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== Key Moves ==
== Key Moves ==
== Combat Lessons ==
=== Fighting Style ===
The fighting style employed by YoRHa, a division of elite android troops battling
to reclaim the earth. With highly advanced bodies specially designed to eradicate
their machine lifeform foes, YoRHa soldiers are the androids' ultimate weapons.
YoRHa's most notable fighters are the Type-B models, masters of a wide array of
weaponry who are able to simultaneously wield swords both big and small, spears,
and other martial weapons to effectively engage enemies at any range. Their
combat prowess is further augmented by their exceptional mobility, enabling them
to punch straight through the enemy's front lines or launch lightning-fast aerial
assaults to swiftly neutralize threats.

With the help of tactical support units known as "pods,’I Type-B androids can
launch devastating ranged attacks or close-range coordinated assaults, further
increasing the odds of mission success.
YoRHa soldiers fight with power and skill, driven by the belief that their actions
will bring glory to their creators—mankind.
=== Style Lesson: Beginner ===
==== Close Combat Basics ====
With an abundance of multistrike techniques that can toy with an opponent, this
fighting style is best suited for close combat.
Use a quick Slash Sequence (AAAA) or a Projectile Slash Sequence
(6BBB) to seize the initiative when an opponent closes in, then unleash
the air combo First Strike ~ Aerial Leap (3B) as a simple but effective
If your opponent is playing defensively, you can use Suppression: Unarmed Leg
Throw (33_66_99A+G) to deal some damage.
===Slash Sequence===
|name=Slash Sequence
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}} AAAA
===Projectile Slash Sequence===
|name=Projectile Slash Sequence
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 6BBB
|notes=Counter Hit Combo. {{Icon-SC|LH}} upon hitting opponent from the back
===First Strike ~ Aerial Leap===
|name=First Strike ~ Aerial Leap
|input={{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 3B
|notes={{Icon-SC|SS}} into AL
=== Suppression: Unarmed Leg Throw ===
|name=Suppression: Unarmed Leg Throw
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|G}} (3)_(6)_(9)A+G
|notes={{Icon-SC|TH}} +2AP
==== Closing Distance ====
The best ways to get in close to your opponent are 8-way-run moves that use 66. Mobilize: Piercing Thrust (33_66_99B) is a quick middle attack that can help you catch an opponent flab-footed, while Mobilize: Slash
Pattern (33_66_99A) is a low horizontal slash that can stop an
opponent in the middle of an 8-way run dead in their tracks. Both techniques are
great for closing distance in a fight and even at the start of battle.
=== Mobilize: Piercing Thrust ===
|name=Mobilize: Piercing Thrust
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (3)_(6)_(9)B
=== Mobilize: Projectile Slash Pattern ===
|name=Mobilize: Projectile Slash Pattern
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} (3)_(6)_(9)B+K
|notes=Normal Hit Combo. {{Icon-SC|GC}}. {{Icon-SC|LH}} after 1 successful dodge with Counter Bomb
==== Play Offensively with Aggression Shift ====
You can hold [6] during either Mobilize: Slash Pattern or Mobilize: Piercing Thrust
to transition into a special move called Aggression Shift when your attack hits or
is blocked. You can also transition into this move mid-combo by holding [6] when
inputting AAA during a Slash Sequence or 6BB during a Projectile
Slash Sequence. From an Aggression Shift, you can follow up with powerful
attacks effective at breaking the opponent's guard. so it would be wise to make
your hits land after using this technique.
====Slash Sequence ~ Aggression Shift ====
|name=Slash Sequence ~ Aggression Shift
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|6}} AAA6
|notes={{Icon-SC|SS}} into AGS on hit or block for 5th hit
====Projectile Slash Sequence ~ Aggression Shift ====
|name=Projectile Slash Sequence ~ Aggression Shift
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|6}} 6BB6
|notes=Normal Hit Combo. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into AGS on hit or block for 5th hit {{Icon-SC|LH}} upon hitting opponent from the back
=== Style Lesson: Adept ===
==== Break Attacks from Aggression Shift ====
The first Aggression Shift strategy you should try is a combination of middle and
low attacks to break your opponent's guard. The middle horizontal attack Shifted
Revolving Slash (AGS AA), the low attack Shifted Support
Kick - Aerial Leap (AGS  BB), and the throws Suppression:
Composite Kick (AGS A+G) and Suppression: Composite
Slash (AGS 4A+G) are solid options.
=== Shifted Revolving Slash ===
|name=Shifted Revolving Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|A}} A
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
=== Shifted Support Kick ===
|name=Shifted Support Kick
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} BB
|notes=Normal Hit Combo. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into AL
=== Suppression: Composite Kick ===
|name=Suppression: Composite Kick
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|G}} A+G
=== Suppression: Composite Slash ===
|name=Suppression: Composite Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|G}} 4A+G
==== Surprise Opponents with Counters ====
If the attack you used to transition into Aggression Shift lands. you'll almost
always be able to score another blow before your opponent can retaliate.
However, if they attempt to strike back with a quick attack, responding with a
Shifted Strike Sequence (AGS KK) will not only counter
their attack, but will also allow you to start a combo. Furthermore, forcing your
opponent to worry about this particular tactic will make it easier to successfully
land low attacks and throws from an Aggression Shift later on.
=== Shifted Strike Sequence ===
|name=Shifted Strike Sequence
|input={{Icon-SC|K}} K
|notes={{Icon-SC|GC}}. Normal Hit Combo
==== Follow-up Attacks When at a Disadvantage ====
If the attack you used to transition into Aggression Shift is blocked. both Shifted
Revolving Slash (AGS AA) and Shifted Strike Sequence
(AGS KK) leave you open to counter attacks. In this case.
Pod Program R020: Mirage (AGS A+B) and Shifted
Crushing Rocket (AGS B+K) are good alternatives.
Of course. 6 isn't your only option when using Aggression Shift. A clever tactic
is to occasionally use 4 and mix in a Back Step ~ Aggression Shift to vary your
distance and timing.
=== Pod Program R020: Mirage ===
|name=Pod Program R020: Mirage
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}} A+B
|notes=Normal Hit Combo Dodges all attacks starting i10
=== Shifted Crushing Rocket ===
|name=Shifted Crushing Rocket
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} B+K
|notes={{Icon-SC|GC}} (no followup possible), Shifts to {{Icon-SC|TH}} on hit
=== Style Lesson: Master ===
==== The Small Sword: A Close-Range Weapon ====
This fighting style utilizes multiple weapons with different commands. and
understanding the unique properties of each is key to coming out on top in a
The small sword will serve as your main weapon when fighting up close. Many of
its techniques, such as Slash Sequence (AAAA). Lower Slash (2A),
and Rising Slash Sequence (while rising A), excel at suppressing your
opponent's 8—way run movement.
=== Lower Slash  ===
|name=Lower Slash
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|A}} 2A
=== Rising Slash Sequence  ===
|name=Rising Slash Sequence
|input={{Icon-SC|A}} A
|notes=Tech Crouch
==== The Large Sword: High Risk, High Return ====
Large sword techniques like Assault Pattern (4BBB) and Mobilize:
Rotating Slash Assault (11_44_77B) have along reach, do lots
of damage, and can quickly reduce your opponent's guard stamina. However, you
leave yourself wide open if you miss, so make sure to carefully gauge the situation
before swinging.
=== Assault Pattern  ===
|name=Assault Pattern
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 4BBB
|notes={{Icon-SC|GC}}. Normal Hit Combo
=== Mobilize: Rotating Slash Assault ===
|name=Mobilize: Rotating Slash Assault
|input={{Icon-SC|11}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|44}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|77}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (1)_(4)_(7)B
==== The Spear: Long Reach, Mid Range ====
Spears are weapons that benefit from a bit of distance. Effective, easy-to-use
techniques include Mobilize: Skewer (22_88B), a move perfect for
retaliating after using an 8-way run to make your opponent miss, and Mobilize:
Scatter Spear (22_88B+K), a move good for forcing an opponent to
guard long enough to let you move in close.
=== Mobilize: Skewer ===
|name=Mobilize: Skewer
|input={{Icon-SC|22}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|88}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (2)_(8)B
|notes={{Icon-SC|LH}} upon hitting opponent at tip range after they missed an attack
=== Mobilize: Scatter Spear ===
|name=Mobilize: Scatter Spear
|input={{Icon-SC|22}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|88}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} (2)_(8)B+K
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
==== Combat Bracers: Built for Quick Assaults ====
Combat bracers are perfect for rush attacks at point-blank range. They make up
for their terribly short range by enabling you to barrage your opponent with an
endless series of blows, regardless of whether any individual strike hits or is
blocked. Techniques such as the blazing fast Muitistrike Kick (6KK) and
Mobilize: Spinning Strike (22_88K[K]), which starts with a low attack,
will definitely come in handy when you're up close and personal.
=== Multistrike Kick  ===
|name=Multistrike Kick
|input={{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 6K
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
===Mobilize: Spinning Strike===
|name=Mobilize: Spinning Strike
|input={{Icon-SC|22}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|88}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|KK}} (2)_(8)K(K)
|notes={{Icon-SC|BA}}. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
==== Unarmed Strikes: Analyze the Opponent and Aim for a Lethal Hit ====
Among the techniques available to you when unarmed. there are those that help
you analyze the enemy by stacking up analysis points when you hit. These carry
over between rounds, and when enough have been accumulated, attacks such as
Core Disruption (4K) become lethal hits that will greatly restore your guard
stamina. Using unarmed strikes early on to analyze your opponent and then aiming
for lethal hits near the match's end can be a deadly strategy. Check the move list
to see which attacks stack analysis points.
=== Core Disruption  ===
|name=Core Disruption
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 4K
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
=== Critical Edges ===
==== Suppression: Extermination Gambit ====
===== Properties =====
A quick, easy-to-use critical edge. It can also be performed by pressing
A+B+K, or AAA+B+K during Aerial Leap, in which case it will restore
your guard stamina during the attack throw.
=== Supression: Extermination Gambit ===
|name=Supression: Extermination Gambit
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} A+B+K
|notes={{Icon-SC|CE}}. {{Icon-SC|GC}}
|name=Supression: Extermination Gambit
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} AAA+B+K
|notes={{Icon-SC|CE}}. {{Icon-SC|GC}} Restores 10% guard stamina, last input can be delayed
===== Tips =====
This technique is best utilized by including it in combos to increase their damage
output. it also works well as a follow-up to a successful Suppression: Composite
Slash (AGS 4A+G), and can even function as an effective
break attack if your soul gauge is full.
==== Limiter Release: Self-Destruct ====
===== Properties =====
A critical edge only available if you are in critical condition with little health
remaining. It can deal Incredible damage if it connects, but using it will cause you
grievous injury as well.
===== Tips =====
This attack is slow. which makes it difficult to land. it is not a technique to be
used lightly. However, if you can crush your opponent's guard or create a large
enough opening, you just might be able to pull it off.
=== Soul Charge ===
==== Enhanced Assault Power ====
While soul charged, you gain even greater options for combos that increase your
ability to inhibit your opponent's movements. Severing Sequence (First Class) -
Aerial Leap (during soul charge BBBB) is especially powerful as a
counter hit because every strike of the combo will connect. You can delay the
follow-up attack for Revolving Strike (First Class) ~ Aerial Leap (during soul
charge 3AKK), allowing you to feint past an opponent's guard. This can
be a valuable asset when used to vary your attacks in close-range combat.
=== Severing Sequence (First Class) ~ Aerial Leap ===
|name=Severing Sequence (First Class) ~ Aerial Leap
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} BBBB
|notes=Counter Hit Combo 64 damage total {{Icon-SC|GC}}. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into AL
===Revolving Strike (First Class) ~ Aerial Leap===
|name=Revolving Strike (First Class) ~ Aerial Leap
|input={{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|K}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 3AKK
|notes=Normal Hit Combo first 2 hits and last 3 hits, delayable, {{Icon-SC|SS}} into AL
==== Greatly Increased Combo Damage ====
Mobilize: Piercing Assault (First Class) (during soul charge 66BB) is one
of your main attacks, able to deal colossal damage and be worked into many
combos. It's especially effective when used after the Aggression Shift throw
Suppression: Composite Slash (AGS 4A+G).
=== Mobilize: Piercing Assault (first Class) ===
|name=Mobilize: Piercing Assault (first Class)
|input={{Icon-SC|33}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|66}}{{Icon-SC|5}}{{Icon-SC|99}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} (3)_(6)_(9)BB
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
==== Pod Assistance ====
Your pod will supplement your soul charge techniques in various ways, including
providing cover fire when some powerful techniques leave you open, as well as
helping you pull off combos you otherwise couldn't. For example. Assault Pattern
(4BBB) deals a lot of damage but normally leaves you wide open. When
you perform it soul charged, however, your pod will fire its Gatling gun after you
swing, reducing the risk to you should your attack be blocked. Similarly, during
Shifted Support Kick ~ Aerial Leap (AGS BB) your pod will
aid you with a follow-up spear attack that lifts your opponent into the air,
allowing you to further chain into Airborne Slash Pattern: Charged Laser (while
soul charged during Aerial Leap AAA) for more damage.
=== Assault Pattern: Charged Gatling ===
|name=Assault Pattern: Charged Gatling
|input={{Icon-SC|4}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} 4BBB
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
=== Shifted Support Kick ===
|name=Shifted Support Kick
|input={{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|B}} BB
|stance=SC AGS
|notes=Normal Hit Combo. {{Icon-SC|SS}} into AL
=== Airborne Slash Pattern: Charged Laser ===
|name=Airborne Slash Pattern: Charged Laser
|input={{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|A}} AAA
|stance=SC AL
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
==== Soul Stance: Charged Support ====
A soul attack that puts you in a soul charged state and has your pod perform a
support attack. You can switch to Aggression Shift with 6 upon hit or guard. or
similarly shift to Ariel Leap with 8, giving you the chance to rush down your
opponent with soul charge techniques.
=== Soul Stance: Charged Support ===
|name=Soul Stance: Charged Support
|input={{Icon-SC|2}}{{Icon-SC|3}}{{Icon-SC|6}}{{Icon-SC|A}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|B}}{{Icon-SC|+}}{{Icon-SC|K}} 236A+B+K
|notes=Normal Hit Combo
=== Reversal Edge ===
==== Following Up with A ====
AAA can be used to knock your opponent out of the ring, and is probably
the best option you have when you've got your opponent cornered. If you score a
lethal hit with A, you should try to follow it up with AB to chain hits and
start an air combo.
==== Following Up with B ====
This attack delivers two hits with your spear. When your opponent is open for a
lethal hit or guard crush, you can use [B] to deal even more damage.
==== Following Up with K ====
Landing this attack enables you to perform an Aerial Leap and subsequent air
combo. Should you hit your opponent with a lethal hit, you'll proceed to knock
them high Into the air with your combat bracers. making them an easy target for a
heavily damaging combo.
[[Category:Soulcalibur VI]]
[[Category:Soulcalibur VI]]

Latest revision as of 23:51, 7 July 2021


2B is an aggressive. stance based mixup character who's core game plan focuses around using specific moves that allow you to transition into her main stance, Aggression Shift, to mix your opponent. Her move set consists of weapons she can materialize. A Katana, Odachi, Combat Bracers and Lance (Spear). The character can be very committal in her options, but smart decision making and being creative in choosing your options can get you a lot of damage very quickly

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Offensive oriented moves that can be supported by careful neutral gameplay.
  • Aggression Shift (AGS) allows for a lot of mixup and creative potential
  • Wide variety of moves to punish, poke, and SS into AGS.
  • Very strong Soul Charge that really enhances her move list and offensive pressure
  • High committal character, need to choose options carefully.
  • Can be easily punishable in a lot of situations.
  • Susceptible to reversal edge and step. Especially in AGS.
  • Large move list can be hard to utilize in full.

Unique Mechanics

She has three stances.

  • Aggression Shift
  • Aerial Leap
  • Angler Stance

2B also has a stock mechanic called Analysis Points (AP). These are obtained ONLY by landing successful unarmed strikes (Usually kicks). AP also carry over from round to round.

SCVI 2B Face.jpg
It was a peculiar mission. Destination: Confidential. Duration: Indefinite. Objective: To be delivered upon arrival. The location 2B arrived in was unlike any she had seen before.

Key Moves

SCVI Navigation

Controls & Notation
Seong Mi-na