Street Fighter V/Cody

From SuperCombo Wiki


About Cody

First appearing in Final Fight, Cody Travers was once a hero of Metro City. But after he saved the day, his life took a dark turn, as he started getting in street fights just for fun. He was eventually arrested for his crimes, but would regularly break out to have some fun. In SFV, Mike Haggar exonerates Cody of his crimes, which leads to him becoming the new mayor of Metro City. Although he has a big responsibility to take care of, he always finds time to relive the glory days and get in some much more casual street brawls.

On surface level, Cody is a basic brawler with a decent projectile, anti air options, and setups. However, going beyond the surface reveals the dirty tricks behind this otherwise honest fighter. Cody has his fair share of weaknesses, as he struggles against projectiles, doesn't have great defense, and doesn't have amazing pressure, but Cody makes up for this by utilizing sneaky tactics like in days of old. Utilizing moves like EX Tornado Sweep and Zonk Knuckle to get in, two versatile V-Skills to keep your opponent guessing, and huge robbery factor with one of the strongest V-Triggers in the game, Cody has little trouble closing the gap between him and his target, and once he does, he dishes out damage and stun with great meaties and VT2 setups to take the round in a moment's notice. If you're ok with a character who lacks a bit in neutral and defense but can dish out damage and rob the game in the blink of an eye, give Cody a try.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Some of the highest damage and stun output in the game
  • Forward advancing specials allow him to get in easily and offer great corner carry
  • Great use of meter thanks to his incredible EX moves
  • A plethora of strong normals that provide Cody strong pokes, frame traps, and combos
  • V-Skill 2 works as a combo extender and allows Cody to bypass fireballs in neutral as well as many frame traps, which can turn a matchup on it's head
  • V-Trigger 2 turns Cody into a scarier grappler than the actual grapplers in this game
  • Terrible back walk speed makes it difficult to shimmy and walk out of pressure
  • Lacking reliable defensive options with no 3 frame or reversal
  • No reliable low confirms from a range
  • Anti-air deadzone behind his dead makes it difficult for him to avoid cross-ups
  • Although his normals have great frame data on hit or block, they often have noticeable more recovery on whiff than others

Final Patch

Players to Watch

  • Frost
  • Hoji
  • Kiske
  • O.Crippler
  • Packz
  • Poifuru
  • Rumours
  • Shazyy
  • Soundboi
  • Shine
  • Momochi
SFV-Cody Portrait.jpg
Life Points 1025
Stun Points 1050
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 2 Bars
V-Trigger 2 2 Bars
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.047
Backward Walk Speed 0.0289
Forward Dash Speed 17
Backward Dash Speed 23
Forward Dash Distance 1.279
Backward Dash Distance 0.842
Backdash CH Frames 3-13
Back Jump Speed 46(4+38+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 46(4+38+4)
Forward Jump Speed 45(3+38+4)
Forward Jump Distance 2.128
Backward Jump Distance 1.824
Throw Hurtbox 0.25
Throw Range 0.8
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
SFV Cody 5LP.png
SFV Cody 5LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 7 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 1
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 10
    • Target Combos: 13
    • V-Trigger: 10
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 8 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: ch sp su
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Consumes 50 / 25 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Stand MP
SFV Cody 5MP.png
SFV Cody 5MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2 16 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 0
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
    • V-Trigger: 15
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Decent range and good to convert into specials for far range whiff punish scenarios
Arm and leg hurtboxes are projectile invincible on frame 6 only
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3 15 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 4
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *14
    • Target Combos: **14
    • Notes: *Knife specials only, **Knife MP > HP
Fantastic poke tool and very + on block
Slightly further range than cr.MP (Knife)
Consumes 80 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Stand HP
SFV Cody 5HP.png
SFV Cody 5HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
SFV Cody 5HP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2*3 21 4*3(1)
Damage Stun Attack Block
90*30 120*50 H -9*-10
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 19 Adv, +100 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 11/14
    • V-Trigger: 11/16
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Cody's head hurtbox is invincible to airborne strikes on startup frames 1-8
Forces stand
Changed Damage (70) / Stun (120) / Frame Advantage (+1/-7) if the 1st hit whiffs
Cody gets better frame advantage if canceled into V-Triggers on the 1st hit
Can hit cross-up (behind Cody)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 3 19(20) 7
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 17
  • Cancel options: sp su
Slightly smaller head hurtbox on frames 4-32
Half-screen range
1 extra recovery frame on whiff (20F)
Consumes 150 / 75 V-Meter on Hit / Block
VT2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 2 21 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -5
  • Crush Counter: Spinning Knockdown, KD Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 97 KD Adv, 38 Quick Rise Adv, 43 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *16
    • Notes: *VT2 specials only
Has a Crush Counter effect (Spinning Knockdown) that st.HP doesn't normally have outside of V-Trigger 2
Builds a bit of V-Timer on a successful Crush Counter while V-Trigger 2 is active
Huge range and great priorty for a heavy button
Stand LK
SFV Cody 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 10 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
The go-to poke / buffer tool in neutral / footsies
Decent frametrap tool
Stand MK
SFV Cody 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 12 7
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 3
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *14
    • V-Trigger: 14
    • Notes: *VT2 specials only
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Good combo starter and frametrap tool
No hurtbox extensions during startup and decent hitbox priority makes for a decent poke tool
Stand HK
SFV Cody 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -4
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 22 Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *17
    • V-Trigger: 17
    • Notes: *VT2 specials only
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
No hurtbox extension on Cody's leg before active frames
Has almost half-screen range
Crouch LP
SFV Cody 2LP.png
SFV Cody 2LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 10 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Can tick throw with this
Not as large hurtbox vertically as most cr.LPs since all the other jabs have been nerfed anti-air wise (maybe Capcom forgot to adjust Cody accordingly)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 6 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: ch sp su
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Consumes 50 / 25 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Crouch MP
SFV Cody 2MP.png
SFV Cody 2MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 13(15) 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
    • V-Trigger: 15
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Combo / Frametrap / Footsies tool
2 extra recovery frames on whiff (15F)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2 13 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 4
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *16
    • Notes: *Knife specials only
Really good for pokes / frametraps / tick throw / counter-hit cr.LP conversions
Consumes 80 / 40 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Crouch HP
SFV Cody 2HP.png
SFV Cody 2HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
SFV Cody 2HP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2 21 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -4
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 19 Adv, +100 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Decent range and whiff punish tool (albeit pretty slow)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 5 20 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -5
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
  • Cancel options: sp su
Launches aerial opponent into a limited juggle state
Decent anti-air on later active frames (pretty slow though)
Consumes 150 V-Meter on Hit / Block
VT2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 4 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16/*18
    • Notes: *VT2 specials
  • Cancel options: sp su
Launches aerial opponent into a limited juggle state
Strong vertical anti-air on later active frames (but pretty slow)
Crouch LK
SFV Cody 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 8 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 1
  • Cancel options: ch vt1 vt2
Chains into cr.LP / st.LP (knife versions as well)
Less pushback on rapid canceled version
Crouch MK
SFV Cody 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 15 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 L 1
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *14
    • V-Trigger: **19/***16
    • Notes: *VT2 specials only, **VT1, ***VT2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Minimal hurtbox extension during startup frames and good priority hitbox makes this a pretty good Low hitting poke tool
Crouch HK
SFV Cody 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 4 21(23) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -14
  • Crush Counter: Hard Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 20 Quick Rise Adv, 25 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *18
    • V-Trigger: 18
    • Notes: *VT2 specials only
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
With the hitbox positioned high up on Cody's leg and not having that much hurtbox above it makes this a decent anti-air from further away
Due to the shape of the hitbox/hurtbox on this sweep it becomes a great counter-poke and footsie tool against some high-hitting poke moves on much of the roster (such as the high-hitting st.MKs)
2 extra recovery frames on whiff (23F)
KDA when canceled into V-Trigger 2 Pipe Swings (HP+HK ** d+HP+HK) on hit: +50/1/6 ** +47/-2/3
Jump LP
SFV Cody 8LP.png
SFV Cody 8LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Consumes 50 / 25 V-Timer on Hit / Block
Jump MP
SFV Cody 8MP.png
SFV Cody 8MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 5 - KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
Solid air-to-air
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Puts airborne opponents into a free juggle state
Consumes 80 / 40 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Jump HP
SFV Cody 8HP.png
SFV Cody 8HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
SFV Cody 8HP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 3 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Extremely strong jump-in priority hitbox if used at an angle
Consumes 150 / 75 V-Meter on Hit / Block
VT2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 3 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 M -
Huge horizontal range and priority for a jump-in attack
Can definitely be used for a neutral jump safe-jump while still avoiding 3F reversals via distance (up to the Cody players to find a KD setup for that)
Jump LK
SFV Cody 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Good air-to-air
Jump MK
SFV Cody 8MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
Jump HK
SFV Cody 8HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -

Command Normals

Axel Knuckle
SFV Cody 6HP.png
SFV Cody 6HP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
25 2 21 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 M -7
Pretty good range for an Overhead but very slow and punishable
Can't combo into anything even if counter-hit and meaty
Gains extra range and 1 more active frame with the Pipe equipped (V-Trigger 2)
VT2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
25 3 20 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 180 M -7
Pretty good range for an overhead but very slow and punishable
Has 1 extra active frame so last active frame counter-hit is +4 and can link into jab follow-ups
Hammer Kick
SFV Cody 6HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 1*2 20 5*2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*40 100*50 H*H -4*-2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 10
    • Target Combos: *13
    • V-Trigger: 10
    • Notes: *TC into V-Skill
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Only the 1st hit is cancelable into specials / super / V-Trigger specials
Second hit is only cancelable into V-Trigger Activation and V-Skill target combo follow-up
CH bonus applies to both hits
8P (wake-up)
Bad Spray
8P (wake-up)
SFV Cody 8P (wake-up).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3(20~25) 4 14 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 50 H -2
Can only be performed from a Quick-Rise
Effectively functions as a 3F heavy attack (subject to the priority system of normals)
Crouching state during the entire duration
Can hit crossup
Strike hitbox
Startup depends on which version is used (from a face-up or face-down knockdown)
Face-up version (the more common one) is 25F startup and fully invincible on frames 1-22
Face-down version (after crumples / wall bounces) is 20F startup and fully invincible on frames 1-17
Juggle Limit: 1
As made famous by Dale Gribble

Target Combos

8MP > 8HP
Air Raid Punch
8MP > 8HP
SFV Cody 8MP 8HP.png
SFV Cody 8MP 8HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+9 5 - KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*63 100*108 M*M -
KDA varies greatly depending on how early / late into the jump this connects (better KDA the later into Cody's jump it hits)
Dunks the opponent pretty far back into the ground (decent corner carry)
8MK > 8LK
Air Raid Kick
8MK > 8LK
SFV Cody 8MK 8LK.png
SFV Cody 8MK 8LK 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+3 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 100*63 M*M -
Body hitbox can hit cross-up (behind Cody)
5LP > 5LP
Slip Jab
5LP > 5LP
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP.png
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+4 2 17 -2
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*27 70*45 H*H -6
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
5LP > 5LP > 5LP
Crime Blow
5LP > 5LP > 5LP
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP.png
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP 2.png
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+4+6 3 26 -4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*27*40 (97) 70*45*64 (179) H*H*H -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
5LP > 5LP > 5LP > 5LP
Final Combination
5LP > 5LP > 5LP > 5LP
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP 5LP 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+4+6+9 2 33 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*27*40*49 (146) 70*45*64*84 (263) H*H*H*H -13
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *16/**26
    • Target Combos: 13
    • V-Trigger: 16
    • Notes: *CA or Rock Toss, **VT2 Pipe Swings
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Launches the opponent into a limited juggle state
Only part of the Target Combo that is cancelable into V-Trigger
5LP > 5LP > 5LP > 2LP
Final Combo Throw
5LP > 5LP > 5LP > 2LP
SFV Cody 5LP 5LP 5LP 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+4+6+5 3 - KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*27*40*14x2*49 (179) 70*45*64*105 (284) H*H*H*T -
  • Knockdown: 54 KD Adv, 5 Quick Rise Adv, 5 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
Same KDA as Cody's regular Back Throw
6HK > MPMK (VS1)
Crack Combination (V-Skill 1)
6HK > MPMK (VS1)
SFV Cody 6HK MPMK.png
SFV Cody 6HK MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+9 3(8)3 10+15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*40*72 (172) 100*50*63 (213) H*H -18
  • Knockdown: 75 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 21 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
Fully invincible on frames 2-10 on the follow-up V-Skill
Airborne on frames 2-31 of the follow-up V-Skill
Builds 90 / 45 V-Meter on Hit / Block
6HK > MPMK (VS2)
Crime Combination (V-Skill 2)
6HK > MPMK (VS2)
SFV Cody 6HK MPMK.png
SFV Cody 6HK MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+16 3 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*40*72 (172) 100*50*135 (285) - -11
  • Knockdown: 84 KD Adv, 25 Quick Rise Adv, 30 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
Builds 72 / 36 V-Gauge on Hit / Block


Trash Out
SFV Cody LPLK.png
SFV Cody LPLK vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 150 T -
  • Knockdown: 53 KD Adv, 4 Quick Rise Adv, 4 Back Rise Adv.
Increased damage / stun / KDA while in V-Trigger 2
VT2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 62 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 13 Back Rise Adv.
Increased damage / stun / KDA while in V-Trigger 2
This V-Trigger 2 throw version is actually named 'Secret Work' - but for the sake of FAT functionality it uses the same name as the regular version of the throw
Crime Throw
Back Throw
SFV Cody 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
150 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 54 KD Adv, 5 Quick Rise Adv, 5 Back Rise Adv.
Same KDA as Cody's Final Fight chain throw finisher

Special Moves

LP Tornado Sweep
SFV Cody 236LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 65 31 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -7
  • Cancel options: su
1-hit projectile
Projectile lasts on screen for 50 frames
Projectile Speed: 0.055
Travels at the fastest speed of the non-EX fireballs but also the furthest distance
Projectile invincible on extended limb hurtboxes on frames 14-49
Not possible to do while the Knife (V-Trigger 1) or Pipe (V-Trigger 2) are equipped
Can be canceled into Knife Reload on whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 5 / 1
MP Tornado Sweep
SFV Cody 236MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 52 31 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -7
  • Cancel options: su
1-hit projectile
Projectile lasts on screen for 70 frames
Projectile Speed: 0.045
Travels a medium distance at medium speed
Projectile invincible on extended limb hurtboxes on frames 14-49
Not possible to do while the Knife (V-Trigger 1) or Pipe (V-Trigger 2) are equipped
Can be canceled into Knife Reload on whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 5 / 1
HP Tornado Sweep
SFV Cody 236HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 39 31 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -7
  • Cancel options: su
1-hit projectile
Projectile lasts on screen for 55 frames
Projectile Speed: 0.04
Travels at the slowest speed of the non-EX fireballs but also the shortest distance
Projectile invincible on extended limb hurtboxes on frames 14-49
Can be spaced out to be more advantageous allowing for some new combos and follow-ups
Not possible to do while the Knife (V-Trigger 1) or Pipe (V-Trigger 2) are equipped
Can be canceled into Knife Reload on whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 5 / 1
EX Tornado Sweep
SFV Cody 236PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 - 27 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 60*60 H*H 2
2-hit projectile but can nullify up to 3 projectile hits
Projectile Speed: 0.035
No limited duration on the projectile like the non-ex versions
Projectile invincible on extended limb hurtboxes on frames 14-45
Can be spaced out to be more advantageous allowing for some new combos and follow-ups
Not possible to do while the Knife (V-Trigger 1) or Pipe (V-Trigger 2) are equipped
Can be canceled into Knife Reload on whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1 / 0*1 / 1*1
LK Ruffian Kick
SFV Cody 236LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18 5 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 L -8(-4)
  • Knockdown: 69(73) KD Adv, 20(24) Quick Rise Adv, 25(29) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Hits Low
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
KDA if juggled after EX Ruffian Kick: +70/21/26
KDA when canceled into V-Trigger 2 Pipe Swings (HP+HK ** d+HP+HK) on whiff: +54/5/10
Juggle Limit: 5
MK Ruffian Kick
SFV Cody 236MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 5 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 150 H -8(-4)
  • Knockdown: 78(82) KD Adv, 19(23) Quick Rise Adv, 24(28) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Great buffer tool for whiff punishing
Can also be a good punish tool
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
KDA if juggled after EX Ruffian Kick: +81/22/27
KDA when canceled into V-Trigger 2 Pipe Swings (HP+HK ** d+HP+HK) on whiff: +67/8/13 (on hit: +85/26/31)
Juggle Limit: 5
HK Ruffian Kick
SFV Cody 236HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 7 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 150 H -10
  • Knockdown: 84(90) KD Adv, 25(31) Quick Rise Adv, 30(36) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Cannot hit crouching
Cody's head hurtbox is invincible to airborne strikes during startup frames 1-9
Decent horizontal anti-air if you can react in time
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
KDA if juggled after EX Ruffian Kick: +96/37/42
KDA when canceled into V-Trigger 2 Pipe Swings (HP+HK ** d+HP+HK) on whiff: +71/12/17 (on hit: +86/27/32)
Juggle Limit: 2
EX Ruffian Kick
SFV Cody 236KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 5 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*50 50*100 L*H -12
  • Knockdown: 111 KD Adv, 52 Quick Rise Adv, 57 Back Rise Adv.
1st attack hits Low
The active / recovery frames framedata shown here is the on-whiff version (transitions into another version on hit)
hold any punch button, release
Zonk Knuckle
hold any punch button, release
SFV Cody hold any punch button release.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
20 3 20(21) 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: su
Charges in 45 frames ONLY with punch buttons
Can change which punch is charging Zonk by holding a new button before letting go of the original button
Slightly lower hurtbox on frames 7-17
1 extra recovery frames on whiff (21F)
KDA if juggled after EX Ruffian Kick: +89/30/35
hold any punch button, release
Zonk Knuckle Level 2
hold any punch button, release
SFV Cody hold any punch button release.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
20 3 20 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: su
Charges in 300 frames ONLY with punch buttons
Can change which punch is charging Zonk by holding a new button before letting go of the original button
Slightly lower hurtbox on frames 3-17
Causes limited juggle spin state on air opponents
KDA if juggled after EX Ruffian Kick: +93/34/39
hold any 2 punch buttons, release
EX Zonk Knuckle
hold any 2 punch buttons, release
SFV Cody hold any 2 punch buttons release.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3(19)2 13(18) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*50 100*100 H*H 3
  • Knockdown: 97 KD Adv, 38 Quick Rise Adv, 43 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Charges in 45 frames ONLY with punch buttons
Can change which punch is charging Zonk by holding a new button before letting go of the original button
Only cancelable into V-Trigger the 1st hit
Slightly lower hurtbox on frames 1-13
Takes longer to recover on whiff
hold any 2 punch buttons, release
EX Zonk Knuckle Level 2
hold any 2 punch buttons, release
SFV Cody hold any 2 punch buttons release.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3(19)2 13(18) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*50 100*100 H*H 5
  • Knockdown: 115(107~113) KD Adv, 56(48~54) Quick Rise Adv, 56(48~54) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Charges in 300 frames ONLY with punch buttons
Can change which punch is charging Zonk by holding a new button before letting go of the original button
Denies back-roll on wake-up
Causes wallbounce
Cancelable into Bean Ball after the follow-up hits
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)

Critical Art

Criminal Punisher
SFV Cody 236236P 1.png
SFV Cody 236236P 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 13(27) 73 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x7*120 (330) 0 H -35
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 10 Quick Rise Adv, 15 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on frames 1-11
Projectile invincible on frames 1-42
Spawns a huge pillar of projectile hitboxes in-front of Cody (27 active frames) - but also has a strike hitbox component (13 active frames) further away from Cody (which drags the opponent inwards towards Cody on hit)


SFV Cody 5PPPKKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

Double Kick
SFV Cody MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 3(7)3 10+15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 70 H -18
  • Knockdown: 75 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 21 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on frames 3-26
Airborne on frames 7-36
Upper-body invincible (crouch sized hurtbox but not considered in a crouching state) on the first 2 vulnerable startup frames
Hits once on both sides (first front and then behind)
Causes 40 grey health damage to Cody upon use which also builds 100 / 75 / 50 V-Meter on Hit / Block / Whiff
Cody is in counterhit state during move duration

V-Skill 2

Crime Sway (High)
SFV Cody MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 36 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Invincible to standing and airborne strikes and projectiles on frames 2-25
Follow-up (Wrench Fist) cancels begin on 12th frame
Follow-up (Wrench Fist) can be delayed up to 14 frames
Counterhit state during move duration
Crime Sway (Low)
SFV Cody 2MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 36 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Invincible to crouching strikes and projectiles on frames 2-25
Follow-up (Lumber Sweep) cancels begin on 14th frame
Follow-up (Lumber Sweep) can be delayed up to 12 frames
Counterhit state during move duration
MPMK (VS2) > P
Wrench Fist
MPMK (VS2) > P
SFV Cody MPMK (VS2) P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12+9 2 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -7
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Projectile invincible on frames 1-8 (frames 1-20 overall if canceled into from Crime Sway (V-Skill 2) asap)
Builds 80 / 40 V-Gauge on Hit / Block
Cannot cancel into specials, super, or V-Trigger 1 specials on block
2MPMK (VS2) > K
Lumber Sweep
2MPMK (VS2) > K
SFV Cody 2MPMK (VS2) K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14+11 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -6
  • Knockdown: 90 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 36 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Projectile invincible on frames 1-10 (frames 1-24 overall if canceled into from Crime Sway (V-Skill 2) asap)
Builds 80 / 40 V-Gauge on Hit / Block
Cannot cancel into V-Trigger 1 specials on block

V-Trigger 1

Side Arm
SFV Cody HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 4 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 2000 frames (~33 seconds)
Changes all punch normals (except Overhead) to a Knife version
Gains access to new Knife specials but also loses the use of Tornado Sweep (Fireball) while Knife is currently in-hand
Cannot activate V-Trigger 1 from Knife st. MP or cr. MP
5MP > 5HP
Burst Shot
5MP > 5HP
SFV Cody 5MP 5HP.png
SFV Cody 5MP 5HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10+13 4 27 -3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*72 100*108 H -14
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
    • Target Combos: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su
Follow-up HP still combos from max range st.MP
Usually Cody can't special cancel from st.MP (Knife) but can with this Target Combo follow-up
Consumes 300 / 150 V-Meter on Hit / Block
Snipe Shot
SFV Cody 5HPHK (knife).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 3
  • Knockdown: 112 KD Adv, 53 Quick Rise Adv, 58 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Strike hitbox but also nullifies 1 hit of projectiles
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Knife has a hurtbox and 1 point of durability on it (can be swatted out of the air with a strike attack)
Frame advantage when canceling this into Knife Reload differs wildly depending on timing
Anti-Air Snipe Shot
SFV Cody 2HPHK (knife).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 0
  • Knockdown: 111 KD Adv, 52 Quick Rise Adv, 57 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Strike hitbox but also nullifies 1 hit of projectiles
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Knife has a hurtbox and 1 point of durability on it (can be swatted out of the air with a strike attack)
Frame advantage when canceling this into Knife Reload differs wildly depending on timing
SFV Cody 5HPHK (reload).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 29 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Pulling out more knives to shank baddies
Spends 300 V-Meter (15% of V-Timer)
Rapid Fire
SFV Cody 214P (knife).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 2 20 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
10x6*80 (140) 180 H 3
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 25 Quick Rise Adv, 30 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Has a different animation if using it depletes the rest of the V-Timer
Spends 600 V-Meter (30% of V-Timer)

V-Trigger 2

Dirty Coach
SFV Cody HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 7 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 3000 frames (50 seconds)
Changes all HP punch normals (including Overhead) to a Pipe version
Gains access to new Pipe special moves but also loses the use of Tornado Sweep (Fireball) while the Pipe is currently in-hand
Cannot activate V-Trigger 2 if the Pipe is currently in-hand
Gentle Swing
SFV Cody HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 3 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -2
  • Knockdown: 85 KD Adv, 26 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Reflects projectiles (including: multi-hit fireballs / EX fireballs / V-Triggers)
Can be canceled into from all normals and specials (specials only cancel on hit)
Can be canceled into Bean Ball (rock toss) on hit
Spends about 25% V-Timer if the pipe swing hitbox connects with the opponent on hit/block (does not spend V-Timer on whiff or when batting the rocks)
Knockdown advantage and other properties change drastically when canceled into from Bean Ball (see: Present Delivery (High/Mid/Low) data)
Gentle Upper Swing
SFV Cody 2HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 3 28 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -6
  • Knockdown: 91 KD Adv, 32 Quick Rise Adv, 37 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt2
Reflects projectiles (including: multi-hit fireballs / EX fireballs / V-Triggers)
Can be canceled into from all normals and specials (specials only cancel on hit)
Can be canceled into Bean Ball (rock toss) or Gentle Swing on hit
Launches the opponent into a free juggle state if this move started the juggle state
Spends about 25% V-Timer if the pipe swing hitbox connects with the opponent on hit/block (does not spend V-Timer on whiff or when batting the rocks)
Knockdown, cancel and block advantage properties change drastically when canceled into from Bean Ball (see: Unluck Gift data)
Bean Ball
SFV Cody 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 - 30 -8(~)
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 50 H -11(~)
1-hit projectile that travels vertically upwards and down again
Different button strengths result in slightly different trajectories of the rock
Recovery frames can be canceled into follow-up pipe swings (HP+HK ** d+HP+HK) which dramatically changes properties of the rock and the pipe swings themselves depending on versions used
Cancel frames 4-34 result in High follow-up (see: Present Delivery (High) data)
Cancel frames 35-37 result in Just-Frame follow-up (see: Present Delivery (Mid) data)
Cancel frames 38-47 result in Low follow-up (see: Present Delivery (Low) data) - although the pipe swing won't connect for the Low follow-up unless canceled into on frames 38-39 (Which is an even tighter window than the Just-Frame version)
HPHK > 214P
Gentle Swing > Bean Ball
HPHK > 214P
SFV Cody 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16+19 2(~) 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100(40) 150(50) H*H -26
  • Knockdown: 62 KD Adv, 3 Quick Rise Adv, 8 Back Rise Adv.
The follow-up Bean Ball (rock toss) has all the same properties as it normally does (see: Bean Ball data)
2HPHK > 214P
Gentle Upper Swing > Bean Ball
2HPHK > 214P
SFV Cody 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15+19 3(~) 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100(40) 150(50) H*H -25
  • Knockdown: 72(102) KD Adv, 13(43) Quick Rise Adv, 18(48) Back Rise Adv.
The follow-up Bean Ball (rock toss) has all the same properties as it normally does (see: Bean Ball data)
Increased KDA (as shown on the KDA data inside the parenthesess) if the Bean Ball hits them on the way-up after canceling into it from Gentle Upper Swing
214P > HPHK (early)
Present Delivery (High)
214P > HPHK (early)
SFV Cody 214P HPHK H.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+34 2(~) 25 ~(KD)
Damage Stun Attack Block
100(100) 120(150) H ~(-3)
  • Knockdown: 85(~) KD Adv, 26(~) Quick Rise Adv, 31(~) Back Rise Adv.
High version results in a 1-hit projectile that travels full-screen in an upwards slope
Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
If the follow-up pipe swing hits the opponent and the rock at the same time (even if the rock hits them later in the air after the pipe launches them) it results in combined damage / stun (200 damage / 270 stun) which only counts as a single move for the purpose of damage scaling
The frame advantage varies greatly on the rock launched (usually very + on hit / block) - but if the pipe swing and rock are blocked by the opponent at the same time in close range then it becomes very punishable on block (up to -15 on block)
The -3 on block advantage refers to if the rock whiffs and only the pipe swing is blocked
KDA data shown refers to if the rock whiffs and only the follow-up pipe swing connects (if the rock juggles after the pipe swing then the KDA is more advantageous but very variable)
214P > HPHK
Present Delivery (Mid)
214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK M.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+36 2(~) 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
150(100) 150(150) H ~(-3)
  • Knockdown: 89(123) KD Adv, 30(64) Quick Rise Adv, 35(69) Back Rise Adv.
Just Frame version results in 3-hit projectile that travels full-screen very fast and cannot be reflected or absorbed
Both the pipe and rock can hit the opponent on the same frame up close resulting combined damage / stun (250 damage / 300 stun) which only counts as a single move for the purpose of damage scaling
+3 on block if the rock and and pipe swing are used in close range (-3 on block if only the pipe swing is blocked)
KDA data shown goes from worst to best; close range -> (full-screen) - close range refers to if the pipe swing hits up close (the KDA shown in the parentheses refers to when the Just Frame rock hits from full-screen away)
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody moves his hand that just tossed the rock in front of his face)
214P > HPHK (late)
Present Delivery (Low)
214P > HPHK (late)
SFV Cody 214P HPHK L.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+39 2(~) 25 ~(KD)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80(100) 100(150) H ~(-3)
  • Knockdown: 85(~) KD Adv, 26(~) Quick Rise Adv, 31(~) Back Rise Adv.
Low version results in a 1-hit projectile that travels full-screen across the ground
Does NOT actually hit Low as the name would indicate
Both the pipe and rock can hit the opponent on the same frame up close resulting in combined damage / stun (180 damage / 250 stun) which only counts as a single move for the purpose of damage scaling
The frame advantage varies greatly on the rock launched (usually very + on hit / block) - but if the pipe swing and rock are blocked by the opponent at the same time in close range then it becomes very punishable on block (up to -15 on block)
The -3 on block advantage refers to if the rock whiffs and only the pipe swing is blocked
KDA data shown refers to if the rock whiffs and only the follow-up pipe swing connects (slightly higher KDA if the rock and pipe hit a the same time (+1-3 extra KDA depending on spacing / timing)
214P > 2HPHK
Unluck Gift
214P > 2HPHK
SFV Cody 214P 2HPHK.png
SFV Cody 214P 2HPHK stone.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19+33 3(~) 13 ~(KD)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80(100) 150(150) H ~(9)
  • Knockdown: 106(90) KD Adv, 47(31) Quick Rise Adv, 52(36) Back Rise Adv.
The follow-up pipe swing is a lot more advantageous on block (+9 instead of the regular -6) if it connects to the opponent after the rock is blocked
KDA data shown referst to if the follow-up upper pipe swing connects without any other move messing with the juggle
If the initial Bean Ball lands on the opponent just after the Pipe Swing hits them, it will result in worse KDA (+90/+31/+36)
Launches the opponent into a free juggle state if this move started the juggle state
The off-screen rock does 80 damage / 150 stun if it falls on-top of the opponent (60 damage / 100 stun if the bounces off the ground into the opponent)
The rock projectile is active the whole time (even while off-screen) and can thus clash off-screen with opposing rock projectiles
63214K > P
Toss & Smash
63214K > P
SFV Cody 63214K P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 60 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
150 (160) 150 T -
  • Knockdown: 61(67) KD Adv, 2(8) Quick Rise Adv, 2(8) Back Rise Adv.
Denies back-roll on wake-up
Cancelable into Bean Ball after the follow-up hits
The follow-up smash depends on timing of a following punch button
This move covers 2 of the 3 versions of the follow-ups (the improperly ones)
Damage differs between 150 or 160 depending on how close the timing is to the Just Frame (properly timed) version
KDA varies depending on timing of the follow-up pipe swing (+2 on QR/BR being the worst and only happens if no follow-up punch button is pressed)
Recovery frames listed refer to the version on whiff (less recovery on hit)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (Just Frame)
Toss & Smash (Just Frame)
63214K > P (Just Frame)
SFV Cody 63214K P (Just Frame).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 60 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230 300 T -
  • Knockdown: 88(82~86) KD Adv, 29(23~32) Quick Rise Adv, 29(23~32) Back Rise Adv.
Denies back-roll on wake-up
Cancelable into Bean Ball after the follow-up hits
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Recovery frames listed refer to the version on whiff (much less recovery on hit)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > 214P
Toss & Smash > Bean Ball
63214K > 214P
SFV Cody 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19 - 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140(150) 150 T*H -
  • Knockdown: 64(70) KD Adv, 5(11) Quick Rise Adv, 5(11) Back Rise Adv.
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (improperly timed) > Bean Ball
This move covers 2 of the 3 versions of the follow-ups (the improperly ones)
Damage differs between 140 or 150 depending on how close the timing is to the Just Frame (properly timed) version
KDA varies depending on timing of the follow-up pipe swing prior to canceling into this Bean Ball version (+5 on QR/BR being the worst and only happens if no follow-up punch button is pressed)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P
Toss & Smash (JF) > Bean Ball
63214K > P (JF) > 214P
SFV Cody 214P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19 - 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230 300 T*H -
  • Knockdown: 80 KD Adv, 21(15~24) Quick Rise Adv, 21(15~24) Back Rise Adv.
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (Just Frame) > Bean Ball
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash > Present Delivery (H)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK H.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+34 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140~150(100) 150(120) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 34(40) KD Adv, -25(-19) Quick Rise Adv, -25(-19) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (improperly timed) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (High)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
KDA varies depending on timing of the prior follow-up swing to the Toss & Smash (lower KDA the worse the timing was)
All properties other than KDA it shares with Present Delivery (High) - Read those notes for more information
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash > Present Delivery (M)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK M.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+36 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140~150(100) 150(150) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 32(38) KD Adv, -27(-21) Quick Rise Adv, -27(-21) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (improperly timed) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (Mid)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
KDA varies depending on timing of the prior follow-up swing to the Toss & Smash (lower KDA the worse the timing was)
All properties other than KDA it shares with Present Delivery (Mid) - Read those notes for more information
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash > Present Delivery (L)
63214K > P > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK L.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+39 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140~150(80) 150/100) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 29(35) KD Adv, -30(-24) Quick Rise Adv, -30(-24) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (improperly timed) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (Low)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
KDA varies depending on timing of the prior follow-up swing to the Toss & Smash (lower KDA the worse the timing was)
All properties other than KDA it shares with Present Delivery (Low) - Read those notes for more information
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P > 214P > 2HPHK
Toss & Smash > Unluck Gift
63214K > P > 214P > 2HPHK
SFV Cody 214P 2HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+33 - 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140~150(80) 150(150) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 46(52) KD Adv, -13(-7) Quick Rise Adv, -13(-7) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (improperly timed) > Bean Ball > Unluck Gift (Upper Pipe Swing)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
KDA varies depending on timing of the prior follow-up swing to the Toss & Smash (lower KDA the worse the timing was)
All properties other than KDA it shares with Unluck Gift - Read those notes for more information
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash (JF) > Present Delivery (H)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK H.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+34 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230(100) 300(120) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 50(44~53) KD Adv, -9(-15~-6) Quick Rise Adv, -9(-15~-6) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA for: Toss & Smash (Just Frame) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (High)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash (JF) > Present Delivery (M)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK M.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+36 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230(150) 300(150) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 48(42~51) KD Adv, -11(-17~-8) Quick Rise Adv, -11(-17~-8) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA for: Toss & Smash (Just Frame) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (Mid)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
Toss & Smash (JF) > Present Delivery (L)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > HPHK
SFV Cody 214P HPHK L.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+39 - 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230(80) 300(100) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 45(39~48) KD Adv, -14(-20~-11) Quick Rise Adv, -14(-20~-11) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA for: Toss & Smash (Just Frame) > Bean Ball > Present Delivery (Low)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > 2HPHK
Toss & Smash (JF) > Unluck Gift
63214K > P (JF) > 214P > 2HPHK
SFV Cody 214P 2HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+19+33 - 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230(80) 300(150) T*H -
  • Knockdown: 62(56~65) KD Adv, 3(-3~6) Quick Rise Adv, 3(-3~6) Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Denies back-roll on wake-up
This version of the move covers the KDA data for: Toss & Smash (Just Frame) > Bean Ball > Unluck Gift (Upper Pipe Swing)
Damage / Stun numbers in the parentheses refer to the Bean Ball itself after being swung by the pipe swing follow-up
This Just Frame follow-up requires the player to press the punch button follow-up during a 3-frame cancel window which results in this improved version of the move
Try using visual cues to help with the Just Frame timing (like when Cody lifts up the front leg and bends his knee)
The KDA data outside the parantheses refers to when using the move when mid-screen
The KDA data inside the parantheses (x~y) refers to the varying KDA data depending on how close / far away the wall is (less KDA the closer the wall is)
Spends 700 V-Meter (23% of V-Timer)
HPHK (no V-Timer)
Garbage Chute
HPHK (no V-Timer)
SFV Cody HPHK no vmeter.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 27 -4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
Removes pipe by throwing it towards the opponent; Only possible to perform when you have no V-Timer left
Strike hitbox but also nullifies 1 hit of projectiles; Not very good at nullifying projectiles as the hitbox is very high during most of the travel


SFV Cody 5MKHP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Shifts back 1.21 range
Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

SFV Cody 5MKHP break.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 20 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible during startup and active frames


Prison Breaker
SFV Cody 6KKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 2 23(13) KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 - H -2
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 20 Back Rise Adv.
Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 1-31
10 frames less recovery on hit

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)