Street Fighter 6/E.Honda

From SuperCombo Wiki


A sumo wrestler looking to bring the sport worldwide, E. Honda has the skills of a yokozuna, but his constant globetrotting has prevented his promotion. Also an expert chef renowned for mouthwatering chanko stew.

Edmond Honda is a powerful and aggressive rushdown character with a speciality in long-range advancing offense. Honda's entire gameplan revolves around his signature sumo moves, burying opponents under a barrage of slaps, headbutts and ground slams until he's the only one left standing.

Honda's core move is Sumo Headbutt, a forward-moving special that just about does it all. If blocked normally, headbutt is safe and deals significant damage to the opponent's drive gauge. On hit, headbutt deals 1000+ damage and knocks down, leading to strong setplay. At close ranges, the headbutt is fast to start up and is difficult to react to or punish. Headbutt is also an anti-air, and OD headbutt has armor frames and works as a reversal. Opponents therefore can't carelessly approach Honda, as successful headbutts will get them slammed backwards. If opponents choose to block, they will burn out due to drive gauge damage, allowing Honda to begin nearly endless pressure against them. This forces opponents to take action and make risky guesses, and Honda capitalizes by forcing these interactions.

Outside of headbutt, Honda also has a great set of brawling tools. In close range, Honda has strong normals and target combos. Standing medium punch (5MP) is +1 on block and leads to tricky offensive sequences. At far range, Honda can poke with crouching medium punch (2MP) and Harai Kick (6HK). Oicho Throw (a damage-dealing command grab) and Sumo Smash (a combo finisher and anti-air that is plus on block) round out Honda's offense. Once he's gotten the hit, Honda is capable of dealing exceptional damage thanks to the mighty Hundred-Hand Slap, an incredible combo starter/filler/ender that is safe on block. Allowing Honda to stay still at fullscreen will let him apply Sumo Spirit, a buff that makes successful conversions with Hundred-Hand Slap hurt even more. All of this can make Honda very difficult to deal with once he's gotten close.

While Honda's offense is nothing short of devastating, it does have one major weakness: commitment. Unlike a lot of characters, Honda is all-in or all-out. He has poor movement speed, meaning his footsies can be somewhat lacking. He lacks a throw loop, and Oicho Throw resets him back to neutral on landing it. While Honda has great pokes, his Medium normals are notably either stubbier or slower than the majority of the cast, and he lacks a low to cancel into Drive Rush for demonstrating neutral control. Thus, Honda relies quite a bit on headbutt to get the job done in many matchups. That said, headbutt is a fantastic move that compliments Honda's gameplan well, so smart Honda players have to learn when to go ham and when to back off and be patient. Honda rewards both styles well, as any sumo should. If you love getting up close and personal and live for the feeling of landing a good headbutt or hand slap, there's no better Rikishi to show you the ropes than E. Honda.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Having a special move that you can genuinely center your gameplan around and which pretty much the entire cast is afraid of
  • A fast, aggressive kit based on getting in and pressuring the opponent safely
  • Big damage for making solid reads coupled with excellent Drive Bar damage in blockstrings
  • Lots of options for continuing offense, even while on the back foot
  • Not having a Throw Loop, which really hurts your pressure
  • Relying heavily on your special moves to control neutral, many of which need charge
  • Having an all-in or all-out playstyle with very high committment
  • Being extremely weak against Perfect Parry

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern E. Honda
Missing Normals
  • Standing Light Kick (5LK)
  • Standing Medium Kick (5MK)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Medium Kick (j.MK)
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (j.HK)
Missing Command Normals
  • Power Stomp (3HK)
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Oicho Throw (2S)
    • Heavy/OD Only
Miscellaneous Changes
  • N/A

E. Honda
SF6 Ehonda Portrait.png
Life Points 10500
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.045
Backward Walk Speed 0.025
Forward Dash Speed 19
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.058
Backward Dash Distance 0.601
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw) 0.213
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block) 1.769
Drive Rush Max Distance 3.375
Jump Speed 4+38+3
Jump Apex 2.115
Forward Jump Distance 1.90
Backward Jump Distance 1.52
Throw Range 0.9
Throw Hurtbox 0.43
Frame Data Glossary - SF6
Hitbox Images

πŸŸ₯ (Red): Attack hitbox

  • Appears pink for Throw hitboxes

🟩 (Green): Vulnerable hurtbox that can be hit by strikes/projectiles

  • If a move's hitbox and hurtbox overlap, the colors blend to appear orange

🟦 (Blue): Vulnerable throw hurtbox

  • Will be thrown if Pink throw hitbox touches Blue throw hurtbox


How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Hitconfirm Windows

Hitconfirm reaction windows into Special Moves, Target Combos, and Super Arts.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel one attack into another attack on reaction
    • e.g. most cancelable 2MKs have a 13 frame window to cancel into a Special/Super on reaction, making them nearly impossible to hitconfirm
  • Counts from the first frame the attack connects until the final cancelable frame
    • Visual effects like hitsparks and HP drain do not actually occur until frame 2; the first frame is still counted to keep the numbers consistent with previous games, and because it is technically possible to start reacting to the character's reeling animation on frame 1
  • If a Target Combo is cancelable into another attack, the hitconfirm window will include the entire sequence starting from the first hit
    • If there is a frame gap on block between hits of the TC, the hitconfirm window may also be included for just the followup hit
    • Some sequences like Ken's 5MP~HP TC may have a range of values listed (43f~47f). In this example, inputting 5MP~HP at its usual timing gives a 43f hitconfirm into a Special/Super. Delaying the chain into HP gives more total time for the final hitconfirm.


Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.

Damage Scaling

Some moves cause additional damage scaling in combos. Refer to Game Data page for a more detailed breakdown.

Scaling Types:

  • Starter: When a move begins the combo, the next attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Ryu 2MK (20% Starter) > Hadoken: Hadoken is at 80% damage scaling
  • Combo: When a move is comboed into, the next attack is scaled by X percent or X number of hits
    • e.g. Ryu 2HP > OD High Blade Kick (2-Hit Combo Scaling) > Shoryuken: Shoryuken is at 70% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [skip 80%] > 70%)
    • e.g. Cammy 5HP > OD Spiral Arrow (5% Combo Scaling) > Cannon Spike: Cannon Spike is at 75% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [80-5 = 75%])
  • Immediate: When a move is comboed into, this attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Drive Impact Crumple (20% Starter) > Throw (20% Immediate): Throw is at 60% damage scaling
  • Multiplier: A damage scaling multiplier applies after Perfect Parry (50%) and mid-combo Drive Rush (15%). Any hits in the combo continue their usual damage scaling, but reduced by these amounts. These can bring the minimum scaling below the usual 10%, and they stack with each other; as a result, the minimum scaling can reach 4% using a long Drive Rush combo after Perfect Parry.
  • Minimum Scaling: The lowest damage scaling that can be applied to an attack. Super Art Level 1/2/3 generally has 30%/40%/50% minimum scaling respectively. This ensures the attack will still do reasonable damage even at the end of a heavily scaled combo.

Drive Rush Cancel Advantage

Refers to the frame advantage when canceling a normal, command normal, or Target Combo into Drive Rush on hit or block (abbreviated as DRC for Drive Rush Cancel). This is calculated at the moment a follow-up attack can be input, not at the moment the character can block or perform movement options. An attack that with DRC +8 on Hit can link into an 8-frame attack, and DRC +4 on Block can create a true blockstring into a 4-frame attack.

Note that any DRC on Block worse than +4 cannot form a true blockstring, allowing the opponent to interrupt with an invincible reversal. Most light normals are slightly negative after a DRC on block, meaning the opponent can mash their fastest normal to guarantee a counter-hit (though this requires fast reactions). The attacking character could punish this with Light > DRC into an immediate invincible attack, but this would be an incredibly expensive and high-risk gambit.

Forced Knockdown

Most airborne command normals, special moves, and Super Arts put the user in a "Forced Knockdown" state. While in this state, an air knockdown will occur when being hit by any attack, even if it would otherwise cause an air reset.

As an example, Ryu's 2HP causes an air reset when used as an anti-air. Against a move like Cammy's Hooligan Combination, however, the 2HP puts her into an air knockdown state. This allows Ryu to successfully cancel 2HP into Shoryuken for a juggle, similar to how a Drive Impact wall splat works. Taking advantage of Forced Knockdown juggles is important for dealing with moves like Ken's Dragonlash, Dhalsim's Air Teleport, or Kimberly's 6HK~Hop sequence.

Moves that already cause an air knockdown, like most j.MP air-to-airs, will not display the "Forced Knockdown" message.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit β‰₯ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value β‰₯ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be β‰₯ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 β‰₯ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.


Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
SF6 Ehonda 5lp.png

Standing Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 10 Sp SA TC 300 LH +4 -1
  • Chains into Double Slap target combo (5LP~MP)

Rarely used by itself. 2LP has a virtually identical range, deals the same damage, and is 1 frame faster.

5LP can be used as an emergency anti-air against shallow jump-in attacks, in situations where 5HP and headbutt would be too slow.

5LP is used most often as part of the Double Slap target combo. See the 5LP~MP section for more information.

Standing Medium Punch
SF6 Ehonda 5mp.png

Standing Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 4 13 Sp SA TC 700 LH +6 +1
  • Chains into Toko Shizume target combo. (3HK)
  • Moves Honda forward slightly

One of Honda's most important normals. This move is +1 on block (up to +3 if done meaty on opponent's wakeup). This move forces the opponent to make a defensive guess, as otherwise this move allows you to maintain plus frames indefinitely.

This move is very strong if drive rushed. On hit, this move combos into standing heavy kick (5HK) or crouching medium punch (2MP). On block, you are +5 and can follow up with many offensive options. Because you have such large frame advantage in either case, it is easy to react to drive impact. Drive rush 5MP is a core part of Honda's offense.

The 3HK followup is an overhead and can be kara-canceled into oicho throw. Normally, there is a wide gap between 5MP and the 3HK allowing an opponent to press a button. If you do the 5MP out of drive rush, the 3HK followup becomes a frame trap.

Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 Ehonda 5hp.png

Standing Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8(9) 7 20 Sp SA 900 LH -1(+2) -6(-3)

Honda's main anti-air button when he cannot use headbutt. This move causes a crumple on punish counter, so it's an important whiff punish move and your main combo starter in punish situations (such as after blocking a reversal).

Although 5HP is an 8-frame move, the first frame only hits above him. When used against a grounded opponent, this hits between frames 9-12. The exact frame data varies based on whether the opponent is standing or crouching and their distance from Honda.

Frames 1-3 can be special canceled. If Honda has sumo spirit, all frames can be canceled into hundred hand slap.

Can also be used as a counterpoke against characters trying to zone Honda with long-range normals. 20f recovery means it will sometimes be fast enough to punish attempts to Drive Impact through it.

After a punish counter, if the opponent is close enough, you can forward dash into 5HK to start your combo. If the opponent is too far, you can also drive rush into 5HK.

Standing Light Kick
SF6 Ehonda 5lk.png

Standing Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 2 9 Sp SA 300 LH +5 -1

Honda's secondary 4-frame button (after 2LP) and his button with the overall shortest duration (14 frames start to finish on whiff).

Does not chain into any other move, but is +5 on hit (compared to 2LP being +4), which links into 5LP > 5MP target combo, so 5LK has higher damage potential.

5LK can be blocked high or low, but its hitbox is low to the ground, which is relevant in some interactions. Marisa's gladius, for instance, has armor that would absorb 2LP but is beaten by 5LK.

Standing Medium Kick
SF6 Ehonda 5mk.png

Standing Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 4 16 - 700 LH +4 -3

A neutral poke that cannot be special canceled. In general, this move is less useful than 5MP as they have the same startup, the same damage, very similar ranges, both are +4 on hit but 5MK is -3 on block (compared to 5MP +1), and 5MP can be special canceled. However, 5MK moves Honda forward a greater distance than 5MP, so you can use this move to advance while maintaining back charge.

5MK also has utility after forward throw for meterless hit confirms. See the forward throw listing for more information.

Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 Ehonda 5hk.png

Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).

Standing Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 2(1)4 22 Sp SA 400x2 LH -1 -5(-11)

Hits twice. First part will force standing on hit (but not on block), second hit whiffs against crouching (in which case Honda is -11 instead of -5). Both hits are special-cancelable, although the first hit causes more hitstun and can combo into things the second hit can not.

First hit of 5HK is Honda's primary way to combo into Taiho Cannon Lift and therefore one of his most important combo tools. Second hit still combos into many useful specials including HP Hands and can be Drive Rush canceled to start an offense similarly to 5MP.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
SF6 Ehonda 2lp.png

Crouching Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 3 10 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1
  • Honda's primary 4-frame move
  • Chains into 2LP or 2LK, and chains *from* 2LK
  • Your go-to hit confirm and defensive poke

An extremely important button. You'll press this more than anything else. 2LK > 2LP and 2LP > 2LP are common hit confirms. At close ranges, you can hit an additional 2LP.

You can combo 2LP into LP hundred hand slap and LP/MP headbutt. (HP headbutt combos only at extremely close range.) If the opponent is standing, 2LP also combos into sumo smash, but sumo smash will whiff on a crouching opponent.

Critically, 2LP can be canceled into drive rush. On hit, 2LP > drive rush combos into any 4-5 frame button, which then can be linked into 8-9 frame moves. On block, 2LP > drive rush leads to frame traps and continued offensive pressure.

Because headbutt is safe on block, you can cancel a single 2LP into headbutt with minimal risk, skipping the need to hit confirm. This is useful at awkward ranges where 2LP > 2LP would whiff. At far ranges, 2LP > LP hundred hand slap is also safe.

Because 2LP chains into and from 2LK, at close ranges you can chain 2LP > 2LK > 2LP. This moves a low attack later into the sequence, which can catch people who stopped blocking low.

Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 Ehonda 2mp.png

Crouching Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 4 16 Sp SA 600 LH +3 -3

An important button for all parts of the game.

In neutral, this is a decent poke and can be canceled into specials, drive rush, or drive impact. However, be careful because this button is relatively short. Buttons such as Kim 5MK and Ken 2MK clearly outrange Honda 2MP, so if you press aggressively in some matchups you will be punished. Also be aware how far this reaches after your own blockstrings. For example, 2MP will whiff after 2LK > 2LP > 2LP.

In blockstrings, this is a frametrap whenever you are +5 to +7. Notably, drive rush 5MP is +5, so 2MP is a common follow-up. Because 2MP can be canceled into drive impact, you can react if the opponent tries to DI out of pressure.

In combos, 2MP is used to convert off a variety of +8 situations, usually off of 5MP. Punish counter 5MP and drive rush 5MP are both +8, allowing you to continue the combo with 2MP. Punish counter 2LP also links into 2MP, although 2MP can whiff at far distances.

Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 Ehonda 2hp.png

Crouching Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 4 17(19) - 800 LH +3(+5) -3(-1)

An advancing poke with long range. Useful as a way to check someone trying to advance into footsies range. However, this move is relatively slow at 11 frames and can be difficult to use against characters with fast, long-range neutral pokes. Despite its visual appearance, this move does not hit low and can be blocked standing.

Safe on block at -3 but susceptible to whiff punishes. Although +3 on hit, Honda will often be too far away to continue any pressure.

If you have sumo spirit activated, 2HP can cancel into hundred hand slap, which then links into additional damage due to the sumo spirit follow-up. This makes 2HP a significant threat, allowing Honda to convert into massive damage off a far-reaching poke.

2HP moves forward a significant amount, allowing Honda to advance while maintaining down and back charges.

2HP can be used out of drive rush and is plus on both hit and block. Without sumo spirit, 2MK is often a stronger option as it is faster, hits low, and creates higher frame advantage. Drive rush 2MK, for example, is +9 on hit and links into 2MP, while drive rush 2HP is only +7. However, drive rush 2HP is useful if you need the extra range or have sumo spirit active and can cancel into hundred hand slap.

Because 2HP moves forward, it is possible to hit on a later active frame if spaced correctly, which adjusts the frame data slightly. For example, this move is -3 on block if hit close but can be -1 on block if hit far.

Crouching Light Kick
SF6 Ehonda 2lk.png

Crouching Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 2 9 Chn 200 L +3 -3
  • Chains into 2LP

Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 Ehonda 2mk.png

Crouching Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3 17 - 500 L +6 -2

Do not compare this to other 2MKs in the game. This is a mediocre neutral poke and cannot be special canceled. You will rarely use this button to check someone's feet while shimmying back and forth.

The notable feature of 2MK is being +5 on hit, which combos into 5LP > 5MP target combo. This is a higher-reward alternative to normals that are +4, with the risk being that 2MK is worse on block. For example, 5MP is +1 on block and 2MK is -2.

The other use of 2MK is out of drive rush. Drive rush > 2MK is a relatively fast low attack that covers a lot of distance, and at +9 on hit leads into decent combos.

Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 Ehonda 2hk.png

Crouching Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 3(6)5 14 - 900 L HKD +30(+39) -10(-1)

A relatively slow and short-range sweep. Most characters can punish a blocked sweep with a sweep of their own, but Honda is matchup-dependent. There are many sweeps Honda cannot punish with his own.

Harai kick (6HK) has longer range and is only -5 on block, so it is a stronger option in many cases if you want to check someone's feet. However, the reward of a successful sweep is higher, as a +30 hard knockdown allows Honda to dash forward and run offense without spending drive gauge. On a punish counter, 2HK is +45, giving ample time to set up offense.

2HK moves Honda slightly forward. This move technically hits twice, but the second hit is behind Honda and the situations where that would hit an opponent are extremely rare.

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
SF6 Ehonda jlp.png

Jumping Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 6 3 land - 300 H - -

Honda's fastest air-to-air button. Useful when you need to react quickly to an airborne attack.

If done immediately, j.LP hits standing opponents.

Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 Ehonda jmp.png

Jumping Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 8 3 land - 700 H - -

Has a larger horizontal range than j.MK, but generates smaller frame advantage when landing. Exact frame data depends on height, but everything else equal, if you press j.MP rather than j.MK, you will land with fewer plus frames. Use this when you need a quick horizontal attack in the air.

Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 Ehonda jhp.png

Jumping Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 4 3 land - 800 H - -

Honda's highest-damage air-to-air option. Relatively slow to start up, but good if you can react quickly to a jump and it is 1 frame faster than j.HK and neutral jump HP. Can also be used as a jump-in attack as it does the same damage as j.HK.

Neutral Jump Heavy Punch
"Stop Sign"
SF6 Ehonda 8jhp.png

Neutral Jump Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 8 3 land - 800 H - -

While performing this move, hold left or right to steer Honda through the air, altering his trajectory. Double-palm hitbox in front of Honda makes this move useful for neutral. Repeated j.8HPs can be used as a pre-emptive air-to-air or even to stuff grounded approaches. Can also be used to advance forward and attack from a range where opponents are not expecting it.

Jumping Light Kick
SF6 Ehonda jlk.png

Jumping Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 6 3 land - 300 H - -

This is Honda's secondary crossup after flying sumo press (j.2MK). In many scenarios, j.2MK is the superior option as it deals more damage and creates more frame advantage on hit and block. However, you can use j.LK to alter the timing of your jump-in pressure.

As an example, j.2MK is +7 or higher on block, while j.LK is +5 at most. This means you can hit a deep j.LK and immediately oicho throw as a mixup, while you would have to delay the oicho throw after a j.2MK.

Note that j.LK can be +0 to +5 on block depending on how deep you hit the opponent. In general, if you're using this button, you want to hit the opponent deep as otherwise the situation is neutral.

In situations where you're landing very close to the opponent, you can adjust the timing of j.LK to hit in front or hit crossup.

Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 Ehonda jmk.png

Jumping Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 6 3 land - 700 H - -

Has less horizontal range than j.MP but pops the opponent up higher, generating greater frame advantage when landing. Exact frame data depends on height, but everything else equal, if you press j.MK rather than j.MP, you will land with more plus frames. Use this when you want a relatively fast air-to-air that generates frame advantage on landing.

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 Ehonda jhk.png

Jumping Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 8 3 land - 800 H - -

Honda's go-to jump in button. Leads to big damage on hit and large frame advantage if blocked. A poor air-to-air button as this move has slow startup and a downward-facing hitbox.

Command Normals

Harai Kick
SF6 Ehonda 6hk.png

Harai Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 21 - 900 L +1 -5

Honda advances forward while attacking with a standing Low kick. Forward movement gives 6HK surprising range which can clip opponents who are playing footsies from outside of his usual poke range.

Drive Rush into 6HK is +7 and can connect unexpectedly from nearly full-screen. Letting Honda confirm into 5LP target combo.

Power Stomp
SF6 Ehonda 3hk.png

Power Stomp
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
22 6 18 kara 800 H +3 -3

A standing overhead attack with a short range. Can be done by itself or via the Toko Shizume target combo (5MP~3HK). In general, Power Stomp is used in specific offensive sequences where it hits meaty or frame traps. This move is otherwise slow to start up and has a short range, making it extremely risky to use in neutral.

At only +3, Power Stomp does not combo on normal hit, but +3 is a strong offensive situation. Honda can frame trap with any light button or normal throw.

For Power Stomp to combo, it must counterhit or be done out of drive rush. You can also time Power Stomp to hit on a later frame on an opponent's wakeup, making it up to +8 on hit.

Power Stomp can be kara canceled into any special or super art, most importantly into oicho throw (631214K). This overhead/throw mixup is a core part of Honda's offense. Canceling into Neko Damashi (22P) can hit opponents trying to jump out. If you have Sumo Spirit installed, Neko Damashi can be hit confirmed into Hundred Hand Slap, converting into a large combo.

See the 5MP~3HK section for additional information specific to that combo.

Flying Sumo Press
SF6 Ehonda j2mk.png

Flying Sumo Press
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 9 3 land - 500 H - -

Must be performed while jumping forward. If you input j.2MK during a neutral or backward jump, you will perform a normal j.MK.

Honda's primary crossup and a good jump-in button if you need to cover both your left and right sides (for example, if an opponent might walk under you). Against normal-height characters, Flying Sumo Press is minimum +7 on block but can be higher if you hit deep. It is minimum +11 on hit.

5MP is a strong followup after Flying Sumo Press. On block, 5MP will frame trap and is plus on block, enabling follow-up pressure. On hit, 5MP will combo and can be linked into 2LP.

Against tall characters (such as Zangief and Marisa), Flying Sumo Press is minimum +6 on block and +10 on hit. 5MP will trade with 4-frame buttons but can be comboed afterward. On hit, 5MP will hit as normal. You can also hit Flying Sumo Press deeper to create more frame advantage.

On punish counter, Flying Sumo Press is minimum +14 against tall characters and +15 against others. If you recognize a punish counter situation, you have plenty of time to hit a heavy button afterward and do a high-damage combo.

Target Combos

Double Slaps
SF6 Ehonda 5mp.png

Double Slaps
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 4 20 Sp SA 600(480) LH KD +34 -10

In general, leads to higher damage combos and stronger oki than combos that start with 2LP. The difference between +4 situations and +5 situations is important to Honda, and Honda players should make sure they recognize those +5 situations.

On hit, Double Slaps knocks the opponent airborne in a juggle state. You can combo most special moves during this juggle. Be aware that you can build charge during the Double Slaps animation, allowing you to use both headbutt or sumo smash.

Unlike normal 5MP, which is +1 on block, Double Slaps is -10 on block, making it easily punished by most characters.

Both hits of Double Slaps are special cancelable. You will virtually always combo the second hit, but both hits being special cancelable allows you to easily react to an opponent's drive impact.

A basic offensive sequence off Double Slaps is 5LP~MP > headbutt > forward jump j.HK. After the headbutt, you will be +42 on block, making the j.HK a safe jump.

Toko Shizume
SF6 Ehonda 3hk.png

Toko Shizume
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
22 6 18 kara 800 H +3 -3

Target combo to chain 5MP into Honda's overhead. 3HK in this target combo is identical to the raw version.

5MP into either 3HK or into kara-cancel Oicho has a 6f gap; it will lose to mashed jabs and the overhead can be Drive Impacted or Drive Parried out of (although both of those options will lose to kara-Oicho). Drive Rush into target combo is the truly scary option. With the gap reduced to only 2 frames, both 3HK and Oicho will beat any mashed button. Additionally, 3HK will now connect fast enough to catch people trying to jump, and will recover in time to counter-DI a Drive Impact.


Forward Throw (LPLK)
Forward Throw
SF6 Ehonda lplk.png

Saba Ori
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +17 -

Honda's forward throw does not generate oki midscreen if the opponent backrolls. Even with drive rush, the opponent wakes up too quickly, and Honda cannot threaten with any meaty attack. For this reason, in midscreen, consider backthrow, which generates greater frame advantage.

In the corner (or on hard knockdown after a punish counter throw), Honda must use drive rush to generate significant oki. Drive rush 5MP leaves a 4-frame gap, which can technically be traded with a 4-frame attack. However, Honda is still +8 after the trade and can link 2MP. Any button faster than 10 frames will beat non-reversal attacks.

Without drive rush, Honda can still walk forward and challenge with normals. This is one situation where 5MK can be useful since it moves Honda forward significantly. If 5MK hits meaty, you can link into 2LP and combo. Other normals are harder or impossible to hit confirm.

Be aware that Honda does not get throw loops off forward throw in any situation. If you attempt to walk up throw or drive rush throw (normal or oicho), the opponent will be able to mash out with fast buttons.

Back Throw (4LPLK)
Back Throw
SF6 Ehonda 4lplk.png

Tawara Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +24 -

Drive System

Drive Impact (HPHK)
Drive Impact
SF6 Ehonda hphk.png

Sumo Crunch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 2 35 - 800 LH KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72

See Drive Impact

When cancelled from a normal, these are the important blockstring gaps; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout

  • -
  • Note: A gap β‰₯ 6f can be thrown, and a gap β‰₯ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

Drive Reversal (6HPHK)
Drive Reversal
6HPHK (in blockstun)
SF6 Ehonda 6hphk.png

Raiden-Ho (Block)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6

See Drive Reversal

  • Full Invuln: 1-22f; Armor Break

Drive Parry (MPMK)
Drive Parry
SF6 Ehonda mpmk.png

Drive Parry
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) - - - - -

See Drive Parry

  • Perfect Parry has only 1f recovery, and disables the opponent from canceling their attack
  • Perfect Parry vs. projectiles puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

Drive Rush (66)
Drive Rush
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).

                  No results

See Drive Rush. Frame data shown in (parentheses) refers to the version used after Parry.

  • Notable Drive Rush cancel combo routes:
  • Notable Drive Rush cancel blockstring gaps:

Special Moves

Sumo Spirit (22K)
Sumo Spirit
SF6 Ehonda 22k.png

Sumo Spirit
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
51 - 1 - - - - -

Enhances the next use of Hundred Hand Slap.

Enhanced Hands causes Honda to end his usual Hundred Hands attack with a downwards chop on hit. The chop causes a large amount of hitstun against grounded opponents and bounces airborne ones, allowing Honda to extend his combo afterwards. Grounded non-OD enhanced hands can link 2LP afterwards, enhanced OD hands can link 5LP afterwards. The bounce against airborne allows Honda to connect Headbutt, LP/MP/OD Hands, or OD Sumo Slam.

Enhanced Hands also gains the ability to be canceled into from certain moves that are otherwise not special-cancelable. Honda can cancel the following extra moves into Enhanced Hands:

  • 2HP
  • Later frames of 5HP (early frames are already special-cancelable)
  • Neko Damashi (22P)

Hundred Hand Slap (214P)
Hundred Hand Slap
SF6 Ehonda 214lp.png

SF6 Ehonda 214pp.png

Hundred Hand Slap
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2(4)2(2)1(2)2(1)1(1)2
14 SA3 80x5,400 (800)
[80x5,450 (850)]
LH +2[+4] -4
Hundred Hand Slap
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
18 2(4)2(1)1(3)1(2)1(3)1(3)1(2)1(2)2
17[14] SA3 80x8,360 (1000)
[80x7,490 (1050)]
LH +2[+4] -8
Hundred Hand Slap
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
21 2(4)2(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)1(2)1(2)1(2)1(1)2
17[14] SA3 80x11,320 (1200)
[80x10,450 (1250)]
LH +2[+4] -8
Hundred Hand Slap
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
19 4(6)2(3)2(3)2(4)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(1)2
12 SA2 SA3 80x8,160 (800)
[80x9,130 (850)]
LH +4[+6] -3

Honda steps forward and attacks with repeated slaps. Heavier strengths advance further forward and hit additional times. The rapid multiple hits allow the move to beat Drive Impact and other armored moves, and if it does do this, the extra frame advantage from a counterhit allows Honda to get a short combo afterward.

Not recommended to use in neutral due to being fairly minus on block. LP Hands is only -4 and can be safe if spaced well, but MP and HP Hands are always punishable. Hundred Hands is mainly useful in combos, especially the version enhanced by Sumo Spirit, as it allows for several possible extensions. Despite hitting several times, only counts as a single attack for damage scaling purposes.

Sumo Headbutt ([4]6P)
Sumo Headbutt
SF6 Ehonda 46lp.png

SF6 Ehonda 46pp.png

Sumo Headbutt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 1~22 2+18(17) land SA3 1400(1000) LH KD +40 -3
Sumo Headbutt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 1~24 2+18(20) land SA3 1400(1100) LH KD +40 -3
Sumo Headbutt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 1~34 2+18(20) land SA3 1500(1300) LH KD +40 -3
Sumo Headbutt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 5,1~30 30(37) land - 600,1000 LH KD +36(+37) -20

All-purpose neutral tool, frame trap, and combo finisher. All versions are -4 on block but cause enough pushback that no 4-frame button in the game will hit Honda. Headbutt will also deplete 1 drive bar on block. Headbutt is therefore safe on block and is a core part of Honda's gameplan, allowing him to harass the opponent, counterpoke, and drain their drive meter. At 1300-1400 damage per hit, headbutt adds up quickly.

All versions of Headbutt have anti-air invulernability, making it Honda's best anti-air so long as he has charge. However, the first few frames of headbutt are not anti-air invulnerable, nor does headbutt have anti-air invulernability once active. If you Headbutt too late, or if an opponent is able to adjust their air timing (such as with a divekick), Honda can still get hit. Against characters with tricky jump-in timing, consider OD Sumo Smash or an air-to-air.

Each version of Headbutt has slightly different properties and travel speeds. In general, if you are ending a combo with Headbutt and HP Headbutt works, use HP Headbutt for highest damage. HP Headbutt travels the fastest but has higher startup; therefore in neutral, at close ranges, MP Headbutt will be faster overall. The round start distance is the point at which MP and HP Headbutt hit on the same frame. Any longer distance and HP Headbutt is faster. Any shorter distance, MP Headbutt is faster.

LP Headbutt can be used to feint a headbutt, landing next to an opponent. This is very slow and easy to react to, but can be used to bait a parry attempt from your opponent, enabling a punish counter throw. LP Headbutt also has fewer recovery frames if it hits an armored opponent. Most importantly, this gives you a few more frames to recover and react to Drive Impact. LP Headbutt is therefore useful in close range against an opponent trying to throw out DI. At farther ranges, MP/HP Headbutt's speed make them better options.

Even though Headbutt is safe on block, be mindful of what your opponent can do when they are +4 next to you. Some characters have strong neutral buttons and can pressure Honda after blocking a Headbutt. In addition, an opponent who parries Headbutt will *gain* one drive bar and be +4. Doing predictable or long-range Headbutts will also make you susceptible to perfect parry, and at very long ranges opponents can react with Drive Impact and punish you. Although Headbutt is a strong move, be sure to incorporate different kinds of offense into your game.

OD Headbutt has armor on startup and can absorb 2 hits. It is one of Honda's main reversals, but it will lose to throws and it is armored, not invulnerable, so Honda will still take damage. It can also be used to push through fireballs or as a high-risk way to continue offensive pressure when you are negative and an opponent is likely to press a button. OD Headbutt is -20 on block, making it highly punishable.

Be aware that Headbutt can cancel into super art 3. In addition to regular combos, this means Honda can represent huge damage from an anti-air.

Sumo Smash ([2]8K)
Sumo Smash
SF6 Ehonda 28lk.png

SF6 Ehonda 28kk.png

Sumo Smash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11(45) 4(26)8 17 land - 400,1000 [800] LH,H HKD +23[+27] +1
Sumo Smash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11(42) 4(24)7 17 land - 400,1000 [800] LH,H HKD +23[+27] +1
Sumo Smash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11(39) 4(22)6 17 land - 400,1000 [800] LH,H HKD +23[+27] +1
Sumo Smash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6(31~36) 12(13~17)9 17 land - 400,1000 [800] LH,H HKD +23[+27] +2

Hits twice, once as Honda leaps up into the air, then again as he slams downward with his butt. There is no difference between non-OD versions of Buttslam, but Honda can steer where he will land by holding left or right while ascending. Honda can direct the slam to hit cross-up or same side even from fairly far away, although Buttslam deals slightly less damage as a crossup.

Buttslam allows Honda to bully his way in on defensive opponents, the falling attack does fairly well against normal anti-airs, and the cross-up element can mess with opponents trying to use a DP or charge input to anti-air. Drive Impact can armor through the slam but the attack itself tends to whiff under Honda, letting him punish. The buttslam is +1 on block and leaves Honda close enough to give him a Strike/Throw mixup. The rising hit is also fairly fast and has surprisingly good horizontal range, letting Honda "counterpoke" with random buttslams or do annoying things like 2LP > [2]8K on block. It is also a good combo ender, dealing good damage and leading to a knockdown with Honda close and at good frame advantage to set up oki.

If the downward part of Buttslam hits as a Punish Counter (mainly if Honda reads a fireball and buttslams over it), the opponent will be ground bounced. Honda can confirm with 5HK into a full combo of his choice.

OD Buttslam has air invincibility on the way up, making it a good alternative anti-air. It can be used to catch people neutral jumping at midrange, attempting to avoid Headbutt.

Oicho Throw (63214K)
Oicho Throw
SF6 Ehonda 63214lk.png

SF6 Ehonda 63214kk.png

Oicho Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 52 - 2000 (2300) T HKD +7 -
Oicho Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 52 - 2200 (2645) T HKD +7 -
Oicho Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 52 - 2400 (2760) T HKD +7 -
Oicho Throw
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 52 - 2800 (3220) T HKD +7 -

Honda's command grab. All versions have identical frame data, differing only in range and damage. Of non-OD versions, LK Oicho Throw has the farthest range and the lowest damage, while HK Oicho Throw has the shortest range and highest damage. OD Oicho Throw has the highest damage overall with the same range as the LK version. However, the LK version's range is still relatively short. For example, both Zangief and Lily's LP command grabs outrange Honda significantly. Honda usually needs to have established a close position and frame advantage on the opponent to attempt an Oicho Throw as it is very difficult to use in neutral.

On whiff, Oicho Throw has massive recovery frames, opening Honda up to easy and high-damage punishes from the opponent. The more resources your opponent has, the higher risk a whiffed Oicho Throw becomes.

Oicho Throw is +7 on hit but places both characters away from each other, approximately round-start distance. So while Oicho Throw can represent a lot of damage, it resets Honda's offense. Players must use good judgment when assessing the risk/reward. An HK Oicho Throw might close out a round against a cornered opponent with low life, but a midscreen LK Oicho Throw is only 2000 damage and effectively resets the match to neutral. Honda players should mix normal throws into their offense as they are lower risk and lead to stronger oki.

Honda's 3HK overhead, both the normal version and the 5MP~3HK target combo, can be kara-canceled into Oicho Throw.

Be aware that minor differences in spacing can cause Oicho Throw to whiff due to its short range. For example, an opponent who blocks Sumo Slam ([2]8K) is often in range of LK/OD Oicho Throw, but it is not guaranteed. Characters walking backward for just a few frames can also make Oicho Throw whiff. Oicho Throw is therefore stronger in the corner where positioning is more reliable.

If you Oicho Throw an opponent in the corner, they will recover slightly forward of the corner, leaving a small gap for crossups.

Sumo Dash (236K)
Sumo Dash
SF6 Ehonda 236k.png

SF6 Ehonda 236kk.png

Sumo Dash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 - 51 total - - - - -
Sumo Dash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13(11) - 34 total - - - - -

"Stance" special command walk. Honda moves forward, taking three steps in total. Sumo Dash's primary purpose is to access its follow-up specials: Teppo Triple Slap and Taiho Cannon Lift.

Non-OD versions are completely identical. OD Sumo Dash has two main benefits: it allows Honda to access the follow-up specials 1 frame earlier than he normally can (13f instead of 14f), which gives some extra combo potential. It also improves the follow-up specials themselves, typically by giving them superior recovery or damage.

Teppo Triple Slap 1 (236K~P)
Teppo Triple Slap 1
SF6 Ehonda 236k p.png

SF6 Ehonda 236kk p.png

Teppo Triple Slap 1
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14+9 3(13)3 22 SA3 400x2 LH KD +42 -3
Teppo Triple Slap 1
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13+9 3(13)3 17 SA2 SA3 400x2 LH +3 +2

One of two possible options from Sumo Dash. Honda continues to step forward, while attacking twice with his palms. Button strength has no effect.

Teppo Double is safe on block (and the version from OD Sumo Dash is plus), making it okay to occasionally use in neutral or in pressure for harassing the opponent and their drive gauge. It especially shines when the opponent is in Burnout, getting enough frame advantage for Honda to loop back into this special and pile on chip damage.

By pressing any additional Punch button, Honda can transition into Teppo Triple Slap 2 (see below). Honda may not want to do this, even if he confirms the hit, because Teppo Double gives much better okizeme potential; leaving the opponent much closer to Honda while also letting him recover much faster.

Teppo Triple Slap 2 (236K~P~P)
Teppo Triple Slap 2
SF6 Ehonda 236k p p.png

SF6 Ehonda 236kk p p.png

Teppo Triple Slap 2
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 38 - 600 LH KD +22 -24
Teppo Triple Slap 2
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 38 - 800 LH KD +54 -24

Follow-up to Teppo Triple Slap by pressing an additional punch button. It is now very punishable on block. Triple Slap adds a hefty amount of damage and still gives Honda oki potential near the corner, but knocks the opponent very far away, sacrificing midscreen Oki and the ability to score a safejump like he can from Double Slap.

It is also worth noting that Triple Slap can not be canceled into supers, the way that the initial two hits can. If Honda intends to combo into SA2 (via OD Sumo Dash) or SA3, he needs to omit this attack.

Taiho Cannon Lift (236K~2P)
Taiho Cannon Lift
SF6 Ehonda 236k 2p.png

SF6 Ehonda 236kk 2p.png

Taiho Cannon Lift
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2(17)3 32(15) SA3 400x2 LH KD +64 -22
Taiho Cannon Lift
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2(17)3 32(15) SA2 SA3 500x2 LH KD +64 -22

Taiho Cannon Lift is Honda's launcher. It deals solid up-front damage (identical to Teppo without follow-up), and knocks the opponent airborne for Honda to juggle with a special or Drive Rush normal of his choice. Comboing into Taiho Cannon is a great way to increase Honda's damage potential, but it should never be used in neutral due to its slow startup and terrible recovery.

Taiho Cannon's downside compared to Teppo Slap is its slower startup. Under normal circumstances, it is too slow to combo from any of Honda's special-cancelable normals, except for the first hit of 5HK. The slightly faster startup of OD Sumo Dash allows Honda to additionally combo from the 2nd hit of 5HK, as well as from 5HP. Other factors such as Drive Rush advantage or Punish Counters can allow Honda to combo into Taiho Cannon from other normals, but the primary way remains 5HK(1).

Although Taiho Cannon can be super-canceled, this should never be done because both SA2 and SA3 will whiff under the launched opponent. Instead, Honda can complete the launcher and juggle into super, or juggle into a special move (such as HP/OD Hands) and super-cancel that move instead.

Neko Damashi (22P)
Neko Damashi
SF6 Ehonda 22p.png

Neko Damashi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 5 14 Sp* SA3 600 LH +3(+7) -3(+1)

Honda smacks his hands together. This creates a small shockwave which destroys projectiles. All versions/strengths are identical, and there is no OD version.

In theory, 22P can be used from around footsies range to simultaneously beat a fireball such as Ryu's Hadouken and counterhit the opponent behind it. On counterhit/punish counter, Honda can usually mash 2LP to link afterwards into a short combo. In practice, the 11f startup, relatively short active window, and limited range make this difficult to both space and time. However, Clap is safe on block, and so you can attempt to catch people with it.

If Honda has his Sumo Spirit buff active, then 22P can be canceled on contact into Enhanced Hands. This gives Honda the potential for slightly longer hit-confirms and slightly improved damage. For example, Honda can normally only combo 2LP into LP Hundred Hands. However, if he has Sumo Spirit, he can combo 2LP > 22P > 214MP.

Super Arts

Level 1 Super (236236P)
Show of Force
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 Ehonda 236236p.png

Show of Force
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 5 48 - 2000 LH KD +13(+38) -33
  • Full invuln frame 1, strike invuln frames 2-7.

Honda's SA1 is a fast reversal. It is useful because Honda's main non-super reversal (OD Headbutt) is vulnerable to throws, but SA1 will blow through both strikes and throws. On hit, SA1 knocks the opponent to fullscreen distance. This means that the specific knockdown advantage varies depending on screen position, although Honda will essentially never get oki on SA1 unless he already has the opponent cornered when he lands it.

Besides canceling a normal move into SA1, Honda can juggle into SA1 from Taiho Cannon Lift, or from the ground bounce causes by Enhanced Hands on an airborne opponent. This can situationally provide a higher-damage combo ender then the special move Honda might normally juggle with in these situations.

Level 2 Super ([4]646K)
Ultimate Killer Head Ram
Level 2 Super Art
SF6 Ehonda 4646k.png

Ultimate Killer Head Ram
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 2(2),1~21 2+43 land - 2850(2800) LH HKD +13 -27
  • Full invuln frame 1-15

Super version of Sumo Headbutt. Can be used as a reversal similar to SA1, as a combo ender after OD Hands/Headbutt/Teppo, or as a long-range anti-air.

Level 3 Super (214214P)
The Final Bout
Level 3 Super Art
SF6 Ehonda 214214p.png

SF6 Ehonda 214214p(ca).png
CA version grants 500 extra damage

The Final Bout
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3(8)3 51 - 4000 (2500) LH HKD +11 (KD +19) -34
The Final Bout (CA)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 3(8)3 51 - 4500 (2750) LH HKD +34 (KD +19) -34
  • Full invuln frames 1-11.

Standard cinematic SA3. Very easy to combo into from any version of 214P, and can also cancel from the early active frames of Headbutt where Honda is still grounded.

Like many level 3 supers, can be used as a last-ditch reversal, but remember that Show of Force (level 1 super) is also a reversal and is slightly faster to start up. SA3 should only be used when the extra damage is important.

If SA3 hits high enough, which is rare, it will not trigger the cinematic and instead hit a single time. The damage of the single hit is indicated in (). This can only really happen if the super is used as an anti-air at a very weird angle, or if Honda tries to juggle Headbutt > SA3 very early.


Neutral Taunt (5PPPKKK)
Neutral Taunt
SF6 Ehonda 5pppkkk.png
"Just bring it!"

Neutral Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
88 [178] 45 - - - - -
  • Active frames refer to 1-hit armor
  • 310f total animation

Forward Taunt (6PPPKKK)
Forward Taunt
SF6 Ehonda 6pppkkk.png
"You ready to rumble, chump?"

Forward Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
100 (total) - - - - - - -

Back Taunt (4PPPKKK)
Back Taunt
SF6 Ehonda 4pppkkk.png
"You know what? I'm all fired up!"

Back Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
205 (total) - - - - - - -

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