Street Fighter V/F.A.N.G

From SuperCombo Wiki


About F.A.N.G

Unique Mechanic

When Fang hits an opponent with a special attack or his V-Skill, they become poisoned. While poisoned their HP slow drains, and any grey life and stun they have does not regenerate. If Fang takes any damage, the opponent becomes un-poisoned. The opponent cannot be killed via poison.

Final Patch

Players to Watch

SFV-F.A.N.G Portrait.jpg
Life Points 975
Stun Points 1000
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 600
V-Trigger 2 900
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 3.2
Backward Walk Speed 2.8
Forward Dash Speed 20
Backward Dash Speed 24
Forward Dash Distance 118.4
Backward Dash Distance 135.6
Backdash CH Frames 3-10
Back Jump Speed 52(4+44+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 51(4+43+4)
Forward Jump Speed 51(3+44+4)
Forward Jump Distance 250.8
Backward Jump Distance 233.2
Throw Hurtbox 0.25
Throw Range 0.85
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
Stand LP
SFV F.A.N.G 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 6 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • +1 extra hitstun (frame advantage) on active frames 2 (+7 on hit) and 3 (+8 on hit)
  • 2nd and 3rd active frame have the same horizontal range
Stand MP
Stand MP
SFV F.A.N.G 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2(5)2 15 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20 (60) 50*50 (100) H*H -3
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • Only 1st hit is cancelable
  • 2nd hit cannot hit airborne
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
Stand HP
Stand HP
SFV F.A.N.G 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 3 19 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Can be linked into from meaty st.LP setups / combos
Stand LK
Stand LK
SFV F.A.N.G 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 7 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 H 3
Stand MK
Stand MK
SFV F.A.N.G 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2*2 14 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30 (60) 50*50 (100) H*H 1
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • 2nd hit is a great anti-air (frames 7-8)
  • 1st hit cannot hit airborne
  • 2nd hit cannot hit crouch
  • Both hits are special cancelable
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
Stand HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 2(9)2 16 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*75 (115) 40*75 (115) H*H 1
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • 1st hit puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Only 1st hit is special cancelable
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2*3 / 1*1 / 1*1
Crouch LP
Crouch LP
SFV F.A.N.G 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 8 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 1
Crouch MP
Crouch MP
SFV F.A.N.G 2MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2 16 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -2
Crouch HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(6)3 19 KD (+8)
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*40 (90) 75*75 (150) H*H -12*-6
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *Only first hit cancel can combo, 2nd hit air resets
  • Only 1st hit is special cancelable
  • First hit puts opponent into a free juggle state (although second hit will usually air reset them out of this)
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
Crouch LK
Crouch LK
SFV F.A.N.G 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 7 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 1
Crouch MK
Crouch MK
SFV F.A.N.G 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3*2 14 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*40 (60) 50*50 (100) H*H 3
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • Only 1st hit is special cancelable
  • 2nd hit cannot hit airborne
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
Crouch HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(8)2 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 9100) 75*75 (150) L*L -12
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • Only 1st hit is V-Trigger cancelable
  • Sometimes if the first hit Crush Counters from max range the 2nd hit follow-up can whiff resulting in ? frame advantage
  • If second hit only Crush Counters then 100 V-Meter is gained instead of 120
Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 50 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
  • Cancel options: sp
  • Puts airborne opponents into a free juggle state
  • Can cancel into Nikyoushu (Fly)
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
  • Does not cause a juggle state if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Allows for minor change of trajectory in air, can help with avoiding fireballs below
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 50 M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2*2 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
35*35 (70) 50*50 (100) M*M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Both hits combo even if the first hit doesn't put opponent into a juggle state
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2*2 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 (80) 75*75 (150) M*M -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Can Cross-up
  • First hit puts opponent in juggle state
  • Vacuums in grounded opponents
  • Has Juggle Limit: 2 if canceled into from Nikyoushu (Fly)

Command Normals

Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 2(5)2 21 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*40 (100) 100*100 (200) H*H -5
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
  • Hit Confirm notes: *First hit only
  • First hit is cancelable into Specials
SFV F.A.N.G 2PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 53 (85) -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Initial d+PPP has a crouching hurtbox on frame 7 followed up by Upper/Mid-body invincibility on frames 8 and onwards until rising
  • Hold down to extend time spent coward-crouching, up to a total of 86 frames
  • Can cancel into kick follow-up on frames 11-66 or Poison Balls on frames 21-86
  • Much lower collision box on frames 11-77 while holding the crouch down
Senpukuga > Kick
Senpukuga > Kick
2PPP > K
SFV F.A.N.G 2PPP K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11+10 2(3)2 14 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*40 (70) 50*50 (100) H*H 2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
  • Crouching sized hurtbox on frames 1-25
  • Good pressure tool
  • Both hits put airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • CH bonus applies to both hits
  • Juggle Limit: 3*4 / 1*1 / 1*1


Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*60 (120) 0*150 (150) T -
Back Throw
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
10*110 (120) 0*150 (150) T -

Special Moves

LP Nishikyu
LP Nishikyu
SFV F.A.N.G 28LP.png
SFV F.A.N.G 28LP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 -7
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*20 (40) 50*50 (100) H*H -11
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Projectile is onscreen for 84 frames
  • Puts opponent in juggle state when hitting them airborne
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into EX Nikankyaku (EX Slide)
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well as hit and block
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x4 (80) 140 H*H -2
  • Cancel options: su
  • 2 seperate poison balls each with 2 projectile hitboxes
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into any Nikankyaku (Slide)
  • If the poison balls come into contact with the ground they emit a 20 frame active projectile explosion in a moderately sized radius around them
MP Nishikyu
MP Nishikyu
SFV F.A.N.G 28MP.png
SFV F.A.N.G 28MP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 -7
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*20 (40) 50*50 (100) H*H -11
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Projectile is onscreen for 66 frames
  • Puts opponent in juggle state when hitting them airborne
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into EX Nikankyaku (EX Slide)
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well as hit and block
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x4 (80) 140 H*H -2
  • Cancel options: su
  • 2 seperate poison balls each with 2 projectile hitboxes
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into any Nikankyaku (Slide)
  • If the poison balls come into contact with the ground they emit a 20 frame active projectile explosion in a moderately sized radius around them
HP Nishikyu
HP Nishikyu
SFV F.A.N.G 28HP.png
SFV F.A.N.G 28HP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 -7
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*20 (40) 50*50 (100) H*H -11
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Projectile is onscreen for 60 frames
  • Puts opponent in juggle state when hitting them airborne
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into EX Nikankyaku (EX Slide)
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well as hit and block
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 48 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x4 (80) 140 H*H -2
  • Cancel options: su
  • 2 seperate poison balls each with 2 projectile hitboxes
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into any Nikankyaku (Slide)
  • If the poison balls come into contact with the ground they emit a 20 frame active projectile explosion in a moderately sized radius around them
EX Nishikyu
EX Nishikyu
SFV F.A.N.G 28PP.png
SFV F.A.N.G 28PP vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 37 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
45*45 (90) 50*50 (100) H*H -1
  • Cancel options: vt2
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Projectile is onscreen for 98 frames
  • Puts opponent in juggle state when hitting them airborne
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into any Nikankyaku (Slide)
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well as hit and block
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 37 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
45x2*20x2 (130) 140 H*H 3
  • Cancel options: -
  • 2 seperate poison balls each with 2 projectile hitboxes
  • Takes 35 frames to charge
  • Puts opponent in juggle state when hitting them airborne
  • Frames 40-42 cancel into any Nikankyaku (Slide)
  • At the end of their duration the poison balls emit a 20 frame active projectile explosion in a moderately sized radius around them that launches the opponent into a free juggle state on hit
LP Sotoja
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 8 23 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*30 (70) 100*100 (200) H*H -11
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • 2-hit projectile hitbox
  • Extended arms projectile invincible from frames 15-35
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4*4 / 1*1 / 1*1
MP Sotoja
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 8 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*40 (80) 100*100 (200) H*H -9
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • 2-hit projectile hitbox
  • Extended arms projectile invincible from frames 19-39
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4*4 / 1*1 / 1*1
HP Sotoja
Startup Active Recovery Hit
21 8 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 (100) 100*100 (200) H*H -10
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • 2-hit projectile hitbox
  • Extended arms projectile invincible from frames 21-40
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4*4 / 1*1 / 1*1
EX Sotoja
EX Sotoja
SFV F.A.N.G 46PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 8 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 (100) 100*100 (200) H*H -2
  • Cancel options: vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • 2-hit projectile hitbox
  • Extended arms projectile invincible from frames 14-32
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 6*7 / 1*1 / 1*1
LK Ryobenda
LK Ryobenda
SFV F.A.N.G 46LK vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 3 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30 (60) 100*100 (200) H*H -9
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Airborne on frames 22-36
  • Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well as hit and block
  • Strike and projectile hitboxes that nullify 2 hits of projectiles overall
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0*2 / 1*1 / 1*1
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 3 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*25x2 (70) 50*75x2 (200) H*H -9
  • Cancel options: su
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Frames 22-36 airborne
  • Strike and projectile hitbox that nullifies 1 hit of projectiles
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0*2 / 1*1 / 3*3
  • Initial 2 hits also spawn at at the same time a modarately sized explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a free juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
MK Ryobenda
MK Ryobenda
SFV F.A.N.G 46MK vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 - 27 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 100 H -8
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Spawns MK Trap which is a 1-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 80 frames
  • Fang extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 17-23
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 - 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20 100*50 H 0
  • Cancel options: su
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Does an initial projectile hit which launches opponent into a limited juggle state (Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1) while also spawning a trap which is a 1-hit projectile hitbox (but it absorbs 2 hits of projectiles) that lasts for 80 frames and then emits a modarately sized explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a free juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Fang's extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 17-23
MK Ryobenda Trap
MK Ryobenda Trap
46MK Trap
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 80 27 27
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 100 H 16
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda does not hit initially
  • MK Trap is a 1-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 80 frames
  • Frame Advantage shown is the hitstun / blockstun of the trap when it connects
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
19 80 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 50 H -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda doesn't hit initially
  • MK Trap is a 1-hit projectile hitbox (but it absorbs 2 hits of projectiles) that lasts for 80 frames and then combusts in a modarately sized projectile explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a free juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
HK Ryobenda
HK Ryobenda
SFV F.A.N.G 46HK vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 - 29 -1
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 100 H -10
  • Cancel options: su vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Spawns HK Trap which is a 1-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 120 frames
  • Fang extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 21-27
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 - 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20 100*50 H 0
  • Cancel options: su
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Does an initial projectile hit which launches opponent into a limited juggle state (Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1) while also spawning a trap which is a 1-hit projectile hitbox (but it absorbs 2 hits of projectiles) that lasts for 120 frames and then combusts in a modarately sized projectile explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a free juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Fang extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 21-27
HK Ryobenda Trap
HK Ryobenda Trap
46HK Trap
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 120 29 27
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 100 H 10
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda doesn't hit initially
  • HK Trap is a 1-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 120 frames
  • Frame Advantage shown is the hitstun / blockstun of the trap when it connects
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 120 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20 100*50 H -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda doesn't hit initially
  • MK Trap is a 1-hit projectile hitbox (but it absorbs 2 hits of projectiles) that lasts for 120 frames and then combusts in a modarately sized projectile explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a free juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
EX Ryobenda
EX Ryobenda
SFV F.A.N.G 46KK.png
SFV F.A.N.G 46KK vt2.png
V-Trigger 2
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 2 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30 (60) 100*100 (200) H*H 2
  • Cancel options: vt2
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Initial 2 hits count as strike (but also nullifies 2 hits of projectiles)
  • Leaves behind an EX Trap that is a 2-hit projectile hitbox and lasts for 220 frames
  • Frames 25-39 airborne
  • Fang extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 15-21
  • Airborne frames can be canceled into Nikyoshu (air-dash)
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 2 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30 75*75 H*H 6
  • Cancel options: -
  • Takes 40 frames to charge
  • Initial 2 hits count as strike (but also nullifies 2 hits of projectiles)
  • Leaves behind an EX Trap that is a 2-hit projectile hitbox and lasts for 220 frames and then combusts in a modarately sized projectile explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a limited juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2*3 / 1*1 / 3*3
  • JuggleStart 1*1 on airborne opponents
  • Frames 25-39 airborne
  • Fang extended hands are projectile invincible during frames 15-21
EX Ryobenda Trap
EX Ryobenda Trap
46KK Trap
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 220 30 27
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*20 (40) 22*22 (44) H*H 24
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda doesn't hit initially
  • EX Trap is a 2-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 220 frames
  • Frame Advantage shown is the hitstun / blockstun of the trap when it connects
  • Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2*3 / 1*1 / 3*3
  • JuggleStart 1*1 on airborne opponents
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
V-Trigger 2 Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 220 30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x3 (60) 22x2*50 (94) H*H -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Trap is left behind if Ryobenda doesn't hit initially
  • EX Trap is a 2-hit projectile hitbox that lasts for 220 frames and then combusts in a moderately sized projectile explosion (active for 20 frames) that launches opponents into a limited juggle state if only this part hits the opponent
  • Trap does not persist if F.A.N.G is successfully hit with an attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- 80*50 9 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • F.A.N.G. will fly and dip downwards for 80f, before being able to attack, or continue to fly upwards for 50f longer
  • If upwards 50f phase is interrupted with an air attack, F.A.N.G. will immediately dive downards while attacking
  • No height restriction on jump ascent but slight height restriction right before landing from jump
  • Can be performed from any jump direction
  • Can be performed after EX Ryobenda
  • If no attack is performed in the air at all, F.A.N.G. will land with 9F landing recovery
  • F.A.N.G. is suspect to special counter-hits during the entire duration of this move (also any follow-ups done from this move) by any medium / heavy / command normal, this special counter-hit state puts F.A.N.G. into a free juggle state
LK Nikankyaku
LK Nikankyaku
SFV F.A.N.G 623LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 29 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 6-28 Projectile invincible
  • Frames 10-28 allow passing through opponent
  • Frames 27-28 cancelable into Coward Crouch
MK Nikankyaku
MK Nikankyaku
SFV F.A.N.G 623MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 29 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 6-28 Projectile invincible
  • Frames 10-28 allow passing through opponent
  • Frames 27-28 cancelable into Coward Crouch
HK Nikankyaku
HK Nikankyaku
SFV F.A.N.G 623HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 31 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 6-28 Projectile invincible
  • Frames 10-28 allow passing through opponent
  • Frames 27-28 cancelable into Coward Crouch
EX Nikankyaku
EX Nikankyaku
SFV F.A.N.G 623KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 33 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Frames 1-24 Strike and Projectile invincible; frames 25-30 Projectile invincible
  • Frames 12-30 allow passing through opponent
  • Frames 31-32 cancelable into Coward Crouch

Critical Arts

Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 7 49+21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
301.5 0 H -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Airborne on frame 1
  • Completely invincible on frames 1-18
  • Cannot hit cross-up (behind Fang)
  • CA does 301.50 damage instead of 292 (damage displayed in game) due to first poison ball hit ticking down damage before CA finishes
  • Causes poison effect on hit
  • Inspired by Nelly Furtado


Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

SFV F.A.N.G MPMK (VS1).png
SFV F.A.N.G MPMK (VS1) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 - 19 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 0 - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • The poison does 50 damage by itself over 8 seconds (~6 damage per second)
  • Poison wears off if F.A.N.G. gets hit
  • Builds 70 V-Gauge (~23% V-bar) on hit/block
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 - 23 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*30 (60) 50*50 (100) H 0
  • Cancel options: -
  • Projectile hitbox
  • Becomes a special attack instead of a V-Skill attack for purposes of canceling
  • Does an initial damage of 60 and then 50 extra poison damage over 8 seconds (~6 damage per second)
  • The poison damage does not stop when F.A.N.G. gets hit
  • Can exist on the screen at the same time as F.A.N.G.'s Nishikyu (Poison Balls) even though both are projectiles
  • Juggle Limit: 3

V-Skill 2

SFV F.A.N.G MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 10 54 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Parry window on frames 3-12
  • Cannot parry Projectiles / EX Specials / V-Reversals
  • Counter-Hit state for the entire duration
  • Builds 80 V-Gauge on a successful parry
Sodokubu (Attack)
Sodokubu (Attack)
MPMK (VS2) (Attack)
SFV F.A.N.G MPMK (VS2) (Attack).png
SFV F.A.N.G MPMK (VS2) (Attack) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2(5)2(9)2(7)2 62 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
10x3*30 (60) 20x3*60 (120) H -42
  • Cancel options: -
  • Fully invincible frames 1-93
  • If first hit whiffs then FANG is vulnerable for the rest of the animation
  • Slightly lower KDA if any hits whiff; 3 hit is 63/4/9, 2 hit is 61/2/7
  • In the incredibly rare instance where Parry is blocked, it is -42 on block
  • Increased damage and stun in V-Trigger 1 (80 / 150)
  • Builds 20/10 V-Gauge on Hit/Block for every hit (up to 80/40 if all hits connect)
  • Causes poison effect on hit
V-Trigger 1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2(5)2(9)2(7)2 62 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
10x3*50 (80) 20x3*90 (150) H -42
  • Cancel options: -
  • Fully invincible frames 1-93
  • If first hit whiffs then FANG is vulnerable for the rest of the animation
  • Slightly lower KDA if any hits whiff; 3 hit is 63/4/9, 2 hit is 61/2/7
  • In the incredibly rare instance where Parry is blocked, it is -42 on block
  • Increased damage and stun in V-Trigger 1 (80/150)
  • Causes poison effect on hit

V-Trigger 1

SFV F.A.N.G HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 2 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • 2 bar V-Trigger
  • Duration of 900 frames (15 seconds)
  • Spawns an area of effect poison cloud around which applies his poison affect to the enemy if inside the area
  • Allows F.A.N.G. to cancel into specials without requiring charge time for them (can cancel as if it was just a motion)
  • Allows F.A.N.G. to cancel into his V-Skill 1 from special cancelable attacks
  • Transforms his V-Skill into an actual projectile with its own hitstun and blockstun

V-Trigger 2

Koryo Dokuda
Koryo Dokuda
SFV F.A.N.G HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 2 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • 3 bar V-Trigger
  • Duration of 3000 frames (50 seconds)
  • Improves the properties of Nishikyu (Poison Balls) and Ryobenda (Poison Trap)


Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Shifts back 1.21 range
  • Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
  • Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
  • Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
  • Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
  • Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
  • Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
  • If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - H -2
  • Cancel options: -
  • Fully invincible during startup and active frames


SFV F.A.N.G 6PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 31 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
  • Cancel options: -
  • Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 1-25 (the last 6 recovery frames following that are vulnerable)

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)