Street Fighter 6/Zangief/Combos: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
m (Added pretty colors. clr 3 seems to be a good color for DI)
m (Added pretty colors. clr 3 seems to be a good color for DI)
Line 467: Line 467:
| Items =
| Items =
   | Combo      = DI, 3MP > PP
   | Combo      = {{clr|3|DI}}, {{clr|M|3MP}} > {{clr|5|PP}}
   | Position  =  
   | Position  =  
   | Damage    = 1660 (2280)
   | Damage    = 1660 (2280)
   | Drive      = 1
   | Drive      = 1
   | Super      = 0
   | Super      = 0
   | Difficulty = easy
   | Difficulty = Easy
   | Notes      = Best meterless damage on wall splat
   | Notes      = Best meterless damage on wall splat
   | Video      =  
   | Video      =  
   | Combo      = DI, 2MP, tk. 360kk
   | Combo      = {{clr|3|DI}}, {{clr|M|2MP}}, tk. {{clr|10|360KK}}
   | Position  =  
   | Position  =  
   | Damage    = 2720 (3160)
   | Damage    = 2720 (3160)
   | Drive      = 3
   | Drive      = 3
   | Super      = 0
   | Super      = 0
   | Difficulty = hard
   | Difficulty = Hard
   | Notes      = 2mp will whiff on high wall splats. 3MP doesnt pop up high enough to connect into tk.360KK
   | Notes      = {{clr|M|2MP}} will whiff on high wall splats. {{clr|M|3MP}} doesn't pop up high enough to connect into tk.{{clr|10|360KK}}
   | Video      =  
   | Video      =  
   | Combo      = DI, 3MP > SA1 / DI, 3MP > SA2, SA 1
   | Combo      = {{clr|3|DI}}, {{clr|M|3MP}} > {{clr|10|SA1}} / {{clr|3|DI}}, {{clr|M|3MP}} > {{clr|10|SA2}}, {{clr|10|SA1}}
   | Position  =  
   | Position  =  
   | Damage    = 2880 (3190) / 3200 (3610)
   | Damage    = 2880 (3190) / 3200 (3610)
   | Drive      = 1
   | Drive      = 1
   | Super      = 1/3
   | Super      = 1/3
   | Difficulty = hard
   | Difficulty = Hard
   | Notes      = Highest damage without using additional drive gauge
   | Notes      = Highest damage without using additional drive gauge
   | Video      =  
   | Video      =  
   | Combo      = DI, 3MP > PPP , tk. 360KK
   | Combo      = {{clr|3|DI}}, {{clr|M|3MP}} > {{clr|10|PPP}} , tk. {{clr|10|360KK}}
   | Position  =  
   | Position  =  
   | Damage    = 3520 (3990)
   | Damage    = 3520 (3990)
   | Drive      = 5
   | Drive      = 5
   | Super      = 0
   | Super      = 0
   | Difficulty = hard
   | Difficulty = Hard
   | Notes      = wont work on high up wallsplats
   | Notes      = Will not work on high wallsplats
   | Video      =  
   | Video      =  

Revision as of 15:00, 6 February 2024

Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Links and Starters

Normal Hit

Light Confirm into Lariat

2LK > 2LP > PP
2LK > 2LP > 5LP > PPP

Double Lariat (PP) is Zangief's only strike special move, and therefore most of Zangief's combo routes end with this move to deal solid damage and score an oki-capable knockdown.

Zangief's primary concern when confirming into Lariat is range; From 2LP, Lariat can only combo on it's first active frame, and so combos into Lariat may drop if the opponent is too far away due to pushback. Lariats from longer range can also drop against opponents who are crouching. OD Lariat is faster and can help to mitigate this issue, but 2LP or 5LP even canceled into OD Lariat will drop at their outer range. From point-blank, the general rule is that Zangief can chain 2 light normals into regular Lariat, or 3 light normals into OD Lariat. From farther ranges, fewer chained normals can be done, and confirming into Lariat may be impossible at poking range without utilizing Drive Rush.

When comboing into Lariat, hold forward for the duration. This helps move Zangief closer to the opponent while spinning, making oki easier afterwards.

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LK > 2LP/5LP > PP Anywhere (close) 1480/1570 0 0 Easy Subject to whiffing when slightly spaced. Video
2LK > 2LP > 5LP > PPP Anywhere (close) 1890 2 0 Easy Hold 6 during PPP to improve reliability. Can fail to combo at longer ranges. Video
2MP/3MP/6HP > PP Anywhere 1900/2000/2100 0 0 Very Easy 6HP > PP is Zangief's most damaging combo without additional frame advantage or resources. Video
6HP, 2LP > PPP Anywhere 2400 2 0 Easy The easiest hit confirm after 6HP. Hold 6 during PPP to improve reliability. Can fail to combo at longer ranges. Video
j.2HP, 6HP > PP Anywhere 2660 0 0 Easy
j.8HP > j.360KK Anywhere 3800 0 0 Medium Only works if the opponent is also in the air when the headbutt connects. Video

Punish Counter

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
6HK, 3MP, PP Anywhere 3320 0 0 Easy Can opt for PPP ender for 3560 damage and better oki.
6HK, 3MP, PPP, tk j.360KK Corner 5360 4 0 Moderate Most damaging punish counter combo without spending super meter.
5HK, 3MP, tk j.360KK Anywhere 4100 2 0 Moderate Maximum range 5HK won't connect into 3MP or tk j.360kk, but can combo into other options via Drive Rush.
5HK/6HK, 3MP, SA1 Anywhere 4100/4460 0 1 Moderate Max range 5HK will cause 3MP to whiff but will still connect into SA1 in corner. SA1 must be buffered to connect. 6HK ground bounce is finicky on airborne opponents.
j.[HK], tk j.360KK Anywhere but too close to corner 4500 2 0 Moderate
j.[HK], 3MP, SA1 Anywhere but too close to corner 4700 0 1 Easy
3HK, SA3 (CA) corner 5520 (5970) 0 3 Easy At further ranges, Zangief must dash in to be within SA3 range, making it more difficult to land in time.

Drive Rush

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5LP/2LP > DR~2LP, 2MP > PP Anywhere 1812 / 1712 3 0 DR~2LP can help Zangief convert longer range light pokes into a Lariat(PP) knockdown.
2MP > DR~5MP > 5MP > 5MP Anywhere 2234 3 0 Extra frame advantage from DR allows 5MP to combo into its TC.
6HP > DR~6HP, 3MP > PP Anywhere 2917 3 0
6HP > DR~5HK, 3MP > PP Anywhere 3002 3 0 Advanced DR~5HK, 3MP is a tight link and may be easy to drop for only marginally more damage. 5HK whiffs crouchers

SA2 Combos

Juggling after Cyclone Lariat

6HP > SA2[P], jump j.360KK

Holding down any punch button during Zangief's SA2 will cause Zangief to continue to spin in place rather than transition into one of his slam finishers. Once Zangief has started his third spin, the punch button can be released, as Zangief is already committed to the spin version. This version deals less up-front damage than a "normal" SA2, but launches the opponent into a juggle state, from which Zangief can potentially extend the combo to get higher damage than would otherwise be possible. Follow-up combos that deal more damage than the default finisher require additional Drive Gauge or super meter, so there may be cases where using the normal SA2 finisher is preferred.

This is the most basic way to combo after Held SA2. Simply hold up-forward while Zangief is spinning. Once you see Zangief jump, input 360KK (since you already have an "up" input from your jump, this can be done as just 41236KK).

All of the combos below use a 6HP > SA2 starter in order to accurately compare damage, although they are all possible off any ground combo into SA2, including doing raw/reversal SA2. The air juggle version of SA2 provides a worse juggle state, disallowing further juggles with 5HK or 3MP without DR. It's worth noting that j.2HP is a cross-up which always links into 6HP against a grounded opponent.

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
6HP > SA2 Anywhere 4060 0 2 Easy SA2 with normal ender, for comparison purposes.
6HP > SA2[P], dash, 3MP, tk j.360KK Anywhere 4440 2 2 Hard
6HP > SA2[P], dash, 3MP > SA1 Anywhere 4390 0 3 Very Hard
6HP > SA2[P], dl 5HK, tk j.360KK Corner 4600 2 2 Hard Slightly higher damage alternative to 3MP tk j.360KK combo in the corner
6HP > SA2[P], dash dl 3MP > PPP, tk j.360KK Corner 5190 4 2 Very Hard A short delay is required for 3MP > PPP to juggle properly into tk j.360KK.
J.[HK], 3MP > SA2, 360KK Anywhere but the corner 5280 2 2 Hard Requires a Punish Counter, such as a fireball read or a punish on certain OD/Super reversals
J.[HK], 3MP > SA2, SA1 Anywhere but the corner 5230 0 3 Hard Requires a Punish Counter, such as a fireball read or a punish on certain OD/Super reversals

Drive Impact

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI, 360HP/360PP Anywhere 3270/3680 1 / 3 0 Gives no meaningful okizeme but does the most damage for the fewest resources.
DI, 63214HK/63214KK Anywhere 2990 / 3520 1 / 3 0 Leaves Zangief close enough for DR oki. 63124KK builds considerable super meter and is useful for closing out rounds.
DI, SA3 Anywhere 4320 (CA: 4670) 1 3
DI, 6HP > PP/PPP Anywhere 2520 / 2730 1 / 3 0 If you don't want to spend any resources, do this. Can instead opt for delay 3MP or j.HK > PP for slightly better oki at the cost of slightly reduced damage (2440 vs 2520).
DI, 6HP > SA2, etc. Anywhere 3892+ 1+ 2 Damage shown is for normal finisher. Higher damages are possible by using SA2 to juggle (see SA2 combos).
DI, neutral jump j.8HP, land DR~3MP > PP Anywhere 2684 2 0 Slight addition to normal DI -> PP combo. gives a later hit of lariat allowing far superior oki
DI, neutral jump j.8HP, land DR~5MK Anywhere 2072 2 0 Autotimed safe jump into a very deep J.MP, J.HP will connect in the corner
DI, neutral jump j.HK, land DR~5MP Anywhere 2013 2 0 Autotimed safe jump into a very deep J.HP, loses to anti-airs/reversals faster than 5 frames.
DI, neutral jump j.8HP, land tk j.360KK Anywhere 3400 3 0 Hard j.360KK will leave the opponent close enough to DR, 360PP Video
DI, dl.3MP > PPP, tk j.360KK Corner 4150 5 0 The only reason to use 3MP over 6HP is that a delayed 3MP will create an airborne juggle state, which allows Zangief to do his PPP -> tk 360KK combo in the corner.
DI, 6HP > DR~5HK, 3MP > SA2, tk j.360KK Anywhere 3888 6 2 Advanced Technically uses your entire Drive gauge, but you'll build back about half a bar before the combo is done. DR~5HK, 3MP is a tight link and may be easy to drop for only marginally more damage than using DR~6HP, 3MP.
DI, 6HP > DR~5HK, 3MP > SA2, 3MP > SA1 Anywhere 4460 4 3 Advanced DR~5HK, 3MP is a tight link and may be easy to drop for only marginally more damage than using DR~6HP, 3MP.
DI, forward jump, J.2HP, 360KK Anywhere 3100 3 0 intermediate side switches
DI, forward jump, J.2HP, SA1 Anywhere 3000 1 1 easy side switches, buffer SA1 in the direction you started
DI, forward jump, J.2HP, PP/PPP Anywhere 2330/2500 1/3 0 easy side switches meterlessly

Drive Impact Wallsplat

Damage in parenthesis is if the Drive impact is not blocked

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI, 3MP > PP 1660 (2280) 1 0 Easy Best meterless damage on wall splat
DI, 2MP, tk. 360KK 2720 (3160) 3 0 Hard 2MP will whiff on high wall splats. 3MP doesn't pop up high enough to connect into tk.360KK
DI, 3MP > SA1 / DI, 3MP > SA2, SA1 2880 (3190) / 3200 (3610) 1 1/3 Hard Highest damage without using additional drive gauge
DI, 3MP > PPP , tk. 360KK 3520 (3990) 5 0 Hard Will not work on high wallsplats

Stun Combos

Damage in parenthesis is if the Drive impact is not blocked

Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI, 360P/360PP 2510 (3110)/ 2920 (3520) 1/3 0 easy Best meterless damage without advanced setups
DI, J.HP, 6HP, PP/PPP 2190 (2790)/ 2370 (2970) 1/3 0 easy highest meterless damage while keeping oki and without advanced setups
DI, jump back, PP, tk.360KK 2960 (3560) 3 0 Hard you must drift forward during lariat for it to connect
DI, jump back, PP, SA1 2910 (3510) 1 1 intermediate you must drift forward during lariat for it to connect
DI, J.HP, 6HP, SA2 2960 (3560) 1 2 easy
DI, J.HP, 6HP > DR~6HP > DR~5HK, 3MP > SA2 3885 (4485) >4 2 Very hard uses entire drive gauge, highest damage without CA or j.[HK] set ups
DI, SA3 /CA 3560 (4160) / 3910 (4510) 1 3 easy
DI, J.[HK], 3MP > PP / PPP 2480 (3280) / 2660 (3460) 1/3 0 Very Hard Can be auto timed with jump back j.lp into 22MK on block or j.2HP into 22MK on hit. Dropkick charge must be manually timed frames 8-12 of the jump.
DI, J.[HK], 3MP > PPP, tk.360KK 3860 (4660) 5 0 Very Hard Can be auto timed with jump back j.lp into 22MK on block or j.2HP into 22MK on hit. Dropkick charge must be manually timed frames 8-12 of the jump.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison