Street Fighter 6/Chun-Li/Introduction: Difference between revisions

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A former high-kicking ICPO agent, Chun-Li looks after Li-Fen, a victim of the Black Moon Incident. With Shadaloo sundered, she now runs Kung Fu classes and has become a well-loved member of the local community.
A former high-kicking ICPO agent, Chun-Li looks after Li-Fen, a victim of the Black Moon Incident. With Shadaloo sundered, she now runs Kung Fu classes and has become a well-loved member of the local community.

Chun-Li is a tried and true footsies character, with great emphasis on having many options to control space and punish her opponents in neutral. She has a little bit of everything when it comes to her general tools, but for the most part they're tailored toward hit confirms and punishes. The limited range on her special moves (even her fireball) demanding very sharp knowledge of spacing along with the overwhelming amount of options she has can make her quite daunting to pick up, but ultimately rewarding to master. While her gameplan revolves around her strong neutral, she also manages to have fairly formidable pressure in the form of her new Serenity Stream stance cancels. If you want a character that can do a lot in the right hands and thrives on punishing opponents' habits, Chun-Li is a great pick.
Chun-Li is a tried and true footsies character, with great emphasis on having many options to control space and punish her opponents in neutral. She has a little bit of everything when it comes to her general tools, but for the most part they're tailored toward whiff punishes and space control.

{{ ProConTable
With the highest backward walk speed in the game and one of the highest forward walks, Chun is at a clear advantage when spacing out of an opponent's range ambiguously. Her poking normals compliment this grounded speed; with 2MK, 4/6MP, and 5HP being some standouts that can easily give a ton of mileage in neutral. To top it all off, she has Kikoken, a highly versatile fireball that can be used as an extended poke, confirm, or approach tool depending on the situation.
| pros=
* '''Incredible Grounded Neutral:''' Chun Li is equipped with an excellent spread of long-reaching normals; with the standouts being 4/6MP, 2MK, and 5HP. She gets a ton of milage out of these pokes on Punish Counter, making playing pre-emptive against her very scary. She also has Kikoken, a solid projectile that she can use as an extended poke or walk behind to establish offense.
But when the opponent is tired of dealing with Chun's grounded footsie game, she is still in luck—as she has some of the most varied and rewarding anti-air tools in the entire game. She can keep it simple by anti-airing with Tensho Kicks, go for a Forced Knockdown or avoid being punished with 5MK, air-to-air with her many tools to convert air hits into combos; or go for 5HK, the slowest and riskiest option that gives absolutely devastating meterless anti-air reward. If you are jumping against Chun, she always has a very strong option to punish you, no matter the situation.
* '''Ground Mobility:''' Chun's backward walk speed is the highest in the game, with her forward walk also being among the highest. This compliments her strong ground normals and gives her a very strong footsies game.
* '''Rewarding Punishes:''' Thanks to her new Serenity Stream stance and Punish Counters, Chun gets fantastic damage off of all kinds of whiff punishes, with or without resources.
Thanks to her new Serenity Stance and Punish Counters, Chun gets great rewards off of whiff punishes in neutral without any meter required. It also can bolster her oki in the right scenarios, giving her high/low/throw mix that is very hard to see if she can manage to set it up properly. Drive Rush also helps to create stance frame traps that make an opponent unsure of when to press, while you can end in Kikoken to make the string safe. She also has a unique stance launcher that is a valuable combo tool, netting reliable safe jump setups, corner carry, and super confirms.
* '''Multi-Faceted:''' While other characters may sacrifice versatility for their pros, Chun Li does not. She has many tools for all kinds of situations, and it's only up to the player to figure out when and how to use them all.
Perhaps the most glaring flaw with Chun is her offense, as her true mix tends to require an advantageous knockdown to be unmashable (which she can struggle to get resourceless) and she notably lacks the ability to throw loop. This removes a key layer of offense from her gameplan and can urge her to retreat back to mid-range poking once a throw is landed. She has some simple frame traps in the form of 5MP > 5LP, but this is far from her specialty compared to the rest of the cast. Another weak part of her offense is jump-ins: Chun's jump is floatier than other characters, and her air buttons are far more geared towards hitting air-to-air than air-to-ground. She has an anti-air baiting tool in the form of Air Lightning Legs, but this is a gimmicky option that whiffs on crouchers and is usually punishable. She may have to resort to using Hazanshu as a read on fireballs, which simply isn't as advantageous as a jump-in even if it gives good reward on a Punish Counter. If you like to jump in neutral a lot, Chun is probably not the pick.
There are some fairly difficult and unforgiving aspects of playing Chun. LK and MK Lightning Legs are her easiest cancel off of buttons, but they're -8 on block—she has to either have charge for Kikoken or use Drive on EX Legs to cancel into a safe special move. She relies on charge for resourceless knockdowns, as Spinning Bird Kick is her main way to accomplish this. A charge character that is meant to walk a lot can be a steep learning curve to begin with, as it's easy to accidentally input Kikoken or not charge long enough when attempting to move back and forth in neutral. The ranges of her special moves and the fact that each version of Kikoken dissipates after set distances may demand sharp knowledge of spacing. Her anti-airs all have unique ups and downs to them, and her main DP style anti-air being a 22 input can be very unwieldy and precise. Her optimal combos can be quite tricky, requiring situational awareness, stance cancels, and launcher combos with unusual button timings. Dropping some of her harder routes can also leave her in a highly punishable state. Lastly, the sheer amount of options she has in general can make her feel overwhelming and daunting to pick up.
All in all, Chun-Li is a rewarding character to master that can still be accessible simply by how strongly she rewards fundamentals. She doesn't sacrifice versatility for her strengths, and her many options let her both play unpredictably and have answers to any situation. If you want a character that can do a lot in the right hands and thrives on punishing opponents' habits, Chun-Li is a great pick.
{{ ReasonsToPick
| pick=
* Having a strong set of neutral tools backed up by the second fastest back walk in the game
* High reward whiff punishes and anti-airs to make your opponent think twice about playing sloppy
* Having a wide and varied toolset to deal with any situation
| avoid=
* Missing a [[Street_Fighter_6/Offense#Throw_Loop|throw loop]]
* Weak approaches with floaty jump-ins and a slow Drive Rush
* Having to open people up with punishes in neutral rather than pressure strings
* Unforgiving combos and confirms with high execution requirements
* Valuing reactive play over aggression

| cons=
* '''No Throw Loop:''' Chun Li is one of the only characters with a forward throw that leaves her too far to properly perform okizeme or throw loop, even in the corner.
* '''Restrictive Knockdowns:''' getting a knockdown with Chun Li requires resources or a high amount of situational awareness. She needs down charge for her most reliable combo ender (Spinning Bird Kick), and without it she needs to be close enough for 22K to connect or to spend resources on 236KK or a super.
===Classic & Modern Versions Comparison===
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
|+ style="text-align:center;" | List of differences with Modern Chun-Li
! style="text-align:left;" | Missing Normals
* Standing Medium Kick {{clr|M|(5MK)}}
* Standing Heavy Kick {{clr|H|(5HK)}}
* Jumping Light Kick {{clr|L|(j.LK)}}
* Jumping Medium Punch {{clr|M|(j.MP)}}
* Jumping Heavy Punch {{clr|H|(j.HP)}}
! style="text-align:left;" | Missing Command Normals
* Water Lotus Fist {{clr|H|(3HP)}}
* Falling Crane {{clr|H|(3HK)}}
* Soaring Eagle Punches {{clr|H|(j.HP~j.HP)}}
* Serenity Stream (214P) Follow-ups:
** Orchid Palm {{clr|L|(LP)}}
** Snake Strike {{clr|M|(MP)}}
** Lotus Fist {{clr|H|(HP)}}
! style="text-align:left;" | Shortcut-Only Specials
* Hazanshu {{clr|4|(2S)}}
** Medium/OD Only
! style="text-align:left;" | Miscellaneous Changes
* N/A

[[Category:Street Fighter 6]]
[[Category:Street Fighter 6]]

Latest revision as of 22:10, 7 June 2024


A former high-kicking ICPO agent, Chun-Li looks after Li-Fen, a victim of the Black Moon Incident. With Shadaloo sundered, she now runs Kung Fu classes and has become a well-loved member of the local community.

Chun-Li is a tried and true footsies character, with great emphasis on having many options to control space and punish her opponents in neutral. She has a little bit of everything when it comes to her general tools, but for the most part they're tailored toward whiff punishes and space control.

With the highest backward walk speed in the game and one of the highest forward walks, Chun is at a clear advantage when spacing out of an opponent's range ambiguously. Her poking normals compliment this grounded speed; with 2MK, 4/6MP, and 5HP being some standouts that can easily give a ton of mileage in neutral. To top it all off, she has Kikoken, a highly versatile fireball that can be used as an extended poke, confirm, or approach tool depending on the situation.

But when the opponent is tired of dealing with Chun's grounded footsie game, she is still in luck—as she has some of the most varied and rewarding anti-air tools in the entire game. She can keep it simple by anti-airing with Tensho Kicks, go for a Forced Knockdown or avoid being punished with 5MK, air-to-air with her many tools to convert air hits into combos; or go for 5HK, the slowest and riskiest option that gives absolutely devastating meterless anti-air reward. If you are jumping against Chun, she always has a very strong option to punish you, no matter the situation.

Thanks to her new Serenity Stance and Punish Counters, Chun gets great rewards off of whiff punishes in neutral without any meter required. It also can bolster her oki in the right scenarios, giving her high/low/throw mix that is very hard to see if she can manage to set it up properly. Drive Rush also helps to create stance frame traps that make an opponent unsure of when to press, while you can end in Kikoken to make the string safe. She also has a unique stance launcher that is a valuable combo tool, netting reliable safe jump setups, corner carry, and super confirms.

Perhaps the most glaring flaw with Chun is her offense, as her true mix tends to require an advantageous knockdown to be unmashable (which she can struggle to get resourceless) and she notably lacks the ability to throw loop. This removes a key layer of offense from her gameplan and can urge her to retreat back to mid-range poking once a throw is landed. She has some simple frame traps in the form of 5MP > 5LP, but this is far from her specialty compared to the rest of the cast. Another weak part of her offense is jump-ins: Chun's jump is floatier than other characters, and her air buttons are far more geared towards hitting air-to-air than air-to-ground. She has an anti-air baiting tool in the form of Air Lightning Legs, but this is a gimmicky option that whiffs on crouchers and is usually punishable. She may have to resort to using Hazanshu as a read on fireballs, which simply isn't as advantageous as a jump-in even if it gives good reward on a Punish Counter. If you like to jump in neutral a lot, Chun is probably not the pick.

There are some fairly difficult and unforgiving aspects of playing Chun. LK and MK Lightning Legs are her easiest cancel off of buttons, but they're -8 on block—she has to either have charge for Kikoken or use Drive on EX Legs to cancel into a safe special move. She relies on charge for resourceless knockdowns, as Spinning Bird Kick is her main way to accomplish this. A charge character that is meant to walk a lot can be a steep learning curve to begin with, as it's easy to accidentally input Kikoken or not charge long enough when attempting to move back and forth in neutral. The ranges of her special moves and the fact that each version of Kikoken dissipates after set distances may demand sharp knowledge of spacing. Her anti-airs all have unique ups and downs to them, and her main DP style anti-air being a 22 input can be very unwieldy and precise. Her optimal combos can be quite tricky, requiring situational awareness, stance cancels, and launcher combos with unusual button timings. Dropping some of her harder routes can also leave her in a highly punishable state. Lastly, the sheer amount of options she has in general can make her feel overwhelming and daunting to pick up.

All in all, Chun-Li is a rewarding character to master that can still be accessible simply by how strongly she rewards fundamentals. She doesn't sacrifice versatility for her strengths, and her many options let her both play unpredictably and have answers to any situation. If you want a character that can do a lot in the right hands and thrives on punishing opponents' habits, Chun-Li is a great pick.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Having a strong set of neutral tools backed up by the second fastest back walk in the game
  • High reward whiff punishes and anti-airs to make your opponent think twice about playing sloppy
  • Having a wide and varied toolset to deal with any situation
  • Missing a throw loop
  • Weak approaches with floaty jump-ins and a slow Drive Rush
  • Having to open people up with punishes in neutral rather than pressure strings
  • Unforgiving combos and confirms with high execution requirements
  • Valuing reactive play over aggression

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern Chun-Li
Missing Normals
  • Standing Medium Kick (5MK)
  • Standing Heavy Kick (5HK)
  • Jumping Light Kick (j.LK)
  • Jumping Medium Punch (j.MP)
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (j.HP)
Missing Command Normals
  • Water Lotus Fist (3HP)
  • Falling Crane (3HK)
  • Soaring Eagle Punches (j.HP~j.HP)
  • Serenity Stream (214P) Follow-ups:
    • Orchid Palm (LP)
    • Snake Strike (MP)
    • Lotus Fist (HP)
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Hazanshu (2S)
    • Medium/OD Only
Miscellaneous Changes
  • N/A

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison