Street Fighter 6/Manon/Introduction

From SuperCombo Wiki


A super model and world champion judoka, Manon is an idealist, forever seeking self-improvement in the pursuit of beauty. She struts the catwalk of street fighting to become the world's strongest model.

Manon's distinct playstyle features center around long, far reaching normals that control the opponent's position and enhance her strike/throw game, mixed with command throws that scale up in damage every time she manages to hit with them, which gives her a lot of power once she has the momentum.

The centerpoint of Manon's gameplan is based on medals. Landing her Manège Doré command throw or her Renversé hitgrab will grant her an additional medal, up to a maximum of 5. Each medal gained increases the damage of both these moves by a notable amount; Manège Doré itself becomes one of the strongest command grabs in the game if Manon manages to hit 5 medals. Additionally, these medals are carried over between rounds, giving Manon incredible potential to mount powerful comebacks and dominate a match-point game with a well-placed Manège Doré; this is especially dangerous when Manon has enough Drive Meter to go for a Drive Rush Manège Doré, as its effective range increases drastically when used this way.

To complement these two moves and her medal system, Manon's long limbs let her play a strong mid-range game to poke and prod the opponent, with quite a few of her jumping normals having long reach and several moves having target combo followups that pull the opponent in or otherwise reposition them for Manon to throw them. Many of her special moves and even a few of her Super Arts are also built for callouts or helping Manon to maneuver past tricky situations; Renversé can be feinted for projectile invulnerability or canceled into a fairly far reaching kick that retains a little of that invulnerability too, while she can use Dégagé to either duck under attacks with the light version, punish opponents just out of range of her longer normals pr end combos with the medium version, or go for an advancing overhead with the heavy and Overdive versions. Her 2HP is one of her moves with a target combo followup, allowing her to turn anti-air situations to her advantage by dropping the opponent right in front of her, and both her Level 1 and Level 2 Super Arts (Arabesque and Étoile) function as powerful reversals for the ground and against air attacks respectively.

Manon mainly struggles if she lacks Drive Meter, as many of her strongest conversions and pokes or oki setups may require her to Drive Rush Cancel her normals in order to be a threat. Some of her neutral tools also have noticeable recovery windows in exchange for their speed and reach, meaning that a wary opponent can punish her for them if they make the right call on what she's going to do. If you like to dance around opponents and see them fly through the sky, then pirouette into place with Manon.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strike/Throw: Manon plays a consistent strike/throw game with good inevitability. Her Manège Doré command grab is rewarding to perform, while her strike option (2LK) links easily into a combo with good okizeme. Manon also has great range on the LP version of Manège, and can combine it with Drive Rush to swiftly grab you from a huge distance away.
  • Strong Normals and Target Combos: Manon's long limbs give her solid range in the neutral. 5HP is a solid normal with a target combo follow up that instantly pulls opponents into a strike/throw situation on hit. 5MP has a similar target combo on a 7f normal, while 2HP has an anti-air target combo that pulls the opponent out of the sky and places them right at the perfect range for a command grab.
  • High Reward RPS: Manon has a number of rewarding callout options for situations that may normally cause her trouble. Renversé can be feinted to give Manon 13f of projectile invulnerability, while the light variant of Dégagé is a 16f advancing sweep that leaves opponents in a perfect oki situation for Manon.
  • Medal Snowballing: While Manège Doré starts off as the lowest damaging command grab, landing it or Renversé earns Manon a medal. Each medal levels up the damage of both of those moves by a considerable amount and are notably retained between rounds. This makes Manon into a serious threat over the course of a match -- even if she loses the first round, every medal she gains allows her to close out the following rounds faster.
  • Neutral RPS: Manon has no projectile to speak of, requiring her to close the gap against the majority of the cast. A lot of her faster neutral tools are unsafe, allowing opponents who have properly labbed against her to utilize some brutal punishes. While her options for getting around pokes and fireballs are rewarding, they still carry large risk and can open her up to huge punishes if they fail.
  • Reliant on Drive: Manon uses lots of Drive. Most oki situations require Drive to make them real, which leaves her vulnerable to reversals. Similarly, she must spend resources on keeping pokes safe, which can heavily drain away her Drive Gauge.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison