Street Fighter V/Ken

From SuperCombo Wiki


About Ken

Ken needs little introduction. One of the two famous shotos, he's a beginner-friendly character. A bit unlike in the past, his tools are now more directly oriented towards rushdown, and is now more easily seperatable from Ryu in terms of gameplay. He has a slowish fireball and bad pokes, but instead has great corner carry, great mobility, solid damage and some of the better v-meter building in the game. Despite that, one of this most notable weaknesses in his offensive game is that he doesn't gain many + frames on block from his normals, limiting his pressure game. Overall, Ken isn't a bad character at all to start.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Often gets solid oki from his major conversions, without having to sacrifice damage or corner carry.
  • Notable corner carry from most of his combos, including v-skill and v trigger ones
  • Has reliable ways to build v-meter with his target combos, which deal great damage and are very versitile
  • Good midscreen presence with improved fireballs, solid dashes, run v-skill/v-trigger, and low-evading moves with good reach.
  • Limited pressure ability on block - has no normal that is +3 or more on block, with many moves being minus or punishable.
  • Conversions sometimes drops or are inconsistent at his normals' max ranges
  • Some mixup options are telegraphable, rewards good reads
  • several somewhat stuffy normals

Final Patch

Players to Watch

  • ChrisT
  • Kenpi
  • Momochi
SFV-Ken Portrait.jpg
Life Points 1025
Stun Points 1050
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 3 Bars
V-Trigger 2 2 Bars
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.05
Backward Walk Speed 0.035
Forward Dash Speed 15
Backward Dash Speed 24
Forward Dash Distance 1.384
Backward Dash Distance 1.277
Backdash CH Frames 3-12
Back Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Forward Jump Speed 45 (3+38+4)
Forward Jump Distance 2.128
Backward Jump Distance 1.824
Throw Hurtbox 0.25
Throw Range 0.8
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
SFV Ken 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 7 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Good frametrap / combo tool
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Stand MP
SFV Ken 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2 15 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Good poke tool in neutral (better range / hitbox priority / frame advantage than crouch MK)
Can be used as anti-air (but not ideal)
Stand HP
SFV Ken 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2 20 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -3
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 7 Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Can be used as anti-air (but not ideal)
On a Crush Counter stand HP: If canceled into HK Tatsu from tip range; the 1st hit will whiff resulting in the opponent staying grounded at +3 advantage for a LK Tatsu combo extension
Stand LK
SFV Ken 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 9 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H -1
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Furthest range of Ken's light attacks
Stand MK
SFV Ken 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3 19 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 20
    • V-Trigger: 12/*16
    • Notes: *VS1 only
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1 vt2
Forces opponent into standing state on hit
Cancelable on whiff into the HK follow-up target combo on frame 18
Whiffs on crouching from further away
Not an ideal anti-air despite what it looks like (but can still hit cross-up (behind Ken)
Stand HK
SFV Ken 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 2 26 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -4
  • Crush Counter: Spinning Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 110 KD Adv, 51 Quick Rise Adv, 56 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 21
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1 vt2
Combos into LK Tatsu and LP DP up close
Crouch LP
SFV Ken 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 7 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 2
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Can be used to tick throw
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Crouch MP
SFV Ken 2MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 12 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 13
    • V-Trigger: 13
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Main frametrap / combo tool
Crouch HP
SFV Ken 2HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 5 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -9
  • Crush Counter: Flipping Juggle, J Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 105 KD Adv, 46 Quick Rise Adv, 51 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
    • V-Trigger: 15/*19/**16
    • Notes: *VS1, **VS2
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Can only Crush Counter on the first active frame
Decent anti-air on active frames 3-5
Can hit cross-up (behind Ken)
Does 20 less damage (70) past the first active frame
Crouch LK
SFV Ken 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 7 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 1
  • Cancel options: ch vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Has great hitbox priority for a crouch LK
Chains into st.LP / cr.LP / cr.LK
Crouch MK
SFV Ken 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2 14 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 L -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 17
    • V-Trigger: 17/*11
    • Notes: *VS1 and VS2
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Ken's main hit confirm / poke tool with a long special cancel window for hit confirms (17F)
Crouch HK
SFV Ken 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -12
  • Crush Counter: Hard Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 73 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 29 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 17/*19
    • Notes: *VS1 only
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1 vt2
Has no hurtbox extension before active frames (helps with counter-poking)
Jump LP
SFV Ken 8LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Decent air-to-air
Jump MP
SFV Ken 8MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Very strong horizontal hitbox priority
Removes Ken's leg hurtboxes on frames 4-19
Jump HP
SFV Ken 8HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Decent vertical hitbox reach
Widens Ken's hurtboxes during entire animation
Jump LK
SFV Ken 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 7 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Pretty good air-to-air hitboxes
Jump MK
SFV Ken 8MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
Can cross-up
Jump HK
SFV Ken 8HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Ken's furthest reaching horizontal jump-in with decent hitbox priority

Command Normals

6HK (hold)
Thunder Kick
6HK (hold)
SFV Ken 6HK (hold).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26 3 22 2(3)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 M -7
First active frame cannot hit crouching characters (so this Overhead becomes +3 on hit on crouching opponents)
Thunder Kick (Feint)
SFV Ken 6HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 34 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Can be used to feint the Overhead and go for a low (or some oki setup)
Inazuma Kick
SFV Ken 4MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 3 19 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -7
Faster but less rewarding and less range than the f+HK Overhead
Chin Buster
SFV Ken 4MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2 17 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 80 H -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 10
    • Target Combos: 20
    • V-Trigger: 10
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Fast but short range medium combo / frametrap tool
Can be canceled into the HP Target Combo follow-up on Hit / Block / Whiff
Huge cancel window (20F) for hit confirming the HP Target Combo follow-up (the HP can also be delayed to create a frametrap)

Target Combos

4MP > 5HP
Chin Buster 2nd
4MP > 5HP
SFV Ken 4MP 5HP 1.png
SFV Ken 4MP 5HP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+6 3 27 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*45 (95) 80*72 (152) H*H -13
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 10/14
    • Target Combos: 20
    • V-Trigger: 10/14/*16
    • Notes: *VS2
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Target combo can be performed on whiff
Huge cancel window (20F) for hit confirming the HP Target Combo follow-up (the HP can also be delayed to create a frametrap)
Launches the opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
5MK > 5HK
Lion Breaker
5MK > 5HK
SFV Ken 5MK 5HK 1.png
SFV Ken 5MK 5HK 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8+8 4 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*45 (105) 100*90 (190) H*H -6
  • Knockdown: 87 KD Adv, 28 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 15
    • Target Combos: 20
    • V-Trigger: 15
  • Cancel options: sp su vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Target combo can be performed on whiff
Second HK hit whiffs on crouch (but the initial MK forces standing on hit)
Second HK hit is a tight frametrap when canceled from MK on block
Huge cancel window (20F) for hit confirming the HK Target Combo follow-up


Knee Bash
SFV Ken LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 120 T -
  • Knockdown: 72 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 13 Back Rise Adv.
Still has a non-legit psuedo-throw loop in the corner if the opponent wakes up with a fast button that moves their grab-box forward (such as Akuma's 3F st.LP), but the throw would otherwise whiff on moves that don't extend their grab-box forward
Hell Wheel
Back Throw
SFV Ken 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 70 KD Adv, 11 Quick Rise Adv, 11 Back Rise Adv.
A really scary throw due to the amount of corner carry it has (throws opponent into the corner even from a mid-screen throw)

Special Moves

LP Hadoken
SFV Ken 236P.png
SFV Ken 236P vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 33 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.051
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 33 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -5
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Cancelable into V-Skills on Hit or Block at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Knocks down on hit during V-Trigger 1
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.065
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
MP Hadoken
SFV Ken 236P.png
SFV Ken 236P vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 33 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.061
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 33 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -5
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Cancelable into V-Skills on Hit or Block at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Knocks down on hit during V-Trigger 1
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.075
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
HP Hadoken
SFV Ken 236P.png
SFV Ken 236P vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 - 33 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.072
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 - 33 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -5
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Cancelable into V-Skills on Hit or Block at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Knocks down on hit during V-Trigger 1
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.085
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
EX Hadoken
SFV Ken 236PP.png
SFV Ken 236PP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 - 33 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50 (90) 150 H*H 1
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
2-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.08
No hurtbox on extended arms of legs until frame 13
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*3 / 0*1 / 0*3
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 - 32 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
55*55 (110) 150 H*H 3
  • Knockdown: 96 KD Adv, 37 Quick Rise Adv, 42 Back Rise Adv.
Cancelable into V-Skills on Hit or Block at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Knocks down on hit during V-Trigger 1
2-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.085
Not projectile invincible on extended arms or leg during startup
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 3
LP Shoryuken
SFV Ken 623LP.png
SFV Ken 623LP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 11 21+9 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
110(70) 150(100) H -25
  • Knockdown: 89 KD Adv, 30 Quick Rise Adv, 35 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Throw invincible on frames 1-5
Airborne on frames 6-34
70 damage / 100 stun on later active frames
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration
Active frame 1: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 5
Active frames 2-3: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 99
Active frames 4-11: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4 / 1 / 99
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 12 20+7 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130(80) 150(100) H -21
  • Knockdown: 91 KD Adv, 32 Quick Rise Adv, 37 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Throw invincible on frames 1-5
Airborne on frames 8-34
Deals 20 extra damage (130) while in V-Trigger 1 and has improved juggle properties
On HIT only: Cancelable into further V-Trigger Shoryukens (except another LP Shoryuken) during the landing recovery frames
80 damage / 100 stun after first active frame
Ken is in counter-hit state during move duration
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 1
MP Shoryuken
SFV Ken 623MP.png
SFV Ken 623MP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3*9 24+11 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90*40 (130) 75*75 (150) H -30
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Invincible to airborne strike attacks on frames 1-7
Airborne on frames 8-39
40 damage / 75 stun on later active frames (2nd hit only)
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration
Active frames 1-2: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0 / 1 / 1
Active frame 3: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2 / 1 / 1
Active frame 4: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 1 / 3
Active frames 5-12: Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 99 / 3
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3*10 23+11 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100*50 (150) 75*75 (150) H -24
  • Knockdown: 91 KD Adv, 32 Quick Rise Adv, 37 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Invincible to airborne strike attacks on frames 1-7
Airborne on frames 8-39
Deals 20 extra damage (150) while in V-Trigger 1 and has improved juggle properties
50 damage / 75 stun on later active frames (2nd hit only)
Only cancelable into super on the first hit
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2*3 / 1*10 / 3*3
HP Shoryuken
SFV Ken 623HP.png
SFV Ken 623HP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2*2*9 30+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*50*20 (140) 50*50*50 (150) H -34
  • Knockdown: 85 KD Adv, 26 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 3-6
Airborne on frames 8-46
On HIT only: Cancelable into all specials during the landing recovery frames 6-12F
VT canceling first hit of HP DP results in -12 on hit (don't do this)
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 2*6*7 / 1*1*99 / 3*3*1 (1st hit has +5 Juggle Start on airborne)
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2*1*1*3*7 31+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*30x4 (160) 30x5 (150) H -31
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Strike & Projectile invincible on frames 3-6
Airborne on frams 8-48
Deals 20 extra damage (150) while in V-Trigger 1
Only cancelable into super on the first two hits
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*7*8*9*10 / 1*1*1*1*99 / 3*3*3*3*3 (First 3 hits have +7 Juggle Start on airborne opponents)
EX Shoryuken
SFV Ken 623PP.png
SFV Ken 623PP vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2*1*5(18)2*1*1*3 47+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x6*40 (160) 20x5*50*50 (200) H -45
  • Knockdown: 83 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 29 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Fully invincible on frames 1-11
Airborne on frames 7-23 and again on frames 34-83
Can hit cross-up (behind Ken)
VTC KDA data refers to when VT1 canceling on the 6th hit (KD)
VT1 canceling first 2 hits results in +7 oH
VT1 canceling hits 4-5 results in +2 oH
VT1 canceling will always be -7 oB
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration and takes 20% additional damage from the first hit (total of 144%)
Juggle Limit: 7~9 (on first 4 active frames)
There is a 7-frame punishment gap between the first and second uppercuts (grounded trade with 8f) which is identical to a V-Trigger cancel situation, also -7 oB
Can only cancel into VT2 on first rep
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2*1*5(18)2*1*1*1*2*4 43+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x9 (180) 10*5x20*3x30 (200) H -40
  • Knockdown: 83 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 29 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on frames 1-11
Can hit cross-up (behind Ken)
Airborne on frames 8-23 and again on frames 34-83
If only the first three hits hit a midair opponent, causes hard knockdown
Ken is in a counter-hit state for the entire duration and takes 20% additional damage from the first hit (total of 144%)
There is a 3f frame gap between the first and second uppercuts (grounded trade with 4f)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4-12 / 1x9 / 3x9
LK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
SFV Ken 214LK.png
SFV Ken 214LK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2(5)2(4)2 9+10 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20*30 (50) 50*50 (100) H -8
  • Knockdown: 96 KD Adv, 37 Quick Rise Adv, 42 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Airborne on frames 6-26
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Has a 3rd hit that only hits behind Ken
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 1*1*5 / 1*1*1
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2(5)4(2)2 8+9 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50 (90) 75*75 (150) H -8
  • Knockdown: 98 KD Adv, 39 Quick Rise Adv, 44 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Airborne on frames 6-25
Deals extra damage while in V-Trigger 1 and has projectile based hitboxes on later hits (for better or worse)
Strike hitbox on the 1st hit and then projectile hitbox on the 2nd and 3rd hit
Projectile invincible on extended legs during 2nd and 3rd hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 1*2*2 / 0*1*1
MK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
SFV Ken 214MK.png
SFV Ken 214MK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2(5)2(6)2(6)2(4)2 8+10 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*20*20 (80) 50*50*50 (150) H -9
  • Knockdown: 95 KD Adv, 36 Quick Rise Adv, 41 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Airborne on frames 9-44
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Launches opponent higher into the air if all hits connect
The 2nd and 3rd hits do 40 damage / 75 stun (80/150 total) if the 1st hit whiffs
3rd and 5th hit behind Ken
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1*6*1 / 1*1*1*5*1 / 1*6*6*1*1
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 2(5)5(1)3(3)3(3)3 7+18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*30*30 (100) 50*50*50 (150) H -9
  • Knockdown: 95 KD Adv, 36 Quick Rise Adv, 41 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Airborne on frames 9-41
Deals extra damage while in V-Trigger 1 and has projectile based hitboxes on later hits (for better or worse)
Strike hitbox on the 1st hit and then projectile hitbox on the remaining 3 hits
Projectile invincible on extended legs during last 3 hits
Launches opponent higher into the air if all hits connect
The 2nd and 3rd hits do 50 damage / 75 stun (100/150 total) if the 1st hit whiffs
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 1*2*2 / 0*1*1
HK Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
SFV Ken 214HK.png
SFV Ken 214HK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 3(9)2(10)2(10)3 5+16 KD/3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*35*35*40 (140) 60*40*40*60 (200) H -4
  • Knockdown: 77 KD Adv, 18 Quick Rise Adv, 23 Back Rise Adv.
Airborne on frames 14-57
1st hit launches the opponent into the air for the followup hits
If the 1st hit doesn't connect then Ken is +3 oH from the last hit
First active frame of the second hit cannot hit standing opponents
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*3*4*5 / 1*1*1*1 / 1*1*1*1
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 4(10)2(10)2(10)3 5+16 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40x4 (160) 50x4 (200) H -2
  • Knockdown: 77 KD Adv, 18 Quick Rise Adv, 23 Back Rise Adv.
Airborne on frames 13-58
Deals extra damage while in V-Trigger 1 and has projectile based hitboxes on later hits (for better or worse)
Strike hitbox on the 1st hit and then projectile hitbox on the remaining 3 hits
Projectile invincible on extended legs during last 3 hits
1st hit launches the opponent into the air for the followup hits
If the 1st hit doesn't connect then Ken is +3 oH from the last hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 4*5*6*7 / 1*1*1*1 / 1*1*1*1
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
SFV Ken 214KK.png
SFV Ken 214KK vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 5(9)3(4)3(3)3(5)2 32+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40x4 (160) 50x4 (200) H -59
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
Airborne on frames 7-75
Has pretty far horizontal reach on the 1st hit (can be used to punish some moves from far away)
Juggle Limit: 2*7*7*8*8
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 5(8)3(4)3(3)3(5)2 32+13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50*50*40 (180) 50x4 (200) H -59
  • Knockdown: 91 KD Adv, 32 Quick Rise Adv, 37 Back Rise Adv.
Airborne on frames 6-73
Deals extra damage while in V-Trigger 1
Juggle Limit: 5
214LK (air)
LK Air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
214LK (air)
SFV Ken 214K (air).png
SFV Ken 214K (air) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(6)2(6)2 10 -1(3)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 100 H -3(0)
Can cross-up
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(6)2(5)2 10 3(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H 3(6)
Can cross-up
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
A lot more negative on block if the first hit is blocked and the second hit whiffs
All hits have a projectile hitbox
214MK (air)
MK Air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
214MK (air)
SFV Ken 214K (air).png
SFV Ken 214K (air) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(5)2(5)2 10 0(3)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 100 H -3(0)
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
Frame Advantage listed refers to only first hit connecting
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(5)2(4)2 10 3(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H 3(6)
Can cross-up
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
A lot more negative on block if the first hit is blocked and the second hit whiffs
All hits have a projectile hitbox
214HK (air)
HK Air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
214HK (air)
SFV Ken 214K (air).png
SFV Ken 214K (air) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(4)2(4)2 10 0(3)
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 100 H -3(0)
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
Frame Advantage listed refers to only first hit connecting
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(4)2(3)2 10 3(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H 3(6)
Can cross-up
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
A lot more negative on block if the first hit is blocked and the second hit whiffs
All hits have a projectile hitbox
214KK (air)
EX Air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
214KK (air)
SFV Ken 214KK (air).png
SFV Ken 214KK (air) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2(6)2(7)2 13 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -2(0)
Frame Advantage on Block and KDA varies depending on angle and height
Cannot cross-up
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 2(6)2(7)2 16 6(8)
Damage Stun Attack Block
40x3 (120) 100x3 (300) H -2(0)
Can cross-up
Frame Advantage varies depending on angle and height
Sometimes the last hit can whiff resulting in much worse frame advantage for Ken
Can hit 3 times, easier on bigger bodies like Abigail, Birdie, FANG, Urien, Zangief
All hits have a projectile hitbox

Critical Art

Guren Enjikyaku
SFV Ken 236236K 1.png
SFV Ken 236236K 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 4 42 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x7*130 (340) 0 H -26
  • Knockdown: 31 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible on frames 1-8
Reaches about half-way across the screen
Can't hit cross-up (behind Ken)
Not actually airborne at all
Juggle Limit: 7 (+50 Juggle Limit if canceled into after V-Trigger 2 hits)


Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

SFV Ken MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - H -
Will accept and buffer inputs on the 18th frame, will execute input as early as possible (after all 22 frames of run play out)
Cancels into Quick Step Kick follow-up on the 16th frame of buttons are held down until then
Cancelable into from fireballs on Hit or Block during V-Trigger 1 at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Rewards counter-hit to opponent if hit during any frames of the Run itself
MPMK (VS1) (hold)
Quick Step Kick
MPMK (VS1) (hold)
SFV Ken MPMK (VS1) (hold).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15+9 2 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -6
  • Knockdown: 92 KD Adv, 33 Quick Rise Adv, 38 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Puts the opponent into a limited juggle state on hit (but does not increase the juggle state at all if used on an already juggled opponent)
Builds 100/50 V-Gauge on hit/block
3 extra KDA when juggled after b+MP > HP target combo
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 0 / 3 (+1 extra Juggle Limit when canceled into from fireballs during V-Trigger 1)

V-Skill 2

SFV Ken MPMK (VS2).png
SFV Ken MPMK (VS2) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
26 (24) 4 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60(80) 100(120) H -2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Not an Overhead
Airborne frames 11-28 (last active frame is not airborne)
Projectile invincible on lower body on frames 11-22
First active frame only hits airborne (effectively 1F slower startup in most cases)
Hold for at least 24F for the (Hold) version of the Wheel Kick (slower but stronger version)
2F faster startup (24F) if canceled into from stand HP
Releasing early will hit 21 frames later
Can hit on later active frames with good spacing
Cancelable into from fireballs on Hit or Block during V-Trigger 1 at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Deals 20 extra damage (80) and stun (120) when canceled into from Fireballs during V-Trigger 1
Builds 80/40 V-Gauge on Hit / Block
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
5+21 (3+21) 4 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 120 H -2
Not an Overhead
Airborne frames 11-28 (last active frame is not airborne)
Projectile invincible on lower body on frames 11-22
First active frame only hits airborne (effectively 1F slower startup in most cases)
Hold for at least 24F for the (Hold) version of the Wheel Kick (slower but stronger version)
2F faster startup (24F) if canceled into from stand HP
Releasing early will hit 21 frames later
Can hit on later active frames with good spacing
MPMK (VS2) (hold)
Ryusenkyaku (hold)
MPMK (VS2) (hold)
SFV Ken MPMK (VS2).png
SFV Ken MPMK (VS2) vt1.png
V-Trigger 1
Normal Startup Active Recovery Hit
43(36) 7 17 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
90(100) 120(150) H 3
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Not an Overhead
Airborne on frames 30-48 (last active frame is not airborne)
Projectile Invincible on lower body on frames 28-42
First 3 active frames only hits airborne (effectively 3F slower startup in most cases)
7F faster startup (36F) if canceled into from crouch HP (this also adjusts the timing of the airborne / projectile invincibility frames)
Can hit on later active frames with good spacing
Cancelable into from fireballs on Hit or Block during V-Trigger 1 at the cost of 750 V-Timer (50% of total V-Timer)
Deals 10 extra damage (100) and 30 extra stun (150) when canceled into from Fireballs during V-Trigger 1
Builds 100/50 V-Gauge on Hit / Block
VT1 Startup Active Recovery Hit
43(36) 7 17 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H 3
Not an Overhead
Airborne on frames 30-48 (last active frame is not airborne)
Projectile Invincible on lower body on frames 28-42
First 3 active frames only hits airborne (effectively 3F slower startup in most cases)
7F faster startup (36F) if canceled into from crouch HP (this also adjusts the timing of the airborne / projectile invincibility frames)
Can hit on later active frames with good spacing

V-Trigger 1

Heat Rush
SFV Ken HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 21 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
3 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 1500 frames (25 seconds)
Transforms most of Ken's tatsus into projectile type hitboxes instead of strike hitboxes (this can be a detriment in matchups with easy access to Projectile invincible moves)
Allows Ken to cancel his Fireballs into V-Skills on Hit and Block at the cost of 750 V-Meter (50% of the V-Trigger 1 timer)
Makes Ken more Ken; his body heat reaching 100°C

V-Trigger 2

Shinryuken lvl 1
SFV Ken HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9(7) 4(3)3(2)3(2)3(2)3 28+30 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*10x4*40 (110) 150 H -51
  • Knockdown: 77 KD Adv, 18 Quick Rise Adv, 23 Back Rise Adv.
2 bar V-Trigger
Limited juggles possible afterwards on this lvl 1 version
Projectile invincible from frame 1 (frame 4 on post-activation) until landing
Throw invincible on frames 1-18 on initial activation ONLY
Invincible to airborne strikes on frame 11 until landing
Airborne on frame 11
No strike invincibility upon activation
On HIT only: Can cancel into specials / V-Skills during grounded recovery frames
Can only continue into higher level Shinryukens on hit by mashing the punch button
After doing this lvl 1 Shinryuken, before the V-Timer depletes Ken can do either: 3x lvl 1 Shinryukens ** 1x lvl 1 + 1x lvl 2 Shinryuken ** 1x lvl 3 Shinryuken
The first hit is on frame 9 of startup but there is a big hitbox on frame 7 of startup that pulls the opponent towards Ken if it connects with their hurtboxes (so it can be used to whiff punish from very far away)
Can hit cross-up (behind Ken) from 2nd hit onwards
HPHK > P (mash)
Shinryuken lvl 2
HPHK > P (mash)
[[File:SFV_Ken_HPHK > P (mash).png|175x250px|center|class=move-image]]
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9(7) 4(3)3(2)3(2)3(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)3 54+40 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*10x10*10 (140) 150 H -
  • Knockdown: 72 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 18 Back Rise Adv.
2 bar V-Trigger
Limited juggles possible afterwards on this lvl 2 version
On HIT only: Can cancel into specials / V-Skills during grounded recovery frames
Can only continue into higher level Shinryukens on hit by mashing the punch button
HPHK + P (mash max)
Shinryuken lvl 3
HPHK + P (mash max)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9(7) 4(3)3(2)3(2)3(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(2)2(1)2(1)2(1)2(1)3 74+40 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*10x10*5x4*30 (180) 200 H -
  • Knockdown: 66 KD Adv, 7 Quick Rise Adv, 12 Back Rise Adv.
2 bar V-Trigger
Limited juggles possible afterwards on this lvl 3 version
On HIT only: Can cancel into specials / V-Skills during grounded recovery frames
Can only continue into higher level Shinryukens on hit by mashing the punch button
This lvl 3 version depletes all the V-Timer on use, not allowing for any further Shinryukens


SFV Ken 5MKHP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Shifts back 1.06 range
Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

Shadow Thunder-Kick
SFV Ken 5MKHP break.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 72 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 18 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible during startup and active frames


Senpu Nataotoshi
SFV Ken 6KKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 2 24 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 0 H -2
Strike and projectile invincible on frames 1-25
Not actually airborne

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)