 5L
SF6 Akuma 5lp.png
SF6 Akuma 5lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 3 7 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +4 oH / -1 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Standing Medium Punch
SF6 Akuma 5mp.png
SF6 Akuma 5mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 4 11 Sp SA TC 600 LH +4 +1
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +9 oH / +6 oB

Akuma's main pressure normal aside from his light normals. Plus on block and frame traps into said lights. Comes with a TC attached for combos.

On counter-hit be linked into 5MP~MP TC at point blank range for extra damage. At longer ranges can be linked into 2MP (whiff at max range) and 5LK to be safer on block for less damage. It may be more practical to use 5MP~MP TC and cancel into 236P for safety instead.

Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 Akuma 5hp.png
SF6 Akuma 5hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 5 18 Sp SA 800 LH +3 -3
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 19f
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after 3rd active frame
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +14 oH / +8 oB

Long reaching, special cancelable and fast shoto-style 5HP. Very easy for Akuma to bully opponents with, especially considering his swift walk speed.

Most reliable damage cancel is 214HP and 214PP in the corner. 214HP will be blocked if canceled even 1f too late (needs to come out after 3rd active frame). It can also combo into 214HK tatsu, but this will whiff at further ranges.

On Punish Counter links into 5MK at close range.

Standing Light Kick
SF6 Akuma 5lk.png
SF6 Akuma 5lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 11 Sp SA 300 LH +2 -4
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
    • DR cancel is delayed until after active frames
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +4 oH / -2 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Notable as Akuma's farthest reaching light button, while also being special cancellable. Great for whiff punishing due to its long range and fast start up.

Standing Medium Kick
SF6 Akuma 5mk.png
SF6 Akuma 5mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 5 15 Sp SA TC 700 LH +3 -3
  • Forces stand on hit
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (only 15f to confirm TC without Counter-hit)
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +13 oH / +7 oB

A solid pressure button for Akuma due to being disjointed. At -3, Akuma can use this to keep his opponent locked down in the corner from a good distance away. That said, 2MP has longer reach and is 0 on block, making that the preferable option for pressure.

Has a force stand property, which makes this an important combo tool to cancel into 214LK and 214MK. 2MK > DR 5MK will force opponents standing while giving enough time to confirm into 5MP~MP target combo.

Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 Akuma 5hk.png
SF6 Akuma 5hk 2.png
SF6 Akuma 5hk hitbox.png
SF6 Akuma 5hk 2 hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13(24) 3(8)4 15(16) - 400x2 LH +7 +3(-13)
  • Second hit can be ducked if the first hit is blocked.
    • Ducking the second hit leaves Akuma -13.
  • Forces stand on hit
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

A very strange but powerful button. Akuma sweeps outwards with two kicks. If both hits connect, then Akuma is left +3 to continue pressure. However, the second hit can be ducked, leaving Akuma at -13 and ready to be punished. While the button has no cancel options, Akuma is plus enough on normal hit to link into his 5MP~MP target combo.

Akuma move forwards when this button is pressed, allowing him to tag opponents at surprisingly long ranges. As it forces standing on hit, this is Akuma's go-to Drive Rush button when he lands a 5HP.

This move has weird properties when used in an air hit. Akuma can juggle opponents with both hits and can sometimes follow-up with a special move (such as his Shoryuken) for an ender, but since the move has no cancel points it's harder for him to cancel into it.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
SF6 Akuma 2lp.png
SF6 Akuma 2lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 2 9 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +5 -1
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
    • DR cancel is delayed until after active frames
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +5 oH / -1 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)
  • Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-5 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air

Important combo and confirm tool. Has the most advantage on hit out of Akuma's grounded light buttons, linking naturally into 5LK for light confirms. This also makes it the light button of choice from a Drive Rush combo, as it easily combos into 2HP to force standing for L or M Tatsu.

Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 Akuma 2mp.png
SF6 Akuma 2mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 3 14 Sp SA 600 LH +6 -1
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 16f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +13 oH / +6 oB
  • Topmost hurtbox on frames 1-8 is vulnerable only to aerial attacks, preventing its use as an anti-air

Similar to Luke's 2MP, this button is incredible with a disjointed hitbox. While it's not +oB, it is extremely +oH, linking into itself at mid range.

Most reliable cancel is into 214MP~6P. Cancel into 236LP for spacing and 214HK at point blank range. Cancel into 214PP~6P in the corner for wallsplat extensions.

On CH can combo into 5MK for optimal combos or 2MK at max range if the former would whiff. On CH can also cancel into 214HP

On PC can combo into 5HP making this a great shimmy button. At max range when whiff punishing, can cancel directly into 214HP~6P

In DR can link into 5HP too.

Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 Akuma 2hp.png
SF6 Akuma 2hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 8 19 Sp SA 900 LH 0 -8
  • Forces stand on hit
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +17 oH / +9 oB

Another button that forces stand so you can confirm into your various Tatsus. Great combo filler due to the high damage and it cancels to almost any special.

Crouching Light Kick
SF6 Akuma 2lk.png
SF6 Akuma 2lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 2 10 Chn 200 L +3 -3
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Akuma's fastest low, and a mixup option from Demon Raid feints or from a Drive Rush, the latter being able to link into 5MK on normal hit for combos.

Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 Akuma 2mk.png
SF6 Akuma 2mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 19 Sp SA 500 L +1 -6
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 13f
    • Special/DR cancel is delayed until after active frames
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +11 oH / +4 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 Akuma 2hk.png
SF6 Akuma 2hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 23(29) - 900 L HKD +32 -12

Sweep. Has some juggle potential, and can be used as a combo ender after 214LK, which gives you incredible oki or even a safe jump.

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
SF6 Akuma jlp.png
SF6 Akuma jlp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 10 3 land - 300 H +4(+9) 0(+5)

Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 Akuma jmp.png
SF6 Akuma jmp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 4 3 land Sp SA1 700 H +9(+11) +5(+7)

Akuma's prime air to air button. Allows for air to ground conversions by using j.214KK, j.236P series, or Air Level 1 Super.

Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 Akuma jhp.png
SF6 Akuma jhp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 6 3 land - 800 H +8(+15) +4(+11)

Jumping Light Kick
SF6 Akuma jlk.png
SF6 Akuma jlk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 10 3 land - 300 H +5(+10) +1(+6)

Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 Akuma jmk.png
SF6 Akuma jmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 6 3 land - 500 H +8(+13) +4(+9)

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 Akuma jhk.png
SF6 Akuma jhk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 6 3 land - 800 H +9(+15) +5(+11)

Command Normals

Skull Splitter
SF6 Akuma 6mp.png
SF6 Akuma 6mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Skull Splitter
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 1(1)3 18 - 200,400 H,H +3 -1

Akuma's overhead to start his offense. Has good range.

DR 6MP links into 2MP or 5MK, the latter link being very important becauses it forces stand as this move is very likely to hit them crouching, allowing Akuma to combo into 214LK.

Resso Snap Kick
Toe Kick
SF6 Akuma 6mk.png
SF6 Akuma 6mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Resso Snap Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 15(18) - 700 LH +5 -4

A solid poking normal with great range, but little reward on hit. On Punish Counter notably links into 2HK for a knockdown, or Level 2 Super for a potential combo near the corner, however these have a tendency to whiff near the kick's max range.

SF6 Akuma 6hp.png
SF6 Akuma 6hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 4 20 TC 800 LH +4 -3
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 20f (TC)

Akuma steps forward while punching, making this button one of his farthest reaching pokes. Hitconfirms into 6HP~6HK target combo.

Due to scaling, 6HP is the preferred link in DRC over 5HK.

Rago High Kick
SF6 Akuma 4hk.png
SF6 Akuma 4hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Rago High Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 5 27 Sp SA 800 LH KD +47 -15
  • Puts airborne opponents into limited juggle state
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 19f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: KD +69 oH / +7 oB
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

A very rewarding anti-air and combo filler button. Forces limited juggle on hit, allowing Akuma to combo further. In the corner, the usual extension is 4HK > Level 2 fireball > H Shoryu or Tatsu, but you can also do 4HK > 236K~K > H Shoryu or Tatsu for slightly less damage.

When used as an anti-air, 4HK is very slow but highly rewarding. Since it can be special canceled, Akuma can get strong midscreen conversions. An example is 4HK > Level 2 fireball > Parry Drive Rush > 5HK > M Tatsu.

Tenmaku Blade Kick
SF6 Akuma j2mk.png
SF6 Akuma j2mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Tenmaku Blade Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 until land 7(13) land - 800 LH +1(+11) -4(+6)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

A situational divekick that can only be performed during a forward jump. Has a very steep angle, similar to 236K~LK. Like other divekicks, the closer the attack lands to the opponent's feet, the more advantage Akuma will have. Oddly enough, has exactly one more frame of advantage than 236K~K, on both block and hit at all spacings.

Target Combos

Viscera Piercer
SF6 Akuma 5mp mp.png
SF6 Akuma 5mp mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Viscera Piercer
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 21 Sp SA 700 LH -1 -6
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 38f
  • Drive Rush cancel advantage: +13 oH / +8 oB
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Bone Crusher Axe Kick
SF6 Akuma 5mk hk.png
SF6 Akuma 5mk hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Bone Crusher Axe Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 20 - 600 H +1 -3
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Somewhat sneaky, safe on block overhead. Has situational use during combos; causes a ground bounce on hit if opponent is in a juggleable state.

Kikoku Combination
SF6 Akuma 6hp 6hp.png

SF6 Akuma 6hp 6hp hk.png
SF6 Akuma 6hp 6hp hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma 6hp 6hp hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Kikoku Combination 1
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 21(24) TC 600 LH KD +39 -10
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 41-42f (TC)
Kikoku Combination 2
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 24 - 875(700) LH KD +35 -13

Key hit-confirmable TC for Akuma. 6HP~6HP can be finished into 623MP for more damage in the corner.


Forward Throw (LPLK)
Forward Throw
SF6 Akuma lplk.png
SF6 Akuma lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD + 28 -
  • Punish Counter: HKD +28
  • Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)

Back Throw (4LPLK)
Back Throw
SF6 Akuma 4lplk.png
SF6 Akuma lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD + 14 -
  • Side switches
  • Punish Counter: HKD +14
  • Applies 20% immediate damage scaling when comboed into (e.g. after Crumple)

Drive System

Drive Impact (HPHK)
Drive Impact
SF6 Akuma hphk.png
SF6 Akuma hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Oni Goroshi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 2 35 - 800 LH KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72
  • Armor (2-hit): 1-27f; Range: 2.561 (1.511 movement + 1.05 hitbox)
  • On Hit/PC: Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo
  • On Block: Applies 20% scaling multiplier to all follow-up hits after Wall Splat; the next attack can incur additional Starter Scaling
  • Combos when canceled from 2HP / Punish Counter 5HP/2MP (no corner wallsplat; useful for depleting Drive gauge, especially after Perfect Parry)
  • A blocked DI can combo into another DI if opponent is not fully cornered (Stuns if opponent has less than 1.5 Drive bars)
    • This happens because a blocked DI is not considered a "hit" for combo purposes
    • Causes both the 20% Starter and 20% Multiplier scaling to apply to the follow-up combo

See Drive Impact on the Gauges page for more details.

When canceled from a normal, these are the important blockstring gaps; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout

  • 2HP: 8[4]
  • 5HP, 5MP~MP: 9[5]
  • 4HK, 5MK: 10[6]
  • 5MP, 2MP: 11[7]
  • 2MK 13[9]
  • Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

Against the following characters in Burnout:

  • JP (22K), frame 3 counter
  • Marisa (214K), frame 3 armor
  • Zangief (5[HP]), frame 4 armor

It's important to use a blockstring that cannot be absorbed by their armor/counter moves. Ideally, the string should also not be a true combo, or it will cause a Lock and prevent Stun.
* Denotes a move that causes Lock on Counter-hit, allowing the opponent to escape a Stun by mashing on wakeup.

  • DR~5HP* > DI: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
  • DR~2HP* > delay DI: 1f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
  • DR~5MK* > DI: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit
  • DR~4HK* > DI: 2f blockstring gap prevents opponent from absorbing the hit (juggles into DI on hit)
  • DR~2MP* > DI: 3f blockstring gap prevents Zangief 5[HP] from absorbing the hit
  • DR~5MP > DI: 3f blockstring gap prevents Zangief 5[HP] from absorbing the hit

Drive Reversal (6HPHK)
Drive Reversal
SF6 Classic.png 6HPHK
SF6 Modern.png 6DI
SF6 Akuma 6hphk.png
SF6 Akuma 6hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Souha Double Palm (Block)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6
  • Full Invuln: 1-22f; Armor Break
  • 5f extra recovery on hit; 4f screen freeze during startup
Souha Double Palm (Recovery)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6
  • Full Invuln: 1-20f; Armor Break
  • 5f extra recovery on hit; no screen freeze

See Drive Reversal on the Gauges page for more details.

Drive Parry (MPMK)
Drive Parry
SF6 Akuma mpmk.png
SF6 Akuma mpmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Drive Parry
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) - - - - -

See Drive Parry on the Gauges page for more details.

  • Perfect Parry:
    • Applies a 50% damage scaling multiplier to any punish afterwards
    • vs. strikes, has only 1f recovery and prevents the opponent from canceling their attack
    • vs. projectiles, puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

Drive Rush (MPMK~66)
Drive Rush
SF6 Classic.png MPMK~66
SF6 Modern.png DP~66
SF6 Akuma 66.png
SF6 Akuma 66 hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Parry Drive Rush
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
3+8 - 15(37) - - - - -
  • 1-bar version performed out of Parry
  • Startup is 1+8 immediately after successful Parry
MPMK or 66
Drive Rush Cancel
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 - 15(37) - - - - -
  • 3-bar version performed on hit/block from a cancelable normal
    • Can also be performed from whiffed cancelable light normals

See Drive Rush on the Gauges page for more details. See Strategy page for Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes

  • Startup refers to minimum time before an attack can cancel the Drive Rush animation
  • The first 15 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack
  • The final 22 recovery frames are cancelable into any attack or movement option or blocking (except Parry)
  • Only Normal and Command Normal attacks are enhanced with +4 frame advantage and improved juggle properties
  • Applies 15% damage scaling multiplier to any follow-up hits when used mid-combo
    • Only applies scaling once per combo; does not apply when a Drive Rush enhanced attack starts the combo


  • 0.880 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
  • 2.121 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
  • 3.425 (max, final DR frame)

Special Moves

Gou Hadoken (236P)
Gou Hadoken
Lv.1 Fireball
SF6 Akuma 236lp.png
SF6 Akuma 236lp hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma 236pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Gou Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16~32 - 30 SA3 700 LH 0 -4
  • Slow 1-hit projectile; Projectile Speed: 0.055
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 16~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 4f (Super)
Gou Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14~30 - 32 SA3 700 LH -2 -6
  • Medium-speed 1-hit projectile; Projectile Speed: 0.075
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 14~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 4f (Super)
Gou Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12~28 - 34 SA3 700 LH -4 -8
  • Fast 1-hit projectile; Projectile Speed: 0.095
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 12~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 4f (Super)
Gou Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12~27 - 29 SA2 SA3 400,600 LH KD +55 +2
  • Fast 2-hit OD projectile; Projectile Speed: 0.095
  • Has juggle potential; puts opponent into limited juggle state on hit
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 12~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 12f (Super)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Akuma's fireball is very similar to Ryu's. It can be fired at three different speeds, and functions as a strong zoning and keepaway tool. When mixed with his fast walkspeed and movement-based specials, Akuma is one of the best characters at controlling screen space. 236LP is the safest version but has the slowest startup, while 236HP is the fastest but most unsafe if not well-spaced.

At Lv.1, Gou Hadoken is most useful as a low-risk harassment tool. Unlike most characters, Akuma does not extend a hurtbox on his arms when throwing a projectile; this makes it very difficult to counterpoke him in neutral and forces many characters to risk a jump-in to punish his zoning. He does slightly extend a hurtbox near his feet when the fireball is active, but this will at best lead to a trade.

What makes Akuma's zoning game so threatening (in addition to his different fireball speeds) is the ability to charge them up to a stronger version. Holding the button for less than 25f (or less than 24f for the OD version) will result in a regular Gou Hadoken with worse startup; this can still be valuable to throw off the opponent's timing, but does not improve the attack properties. When the button is released, the projectile hitbox will start up in 6 frames (4 for OD).

Charged Gou Hadoken (236{P}/236[P])
Charged Gou Hadoken
Lv.2 / Lv.3 Fireball
236{P} / 236[P]
SF6 Akuma 236p partial hold.png

SF6 Akuma 236p hold.png
SF6 Akuma 236p partial hold hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma 236p hold hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma 236pp hold hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Gou Hadoken Lv.2
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
(25~48)+6 - 29 SA3 400,600 LH KD +55 +2
  • 2-hit projectile; button must be held 25f (up to 48f)
  • Button strength determines speed; Projectile Speed: LP 0.07 / MP 0.085 / HP 0.105
  • Projectile hitbox comes out 6f after button release; total startup 31-54f
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 13~
  • Has juggle potential; puts opponent into limited juggle state
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 15f (Super)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

When Lv.2 fireball is ready, Akuma will pose with his arms outstretched, and his projectile changes to a reddish-purple color. Releasing the button too early will result in a regular Gou Hadoken, and holding it too long gives the opponent more time to react and may cause specific combos to drop (e.g. corner 4HK > 236{P} > 623HP), so it's important to learn this timing.

When zoning at mid-range, charging to a Lv.2 fireball can punish opponents who try to neutral jump on reaction, causing them to land directly on top of the projectile. However, it does leave Akuma wide open for a jump-in if used too predictably. If the opponent blocks at range, he has plenty of advantage to approach with Drive Rush for extended pressure, or he can hang back and continue zoning.

In the corner, Akuma has many combo enders (e.g. 214HK or 214LK > 2HK) that allow him to set up a meaty Lv.2 fireball on the opponent's wakeup. This stuffs any SA1 on startup while giving him advantage on block or a juggle (214HK, 623HP > SA3, or Drive Rush normals) on hit.

Gou Hadoken Lv.3
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
56 - 28 SA3 300x2,600 (1200) LH KD +57 +5
  • 3-hit projectile (must be held 49f for full charge); Projectile Speed: LP 0.09 / MP 0.115 / HP 0.145
  • Has juggle potential; puts opponent into limited juggle state
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 13~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 12f (Super)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
OD Gou Hadoken Lv.2
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
31 - 28 SA2 SA3 300x2,600 (1200) LH KD +57 +5
  • Fast 3-hit OD projectile (must be held 24f for full charge); Projectile Speed: 0.145
  • Has juggle potential; puts opponent into limited juggle state
  • No extended arm hurtbox; slight leg hurtbox extension on frame 10~
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 12f (Super)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

An even stronger version of the charged fireball; each version travels much faster, but you can still vary the speed depending on which button is pressed. All versions are otherwise identical. Once the button is held for 49f, he automatically fires the Lv.3 fireball, so the timing can't be varied like the Lv.1 and Lv.2 versions. This version is very hard to use for zoning, as the opponent has plenty of time to react to the charge animation; it works best at long range when the opponent expects you to release a fast Lv.2 version, and only if they don't have good anti-zoning specials.

On block, Akuma will always have advantage, but the exact amount depends on the distance and projectile speed used. He even has advantage if the hits are all Perfect Parried. After a ranged knockdown, Akuma can time an immediate Lv.2 236{HP} to lock the opponent down on wakeup and continue zoning. He can also advance forward with 236KK~236P, which can stuff or avoid immediate wakeup reversals. Opponents can counter this by delaying their reversal, but Akuma can also mix in 236KK~P, and it's hard to consistently distinguish between these two setups.

OD Gou Hadoken skips directly to a fully charged version; there is no intermediate version like 236{P}. Besides the faster startup and faster travel speed, it functions almost identically to the meterless Lv.3 fireball. The higher priority makes it more useful in projectile wars, since it will go through all 2-hit OD fireballs while retaining a hit.

Zanku Hadoken (j.236P)
Zanku Hadoken
Air Fireball
SF6 Akuma j236p.png
SF6 Akuma j236p hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma j236pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Zanku Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 - 9(2) land - 600 LH varies varies
  • 1-hit projectile; can be input on Forward jump only
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
  • Button strength determines angle and speed
    • LP: ~35°, Projectile Speed 0.04
    • MP: ~45°, Projectile Speed 0.055
    • HP: ~50°, Projectile Speed 0.075
Zanku Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6(21) - 9(2) land - 300x3 LH KD~ varies
  • 3-hit OD projectile; can be input on Forward/Neutral jump
  • Stationary projectile on frames 6-20 before firing (only 2 more hits if this collides with something)
  • Travels downward at ~50° angle; Projectile Speed 0.075
  • Puts grounded opponents into limited juggle state

All versions:

  • Can be input on airborne frames 9-33 (not counting 4f pre-jump); Forced Knockdown until landing
  • On HIT only, landing recovery after 2f~ can be canceled into anything except walk/jump (guaranteed combo)
  • Puts airborne opponents into free juggle state (or maintains existing juggle state)
  • Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
  • Projectile immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
  • Foot hurtbox is Projectile Invuln 1f~land; upper half of hitbox only connects on opponents mid-combo

Akuma's essential tool for safely approaching while controlling space. No other member of the cast has a move like this, allowing Akuma unique neutral opportunities. Just like the ground version, Akuma can vary his projectile speeds, making it harder to know when to attempt a counterattack. LP is good for creating a projectile wall to keep himself safe, while MP and HP are better at stuffing anti-air attempts and scoring frame advantage from long range.

Akuma's advantage on hit or block varies tremendously depending on how it connects. On hit, the ability to cancel his landing recovery guarantees a follow-up of some sort even at point blank against a tall character. On block, a minimum-height Zanku can be approximately -5 vs. tall characters or -3 vs. standard characters (or -3/-1 for OD); outside of this unlikely scenario, you should always assume that Akuma is extremely plus on hit or block. Interestingly, an opponent that Perfect Parries all hits of the OD version is actually left at a disadvantage even in the best case scenario.

By stalling in the air, Akuma can cause many anti-air attacks to whiff; it can be very difficult to time an anti-air that beats both Zanku and his strong j.HP. However, any move with anti-air invincibility (like most DP specials) can blow right throw the projectile and punish either option. If the opponent predicts the Zanku, they can even anti-air with a projectile invuln attack instead. In either case, once Akuma is hit, the threat of the projectile is eliminated.

When spaced properly against a grounded opponent, Akuma can usually Drive Rush for additional pressure on block or a combo extension on hit. If you're unsure of the advantage, the safest option is DR~5LP > 214MK, but it's often possible to get DR~5HP.

Zanku Hadoken can be useful for air-to-air purposes. If it hits an opponent trying to jump out of the way, they are left in a free juggle state that Akuma may be able to capitalize on. After an air-to-air j.MP > j.236P, Akuma can usually pick up a Drive Rush juggle; at most spacings, this works best with HP Zanku due to the knockback, but in the corner LP Zanku usually works better.

OD Zanku has 3 hits and travels very fast, though Akuma can't vary the speed or trajectory. He pauses in the air for much longer and can perform it from a neutral jump, making it easier to space safely against the opponent's anti-airs while still allowing follow-up pressure. Against opponents in the corner, this is especially deadly, as a neutral jump OD Zanku can also stuff jump-out attempts, leading to a 4HK extension.

Gou Shoryuken (623P)
Gou Shoryuken
Dragon Punch
SF6 Akuma 623lp.png

SF6 Akuma 623pp.png
OD Follow-up
SF6 Akuma 623lp hitbox.png
LP/MP Version

SF6 Akuma 623hp hitbox.png
HP Version (tall hitbox is juggle-only)

SF6 Akuma 623pp hitbox.png
OD Version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Gou Shoryuken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 10 21+12 land SA3 1100(800) LH KD +38 -23
  • Anti-Air Invuln: 1-14f; Airborne 7-35f (Forced Knockdown state); cannot hit cross-up
  • 300 less damage on active frames 4-10 (high anti-air connect)
  • Puts opponent into limited juggle state (follow-up juggles possible after high connect)
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > SA3 starter: 30% total scaling)
Gou Shoryuken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 2,8 30+12 land SA3 700,600 (1300) LH KD +32 -30
  • Anti-Air Invuln: 1-9f; Airborne 8-42f (Forced Knockdown state); cannot hit cross-up
  • Puts opponent into limited juggle state
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > SA3 starter: 30% total scaling)
Gou Shoryuken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 2,3,6 35+15 land SA3 600,500,400 (1500) LH KD +30 -36(-39)
  • Anti-Air Invuln: 1-8f; Airborne 9-52f (Forced Knockdown state); cannot hit cross-up
  • vs. crouch block, loses 3f advantage, 100 chip, and 2000 Drive damage
  • Puts opponent into limited juggle state
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super, 1st active frame only)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (623P > SA3 starter: 30% total scaling)
Gou Shoryuken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 2,2,7 37+15 land - 300x3,1000 (1900) LH KD +14 -39(-41)
  • Full Invuln: 1-8f; Airborne 8-53f (Forced Knockdown state); cannot hit cross-up
  • vs. crouch block, loses 2f advantage, 75 chip, and 1250 Drive damage
  • Transitions to cinematic slam on first 2 hits (active frames 1-4)
    • If these hits whiff, 3rd hit connects for only 300 damage and no cinematic

Akuma's DP is not special in any particular way, being functionally identical to Ryu's in terms of stats. This makes it a good anti-air, combo ender, and defensive tool like other DP's.

623HP is notable in that it has a SA3 cancel point, allowing it to be used as a high-damage combo ender anywhere on the screen. Akuma can go into this from 214LK > 623HP, but this has a nasty habit of whiffing from far ranges.

OD Shoryu is unique in that it puts opponents into a hitgrab follow-up on clean hit that leaves Akuma +14. From here, he can layer in a sneaky Oboro Throw.

Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku (214K)
Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
SF6 Akuma 214lk.png
L/M/OD Version

SF6 Akuma 214hk.png
HK Version
SF6 Akuma 214lk hitbox.png
LK Verion

SF6 Akuma 214mk hitbox.png
MK Version

SF6 Akuma 214hk hitbox.png
HK Version

SF6 Akuma 214kk hitbox.png
OD Version
SF6 Akuma 214kk 2 hitbox.png
On Hit Only
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2 14+7(13) land - 600 LH KD +50 -13
  • Airborne 5-27f (Forced Knockdown state)
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 2(13)2 11+20 land - 500x2 (1000) LH KD +41(38) -13(-28)
  • Lower Body Projectile Invuln: 8-38f; Airborne 5-38f (Forced Knockdown state)
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3(6)3(9)3(18)3 21+14(20) land - 400,300x2,600 (1600) LH KD +34 -59
Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 2(4)2(4)2(3)2(4)2 7+19 land - 200x3,100,300 (1000) LH KD +46 -17(-35)

Light and Medium versions will whiff on crouching opponents. Start combos with 5HK or use 5MK or 2HP to force stand.

214LK can combo into 623HP for damage or 2HK for a safejump.

Although more range specific, ending combos with 214HK does slightly more damage and has a few more frames of knockdown advantage than 623HP.

Both the grounded and air OD versions cause a ground bounce that can be followed up with Light, Medium, or OD Shoryuken.

Aerial Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku (j.214K)
Aerial Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
SF6 Akuma j214k.png
SF6 Akuma j214k hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma j214kk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Aerial Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 2(5)2(5)2 16 land - 900 LH KD +46(+52) -2(+3) Front
-6(-1) Back
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing
  • Applies 30% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/70/60...)
Aerial Tatsumaki Zanku-Kyaku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 2(1)3(1)3(1)3(2)2 16 land - 200x4,500 (1300) - KD +40(+53) -
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Can cross-up if performed from a jump over close to the ground.

Adamant Flame (214P)
Adamant Flame
SF6 Akuma 214lp.png
SF6 Akuma 214lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Adamant Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
15 3 23 SA3 700 LH +1 -8
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
Adamant Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19 3 20(23) SA3 800 LH +2 -4
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
Adamant Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
23 3 19(21) SA3 900 LH +3 -2
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 15f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
Adamant Flame
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 3 23 SA2 SA3 700 LH +1 -3
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 17f (Super) / 20f (Follow-up)
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo (100/80/70...)

Akuma leans back before delivering a powerful chest strike. Use for crouching conversions if you forgot to make the opponent stand, or in the corner for additional damage.

Shifts Akuma backwards during startup. Can be used to shimmy, but can't be point blank as you will get grabbed in startup. On PC, Medium and Heavy versions put you +10/+12 on first hit respectively, allowing you to link to your best extensions.

When used as a DP punish starter, Akuma can link it into whatever follow-up he wants. H Adamant Flame is Akuma's best starter for punishing OD DP's, while M Adamant Flame is useful for punishing wakeup Level 1 supers like Ryu's Shinku Hadouken or Luke's Vulcan Blast.

OD Adamant Flame is Akuma's metered combo extender in the corner, giving him a wallsplat with the follow-up or a cancel point into his Level 2. Notably, while the move looks incredibly unsafe, it's actually only -3, allowing Akuma to bait a reversal if he messes up a confirm. In burnout, Adamant Flame becomes plus, allowing Akuma to consistently loop it and deal excellent chip.

Adamant Flame Follow-Up (214P~6P)
Adamant Flame Follow-Up
SF6 Akuma 214lp 6p.png
LP version

SF6 Akuma 214mp 6p.png
MP version

SF6 Akuma 214hp 6p.png
HP version

SF6 Akuma 214pp 6p.png
OD version
SF6 Akuma 214lp 6p hitbox.png
LP version

SF6 Akuma 214mp 6p hitbox.png
MP version

SF6 Akuma 214hp 6p hitbox.png
HP version

SF6 Akuma 214pp 6p hitbox.png
OD version
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Adamant Flame Follow-Up
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4 18(22) SA3 500 LH +3 -10
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 45-48f (Super)
Adamant Flame Follow-Up
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4 32 SA3 600 LH KD +32 -18
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 45-48f (Super)
Adamant Flame Follow-Up
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 4 28 SA3 600 LH KD +47 -14
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 47-50f (Super)
  • Counts as 3 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Adamant Flame Follow-Up
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4(4)3 25(31) SA2 SA3 300,400 (240,320) LH KD +45(+63) -18
  • Cancel Hitconfirm Window: 54-57f (Super)

All version count as an additional hit for combo damage and scaling. So 5HPxx214P~6P is 100/100/80.

Light version leaves the opponent standing, useful for Raging Demon combos. Sets up a perfect strike/throw opportunity as well.

Medium version lets you knockdown when you can't force stand on an opponent.

Heavy version will lead to a 623HP or 214HK follow up in the corner. It count as 3 hit for scaling purposes (So 5HPxx214P~6P,623HP is 100/100/80/50). At midscreen, this version can lead into an okizeme situation with 236HK~2 chase that leaves Akuma +2 and in grab range.

OD version wallsplats and is an important combo tool to maximize corner damage. If used as a combo starter, it counts for two hit for scaling purposes (so the next hits will be at 80/70/60 scaling etc). If used mid-combo, it doesn't. OD follow-up also has incredible corner carry- if used before a launch, it can wallsplat from slightly further than midscreen. Akuma can follow this up with a Drive Rush 5HK or 5P to extend the combo further, both of which can lead into any tatsu or DP for an ender.

Demon Raid (236K)
Demon Raid
Demon Flip
SF6 Akuma 236k.png
SF6 Akuma 236k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Raid
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18~40 - - - - - - -
Demon Raid
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16~40 - - - - - - -

Akuma's signature "demon flip". A command jump that leaves Akuma airborne and has four possible follow-ups: an overhead, a divekick, a sweep, and a feint.

Each button strength changes Akuma's approach angle. LK leaves him at one character length away, MK puts him about halfscreen, and HK sends him fullscreen. Akuma is airbone for at minimum 33f before he can commit to a follow-up, making this a much faster jump than the standard 45f. That said, Akuma can still be anti-aired on reaction, as any DP will cut through his follow-ups.

When Akuma uses Demon Raid, he puts the opponent in an RPS. Either they can hold Drive Parry to defuse the incoming three-way mixup, or Akuma can land and PC Throw them. Each follow-up can leave Akuma plus, making this a fairly skewed situation in his favor. As Akuma can cancel into this special from any special cancelable button, he can blitz his opponents quite quickly. At midscreen, Akuma can use the varied angles of Demon Raid to create fairly ambiguous cross-ups, potentially leading opponents to whiff their anti-air.

OD Demon Raid causes Akuma to track to the opponent's location at the same speed, making it an effective tool for calling out fullscreen zoning. As well, he gains two additional follow-ups: Demon Gou Zankou and Demon Gou Rasen, both of which can call out opponent's attempts to anti-air Demon Raid. The former even gives Akuma a combo on hit, making it very effective.

Demon Low Slash (236K~No Input)
Demon Low Slash
236K~No Input
SF6 Akuma 236k no input.png
SF6 Akuma 236k no input hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

236K~No Input
Demon Low Slash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
53 4 15(19) - 1000 L HKD +39(+42) +2(+5)
236KK~No Input
Demon Low Slash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
53 4 15(19) - 1000 L HKD +39 +2

Akuma's low follow-up from Demon Raid. Not particularly useful as a mixup option, as it has by far the longest startup.

Best used as a fullscreen tool for getting in by Demon Raiding in front of the opponent and sweeping instead of on top of them. The sweep leaves Akuma plus and knocks down on hit, allowing Akuma to apply further pressure either way.

Demon Guillotine (236K~P)
Demon Guillotine
SF6 Akuma 236k p.png
SF6 Akuma 236k p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Guillotine
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18+16 until land 9 land - 1300 H KD +37(+41) +3(+7)
Demon Guillotine
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16+16 until land 9 land - 1300 H KD +37(+41) +3(+7)

Akuma's overhead follow-up from Demon Raid. A very valuable and powerful move with multiple functions.

Generally not useful as a mixup tool, but knocks down on hit and does sizeable damage anyways. Very valuable as a pressure tool as it leaves Akuma quite plus and right in front of the opponent. This means the move can be used as a meterless pressure reset anywhere on the screen. In the corner, 236HK~P can dodge over reversal attempts if delayed, while leaving Akuma plus if it lands.

Lastly, Demon Guillotine immediately cuts all of Akuma's forward momentum from Demon Raid, similar to Cammy's Silent Step or Kimberly's Elbow Drop. This can be used to bait DPs and land to punish them.

Demon Blade Kick (236K~K)
Demon Blade Kick
SF6 Akuma 236k k.png
SF6 Akuma 236k k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Blade Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18+13 until land 9(14) land - 700 LH 0(+10) -5(+5)
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
Demon Blade Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16+13 until land 9(14) land - 700 LH 0(+10) -5(+5)
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Akuma's divekick follow-up out of Demon Raid. Very useful for punishing fireballs, and depending on landing height, can leave Akuma either plus or safe. Like other divekicks, the closer the attack lands to the opponent's feet, the more advantage Akuma will have. The angle of the divekick can be changed depending on button strength- LK sends Akuma nearly straight down, while MK and HK send Akuma down and forward at more obtuse angles.

Generally, Demon Guillotine is better for corner pressure, mostly leaving this as a mobility and anti-fireball tool. It's important to synchronize Akuma's Demon Raid strength with the divekick strength to optimally punish fireballs. Generally, 236MK~MK is best for punishing fireballs if you're at jump-in range, while 236HK~HK is best for fullscreen zoning.

As the frame advantage changes on the divekick and angle selected, it can be tricky to know how to combo. Generally, Punish Counters will leave Akuma between +5 and +9, giving him a guaranteed 5LP follow-up.

Demon Swoop (236K~[2])
Demon Swoop
SF6 Akuma 236k 2 hold.png
SF6 Akuma 236k 2 hold hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Swoop
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
40 - 2+3 land - - - - -
Demon Swoop
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
40 - 2+3 land - - - - -

An option new to SF6; by simply holding down during Demon Raid, Akuma lands and does not perform a follow-up, recovering faster.

Useful as a tool to bait reactions from opponents trying to interrupt Demon Raid, to quickly land and throw opponents attempting to Drive Parry the Demon Raid follow-ups, or as a mixup by landing and attacking with a quick low such as 2LK.

Demon Gou Zanku (236KK~j.236P)
Demon Gou Zanku
Air Fireball
SF6 Akuma 236kk j236p.png
SF6 Akuma j236pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Gou Zanku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16+6(21) - 9(2) land - 300x3 (900) LH KD~ (varies) -3~ (varies)

Demon Gou Rasen (236KK~j.214K)
Demon Gou Rasen
Air Tatsu
SF6 Akuma 236kk j214k.png
SF6 Akuma j214kk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Demon Gou Rasen
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16+5 2(2)3(2)3(1)3(1)2 10 land - 200x4,500 (1300) - KD +46(+53) -
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing
  • Counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Ashura Senku (6KKK or 4KKK)
Ashura Senku
6KKK or 4KKK
SF6 Akuma 6kkk.png

SF6 Akuma 4kkk.png
SF6 Akuma 6kkk hitbox.png

SF6 Akuma 4kkk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Ashura Senku (Forward)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
(23~) - 51 Sp* - - - -
Ashura Senku (Backward)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
- - 49 total - - - - -

Akuma's classic "teleport" returns, but with no invincibility. Akuma quickly travels forwards or backwards and will pass through opponents during traversal.

Can be used as a situational movement option, such as after a midscreen 214PP~6P to quickly reach the corner. The pass through can sometimes cause an opponent's attack to whiff on the side Akuma was traveling from, possibly creating a punish opportunity.

Oboro Throw (6KKK~LPLK)
Oboro Throw
SF6 Akuma 6kkk lplk.png
SF6 Akuma 6kkk lplk 2.png
SF6 Akuma 6kkk lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Oboro Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
(23~37)+8 3 50 - 2200 (2900) T HKD +20 -

A tricky but slow and short ranged command grab from Ashura Senku.

Can sometimes be effective at calling out opponents using Drive Parry after conditioning with fireball spam. Or as a tricky meaty option from high frame advantage knockdowns such as 623HP or 214HK in the corner, where the animation for Ashura Senku is not as obvious.

Super Arts

Level 1 Super (236236P)
Messatsu Gohado
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 Akuma 236236p.png
SF6 Akuma 236236p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Messatsu Gohado
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 - 96 - 400x4,600 (2200) LH KD +9 -41
  • Strike/Throw Invuln: 1-14f; Armor Break
  • 5-hit Super-priority projectile; Projectile speed: 0.12
  • Can be used while OD projectile are on-screen
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 0.5 bars (hit) / 0.25 bars (block)
  • 30% minimum damage scaling

Akuma's classic fireball super returns as his level 1. Very similar to Ryu's Level 1: Shinku Hadoken, trading slightly higher base damage for slower startup. Like other projectile supers, the priority system allows this super to destroy all other non-super projectiles. Can be performed while OD Gou Hadoken is also on-screen, which combined with Akuma's ability to charge his non-super fireball, can create punish opportunities against jumping opponents, or those attempting to force a fireball war.

The best confirms into this super are from any combo ending with 214LK, or from a raw 236PP hit at most ranges (though the timing seems to get stricter closer to midscreen).

Unlike Gou Hadoken, this super does not have varying projectile speeds and cannot be charged. When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent, be aware that all characters except Dhalsim, Lily, and Zangief can jump to avoid a raw SA1 fireball after the Super freeze. Additionally, Dhalsim can avoid it with Teleport while Zangief can react with a meterless Lariat, so only Lily can be chipped out this way without canceling from a normal first. Her only hope of escape is her SA2, but even this doesn't always work since Akuma doesn't extend a hurtbox on startup.

Level 1 Super (j.236236K)
Tenma Gozanku
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 Akuma j236236k.png
SF6 Akuma j236236k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Tenma Gozanku
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 - 23(33) land - 400x5 (2000) LH KD +49~ -28~
  • Forced Knockdown state until landing; leg hurtbox is Projectile Invuln 1f~land
  • 5-hit Super-priority projectile; can be input during Forward/Neutral jump
  • Travels downward at ~45° angle; Projectile Speed: 0.075
  • Can be used while OD projectile are on-screen
  • 10f extra landing recovery on block/whiff (crouching state during final recovery frame)
  • KD advantage varies depending on angle and distance from opponent; puts airborne opponents into free juggle state
  • Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
  • Projectile immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
  • Applies 10% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; applies an extra 5% damage scaling to next attack when comboed into
  • 30% minimum damage scaling

Level 2 Super (214214P)
Empyrean’s End
Level 2 Super Art
SF6 Akuma 214214p.png
"Flames of ruin!"
SF6 Akuma 214214p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Empyrean’s End
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 52 - 2800 LH HKD +29 (HKD +97 Wallsplat) -35
  • Full Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • 2f startup when canceled from 214PP/214PP~6P
  • Wallsplat if opponent reaches corner (unless 214PP~6P wallsplat occurred earlier in combo)
    • This wallsplat resets the opponent's juggle counter and allows unique juggle starters similar to Drive Impact
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
  • Applies 40% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 4 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)
  • 40% minimum damage scaling

Akuma attacks with an explosive flaming palm strike, sending the opponent tumbling nearly a full screen away. Only performs a single strike on whiff or block, but enters a cinematic on hit that can lead to a wallsplat combo near the corner. Works well as a reversal, and with good reactions it can be used as an anti-projectile tool from inside half screen.

The extension of choice is 4HK > 236K~K, 214HK. Due to the heavy post-super damage scaling, it is usually not worth spending further resources, unless the extension is sure to kill. See here for more info.

When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent with a raw SA2, they will not be able to jump away. Without an invincible Super, only Dhalsim (Teleport) and JP (Amnesia) can avoid the chip.

Level 3 Super (236236K)
Sip of Calamity
Level 3 Super Art
SF6 Akuma 236236k.png
"Weaklings must perish!"

SF6 Akuma 236236k ca.png
Critical Art adds 500 more damage
SF6 Akuma 236236k hitbox.png
Critical Art adds 500 more damage
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Sip of Calamity
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8(2) 4 58 - 4000 LH HKD +18 -41
  • Full Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • 2f startup when canceled from 623P/214P/214P~6P
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1.5 bars (hit) / 0.75 bars (block)
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~1.9 Drive bars for Akuma
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves
Sip of Calamity (CA)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8(2) 4 58 - 4500 LH HKD +18 -41
  • Full Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • Available at 25% HP or below
  • 2f startup when canceled from 623P/214P/214P~6P
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 2 bars (hit) / 1 bar (block)
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~2.3 Drive bars for Akuma
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves

Akuma unleashes a powerful palm strike, leading to a cinematic on hit. Overall a fairly standard Level 3 Super, with limited use outside of a high damage combo ender. Like SA2 it can work as an expensive reversal, though the shorter range makes it a bit less effective against projectiles. The vertical hitbox reaches high enough to anti-air most jumps outside of cross-up range, though it can whiff under some attacks that alter air trajectory.

The cancel option of choice is LP Gou Shoryuken, which front-loads all its damage into a single hit. The MP and HP versions distribute their damage among multiple hits, which weakens the cancel. Unfortunately, Akuma is not always in range for 623LP to connect during midscreen juggles. In some low-scaling combos (like a single button into LK Tatsu), it can actually be better to skip the cancel and juggle directly to SA3. 214P~6P is also a good starter to cancel from, especially on a midscreen grounded combo.

On hit, the opponent is left close enough for Akuma to pressure with Drive Rush into pressure or a throw; the timing on a throw is a bit strict to beat wakeup 4f normals, though it's slightly easier after a CA knockdown. For a cheaper option, microwalk 6HP is safe, beats 4f normals, and can be hitconfirmed into its Target Combo follow-ups. Going for a gimmicky Teleport into Oboro Throw can easily lose to wakeup buttons, but can work against opponents looking out for Akuma's many approach options.

When attempting to chip out a burned out opponent with a raw SA3, they will not be able to jump away. Without an invincible Super, only Dhalsim (Teleport) and JP (Amnesia) can avoid the chip.

Shun Goku Satsu (LP~LP~6LK~HP)
Shun Goku Satsu
Critical Art (Raging Demon)
SF6 Akuma lp lp 6lk hp(ca).png
SF6 Akuma lp lp 6lk hp(ca) hitbox.png
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Shun Goku Satsu (CA)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6+0 21 57 - 4700 T HKD + 18 -
  • Full Invuln: 1f; Projectile Invuln: 6-27f
    • Can be hit out of startup after meter is already spent
  • Available at 25% HP or below
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 2 bars (hit)
    • Cinematic time regenerates ~2.3 Drive bars for Akuma
  • 50% minimum damage scaling; applies 10% immediate damage scaling when canceled from special moves

Akuma's secret weapon, the iconic Raging Demon. A 0f after the superflash at minimum range, comboable, travelling, high damage command grab. Does a preposterous 4700 damage on raw hit. If it will KO, Akuma will recite a poem during the attack: "Usurp the heavens, embrace the sorrow, become the demon!"

Shun Goku Satsu can only be used when Akuma is in CA state, making it a last resort. It immediately makes him threatening even if he's on the back foot, but the move cannot be used as a reversal thanks to the odd input. As well, opponents can jump the super upon seeing the cinematic animation that signals it, making in unwise to use in the midrange. Instead, canceling into it from a Drive Rush or on hit is key to using it.

The move is also projectile invincible, allowing Akuma to zoot through projectiles and punish their use. Again, this is unwise outside of being a direct callout.


Neutral Taunt (5PPPKKK)
Neutral Taunt
SF6 Akuma 5pppkkk.png
"Witness the abyss before you."
SF6 Akuma 5pppkkk hitbox.png
"Witness the abyss before you."
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Neutral Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
433 (total) - - - - - - -

Forward Taunt (6PPPKKK)
Forward Taunt
SF6 Akuma 6pppkkk.png
"Are you prepared to tread down this path? If you are afraid... run."
SF6 Akuma 6pppkkk hitbox.png
"Are you prepared to tread down this path? If you are afraid... run."
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Forward Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
570(514) (total) - - - - - - -
  • Triggers proximity guard on frames 107-570 (prevents opponent from walking back)
  • Special dialogue if opponent jumps over Akuma
    • "Hmph... you are a disgrace."

Back Taunt (4PPPKKK)
Back Taunt
SF6 Akuma 4pppkkk.png
"You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare."
SF6 Akuma 4pppkkk 2pppkkk.png
SF6 Akuma 4pppkkk hitbox.png
"You have piqued my interest. Attack if you dare."
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Back Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
765 (total) - - - - - - -
  • Inputting 2PPPKKK (Down Taunt) on frames 592-628 (when Akuma turns his head) triggers am extended taunt
Back~Down Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1604 - 186 - - - - -
  • 1790f total
  • Akuma gains Super Art gauge while eating:
    • 1/2 bar on frame 931 and 1129
    • 1 bar on frame 1353
    • 1 bar on frame 1604 (becomes Shin Akuma)
  • Remains in Shin Akuma state even if hit during recovery after frame 1604
  • Shin Akuma gains access to a new special move and 2 new Level 2 Super Arts:

Down Taunt (2PPPKKK)
Down Taunt
SF6 Akuma 2pppkkk.png
"滅 (Metsu!)"
SF6 Akuma 2pppkkk hitbox.png
"滅 (Metsu!)"
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Down Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
123 (total) - - - - - - -

Hidden Arts

Double Zanku Hadoken (j.214PP)
Double Zanku Hadoken
Hidden Special Move
SF6 Akuma j214pp.png
SF6 Akuma j214pp hitbox.png
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Double Zanku Hadoken
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8(21) - 9(2) land - 600x2 LH varies varies
  • Only accessible as Shin Akuma after Secret Taunt
  • Two consecutive 1-hit projectiles that travel downward at ~45° angle; Projectile Speed 0.04 (1st) / 0.055 (2nd)
  • Projectiles immediately dissipates if Akuma is hit
  • Hitbox is considered both a Projectile and an Airborne attack (loses to both types of invuln)
  • Can be performed during Forward Jump on airborne frames 9-33 (not counting 4f pre-jump); Forced Knockdown until landing
  • On HIT only, landing recovery after 2f~ can be canceled into anything except walk/jump (guaranteed combo)
  • Puts airborne opponents into free juggle state (or maintains existing juggle state)
  • Foot hurtbox is Projectile Invuln 1f~land; upper half of hitbox only connects on opponents mid-combo
  • Applies 20% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo; counts as 2 hits for damage scaling when comboed into (applies to next hit)

Powered up version of Zanku Hadoken (see move entry for a more general overview of how the attack is used).

Akuma's advantage on hit or block varies tremendously depending on how it connects, but he always has advantage unless the opponent Perfect Parries, and a guaranteed combo on hit. On block, a minimum-height Double Zanku can be approximately +5 vs. tall characters or +7 vs. standard characters; in more realistic scenarios, his frame advantage is significantly higher.

Level 2 Super (214214K)
Hidden Super Art
SF6 Akuma 214214k.png
SF6 Akuma 214214k hitbox.png
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Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5(9~10) 7 88(85) - 2900 LH KD +25(26) -58(-57)
  • 2-bar Super Art; only accessible as Shin Akuma after Secret Taunt
  • Full Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • Cannot be canceled into from OD Specials
  • Startup is functionally 9f on grounded opponents (10f vs. standard-height crouchers)
  • 3f less recovery on whiff or vs. Perfect Parry; 2f more recovery vs. airborne opponents
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
  • 40% minimum damage scaling

Shin Akuma teleports above the opponent's location and slams down with an incredibly fast attack. Easily the best anti-projectile move in the game, as well as a strong anti-air and reversal. The opponent crumples forward on hit; this is mostly cosmetic, since Akuma's recovery is far too slow to allow a juggle. He can forward dash to chase down a midscreen Back Rise for oki, though the timing to land a throw against a reversal 4f normal is quite strict.

Jumps are out of the question once Shin Akuma has this Super stocked; an opponent neutral jumping from full-screen can be anti-aired just as easily as if they were right in front of him. If Shin Akuma does hit an opponent out of the air, he gets much less knockdown advantage and will not get oki outside the corner.

Due to the speed and hitbox, this move is usually unavoidable as a chip-out tool against opponents in Burnout unless they have a Super with significant invincibility. Dhalsim's grounded teleport and JP's Amnesia are the only meterless moves that can avoid it. Despite the animation, this is not considered an airborne attack, so moves with anti-air invincibility cannot be used as a counter.

Level 2 Super (22PPP)
Hidden Super Art (KKZ)
SF6 Akuma 22ppp.png
SF6 Akuma 22ppp hitbox.png
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Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 30 41 - 330x8,360 (3000) LH KD +38 -39
  • 2-bar Super Art; only accessible as Shin Akuma after Secret Taunt
  • Full Invuln: 1-11f; Armor Break
  • 9-hit Super projectile that extends up beyond the top of the screen
  • Cannot be canceled into from OD Specials
  • Puts opponents into limited juggle state
  • Drive Gauge Depletion: 1 bar (hit) / 0.5 bars (block)
  • 40% minimum damage scaling

Shin Akuma summons an enormous projectile pillar that hits in front, behind, and above him. An incredible reversal, anti-air, and juggle ender. It's technically possible (but impractical) to get a follow-up juggle on a very high opponent.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison