Street Fighter V/Nash

From SuperCombo Wiki


About Nash

A former air force pilot and Guile's mentor, after being killed by M Bison he is resurrected by Kolin with the sole purpose of eliminating M Bison and Shadaloo.

Nash is a slow pace, space control based character. He has a slow walk, but fast dash, and relies a lot on keeping the opponent at the perfect distance so he can pester them with booms, scythes, and pokes. Despite having bad walk speed, he can get around somewhat easily, thanks to his movement based V-Triggers, fast dashes and tricky movement options like his moonsaults. However, nash doesn't shine when played offensively: you want to build your v-meter and super meter safely through using his great v-skills, throwing sonic booms, poking and anti airing thoughtfully in neutral. Nash is all about being in the right spacing, for all purposes - spacing his long range pokes properly, spacing his v-skill activation position, spacing his anti airs properly, spacing his sonic boom throwing and offensive followups, etc. Nash also has suffiecient offensive options when needed, such as solid frame traps, a safe ender, great oki and corner carry. Nash is, however, naturally flawed, and what makes him different is that his flaws are few, but significant. His slow walk speed means he cripples vs. footsies characters. He has 2 somewhat underwhelming v-triggers, limiting his comeback ability, and not much use to his EX moves other than adding damage to his combos (with a few situational exceptions). While having long pokes, the range at which he can convert into a combo seamlessly is actually quite limited, meaning he can struggle vs characters with exceptional mobility.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great neutral with long range pokes, slow moving fireballs, and crazy fast and far-reaching forward dash.
  • Has safe ways to build v-meter by using vs2 in neutral (with a fireball up), or with vs1 vs. fireball users (such as sagat or guile)
  • Solid frame traps with safe normals, as well as being able to use his fireball as a safe ender (with spacing)
  • Great anti airs overall such as,, and hk scythe
  • Great oki and corner carry simultanously thanks to his dashing opportonities after hk scythe
  • somewhat underwhelimg v-triggers, limiting his comeback ability
  • slow walk speed, which adds struggle to his neutral game
  • Limited range of conversion, making his punishing ability at some ranges limited
  • Quite bad EX moves
  • OW the EDGE

Final Patch

Players to Watch

  • Bonchan
SFV-Nash Portrait.jpg
Life Points 975
Stun Points 1000
V-Gauge Points
V-Trigger 1 2 Bars
V-Trigger 2 3 Bars
Ground Movement
Forward Walk Speed 0.027
Backward Walk Speed 0.027
Forward Dash Speed 18
Backward Dash Speed 24
Forward Dash Distance 1.75
Backward Dash Distance 1.1
Backdash CH Frames 3-10
Back Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Neutral Jump Speed 46 (4+38+4)
Forward Jump Speed 45 (3+38+4)
Forward Jump Distance 2.052
Backward Jump Distance 1.986
Throw Hurtbox 0.25
Throw Range 0.85
SFV Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for.


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel, refer to description for options.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Critical art.
  • "vs[1/2]": V-Skill 1 or 2.
  • "vt[1/2]": V-Trigger 1 or 2 activation.
Confirm windows

Hit confirm windows written as Specials & CAs/Target Combos/V-Trigger. Notation may denote V-Skill only cancel windows in Specials.

  • Refers to the amount of time (in frames) you have to cancel into another move from the moment the attack connects with the opponent.
Crush Counter

Crush Counter hit advantage written as opponent state, frame advantage, and v-gauge gain on hit.


Attack damage on hit. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. KD refers to knockdown on hit.

  • Note that generally, normal counter hits add an additional +2 to hit advantage in SFV.

Knockdown advantage against Normal, Quick Rise and Back Rise wake up options.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or have a hit box. The last startup frame and the first active frame are the same frame, meaning all values are written as Startup + 1.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.


Stand LP
SFV Nash 5LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 2 6 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 10
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Chains into any of the other light buttons
Tick throw option
Stand MP
SFV Nash 5MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 15 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 0
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 17
    • Target Combos: 17
    • V-Trigger: 17
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Footsies buffer / Combo filler tool
Stand HP
SFV Nash 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3 22 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -5
  • Crush Counter: Stagger, 14 Adv, +150 V-Gauge.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 21
    • V-Trigger: 21
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Juggle Limit: 1
Stand LK
SFV Nash 5LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 3 7 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 1
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 12
    • Target Combos: 12
    • V-Trigger: 12
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Nash's only 3F move
Can chain into this from st.LP or cr.LP.
Can be used to tick throw 4F characters
Stand MK
SFV Nash 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 4 15 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H 0
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *15
    • Target Combos: 13
    • V-Trigger: 12
    • Notes: *VS2 EX Scythe
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Great anti-air and decent oki tool (4F active and minimal pushback on block)
Can hit cross-up (behind Nash)
Whiffs on crouch from further away (2ndary hitbox hits crouchers up close)
Cancelable into stand HK on hit / block / whiff (kara cancelable on frames frames 2-10)
Cancelable into V-Skill 2 EX Scythe on hit / block
Isn't normally special cancelable, but has a 1-frame cancel window on BLOCK ONLY into specials / super / V-trigger
Has the least block pushback of any normal in SFV (as far as I know of at least)
Stand HK
SFV Nash 5HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 4 15 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *18
    • V-Trigger: 18
    • Notes: *VS2 EX Scythe
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Strong vertical anti-air (but also shifts Nash forward)
Doesn't hit most crouchers (normal height characters) until 3rd active frame; resulting in +4/+0
Has a lot of forward shifting collision box on frame 1 (can still be used as a Counter-Hit pushback tool)
Cancelable into V-Skill 2 EX Scythe on hit / block
Crouch LP
SFV Nash 2LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 6 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
30 70 H 3
  • Cancel options: ch sp su vt1 vt2
Good frametrap / pressure tool
Chains into any of the other light buttons
Tick throw option
Crouch MP
SFV Nash 2MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3 13 6
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 3
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • Target Combos: 16
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Good anti-air and frametrap / combo tool
Crouch HP
SFV Nash 2HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 2 17 7
Damage Stun Attack Block
80 150 H 3
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *16
    • V-Trigger: 16
    • Notes: *CA only
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Forces stand on hit
Good frametrap / combo tool
Crouch LK
SFV Nash 2LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 3 6 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
20 70 L 1
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Can chain into this from st.LP or cr.LP.
Can be used to tick throw 4F characters
Crouch MK
SFV Nash 2MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3 16 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
50 100 L -4
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: *16
    • V-Trigger: 16
    • Notes: *VS2 EX Scythe
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Great range poke
Cancelable into V-Skill 2 EX Scythe on hit / block
Crouch HK
SFV Nash 2HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 2 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 L -12
  • Crush Counter: Hard Knockdown, KD Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 73 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 29 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 16
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Juggle Limit: 1
Jump LP
SFV Nash 8LP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Nash's only 3F normal
Shifts Nash's hurtbox forward a little bit in the air from frame 1
Jump MP
SFV Nash 8MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 M -
Good hitbox above Nash
Shifts Nash's hurtbox forward a little bit in the air from frame 1
Jump HP
SFV Nash 8HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Pulls Nash's hurtbox up a little bit on frames 1-8 (helps with jumping over projectiles and such)
Shifts Nash's hurtbox forward and downwards a little bit on frame 9 and until landing
The hitbox has its best horizontal range on active frame 2 (decreases in range on the remaining active frames)
Jump LK
SFV Nash 8LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
40 70 M -
Amazing air-to-air hitboxes
Jump MK
SFV Nash 8MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -
Can cross-up
Jump HK
SFV Nash 7 or 9HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
9 5 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
Nash's best horizontal jump-in option
Pulls Nash's hurtbox up for the entire duration (helps with jumping over projectiles and such)
8HK (neutral jump)
8HK (during neutral jump)
SFV Nash 8HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 6 - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 M -
New input command: up+HK during a neutral jump
Puts airborne opponents into a limited juggle state
Last 3 active frames can cross-up
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 1

Command Normals

Knee Bazooka
SFV Nash 6LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7 6 18 -1(4)
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 70 H -5(0)
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 18
Throw Invincible on frames 7-22
Not airborne
Juggle Limit: 3
Advantage listed with parentheses format; x(y) - refers to worst(x) to best(y) frame advantage depending on how late into active frames it hits
Jumping Sobat
SFV Nash 6MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 2 16 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -3
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 13
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Hurtbox pulls up on frames 8-17 which can go over some low hitting attacks
Throw Invincible on frames 8-17
Not actually airborne
Fantastic poking tool in the neutral with strong V-Trigger conversions
Hitbox near Nash's body cannot hit airborne or cross-up (behind Nash)
Chopping Assault
SFV Nash 6MP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 3 16 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 M -7
Throw invincible on frames 9-22 (hops into the air; can hop over some low hitting attacks)
Not actually airborne
Juggle Limit: 1
Step Kick
SFV Nash 6HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
14 4 15(17) 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -3
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Strong horizontal hitbox priority
Good tool for counter-poking and easily counter-hit confirmed
Can be used to cover both wake-up options but b+MK is better for that
+2 extra recovery frames on whiff (17F)
Spinning Back Knuckle
SFV Nash 6HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3 30 -3
Damage Stun Attack Block
90 150 H -13
  • Crush Counter: Crumple, C Adv, +120 V-Gauge.
  • Knockdown: 97 KD Adv, 61 Quick Rise Adv, 61 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • V-Trigger: 17
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Can have some use as a V-Trigger conversion tool
A very slow and dramatic pimp slap
This is really bad on whiff bro
Side Knee Attack
SFV Nash 4MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 4 14 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 13
    • V-Trigger: 13
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
Forces stand on hit
Great frametrap / combo / oki tool

Target Combos

5LP > 5MP
Rapid Punch
5LP > 5MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4+6 3 14 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*45 (75) 70*72 (142) H*H -6
  • Confirm windows:
    • Specials & CA: 14
    • Target Combos: 10
    • V-Trigger: 14
  • Cancel options: sp su vt1 vt2
The second MP is very prone to whiff even when not that far away
5LK > 5MK
Rapid Kick
5LK > 5MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
3+5 4 15 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30*54 (84) 70*72 (142) H*H -6
  • Knockdown: 95 KD Adv, 36 Quick Rise Adv, 41 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 12
    • V-Trigger: 13
  • Cancel options: vs1 vs2 vt1 vt2
Can be canceled into V-Skill on HIT only; V-Skill 1: KDA (+96/37/42) ** V-Skill 2: KDA (+60/1/6)
5MP > 5LK
Wind Shear 1st
5MP > 5LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+9 4 22 2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36 (96) 100*45 (145) H*H -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 17
Leaves Nash up close to the opponent with a +2 mix-up on hit
5MP > 5LK > 5HP
Wind Shear 2nd
5MP > 5LK > 5HP
SFV Nash 5MP 5LK 5HP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+9+6 3 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*36*56 (152) 100*45*80 (225) H*H*H -7
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 25 Quick Rise Adv, 30 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 16
Grants good dash up oki on hit
2MP > 6MP
Down Burst
2MP > 6MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6+18 3 16 1
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*54 (114) 100*90 (190) H*M -7
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 16
The overhead (f+MP) follow-up is throw invincible on frames 5-18 (hops into the air; can hop over some low hitting attacks - but is not actually airborne)
Tight frametrap that can link into stand LK combo conversions on counter-hit
Juggle Limit: 1
5MK > 5HK
Raptor Combination 1st
5MK > 5HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+9 3 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*50 (120) 100*72 (172) H*H -10
  • Knockdown: 85 KD Adv, 26 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 13
Target combo can be performed on whiff (kara cancelable on frames 2-10 from stand MK)
The secondary HK hit puts opponent into a limited juggle state (can also juggle in time afterwards if only the secondary st.HK hits on airborne opponents)
Further target combo follow-ups after the second hit (HK) are only possible on hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 1
5MK > 5HK > 5MK
Raptor Combination 2nd
5MK > 5HK > 5MK
SFV Nash 5MK 5HK 5MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+9+14 4 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*50*44 (164) 100*72*80 (252) H*H*H -10
  • Knockdown: 88 KD Adv, 29 Quick Rise Adv, 34 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 18
This last Sobat (MK) part of the Target Combo can only be performed on-hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 1 / 1 / 1
5MK > 5HK > 5MPMK (VS1)
Bullet Combination
5MK > 5HK > 5MPMK (VS1)
SFV Nash 5MK 5HK 5MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+9+8 2 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*50*44 (164) 100*72*80 (252) H*H*H -10
  • Knockdown: 96 KD Adv, 37 Quick Rise Adv, 42 Back Rise Adv.
  • Confirm windows:
    • Target Combos: 23
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Launches opponent on-hit into a limited juggle state
This last V-Skill part of the Target Combo can only be performed on-hit
Last hit builds 80 V-Gauge on Hit (~27% V-bar)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 5 / 0 / 1
6LK > 5HP
Gust Front
6LK > 5HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit
7+6 3 18+14 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*54 (114) 70*90 (160) H*H -15
  • Knockdown: 78 KD Adv, 17 Quick Rise Adv, 22 Back Rise Adv.
Can be useful for some punishes / combo conversions
More landing recovery than the Wind Shear (MP>LK>HP) version resulting in worse oki and much more punishable on block


Dragon Suplex
SFV Nash LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 150 T -
  • Knockdown: 54 KD Adv, 5 Quick Rise Adv, 5 Back Rise Adv.
Target Down
Back Throw
SFV Nash 4LPLK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 3 17 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
150 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 69 KD Adv, 10 Quick Rise Adv, 10 Back Rise Adv.
LPLK (air)
Air Jack
LPLK (air)
SFV Nash LPLK (air).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
5 2 6 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
140 200 T -
  • Knockdown: 82(84) KD Adv, 23(25) Quick Rise Adv, 23(25) Back Rise Adv.
Nash can dash up after this throw for close-quarters oki if the opponent is cornered
KDA varies depending on height of opponent when thrown (the higher up the throw is performed, the lower the KDA is
Denies backroll
6F landing recovery frames if air throw whiffs

Special Moves

LP Sonic Boom
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 - 32 -2
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -6
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.085
Projectile invincible on extended arm hurtbox on frames 15-19
Can be followed up with a secondary EX Sonic Boom on frames 25-27
Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 3 / 1
MP Sonic Boom
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 - 30 0
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -4
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.066
Projectile invincible on extended arm hurtbox on frames 13-17
Can be followed up with a secondary EX Sonic Boom on frames 27-29
Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 3 / 1
HP Sonic Boom
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 - 23 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H -2
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.057
Projectile invincible on extended arm hurtbox on frames 20-24
Can be followed up with a secondary EX Sonic Boom on frames 32-34
Cancelable into V-Trigger 2 on whiff as well
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 3 / 1
EX Sonic Boom 1
SFV Nash 236PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
11 - 26 4
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H*H 2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speed: 0.1
Projectile invincible on extended arm hurtbox on frames 11-16
Can be followed up with a secondary EX Sonic Boom on frames 21-31
Cancelable into V-Triggers on whiff
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 3 / 1
Sonic Boom > 236PP or EX Sonic Boom > P
EX Sonic Boom 2
Sonic Boom > 236PP or EX Sonic Boom > P
SFV Nash 236PP 2.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 - 26 3
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H*H 2
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Can cancel into this secondary EX Sonic Boom from all the other Sonic Booms (LP/MP/HP/EX)
Can alter the speed of the second EX Sonic Boom depending on the follow-up button pressed (LP/MP/HP)
1-hit projectile
Projectile Speeds (LP/MP/HP): 0.09 / 0.07 / 0.052
NOT cancelable into V-Triggers on whiff like all the other Sonic Booms
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 3 / 1
LK Sonic Scythe
SFV Nash 214LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 3 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100 100 H -7
  • Knockdown: 85 KD Adv, 26 Quick Rise Adv, 31 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Reaches about 40% screen length
Puts opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 1 / 1
MK Sonic Scythe
SFV Nash 214MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3 22 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
110 100 H -10
  • Knockdown: 89 KD Adv, 30 Quick Rise Adv, 35 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Reaches about 65% screen length
Can be kara-canceled on frame 1 into EX Scythe for a huge range boost
Shifts Nash far forward on frame 1 (can mess-up meaties and even travel through some moves under specific circumstances)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3 / 1 / 1
HK Sonic Scythe
SFV Nash 214HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 2(3)3 9+12 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*60 (120) 100*50 (150) H -15(-4)
  • Knockdown: 101 KD Adv, 42 Quick Rise Adv, 47 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Head hurtbox is invincible to airborne strikes on frames 1-12 (and fully invincible to airborne strikes on frames 13-20)
Airborne on frames 15-29
Can be kara-canceled on frame 1 into EX Scythe for a small range boost (MK Scythe is the better kara option for this)
Can be -4 if blocked standing against Tall characters
Shifts Nash forward on frame 1 (can mess-up meaties and even travel through some moves under specific circumstances)
Can only VT cancel the first hit
Can be canceled 4F before recovery frames end on HIT only into Super (helps with juggling into Super)
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0*3 / 1*5 / 1*1
EX Sonic Scythe
SFV Nash 214KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3(3)3(26)2*2*3 13+21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x4*40 (160) 30x4*80 (200) H -19
  • Knockdown: 86 KD Adv, 27 Quick Rise Adv, 32 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Throw invincible on frames 1-6
Invincible to airborne strikes on frames 6-14
Airborne on frames 11-24 and again on frames 42-60
V-Trigger cancelable on 1st, 3rd and 4th hit
15 less KDA if V-Trigger canceled after the 1st hit
Juggle Limit: 3-5
LK Moonsault Slash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
37 3 1+10 4(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 1(3)
Airborne on frames 11-40
+2 extra frame advantage (+6/+3) on Hit / Block vs crouching
Reaches about half-screen length
MK Moonsault Slash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
37 3 12 4(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 2(4)
Airborne on frames 10-39
+2 extra frame advantage (+6/+4) on Hit / Block vs crouching
Reaches about 75% screen length
HK Moonsault Slash
Startup Active Recovery Hit
37 3 14 4(6)
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 100 H 3(5)
Airborne on frames 10-39
+2 extra frame advantage (+6/+5) on Hit / Block vs crouching
Reaches about 95% screen length
EX Moonsault Slash
SFV Nash 236KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
39 3(6)3(22)3 10 7
Damage Stun Attack Block
40x3 (120) 50*50*50 (150) H*H*H 3
Airborne on frames 11-75
Reaches about 95% screen length but otherwise tries to lock onto the opponent's position during start-up
LP Tragedy Assault
Startup Active Recovery Hit
17 2 23 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
70*30 (100) 0*150 (150) H -5(-4)
  • Knockdown: 57 KD Adv, 8 Quick Rise Adv, 8 Back Rise Adv.
Steals 50 EX meter (1/6th EX bar) from the opponent for yourself
Airborne on frames 8-20
Denies back roll wake-up
1st active frame whiffs on most crouching opponents (-4 on block on crouch block)
Juggle Limit: 0
Causes opponent to consider the pointless and fragile nature of life
MP Tragedy Assault
Startup Active Recovery Hit
22 2 26 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
90*30 (120) 0*150 (150) H -6(-5)
  • Knockdown: 57 KD Adv, 8 Quick Rise Adv, 8 Back Rise Adv.
Steals 100 EX meter (1/3rd EX bar) from the opponent for yourself
Airborne on frames 8-25
Denies back roll wake-up
1st active frame whiffs on most crouching opponents (-5 on block on crouch block)
Can juggle with this version of Tragedy Assault after EX TA xx air VT > nj.HK
Juggle Limit: 3
Causes opponent to consider the pointless and fragile nature of life
HP Tragedy Assault
Startup Active Recovery Hit
34 2 28 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
110*50 (160) 0*200 (200) H -8(-7)
  • Knockdown: 70 KD Adv, 21 Quick Rise Adv, 21 Back Rise Adv.
Steals 150 EX meter (1/2 EX bar) from the opponent for yourself
Airborne on frames 23-37
Lower body is projectile invincible on frames 23-33 (can travel over and punish extended hurtboxes of fireballs from full-screen range)
Denies back roll wake-up
1st active frame whiffs on most crouching opponents (-7 on block on crouch block)
Juggle Limit: 1
Causes opponent to consider the pointless and fragile nature of life
EX Tragedy Assault
SFV Nash 623PP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8 3(17)2 48 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*50*30 (120) 0*0*150 (150) H*H*H -23
  • Knockdown: 97 KD Adv, 38 Quick Rise Adv, 38 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Restore 30 health on hit
Launches opponent into a free juggle state
Juggle Limit: 1*10
Opponent will begin writing hopeless poetry directly after the match

Critical Art

Judgement Saber
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 3 40 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
35x9*15 (330) 0 H -31
  • Knockdown: 24 KD Adv, 24 Quick Rise Adv, 24 Back Rise Adv.
Hard Knockdown
Completely invincible on frames 1-10
Projectile invincible on frames 11-12
Hitbox reaches further up if canceled into from Sonic Scythe
Juggle Limit: 99


SFV Nash 5PPPKKK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 61 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -


V-Skill 1

Bullet Clear
SFV Nash MPMK (VS1).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
8(6) 4(8) 21(28) 5
Damage Stun Attack Block
70 100 H -5
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Sucks in the opponent on hit and block
Has 4 active frames of a Strike hitbox (frames 8-11) and also absorbs 1 hit of projectile on frames 6-13
Projectile invincible on extended arms and leg hurtboxes on frames 5-20
After successfully absorbing a projectile; Nash is locked into 28 frames of recovery period which is V-Trigger cancelable on frames 13-28
Builds 80 V-Gauge on Projectile Absorb (4/15th V-bar)
Builds 100 V-Gauge on Hit (1/3rd V-bar)
Builds 30 V-Gauge on Block (1/10th V-bar)

V-Skill 2

Silent Sharpness
SFV Nash MPMK (VS2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
- - 53 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Powers up the next Sonic Scythe with new and improved properties such as number of hits / damage / stun / hitboxes / juggles
This power-up does not build V-Gauge by itself (but rather through the improved Sonic Scythes)
Nash is NOT in a Counter-Hit state during the V-Skill 2 power-up
LK Sonic Scythe (V-Skill 2)
SFV Nash 214LK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
10 3(6) 24 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*40 (100) 50*50 (100) H 2
  • Knockdown: 98 KD Adv, 39 Quick Rise Adv, 44 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Effective block string ender that actually allows you to continue pressure afterwards
Spawns a 6F active 1-hit projectile hitbox on frame 12 that acts as a secondary hit
Both hits put the opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*5 / 1*0 / 1*1
Builds 20 V-Gauge on activation and then an extra 50 / 25 on Hit / Block (Total: 70 on hit / 45 on block)
MK Sonic Scythe (V-Skill 2)
SFV Nash 214MK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
15 3*3 19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
100*20 (120) 100*20 (120) H -5
  • Knockdown: 93 KD Adv, 34 Quick Rise Adv, 39 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: su vt1 vt2
Can now allow yourself to space closer to the opponent when poking from midscreen
Increased horizontal hitbox range compared to regular MK Scythe (about 80% screen length)
Has a secondary hit that only comes out on hit or block
Can be kara-canceled on frame 1 into EX Scythe (V-Skill 2 version) for a huge range boost
Shifts Nash far forward on frame 1 (can mess-up meaties and even travel through some moves under specific circumstances)
Both hits put the opponent into a limited juggle state
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 3*4 / 1*0 / 1*1
Builds 20 V-Gauge on activation and then an extra 50 / 25 on Hit / Block (Total: 70 on hit / 45 on block)
HK Sonic Scythe (V-Skill 2)
SFV Nash 214HK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13 2(3)3*2 7+12 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60*30x2 (120) 100*50 (150) H -15(-1)
  • Knockdown: 111 KD Adv, 52 Quick Rise Adv, 57 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Invincible to airborne strikes on frames 1-20
Airborne on frames 15-29
Can be -1 if blocked standing against Tall characters
Has a third hit that only comes out on hit or block
Can be kara-canceled on frame 1 into EX Scythe (V-Skill 2 version) for a small range boost (MK Scythe is the better kara option for this)
Shifts Nash forward on frame 1 (can mess-up meaties and even travel through some moves under specific circumstances)
Can only VT cancel the first hit
Juggle Limit / Increase / Start: 0*3*3 / 1*0*0 / 1*1*1
Builds 20 V-Gauge on activation and then an extra 50 / 25 on Hit / Block (Total: 70 on hit / 45 on block)
EX Sonic Scythe (V-Skill 2)
SFV Nash 214KK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
6 3*3*3(26)2*2*3 13+21 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
30x2*30x4 (180) 30x4*80 (200) H -19
  • Knockdown: 91 KD Adv, 32 Quick Rise Adv, 37 Back Rise Adv.
  • Cancel options: vt1 vt2
Throw invincible on frames 1-6
Invincible to airborne strikes on frames 6-14
Airborne on frames 11-24 and again on frames 42-60
V-Trigger cancelable on 1st, 3rd and 4th hit
15 less KDA if V-Trigger canceled after the 1st hit
Can hold forward during the animation to move Nash further forward (can help with oki scenarios / corner carry)
Juggle Limit: 3-5
Builds 20 V-Gauge on activation and then an extra 80 / 24 on Hit / Block (Total: 100 on hit / 44 on block)

V-Trigger 1

Sonic Move - Hide
SFV Nash HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 - 7 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Adds 10% (instead of the universal 20%) combo scaling when performed as a cancel
Frames 1-3; Throw and Projectile invincible
Frames 4-24; Fully invincible
Freezes opponent actions on frames 4-24 and followed by 7 recovery frames
Throw invincible for first 2 recovery frames (frames 25-26)
Nash's hurtbox is still inside of opponent for a few frames after he re-appears (might be able to be hit by some odd hitboxes)
Sonic Move - Blitz Air
SFV Nash 4HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Adds 10% (instead of the universal 20%) combo scaling when performed as a cancel
Frames 4 and onward fully invincible until Nash re-appears
8 airborne recovery frames after appearing where Nash can't input anything yet
Sonic Move - Steel Air
SFV Nash 6HPHK.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 - - -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
2 bar V-Trigger
Frames 4 and onward fully invincible until Nash re-appears
Adds 10% (instead of the universal 20%) combo scaling when performed as a cancel
8 airborne recovery frames after appearing where Nash can't input anything yet

V-Trigger 2

Stealth Dash
SFV Nash HPHK (VT2).png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
4 - 12(38) -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
3 bar V-Trigger
Duration of 4000 frames (~67 seconds)
No invincibility on first frame upon activation
Fully invincible on frame 3 (yes only frame 3) before freeze
Freezes game-time on frames 4-32 (opponents actions start-up again on frame 33)
Frames 4-57 (frames 4-28 if you don't count the freeze frames) are projectile invincible upon activation
67 total frames if you don't cancel it into anything (38 frames if you don't count the freeze frames)
Can cancel into follow-ups after freeze frames are over (canceling into Stop will stop any form of projectile invincibility the Stealth Dash itself has)
Can perform up to 3 reps of Stealth Dash with 3 different follow-ups
Each Stealth Dash activation after initial activation spends 1000 V-Timer on use (25% of V-Timer)
HPHK > 4
Stealth Dash > Stop
HPHK > 4
SFV Nash HPHK 4.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
13(4) - 11(7) -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Spends 1000 V-Timer at the start of Stealth Dash (25% of V-Timer)
The (X) framedata in the parentheses refers to the framedata if done from the initial VT2 activation
Projectile invincible during start-up on frames 3-13 (up to frame 32 if canceled into follow-ups as late as possible)
Projectile invincible on frames 3-4 if done from the initial VT2 activation (up to frame 28 if canceled into this follow-up as late as possible)
Minimum of 24 total frames (11 frames if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Framedata shown is minimum startup (if follow-ups are canceled into ASAP)
We're not factoring in the freeze frames if initial VT2 activation for the framedata or invincibility notes here
Stealth Dash > Justice Corridor
SFV Nash HPHK P.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
42(34) 3*3 29 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
50*50 100*100 M*H 2
  • Knockdown: 102 KD Adv, 43 Quick Rise Adv, 48 Back Rise Adv.
First hit is Overhead
Can hit OTG
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Cancelable into another VT2 Stealth Dash during recovery frames after landing on hit or block only (not cancelable on whiff)
Spends 1000 V-Timer at the start of Stealth Dash (25% of V-Timer) and then another 500 V-Timer (12.5% V-Timer) at the start of Justice Corridor (Overhead follow-up)
The (X) framedata in the parentheses refers to the framedata if done from the initial VT2 activation
Projectile invincible on frames 3-45 (up to frame 64 if canceled into follow-ups as late as possible)
Projectile invincible on frames 3-37 if done from the initial VT2 activation (up to frame 50 if canceled into this follow-up as late as possible)
Fully invincible on frames 21-27 (frames 13-19 if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Airborne on frames 19-45 (frames 11-37 if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Minimum of 76 total frames (68 frames if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Framedata shown is minimum startup (if follow-ups are canceled into ASAP)
We're not factoring in the freeze frames if initial VT2 activation for the framedata or invincibility notes here
Juggle Limit: 10*10
Stealth Dash > Justice Shell
SFV Nash HPHK K.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
23(15) 4(2)4 13+19 KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
40*60 75*75 H*H -16
  • Knockdown: 116 KD Adv, 57 Quick Rise Adv, 62 Back Rise Adv.
Launches opponent into a limited juggle state
Cancelable into another VT2 Stealth Dash during recovery frames after landing
Spends 1000 V-Timer at the start of Stealth Dash (25% of V-Timer) and then another 500 V-Timer (12.5% V-Timer) at the start of Justice Corridor (Overhead follow-up)
The (X) framedata in the parentheses refers to the framedata if done from the initial VT2 activation
Projectile invincible on frames 3-32 (up to frame 51 if canceled into follow-ups as late as possible)
Projectile invincible on frames 3-24 if done from the initial VT2 activation (up to frame 37 if canceled into follow-ups as late as possible)
Airborne on frames 27-45 (frames 19-37 if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Minimum of 64 total frames (56 frames if done from the initial VT2 activation)
Framedata shown is minimum startup (if follow-ups are canceled into ASAP)
We're not factoring in the freeze frames if initial VT2 activation for the framedata or invincibility notes here
Juggle Limit: 1*2


SFV Nash 5MKHP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
1 9 22 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Shifts back 1.21 range
Fully invincible on frames 1-9 during which time any strike or projectile evaded will trigger a slow-motion effect on frame 11 for both players
Immediately gains full invincibility for the full duration of V-Shift if you successfully evade a strike or projectile on start-up frames 1-9
Throw invincible on frames 1-16 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Counter-Hit state on frames 10-31 on an empty / raw V-Shift
Opponent can still cancel the attack that was V-Shifted as if it had connected (this allows for a lot of shenanigans)
Costs 300 V-Gauge (1 bar) to use and refunds 150 V-Gauge back (1/2 bar) on a successful V-Shift if the slow-mo is triggered
If the V-Shift is successful you can cancel it into a follow-up attack (see V-Shift Break) that's fully invincible and knocks the opponent down on hit

V-Shift Break

Vengeful Bullet
SFV Nash 5MKHP break.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
? 3 ? KD
Damage Stun Attack Block
60 0 H -2
  • Knockdown: 75 KD Adv, 16 Quick Rise Adv, 21 Back Rise Adv.
Fully invincible during startup and active frames


Sonic Move - Avoid
SFV Nash 6PPP.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit
16 25 3 -
Damage Stun Attack Block
- - - -
Strike invincible for the entire duration
Projectile invincible on frames 1-41
Nash can be thrown during the first 15 frames of startup before he teleports behind the opponent (after which he is throw invincible on frames 16-41)
Vulnerable to projectiles and throws on last 3 frames of recovery (frames 42-44)

SFV Navigation

Game Data
Zeku (Old)
Zeku (Young)