Street Fighter 6/Manon/Combos: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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| 4HP > 236PP~K, 4HP > 236HK, 236LP || Anywhere|| 3155 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || Recommended punish for 2 drive
| 4HP > 236PP~K, 4HP > 236HK, 236LP || Anywhere|| 3155 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || Recommended punish for 2 drive
| 4HP > 236MP~K, 236KK, 214MK || Anywhere || 2960 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || Safejump routing when close to the corner, can alternatively end in 236MP for medals
| 4HP > 236MP~K, 236KK, 214MK || Anywhere || 2960 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || 6f Reversal Safejump routing when close to the corner, can alternatively end in 236MP for medals
| 214HK, 5MP > 236KK, 236KK, DR~4HP > DR~4HP > 236HP(1) > 236236P || Corner || 6112 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || Max damage DP punish (CA listed, requires 5 drive)
| 214HK, 5MP > 236KK, 236KK, DR~4HP > DR~4HP > 236HP(1) > 236236P || Corner || 6112 || {{clr|2|Medium}} || Max damage DP punish (CA listed, requires 5 drive)

Revision as of 23:34, 15 August 2023

Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)


Bread And Butter Combos
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
2LP > 2LP > 236HK Anywhere 1210 Very Easy Easy combo for getting used to Manon's cancel options. She has other things she can do from 2LP, but this is the most common.
j.HK, 4HP > 236MP Anywhere 2720 Easy Manon's easiest jump in medal (Damage is medal dependant, listed for Level 1)

Combo Tables

Normal Hit Starters

Light Confirms
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
2LP > 2LP > 236HK Anywhere 1210 Very Easy Easy combo for getting used to Manon's cancel options. She has other things she can do from 2LP, but this is the most common.
5LP/2LP/2LK > 5LP/2LP > 236LK/236MK Anywhere ~1190 Very Easy Mix and match these moves for 12 easy Manon combos!
5LP/2LP/2LK > 5LP > 214LK Anywhere ~1270 Very Easy You can get 214LK oki off of 5LP
2LK > 5LP > 214LK/214MK Anywhere 1270/1430 Easy LK ender better oki, MK better corner carry
2LK >2LP > 236MK/HK Anywhere 1270/1110 Easy HK gives oki, MK is better damage
2LK > 2LP > 236KK, 214MK Anywhere 1950 Medium
*2LK > 5LP > DR > 5LP > 4HP > 236MP Anywhere 1860 Medium Low damage but gets a medal off a 2LK confirm
Medium Confirms
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
2MP, 5LK > 236HK Anywhere 1540 Easy Close range confirm into oki
5MP~MK Anywhere 1100 Medium Target combo hitconfirm from 5MP
Heavy Confirms
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
5HP~HP Anywhere 1400 Easy This is why we love Manon, very hitconfirmable into her best pressure
j.HK, 4HP > 236MP Anywhere 2720 Easy Manon's easiest jump in medal.

Punish Combos

DP Punishes (Punish Counter)
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
2MP, 4HP > 236MP Anywhere 2640 Easy Easy Medal
4HP > 236PP~K, 4HP > 236HK, 236LP Anywhere 3155 Medium Recommended punish for 2 drive
4HP > 236MP~K, 236KK, 214MK Anywhere 2960 Medium 6f Reversal Safejump routing when close to the corner, can alternatively end in 236MP for medals
214HK, 5MP > 236KK, 236KK, DR~4HP > DR~4HP > 236HP(1) > 236236P Corner 6112 Medium Max damage DP punish (CA listed, requires 5 drive)
214HK, 5MP > DR~2MP, 4HP > 214KK, 2MP > DR~4HP, 2MP, 5LK > 236HK(1) > 236236P Anywhere 6095 Hard Highest damage punish route outside of the corner (CA listed, requires 5 drive)

Day 1 BnBs

Whiff Punishes
Very Easy

5MP > 214MK

Introductory whiff punishes. 5MP~MK is a difficult confirm but is much safer on block than going straight to 214MK. 5HP's target combo is easily confirmable. If you're having trouble with it, set the dummy to Random Block and try to confirm it.

Links and Starters

Normal Hit


2MP, 5LK

Manon's only normal-hit linking option. She mostly relies on her TC options or cancelling a normal directly into a special move when she can't use the extra hitstun of a Punish Counter.


... > 214KK, 5LK > ... (standing opponent)
... > 214KK, 5MP > ... (crouching opponent)

214KK can be linked out of and gains an extra frame of hitstun against crouching opponents because it hits later.


Counterhit Links
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
CH 5MP, 5LP Easily confirmable.
CH 2MP, 2MP/5MP Very consistent, especially with 5MP.
CH 2MK, 2LP At the ranges Manon uses 2MK, this link doesn't work.
CH 4HP, 5LK Not all that likely to come up, but it's there.


Punish Counter/Drive Rush


PC 5LP, 4HP > ... (close)
PC 5LP, 5MP > ... (far)

When up close, 5LP combos into 4HP with Punish Counter. 4HP is Manon's ideal combo filler normal as she has the most routing options from it. From farther away, Manon has less rewarding options but can always at least get a knockdown without spending any resources.

Very Easy

PC 5LK > 214MK

5LK can be extended with Drive relatively easily, but this becomes available on Punish Counter for more corner carry and damage. 5LP is preferred as a punish up close if possible.

HP Manege Doré
Very Easy

PC 63214HP

While it requires you to be close to your opponent, it's an exceptional option because it directly contributes to her win condition. Makes being perfect parried by her terrifying.

Manon doesn't have any 6-frame normals. Refer to the 5f normals table or check with a different button if the opponent is too far.


PC 5MP, 5LK > ...
PC 5MP > 236LP
PC 5MP > 214KK, ...

Aside from normal cancel options, 5MP allows for a consistent link into 5LK on Punish Counter. She also gets access to a Medal, or an opportunity to extend with 214KK (which is stronger on crouching opponents).


PC 2MP, 4HP > ... (close)
PC 2MP, 5MP/2MP/5HP (far)

Very Easy/Medium

PC 4HP > 236HP
PC 4HP > 236P~K/236P~KK > ...

4HP is an excellent close-range starter as it combos directly into 236HP on Punish Counter, or can extend into Grand Fouette for a launch. Manon has a bunch of juggle options out of Grand Fouette which will be detailed later.

MP Manege Doré
Very Easy

PC 63214MP

Good for similar reasons as HP Manege Doré.

Punish Counter 214HK

PC 214HK, 5MP > ...

The timing is weird for this link. It's most useful as a DP/Super punish, as 214HK is quite slow.

Punish Counter 5HK

5HK, 214MK

Takes advantage of 5HK's unique punish counter state. Manon can combo into a variety of things here too, such as 214LK or 236236K. When close, Manon can microwalk into normals to improve the damage. 5MP and 5MK are easy and work from further distances while 4HP and 4MK require much stricter timing and positioning.

Drive Rush
Easy/Medium (from 2LP specifically)

... > DRC 5LP, 4HP > ... (from lights)
... > DRC 2MP, 4HP > ... (ideal)
... > DRC 4HP, 5MP > ... (alternate)

Like most characters, Manon can use Drive Rush from any of her cancelable attacks to convert a stray hit into more damage. Routing into 4HP is always preferable when possible.

Picking an Ender


anything cancelable > 236K

It's actually that easy. Rond-Point is fast and has decent oki even midscreen after a dash, making them highly reliable as enders. They are generally inferior to her other combo enders when they are available. 236HK gives the best okizeme out of all of them (as it allows for raw DR 4MK to meaty), but weirdly has the lowest damage.


anything aside from 5LK, 2LP, or 2LK > 214LK/214MK

214LK gives Manon better oki midscreen and 214MK gives more corner carry and better corner okizeme.

Juggles and Extenders

Breaking It Down

Manon's juggle routes are very complex in terms of extending them with resources. However, you can generally break them down into a few separate categories. She has a couple main categories of moves, which can be described as low and high launchers. Low launchers typically route directly into an ender or require more Drive to extend into further combos. High launchers can easily be extended or ended directly with her hitgrab, Renverse. High launchers can combo into low launchers or directly into enders. If this sounds scary, don't worry. There will be some routes after the theory is laid out to give an example.

The Pieces

Low Launchers
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
236KK (ground) Anywhere 2 0 Manon's most basic and easily accessible launcher.
236P~K Anywhere 0 0 Can be used as an extender with DR 4HP > 236P~K on already airborne opponents.
236HK (air) Anywhere 0 0 Much harder to get as an anti-air by itself, it's more useful after a high launcher to squeeze out a tiny bit more damage before converting into an ender.

High Launchers
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
236KK (air) Anywhere 2 0 236KK makes for a fantastic anti-air due to its invulnerability, and it converts easily into damage.
PC 236P~K Anywhere 0 0 Punish Counter Grand Fouette launches higher than normal and gives Manon a free juggle state to work with.
236PP~K Anywhere 2 0 Manon can spend 2 Drive to essentially get the Punish Counter version of 236P~K at any point in a combo.

High Launchers
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
any launcher, 236KK Anywhere 2 0 Most commonly used as a double 236KK sequence, like the combo trial.

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
... > 214LK Anywhere 0 0 Leaves her with the best oki after a dash, has less juggle points so not as easy to use.
... > 214MK Anywhere 0 0 The best corner carry and is incredibly consistent.
... > 236P Anywhere 0 0 Can be used as an ender from lower heights with DR 4HP > 236P.
... > 236236K Anywhere 0 1
... > 214214K Anywhere 0 2
... > 236P(1) > 236236P Anywhere 0 3

Putting It All Together

Example 1We stole a combo trial.

j.HK, 4HP > 236KK, 236KK, 214MK, 214214K

You may have seen this before. Very high launches give a lot of flexibility in terms of routing but are very expensive to actually get.

Example 2Ignoring projectiles with style.

PC 236P~K, 236HK(2nd), 214MK

Another example of a high launcher, low launcher, ender string. This one's Drive-less!

Example 3Turn anti-airs into damage with one neat trick!

(236KK,) 236HK, 214MK

Manon gets a lot of mileage out of a well-placed Rond-Point. This should also look familiar, as it borrows some of the meat from the above combo. 236KK is optional but is also a lot more reliable as an anti-air due to its speed. 236HK usually is a read-based anti-air.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison