Street Fighter 6/Luke/Combos: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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== Links and Starters ==
== Links and Starters ==
=== Normal Hit ===
=== Normal Hit ===
<big> '''Normals''' </big>
| Title      = Basic Medium Link
| Title      = Basic Medium Link
Line 395: Line 396:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = {{clr|MP|{{clr|MP|2MP}}}}, {{clr|LK|5LK}}
| Recipe    = {{clr|MP|{{clr|MP|2MP}}}}, {{clr|LK|5LK}}/{{clr|LK|2LP}}...
| content    = This doubles as a pressure string but will trade with 4f buttons.  
| content    = This doubles as a pressure string but will trade with 4f buttons when using {{clr|LK|5LK}}.  

Line 407: Line 408:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = {{clr|LK|2LK}} > {{clr|LP|2LP}} > {{clr|LK|5LK}}
| Recipe    = {{clr|LK|2LK}} > {{clr|LP|2LP}} > {{clr|LP|2LP}}... <br>
| content    = Doubles as a pressure string. Any counterhit (besides {{clr|LK|2LK}}) can link into {{clr|LP|5LP}} for a knockdown combo (described below). This will inherently beat wake-up Drive Impact due to being three hits, and all three lights are cancelable to counter DI. It will lose to other reversal options like Parry or DPs.
{{clr|LK|2LP}} > {{clr|LP|2LK}} > {{clr|LP|2LP}}...
| content    = Doubles as a pressure string. This will inherently beat wake-up Drive Impact due to being three hits, and all three lights are cancelable to counter DI. It will lose to other reversal options like Parry or DPs.

| Title      = Standing Heavy Kick
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|1|Very Easy}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = spaced {{clr|HK|5HK}} > {{clr|LP|2LP}}... <br>
| content    = While {{clr|HK|5HK}} is usually only +2 on hit, it can be spaced to be up to +7. {{clr|LP|2LP}} always connects after a spaced hit.
<big> '''Target Combos''' </big>
<tabber> 5LP~MP~HP =
| Title      = Triple Impact
| Title      = Triple Impact
| Oneliner  = More details in the "enders" section.
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|1|Very Easy}}
| Difficulty = {{clr|1|Very Easy}}
| Damage    =  
| Damage    =  
Line 419: Line 435:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = {{clr|LP|5LP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}}
| Recipe    = {{clr|LP|5LP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}} > {{clr|HP|214HP}} <br>
(corner) {{clr|LP|5LP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}} > {{clr|MP|236MP}}, {{clr|LP|623LP}}
| content    = This target combo is amazing. It gives Luke good damage and a knockdown out of a big 7f normal while also being safe with a special cancel. The juggle options are generally pretty open after this move, but things like {{clr|HP|623HP}} will actually lose damage due to being an air connect.
| content    = This target combo is amazing. It gives Luke good damage and a knockdown out of a big 7f normal while also being safe with a special cancel. The juggle options are generally pretty open after this move, but things like {{clr|HP|623HP}} will actually lose damage due to being an air connect.
|-| 5MP~MP~MP~MP =
| Title      = Snapback
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|1|Very Easy}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = {{clr|MP|5MP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}} <br>
{{clr|MP|5MP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}} > 236236P/214214P/236236K
| content    = {{clr|MP|5MP}} is a great whiff punish tool. The second hit can be confirmed into any of his Supers for good damage.
|-| 6HP~HP =
| Title      = Double Impact
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|1|Very Easy}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = {{clr|HP|6HP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}} > {{clr|HP|214HP}} <br>
(corner) {{clr|HP|6HP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}} > {{clr|MP|236MP}}, {{clr|LP|623LP}} <br>
(corner) {{clr|HP|6HP}} (blocked)~{{clr|HP|HP}} (trade), {{clr|MP|623MP}}
| content    = {{clr|HP|6HP}} can be hit-confirmed into the follow-up. The second hit trades with 5f moves on block, giving you a trade combo into Medium DP in the corner.
=== Counter Hit ===
<big> '''Normals''' </big>
| Title      = Light Normals
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|LP|5LP}}/{{clr|LK|5LK}}, {{clr|LP|2LP}}...<br>
CH {{clr|LP|2LP}}, {{clr|MP|2MP}}...
| content    = {{clr|LP|2LP}} into {{clr|MP|2MP}} is a great CH confirm, as it connects at almost any {{clr|LP|2LP}} range except at the very tip.
| Title      = Crouching Medium Punch
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|MP|2MP}}, {{clr|MP|2MP}}...
CH {{clr|MP|2MP}}, {{clr|LP|5LP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}}...
CH {{clr|MP|2MP}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}...
| content    = After a Counter-Hit {{clr|MP|2MP}} combos into itself, Triple Impact and {{clr|HP|2HP}}, but only at close range. {{clr|HP|2HP}} will whiff if not basically point-blank.

=== Counter Hit ===
<big> '''Command Normals''' </big>
<tabber> 6MP =
| Title      = Overhead
| Oneliner  =  
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|MP|6MP}}, {{clr|LP|2LP}}...
| content    = Luke's overhead gives him a link to {{clr|LP|2LP}} on CH.
|-| 4HP =
| Title      = Suppressor
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|HP|4HP}}, {{clr|LP|2LP}}...
| content    = While this usually lands as a Punish Counter, it is useful to know that {{clr|HP|4HP}} can link into {{clr|LP|2LP}} on CH as well.
|-| 4HK =
| Title      = High Damage Counterhit Confirm
| Title      = Outlaw Kick
| Oneliner  =  
| Oneliner  =  
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
Line 432: Line 530:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|MP|2MP}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|HP|4HK}}, {{clr|MP|2MP}}...
| content    = Only connects from close range, meaning it won't combo after landing CH {{clr|MP|2MP}} after a Throw.
| content    = Another move that is usually a Punish Counter, but good to know nonetheless.

<big> '''Specials''' </big>
| Title      = Confirms into Triple Impact
| Title      = Heavy Sand Blast
| Oneliner  =  
| Oneliner  =  
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|HP|236HP}}, {{clr|LP|2LP}}...
| content    = Heavy Sand Blast usually catches people mashing after a blocked {{clr|HP|5HP}}.
=== Punish Counter ===
| Title      = Suppressor
| Oneliner  = Just take the throw
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = PC {{clr|HP|4HP}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}...
| content    = Great shimmy punish.
| Title      = Outlaw Kick
| Oneliner  = Twitter Combo
| Difficulty = {{clr|3|Medium}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = PC {{clr|HP|4HK}}, {{clr|HP|5HP}}...<br>
PC {{clr|HP|4HK}}, {{clr|M|MPMK}}~66~{{clr|MP|2MP}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}...<br>
{{clr|M|MPMK}}~66~PC {{clr|HP|4HK}}, {{clr|M|MPMK}}~66~{{clr|HP|4HK}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}...
| content    = Outlaw Kick is +19 on a Punish Counter but with significant distance to your opponent. You can either link into {{clr|HP|5HP}} or Drive Rush for only 1 bar and link into {{clr|MP|2MP}} > {{clr|HP|2HP}} for massive damage.
With a Drive Rush PC {{clr|HP|4HK}}, you can link ''another'' Drive Rush {{clr|HP|4HK}}, which leads to your '''highest damage combos'''. A full Drive and Meter dump combo can do upwards of 6900 damage! (nice)
=== Drive Impact ===
| Title      = Punish Counter
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Damage    =
| Meter      =
| Anchor    =
| Youtube    =
| Recipe    = PC {{clr|HP|HPHK}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}...
| content    = Punish Counter Drive Impact links combos {{clr|HP|2HP}} into your BNB.
| Title      = Wall Splat
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Damage    =  
| Damage    =  
Line 444: Line 598:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = CH {{clr|MP|{{clr|MP|2MP}}}}, {{clr|LP|5LP}}~{{clr|MP|MP}}~{{clr|HP|HP}}
| Recipe    = (near wall) {{clr|HP|HPHK}}, {{clr|HP|5HP}}/{{clr|HP|4HP}} > {{clr|LP|pf.214LP}}/{{clr|LP|214[LP]}}...
| content    = Alternate counterhit confirm into Triple Impact
| content    = {{clr|HP|2HP}} drops due to them already being launched, so use either {{clr|HP|5HP}} or {{clr|HP|4HP}} instead.

=== Punish Counter ===
| Title      = Reversal Punish
| Title      = Stun
| Oneliner  =  
| Oneliner  =
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Difficulty = {{clr|2|Easy}}
| Damage    =  
| Damage    =  
Line 457: Line 610:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = PC {{clr|HP|4HP}}, {{clr|HP|2HP}}
| Recipe    = (near wall) {{clr|HP|HPHK}} STUN, j9 > {{clr|HP|j.HK}} > {{clr|HP|2HP}} > {{clr|LP|pf.214LP}}/{{clr|LP|214[LP]}}...
| content    = Luke gets access to his highest damage juggles anytime he can link into {{clr|HP|2HP}} as it combos into Charged LP/Perfect MP Flash Knuckle without resources.
| content    = An alternative route for mental damage is to Taunt > {{clr|HP|2HP}} instead.

=== Drive Rush Extensions ===
=== Drive Rush Extensions ===


Revision as of 02:05, 27 June 2023

Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Bread and Butter Combo Guide (This is a video on Luke from the demo version, who is identical to the launch version. Every combo is therefore applicable.)

Day 1 Combos

Basic Medium Link

2MP, 2LP > 214LP

Basic pressure string into a knockdown. This is an important link to learn for Luke as 2MP is his main pressure tool, being plus on block.

Basic Pressure String

2LK > 2LP > 2LP > 214LP

Three-hit string into a knockdown. On block, Luke can cancel into 236LP to remain safe.

Basic Triple Impact Combo
Very Easy

5LP~MP~HP > 214HP

Basic damage conversion from Triple Impact. Luke can cancel into 236PP on block to stay safe from Drive Impact or attempt a pressure reset with 214[HP].

Medium Punch Target Combo
Very Easy


5MP is a great whiff punish tool.

Forward Heavy Punch Target Combo
Very Easy

6HP~HP > 214HP
Sand Blast Combos
Very Easy

5LK > 236LP

2MP/2MK > 236MP

5HP > 236HP

Harass your opponent by cancelling your pokes into Sand Blast. 5LK > 236LP is not safe to Drive Impact, while Medium and Heavy normals are. Prepare to DI back at them in case they do.

Jump-In Combo

j.HP/j.HK > 2HP > 214[LP] > 214MP

Basic jump-in combo that deals pretty good damage.

Combo Theory

Perfect Knuckle Breakdown

Every non-OD version of Flash Knuckle (214P) can be charged by holding down the respective P button. When charging and releasing a P button within a specific 3 frame window (frames 18~20 for all versions), Luke will yell out "PERFECT" and Flash Knuckle will gain an enhanced property depending on the version used:

  • pf.214LP has +100 Damage and 3 less Recovery
  • pf.214MP has +100 Damage and 1 less Startup, allowing it to combo from 2HP
  • pf.214HP has +300 Damage

Perfect Light and Medium Knuckles are required for Luke's highest damage combos. Practicing them is recommended but not required, as charged 214LP and 214PP provide good juggles while not needing to hit a fairly tight window. Still, if you want to learn how to Perfect Knuckle, look for the bright flash and sound cue each Knuckle makes during their Startup to know when to release the P button.

For pf.214LP and pf.214HP, it is better to slightly overcharge them, as 214[LP] will still allow a slightly worse follow-up juggle, while 214[HP] only affects damage.

For pf.214MP, it is better to slightly undercharge it, since 214[MP] cannot combo from any of Luke's normals and will end up being blocked and leave him at -3, while 214MP will leave him at +3 slightly outside Throw range.

2HP is Your Best Friend

Luke's highest damage combos come from cancelling 2HP into Perfect 214MP (midscreen) or 214LP (corner). You can land 2HP after jump-ins, Drive Rush enhanced normals, PC Drive Impact, and various other CH or PC scenarios.

Midscreen, after landing 2HP > pf.214MP, you have a lot of options to continue the juggle. Which one to use depends on your resources, and if you want to prioritise damage or oki.

Medium Flash Knuckle


Tackle Ender

... 2HP > pf.214MP, 236K~P

Best meterless ender for oki that leaves you point-blank +13~15 after forward dashing with a cornered opponent when slightly past the middle of the stage. This also sets up a last active frame meaty 4HK that links into 2HP on hit and leaves you spaced at -2 on block.

Light Perfect Knuckle > Heavy Knuckle

... 2HP > pf.214MP, pf.214LP, 214HP
... 2HP > pf.214MP, 214[LP], 214MP

Best meterless ender for damage but has bad oki unless already close to the corner.

If you don't get a Perfect Light Knuckle, link into uncharged 214MP instead.

Drive Rush 5HP > Light Perfect Knuckle > Heavy Knuckle

... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214LP/214[LP], 214HP

1 Drive Bar variant of the previous combo which deals slightly more Damage and has better corner carry.

Drive Rush 5HP > Charged Heavy Knuckle

... 2HP > pf.214MP > MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214HP/214[HP]

Sets up a safejump for one Drive Bar. After landing a perfect or charged 214HP, whiff 2MP then forward jump > j.HK. For good oki midscreen, you will have to forward dash then slightly delay forward jump to land meaty j.HK.


Level 1 Combo (Driveless)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, pf.214LP/214[LP] > dl.236236P

Only worth going for if it kills, as this ender gives bad oki even when fairly close to the corner. You have to slightly delay 236236P for the first hit, otherwise the first hit of Level 1 whiffs.

Level 1 Combo (1 Drive Bar)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214LP/214[LP] > dl.236236P

1 Drive Bar variant for slightly more damage. Not delaying here is even worse, causing you miss the first 2 hits.

Level 2 Combo (1 Drive Bar)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > 214214P

Recommended to go for if you're under 2 Drive Bars and really don't want to Burn Out, otherwise the 2 Drive Bar version is better.

Level 2 Combo (2 Drive Bars)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, 236KK~P > 214214P

EX Tackle deals great damage, making this route deal pretty resource efficient.

Level 2 Combo (3 Drive Bars)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214LP/214[LP], 236KK~P > 214214P

A fusion of the two routes above. Due to Drive Rush's scaling, it actually deals **less** damage in shorter routes, such as j.HK into 2HP, than the 2 Drive Bar variant. Only go for in already scaled routes, such as 2MK > Drive Rush.

Level 3 Combo (Driveless)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, pf.214LP, 214HP > 236236K
... 2HP > pf.214MP, 214[LP], 214MP > 236236K

Same combo as the best meterless ender with a Level 3 at the end.

If you don't get a Perfect Light Knuckle, link into uncharged 214MP instead, which still comboes into Level 3

Level 3 Combo (1 Drive Bar)

... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214HP/214[HP] > 236236K
... 2HP > pf.214MP, MPMK~66~5HP > pf.214LP/214[LP], 214HP > 236236K

There are 2 possible route you can do depending on your confidence with landing Perfect Knuckles. The first route is higher risk and reward, since pf.214HP deals the most damage, but 214[HP] deals the least. Meanwhile, the second route consistently deals good damage even if you miss pf.214LP.

Midscreen Light/OD Flash Knuckle

You can connect a Perfect/Charged Light Knuckle from 2HP or Counter-Hit/Punish Counter 5HP (great meterless whiff punish). If you're not confident with landing a Perfect Medium Knuckle, it is recommended to cancel into Light Knuckle instead.

Combo from Light/Medium Normals (Driveless)
Very Easy

... (any cancellable normal) > 214LP (> 236236K)

Your basic combo from a Light and Medium normal. Can cancel into Level 3 as well.

Combo from Light/Medium Normals (2 Drive Bars)

... (any cancellable normal) > 214PP, 214MP (> 236236K)
... (any cancellable normal) > 214PP (> 214214P)

Cancelling into EX Knuckle adds a good chunk of damage and corner carry. Can cancel into Level 2 or 3.

Combo from Heavy Normals (Driveless)

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, 214HP (> 236236K)
... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > 214[LP], 214MP (> 236236K)

Cancel into 214MP instead of 214HP if you fail a Perfect Knuckle. Can cancel into Level 3 at the end.

Combo from Heavy Normals (1 Drive Bar)

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, MPMK~66~2HP > pf.214MP/214[MP], 214HP (> 236236K)

You have to land a Light Perfect but do not have to land a Medium Perfect for this route to work. Can cancel into Level 3 at the end.

Combo from Heavy Normals into Level 2 (2 Drive Bars)

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, 236KK~P > 214214P

Light Perfect is required for EX Tackle to combo. This route is only worth going for when you want to combo into a Level 2. Otherwise, go for the 1 Drive Bar route above.

Corner Light/OD Flash Knuckle

Generally, all routes (except those that include a Medium Knuckle) from the Midscreen section also work in the corner. This section will only list corner-specific routes.

Sand Blast into Rising Upper Ender

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, 236MP, 623HP

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > 214[LP], 236MP, 623MP

... (any cancellable normal) > 214PP, 236LP, 623LP

Essentially the same enders with different versions of Sand Blast and Rising Upper used. Everything has to be linked as soon as possible, otherwise the DP ender can whiff and leave very punishable.

Sand Blast into Level 1/2

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, 236MP, 236236P/214214P

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > 214[LP], 236MP, 236236P/214214P

... (any cancellable normal) > 214PP, 236LP, 236236P/214214P

Simply replace the DP ender with a Level 1 or 2. Level 3 cannot combo due to its slow startup.

Drive Rush Extension

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, MPMK~66~5HP > 236HP, 623HP/236236P/214214P
... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > 214[LP], MPMK~66~2HP > 236HP, 623HP/236236P/214214P

Use DR 5HP or DR 2HP depending on if you landed a Perfect or not.

j.MP into Delayed Partially Charged Air Knuckle into Super Art
Very Hard

... 2HP or CH/PC 5HP > pf.214LP, j9 > j.MP > dl.214[P] (partial) > 236236P/214214P/236236K

Highest damage corner route into Supers. This is Luke's hardest route to do consistently, as it requires you to land a Light Perfect, immediately j.MP, then both delay cancel **and** partially charge into Air Knuckle. Linking afterwards into either a Level 1 or 2 is relatively simple, but due to Level 3's slow startup, you have to almost maximum both delay and partially charge the Air Knuckle cancel.

Links and Starters

Normal Hit


Basic Medium Link

2MP, 5LK/2LP...

This doubles as a pressure string but will trade with 4f buttons when using 5LK.

3-hit Light Confirm
Very Easy

2LK > 2LP > 2LP...
2LP > 2LK > 2LP...

Doubles as a pressure string. This will inherently beat wake-up Drive Impact due to being three hits, and all three lights are cancelable to counter DI. It will lose to other reversal options like Parry or DPs.

Standing Heavy Kick
Very Easy

spaced 5HK > 2LP...

While 5HK is usually only +2 on hit, it can be spaced to be up to +7. 2LP always connects after a spaced hit.

Target Combos

Triple Impact
Very Easy

5LP~MP~HP > 214HP
(corner) 5LP~MP~HP > 236MP, 623LP

This target combo is amazing. It gives Luke good damage and a knockdown out of a big 7f normal while also being safe with a special cancel. The juggle options are generally pretty open after this move, but things like 623HP will actually lose damage due to being an air connect.

Very Easy

5MP~MP > 236236P/214214P/236236K

5MP is a great whiff punish tool. The second hit can be confirmed into any of his Supers for good damage.

Double Impact
Very Easy

6HP~HP > 214HP

(corner) 6HP~HP > 236MP, 623LP

(corner) 6HP (blocked)~HP (trade), 623MP

6HP can be hit-confirmed into the follow-up. The second hit trades with 5f moves on block, giving you a trade combo into Medium DP in the corner.

Counter Hit


Light Normals

CH 5LP/5LK, 2LP...
CH 2LP, 2MP...

2LP into 2MP is a great CH confirm, as it connects at almost any 2LP range except at the very tip.

Crouching Medium Punch

CH 2MP, 2MP...

CH 2MP, 5LP~MP~HP...

CH 2MP, 2HP...

After a Counter-Hit 2MP combos into itself, Triple Impact and 2HP, but only at close range. 2HP will whiff if not basically point-blank.

Command Normals


CH 6MP, 2LP...

Luke's overhead gives him a link to 2LP on CH.


CH 4HP, 2LP...

While this usually lands as a Punish Counter, it is useful to know that 4HP can link into 2LP on CH as well.

Outlaw Kick

CH 4HK, 2MP...

Another move that is usually a Punish Counter, but good to know nonetheless.


Heavy Sand Blast

CH 236HP, 2LP...

Heavy Sand Blast usually catches people mashing after a blocked 5HP.

Punish Counter

SuppressorJust take the throw

PC 4HP, 2HP...

Great shimmy punish.

Outlaw KickTwitter Combo

PC 4HK, 5HP...

PC 4HK, MPMK~66~2MP, 2HP...

MPMK~66~PC 4HK, MPMK~66~4HK, 2HP...

Outlaw Kick is +19 on a Punish Counter but with significant distance to your opponent. You can either link into 5HP or Drive Rush for only 1 bar and link into 2MP > 2HP for massive damage.

With a Drive Rush PC 4HK, you can link another Drive Rush 4HK, which leads to your highest damage combos. A full Drive and Meter dump combo can do upwards of 6900 damage! (nice)

Drive Impact

Punish Counter


Punish Counter Drive Impact links combos 2HP into your BNB.

Wall Splat

(near wall) HPHK, 5HP/4HP > pf.214LP/214[LP]...

2HP drops due to them already being launched, so use either 5HP or 4HP instead.


(near wall) HPHK STUN, j9 > j.HK > 2HP > pf.214LP/214[LP]...

An alternative route for mental damage is to Taunt > 2HP instead.

Drive Rush Extensions

Drive Rush Cancels into 2HP

...5LP/2LP/5LK > 66 > 2LP, 2HP...

...2MP/2MK > 66 > 2MP, 2HP...

...5HP/2HP/4HP > 66 > 4HK, 2HP...

Any of Luke's cancellable normals can be cancelled into Drive Rush into a normal and then linked into 2HP.

Picking an Ender

Flash Knuckle

214LP (close)/214PP (far)

214LP is Luke's longest range knockdown ender, but there are ranges where it won't combo from things like far 5LK. This requires Luke to spend Drive on OD Flash Knuckle which in turn gives him access to more damage.

Juggle Enders
Easy, Medium

623HP (midscreen)
236LP, 623LP (corner)

These will combo out of any of Luke's non-wallbounce launchers.

Triple Impact
Very Easy

... > 214HP
... > 214MP

Luke's highest damage ender if he wants to stay close after Triple Impact, as Rising Rocket gets its later, lower damage hit. MP Flash is better for MUs where Luke wants to hold space, as it pushes opponents out farther. This comes at the cost of damage.

Juggle Extenders

Flash Knuckle (launch)214{LP}, 214[LP], and 214PP.

2HP > 214{LP} > ...
2HP > 214[LP] > ...
5LK > 214PP > ...

All of these Flash Knuckles launch the same way. The main difference is their speed, with 214PP being the fastest and 214[LP] being the slowest (with 214{LP} being between the two). 2HP is Luke's only normal that combos into Charged LP Flash Knuckle naturally and as such linking into it whenever possible is Luke's best damage route. 2HP isn't his only route, as some normals will also combo into it on counterhit or punish counter.

Charge MP Knuckle (wallbounce)Midscreen only extensions using 214{MP} or 214[MP].

2HP > 214{MP} > ...
... > MPMK~66 2HP > 214[MP] > ...

MP Flash Knuckle is primarily relegated to midscreen combos. The wallbounce is big enough to take opponents out of the corner. MP Flash will not wallbounce more than once in a combo. The Parry Drive Rush extension is best used after a Knuckle launch as it is extremely resource efficient damage.

Very difficult to work into combos.

OD Sandblast

236PP (~PP)

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison