Street Fighter 6/Zangief/Matchups: Difference between revisions

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Manon does much of what Zangief does, but trades punishment damage and plus frames for largely superior everything else. She's faster than Zangief, has better pokes than Zangief, and has better anti-airs than Zangief while maintaining a similarly spooky mixup game. As a result, it's difficult both to approach her and defend against her in neutral. Luckily, Manon's frame data often leaves a sizeable gap in her throw mixups for Zangief to SPD out of, so he can punish her for being too greedy on offense.

Revision as of 00:51, 19 July 2023

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SF6 Blanka Icon.png Zangief vs. Blanka (Difficult)

Due to Blanka's excellent defensive and neutral tools, Zangief struggles a good deal in this matchup.

Punishing Horizontal Blanka Ball

Light and Medium Blanka balls are incredibly negative on block and leave Blanka quite close to Zangief, allowing Zangief to punish with 2HK for a safejump. Alternatively, Zangief can burn meter for a more powerful Drive Rush punish.

Heavy Blanka Ball sends Blanka further out, requiring Zangief to contest it on the way in with Double Lariat or 2MP. Luckily, it also has greater startup, allowing Zangief to better react to it.
SF6 Cammy Icon.png Zangief vs. Cammy (Comfortable)

While Cammy's pressure and footsies can be difficult to deal with, Zangief is well equipped to fight her off and can punish her massively for small mistakes.

6HP~6HK Target Combo

When not in burnout, Zangief can punish a Cammy attempting to reset pressure with her 6HP~6HK target combo, there is always an 8f gap between the second and third hits, regardless of whether she cancels into a divekick or not. While the window to input it is small, Zangief's 2MP is an incredibly rewarding option that can beat both.

If Cammy does not cancel the target combo, then 2MP lands as a Punish Counter, allowing Zangief to link 2MP into 3MP for a ground combo.

If Cammy instead cancels the target combo into her divekick, then 2MP lands as a Forced Knockdown, allowing Zangief to combo into TK OD Borscht Dynamite for massive damage.
SF6 Chun-Li Icon.png Zangief vs. Chun-Li (Difficult)
While Zangief does a solid job contesting Chun Li's offense and forcing her to alter her pressure game, Chun absolutely dominates in neutral with her incredible ground speed, large pokes, and Kikoken.
Dee Jay
SF6 DeeJay Icon.png Zangief vs. DeeJay (Comfortable)
While Dee Jay can punish Zangief with incredible damage while controlling the neutral, Zangief is uniquely equipped to contest a good chunk of Dee Jay's offense thanks to the incredible speed and range of Screw Piledriver.
SF6 Dhalsim Icon.png Zangief vs. Dhalsim (Deadly)

A traditionally poor matchup for Zangief, Dhalsim is well-equipped to bully Zangief at any range on screen with his stretchy limbs and potent projectiles. The one saving grace is that once Zangief gets in, Dhalsim has among the worst defense in the game.

Using OD Siberian Express

While largely niche in other matchups, the far version of OD Siberian Express is incredibly valuable against Dhalsim. While the move is normally incredibly slow, if it armors one of Dhalsim's many long-ranged normals, it transitions into the grab portion of the move. This allows Zangief to armor through and punish these normals and forces Dhalsim to take a few extra precautions.
SF6 Ehonda Icon.png Zangief vs. E.Honda (Mixed)

While Zangief can struggle to make up a life deficit in against Honda, the same is true in reverse. This means getting the initial life lead is key.

Beating Sumo Headbutt

While Zangief can utilize the universal counterplay to Sumo Headbutt, 5[HP] allows Zangief to armor through and punish headbutt attempts. Even if Honda stops short with a lower-strength headbutt, Zangief can release the HP button early to whiff punish it.

Beating Sumo Smash

Zangief has one of the best tools for beating Sumo Smash in the game: Double Lariat. Double Lariat's large hitbox and one-button input allows Zangief to easily anti-air Sumo Smash without much thought. This means Zangief can instead focus on reacting to Honda's other options, such as Sumo Headbutt and Drive Rush.
SF6 Guile Icon.png Zangief vs. Guile (Comfortable)
Surprisingly, Zangief does quite well against Guile. While he, like everyone else, struggles against Guile's fireball game, but his superior mixup game allows him to take much better advantage of any opportunity Guile hands him.
SF6 Jamie Icon.png Zangief vs. Jamie (Mixed)
Zangief excels at punishing Jamie's offense, but Jamie can power up in neutral much more easily against Zangief than against other characters. In addition, Zangief struggles against Jamie's superior footsies.
SF6 JP Icon.png Zangief vs. JP (Deadly)

One of Zangief's worst matchups and one of JP's best, Zangief struggles immensely vs JP's zoning due to his slow speed and narrow jump arc. In addition, Zangief's slower buttons means he cannot bully JP in the midrange as effectively as other characters. Finally, JP has one of the best anti-throw tools in the game with OD Amnesia, allowing him to easily contest and punish Zangief's offense.

Playing Around OD Amnesia

JP's OD Amnesia (22KK) is an incredibly rewarding counter tool, allowing JP to severely punish any of Zangief's throws or heavy normals. However, if OD Amnesia counter's one of Zangief's light attacks, Zangief is left at advantage, allowing him to potentially avoid the exploding projectiles with a mixup.

If OD Amnesia counters Zangief 2LK, Zangief is left +3, allowing Zangief to immediately enforce a mixup between 3MP, Spinebuster (3+LP+LK), or SPD (360P). If either of the throws hit, the throw animation allows Zangief to avoid the exploding projectiles. If 3MP hits, Zangief can avoid the projectiles by canceling into SA2 Cyclone Lariat (236236P).

Zangief's 5LP and 2LP also leave him advantageous against OD Amnesia, being +6 and +8 respectively, so Zangief must slightly delay the throw mixup.
SF6 Juri Icon.png Zangief vs. Juri (Comfortable)

While Juri's fast dash and Drive Rush can be difficult to fight against, Zangief is more than well-equipped to fight her gameplan while having uniquely powerful tools against her Saihasho projectile.

Low Crushing Saihasho

One of Juri's most powerful tools is her low-to-the-ground projectile, Saihasho (236LK). To counter this, Zangief can use his Knee Hammer (6MP), Smetana Dropkick (3HK), and Cyclone Wheel Kick (6HK) as each move leaps over the projectile to punish Juri.

Knee Hammer is the lowest risk option, leaving Zangief +4 on Punish Counter at minimum, and often leaving him +6 or more to link into 2LP, 3MP, or 2MP.

Smetana Dropkick is the fast, high-risk option and often results in Zangief being clipped by the projectile after the move lands, but it hops over Saihasho the quickest, serving as a close-range reaction option.

Finally, Cyclone Wheel Kick is the most rewarding of the three, giving Zangief a massively damaging punish combo when performed close enough. However, it is by far the slowest of the three moves, and if Juri recovers in time and blocks, she can land a punish of her own.
SF6 Ken Icon.png Zangief vs. Ken (Difficult)
Out of all of the shotos, Ken is arguably the most difficult to fight as Zangief. While he's the worst at zoning Zangief, his excellent buttons allow him to squarely beat Zangief in the midrange game. In addition, any solid hit allows Ken to take Zangief all the way to the corner, exploiting Zangief's defensive weaknesses.
SF6 Kimberly Icon.png Zangief vs. Kimberly (Difficult)

As a ninja character, Kimberly can easily overwhelm Zangief in both neutral and on offense. Out of all of Zangief's matchups, this one requires some of the most knowledge to navigate due to Kimberly's myriad gimmicks and knowledge checks.

Punishing Teleports

Zangief's best button to check Kimberly's teleports is 2MP. Against her normal teleport, 2MP xx Double Lariat is a consistent punish, though Zangief can also punish with SPD if he reacts quickly enough. Against OD Teleport, 2MP causes a Forced Knockdown state, allowing Zangief to combo into TK OD Borscht Dynamite (j.360K) for massive reward.
SF6 Lily Icon.png Zangief vs. Lily (Deadly)
Surprisingly for a fellow grappler, Lily's kit is near-perfectly suited to combating Zangief. Her large ground pokes and excellent AAs make it incredibly difficult for Zangief to approach her, and Zangief's slow speed means she can very easily gain her unique Wind resource. As such, it's damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't, and thus Zangief is forced to play by her rules.
SF6 Luke Icon.png Zangief vs. Luke (Difficult)
Of the three shots, Luke is the best at keeping Zangief from getting in due to his superior fireballs. In addition, Luke's high damage means that every whiffed SPD hurts like hell.
SF6 Manon Icon.png Zangief vs. Manon (Mixed)
Manon does much of what Zangief does, but trades punishment damage and plus frames for largely superior everything else. She's faster than Zangief, has better pokes than Zangief, and has better anti-airs than Zangief while maintaining a similarly spooky mixup game. As a result, it's difficult both to approach her and defend against her in neutral. Luckily, Manon's frame data often leaves a sizeable gap in her throw mixups for Zangief to SPD out of, so he can punish her for being too greedy on offense.
SF6 Marisa Icon.png Zangief vs. Marisa
No Data
SF6 Ryu Icon.png Zangief vs. Ryu
No Data
SF6 Zangief Icon.png Zangief vs. Zangief
No Data

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison