Street Fighter V/M.Bison

From SuperCombo Wiki


About M. Bison

The leader of Shadaloo, Bison is the main villain of the Street Fighter series and seeks world domination.

Bison is an explosive character defined by his dominant range, sticky pressure, and high damage output. His movement is slow and linear, with the 2nd slowest walkspeed in the game and a long but slow dash. In exchange, he has excellent reach on his normals and strong movement and frame data on some attacks, with safe moves like Scissor Kick, Devil's Reverse, and Psycho Axe moving him forward into his offensive range. When he gets close, his gameplan starts to shine, as he has many options to maintain advantage on block and excellent throw range to make up for his poor walkspeed; getting bison away from you often requires good abare, and his explosive damage makes that abare very risky. His offensive crush counters are some of the best in the game, with 5HK and Psycho Axe both being plus on block and converting into full combos on CC. On top of all this, he has some of the best EXs in the game, with EX scissors and EX blast in particular being extremely powerful both for neutral and pressure. His strong neutral tools and seemingly endless pressure strings allow him to slow the game down to a grind, chipping away at opponents with long blockstrings in order to bait them into taking a risk and eating big damage. His mixup is fairly basic without trigger, with throw as his only real way to open up a blocking opponent, but his oppressive chip damage and frame data more than make up for it.


V-Trigger 1: Psycho Power

Enhances Bison's forward dash, giving it more invul frames and the ability to cross up. Enhances the properties of his special moves and allows him to freely cancel them into EXs. Explosive damage and comeback potential, but requires you save EX for the end of the round. Used in matchups you expect to need to make big comebacks in.

V-Trigger 2: Psycho Nightmare

Gives Bison access to a command grab and Psycho Crusher. The grab deals low damage but has great oki and plants a bomb on the opponent that detonates automatically or manually, allowing for powerful combos, extended pressure, or mixups. Psycho Crusher can be used for crossups, fullscreen approach, anti-air, or as a combo ender. The more stable choice in most matchups.

V-Skill 1: Psycho Reflect

Absorbs a single projectile hit, stocking Bison's own projectile in the process. If a strike comes in contact with the reflect, an invincible counter attack is triggered. Used in fireball matchups and situationally as an anti-air.

V-Skill 2: Hell's Warp

Teleports behind the opponent and launches on hit; plus on block. Used to side switch, as a mixup with VT2 bomb or EX psycho blast, or in certain extended combos. Fairly easy to interrupt on reaction without a projectile covering it. Leads to meaties after MP inferno that cover both wakeups, making it a great corner escape in non-projectile matchups.

Final Patch

Players to Watch

  • LPN
  • Pnoy
  • Problem X
  • HotDog29
  • Pikoro
  • Dogura
SFV-M.Bison Portrait.jpg
Life Points 1000
Stun Points 1000
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 900
V-Trigger 2 600
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 2.62
Backward Walk Speed 2.3
Forward Dash Speed 22
Backward Dash Speed 22
Forward Dash Distance 198
Backward Dash Distance 125
Backdash CH Frames 3-10
Back Jump Speed 47 (4+39+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 47 (4+39+4)
Forward Jump Speed 46 (3+39+4)
Forward Jump Distance 234
Backward Jump Distance 234
Throw Hurtbox 0.25
Throw Range 0.9
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
Stand LP
SFV M.Bison 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 7 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
Stand MP
Stand MP
SFV M.Bison 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 14 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
Stand HP
Stand HP
SFV M.Bison 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 3 20 -1
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -6
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vt1 vt2
  • Great range and special cancelable makes this a good whiff punish tool
Stand LK
Stand LK
SFV M.Bison 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2 10 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H -2
Stand MK
Stand MK
SFV M.Bison 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 13 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • No hurtbox extension during start-up makes this a decent poke tool in neutral
Stand HK
Stand HK
SFV M.Bison 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 3 13(18) 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H 3
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Forces standing state on hit
  • +5 extra recovery frames on whiff (18)
Crouch LP
Crouch LP
SFV M.Bison 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 5 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: c h / s p / s u / v s 1 / v t 1 / v t 2
  • Chains into cr.LP / cr.LK
Crouch MP
Crouch MP
SFV M.Bison 2MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 12 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 1
Crouch HP
Crouch HP
SFV M.Bison 2HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 5 23 -5
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -11
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Good vertical anti-air
  • First 2 active frames can't hit cross-up (active frames 3-5 can)
Crouch LK
Crouch LK
SFV M.Bison 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 7 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 2
  • Cancel options: ch vt1 vt2
  • Chains into cr.LP / cr.LK
Crouch MK
Crouch MK
SFV M.Bison 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2 13 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 L -2
Crouch HK
Crouch HK
SFV M.Bison 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 10 18(23) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -12
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Crouching state for entire move duration (can slide under attacks that can't hit crouch)
  • +5 extra recovery frames on whiff
  • -3 oB on last active frame
Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Also known as 'The Holy Water' by Yipes
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Puts airborne opponents into a free juggle state (and does not increase current juggle state either)
  • Has a built-in follow-up option on hit / block (see move: Hell Attack (MP > MP))
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 0 / 0
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Can Cross Up
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -

Command Normals

Psycho Axe
Psycho Axe
SFV M.Bison 3HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 3 20(25) 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H 1
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *VT2 Command Grab
  • 5 extra recovery frames (25) on whiff
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 command grab
  • Juggle Limit: 5
  • Everything I press is +1

Target Combos

Hell Attack
Hell Attack
8MP > 8MP
SFV M.Bison 8MP 8MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+5 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*63 (113) 100*45 (145) M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2 / 1 / 1
Shadow Axe
Shadow Axe
5MP > 3HP
SFV M.Bison 5MP 3HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+14 3 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*45 (105) 100*108 (208) H*H -8
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Not cancelable into Psycho Charge (Command Grab)


Psycho Impact
Psycho Impact
SFV M.Bison LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 170 T -
Psycho Fall
Psycho Fall
Back Throw
SFV M.Bison 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 150 T -

Special Moves

LP Psycho Blast
LP Psycho Blast
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 10 19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 14 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 H 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special move
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Projectile hitbox
MP Psycho Blast
MP Psycho Blast
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 10 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -1
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 14 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 H 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special move
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Projectile hitbox
HP Psycho Blast
HP Psycho Blast
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 10 14 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H 2
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 14 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 H 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special move
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Projectile hitbox
EX Psycho Blast
EX Psycho Blast
SFV M.Bison 46PP.png
SFV M.Bison 46PP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 - 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H 6
  • Cancel options: vt1
  • Hits once but has two projectile durability points
  • Projectile Speed: 0.37
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 150 H 7
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hits once but has two projectile durability points
  • Projectile Speed: 0.37
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Launches opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Projectile lasts until off screen
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
LK Double Knee Press
LK Double Knee Press
SFV M.Bison 46LK.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 2(1)3 19 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 50*100 H -4
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Airborne on frames 13-16
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 2(1)3 19 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50 (90) 50*100 (150) H -4
  • Cancel options: su
  • Completely invincible on frames 6-9
  • Airborne on frames 9-18
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
MK Double Knee Press
MK Double Knee Press
SFV M.Bison 46MK.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 2(1)3 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50 50*100 H -3
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Airborne on frames 16-19
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 2(1)3 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 (100) 50*100 (150) H -3
  • Cancel options: su
  • Completely invincible on frames 6-11
  • Airborne on frames 9-20
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
HK Double Knee Press
HK Double Knee Press
SFV M.Bison 46HK.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 2(2)3 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 50*100 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Airborne on frames 21-25
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 2(1)3 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*50 (110) 50*100 (150) H -2
  • Cancel options: su
  • Completely invincible on frames 6-13
  • Airborne on frames 13-24
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
EX Double Knee Press
EX Double Knee Press
SFV M.Bison 46KK.png
SFV M.Bison 46KK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*25*25*30 (150) 0*0*0*200 H 1
  • Cancel options: vt1
  • Airborne on frames 14-16
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Hard knockdown on full animation
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 2(1)4 15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*20*20*50 (160) 0*0*0*200 H 3
  • Cancel options: -
  • Completely invincible on frames 4-12
  • Airborne on frames 6-16
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Hard knockdown on full animation
LK Head Press
LK Head Press
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 27 7 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 200 M -
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Cancelable into Devil's Reverse on frame 14
  • Takes 30 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
38 10 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 200 M 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Requires 30 frames of charge
  • Hard knockdown on hit
  • KDA changes depending on distances traveled (+1 midscreen, +2 fullscreen)
  • Frame advantage on block changes based on distance traveled (+1 oB worst, +3 oB best)
MK Head Press
MK Head Press
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 27 7 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 200 M -
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Cancelable into Devil's Reverse on frame 14
  • Takes 30 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
38 10 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 200 M 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Requires 30 frames of charge
  • Hard knockdown on hit
  • KDA changes depending on distances traveled (+1 midscreen, +2 fullscreen)
  • Frame advantage on block changes based on distance traveled (+1 oB worst, +3 oB best)
HK Head Press
HK Head Press
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 27 7 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 200 M -
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Cancelable into Devil's Reverse on frame 14
  • Takes 30 frames to charge
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
38 10 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 200 M 1
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Airborne on frame 8
  • Requires 30 frames of charge
  • Hard knockdown on hit
  • KDA changes depending on distances traveled (+1 midscreen, +2 fullscreen)
  • Frame advantage on block changes based on distance traveled (+1 oB worst, +3 oB best)
EX Head Press
EX Head Press
SFV M.Bison 28KK.png
SFV M.Bison 28KK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 19(39)1 16 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*100 / 120 (air) 0*200 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hits Overhead
  • Projectile invincible until stomp connects
  • Airborne on frame 6
  • Cancelable into Devil's Reverse on frame 9
  • Requires 30 frames of charge
  • Hard knockdown on hit
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
35 12 21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
10*70*100 (180) 0*0*200 M -2
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hits Overhead
  • Fully invincible from frames 1-25
  • Requires 30 frames of charge
  • Hard knockdown on hit
  • -3 oB vs taller characters (-4 oB vs Abigail)
  • Incurs 1f of no-move state after block recovery; you cannot jump, dash or walk during this, making it -3 on block against command grabs unless a throw-invincible move is performed
Somersault Skull Diver
Somersault Skull Diver
P after head press
SFV M.Bison P after head press.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 10 4 11(16)
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M 3(8)
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Can be used at earliest 8 frames after connecting a Head Press
  • Frame Advantage oH/oB depends on height
  • Not usable during V-Trigger Head Press
Devil Reverse
Devil Reverse
P before head press
SFV M.Bison P before head press.png
SFV M.Bison P before head press vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 22 7 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M 2(6)
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Frame Advantage and KDA varies greatly depending on height / angle / how long it has been active before landing
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
32 22 7 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 M 8
  • Cancel options: su
  • Hits Overhead
  • Completely invincible while teleporting on frames 4-24
EX Devil Reverse
EX Devil Reverse
PP before head press
SFV M.Bison PP before head press.png
SFV M.Bison PP before head press vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
26 12 10 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*70 100*100 M 7(11)
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hits Overhead
  • Completely invincible on frames 1-16
  • Puts opponent into a juggle state
  • Frame Advantage and KDA varies greatly depending on height / angle / how long it has been active before landing
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
40 24 10 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*80 (160) 100*100 (200) M 13
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hits Overhead
  • After activation, warps to other side of opponent on frame 13, with frames 14-29 fully invincible
LP Psycho Inferno
LP Psycho Inferno
SFV M.Bison 214LP.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 11 32 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
25*25*30 (80) 40*40*70 (150) H -12
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 5-11
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 15 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x3*10 (100) 35x3*45 (150) H -5
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 4-13
MP Psycho Inferno
MP Psycho Inferno
SFV M.Bison 214MP.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 13 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
25x3*15 (90) 35x3*45 (150) H -11
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 6-15
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 15 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x3*10 (100) 35x3*45 (150) H -5
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 4-13
HP Psycho Inferno
HP Psycho Inferno
SFV M.Bison 214HP.png
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 15 31 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x5 (100) 30x5 (150) H -10
  • Cancel options: su vt1
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 5-16
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 15 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x3*10 (100) 35x3*45 (150) H -5
  • Cancel options: su
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 4-13
EX Psycho Inferno
EX Psycho Inferno
SFV M.Bison 214PP.png
SFV M.Bison 214PP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 17 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x4*40 (120) 20x4*70 (150) H -1
  • Cancel options: vt1
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile on both sides
  • Crouching hurtbox on frames 5-17
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 27 20 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
25x4*60 (160) 20x4*70 (150) H 4
  • Cancel options: -
  • Can be cancelled into any other EX Special Move
  • Has the hitbox of a projectile on both sides
  • Crouching hurtbox during frames 5-13 of startup
Forward Dash
Forward Dash
SFV M.Bison 66.png
SFV M.Bison 66 vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 8-10 fully invincible; Frames 11-14 strike and projectile invincible
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 6-13 fully invincible; Frames 14-18 strike and projectile invincible

Critical Arts

Ultimate Psycho Crusher
Ultimate Psycho Crusher
SFV M.Bison 236236P.png
SFV M.Bison 236236P vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 15 44+19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
340 0 H -40
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hard Knockdown
  • Projectile hitboxes
  • Can be done grounded or in the air
  • Fully invincible on frames 1-20
  • Not actually airborne at all if done on the ground
  • If used in the air this has 14 grounded recovery frames on landing
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 15 44+19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
340 0 H -40
  • Cancel options: -
  • Hard Knockdown
  • Projectile hitboxes
  • Can be done grounded or in the air
  • Fully invincible on frames 1-20
  • Not actually airborne at all if done on the ground
  • If used in the air this has 14 grounded recovery frames on landing


SFV M.Bison 5PPPKKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

Psycho Reflect
Psycho Reflect
MPMK (VS1) (release)
SFV M.Bison MPMK (VS1) (release).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 7(9) 28 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Absorbs 1 hit during active frames (Projectile: 7F
Psycho Reflect (release)
Psycho Reflect (release)
MPMK (VS1) (release)
SFV M.Bison MPMK (VS1) (release).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 - 21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 50*50 H 13
  • Cancel options: -
  • 2-hit projectile
  • Launches opponent on hit into a limited juggle state
  • Builds 50/25 V-Gauge on Hit/Block
Psycho Reflect (parry)
Psycho Reflect (parry)
MPMK (VS1) (parry)
SFV M.Bison MPMK (VS1) (parry).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11(3) 5 25(17) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Strike and Throw invincible during start-up of the retaliation attack
  • Freezes opponent after absorbing an attack for first 6F of start-up (overall start-up on the retaliating attack is effectively 6F faster start-up)
  • The start-up of the retaliation attack can vary between 3~11F factoring in the freeze frames and depending on how early / late into V-Skill the attack was absorbed (faster startup the later into V-Skill the attack is absorbed)
  • Has 8 less recovery frames (17F) on block
  • Builds 60/30 V-Gauge on Hit/Block

V-Skill 2

Hell's Warp
Hell's Warp
SFV M.Bison MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
43 4 18(20) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H 1
  • Cancel options: -
  • Fully invincible on frames 21-31
  • Dictator is vulnerable after re-appearing on frames 32-42 (11F) before the attack is active
  • Teleports to the other side of the opponent with a psycho knee attack
  • 4 active frames makes this a potential oki tool to cover both wake-ups
  • Launches opponent on hit into a limited juggle state (free juggle if this is used after a Crush Counter)
  • V-Gauge on Hit / Block: 80 / 40
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 10 / 0 / 1
  • Of course it's +1 on block (What did you expect? It's Dictator)

V-Trigger 1

Psycho Power
Psycho Power
SFV M.Bison HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 10 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • 3 bar V-Trigger
  • Duration of 1500 frames (25 seconds)
  • Forward dash and specials gain new or improved properties
  • Using a V-enhanced special spends 200 duration frames

V-Trigger 2

Psycho Nightmare
Psycho Nightmare
SFV M.Bison HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 10 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • 2 bar V-Trigger
  • Duration of 4000 frames (~67 seconds)
  • Gives access to new moves (Psycho Crusher / Psycho Charge / Psycho Judgement) for the duration of V-Trigger 2
  • Cannot cancel into this V-Trigger 2 activation from specials like you can with V-Trigger 1 activation
Psycho Crusher
Psycho Crusher
SFV M.Bison HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 17 7+19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 H -8(-11)
  • Cancel options: su
  • Projectile invincible during active frames (frames 14-30)
  • Strike hitbox with 2-hits (second one hits opponents behind Dictator) and also a projectile hitbox that nullifies 2 hits of projectiles
  • Can only cancel into super on the 1st hit
  • Can hit cross-up
  • -8 on block when used up close but -11 on block if the first hit only hits up close (such as in the corner)
  • 2nd hit (the hitbox behind Dictator) is less advantageous on block if hit in later active frames than the hitbox in front of Dictator
  • Pulls Dictator's hurtbox back during startup on frames 4-12
  • KDA shown is if Psycho Crusher hits on its first active frame (KDA varies depending on how late into the active frames Psycho Crusher hits and if it hits with the in-front / behind hitbox)
  • Spends 2000 V-Timer (50% V-Timer)
Psycho Charge
Psycho Charge
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2 60 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 T -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Command grab that infuses the opponent with a Psycho Bomb that runs on a timer but can also be manually detonated by inputting Psycho Judgement (HCB+K again)
  • The bomb effect fades away if Dictator is hit by the opponent while the bomb is still ticking
  • The bomb has a strike hitbox and armor break properties
  • Can be canceled into from special cancelable moves (with the exception of df+HP which can also cancel into this)
  • The grab has a bit more range when canceled into
  • Spends 1000 V-Timer (25% V-Timer) on startup and on hit another 1000 V-Timer is spent again (total of 50% V-Timer)
Psycho Judgement
Psycho Judgement
63214+K (bomb)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 12 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 90 H 14
  • Cancel options: -
  • Bomb self-detonates after 344 frames (~5.7 seconds) if Dictator does not detonate it himself
  • Strike hitbox
  • The bomb itself has armor break property
  • Can still activate the detonation even if the V-Trigger has run out (as long as the bomb has already been planted)
  • Counter hit frames during startup of this detonation


Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Shifts back 1.23 range
  • Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
  • Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
  • Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
  • Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
  • Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
  • Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
  • If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

Psycho Fist
Psycho Fist
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Cancel options: -
  • Fully invincible during startup and active frames


Psycho Burst
Psycho Burst
SFV M.Bison 6PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 2 23(31) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Cancel options: -
  • Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 1-30
  • 8 extra recovery frames (31) on hit

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)