Project Justice/Batsu: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
(Moving everything Batsu-related from Sandbox to here. Kept old page collapsed under the fold until info is organized into separate relevant pages. It begins. ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ)
((\/) (°,,,,°) (\/) OLD BATSU PAGE IS GONE (\/) (°,,,,°) (\/))
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{{Project Justice}}
{{Project Justice}}

<span style="font-size:1.2em; text-decoration: underline;">'''''Old Batsu Page is below this expansion for now! Keeping as reference until everything is properly imported to the new format!''''' </span>
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A hot-blooded, quarrelsome PE devotee. Batsu has a strong sense of justice. He's an expert street fighter. People tend to think he's rough, but he has a rarely-seen gentle side.
The worst variant of Batsu but is still a great character, he is the closest to a shoto as you can get. Having both ground and air fireballs, a DP and a Tatsu-esque move as well. He's simplistic, but that never stopped him.
==Normal Moves==
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{n}} {{lp}} | 8 | 20 | +1 | +4 | 4 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{n}} {{hp}} | 13 | 32 | +2 | -8 | 11 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{d}} {{lp}} | 8 | 20 | +4 | +2 | 4 | Crouching | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{d}} {{hp}} | 15 | 36 | +2 | -14 | 13 | Crouching | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{n}} {{lk}} | 10 | 18 | +2 | +6 | 5 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{n}} {{hk}} | 16 | 49 | -6 | -25 | 13 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{d}} {{lk}} | 10 | 29 | +2 | -7 | 5 | Crouching | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{d}} {{hk}} | 15 | 33 | - | -11 | 14 | Crouching | Knockdown }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{u}} {{lp}} | 9 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 5 | Standing | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{u}} {{hp}} | 11 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 10 | Standing | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{u}} {{lk}} | 9 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 4 | Standing | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{u}} {{hk}} | 19 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 13 | Standing | }}
==Command Normals==
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{lp}} {{lp}} {{lp}} | 14 | 40 | +1 | -16 | 8 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{lk}} {{lk}} {{lk}} | 15 | 28 | +2 | -4 | 8 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{f}} {{hp}} | 18 | 41 | +1 | -17 | 14 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{f}} {{hk}} | 16 | 53 | - | -29 | 17 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{b}} {{hp}} | 23 | 28 | +2 | -4 | 10 | Standing | Overhead }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{b}} {{hk}} | 25 | 43 | - | -19 | 13 | Standing | 2 hits, Overhead, Knockdown }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{df}} {{hp}} | 16 | 46 | - | -22 | 11 | All | Rival Launcher }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{df}} {{hk}} | 17 | 44 | - | -20 | 10 | All | Mini Launcher }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | (Air) {{f}} {{hp}} | 21 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 14 | Standing | Slamming }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | (Air) {{f}} {{hk}} | 14 | On landing, 1 | - | - | 11 | Standing | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{p}} while facing away from opponent | 10 | 16 | +2 | +8 | 5 | All | }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{k}} while facing away from opponent | 9 | 37 | - | -13 | 7 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{p}} while running | 12 | 31 | - | -7 | 11 | Standing | Overhead, Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{lk}} while running | 12 | 28 | - | -6 | 8 | Crouching | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{hk}} while running | 12 | 32 | - | -8 | 10 | Standing | Overhead, Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{lp}} + {{hp}}, near opponent | 10 | 45 | - | - | 29 | - | Standing Throw }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{d}} + {{lp}} + {{hp}}, near opponent | 10 | 48 | - | - | 32 | - | Crouching Throw }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | {{lp}} + {{hp}}, when behind opponent | 11 | 42 | - | - | 42 | - | Back Throw }}
{{PJMoveListRow |  | (Air) {{lp}} + {{hp}}, near opponent | 1 | - | - | - | 39 | - | Air Throw }}
==Special Moves==
{{PJMoveListRow | Guts Bullet | {{qcf}} {{p}} | 14 | 35 | 0 | -9 | 16 | All | Attack used determines speed and distance }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Air Guts Bullet | (Air) {{qcf}} {{p}} | 18 | On landing, 13 | -2 | -10 | 14 | All | Attack used determines speed, angle, and distance }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Guts Upper (weak) | {{dp}} {{lp}} | 19 | 49 | - | -21 | 22 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Guts Upper (strong) | {{dp}} {{hp}} | 15 | 51 | - | -22 | 27 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Crescent Moon Kick / Crescent Star Kick (weak) | {{qcb}} {{lk}} | 29 | 40 | - | -15 | 16 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Crescent Moon Kick / Crescent Star Kick(strong) | {{qcb}} {{hk}} | 29 | 38 | - | -15 | 21 | All | Blowback }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Shooting Star Kick | (Air) {{qcf}} {{k}} | 21 | On landing, 13 | - | -31 | 32 | All | Blowback }}
==Burning Vigor Attacks==
{{PJMoveListRow | Maximum Guts Bullet | {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}} | 25 | 36 | - | +4 | 42 | All | 5 hits, Blowback on 5th hit }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Air Maximum Guts Bullet | (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}} | 20 | On landing, 13 | - | +8 | 42 | All | 5 hits, Blowback on 5th hit }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Maximum Guts Upper | {{qcb}} {{qcb}} {{p}} | 42 | 58 | - | -34 | 43 | All | Rival Launcher }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Maximum Shooting Star Kick | (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{k}} | 17 | On landing, 30 | - | -7 | 47 | All | Blowback }}
==Team Up Techniques==
{{PJMoveListRow | Double Guts Bullet | {{lp}} + {{lk}} (or {{hp}} + {{hk}}) | 24 | 38 | - | -14 | 48 | All | Team Up Technique, damage type }}
{{PJMoveListRow | Final Symphony | {{p}} + {{p}} + {{k}} (or {{k}} + {{k}} + {{p}}) | 18 | 25 | - | -1 | 100 | All | Party Up Technique }}
{{lp}} {{lk}} {{hk}} {{---}} {{f}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{dp}} {{hp}}
{{lk}} {{---}} {{d}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{f}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{qcb}} {{hk}}
{{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{d}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{f}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
{{d}} {{lk}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{f}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
{{d}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{f}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
{{lk}} {{---}} {{d}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{df}} {{hk}} {{---}} {{u}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{hk}} {{---}} (Air) {{f}} {{hp}}
{{d}} {{lk}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{df}} {{hk}} {{---}} {{u}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{hk}} {{---}} (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
{{df}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{u}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{lk}} {{lk}} {{---}} (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
{{qcb}} {{qcb}} {{p}} {{---}} {{u}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{hp}} {{---}} (Air) {{f}} {{hk}}
{{qcb}} {{qcb}} {{p}} {{---}} {{u}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{hp}} {{---}} {{lp}} {{lp}} {{---}} {{lk}} {{lk}} {{---}} (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
Climactic Scoop (Ran's Team Up Technique) {{---}} {{d}} {{u}} {{---}} {{lk}} {{hp}} {{hk}} {{---}} (Air) {{qcf}} {{qcf}} {{p}}
==External Links==
*[ Batsu Iichimonji at The Fighters Generation]
{{Project Justice}}
[[Category:Project Justice]]
[[Category:Project Justice]]
[[Category:Batsu Ichimonji]]
[[Category:Batsu Ichimonji]]

Revision as of 17:36, 16 September 2021


The Hot-Blooded ninja-inspired protagonist of the Rival Schools series. Often seen as brash, impulsive, and always ready to throw the first punch, Batsu returns to the spotlight in Project Justice to investigate his mischief-making doppelganger, Vatsu, and put a stop to the Reverse Society with the help of his friends Hinata and Kyosuke. Despite his fiery temper, Batsu has a strong sense of justice, and a strong desire to protect both his close friends and mother.

Next to Hideo, Batsu is about as close to a shoto as you can find in Project Justice. While Hideo may have a more literal-looking Dragon Punch and Tatsumaki, Batsu wins hand-over-fist in the fireball department. Batsu is a relatively simple character with a standard air-combo route, effective confirms into super, and relatively good damage across the board. Where he lacks is in his rushdown potential compared to other members of the Project Justice roster, as well as the fact that Burning Batsu is essentially just Batsu 2.0, making the original pale in comparison.

{{#evt: service=youtube |id= |dimensions=480x320 }}

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Very good fireball game compared to characters like Shoma or Hideo.
  • Simple and effective confirm into super with Lk.png.
  • Almost completely outclassed by Burning Batsu; very few reasons to not use B.Batsu instead, as they're practically a straight upgrade.
  • Relatively weak kit outside of his simple confirm and decent zoning potential compared to the rest of the casts' fireballs.
  • While strong in terms of damage, he is lacking in effective Rushdown tools.
Batsu Ichimonji

Project Justice Batsu.gif


Assist Type:







Lp.png Hp.png Lp.png+Hp.png
PJ Batsu 1.png
PJ Batsu 2.png
PJ Batsu 3.png
Lk.png Hk.png Lk.png+Hk.png
PJ Batsu 4.png
PJ Batsu 5.png
PJ Batsu 6.png

Game Navigation

Burning Batsu
Demon Hyo
Powered Akira
Wild Daigo