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Revision as of 16:48, 27 September 2023


A poison-wielding apprentice of F.A.N.G, the former Shadaloo officer. Enchanted by the power of toxins, nothing brings her more joy than testing them on a new target—other than attention from her “master,” that is.

Slithering onto the battlefield with zoning capabilities and powerful okizeme options, A.K.I. is an unconventional and unorthodox character who revolves heavily around her poison mechanic. Some of A.K.I.'s specials poison opponents on hit, which slowly tick away at their life bar. Using this, A.K.I. baits her opponents into making risky play before elegantly maneuvering around them and going for the kill.

A.K.I's most important special is Nightshade Pulse, a slow advancing projectile that causes poison on hit. A.K.I. can send this projectile out to control the screen as she advances behind it or use it as a meaty to maintain advantage. Nightshade is very strong and defines a lot of matchups for A.K.I., as opponents who fail to deal with it will find her slowly closing in on them. However, Nightshade is just one tool in A.K.I.'s tremendously large kit. Serpent Lash acts as a strong midrange poke, while Orchid Spring allows A.K.I. to set up an unblockable poison pool. A.K.I. is also known for having some rather unique approach options. Snake Step and Sinister Slide cause A.K.I. to drop to the floor and go low-profile, allowing her to slide under all sorts of nonsense. Enemy fireballs, high-reaching pokes, and even Drive Impacts - A.K.I. can duck under it all and lash out with any number of follow-ups. Even better, A.K.I. has a command grab out of Snake Step, giving her unique ways to mess with the opponent.

As a defining part of her kit, if A.K.I. hits her opponent with a poison-inducing move while they are already poisoned, they will explode into a "Toxic Blossom" that gives her extended combo opportunities. Thus, A.K.I. can quickly adapt her gameplan from far-reaching pokes into a very scary mixup and okizeme character if she gets the chance. The looping poison setups she can dish out take off a good amount of life, and the consistent safe jumps she can get off of Toxic Blossom combos allow her to continue offense after a combo very safely. Combined with a strong overhead, a few ways to be plus on block, the sheer volume of potential attacks and specials at her disposal, on top of the threat of poison, and A.K.I. can be an absolute menace if she is closed in on the opponent.

In general, A.K.I. has a high number of complex routes for her combos that are dependent on if the opponent is poisoned or not, but the tradeoff is that her huge kit and unique normals allow her pickups off of openings that other characters may struggle to confirm. As well, her defensive options tend to be lackluster, often lacking important invulnerability frames to push through meaties and deep jump-ins. Another important thing is that A.K.I.'s animations are very long, making it difficult for her to play around Drive Impact. She will be constantly looking for it, far more than most other characters, which can result in a lot of mental fatigue. If you can grapple with this fact, and all of the above sounds appealing to you, shed your inhibitions and become one with the queen of toxicity herself.

Pick if you like: Avoid if you dislike:
  • Characters that reward lots of situational awareness with proper setup.
  • Consistent, strong, and low-risk okizeme.
  • Whittling your opponents down over time.
  • Shutting down fireballs approaching behind your own.
  • Weak defensive options, either vulnerable to throws or meaty lights.
  • Deliberately playing around Drive Impact.
  • Situational combos

Classic & Modern Versions Comparison

List of differences with Modern A.K.I.
Missing Normals
  • Standing Light Kick (5LK)
  • Crouching Medium Punch (2MP)
  • Jumping Light Punch (j.LP)
  • Jumping Medium Punch (j.MP)
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (j.HK)
Missing Command Normals
Shortcut-Only Specials
  • Cruel Fate (Heavy/OD Only) (2S)
  • Snake Step (Medium/OD Only) (5S)
Miscellaneous Changes

Poison & Toxic Blossom

A.K.I. has several moves that inflict a poison status on the opponent, which is indicated by a purple glow. A poisoned character will take 1 damage per frame (60 damage per second) until the effect wears off. Poison naturally runs out after 7 seconds (for a total of 420 damage), but can also be stopped by inflicting damage on A.K.I. before then.

The poison pool placed on the ground with Orchid Spring (214MP) or Tainted Talons (214214P) is unblockable. The poison will be constantly reapplied as long as the opponent is nearby, which can allow the total duration to extend well beyond 7 seconds.

Characters cannot die to poison damage, so A.K.I. will always have to land the final blow herself.

SF6 A.K.I. PoisonExample.png
Toxic Blossom:

Some special moves and Target Combos have a different effect when hitting a poisoned opponent. In addition to dealing extra damage, triggering "Toxic Blossom" gives better knockdown advantage, juggle height, or even crumple states that allow powerful follow-up combos. Toxic Blossom detonates the poison within the opponent's body, ending the poison effect immediately.

Much of A.K.I.'s complexity stems from managing the opponent's poison status to achieve optimal combo routes based on whether Toxic Blossom can be triggered. It's important to note that poison will not run out while a character is in hitstun, so you can safely proceed with a Toxic Blossom combo route without additional time management.

SF6 A.K.I. ToxicBlossomExample.png

SF6 A.K.I. Portrait.png
Life Points 10000
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.0452
Backward Walk Speed 0.032
Forward Dash Speed 19
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.300
Backward Dash Distance 1.079
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Throw) 0.907
Drive Rush Min. Distance (Block) 2.437
Drive Rush Max Distance 4.049
Jump Speed 4+40+3
Jump Apex 2.176
Forward Jump Distance 2.00
Backward Jump Distance 1.60
Throw Range 0.8
Throw Hurtbox 0.33
Frame Data Glossary - SF6
Hitbox Images

🟥 (Red): Attack hitbox

  • Appears pink for Throw hitboxes

🟩 (Green): Vulnerable hurtbox that can be hit by strikes/projectiles

  • If a move's hitbox and hurtbox overlap, the colors blend to appear orange

🟦 (Blue): Vulnerable throw hurtbox

  • Will be thrown if Pink throw hitbox touches Blue throw hurtbox


How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. For projectiles with a maximum active period, a value may be listed in [brackets], but this number is not factored into the move's total frame count.

  • For multi-hit moves with no gaps between the active hitboxes, active frames are listed as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y)
  • For multi-hit moves with gaps between hits, active frames are listed as X(n)Y where n = the frame gap between hitboxes.


Available options for canceling one move into another move.

  • "Chn": Chain cancel (Light normals; specific chain options listed in Description)
  • "TC": Target Combo
  • "Sp": Special move
  • "SA": Super Art (if a number is listed, refers only to that specific Super; SA3 = Lv.3 Super Art)
  • "Jmp": Jump cancel (usually on hit only, if applicable)
  • "SS": Serenity Stream (Chun-Li's stance)
    • If one hit of a multi-hit attack is cancelable, this can be indicated with (1st), (2nd), etc.
    • Occasionally, a move can be canceled only into a specific follow-up (e.g. Dee Jay [4]6P > 22PP); this can be indicated by listing the move input in the Cancel field, or with an asterisk that is explained in the move notes (Sp*)

Cancel Hitconfirm Windows

Hitconfirm reaction windows into Special Moves, Target Combos, and Super Arts.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel one attack into another attack on reaction
    • e.g. most cancelable 2MKs have a 13 frame window to cancel into a Special/Super on reaction, making them nearly impossible to hitconfirm
  • Counts from the first frame the attack connects until the final cancelable frame
    • Visual effects like hitsparks and HP drain do not actually occur until frame 2; the first frame is still counted to keep the numbers consistent with previous games, and because it is technically possible to start reacting to the character's reeling animation on frame 1
  • If a Target Combo is cancelable into another attack, the hitconfirm window will include the entire sequence starting from the first hit
    • If there is a frame gap on block between hits of the TC, the hitconfirm window may also be included for just the followup hit
    • Some sequences like Ken's 5MP~HP TC may have a range of values listed (43f~47f). In this example, inputting 5MP~HP at its usual timing gives a 43f hitconfirm into a Special/Super. Delaying the chain into HP gives more total time for the final hitconfirm.


Attack damage on hit. Multi-hit moves may have the damage listed for individual hits as X,Y (or sometimes X*Y). Sometimes a move's damage changes depending on which active frame connects, or on cinematic vs. non-cinematic hits; in this case, multiple values may be listed, and it will be clarified in the move description.

Damage Scaling

Some moves cause additional damage scaling in combos. Refer to Game Data page for a more detailed breakdown.

Scaling Types:

  • Starter: When a move begins the combo, the next attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Ryu 2MK (20% Starter) > Hadoken: Hadoken is at 80% damage scaling
  • Combo: When a move is comboed into, the next attack is scaled by X percent or X number of hits
    • e.g. Ryu 2HP > OD High Blade Kick (2-Hit Combo Scaling) > Shoryuken: Shoryuken is at 70% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [skip 80%] > 70%)
    • e.g. Cammy 5HP > OD Spiral Arrow (5% Combo Scaling) > Cannon Spike: Cannon Spike is at 75% damage scaling (100% > 100% > [80-5 = 75%])
  • Immediate: When a move is comboed into, this attack is scaled by X percent
    • e.g. Drive Impact Crumple (20% Starter) > Throw (20% Immediate): Throw is at 60% damage scaling
  • Multiplier: A damage scaling multiplier applies after Perfect Parry (50%) and mid-combo Drive Rush (15%). Any hits in the combo continue their usual damage scaling, but reduced by these amounts. These can bring the minimum scaling below the usual 10%, and they stack with each other; as a result, the minimum scaling can reach 4% using a long Drive Rush combo after Perfect Parry.
  • Minimum Scaling: The lowest damage scaling that can be applied to an attack. Super Art Level 1/2/3 generally has 30%/40%/50% minimum scaling respectively. This ensures the attack will still do reasonable damage even at the end of a heavily scaled combo.

Drive Rush Cancel Advantage

Refers to the frame advantage when canceling a normal, command normal, or Target Combo into Drive Rush on hit or block (abbreviated as DRC for Drive Rush Cancel). This is calculated at the moment a follow-up attack can be input, not at the moment the character can block or perform movement options. An attack that with DRC +8 on Hit can link into an 8-frame attack, and DRC +4 on Block can create a true blockstring into a 4-frame attack.

Note that any DRC on Block worse than +4 cannot form a true blockstring, allowing the opponent to interrupt with an invincible reversal. Most light normals are slightly negative after a DRC on block, meaning the opponent can mash their fastest normal to guarantee a counter-hit (though this requires fast reactions). The attacking character could punish this with Light > DRC into an immediate invincible attack, but this would be an incredibly expensive and high-risk gambit.

Forced Knockdown

Most airborne command normals, special moves, and Super Arts put the user in a "Forced Knockdown" state. While in this state, an air knockdown will occur when being hit by any attack, even if it would otherwise cause an air reset.

As an example, Ryu's 2HP causes an air reset when used as an anti-air. Against a move like Cammy's Hooligan Combination, however, the 2HP puts her into an air knockdown state. This allows Ryu to successfully cancel 2HP into Shoryuken for a juggle, similar to how a Drive Impact wall splat works. Taking advantage of Forced Knockdown juggles is important for dealing with moves like Ken's Dragonlash, Dhalsim's Air Teleport, or Kimberly's 6HK~Hop sequence.

Moves that already cause an air knockdown, like most j.MP air-to-airs, will not display the "Forced Knockdown" message.


Refers to the direction an attack must be blocked. L is for Low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks/overheads (must be blocked standing), LH is for attacks that can be blocked crouching or standing. T is for Throw attacks which cannot be blocked.


When a character is put into an Air Knockdown state, it is often possible to follow up with a Juggle attack before they hit the ground. In the simplest terms, there are 2 main juggle states:

  • Free Juggle: any attack can juggle, causing an Air Reset or an Air Knockdown
  • Limited Juggle: only specific attacks with juggle potential may juggle

The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system:

Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles.

  • JC0: free juggle state - any attack that can hit an airborne opponent will work
  • JC1+: limited juggle state - juggle only works if the attack's Juggle Limit ≥ defender's Juggle Count

Juggle Start (JS): When starting a juggle, the opponent's JC will be set to this value. May be different vs. standing and airborne opponents.

  • Attack with Juggle Start value of 3 will put opponent at JC3, so only attacks with Juggle Limit value ≥ 3 can follow up

Juggle Increase (JI): When opponent is already in a juggle state, attacks will increase the opponent's JC by this amount.

  • Airborne opponent at JC1 followed by attack with Juggle Increase value of 3 will set opponent to JC4

Juggle Limit (JL): Property of an attack hitbox that determines whether it connects on a juggled opponent. The JL must be ≥ the opponent's JC to hit successfully.

  • An uppercut with a JL value of 5 will connect on an opponent at JC5 or below, but will whiff on JC6 opponent
  • Most normals have a JL value of 0, meaning they only work in Free Juggle (JC0) states
  • Some multi-hit attacks have different JL values on each hit, so a 3-hit move may only hit twice in juggles

An example to tie everything together:

  • An attack (JS3) launches opponent into the air (Opponent now at JC3)
  • Followed up with an attack (JI2/JL4); it connects, because JL4 ≥ JC3 (Opponent now at JC5)
  • Attempts to juggle again with same attack (JL4), but whiffs because JL4 < JC5 (Opponent hits the ground)

Drive Rush notes:

  • DR normals have a Juggle Start/Increase value of 0
  • DR normals have +3 added to their usual Juggle Limit

On Hit/Block

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will recover before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit, and the listed KD Advantage refers to how many frames the attacker can act before the defender finishes their wakeup animation.

  • Note that generally, there is an extra +2 hit advantage on Counterhits and +4 hit advantage on Punish Counters (exceptions are noted in the description).


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after the active frames have finished. For projectiles, recovery is considered to begin after the first active frame.

  • Moves with different recovery values on hit/block/whiff may have multiple values listed like X(Y), with specific details listed in the description.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.

  • Moves with multiple relevant startup values may be listed as X(Y); for example, a move that hits airborne first before hitting grounded opponents, or a 2-hit move where the first hit whiffs at some ranges.


Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 5lp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 2 7 Sp SA TC 300 LH +4 -1
  • Does not chain into or from any other lights.
  • Has a unique TC chain into itself.

AKI's 5LP is a somewhat unique 5f normal. It doesn't lead to much on its own, but the TC can frame trap and make its -1 frame advantage uniquely threatening.

Standing Medium Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 5mp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
6 5 14(16) Sp SA 600 LH +3 -3

5MP is an excellent spacing trap against players who like to mash after her light chains. While it doesn't link into anything on its own, it combos into most of AKI's special moves and is confirmable on Counterhit or Punish Counter. Useful in juggles with Drive Rush due to its startup speed and launch.

Standing Heavy Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 5hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
12 3 21 TC 800 LH +1 -4
  • TC Hitconfirm Window: ?f

Aki stabs forwards and covers a large amount of space. This normal also comes with a TC which acts like her Serpent Lash special move. Its great range and relatively safe frame advantage make this a decent poke, but it comes with plenty of whiff recovery and is vulnerable to Drive Impact.

Standing Light Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 5lk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 3 12 Sp SA 300 LH +3 -3

Standing Medium Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 5mk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 15(17) - 700 LH +6 -2

AKI's 5MK is a good poke and a great linking option. It's generally quite safe, but unfortunately has no cancel options whatsoever. Links naturally on hit into 5MP. On Punish Counter or after Drive Rush, it links into 5HK for great damage.

Standing Heavy Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 5hk.png
Everything and the kitchen sink
SF6 A.K.I. 5hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Standing Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 4 19 Sp SA 800 LH +4 -3
  • Punish Counter: +15

5HK is an amazing anti-air and one of AKI's few special cancelable normals. As an anti-air, it covers a large amount of space in front of and above AKI and lets her safely set up a meaty 214LP. It combos into 2PP~K for links afterwards on normal hit and is one of her few ways to combo into 214HK or 2PP~P on Punish Counter. Has a surprising amount of juggle potential and is used often in AKI's extended juggle routes.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 2lp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
4 2 9 Chn Sp SA 300 LH +4 -1

AKI's 4-frame option and one of the few light normals that chains into itself with no gap unless delayed. An excellent normal overall.

Crouching Medium Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 2mp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 3 18 Sp SA 600 LH +1 -3

AKI's other main special cancelable normal. Comes with a lot of whiff recovery compared to her un-cancelable options, comparable to most other characters' cancelable 2MK buttons but with better advantage on block.

Crouching Heavy Punch
SF6 A.K.I. 2hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 28 - 900 L HKD +27 -8
  • Punish Counter: HKD +?

This is AKI's sweep. Acts like most other characters' 2HK normals. Somewhat short range and advances forwards, making it more unsafe than it seems.

Crouching Light Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 2lk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2lk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 8 Chn 200 L +3 -2

AKI's fastest low and a decent option from Drive Rush or as a light chain.

Crouching Medium Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 2mk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2mk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 3 16 SA 600 L +5 +1

While uncancelable, AKI's 2MK has amazing frame data and is particularly strong when used from Drive Rush. Its below average startup and above average reach combined with its low total duration makes this a move to be feared.

Crouching Heavy Kick
SF6 A.K.I. 2hk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Crouching Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 6 20 SA 900 LH 0 -3
  • Punish Counter: launch +?
  • Long super cancel window.

Another anti-air and whiff punish normal, similar to 5HK but done from crouch. Doesn't have as much utility as it lacks the special cancel.

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
SF6 A.K.I. jlp.png
SF6 A.K.I. jlp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 9 3 land - 300 H - -

Jumping Medium Punch
SF6 A.K.I. jmp.png
SF6 A.K.I. jmp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 4 3 land - 700 H - -

Jumping Heavy Punch
SF6 A.K.I. jhp.png
SF6 A.K.I. jhp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Punch
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 6 3 land - 800 H - -

Jumping Light Kick
SF6 A.K.I. jlk.png
SF6 A.K.I. jlk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Light Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 6 3 land - 300 H - -
  • Connects as a crossup.

Jumping Medium Kick
SF6 A.K.I. jmk.png
SF6 A.K.I. jmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Medium Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 6 3 land - 600 H - -

Jumping Heavy Kick
SF6 A.K.I. jhk.png
SF6 A.K.I. jhk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Jumping Heavy Kick
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 8 3 land - 800 H - -

Command Normals

Pu Lao
SF6 A.K.I. 3mp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 3mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Pu Lao
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
24 3 18 - 600 H +3 -2

Chi Wen
SF6 A.K.I. 6hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 6hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Chi Wen
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 3 20(21) SA 900 LH +3 -4

Qiu Niu
SF6 A.K.I. 6hk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 6hk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Qiu Niu
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3(5)3 16(24) - 400x2 LH +4 +2

Gong Fu
SF6 A.K.I. j2hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. j2hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Gong Fu
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
9 5 3 land - 800 H - -
  • Forward Jump only
  • Can only hit cross-up (behind A.K.I.)

Target Combos

Hun Dun
SF6 A.K.I. 5lp lp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5lp lp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Hun Dun
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
8 2 14(16) Sp SA 300(240) LH +1 -3

Hun Dun
SF6 A.K.I. 5hp hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 5hp hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Qiong Qi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 24(29) - 400 LH KD +34[+54] -15


Forward Throw (LPLK)
Forward Throw
SF6 A.K.I. lplk.png
SF6 A.K.I. lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +19 -
  • Punish Counter: +19 HKD

Back Throw (4LPLK)
Back Throw
SF6 A.K.I. 4lplk.png
SF6 A.K.I. lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
5 3 23 - 1200 (2040) T KD +27 -
  • Side switches
  • Punish Counter: +27 HKD

Drive System

Drive Impact (HPHK)
Drive Impact
SF6 A.K.I. hphk.png
SF6 A.K.I. hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Zao Chi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 2 35 - 800 LH KD +35 / Wall Splat KD +65 -3 / Wall Splat HKD +72

See Drive Impact

When canceled from a normal, these are the important blockstring gaps; a gap of N will trade with an N-frame startup attack; [] = Burnout

  • 5HK: 7[3]
  • 2MP: 10[6]
  • 5MP, 5LP~LP: 12[8]
  • Note: A gap ≥ 6f can be thrown, and a gap ≥ 9f can be jumped out of by most characters

Drive Reversal (6HPHK)
Drive Reversal
6HPHK (in blockstun)
SF6 A.K.I. 6hphk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 6hphk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Feng Shi (Block)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
20 3 26(31) - 500 recoverable LH KD +23 -6

See Drive Reversal

  • Full Invuln: 1-22f; Armor Break

Drive Parry (MPMK)
Drive Parry
SF6 A.K.I. mpmk.png
SF6 A.K.I. mpmk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Drive Parry
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
1 12 or until released 33(1)(11) - - - - -

See Drive Parry

  • Perfect Parry has only 1f recovery, and disables the opponent from canceling their attack
  • Perfect Parry vs. projectiles puts you into a fixed 11f recovery

Drive Rush (66)
Drive Rush
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 119: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:MoveDataParser at line 117: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

                  No results

See Drive Rush. Frame data shown in (parentheses) refers to Parry Drive Rush.

  • Distance:
    • 0.907 (min, cancel into immediate Throw)
    • 2.437 (min, earliest blocking/movement frame)
    • 4.049 (max, final DR frame)
  • See Strategy page for Blockstring Gaps and Combo Routes

Special Moves

Nightshade Pulse (214LP)
Nightshade Pulse
Poison Bubble
SF6 A.K.I. 214lp.png

SF6 A.K.I. 214pp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 214lp hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 214pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Nightshade Pulse
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
17 - 35 SA3 500 LH -5 -10
Nightshade Pulse
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
16 - 28 SA2 SA3 300,400 LH KD +45 +1

Nightshade Chaser (214LP~6P)
Nightshade Chaser
Poison Detonation
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Nightshade Chaser
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 2 34 SA3 500[800] LH -4 [KD +38] -16(-11)
Nightshade Chaser (Burst)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 6 29 - 800 LH KD +42 -4
Nightshade Chaser
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 5 28 SA2 SA3 600[800] LH KD +25 [KD +41~44] -13(-10)
Nightshade Chaser (Burst)
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 12 20 SA2 SA3 800x2 LH KD +43(+52~57) -2(+4)

Orchid Spring (214MP)
Orchid Spring
Poison Pool
SF6 A.K.I. 214mp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 214mp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Orchid Spring
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
26 [160] 20 - - - - -

Toxic Wreath (214HP)
Toxic Wreath
Poison Slash
SF6 A.K.I. 214hp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 214hp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Toxic Wreath
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
13 3(14)9 13 SA3 200,600 LH KD +40 -4

Serpent Lash (236P)
Serpent Lash
Poison Whip
SF6 A.K.I. 236lp.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236mp.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236hp.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236pp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 236lp hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236mp hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236hp hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Serpent Lash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
14 3 20(26) SA3 500[800] LH +1(+3) [KD +44(46)] -8(-6)
  • Straight forward
Serpent Lash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
17 6 24 SA3 600[700] LH KD +44 [Crumple +69] -12
  • Slight upward angle
Serpent Lash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11 6 32 SA3 700[800] LH KD +44 [KD +53] -20
  • Straight up
Serpent Lash
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
21 5 25 [TB: SA2 SA3] 600[800] LH +4 [Crumple +71] -14(-11)
  • Straight forward

Cruel Fate (214K)
Cruel Fate
Leaping Claw
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Cruel Fate
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
24 2(5)2(4)2(5)2 18 land SA3 200x4 (800) LH +1 (KD +38~45) -3
Cruel Fate
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
28 2(5)2(4)2(5)2 18 land SA3 200x3,300 (900) LH +3 (KD +38~45) -3
Cruel Fate
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
33 2(5)2(4)2(5)2 18 land SA3 200x3,400 (1000) LH +4 (KD +41~50) -3
Cruel Fate
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
28 3(4)2(4)2(5)2 18 land SA2* SA3* 200,200x4,600 (1600) LH HKD +42 (+2~3) +2

Snake Step (236K)
Snake Step
SF6 A.K.I. 236lk.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236kk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 236lk hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236kk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Snake Step
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
37 total - - - - - - -
Snake Step
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
39 total - - - - - - -
Snake Step
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
43(50~54) total - - - - - - -
Snake Step
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
42(48~57) - - - - - - -

Sinister Slide (2PP)
Sinister Slide
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Sinister Slide
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11(28) [185] 20 - - - - -
  • Cancelable by inputting up direction
  • Can input followups after 11f

Venomous Fang (2PP~P)
Venomous Fang
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp p.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp p hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Venomous Fang
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11+19 15 30 - 1100 LH KD +20(34)
[Crumple +67(81)]

Heel Strike (2PP~K)
Heel Strike
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp k.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Heel Strike
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11+11 3(9)3 17(20) SA3 (2nd) 300x2 LH +4 -3

Entrapment (2PP~LPLK)
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp lplk.png
SF6 A.K.I. 2pp lplk hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
11+23 3 55 - 1852 (2222) T HKD +16 -

Super Arts

Level 1 Super (236236K)
Deadly Implication
Level 1 Super Art
SF6 A.K.I. 236236k.png
SF6 A.K.I. 236236k hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Deadly Implication
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 68 - 850,950 (1800) LH KD +30 -46
  • Strike/Throw Invuln: 1-12f
  • Good anti-air (cannot hit cross-up)
  • On hit, transitions to a cinematic and poisons the opponent

Level 2 Super (214214P)
Tainted Talons
Level 2 Super Art
SF6 A.K.I. 214214p.png

SF6 A.K.I. 214214p2.png
SF6 A.K.I. 214214p hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 214214p2 hitbox.png
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Tainted Talons
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
7 53(28)12 54 - 300,200x6,1000 (2500) LH KD +30 -19~
  • Button strength determines distance
  • Poisons the opponent on hit
  • Creates a pool that poisons the opponent on hit/block

Level 3 Super (236236P)
Claws of Ya Zi
Level 3 Super Art
SF6 A.K.I. 236236p.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236236p ca.png
Critical Art adds 500 more damage
SF6 A.K.I. 236236p hitbox.png

SF6 A.K.I. 236236p hitbox.png
Critical Art adds 500 more damage
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Claws of Ya Zi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 58 - 4000 LH HKD +30 -36
  • Full Invuln: 1-12f
  • Cannot hit cross-up
Claws of Ya Zi
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
10 3 58 - 4500 LH HKD +21 -36
  • Full Invuln: 1-12f
  • Cannot hit cross-up


Neutral Taunt (5PPPKKK)
Neutral Taunt
SF6 A.K.I. 5pppkkk.png
"The master's prized poison... ahh, a perfect, beautiful, most brilliantly crafted poison! Now you'll get a taste."
"The master's prized poison... ahh, a perfect, beautiful, most brilliantly crafted poison! Now you'll get a taste."
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Neutral Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
611 (total) - - - - - - -
  • Builds 1 bar of Super gauge

Forward Taunt (6PPPKKK)
Forward Taunt
SF6 A.K.I. 6pppkkk.png
"Time for some experimentation... I bet poison would work wonders on you."
"Time for some experimentation... I bet poison would work wonders on you."
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Forward Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
484 (total) - - - - - - -

Back Taunt (4PPPKKK)
Back Taunt
SF6 A.K.I. 4pppkkk.png
"Isn't he wonderful?"
SF6 A.K.I. 4pppkkk hitbox.png
"Isn't he wonderful?"
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On

Back Taunt
Startup Active Recovery Cancel Damage Guard On Hit On Block
175 32 258(264) - 600 LH KD -197 -239
  • Bubbles have a large projectile hitbox behind A.K.I.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison