Street Fighter V/Balrog

From SuperCombo Wiki


About Balrog

A disgraced boxing champion, Balrog joined Shadaloo in search of more riches. Disatisfied with his role in the organization, Balrog searches for things to steal as he leaves S.I.N., and finds a young boy (Ed). Convinced he'll be of use to him in the future, Balrog leaves S.I.N. and Shadaloo behind to seek further riches.

Balrog focuses on aggressive play and annoying his opponents. His trademark dash punches can quickly close the distance to punish any opponent attempting to walk forward or whiffing buttons, and once in he can force the opponent to play his game with his great + on block buttons and crush counters. His V-Skill 1 and Critical Art also allows him to easily deal with projectiles, while his V-Skill 2 lets him make his dash punches multi-hitting and safe, making his approach even easier. However Balrog is a fairly straight-forward character; he does not have many setups, his lows aren't very threatening without V-Trigger, and he doesn't have many mixups in general which can make opening up opponents difficult. He is also the only character in the game with no cross up button. If you like simple, aggressive bruisers then Balrog is a great choice.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • High damage: Balrog has generally high base damage that is further strengthened by his v-system and allows him to achieve staggeringly high damage and stun combos
  • Versatile v-system: both his v-skills and v-triggers have very different functions, allowing Balrog to adapt his toolset for different matchups
  • Fireball answers: Balrogs v-skill 1 allows him to contest fireballs very well despite lacking one himself, forcing characters who rely heavily on them such as Guile to fight with normals more
  • Solid mixups: Balrogs v-skill 1 gives him access to a fast overhead whose range can be further extended by cancelling into it from dash straight or dash grand blow, and can additionally be faked to go low. On top of this, his v-trigger 2 gives him access to a command throw with incredibly high damage and stun, giving him further layers to his mixup
  • Midrange control: dash punches give Balrog an incredible amount of control in matchups where the opponent lacks consistent punishes for them, on top of his long reaching normals such as 2MP, 2MK, 5HP, or 5HK
  • Anti-airs: Balrogs 5MP and 2HP are both very consistent anti airs that both give him freedom to reposition afterward, giving him remarkable ability to deter jump happy opponents, as well as 623K allowing him to heavily punish opponents for recklessly neutral jumping to bait dash punches
  • Defense: Balrogs only non-universal defensive option is his 3 frame 5LK or his super, meaning situations where he's forced onto the backfoot can end rather poorly for him
  • Reliant on dash punches: Balrogs normals, while good, don't reach quite as far as some other characters, leaving him reliant on dash punches for poking from afar. Characters with consistent answers to dash punches can often force Balrog to play a more defensive, reactive neutral
  • No crossup: Balrog is the only character who lacks a crossup, giving characters with occasionally unreliable answers to jumps much more consistent ways to prevent him from jumping recklessly

Final Patch

Players to Watch

SFV-Balrog Portrait.jpg
Life Points 1025
Stun Points 1050
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 3 Bars
V-Trigger 2 2 Bars
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.048
Backward Walk Speed 0.03
Forward Dash Speed 17
Backward Dash Speed 24
Forward Dash Distance 1.319
Backward Dash Distance 1.061
Backdash CH Frames 3-10
Back Jump Speed 47(4+39+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 47(4+39+4)
Forward Jump Speed 46(3+39+4)
Forward Jump Distance 2.067
Backward Jump Distance 1.638
Throw Hurtbox 0.35
Throw Range 0.85
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
SFV Balrog 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 7 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Very far horizontal range for a 4F st.LP
Stand MP
SFV Balrog 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 4 13 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H 0
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Good vertical anti-air (can hit cross-up)
Forces standing on hit
Stand HP
SFV Balrog 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 3 18 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H -3
  • Crush Counter: Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 96 KD Adv, 37 Quick Rise Adv, 42 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *17
    • V-Trigger: 21
    • Notes: *CA only
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Stand LK
SFV Balrog 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 2 8 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 1
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 11
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Stand MK
SFV Balrog 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 12 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • Target Combos: 14
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Stand HK
SFV Balrog 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 3 18(22) 7
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H 3
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 23 Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 20
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
4 extra recovery frames on whiff
Crouch LP
SFV Balrog 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 7 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Chains into crouch LP
Crouch MP
SFV Balrog 2MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 12 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Very little pushback on block compared to most mediums
Crouch HP
SFV Balrog 2HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 5 22 -1
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 (80) 150 H -5
  • Crush Counter: Flipping Juggle, J Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 117 KD Adv, 58 Quick Rise Adv, 63 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 16
    • V-Trigger: 24
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Forces standing on hit
Only first two active frames can cancel into Specials or Super
Deals 10 less damage (80) after first active frame
Can only Crush Counter on the first active frame
All active frames can be canceled into Super
Crouch LK
SFV Balrog 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 8 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 1
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Crouch MK
SFV Balrog 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2 17 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 L -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
    • V-Trigger: 13
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Crouch HK
SFV Balrog 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 2 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 L -14
  • Crush Counter: Hard Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 71 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Jump LP
SFV Balrog 8LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Jump MP
SFV Balrog 8MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Jump HP
SFV Balrog 8HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Jump LK
SFV Balrog 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 8 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Jump MK
SFV Balrog 8MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Jump HK
SFV Balrog 8HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 4 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -

Target Combos

5MK > 5MP
Hard Lead In
5MK > 5MP
SFV Balrog 5MK 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+6 4 20 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 (96) 100*72 (172) H -8
  • Knockdown: 96 KD Adv, 37 Quick Rise Adv, 42 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 14
  • Cancel options: vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Cancelable into both V-Skills on Hit/Block (see both MP+MK follow-ups)
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state (Juggle Start: +1)
5MK > 5MP > MPMK
Hard KKB
5MK > 5MP > MPMK
SFV Balrog 5MK 5MP MPMK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 31 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 (96) 100*72 (172) H -17
  • Knockdown: 87 KD Adv, 28 Quick Rise Adv, 33 Back Rise Adv.
Functions just like V-Skill 1 normally does (but 2F slower at canceling into follow-ups)
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS2)
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 50 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 (96) 100*72 (172) H -36
  • Knockdown: 68 KD Adv, 9 Quick Rise Adv, 14 Back Rise Adv.
Functions just like V-Skill 2 normally does
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS1) > P
Hard Smasher
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS1) > P
SFV Balrog 5MK 5MP MPMK (VS1) P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+6+21 2 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36*48 (144) 100*72*96 (268) H -8
  • Knockdown: 94 KD Adv, 35 Quick Rise Adv, 40 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Places opponent in juggle state
Builds 100 V-Meter (1/3rd V-bar) on hit and 55 V-Meter on block
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS1) > K
Hard Pressure
5MK > 5MP > MPMK (VS1) > K
SFV Balrog 5MK 5MP MPMK (VS1) K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+6+26 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36*48 (144) 100*72*96 (268) M -8
  • Knockdown: 70 KD Adv, 11 Quick Rise Adv, 16 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Spikes opponent down to the ground
Builds 100 V-Meter (1/3rd V-bar) on hit and 55 V-Meter on block
5LK > 5MK
Under Impact 1
5LK > 5MK
SFV Balrog 5LK 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3+6 3 16 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*36 (66) 70*63 (133) H -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 11
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Second hit (MK) is cancelable into B3 (V-Trigger 2 Command Grab) on Hit/Block
5LK > 5MK > 5HK
Under Impact 2
5LK > 5MK > 5HK
SFV Balrog 5LK 5MK 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3+6+8 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*36*66 (122) 70*63*80 (213) H -8
  • Knockdown: 89 KD Adv, 30 Quick Rise Adv, 35 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 11/14
  • Cancel options: vs2 vt1 vt2
Can be canceled into V-Skill 2 (results in oki pressure in corner)
2MK > 2MK
Stomping Combo
2MK > 2MK
SFV Balrog 2MK 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+10 3 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 (96) 100*72 (172) L*L -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
The only actual kick move given to Boxer
Cancelable into B3 (V-Trigger 2 Command Grab) on Hit/Block
Has a specific V-Trigger cancel version that takes longer to recover than normal (13F recovery) but the first 4 frames of recovery are fully invincible


Dirty Bomber
SFV Balrog LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 150 T -
  • Knockdown: 64 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 15 Back Rise Adv.
Dirty Shot
Back Throw
SFV Balrog 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 61 KD Adv, 12 Quick Rise Adv, 12 Back Rise Adv.

Special Moves

LP Dash Straight
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10(12) 4 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -4
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (12F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 6-8 (up close) or frames 8-10 (far)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
MP Dash Straight
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12(16) 4 20 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -4
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (16F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 6-7 (close) or 9-11 (far)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
HP Dash Straight
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19(25) 4 19 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
110 150 H -4
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (25F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 11-12 (close) or 16-18 (far)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
EX Dash Straight
SFV Balrog 46PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9(22) 6 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80*70 (150) 50*150 (200) H 1
  • Knockdown: 92 KD Adv, 33 Quick Rise Adv, 38 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1 vt2
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (22F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 6-8 (close) or 14-20 (far) and during the first two active frames of first punch
Second punch only occurs on hit
1.3 on the UNGA scale
LK Dash Grand Blow
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 2 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 L -7
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 20 Quick Rise Adv, 25 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 5-14 (fastest possible V-Skill cancel of any of Boxer's special moves)
Startup frames not based on proximity range to target (unlike most of his other specials)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Crouching sized hurtbox during entire duration but NOT considered crouching state
Also known as 'Rush Punch to the Legs' by Lee Chung
MK Dash Grand Blow
Startup Active Recovery Hit
18(22) 2 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -7
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 20 Quick Rise Adv, 25 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (22F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 8-14 (close) or 8-18 (far)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Crouching sized hurtbox during entire duration but NOT considered crouching state
Also known as 'Rush Punch to the Legs' by Lee Chung
HK Dash Grand Blow
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19(25) 2 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 L -7
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 20 Quick Rise Adv, 25 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (25F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 8-15 (close) or 8-21 (far)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Crouching sized hurtbox during entire duration but NOT considered crouching state
Also known as 'Rush Punch to the Legs' by Lee Chung
EX Dash Grand Blow
SFV Balrog 46KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11(19) 2 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 200 L -2
  • Knockdown: 71 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 vt1 vt2
Takes 40 frames to charge
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (19F startup if not in range yet)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frame 8 only (close) or frames 8-16 (far)
Crouching sized hurtbox during entire duration but NOT considered crouching state
Also known as 'Rush Punch to the Legs' by Lee Chung
LK Screw Smash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 5 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -10
  • Knockdown: 87 KD Adv, 28 Quick Rise Adv, 33 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs2 vt1
Cannot hit crouching opponents
Can hit Cross-ups
Can cancel into V-Skill 2, Super, V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups, and V-Skill 2 V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups on hit or block
MK Screw Smash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 5 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -10
  • Knockdown: 89 KD Adv, 30 Quick Rise Adv, 35 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs2 vt1
Cannot hit crouching opponents
Can hit Cross-ups
Can cancel into V-Skill 2, Super, V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups, and V-Skill 2 V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups on hit or block
HK Screw Smash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
23 5 25 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -12
  • Knockdown: 97 KD Adv, 38 Quick Rise Adv, 43 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs2 vt1
Cannot hit crouching opponents
Can hit Cross-ups
Can cancel into V-Skill 2, Super, V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups, and V-Skill 2 V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups on hit or block
EX Screw Smash
SFV Balrog 623KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 5 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
160 200 H -17
  • Knockdown: 90 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 36 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs2 vt1
1 hit of armor on frames 3-16
CAN hit crouching opponents
Can hit Cross-ups
Can cancel into V-Skill 2, Super, V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups, and V-Skill 2 V-Trigger 1 rekka follow-ups on hit or block
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl1
TAP lvl 1
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl1
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 32 frames of charging (~0.5 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Projectile invincible on frames 10-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl2
TAP lvl 2
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl2
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
120 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 121 frames of charging (~2 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Projectile invincible on frames 10-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl3
TAP lvl 3
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl3
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 150 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 241 frames of charging (~4 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Projectile invincible on frames 3-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl4
TAP lvl 4
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl4
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
160 200 H -2
  • Knockdown: 90 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 36 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 481 frames of charging (~8 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Strike invincible on upper body and full-body Projectile invincible on frames 3-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl5
TAP lvl 5
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl5
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
180 200 H -2
  • Knockdown: 90 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 36 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 961 frames of charging (16 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Strike invincible on upper body and full-body Projectile invincible on frames 3-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl6
TAP lvl 6
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl6
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
200 200 H -2
  • Knockdown: 90 KD Adv, 31 Quick Rise Adv, 36 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 1441 frames of charging (~24 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30F startup if not in range yet)
Strike invincible on upper body and full-body Projectile invincible on frames 3-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl7
TAP lvl 7
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl7
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
230 300 H -2
  • Knockdown: 94 KD Adv, 35 Quick Rise Adv, 40 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 1921 frames of charging (~32 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30fr startup if not in range yet)
Projectile and Throw invincible on frames 1-18
Strike invincible on upper body on frames 1-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl8
TAP lvl 8
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl8
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
260 300 H -2
  • Knockdown: 94 KD Adv, 35 Quick Rise Adv, 40 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 2401 frames of charging (~40 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30fr startup if not in range yet)
Projectile and Throw invincible on frames 1-18
Strike invincible on upper body on frames 1-18
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl9
TAP lvl 9
Hold & Release PP/KK lvl9
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
290 300 H -2
  • Knockdown: 94 KD Adv, 35 Quick Rise Adv, 40 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 2881 frames of charging (~48 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30fr startup if not in range yet)
Projectile and Throw invincible on frames 1-18
Strike invincible on upper body on frames 1-18
Hold & Release PP/KK Max
TAP lvl 10
Hold & Release PP/KK Max
Startup Active Recovery Hit
26(30) 2 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
370 400 H 7
  • Knockdown: 98 KD Adv, 39 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vs1 vt1
Requires 3360 frames of charging (~56 seconds)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on frames 23-27
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (30fr startup if not in range yet)
Completely invincible on frames 1-18
Causes wall bounce and free juggle state on hit
Will most certainly Bust you up

Critical Art

Gigaton Blow
SFV Balrog 236236P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 10 60 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
340 (330) - H -45
  • Knockdown: 72 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 18 Back Rise Adv.
Completely invincible on frames 1-10
Projectile invincible from frames 11-17
Throw invincible from frames 1-13
Does 10 less damage (330) after first active frame
Does a totally cool rad camera zoom-in if it hits on the first active frame!


SFV Balrog 5PPPKKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

SFV Balrog MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 29 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - H -
  • Cancel options: sp
Projectile invincible on frames 4-22
Counter-Hit state on frames 1-15
Can be canceled into V-Skill punch follow-ups or TAP; follow-up cancels begin on 12th frame
Follow-up cancels begin 2 frames earlier (10th frame) if the VS is canceled into from other moves; essentially increasing startup of the VS follow-ups by 2 frames
MPMK (VS1) > P
KKB > Buffalo Swing
MPMK (VS1) > P
SFV Balrog MPMK (VS1) P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11+7 2 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -4
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 17
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Projectile invincible from frames 4-17
Buils 80 V-Meter (1/3rd V-bar) on hit and 40 V-Meter (1/6th V-bar) on block
MPMK (VS1) > K
KKB > Buffalo Pressure
MPMK (VS1) > K
SFV Balrog MPMK (VS1) K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11+17 3 19 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 M -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 17
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Projectile invincible from frames 4-23
Buils 80 V-Meter on hit and 40 V-Meter on block

V-Skill 2

SFV Balrog MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 50 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Powers up Boxer's next Dash Punch / V-Trigger 1 Rekkas with increased damage / stun / properties
Boxer is NOT in a Counter-Hit state during this power-up
46LP (VS2)
LP Dash Straight (V-Skill 2)
46LP (VS2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10(12) 4 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x3 (90) 30x2*40 (100) H -2
  • Knockdown: 100 KD Adv, 41 Quick Rise Adv, 46 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1
Does NOT require any charge time when cancelled from a normal
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (12F startup if not in range yet)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Builds 40/20 V-Meter on Hit/Block and 20 V-Meter on Whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 0*0*1 / 1*1*1
46MP (VS2)
MP Dash Straight (V-Skill 2)
46MP (VS2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12(16) 4 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x2*40 (100) 30x2*40 (100) H -2
  • Knockdown: 100 KD Adv, 41 Quick Rise Adv, 46 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1
Does NOT require any charge time when cancelled from a normal
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (16F startup if not in range yet)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Builds 40/20 V-Meter on Hit/Block and 20 V-Meter on Whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 0*0*1 / 1*1*1
46HP (VS2)
HP Dash Straight (V-Skill 2)
46HP (VS2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit
19(25) 4 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x2*50 (110) 30x2*40 (100) H -2
  • Knockdown: 100 KD Adv, 41 Quick Rise Adv, 46 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1
Does NOT require any charge time when cancelled from a normal
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (25F startup if not in range yet)
Not cancelable into V-Trigger 2 activation
Builds 40/20 V-Gauge on Hit/Block and 20 V-Meter on Whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1*1*1 / 0*0*1 / 1*1*1
46PP (VS2)
EX Dash Straight (V-Skill 2)
46PP (VS2)
SFV Balrog 46PP (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9(22) 6 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
20x2*40*20x2*40 (160) 10x2*40*10x2*40 (120) H 4
  • Knockdown: 101 KD Adv, 42 Quick Rise Adv, 47 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Does NOT require any charge time when cancelled from a normal
Startup frames based on proximity range to target (22F startup if not in range yet)
Second punch only occurs on hit
First 5 hits do not increase the juggle state (Juggle Increase: +0)
Builds 50/25 V-Gauge on Hit/Block and 20 V-Meter on Whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*4*4*4*5*5 / 0*0*0*0*1 / 1*1*1*1*1

V-Trigger 1

Crazy Rush
SFV Balrog HPHK (VT1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 6 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
3 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 2000 frames (~33 seconds)
Allows use of Charging Buffalo and Bursting Buffalo
Corner Carry 101
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 1) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 17 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 8-24
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 2) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 16 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 300 V-Meter(15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 8-24
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 3) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 15 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 8-24
6P after charge attack
Final Charging Buffalo (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 6 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 100 H -13
  • Knockdown: 81 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
6PP after charge attack
EX Charging Buffalo (stage 1) (vt)
6PP after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 6 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -2
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on hit or block on the first hit
Can only be canceled into EX Charging Buffalo or EX Bursting Buffalo once, for two EX Rekkas total (compared to the usual four non-EX stages possible)
6PP after charge attack
EX Final Charging Buffalo (vt)
6PP after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 6 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -2
  • Knockdown: 95 KD Adv, 36 Quick Rise Adv, 41 Back Rise Adv.
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 1) (V-Skill 2) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 80 H 0
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 20 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 2) (V-Skill 2) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 16 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 80 H 1
  • Knockdown: 73 KD Adv, 14 Quick Rise Adv, 19 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
6P after charge attack
Charging Buffalo (stage 3) (V-Skill 2) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 6 15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 80 H 2
  • Knockdown: 72 KD Adv, 13 Quick Rise Adv, 18 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
6P after charge attack
Final Charging Buffalo (V-Skill 2) (vt)
6P after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6P after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 6 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
130 190 H 2
  • Knockdown: 81 KD Adv, 22 Quick Rise Adv, 27 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
6PP after charge attack
EX Charging Buffalo (stage 1) (V-Skill 2)) (vt)
6PP after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 6 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -1
  • Knockdown: 84 KD Adv, 25 Quick Rise Adv, 30 Back Rise Adv.
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can only be canceled into EX Charging Buffalo (VS2) or EX Bursting Buffalo once, for two EX Rekkas total (compared to the usual four non-EX stages possible)
6PP after charge attack
EX Final Charging Buffalo (V-Skill 2) (vt)
6PP after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 6 18 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 120 H -1
  • Knockdown: 84 KD Adv, 25 Quick Rise Adv, 30 Back Rise Adv.
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
6K after charge attack
Bursting Buffalo (stage 1) (vt)
6K after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6K after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 5 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 50 H -2
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 11-25
6K after charge attack
Bursting Buffalo (stage 2) (vt)
6K after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6K after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 5 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 50 H -2
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 11-25
6K after charge attack
Bursting Buffalo (stage 3) (vt)
6K after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6K after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 5 21 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 50 H -2
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1 su
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into more V-Trigger rekkas
Can be canceled during startup and on hit or block into V-Skill 1 on frames 11-25
6K after charge attack
Final Bursting Buffalo (vt)
6K after charge attack
SFV Balrog 6K after charge attack.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 5 38 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 50 H -21
  • Knockdown: 89 KD Adv, 30 Quick Rise Adv, 35 Back Rise Adv.
Consumes 300 V-Meter (15% V-Timer)
Cannot be canceled into Critical Art (use Final Charging Buffalo instead)
6KK after charge attack
EX Bursting Buffalo (stage 1) (vt)
6KK after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 5 19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 70 H -2
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vs1
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)
Can be canceled into V-Skill 1 on hit or block
Can only be canceled into EX Charging Buffalo or EX Bursting Buffalo once, for two EX Rekkas total (compared to the usual four non-EX stages possible)
6KK after charge attack
EX Final Bursting Buffalo (vt)
6KK after charge attack
Startup Active Recovery Hit
12 5 19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 70 H -2
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
Consumes 500 V-Meter (25% V-Timer)

V-Trigger 2

No Mercy
SFV Balrog HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 - 6 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 2000 frames (~33 seconds)
Gives access to a 350 stun command grab special (B3)
SFV Balrog HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 2 60 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
200 350 T -
  • Knockdown: 61 KD Adv, 12 Quick Rise Adv, 12 Back Rise Adv.
Functions like a Command Grab special (but can also be combo'd into)
Spends 600 V-Meter (~30% V-Meter) on activation and extra 400 V-meter (total of 50% V-Meter) if the throw lands successfully


SFV Balrog 5MKHP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Shifts back 1.21 range
Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

Buffalo Breaker
SFV Balrog 5MKHP break.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 74 KD Adv, 15 Quick Rise Adv, 20 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible during startup and active frames


Buffalo Headbutt
SFV Balrog 6PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 3 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 75 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 21 Back Rise Adv.
Strike and Projectile invincible on frames 1-31
Airborne on frames 19-32
10 grounded recovery frames

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)