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| (at the end of Yaotome) '''qcf x4 + PP'''
| (at the end of Yaotome) '''qcf x4 + PP'''
| Ura 311-Oritsume Kushi
| Ura 311-Shiki Oritsume Kushi
| '''qcf x2 + K'''
| '''qcf x2 + K'''
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| Ura 1219-Shiki Honoo Hotogi
| Ura 1219-Shiki Honoo Hotogi
| '''hcb hcb + KK'''
| '''qcb hcf + PP'''
| '''Image Songs'''
| '''Image Songs'''
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| "Moon of Crazy Flame"
| "Monochrome"
| "The Sun & The Moon" (Duet with Kyo)
| "Allegory of the Wind"
| "Never Lose My Way"
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'''Close Standing Normals'''
'''Close Standing Normals'''
*Close A  
*Close A  
: cl.A – Quick jab from the side.  It's one way of establishing pressure from close up without much committal.  It only makes contact upon medium height crouching opponents such as Kyo and taller.  Characters such as K' shrink underneath this move, thus limiting the overall effectiveness of this attack since there are other moves that do the same job but better.  Daimon could chain up to two hits of Close A before he is out of range for his Tenchi Gaeshi to combo.
: cl.A – Quick jab from the side.  It's one way of establishing pressure from close up without much committal.  If Iori meaties with this on the opponent's wake up, it can link into Close C.

*Close B
*Close B
: cl.B – High kickThis attack comes out at a moderate speed and only hits tall crouching characters such as ChangThis move serves very little purpose as an anti-air and as a meaty so generally one would want to avoid using this attackIt seems as if its main purpose is to make sure Daimon has some other normal to balance Far B and make sure he is unable to do it from too close.
: cl.B – Weird looking foot slideIori kicks by sliding his foot strangely.  What's neat is that it chains from Crouch B and a double hit low chain helps break Alternate Guards, discouraging the opponent from trying it too oftenUpon hit from point blank, Iori could link a Close C with a 2 frame window to do so.  Iori can also combo into Scum Gale from Close as long as he's point blank as well.

*Close C
*Close C
: cl.C – Fast strike. It is like any other typically fast Close C attack. It may seems to come out slightly faster than Far D, but has a smaller cancel window to confirm into a combo.  This is mainly used during frame traps and during punishes to ensure the fastest normal comes out to guarantee a combo for daimon.  
: cl.C – Fast uppercut. A very fast uppercut that combos into many other attacks. It functions well as a normal throw option select since many opponents do not want to receive a Scum Gale into a devastating combo so they opt to jump, hop, or back dash outThanks to Iori's great Close C, the player could do something like an empty hop into normal throw to snag a character on the way out.  It has great vertical range that is pretty hard to contest and is safe on block.  

*Close D:
*Close D:
: cl.D – Fast kick from a slight twistSimilar in application as Close C but it has a slightly higher vertical hit box and is slightly slowerWhat's great about this move is the huge amount of time the player has to confirm if the attack hit or not and choose to combo into a command throw.  Players really like to use this as a meaty move on the opponent's wake up.
: cl.D – Rising kick.  Iori brings up his leg high and covers a similar range as his Close CWhat makes this different form Close C is that it isn't cancelable and is a bit slower, but has a slightly larger activation range and could catch jumping opponents from minute ranges where Close C won't come outIt's pretty much a more limited Close C that comes out a bit further away from Iori than Close C.

'''Far Standing Normals'''
'''Far Standing Normals'''
*Far A
*Far A
: Quick palm strike.  It's a very, very good anti-hop and even anti-jump check.  It also hits medium height crouching characters such as Kyo, so it functions also as a very strong pressure tool that's hard to contest.  The first part of the wall of Daimon.
: Small jab.  It doesn't have much vertical height and is mainly use for pressure situations such as running forward and tipping the opponent with the jab on block then frame trapping afterwards with a run up/walk up Crouch A into Aoi Hana.  Doesn't have too much use otherwise but something inside Iori's tool set.

*Far B
*Far B
: Quick shin kick.  This is one of the best grounded pokes in KOF in generalDue to the fast start up, quick recovery, range, and low hitting property, these factors make this Far B one of the best in the series.  It's simply difficult or almost impossible to try to counter poke or whiff punish and it forces opponents to want to hop or jump around it.  Due to the quick recovery though, Far B sets up the opponent to hop or jump and recovers quickly enough to stuff their air game with a chunky normal.  In KOF '98 it even meant getting hit for a meterless 50% or so from one of the best anti-air normals in the gameIn KOF '02 UM, this poke is still very effective and is the ground-to-ground poke that Daimon should want to abuse with.  It's even cancelable meaning it can combo into Tenchi Gaeshi within the command throw's range.  There are more applications that involve Daimon's cancelable Far B that'll be covered in other sections.
: Quick shin kick.  Iori's furthest range light attack that is typically used from mid-close ranges after a small block string just to check and keep sure the opponent is still blockingIf Iori uses Close C from point blank, Far B generally should touch the opponent and keep he or she blocking.  After a Far B on block, the player may choose to trap with something like Far D to catch anyone trying to get out, with a slow projectile just in case the opponent tries to counter poke (be careful of opponents trying to roll at this moment as well as with the Far D), a hop in, or even a run up/walk up Crouch A or Close C and confirm the hit into a combo or continue pressureSo overall this move is just a small tool to ensure momentum at little repercussion.

*Far C
*Far C
:Double PalmThink of this as a stronger, longer recovery Far A that has slightly more horizontal range.  It has the tendency to whiff on crouching characters but is still a good button to press nonetheless for an anti-air against hop attacksJust be careful of whiffing and receiving a sweep or a punish for one's trouble.
: Large swipeIori's second furthest normal attack.  It's not as fast as nor as far reaching like Far D so it doesn't punish as many moves, but this move is cancelable and could combo into Yaotome or Aoi Hana for the knockdownIt also may be used as a frame trap of sorts from close up but it somewhat ends Iori's momentum and canceling into something like a projectile might be too risky due to Guard Cancel Rolls.  Most new players use this attack after Scum Gale and combo into a knockdown attack because it's easier than running up and trying to land a Close C.

*Far D
*Far D
: The foot.  One of Daimon's best anti-air attacks in general.  It has a spectacular angle and does good damage for the range it covers and for the amount risk involved pressing this buttonGenerally, running/standing characters will just walk into this move as well as those that just carelessly hop or jump forward.  well placed sweeps and smaller characters shrink underneath the range of this attack; so effectively Far D is also a higher risk Far AWhat's great is the sort of 45 degree angle it covers and the speed it covers it with moderately low recovery, making it a great button to press in conjunction with Far BMany new players get a lot of leeway just pressing Far B and Far D against other new players without much consequencesEven at higher levels of play, don't underestimate this move nor any of Daimon's other normal attacks.
: Sakura's Far Roundhouse.  It's a great kick that covers a decent amount of space, is hard to whiff punish, comes out moderately fast, and has many active framesBetter Iori players could punish rolls on reaction with a Close C or Crouch B, Crouch A into a combo; but if that's too difficult for the beginner, using Far D is a handy substitute that helps newer players adjust to punishing rolls on reaction thanks to the large amount of active framesThere are instances where there is the perfect timing and spacing when to roll to make Far D whiff and have the rolling player recover in time to whiff punish Far D, but it's largely advised against trying to do so most of the time.  There are some particular characters with certain attacks that help shrink their hurt box during their hop that could curve around Iori's leg and hit him outAlso better players can react to Far D and treat it like a fireball during footsies, bait it out, full jump over it, and punish it during the recovery or force Iori to blockWhile this move is great, it's mainly use for control ground and hop space and so it should be treated like a short ranged fireball.

'''Standing Blowback'''
'''Standing Blowback'''
: st.CD – Slow but strong palm strikeThis move starts up slow like other CD attacks but isn't quite that bad in terms of speedThis move is a safe pressure tool that takes a decent chunk off the opponent's guard gauge and pushes both players out to a safe distanceAntsy opponents also have the tendency to want to GCCD against this move since it's easy to react to and want to absolutely push Daimon awayDaimon can use this move as a bait and then cancel into other special moves that beat out GCCD.  More covered in other sections.
: st.CD – Shoulder tackleModerately slow, this attack is similar to other st.CD attacks.  The hit box for this attack actually ranges from Iori's feet up to near his head so he effectively becomes a wall of hit boxSo in practice, this move is best used in pressure and frame traps.  Usually after something like a Crouch A on block from near by or within st.CD's range is the optimal time to use this attackLike other st.CD attacks, it's cancelable on contact or on whiff, so a common follow up after st.CD is using Iori's projectile to continue the pressure and trappingJust be careful and don't always cancel into a projectile or the opponent can guard roll the obvious attack string and punish Iori with a big combo.

'''Crouching Normals'''
'''Crouching Normals'''
*Crouch(ing) A
*Crouch(ing) A
: cr.A – Small, crouching jab.  It's a standard, crouching light punch that one could find in most fighting games.  Low committal, doesn't hit low but is a pressure tool to a certain degree.  Unlike others of its class, this attack can't be chained into nor out of.  Overall it's still a decent pressure tool from up close that can combo into the faster command throws from either canceling into the command throws or even just by simply linking after Crouch A.  If it hits meaty while the opponent rises from knockdown, it can also link into Close C.
: cr.A – Small, crouching jab.  It's a standard, crouching light punch that one could find in most fighting games.  Low committal, doesn't hit low but is a pressure tool to a certain degree.  Unlike others of its class, this attack can't be chained into nor out of.  Overall it's still a decent pressure tool from up close that can even combo into Scum Gale if close enough.  For a Crouch A, this attack has pretty good horizontal range for its speed so many players like force a block with Far A, then run up slightly into Crouch A for the trap and combo into knockdown.  Many players also seem to trap with a Close B for a low after a Crouch A or frame trap with a Far B instead to keep up the pressureLikewise, after either a Close B or Far B, another favorite option is to trap with a Crouch A afterwards.

*Crouch(ing) B
*Crouch(ing) B
: cr.B – Crouching kick.  Slower than many other Crouch B attacks and can't even chain into anything else or even itselfIt has little practical use other than being a semi-fast low attack Daimon could do from point blank to interrupt Alternate Guard attempts, but even that is kinda slow to accomplish that at timesDaimon can link his faster command throws from a Crouch B on hit, for what it's worth.
: cr.B – Crouching kick.  A tad slower than many other Crouch B attacks but otherwise functions like othersThis is Iori's main low hitting attack for mix ups and for catching and tripping up bad jump-insThis attack is usually followed up by Crouch A, and there isn't much of any unique extent to this attack.

*Crouch(ing) C
*Crouch(ing) C
: cr.C – Janky-looking head buttAlthough it has poor range, this attack has the furthest range out of Daimon's crouching attacksStill, Crouch C has little purpose since it isn't that fast, can't cancel into anything else, and is out classed by Daimon's standing normals.
: cr.C – A slow, upward scratchThis move looks like it should be an anti-air attack but it's too slow to function like one unlike other games such as KOF XIII or CVS2.  So the main application for this attack is for frame traps although not use that often as oneThe other noteworthy aspect of this attack is that it is one of the only attacks that induces enough hit stun to combo into Iori's Max Desperation Move other than Scum Gale.

*Crouch(ing) D
*Crouch(ing) D
: cr.D – SweepIt's pretty short for a sweep but it comes out at a very good speed and has good amounts of push back on block.  This attack is more preferred to use over Crouch B in terms of frame trapping and breaking opponents' alternate guardsThis move is also pretty neat because it is also cancelable, so it's another move to use to bait out GCCD.
: cr.D – A fast, but largely unsafe sweepThis sweep is fast and could actually catch some characters trying to hop out and such.  The main issue is that the sweep is greatly punishable even to the point where the opponent could just block it from further ranges and get a free sweep or even a free full combo.  This means that using Crouch D isn't worth the reward as the risk is too highIf anything, the most time this move is used is as an anti-air since the player should know when Crouch D is guaranteed as an anti-air.  Otherwise just simply tossing out this move is the universal KOF sign of a scrub or someone that is choking and panicking.

'''Jumping Normals'''
'''Jumping Normals'''
*Jump(ing) A
*Jump(ing) A
: j.A – Jumping punch.  It's an infrequently used air-to-air attack.  Other than Jump CD, this is Daimon's only other air-to-air normal that reaches his upper torso areaAs a jump-in, there are much better alternatives.  Jump A should be used in situations where Daimon needs to air-to-air and Jump CD is too slow to come out.  A good Daimon should be able to keep a strong ground game anyways and anti-air from the ground instead of trying to contest the opponent in the air from difficult angles.
: j.A – Jumping punch.  It's an infrequently used air-to-air attack that has some downwards hit boxMost players use this as an early jump-in as opposed to Jump C in the cast that the opponent is very mobile and there is a chance that the opponent could become airborneSo this move, although weaker as a jump-in and as an air-to-air compared to the other jumping normals, is used as a situational in between covering multiple situations without much specialization.  More experienced players note that many lazy players like to use this jump in as a tick for a Scum Gale tick throw and some players still have the really obvious tendency of doing itBe careful and don't throw Jump A out too early or it will be trip anti-aired like many other whiffed jump-ins.

*Jump(ing) B
*Jump(ing) B
: j.B – Downward knee attackAnother standard jumping knee attack.  It has a pretty good cross-up hit box that tags medium height crouching hit boxes such as KyoIt has a good amount of active frames so a player could easily do this early from a hop, have enough active frames to come down on a crouching opponent, then still be able to combo into a Crouch A, Close C, or Close DAlthough the active frames are pretty decent and has a moderately low, vertical hit box, Daimon has another jumping normal that functions better as a jumpinin.
: j.B – Very horizontal, needle-like kickIori's main air-to-air that has very little vertical coverageDue to the shape of this kick, it's a really straight forward air-to-air against most approaches.  If done low enough to the ground, it can hit medium height crouching characters and link into the A version of 127-Shiki Aoi HanaOtherwise, this move should be strictly used as an air-to-air as it could be easily punishable by trip anti-airs if Jump B is used inappropriately.

*Jump(ing) C
*Jump(ing) C
: j.C – Double elbowSomehow Daimon is able to pivot his body in mid-air in one direction to attack with both of his elbows and then pivot back in the opposite directionThis functions more like a normal jump-in compared to his other normals but isn't really that outstanding of a choice to use to jump-in.  Still it serves more particular purposes that still needs more research behind the science of the pivot.
: j.C – This is Iori's main jump-in since it has the best vertical, downward hit box amongst the other jumping attacksBeing Iori's best jump-in attack, to contrast the other attacks it also has a much smaller horizontal rangeSo this move should be more strictly used as a jump-in since it'll lose most of the time as an air-to-air.  This move is wide enough to cross up in very particular spacings and adds to Iori's mix up gameOne small trick some players like to do to puzzle cornered opponents after hard knockdown is to slightly walk backwards with Iori and then neutral hop at near the max range of Jump C.  It's a good way of keeping pressure at a range and slower players might even get hit by the Jump C, which links into a max range Crouch A that combos into a hard knockdown.

*Jump(ing) D
*Jump(ing) D
: j.D – Jumping Kick.  One of the more terrifying jumping normals in KOF in general.  It's pretty quick and covers both a decent horizontal range and downward vertical range.  As a heavy normal it takes off a chunk really well.  What's also scary about this attack is that it can instant overhead medium height crouching characters, and as a jump-in it induces enough block stun for Daimon to run in close and try to command throw or trap with sweeps to break an alternate guardOther than Daimon being a difficult wall to get past by, Jump D also makes Daimon into a living Judo, Kuzushi BlenderWith it's more downward angle however, one could try to preempt this move by trying to air-to-air it from the blank spots towards the upper sides of Daimon, but a bad read would result in a damaging anti-air by Daimon.
: j.D – This kick is somewhat similar to Jump B but has a better downward hit box to function as a jump-in but seems to have less active frames as Far B as well as less upward, horizontal coverageIn comparison to Jump C as jump-in, it still pales in comparison so this move should primarily be used as an air-to-air and used as a jump in from near the max range as jump-in from an angle that's difficult to anti-air.  Many lazy players approach by hyper hopping forward and just tossing Jump D out without really paying attention if it was delayed enough to hit crouching charactersAs a result, these lazy players are also trip anti-aired and punished badlyOtherwise if used properly, Jump D is a very versatile move that does chunkier damage than Jump B as an air-to-air at the cost of consistent spacial coverage.

*Jump(ing) Blowback
*Jump(ing) Blowback
: j.CD – Aerial palm strikeDaimon's main air-to-air although it can function as an air-to-ground to induce large amounts of block stun to allow Daimon to get closeThis Jump CD is special in that it actually causes hard knockdown upon hit unlike other Jump CD attacksUpon counter hit, it will cause counterwire that allows Daimon to either do another j.CD to get hard knockdown or combo into Kumo Tsukami Nage or a hit reset by a normal.
: j.CD – Iori jumps at you with all of his Chuunibyou mightThis weird slashing attack works mostly as an air-to-air but due to the combination of the speed, range, and change in hurt box this move functions as an air-to-ground attack that has the tendency of beating out certain anti-air attacks if timed rightFor example a semi-early j.CD may beat out Kyo's Aragami in which most situations Iori would lose no matter what he presses in the airOther than that, this move is good because of the amount of block stun it induces as a CD attack and is used for keeping up the pressure and momentum for Iori.

==Normal Throws==
==Normal Throws==
*Juuji Shime - (throw) '''f./b. + C'''
*Juuji Shime - (throw) '''f./b. + C'''
: Daimon tries to choke the opponent by using the opponent's invisible Judo gi lapelEvery character in the game wears an invisible Judo gi just so Daimon could choke them to the point blood spills out.  This is a hard knockdown throw that leaves the opponent facing forward.
: A standard throw in which the opponent could tech roll upon touch down.  Mainly used during a normal throw option select, meaning after an empty hop and the opponent wants to jump out after a "suspected" Scum Gale and is tagged by the whiffed throw's Close C attackIf the opponent didn't happen to jump out, then Iori simply throws the opponent; and once the opponent just only thinks of teching normal throws, Iori can punish tech attempts using his command throw.

*Okuri Kyaku Harai - (throw) '''f./b. + D'''
*Okuri Kyaku Harai - (throw) '''f./b. + D'''
: Daimon does a simple Judo leg sweep and forces the kuzushi and trip rather than normally trying to unbalance the opponent.  The opponent is left back turned but could recovery roll and correct positions on wake up.
: Like the previous throw, it's a standard throw in which the opponent could tech rollThis means none of Iori's normal throws cause any hard knockdown or weird state effects upon wake up.  Another throw to be used during a normal throw option select.

==Command Normals==
==Command Normals==
*Zujo Barai – '''df. + C'''
*Ge Shiki Yumebiki – '''f + A > A''' [4% (1st hit only) / 14% (2 hits)]
: A very infamous anti-airIt used to be stronger in other games by being cancelable but this move still functions as one of the fastest and most consistent, vertical anti-air attacks in the game.  It's recovers moderately quickly so it's a bit more difficult for a newer player to punish on whiffStill, this attack is susceptible to further ranged sweeps so be cautious with it.  The rule of thumb is that is the opponent jumped or hopped and is in range of Zujo Barai, the opponent will cleanly close to this attack, no matter what they may try to do.
: A series of command normals mainly used for combo fillerThe first hit of Yumebiki, unlike of other versions of this move, doesn't cancel into special moves outside of Max mode.  It's only super cancelable, so it's mainly used in Yaotome combos.  The second hit, though, does function as it usually does and does combo into special moves and Desperation Moves.  The second part of Yumebiki only combos from up close so either has to use a single light normal and go directly into the Yumebiki series or just use it raw from up close (although there are better alternatives to the latter.)  Most players just do Close B and combo into both this of Yume Biki then go into Aoi Hana.
*Ge Shiki Goufu In "Shinigami" – '''f + B''' [6% (Standalone.)]
: The very infamously slow and unsafe overhead.  Other than being insanely bad as anything, the best application of this attack is to be used as a frame trap against players than want to jump out after Iori does a Close C on blockIf Iori cancels Close C into Shinigami, the opponents will usually just jump into the Shinigami and get tagged by it.  It's a really situational and rare purpose and occasion so this move is almost never used.  If anything this move is here to mess people up and ask for more executional dexterity from the player.
*Ge Shiki Yuri Ori – '''air b + B'''
: Iori's, in a literal sense, "folding lily."  This jump-in doesn't have overhead properties just like j.CD attacks.  It functions as a pretty fast cross-up for a left/right mix up but whiffs on most of the crouching cast so it has limited properties as a cross up in this gameYuri Ori only connects on medium height crouching characters and larger but most of the high tier, top tier, and popular characters crouch underneath the attack rendering it not as useful as it is in other games where some of the larger characters are more often used, such as KOF '98 and KOF '98 UM.  Regardless, this is most players' favorite move to try to lazily cross someone up and still has its applications.  Otherwise, the most effective use of this move is extending Iori's back dash speed and distance while mitigating any recovery.  This move can almost triple Iori's back dash range while doubling the speed.  Simply just back dash, continue to whole back, and press B to cancel Iori's back dash into Yuri Ori.

==Special Moves==
==Special Moves==
*100-Shiki Oniyaki
:* '''dp + P'''
:* '''dp + P''' [A: 8%] [C: 13% (3 hits) / 12% (2 hits)]
:* The pound that was heard around the world.  It's a strange attack as hits standing opponents, opponents in the middle of a standing attack, walking/running opponents, rolling opponents, and in other situationsTo avoid being hit by this move, the opponent has to remain in a crouching state by just simply crouching, doing a crouching attack, or be airborne during the time of the poundDue to a strange glitch, there are instances where the pound even becomes a guaranteed unblockable even as the opponent recovery rolls.  Although there are very minute and specific unblockable set ups from Tenchi Gaeshi, the most amount of times one would see it consecutively is during Daimon's Max mode combo where he combos multiple unblockable pounds in a single combo.  The pound is done by doing dp+A and the pound feint is done by doing dp+C.
:* A standard "dragon punch"-like attack.  The A version starts up faster but lacks invulnerability while the C Version is almost negligibly slower but has more invulnerability compared to most "dragon punches" in the gameThis attack is super cancelable and is mostly used during Max mode combos.  The main issue is that this moves a lot horizontally before Iori starts rising upwards so there is a blank spot, especially when Iori is cornered, where the opponent can pass over Iori's OniyakiIn that case, Close C would work better as an anti-air in those situations since it has directly vertical coverage and is fast to tag most opponents anyways due to its 2-3 frame start upSo Close C, Oniyaki, and Iori's many air-to-airs and anti-airs all have to work in conjunction to support each other.
*Chou Ukemi
:* '''qcb + K'''
:* A command roll that differs from just the normal roll.  This roll will not pass through an opponent, making sure Daimon doesn't pass to the other side and ensures that Daimon is point blank.  After the initial start up of the Chou Ukemi, Daimon can cancel the remaining animation into any other special move or Desperation Moves/MDM/Max 2.  Like normal rolls though, there is a recovery period that Daimon could be punished for a full combo so don't use this too much.  Don't use this too much as a means of moving forward from canceling from a normal move since a smarter player will just react to the roll and alternate guard from the blocked normal, making Daimon's command throws miss and be punished.  Another way of using this move is as a punish against obvious GCCD attempts.  Since GCCDs will whiff against a Chou Ukemi, Daimon can use this period to punish the whiffed GCCD with something chunky like a command throw.  Although this is one way to beat and punish GCCDs, it isn't the safest way and has more risk for the higher rewardThe safer way of countering GCCD is using the Nekko Gaeshi as explained later.
*Kumo Tsukami Nage
:* '''hcf + A'''
:* An anti-air throw that works some of the time.  Using this tool as an anti-air is advised against due to the fact that is has a long amount of recovery and is very susceptible to punishes.  This move comes out moderately fast but no where near as fast as his other anti-air normals and not as safely eitherMost players do this move as an anti-air when they're feeling themselves and could simply read an opponent's options.  Otherwise, this move is mainly used to combo from an anti-air Zujo Barai that has be Attack Roll Canceled out of.  Note that the latter would only combo if the opponent is near the apex of the pop up from Zujo Barai and any later would result in a whiffed Kumo Tsukami Nage.
*Kirikabu Gaeshi
:* '''hcf + C'''
:* This is a grab that actually isn't a grab at all.  It could be blocked and would fit in more along the lines of hit-throw types of attacks.  This combos from heavy normals although it tosses the opponent behind Daimon, for better or worse depending on the screen position.  This hit-throw also functions as an OTG attack and could pick the opponents off the floor from hard knockdowns or when the opponent just simply doesn't recovery roll.  So, Daimon could combo this from a successful Jump CD or even from a sweep that the opponent didn't recovery roll from.  Another application of this move is that of a semi-delayed frame.  This works from playing footsies with Far B and then canceling one of the Far B attacks into Kirikabu Gaeshi when the player knows the opponent is being too antsy and is trying to mash buttons between Far B pokes.  Otherwise, try not to use this move from up close too much since the recovery is considerable on block and could be punished.
*Tenchi Gaeshi
*108-Shiki Yami Barai
:* '''hcb, f. + P'''
:* '''qcf + P''' [10%]
:* A standard, fast, long ranged command throwThis is the main command throw to use in combos, to punish unsafe moves that would other wise be difficult to punish, and to use during the neutral game/footsies at the optimal range while catching opponents off guardNot much to say about this move other than the usual, such as Tenchi Gaeshi being unsafe upon whiff and the likeWhat is important to note that depending on match up and the particular set up, Daimon could set up and unblockable Jinraishin after a Tenchi GaeshiParticular set ups need to be further researched and recorded.
:* A standard grounded projectile.  Within the context of Iori's move list, this functions more like a sweep than Iori's real sweepAlthough it's hard to get in around a good Iori player, this projectile is really easy to punish if lazily used as most players can just hyper hop, super jump, or make it over the fireball and get a big combo on Iori.  So to clearly state it, Yami Barai has significant amounts of recoveryDue to the range and chip however, this move is really good at coaxing players to want to jump often thus enticing Iori to be more patient and anti-air appropriatelyWhen opponents want to stay grounded, then it's a good time to occasionally throw out a Yami Barai and pressure opponents to want to go airborneIt's good in block strings but if used too predictably it could be punished by a guard cancel roll used on the normal Yami Barai was canceled into.
*Chou Oosotogari
*127-Shiki Aoi Hana
:* '''dp + K'''
:* (up to 3 times) '''qcb + P''' [12% (Total.)]
:* A delayed command throw with considerable invulnerabilityIt is somewhat preferred on the opponent's wake up since the invulnerability to plow through most grounded reversals and still catch the opponent regardless of timingThere is natural throw invulnerability on wake up and timing a 1-2 frame command throw with little active frames to not over lap the throw invulnerability window and still catch the opponent is difficultSo that's why these slightly slower, delayed command throws existIn return, this command throw lacks the range that Daimon's other command throws have.  Although Chou Oosotogari has a good amount of invulnerability, it is not enough to beat out or phase through a GCCD.
:* Iori's rekka series that supposedly is a green or blue flowerIn addition to its good speed, it has pretty good vertical coverage against hops and generally good horizontal range to catch most things in generalThe A version is a bit safer than it usually is in other KOF games even if space correctly the last hit could even be hard to punish, even safe.  The general rule is that other than the first hit of the A version of Aoi Hana, Aoi Hana can and should punish Aoi Hana on blockThis move has the tendency to also punish other attacks that are generally difficult to punish thanks to its speed and range and since it's a special move, it's easier to use ASAP due to being a special move thus enabling reversal window buffer timingsGenerally though, the last hit of this move is not only overhead but largely unsafe on block in most situations and it should be avoided unless it's guaranteed to hit.
* Nekko Gaeshi
*212-Shiki Koto Tsuki In
:* '''qcf + K'''
:* '''hcb + K''' [18%]
:* A counter move that catches pretty much most grounded attacks except for low hitting movesThe main way that players use this move is by canceling many different normals into it since the recovery isn't that bad and leaves Daimon relatively safe.  The reason why Daimon players cancel into this move is to punish any unwarranted GCCD attacks.  So an opponent that can't take the Daimon Buttons anymore and wants to GCCD against a Far B, a Close C, a sweep, or a Stand CD will not only just eat a counter and some damage, but also wastes a whole stock while doing it.  A good Daimon player should not overzealously use this counter but to use it sparingly when the opponent becomes impatient and doesn't expect it.
:* A running attack that is faster than Iori's normal run but is really unsafe on block.  It does more damage than all of the 3 hits of Aoi Hana combined in a single combo, so Koto Tsuki In is the best finisher for a meterless combo because of the longer period of hard knockdown and for the larger damageOutside of combos, it's mainly used while whiffing after a successful Yaotome to quickly close in the distance.  The odd thing about this move is that it doesn't have an hurt box what so ever during active frames so it can be used as a meaty to beat out any, if not, all reversals; but since this move is really obvious and really unsafe on block anyways, it is highly recommended against using this attack as a meaty.
* Ura Nage
*Scum Gale
:* '''hcb, f. + K'''
:* '''hcb f + P'''
:* Daimon's long forgotten throw because it isn't really that goodCompared to other running throw attacks in this game that immediately throws upon frontal contact, this throw only activates and catches the opponent once Daimon has completely run around the opponentBecause of this, this move has very little application, usage, and purpose since it loses out way too often for what it's worthAlmost a completely worthless moveWhat is something to note is that if you do this attack while pressing all four attack buttons (ABCD) instead of simply a kick button, Daimon will run only half the distance that he would normally run, which is about full screen.  The best time to use this move is just for the kill and the player knows that Ura Nage is guaranteed, just to rub it in.
:* Also called "winds of waste" depending on the translation.  It's a delayed command throw with some start up invulnerability but runs out before the active frames of the command throw.  If a player mashes light attacks hard enough or tries to reversal/meaty with a 2-hit normal attack, one could actually stuff out Scum Gale cleanly with minimal riskAlthough it's a delayed command throw, it can combo from a light attack from up close for whatever reason the player may haveAfter the command throw, the player has enough time to combo afterwardsThe easiest option is to directly combo into Aoi Hana or Yaotome.  The next easiest option is combo a Far C into Aoi Hana or Yaotome.  The next best options is running up and hitting with Close C into Koto Tsuki In or a BC combo to maximize damage.  This command throw ties in largely with Iori's mix up game and normal throw option select mix ups.  It also ties in with tick throw mix ups and anti-alternate guard set ups into knockdown.

==Desperation Moves==
==Desperation Moves==
* Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
* Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome
:* '''hcb hcb + P'''
:* '''qcf hcb + P''' [22%]
:* The standard command throw super with good range, speed, and damageAs with others of its kind, it has a slow recovery and recovers about as fast as a whiffed Tenchi Gaeshi.  It comes from the same instances as Tenchi Gaeshi does and effectively just makes it a stronger version of Tenchi GaeshiNot much to write about this one because it is simple and straight forward.
:* An auto-combo super that occurs after Iori closes in with a dash.  On block, Yaotome doesn't start the auto-combo and is largely unsafe on block.  Unlike other games, it doesn't low profile under airborne projectiles nor is it invulnerable.  So mainly this Desperation Move should be used in combos.  The A version travels faster than the C version due to the initial acceleration, but the C version travels further than the A versionBy comparison, the A version travels about 3/4ths the distance of the screen while the C version generally covers the full screen distance.  Either way, both are unsafe on block and whiff.
* Ura 316-Shiki Saika
:* (at the end of Yaotome) '''qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC''' [30% (Total.)]
:* This adds extra damage to Yaotome and causes hard knockdown.  The player could buffer as many "qcf" inputs during Yaotome in order to get this super to come out as long as the punch buttons are pressed at the right time and the last motion ends on the "f." of the "qcf." It's encouraged to try to do this attack at the earliest time possible because at mid-screen as Saika could activate beyond its actual reach.  This means the last hit that actually does any damage would whiff and Iori would waste a whole stockThe window to activate this attack is just right after the explosion from Yaotome.  Against the cornered opponent, the timing isn't as strict to land the last hit since the opponent is cornered anyways.
* Nekko Nuki
* Ura 311-Shiki Oritsume Kushi
:* '''hcf hcf + K'''
:* '''qcf qcf + K''' [25%]
:* A delayed, catch-throw move that will throw the opponent as long as the opponent is grounded in front of DaimonDaimon would armor through and take the hits and damage from the opponent, but will throw as long as the opponent lands in front.  For a Desperation Move this move has great, fast recovery.  It's fast enough to punish someone that reacts to Nekko Nuki and neutrally full jumps with an anti-air, even Kumo Tsukami Nage.  This is just the first of a three part Desperation Move that requires additional inputs.  The player could simply end after the first part of Nekko Nuki and follow up the hard knockdown with a normal Kirikabu Gaeshi, but there is very little reason to that since there are better damage options by continuing the series.
:* A jumping strike move that also hits on the way down as an overheadIt doesn't have much, if not, any invulnerability at all so it's not that useful of a super and it's largely unsafeThis is mainly used to end a Max mode combo and does pretty chunky damage for it.  It could be used as an anti-air as long as the opponent doesn't press any buttons in the air.
* Zoku Kirikabu Gaeshi
:* (during Nekko Nuki) '''hcf + K'''
:* The follow up to Nekko Nuki.  Although it does a super flash, it doesn't not require any more stocks to use to feel free to use it after a successful Nekko NukiAfter the Zoku Kirikabu Gaeshi, the player could choose to finish with a normal Kirikabu Gaeshi or go with the third part of the Desperation Move and end with Bukko Nuki Uranage.  Both finishers of the combo do about the same damage, so it's up to the player what to finish it with.
*Bukko Nuki Uranage
:* (during Zoku Kirikabu Gaeshi) '''dp + K'''
:* The finisher of the three part Desperation MoveNot much to say about it other than it uses a similar animation as the Ura Nage except it causes a small explosion.

==Max Desperation Moves==
==Max Desperation Moves==
* Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
* Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome
:* '''hcb hcb + P'''
:* '''qcf hcb + AC''' [35%]
:* A more damaging version of the normal Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi with more Bam Bam slams and a Jiraishin at the endOn its own, it does about 45% damage towards the opponent's full life bar.
:* A more damaging and Evangelion version of YaotomeIt's slower but has a bit of start up invulnerabilityThis move can only combo from Crouch C, Scum Gale, and a super canceled Oniyaki (C Version.) Other than for style or for finishing the opponent, it doesn't have much practicality like the normal Yaotome and is a bit too slow to catch most jump-ins as a reversal.
* Nekko Nuki
:* '''hcf hcf + KK'''
:* Max Desperation Move version of Nekko Nuki.  It has the same properties.  The reason to use the MDM version of this series is for the ender.
* Zoku Kirikabu Gaeshi
:* (during Nekko Nuki) '''hcf + K'''
:* Same as the Desperation Move version of the attackBe sure to use the Zuko Tenchi Gaeshi finisher and not another Kirikabu Gaeshi.
*Zoku Tenchi Gaeshi
:* (during Zoku Kirikabu Gaeshi) '''dp + K'''
:* The finisher of the three part Desperation Move that does way more damage than any other ender to this series.  The first two parts do an estimated 20% damage to the opponent's complete life bar.  Just doing the Zoku Tenchi Gaeshi takes away 50% of the opponent's total life bar, making the MDM Version of the Nekko Nuki series do a whopping 70% damage to the full life bar.  A really great way to make someone feel like trash.

==Max 2==
==Max 2==
* Hourinkazan
* Ura 1219-Shiki Honoo Hotogi
:* '''hcb hcb + KK'''
:* '''qcb hcf + PP''' [34%]
:* A faster version of Jinraishin.  Upon success, it leads into a full damaging combo that ends with a small eruption from the ground, as implied with the Max 2's name "Kazan."  So this move is just a fast Jiraishin that would take away about 45% of the opponent's entire health bar away from anywhere on screenThis move is a good surprise way to end rounds if the opponent isn't thinking about it and tries to throw a high recovery move across the screen such as a projectile or something of the sort.
:* Without a super flash, Iori jumps forward and grabs the opponent as soon as he lands on the ground.  This Max 2 is a command throw and doesn't have too much use as most players could react to and hop out during Iori's unusual jump arcIt catches unwary players off guard but shouldn't be used often during the neutral game.  It could be used as a full screen punish against something that recovers slowly but there should be better options unless Iori can't just run up and punish in time.

* cl.C > [9%]
** '''hcb + K (Very close.) [27%]'''
** '''qcb + P x 3 [21%]'''
** qcf + P [19%]
** dp + A [18%]
** dp + C (Very close.) [22%]
** dp + C (2) >>> (Very close.)
*** DM qcf hcb + P [42%] {2 stock}
**** DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [51%] {+1 stock}
*** SDM qcf hcb + AC [56%] {4 stocks}
*** DM qcf qcf + B (Very close & corner.) [44%] {2 stocks}
** DM qcf hcb + P [31%] {1 stock}
*** DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [39%] {+1 stock}
** SDM qcf hcb + AC [44%] {3 stocks}
** DM qcf qcf + B (Very close & corner.) [34%] {1 stocks}
** f + A > [13%]
*** '''DM qcf hcb + P [34%] {1 stock}'''
**** '''DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [42%] {+1 stock}'''
May start with cr.C, that is slower but deals ~+1% damage and is easier to cancel.
* cl.B > f + A > A > [18%]
** '''qcb + C x 3 [29%]'''
** '''DM qcf hcb + P [39%] {1 stock}'''
*** '''DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [48%] {+1 stock}'''
* st.C > [10%]
** '''qcb + C x 3'''
** qcf + C (Close & corner.)
** '''DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}
*** '''DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}'''
* cr.B, cr.A > [8%]
** '''qcb + A x 3'''
** DM qcf hcb + P (Very close.) {1 stock}
*** DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}
** f + A
*** '''DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}'''
**** '''DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}'''
* cr.A > hcb f + P, (Point blank.)
** cr.A > hcb f + P, ... (If throw to the corner.)
** cl.C/cr.C ... (If throw to the corner)
** run, cl.C ... (Timming required.)
** st.C / f + A ... (Timming required, but easier than above.)
** qcb + C x 3
** DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}
*** DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}
** SDM qcf hcb + AC {3 stocks}
* cl.C/D xx hcb,f.+P/hcbhcb+P
:* Basic combo to punish the opponent.
* cl.C > hcb + K
* cl.C/D xx qcb+K xx dp+K/hcb,f.+P/hcbhcb+P
Basic combo to punish the opponent and does the better meterless damage than Aoi Hana rekkas.
:* An alternative and maybe more slightly difficult way comboing the opponent.
* cr.A/B > hcb,f.+P/hcbhcb+P
:* A reminder that the faster command throws link from light attacks.
* cr.B, cr.A > qcb+A x 3
* (deep, anti-air) df.C > ARC (Attack Roll Cancel) > hcf+A
The most consistent meterless combo from low, crouching hits. cr.A could be substituted with cl.B or cl.A if close enough.
:* A way to extend the damage from an anti-air Zujo Barai at the cost of one stock.
* cl.A, cl.A xx hcb,f.+P/hcbhcb+P
:* One of Daimon's only hit confirms in the game, but the cl.A's whiff on low height crouching characters and greatly limiting this combo's relevancy.
* (cr.B, cr.A) / cl.C > f + A > qcf hcb + P > qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC
* (meaty) cr.A, cl.C xx whatever
Standard way to combo into Yaotome in addition to its finisher.
:* Reminder that cr.A can link into cl.C as long cr.A is meaty.
* cl.C >> BC, run, cl.C > hcb + K >> dp + C (2) >> hcb + K >> qcb + C x 2 > dp + C (2) >> qcf qcf + B
The most common BC activation combo that takes away about 50% of the opponent's total health bar at the cost of the player's 2 stocks.  2 of these combos should kill or be close to it.
* cl.B, cl.C > hcb + K / (qcb + P x 3)
Reminder that cl.B can link into cl.C
* st.C > (qcb + C x 3) / qcf hcb + P
Could be used after hcb f+P if running up and doing cl.C after the command throw is too hard for newer players.

=The Basics=
=The Basics=
Throw them.
Hoo hah

=Advanced Strategy=
=Advanced Strategy=
Press Far B and Far D a lot.
Hoo, Hoo, Hoo Hah, Hoo, Hoo Hah, Hoo Hah Ho

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Latest revision as of 14:37, 14 November 2020


The daughter of the owner of the Yagami group, one of the associates of the 765 Production President. Although she is quite polite and refined on stage and in public, when with the Producer and other girls she has a very sharp tongue and is quick to berate other people's intelligence (especially the Producer's).

As a result of having two older brothers, Iori has grown up with a deep complex of hating to lose, and thus rarely shows any weaknesses. Iori hates being overshadowed by her father and brother. She does, however, have a much softer side that she shows from time to time, making her personality that of a perfect tsundéré character. The stuffed rabbit that she carries around with her constantly is named "Usa-chan", which has been with her since she was little, especially because she is frequently left alone in the house.

Iori is shown to be close to Yayoi, she once invited her to sleep over at her house. Iori once said that Yayoi's house is as big as her (Iori)'s dog's house.

Move list

At a glance:

Normal Throws
Sakahagi (throw) f./b. + C
Saka Sakahagi (throw) f./b. + D
Command Moves
Ge Shiki Yumebiki f. + A, A
Ge Shiki Goufu In "Shinigami" f. + B
Ge Shiki Yuri Ori (air) b. + B
Special Moves
100-Shiki Oniyaki dp + P
108-Shiki Yami Barai qcf + P
127-Shiki Aoi Hana (up to 3 times) qcb + P
212-Shiki Koto Tsuki In hcb + K
Scum Gale (throw) hcb, f. + P
Desperation Moves
Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome qcf hcb + P
┗ Ura 316-Shiki Saika (at the end of Yaotome) qcf x4 + PP
Ura 311-Shiki Oritsume Kushi qcf x2 + K
Max Desperation Moves
Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome qcf hcb + PP
Max 2
Ura 1219-Shiki Honoo Hotogi qcb hcf + PP
Image Songs Personal Songs
"Here we go!!" "Here we go!!"
"Futari no Kioku" "Futari no Kioku"
"Rizora" "Watashi wa Idol♥" (Shared with Haruka)
"DIAMOND" "Moon of Crazy Flame"
"Monochrome" "The Sun & The Moon" (Duet with Kyo)
"Allegory of the Wind" "Never Lose My Way"

Normal Moves

Close Standing Normals

  • Close A
cl.A – Quick jab from the side. It's one way of establishing pressure from close up without much committal. If Iori meaties with this on the opponent's wake up, it can link into Close C.

  • Close B
cl.B – Weird looking foot slide. Iori kicks by sliding his foot strangely. What's neat is that it chains from Crouch B and a double hit low chain helps break Alternate Guards, discouraging the opponent from trying it too often. Upon hit from point blank, Iori could link a Close C with a 2 frame window to do so. Iori can also combo into Scum Gale from Close as long as he's point blank as well.

  • Close C
cl.C – Fast uppercut. A very fast uppercut that combos into many other attacks. It functions well as a normal throw option select since many opponents do not want to receive a Scum Gale into a devastating combo so they opt to jump, hop, or back dash out. Thanks to Iori's great Close C, the player could do something like an empty hop into normal throw to snag a character on the way out. It has great vertical range that is pretty hard to contest and is safe on block.

  • Close D:
cl.D – Rising kick. Iori brings up his leg high and covers a similar range as his Close C. What makes this different form Close C is that it isn't cancelable and is a bit slower, but has a slightly larger activation range and could catch jumping opponents from minute ranges where Close C won't come out. It's pretty much a more limited Close C that comes out a bit further away from Iori than Close C.

Far Standing Normals

  • Far A
Small jab. It doesn't have much vertical height and is mainly use for pressure situations such as running forward and tipping the opponent with the jab on block then frame trapping afterwards with a run up/walk up Crouch A into Aoi Hana. Doesn't have too much use otherwise but something inside Iori's tool set.

  • Far B
Quick shin kick. Iori's furthest range light attack that is typically used from mid-close ranges after a small block string just to check and keep sure the opponent is still blocking. If Iori uses Close C from point blank, Far B generally should touch the opponent and keep he or she blocking. After a Far B on block, the player may choose to trap with something like Far D to catch anyone trying to get out, with a slow projectile just in case the opponent tries to counter poke (be careful of opponents trying to roll at this moment as well as with the Far D), a hop in, or even a run up/walk up Crouch A or Close C and confirm the hit into a combo or continue pressure. So overall this move is just a small tool to ensure momentum at little repercussion.

  • Far C
Large swipe. Iori's second furthest normal attack. It's not as fast as nor as far reaching like Far D so it doesn't punish as many moves, but this move is cancelable and could combo into Yaotome or Aoi Hana for the knockdown. It also may be used as a frame trap of sorts from close up but it somewhat ends Iori's momentum and canceling into something like a projectile might be too risky due to Guard Cancel Rolls. Most new players use this attack after Scum Gale and combo into a knockdown attack because it's easier than running up and trying to land a Close C.

  • Far D
Sakura's Far Roundhouse. It's a great kick that covers a decent amount of space, is hard to whiff punish, comes out moderately fast, and has many active frames. Better Iori players could punish rolls on reaction with a Close C or Crouch B, Crouch A into a combo; but if that's too difficult for the beginner, using Far D is a handy substitute that helps newer players adjust to punishing rolls on reaction thanks to the large amount of active frames. There are instances where there is the perfect timing and spacing when to roll to make Far D whiff and have the rolling player recover in time to whiff punish Far D, but it's largely advised against trying to do so most of the time. There are some particular characters with certain attacks that help shrink their hurt box during their hop that could curve around Iori's leg and hit him out. Also better players can react to Far D and treat it like a fireball during footsies, bait it out, full jump over it, and punish it during the recovery or force Iori to block. While this move is great, it's mainly use for control ground and hop space and so it should be treated like a short ranged fireball.

Standing Blowback

st.CD – Shoulder tackle. Moderately slow, this attack is similar to other st.CD attacks. The hit box for this attack actually ranges from Iori's feet up to near his head so he effectively becomes a wall of hit box. So in practice, this move is best used in pressure and frame traps. Usually after something like a Crouch A on block from near by or within st.CD's range is the optimal time to use this attack. Like other st.CD attacks, it's cancelable on contact or on whiff, so a common follow up after st.CD is using Iori's projectile to continue the pressure and trapping. Just be careful and don't always cancel into a projectile or the opponent can guard roll the obvious attack string and punish Iori with a big combo.

Crouching Normals

  • Crouch(ing) A
cr.A – Small, crouching jab. It's a standard, crouching light punch that one could find in most fighting games. Low committal, doesn't hit low but is a pressure tool to a certain degree. Unlike others of its class, this attack can't be chained into nor out of. Overall it's still a decent pressure tool from up close that can even combo into Scum Gale if close enough. For a Crouch A, this attack has pretty good horizontal range for its speed so many players like force a block with Far A, then run up slightly into Crouch A for the trap and combo into knockdown. Many players also seem to trap with a Close B for a low after a Crouch A or frame trap with a Far B instead to keep up the pressure. Likewise, after either a Close B or Far B, another favorite option is to trap with a Crouch A afterwards.

  • Crouch(ing) B
cr.B – Crouching kick. A tad slower than many other Crouch B attacks but otherwise functions like others. This is Iori's main low hitting attack for mix ups and for catching and tripping up bad jump-ins. This attack is usually followed up by Crouch A, and there isn't much of any unique extent to this attack.

  • Crouch(ing) C
cr.C – A slow, upward scratch. This move looks like it should be an anti-air attack but it's too slow to function like one unlike other games such as KOF XIII or CVS2. So the main application for this attack is for frame traps although not use that often as one. The other noteworthy aspect of this attack is that it is one of the only attacks that induces enough hit stun to combo into Iori's Max Desperation Move other than Scum Gale.

  • Crouch(ing) D
cr.D – A fast, but largely unsafe sweep. This sweep is fast and could actually catch some characters trying to hop out and such. The main issue is that the sweep is greatly punishable even to the point where the opponent could just block it from further ranges and get a free sweep or even a free full combo. This means that using Crouch D isn't worth the reward as the risk is too high. If anything, the most time this move is used is as an anti-air since the player should know when Crouch D is guaranteed as an anti-air. Otherwise just simply tossing out this move is the universal KOF sign of a scrub or someone that is choking and panicking.

Jumping Normals

  • Jump(ing) A
j.A – Jumping punch. It's an infrequently used air-to-air attack that has some downwards hit box. Most players use this as an early jump-in as opposed to Jump C in the cast that the opponent is very mobile and there is a chance that the opponent could become airborne. So this move, although weaker as a jump-in and as an air-to-air compared to the other jumping normals, is used as a situational in between covering multiple situations without much specialization. More experienced players note that many lazy players like to use this jump in as a tick for a Scum Gale tick throw and some players still have the really obvious tendency of doing it. Be careful and don't throw Jump A out too early or it will be trip anti-aired like many other whiffed jump-ins.

  • Jump(ing) B
j.B – Very horizontal, needle-like kick. Iori's main air-to-air that has very little vertical coverage. Due to the shape of this kick, it's a really straight forward air-to-air against most approaches. If done low enough to the ground, it can hit medium height crouching characters and link into the A version of 127-Shiki Aoi Hana. Otherwise, this move should be strictly used as an air-to-air as it could be easily punishable by trip anti-airs if Jump B is used inappropriately.

  • Jump(ing) C
j.C – This is Iori's main jump-in since it has the best vertical, downward hit box amongst the other jumping attacks. Being Iori's best jump-in attack, to contrast the other attacks it also has a much smaller horizontal range. So this move should be more strictly used as a jump-in since it'll lose most of the time as an air-to-air. This move is wide enough to cross up in very particular spacings and adds to Iori's mix up game. One small trick some players like to do to puzzle cornered opponents after hard knockdown is to slightly walk backwards with Iori and then neutral hop at near the max range of Jump C. It's a good way of keeping pressure at a range and slower players might even get hit by the Jump C, which links into a max range Crouch A that combos into a hard knockdown.

  • Jump(ing) D
j.D – This kick is somewhat similar to Jump B but has a better downward hit box to function as a jump-in but seems to have less active frames as Far B as well as less upward, horizontal coverage. In comparison to Jump C as jump-in, it still pales in comparison so this move should primarily be used as an air-to-air and used as a jump in from near the max range as jump-in from an angle that's difficult to anti-air. Many lazy players approach by hyper hopping forward and just tossing Jump D out without really paying attention if it was delayed enough to hit crouching characters. As a result, these lazy players are also trip anti-aired and punished badly. Otherwise if used properly, Jump D is a very versatile move that does chunkier damage than Jump B as an air-to-air at the cost of consistent spacial coverage.

  • Jump(ing) Blowback
j.CD – Iori jumps at you with all of his Chuunibyou might. This weird slashing attack works mostly as an air-to-air but due to the combination of the speed, range, and change in hurt box this move functions as an air-to-ground attack that has the tendency of beating out certain anti-air attacks if timed right. For example a semi-early j.CD may beat out Kyo's Aragami in which most situations Iori would lose no matter what he presses in the air. Other than that, this move is good because of the amount of block stun it induces as a CD attack and is used for keeping up the pressure and momentum for Iori.

Normal Throws

  • Juuji Shime - (throw) f./b. + C
A standard throw in which the opponent could tech roll upon touch down. Mainly used during a normal throw option select, meaning after an empty hop and the opponent wants to jump out after a "suspected" Scum Gale and is tagged by the whiffed throw's Close C attack. If the opponent didn't happen to jump out, then Iori simply throws the opponent; and once the opponent just only thinks of teching normal throws, Iori can punish tech attempts using his command throw.

  • Okuri Kyaku Harai - (throw) f./b. + D
Like the previous throw, it's a standard throw in which the opponent could tech roll. This means none of Iori's normal throws cause any hard knockdown or weird state effects upon wake up. Another throw to be used during a normal throw option select.

Command Normals

  • Ge Shiki Yumebiki – f + A > A [4% (1st hit only) / 14% (2 hits)]
A series of command normals mainly used for combo filler. The first hit of Yumebiki, unlike of other versions of this move, doesn't cancel into special moves outside of Max mode. It's only super cancelable, so it's mainly used in Yaotome combos. The second hit, though, does function as it usually does and does combo into special moves and Desperation Moves. The second part of Yumebiki only combos from up close so either has to use a single light normal and go directly into the Yumebiki series or just use it raw from up close (although there are better alternatives to the latter.) Most players just do Close B and combo into both this of Yume Biki then go into Aoi Hana.

  • Ge Shiki Goufu In "Shinigami" – f + B [6% (Standalone.)]
The very infamously slow and unsafe overhead. Other than being insanely bad as anything, the best application of this attack is to be used as a frame trap against players than want to jump out after Iori does a Close C on block. If Iori cancels Close C into Shinigami, the opponents will usually just jump into the Shinigami and get tagged by it. It's a really situational and rare purpose and occasion so this move is almost never used. If anything this move is here to mess people up and ask for more executional dexterity from the player.

  • Ge Shiki Yuri Ori – air b + B
Iori's, in a literal sense, "folding lily." This jump-in doesn't have overhead properties just like j.CD attacks. It functions as a pretty fast cross-up for a left/right mix up but whiffs on most of the crouching cast so it has limited properties as a cross up in this game. Yuri Ori only connects on medium height crouching characters and larger but most of the high tier, top tier, and popular characters crouch underneath the attack rendering it not as useful as it is in other games where some of the larger characters are more often used, such as KOF '98 and KOF '98 UM. Regardless, this is most players' favorite move to try to lazily cross someone up and still has its applications. Otherwise, the most effective use of this move is extending Iori's back dash speed and distance while mitigating any recovery. This move can almost triple Iori's back dash range while doubling the speed. Simply just back dash, continue to whole back, and press B to cancel Iori's back dash into Yuri Ori.

Special Moves

  • 100-Shiki Oniyaki
  • dp + P [A: 8%] [C: 13% (3 hits) / 12% (2 hits)]
  • A standard "dragon punch"-like attack. The A version starts up faster but lacks invulnerability while the C Version is almost negligibly slower but has more invulnerability compared to most "dragon punches" in the game. This attack is super cancelable and is mostly used during Max mode combos. The main issue is that this moves a lot horizontally before Iori starts rising upwards so there is a blank spot, especially when Iori is cornered, where the opponent can pass over Iori's Oniyaki. In that case, Close C would work better as an anti-air in those situations since it has directly vertical coverage and is fast to tag most opponents anyways due to its 2-3 frame start up. So Close C, Oniyaki, and Iori's many air-to-airs and anti-airs all have to work in conjunction to support each other.

  • 108-Shiki Yami Barai
  • qcf + P [10%]
  • A standard grounded projectile. Within the context of Iori's move list, this functions more like a sweep than Iori's real sweep. Although it's hard to get in around a good Iori player, this projectile is really easy to punish if lazily used as most players can just hyper hop, super jump, or make it over the fireball and get a big combo on Iori. So to clearly state it, Yami Barai has significant amounts of recovery. Due to the range and chip however, this move is really good at coaxing players to want to jump often thus enticing Iori to be more patient and anti-air appropriately. When opponents want to stay grounded, then it's a good time to occasionally throw out a Yami Barai and pressure opponents to want to go airborne. It's good in block strings but if used too predictably it could be punished by a guard cancel roll used on the normal Yami Barai was canceled into.

  • 127-Shiki Aoi Hana
  • (up to 3 times) qcb + P [12% (Total.)]
  • Iori's rekka series that supposedly is a green or blue flower. In addition to its good speed, it has pretty good vertical coverage against hops and generally good horizontal range to catch most things in general. The A version is a bit safer than it usually is in other KOF games even if space correctly the last hit could even be hard to punish, even safe. The general rule is that other than the first hit of the A version of Aoi Hana, Aoi Hana can and should punish Aoi Hana on block. This move has the tendency to also punish other attacks that are generally difficult to punish thanks to its speed and range and since it's a special move, it's easier to use ASAP due to being a special move thus enabling reversal window buffer timings. Generally though, the last hit of this move is not only overhead but largely unsafe on block in most situations and it should be avoided unless it's guaranteed to hit.

  • 212-Shiki Koto Tsuki In
  • hcb + K [18%]
  • A running attack that is faster than Iori's normal run but is really unsafe on block. It does more damage than all of the 3 hits of Aoi Hana combined in a single combo, so Koto Tsuki In is the best finisher for a meterless combo because of the longer period of hard knockdown and for the larger damage. Outside of combos, it's mainly used while whiffing after a successful Yaotome to quickly close in the distance. The odd thing about this move is that it doesn't have an hurt box what so ever during active frames so it can be used as a meaty to beat out any, if not, all reversals; but since this move is really obvious and really unsafe on block anyways, it is highly recommended against using this attack as a meaty.

  • Scum Gale
  • hcb f + P
  • Also called "winds of waste" depending on the translation. It's a delayed command throw with some start up invulnerability but runs out before the active frames of the command throw. If a player mashes light attacks hard enough or tries to reversal/meaty with a 2-hit normal attack, one could actually stuff out Scum Gale cleanly with minimal risk. Although it's a delayed command throw, it can combo from a light attack from up close for whatever reason the player may have. After the command throw, the player has enough time to combo afterwards. The easiest option is to directly combo into Aoi Hana or Yaotome. The next easiest option is combo a Far C into Aoi Hana or Yaotome. The next best options is running up and hitting with Close C into Koto Tsuki In or a BC combo to maximize damage. This command throw ties in largely with Iori's mix up game and normal throw option select mix ups. It also ties in with tick throw mix ups and anti-alternate guard set ups into knockdown.

Desperation Moves

  • Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome
  • qcf hcb + P [22%]
  • An auto-combo super that occurs after Iori closes in with a dash. On block, Yaotome doesn't start the auto-combo and is largely unsafe on block. Unlike other games, it doesn't low profile under airborne projectiles nor is it invulnerable. So mainly this Desperation Move should be used in combos. The A version travels faster than the C version due to the initial acceleration, but the C version travels further than the A version. By comparison, the A version travels about 3/4ths the distance of the screen while the C version generally covers the full screen distance. Either way, both are unsafe on block and whiff.
  • Ura 316-Shiki Saika
  • (at the end of Yaotome) qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [30% (Total.)]
  • This adds extra damage to Yaotome and causes hard knockdown. The player could buffer as many "qcf" inputs during Yaotome in order to get this super to come out as long as the punch buttons are pressed at the right time and the last motion ends on the "f." of the "qcf." It's encouraged to try to do this attack at the earliest time possible because at mid-screen as Saika could activate beyond its actual reach. This means the last hit that actually does any damage would whiff and Iori would waste a whole stock. The window to activate this attack is just right after the explosion from Yaotome. Against the cornered opponent, the timing isn't as strict to land the last hit since the opponent is cornered anyways.

  • Ura 311-Shiki Oritsume Kushi
  • qcf qcf + K [25%]
  • A jumping strike move that also hits on the way down as an overhead. It doesn't have much, if not, any invulnerability at all so it's not that useful of a super and it's largely unsafe. This is mainly used to end a Max mode combo and does pretty chunky damage for it. It could be used as an anti-air as long as the opponent doesn't press any buttons in the air.

Max Desperation Moves

  • Kin 1211-Shiki Yaotome
  • qcf hcb + AC [35%]
  • A more damaging and Evangelion version of Yaotome. It's slower but has a bit of start up invulnerability. This move can only combo from Crouch C, Scum Gale, and a super canceled Oniyaki (C Version.) Other than for style or for finishing the opponent, it doesn't have much practicality like the normal Yaotome and is a bit too slow to catch most jump-ins as a reversal.

Max 2

  • Ura 1219-Shiki Honoo Hotogi
  • qcb hcf + PP [34%]
  • Without a super flash, Iori jumps forward and grabs the opponent as soon as he lands on the ground. This Max 2 is a command throw and doesn't have too much use as most players could react to and hop out during Iori's unusual jump arc. It catches unwary players off guard but shouldn't be used often during the neutral game. It could be used as a full screen punish against something that recovers slowly but there should be better options unless Iori can't just run up and punish in time.


  • cl.C > [9%]
    • hcb + K (Very close.) [27%]
    • qcb + P x 3 [21%]
    • qcf + P [19%]
    • dp + A [18%]
    • dp + C (Very close.) [22%]
    • dp + C (2) >>> (Very close.)
      • DM qcf hcb + P [42%] {2 stock}
        • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [51%] {+1 stock}
      • SDM qcf hcb + AC [56%] {4 stocks}
      • DM qcf qcf + B (Very close & corner.) [44%] {2 stocks}
    • DM qcf hcb + P [31%] {1 stock}
      • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [39%] {+1 stock}
    • SDM qcf hcb + AC [44%] {3 stocks}
    • DM qcf qcf + B (Very close & corner.) [34%] {1 stocks}
    • f + A > [13%]
      • DM qcf hcb + P [34%] {1 stock}
        • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [42%] {+1 stock}

May start with cr.C, that is slower but deals ~+1% damage and is easier to cancel.

  • cl.B > f + A > A > [18%]
    • qcb + C x 3 [29%]
    • DM qcf hcb + P [39%] {1 stock}
      • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC [48%] {+1 stock}

  • st.C > [10%]
    • qcb + C x 3
    • qcf + C (Close & corner.)
    • DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}
      • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}

  • cr.B, cr.A > [8%]
    • qcb + A x 3
    • DM qcf hcb + P (Very close.) {1 stock}
      • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}
    • f + A
      • DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}
        • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}

  • cr.A > hcb f + P, (Point blank.)
    • cr.A > hcb f + P, ... (If throw to the corner.)
    • cl.C/cr.C ... (If throw to the corner)
    • run, cl.C ... (Timming required.)
    • st.C / f + A ... (Timming required, but easier than above.)
    • qcb + C x 3
    • DM qcf hcb + P {1 stock}
      • DM qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC {+1 stock}
    • SDM qcf hcb + AC {3 stocks}


  • cl.C > hcb + K

Basic combo to punish the opponent and does the better meterless damage than Aoi Hana rekkas.

  • cr.B, cr.A > qcb+A x 3

The most consistent meterless combo from low, crouching hits. cr.A could be substituted with cl.B or cl.A if close enough.

  • (cr.B, cr.A) / cl.C > f + A > qcf hcb + P > qcf qcf qcf qcf + AC

Standard way to combo into Yaotome in addition to its finisher.

  • cl.C >> BC, run, cl.C > hcb + K >> dp + C (2) >> hcb + K >> qcb + C x 2 > dp + C (2) >> qcf qcf + B

The most common BC activation combo that takes away about 50% of the opponent's total health bar at the cost of the player's 2 stocks. 2 of these combos should kill or be close to it.

  • cl.B, cl.C > hcb + K / (qcb + P x 3)

Reminder that cl.B can link into cl.C

  • st.C > (qcb + C x 3) / qcf hcb + P

Could be used after hcb f+P if running up and doing cl.C after the command throw is too hard for newer players.

The Basics

Hoo hah

Advanced Strategy

Hoo, Hoo, Hoo Hah, Hoo, Hoo Hah, Hoo Hah Ho
