Street Fighter 6/Akuma/Combos

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Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Akuma's fireballs have three levels of charge and will be notated as such:

  • Uncharged fireballs are notated as 236P.
  • Partial charge, two-hit fireballs are notated as 236{P}.
  • Fully charged, three-hit fireballs are notated as 236[P].

Day 1 BnBs

Max Damage Jump-In

j.HK, 5HK, 5MK > 214LK, 2HK/623HP

A general introduction to some core Akuma combo concepts. All Tatsus require a standing opponent, and 5MK neatly forces stand. Juggling into 2HK is better for okizeme and 623HP is better for damage.

Confirms from Pressure Strings

5LP/2LP/2LK > 2LP, 5LK > 623HP/214LP/214LK (stand only)
5MP, 5LP > 214LP

Akuma can link 2LP into 5LK, his longest-reaching light normal. Otherwise, he only gets two light normals in a sequence before being pushed out of range.

Drive Impact

PC DI, 5HK, 5MK > 214LK, 2HK/623HP

Essentially the same as his jump-in combo.

Drive Impact

DI, 4HK > 236{P}, 214HK

This juggle route is relatively common for Akuma.


s.LP, c.LP, s.LK, 623HP

s.LP, c.LP, 214LK, 623HP

CH c.LP, s.MP-MP, 214LK, c.HK - whiffs on crouching

c.LK, c.LP, s.LK, DR s.LP, c.HP, 214LK, c.HK


c.MP, s.MP-MP, 214LK, 623HP

c.MP, s.MP-MP, 214LK, c.HK

c.MK, DR s.HP, s.MK, 214LK, c.HK

s.MP-MP, DR s.HK, s.HP, 214HK


s.HK, s.MK, 214LK, 623HP

To Corner:

s.HK, s.MK, DR s.HK, s.HP, 214HK


Side Switch:

PC DI, Grab


PC DI, c.HP, 214LK, 623HP

Midscreen to Corner:

PC DI, s.HP, 214PP-f.P, DR b.HK, (charge)236MP, 623HP


PC DI, s.HP, 214PP-f.P, b.HK, (charge) 236PP, DR c.HP, 214MK, 623LP, LVL 3



PC 214HP, c.HP, 214PP-f.P, b.HK, (charge) 236PP, DR c.HP, DR b.HK, 214HP-f.P, 623 LP, LVL 3


PC s.HK, c.HP, DR s.HK, s.HP, DR s.HK, s.HP, 214HP-f.P, LVL 3

PC 214HP, c.HP, DR s.HK, s.HP, DR s.HK, s.HP, 214HP-f.P, LVL 3

ANTI AIR COMBOS j.MP, j.236PP, DR b.HK, 236HK-HK, 623HP

j.MP, j.236HP, DR c.HK

s.HK, LVL 1

j.MP, j.236PP, DR b.HK, 236HK-HK, LVL 2, MK-Hk, 214HK

b.HK, 236KK-236P, DR b.HK, 236HK-K, LVL3


j.HK, s.HP, 214PP-f.P, b.HK, (charge) 236PP, DR c.HP, DR b.HK, 214HP-f.P, 623 LP, LVL 3

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LP>2LP>2LP>623HP Anywhere 1650 - - Easy Simple light string confirm
5LP>2LK>2LP>2LP>214LK,2HK Anywhere 1310 - - Easy Useful low string to catch opponents walking away from pressure. Ends with a safejump or double dash oki. 214LK will whiff in very rare case opponent was crouching but not blocking.
2MP,2MP>214MP~6P Anywhere 2260 - - Easy Slightly more reliable at longer range for less damage. 2nd 2MP still whiffs at max range
2MP,5MP~MP>214MP~6P Anywhere 2540 - - Easy TC will whiff at max range.
5HK,5MK>214LK,2HK Anywhere 2520 - - Easy Basic 5HK conversion. Can replace 214LK with 214HK for corner carry. Replace 2HK with 623HP for damage
5HP>214HP~6P Anywhere 2180 - - Easy Basic most reliable poke conversion
j.HK,5HK,5MK>214LK,623HP Anywhere 3050 - - Medium Best driveless, meterless deep jump-in,
DI (blocked) 2HP>214MK,623LP Corner 2136 - - Medium Easy, maybe best meterless/driveless DI wallsplat combo. Credit to Notz's spreadsheet
PC DI 2HP>214HK Anywhere 2800 - - Easy Easy combo with great corner carry

Combo Theory

Combo Enders

214PP wallsplats can be extended starting from ~32% screen. At max range you will need to DR into long normals, but these will whiff up close.

Damages will differ from below depending on the initial normal used.

214PP Wall splats
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
214PP~6P, DR 6HP~6HP~HK ~32% to 25% 2405 3 0 Easy Easy extension
214PP~6P,DR 5HP>236LP,623HP ~32% to 25% 2719 3 0 Easy Slightly harder extension for more damage.
214PP~6P,4HK>236[HP](lvl.2), 214HK Corner 3060 2 0 Medium Simple extension requiring timing with lvl.2 fireball
214PP~6P,4HK>236[HP](lvl.2), DR 2HP>214MK,623LP>SA3 Corner 5064 2 0 Hard Difficult extension with lvl.2 fireball into DR that allows for SA3 finisher. Can also replace 236[HP](lvl.2) with 236[PP](lvl.2) for easier charge timing

Drive Rush Extensions

It's important to have moves that force stand to allow for all combo enders. 2HP and 4HK have notably higher damage, the former has less scaling and the latter has juggle properties.

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LP>DRC 2LP, 2HP Anywhere 3 - Easy Light extension that forces stand, allowing for more ender options.
Medium>DRC 2MP, 2HP/5HP/4HK Anywhere 3 - Easy Medium extension.
Heavy>DRC 6HP, 2HP Anywhere 3 - Easy Heavy extension.
4HK Anti-air

4HK>236[MP](lvl.2), DR 5HP>214MK

4HK can be used as an anti-air that can combo. Easiest extension is 236[MP](lvl.2)

Punish Counters

<tabber> -4 =

-4 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 5LP, 4HP Go-to close range punish starter.
PC 5LP, 2HK Basic, hit-confirmable link from a far Punish Counter 5LP.
PC 5LP, 2MK Alternate far PC 5LP with more damage potential. If going for a knockdown with MK SBK, you have to begin charging immediately and delay the 2MK by 2 frames in order to get the necessary charge.

|-| -5 =

-5 Punishes
Combo Notes

|-| -6 =

-6 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 2MP > 214P~MK > ... 4/6MP will lead to better damage, but 2MK may be needed when using this as a whiff punish against normals that hit lower to the ground.

|-| -7 =

-7 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 6MP/2MK > 236HK

|-| -8 =

-8 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 4HP > 214P~MK > ...
PC 236LK, 5MP/2MK > ... The same links work from 236MK, which is slower in exchange for more damage.

|-| Other =

Combo Lists

DI Combos

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
PC DI 5HK,5MK>214HK Anywhere 2820 - - Easy Slightly more optimal than Day 1 version for better corner carry.
PC DI 4HK>236LP,DR 5HP>214HP~6P Anywhere 3080 1 - Easy 1 drive, a little more damage. Can replace 214HP~6P for 214HK more corner carry (~50%) and 3002 dmg
PC DI 4HK>236KK~214K, 214HK/623LP>SA3 Anywhere 3310 (5060) 3 0 (3) Medium For 2 extra bar you can get more damage and corner carry. Can alternatively start with 4HK>214KK for easier execution. After OD Adamant Flame replace with L DP for SA3 cancel. Credit to Notz's spreadsheet.
PC DI 2HP>214HP~6P, 623HP Corner 3120 1 - Easy Driveless meterless corner variation
PC DI 2HP>214HP~6P, 4HK>236[HP](lvl2), 214HK Corner 3710 3 - Easy For 2 extra drive get more damage.
DI (blocked) 2HP>214MK,623LP>SA3 Corner 4138 1 3 Medium
DI (wallsplat) 2HP>214MK,623LP>SA3 Corner 4770 1 3 Medium If opponent does not block the DI, this combo gets more damage.
DI (wallsplat) 4HK>236[HP](lvl.2),214MK,623LP>SA3 Corner 4970 1 3 Hard Harder version than above for more damage. Tight timing on tatsu and fireball.
DI (stun) j.HP,2HP>214PP~6P,4HK>236[HP](lvl.2),214HK Corner 3020 3 - Medium

Drive Rush Combos

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DR 6MP, 5MK>214LK,623HP Anywhere 2680 1 - Easy Drive Rush overhead combo to start offense. KD +29
DR 6MP, 5MK>214HK Anywhere 2580 1 - Easy Alternatively end with 214HK for more corner carry and better oki (KD +33).

Punish Counter Combos

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
PC 5HK,2HP>Ender of choice Anywhere - - - Medium 5HK is your ideal shimmy button
PC Anywhere - - Medium DP Punish is best started with Adamant Flame.

Counter-hit Combos

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
CH 2LP,5MK>214LK, 2HK/623HP Anywhere 1790(2090) - - Medium At max range, should go into sweep as DP will whiff.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison