Street Fighter V/Abigail/Combos

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Revision as of 10:42, 19 June 2021 by OOF MAXIMA (talk | contribs) (→‎Lights: Added combo descriptions of light normals, added st.LK section.)


These combos were designed for season 5.5.


When you think of grapplers, you may think of Zangief, who has trouble stringing more than 3 moves together but can easily turn 2 of them into a reset for a fat command grab. Or you can imagine Alex throwing out his Power Bomb after every single sequence. Abigail is rather unique compared to most grapplers, as his command grab, while powerful, is not what ultimately defines Abigail. His abnormally long-ranged normals, big damage combos, and constant car noises make him a solid choice for those who want to badger the opponent from afar while simultaneously blasting them up close with his oppressive mixup game.

Here, we'll be taking a look at Abigail's combos. Abigail has amazing stun and damage output, several good ways to spend EX for extra damage and okizeme, all mixed in with a close-range command grab that really eats up the opponent's stun bar. Additionally, both of his V-Triggers open the door for several new combos that bump up his damage and stun even higher. In return, Abigail is big, slow and clunky in every aspect of his gameplay. His combo opportunities don't come often, but when they do, the opponent will be holding on for dear life.


  • Move 1 -> Move 2

This denotes a link or juggle, where the entire animation of Move 1 finishes and then the input for Move 2 is performed.

  • Move 1 xx Move 2

This denotes a cancel, where the recovery of Move 1 is interrupted by cancelling into Move 2 partway through the animation.

  • !CC

This denotes a crush counter.


Target Combos

  • LP xx LP

Fast, simple combo to check the opponent and create some space. Both hits cancel.

  • cr.LP xx cr.LP

More range than LP xx LP, but slower to come out. Both hits cancel.

  • b+HP xx HP

A good combo ender with a good balance of damage, corner carry, and okizeme. 2nd hit does not special cancel but can go into super, V-Trigger, and V-Skill 2.


Abigail's light normals generally only lead into substantial conversions when he is pretty close. You can substitute in EX Abigail Punch as an ender for more damage and range or to go into V-Trigger. These combos are important as they serve as Abigail's quick hitconfirms to stop pressure or quickly check the opponent.

  • LP

Long range for a light normal. Combos into LP Abigail Punch up close.

    • LP xx LP xx LP Abigail Punch
  • cr.LP

Absurd range for a light normal. Can tag on hits easily from afar and combos into LP Abigail Punch up close.

    • cr.LP xx cr.LP xx LP Abigail Punch
  • cr.LK

Important as it's Abigail's fastest normal. Good for resisting pressure, but limited range.

    • cr.LK -> LP xx LP Abigail Punch
    • cr.LK (counter hit) -> b+HP xx HP (Good okizeme)
    • cr.LK (counter hit) -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Damage optimal)
  • st.LK

Abigail's main tick normal and the only way to reliably tick into HK Abigail Smash. Generally the only time this is used in combos is when you have super, but that's very situational. Combos from it do exist, however.

    • st.LK -> cr.LK -> st.LP xx Super


This is where a good chunk of Abigail's damage comes from outside of errant hits, considering how oppressive his mediums are in terms of range and/or frame advantage.

  • MP
    • MP -> b+HP xx HP (Best oki)
    • MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Damage optimal)
    • MP (counter hit) -> MP xx MP Abigail Punch (Has more range than b+HP, very common as MP is Abigail's main mid-range pressure tool)
  • cr.MP
    • cr.MP xx MP Abigail Punch (Uncommon, only used after long range jump-ins like Jump MP and even then cr.HP is almost always better)
  • cr.MK
    • cr.MK xx LP Abigail Punch (Abigail's only long range low hitconfirm, pretty tight window to confirm so practice accordingly)
    • cr.MK (counter hit) xx MP Abigail Punch (Same as above, but also reacting to counter hit makes this more difficult)


Abigail's heavies are pretty slow and generally unsafe, and only one of them cancels into special moves. They are used in Abigail's main crush counters and V-Trigger routes.

  • cr.HP
    • cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch
    • cr.HP xx MP Abigail Punch (common after long-range jump-ins)

Unique Attacks

  • f+MP
    • f+MP (counter hit) -> st.LP xx LP Abigail Punch (Combos out of overheads are pretty rare, and this allows you much better returns on an otherwise mediocre attack)
  • b+HP
    • b+HP xx HP (Good oki, used for a relatively fast punish when the opponent is outside of command grab range)
    • b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Damage optimal)

Section Notes

  • Cancelling into LP Giant Flip from Abigail's unsafe mediums or heavies in block strings will make them neutral on block. However, this is prone to V-Reversals.
  • Mashing Abigail Punch is almost always preferred to the non-mashed version as it adds 20 more damage and 30 more stun with no scaling. The non-mashed version does give a little okizeme, but with the distance it puts you at Abigail will only have time for a meaty long range normal and little else.

Metered Combos

  • EX Giant Flip

Great as a combo extender, also safe (but minus) on block. Mashing any punch after the initial attack will perform a follow-up attack that leaves Abigail with great oki.

    • cr.HP xx EX Giant Flip -> delayed f+HP xx LP Giant Flip (Damage and stun optimal)
    • cr.HP xx EX Giant Flip
  • EX Abigail Smash

Considering that this is a command grab and the fact that you can combo out of it makes it one of Abigail's most threatening mixup options. The farther away from the corner the opponent is, the more time you will have to combo afterwards. In the corner you only have time for some weaker combos that leave you with less damage; generally it's best to use normal command grabs when the opponent is cornered.

    • EX Abigail Smash -> slightly delayed cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch
    • EX Abigail Smash -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (only done in the corner, cr.HP is too slow to combo here).
  • EX Dynamite Punch

Crumples the opponent on hit. Similar to a Focus Attack in SF4, hitting the opponent early on in the crumple will leave them grounded, but hitting them later will cause them to be airborne. Abigail gets nice damage and stun no matter what range this move connects at, but it's important to know what combos work at what ranges.

    • EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> MP -> b+HP xx HP (Best oki)
    • EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Damage/stun optimal)
    • EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> walk -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch (Outside of point-blank range)
    • EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> dash -> b+HP xx HP (Only done at max range)
  • EX Avalanche Press

This move is used after anti-airs and as a juggle ender after V-Trigger. It has amazing corner carry: most combos that utilize it can carry the opponent well over half screen. These combos are covered in later sections.

  • EX Abigail Punch

This can be substituted in for almost any instance where a normal Abigail Punch would connect for more damage and stun, but most commonly used when you want to start V-Trigger combos or to get a VS2 Tire on the screen.


  • Jump HP
    • Air-to-Air Jump HP -> HP Abigail Punch (Most consistent)
    • Air-to-Air Jump HP -> f+HP xx EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch
  • cr.HP
    • cr.HP xx HP Giant Flip (Best Oki)
    • cr.HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch (Best stun, but no oki)
    • cr.HP xx EX Giant Flip -> HP Abigail Punch (Best damage + stun for 1 bar)
  • f+HP
    • f+HP xx MP Giant Flip (Best Oki)
    • f+HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch (Good stun + damage, but no oki)
  • VS1
    • VS1 xx Nitro Blitz xx Avalanche Press
    • VS1 xx EX Giant Flip (mash punches for 1 follow up attack) (Best oki)
    • VS1 xx EX Giant Flip -> delayed f+HP xx LP Giant Flip (Damage and stun optimal)
    • VS1 xx EX Giant Flip -> HP Abigail Punch (V-Trigger starter)

Section Notes

VS1 can be baited very easily for a full counter hit grounded combo, so it's generally a better idea to stick to his grounded anti-airs. cr.HP is probably Abigail's best anti-air, but it must be done early to be effective.

Crush Counters

  • HP
    • HP !CC -> walk/dash -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch
    • HP !CC -> walk/dash -> cr.HP xx EX Giant Flip -> HP Abigail Punch

Section Notes

HK only leads into super on CC, and cr.HK V-Trigger cancels on the first hit but adds a ton of scaling. cr.HP crush counters too, but that requires using it in neutral where it's unsafe and in most situations where you would use cr.HP you generally don't want a launcher or you're in the middle of a combo.


  • VS1

This combos into any special move on a successful grounded parry with the exception of Abigail's command grabs.

    • VS1 -> cr.HK (easiest to confirm)
    • VS1 xx Nitro Blitz xx Avalance Press (meterless)
    • VS1 xx EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Damage optimal)
    • VS1 xx EX Nitro Blitz xx EX Dynamite Punch -> MP -> b+HP xx HP (Good Oki)

V-Trigger 1: Max Power

This is one of the scariest V-Triggers in the game because it unlocks a bunch of really high damaging combos, some of which can take away 2/3 or more of the opponent's life. One of which does 570 stun and 435 damage midscreen, 1 bar, off of a command grab. Beware.

Activation Combo Routes

  • EX Abigail Punch Midscreen
    • EX Abigail Punch xx Activate -> Dash -> cr.HP xx MP Giant Flip
  • HP Abigail Punch Midscreen
    • HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> f+HP -> HP Giant Flip
  • Any non-EX Abigail Punch in the corner
    • Abigail Punch xx Activate -> charge b+HP (don't hit too high or the 2nd hit will fall out) -> HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch
  • EX Dynamite Punch
    • EX Dynamite Punch xx Activate -> charge HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch
  • cr.LK
    • cr.LK xx Activate -> cr.HP xx MP Abigail Punch (Makes your reversal 4 frame a lot more rewarding)

Combos while in V-Trigger 1

    • EX Giant Flip (grounded) -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch
    • EX Abigail Smash Midscreen -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch
    • Guard Break -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch (not worth spending much resources here since guard breaks are heavily scaled)
    • Charge HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch
    • EX Dynamite Punch -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch

Section Notes

  • The charge b+HPs are challenging links, but extremely crucial to Abigail's max damage combos. You will have to practice, practice, PRACTICE those charge b+HPs for those combo video materials.

V-Trigger 2: Hybrid Charge

Not only does V-Trigger give Abigail a way to make unsafe special moves on block safe, but it also gives him a combo ender with 150 damage and 200 stun base that super cancels. While the damage isn't crazy high like V-Trigger 1, this Trigger allows you to split that damage over more combos.

Activation Combo Routes

  • LP / MP Abigail Punch
    • LP / MP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> slightly delayed cr.HK 1 hit xx Metro Crash (Midscreen)
  • HP Abigail Punch
    • HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> f+HP -> HP Giant Flip
  • Any non-EX Abigail Punch in the corner
    • Abigail Punch xx Activate -> delayed f+HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash
  • EX Abigail Punch
    • EX Abigail Punch xx Activate -> Dash -> cr.HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch xx Metro Crash
  • EX Abigail Punch in the corner
    • EX Abigail Punch xx Activate -> slightly delayed Jump HP -> delayed f+HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch xx Metro Crash
  • cr.LK
    • cr.LK xx Activate -> cr.HP xx MP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash

Combos while in V-Trigger 2

You can cancel any Abigail Punches or Dynamite Punches into Metro Crash for more damage. For the EX Abigail Punch, you can charge Metro Crash to level 2 for more stun and damage. Essentially, Abigail has the same BnB's with extra damage and stun after each Abigail Punch, Dynamite Punch, or b+HP xx HP target combo. Metro Crash also leaves you closer to the opponent on knockdown than Abigail Punch, so it's the preferred ender when you can use it.

  • Guard Break
    • Guard Break -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash

Section Notes

  • Metro Crash leaves you neutral on forward dash when ending a combo. While V-Trigger 2 gives you more of an incentive to forgo the okizeme of b+HP xx HP for even more damage and stun, sometimes it can be best to take the okizeme instead.

Super Combos

Abigail can combo super off of any normal except f+MP, cr.LK, MK, and cr.HK. Usually, though, you'll want to end in Abigail Punch or Metro Crash for the most damage. Here's a list of some of the highest damage Super combos, assuming no counter-hit:

  • Midscreen
    • Jump HP -> MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch xx Super (545 Damage, 465 Stun)
    • Charge HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch xx Super (VT1) (684 Damage, 675 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> cr.HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch xx Super (VT1 Activate) (596 Damage, 560 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash xx Super (VT2) (597 Damage, 585 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> cr.HP xx Nitro Blitz xx Dynamite Punch xx Metro Crash xx Super (VT2 Activate) (601 Damage, 620 Stun)
  • Corner
    • Jump HP -> MP -> b+HP xx MP Abigail Punch xx Super (545 Damage, 465 Stun)
    • Charge HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch xx Super (VT1) (684 Damage, 675 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> charge b+HP xx HP -> charge b+HP xx HP -> LP Abigail Punch xx Super (VT1 Activate) (652 Damage, 630 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash xx Super (VT2) (614 Damage, 545 Stun)
    • Jump HP -> cr.HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Activate -> delayed f+HP xx HP Abigail Punch xx Metro Crash xx Super (VT2 Activate) (618 Damage, 600 Stun)

Section Notes

  • Abigail's Jump HP on a grounded opponent does 20 more damage than Jump HK, but is much harder to land. In almost all jump-in scenarios you will be starting with Jump HK instead of Jump HP; Jump HP should be used when the opponent is stunned.
  • Abigail Punch super cancels on the first hit as well as the last hit, so be careful to mash a little bit and then do the super cancel at the end so you don't lose out on extra damage.
  • You can also cancel any version of Giant Flip on the 2nd hit to super. The only instances where this is applicable is a VT1 HP Abigail Punch Activate midscreen or an anti-air, since most other routes that end in Giant Flip are metered.
  • Special note about anti-airing with raw super - Abigail's super is one of the best anti-airs in the entire game. The hitbox is absurdly tall, it's fully invincible until the frame it hits, and Abigail gets a pushbox above him once it starts that prevents cross-ups even if the opponent is already passing over him. Just be careful about using it too close; sometimes the opponent gets behind Abigail before you have time to do the input and you get an auto-correct special move instead.

Final Notes

Abigail's combos are important to learn as they are very damaging compared to most of the cast. He has great ways to spend meter for extra damage and stun, and with his EX command grab can punish his opponents with a full combo for blocking too much. The most important part, however, is to be patient and wait for a combo opportunity to present itself, as Abigail is generally fine with keeping opponents out, counter-poking them, and tagging them with long range normals, with most of his mix-ups geared towards mid-range and close range pressure. For matchups where you don't want to sit at long-range, like in fireball matchups, it's more important to keep the opponent close and vulnerable to a mix-up with combos that leave Abigail with good okizeme.

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Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)