JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Rubber Soul/Movelist: Difference between revisions

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   |hit=+6 (+9)
   |hit=+6 (+9)
   |block/pushblock= +4(+7) / +1(+4)
   |block= +4(+7)
   |cancel=5A Crouch Cancel Special/Super
   |cancel=5A Crouch Cancel Special/Super
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Jab punch, decent range, misses the majority of crouching characters. Can follow up with another 5A or 2A. Can link into 5B with Crouch Cancel or late hit.
   |description=Solid Jab punch. Rubber's most damaging jab normal. Can be used as an Anti-air. Whiffs against most crouching opponents. Can be Crouch Cancelled to combo into 5B or 2A to minimize pushback.
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|caption=Also known as "The wall"
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   |block/pushblock= -18 / -26
   |block= -18
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Also known as "The wall", this move creates a massive square of pain right in front of Rubber Soul that lasts for a while. Excellent move for intercepting most midair attacks, needs to be canceled into a special to be safe, though. This move will become 5A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Great poke. Its disjoint and active frames make it perfect to intercept aerial and grounded approaches. Its vertical hitbox makes it Rubber best Anti-air move. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.
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   |block/pushblock= -8 / -25
   |block= -8
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Yellow Temperance forms a drill right in front of Rubber Soul, 2 hits, pretty good range. Not particularly useful and will mostly come out when you missed a grab. You can follow it up with a special if you like, just note that if both hits connect, the opponent will be usually pushed far away. The primary use of this move is to build meter at fullscreen by canceling it instantly into one of Rubber's specials. Some characters can duck under it. This move will become 5A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=You will most likely only see this move as a misinput for an attempted grab. It has decent horizontal range but no real utility outside meterbuilding and some characters can duck under it. If you use it by accident, you can convert into a full combo in the corner if it hits, even at max range, surprisingly enough. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.
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|caption=The shin slayer.
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   |block/pushblock= +4 / +1  
   |block= +4
   |cancel=2A Special/Super
   |cancel=2A Special/Super
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=The shin slayer. Rubber's primary attack, a simple low kick yet it gets the job done. Similar range to 5A, hits low, quite fast, combos into itself. You will be tapping it a lot so get used to the timing.
   |description=Rubber's primary combo tool. Slightly longer range than 5A. Combos into itself. Roll cancellable during its active frames.
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   |block/pushblock= -8 / -19  
   |block= -8
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=A much more disappointing version of the standing drill, the low drill attack also hits 2 times. Slow and with low range. Pretty much useless! This move will become 2A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description= Rubber has no bad moves... except this one. Anything that 2B does, 2A and 2C do it better so there's no reason to use it. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.
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   |block/pushblock= -4 / -22  
   |block= -4
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=Another two hit drill attack. This move is so incredibly flawed you'll never see anyone use this unless they inputted it by accident. The second hit comes out so late, the first hit will most likely push you out of the range, which is just depressing, as otherwise this attack would have a lot of utility, but sadly, it doesn't. You can use this normal to build meter after canceling it with a special instantly, otherwise, avoid using it. This move will become 2A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=The simplest and least commital way of getting a hard knockdown during okizeme and also the least common. Can be used as an alternative when you're not feeling like doing combos or grabbing and the fact that it hits twice might surprise your opponent and catch them off-guard. It's nothing special but at the very least it builds some meter, deals some cheap damage and it's enough to keep the vortex going so let's just say it's good enough.
<br> <br> Using this move despite knowing full well that you have better options at your disposal can be seen as a way of disrespecting your opponent by deliberately prolonging their time trapped in the vortex, so maybe this move can serve as some form of psychological warfare... Probably not.
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|caption=All praise the mighty Godhand, the palm of destruction, the king of all air-to-air.
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   |recovery=Until landing
   |recovery=Until landing
   |block/pushblock= +10 / +7  
   |block= +10
   |properties= High
   |properties= High
   |description=All praise the mighty Godhand, the palm of destruction, the king of all air-to-air. Not many moves can challenge this. Very few can, and they will most likely trade with the might of this simple-looking normal. Fairly quick, active until you land. Can combo into j.S. If used together with j.S as a cross-up, the Godhand will be still active and turn towards the opponent, obliterating all of their hopes and dreams. This move's only weakness is that it won't work as a jump-in against the shortest characters in the roster like Iggy and Alessi, making these two matchups a bit of a pain. Other than that, this move is just the best.
   |description= It's not unheard of to give grappler characters oppressive aerial attacks to prevent opponents from being too jump-happy and j.A does exactly that and much more. Nigh-Uncontestable in air-to-air battles due to its good priority and infinite active frames, it truly shines and becomes scary when paired with j.S, leading to hard knockdowns and j.S UB Resets against airborne opponents and true cross-ups and 50/50 mixups when used as a jump-in. <br> <br> j.A's seemingly abusable nature in low level play and outstanding reputation has caused the other aerial moves to be slept on, unfortunately. j.A lacks vertical priority and can be easily anti-aired when used recklessly.
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   |recovery=Until landing
   |recovery=Until landing
   |block/pushblock= +10 / +7  
   |block= +10
   |properties= High
   |properties= High
   |description=Jumping drill attack, pointing downwards at about 45 degrees angle. Decent range. Has a chance to combo into j.S during a midair hit if the opponent doesn't recover fast enough. Use it as a jump-in attack if j.A isn't working out for you. This move will become j.A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Not as horizontally oppressive as j.A but better suited for hitting characters below Rubber or crouching characters on whom j.A wouldn't even work. This move does twice more damage than the average YT Stand Attack to the opponent's Stand Gauge so it can be used as an IOH to cause Stand Crashes/Crushes when the opponent's Stand Gauge is low or as a surprise overhead when the opponent is one hit away.
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   |recovery=Until landing
   |recovery=Until landing
   |block/pushblock= +10 / +7  
   |block= +10
   |properties= High
   |properties= High
   |description=Same in appearance as j.B. Way slower but does more damage. Has a chance to combo into j.S during a midair hit if the opponent doesn't recover fast enough. It can also be used as a jump-in, but 10f startup makes it easier to read. This move will become j.A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Similar in appearance as j.B except slower and stronger. Used mainly for optimal air combos, meter building and j.S frametraps. Curiously enough, j.C plays quite an important role in increasing Rubber's damage output overall alongside j.S so make sure  to integrate it to your gameplan if you wanna make every hit count.
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   |block/pushblock= +4 / +1  
   |block= +4
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Visually the same as 5A but it comes out slightly slower. With added forward momentum, this move is usually used as a poke against taller characters and has a few uses in combos.
   |description=Visually the same as 5A but it comes out slightly slower. With added forward momentum, this move is usually used as a poke against taller characters and has a few uses in combos, especially unscaled routes.
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   |block/pushblock= -18 / -26  
   |block= -18
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description="The wall" strikes back, except now it's mobile. With the added momentum from the dash, this move becomes quite strong during pressure as it's pretty meaty and very disjointed. Great at catching jumping attempts, anti-airs, and whatnot. Just remember to cancel it into a special or you'll eat a big punish. This move will become d.5A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Dashing variation of 5B. Unlike the standing version, the stand remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker, which is terrible because you can no longer cancel into counter to keep you safe, making it highly committal. <br> <br> It's not useless, however; it comes out pretty fast on top of doing unscaled damage so it comes pretty handy as a grab follow-up in the corner to take the round if the grab doesn't kill. It also has some uses in tech chase scenarios and stylish combos, just avoid using it in neutral.

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   |block/pushblock= -6 / -23
   |block= -6
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Same as 5C but with added momentum from the dash. Hits twice. Minimally safer if both hits connect. It can lead to a proper combo, too. Quite risky to just throw out due to 9f startup. This move will become d.5A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Dashing variation of 5C. Unlike the standing version, the stand remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker. Its only practical use is an advanced okizeme option very hard to execute; timing d.5C double drill attack with Backbreaker's active frames makes for a virtually unblockable setup since they won't be able to jump their way out the super on wakeup.
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   |block/pushblock= +4 / +1
   |block= +4
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=Your main combo starter, pressure tool, and primary low poke. Generally, a pretty good low, though 5f startup isn't that good. It's the best you've got though, so use it well.
   |description=Roll cancellable during its active frames. It's pretty meaty so it's perfect for catching landing frames during UB Resets and can lead to Unscaled Wrap combos.
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   |block/pushblock= -11 / -19
   |block= -11
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=It's the drill move again but now only hitting once. Did they forget to make it hit twice or something? Nobody knows, but it's still pretty useless in general. This move will become d.2A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Dashing variation of 2B. From bad to worse. This one probably takes the cake for Rubber's worst move ever. It no longer hits twice despite having a gap between active frames lmao. Avoid using at all costs. Anything that d.2B can do, d.2A and d.2C can do better.
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   |block/pushblock= -1 / -22
   |block= -1
   |properties= Low (1st hit) Mid (2nd hit)
   |properties= Low (1st hit) Mid (2nd hit)
   |description=Even the dashing version of this move is pretty depressing. It's still hard to land and it loses the hard knockdown property. The only noteworthy thing about it is that out of all dashing moves it builds the most meter on whiff, and that if both hits connect it's actually safe! Still, it's best to just avoid using it. The second hit is a mid and not a low. This move will become d.2A if Yellow Temperance is out, performing a Special/Super move.
   |description=Dashing variation of 2C. Second hit no longer causes a hard knockdown and hits mid for some reason. Remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker which can lead to some interesting combo routes. Its first hit deals the most amount of damage out of all Rubber's normal attacks so it's used as a starter for optimal grounded punishes, especially unscaled combo routes.
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|name=6/4C (close)  
|name=6/4C (close)  
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   |properties= Proximity Grab   
   |properties= Proximity Grab   
   |description=Rubber Soul grabs the opponent with Yellow Temperance and fires 8 gloopy projectiles at the foe. This is probably the most damaging regular grab in the entire game. It also builds A LOT of super meter (around 30% of a stock if all bits hit) and causes a hard knockdown. It gives you some very good okizeme too. It's quite essential in Rubber's gameplan. In the corner, some characters can be even juggled after it, though any follow-ups after the grab are easy to tech from, though it's good to know this in case you're going for the kill.
   |description=Most damaging grab in the game and also the only grab that builds meter (over 30% of a stock). Leads to okizeme. Can be followed up in the corner against most characters before they hit the ground.
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   |recovery=29 - 10
   |recovery=29 - 10
   |block/pushblock= +15 / +12
   |block= +15
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Yellow Temperance attacks with all limbs at once. Good move to end short combos with, though the range isn't long, but it comes out fairly quick. Launches opponents away at a pretty low height. This might give you an opportunity for a juggle follow-up, and during longer combos, opponents in Stand Off will be instantly knocked down.
   |description=Most damaging grounded S move on par with 2S. Rubber's main combo ender in optimal wrapless combos but may fall out of range due to its limited reach. Causes an instant hard knockdown against Passive/Stand OFF characters after the combo reaches 5 hits onwards.

Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.
Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.
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   |recovery=44 - 10
   |recovery=44 - 10
   |block/pushblock= +18 / +15
   |block= +18
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=Yellow Temperance performs a long and very fast punch forward. Long range but can be punished if you don't follow it up with anything. Use it during rushdown or when you want to intercept an opponent from afar or quickly punish a projectile move. Many enemies can duck under this move which makes it less useful in certain matchups. If done close enough, you can follow it up with a dashing jab, and if timed right, score an entire combo.
   |description=Rubber's longest poke. Amazing horizontal range but whiffs against most crouching opponents and is pretty unsafe, even on hit, if Rubber doesn't cover it up with a dashing jab. It's used mostly as a combo extender, a whiff punish tool or during tech chases at max range.
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   |recovery=26 - 10
   |recovery=26 - 10
   |block/pushblock= +18 / +15
   |block= +18
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |properties= Mid Air-UB
   |description=One of Rubber Soul's main combo enders. Yellow Temperance quickly punches upwards. This move is one of the best anti-airs in the game, if not the best. It's one of Rubber's best keepaway tools due to decent hitbox and fast recovery as well. Launches opponents high up. During longer combos, opponents in Stand Off will be instantly knocked down.
   |description=4S might as well be Rubber's best move simply because of how versatile it is. It is used in blockstrings, tech chases, wrapless combos, anti-airing, close to midrange punishes, meterbuilding, etc. It's a great counterpoke and has no trouble outpoking other S Tier level pokes. It's the safest S move on whiff so it should be your go-to special to cancel normals into. Causes an instant hard knockdown against Passive/Stand OFF characters after the combo reaches 7 hits onwards. <br> <br> Against Stand ON opponents it can be used to set up j.S UB Resets, Jab UB Resets in Stand Crash combos or 4S UB Resets when the combo counter goes beyond 7 hits. It's just great.

Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.
Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.
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   |recovery=49 - 10
   |recovery=49 - 10
   |block/pushblock= +13 / +10
   |block= +13
   |properties= Low
   |properties= Low
   |description=Yellow Temperance quickly kicks downwards. Hits low, poor range, the slowest recovery out of all S moves on par with 6S, but high damage and pretty fast startup. Evade using this move unless you can end the fight with it or you know how to use it in combos, as it is possible to follow them up with dashing jabs
   |description=The fastest and most damaging attack out of all the grounded S moves. It's used mainly as a combo extender in optimal combos since it hits all crouching opponents unlike 6S but its range limits its uses to very close distances. Key move in Jab UB Resets to catch the opponent during their landing frame. Because of its speed, damage and active frames, this move can have some utility as an optimal low combo starter during okizeme, especially in the corner.
Line 386: Line 428:
   |recovery=24 - 10
   |recovery=24 - 10
   |block/pushblock= +15 / +12
   |block= +15
   |properties= High Untechable
   |properties= High Untechable
   |description=A very powerful punch attack tilted slightly downwards. Long range, high damage but can be punished if you do it too high or whiff it completely. The opponent cannot perform recovery after being hit by this move in midair, which results in hard knockdown against characters in Stand Off. It does not result in a knockdown while the enemy is on the ground, and it can be followed up with a dashing jab if done deep enough for a full combo.
   |description= Extremely risky to throw out on its own due to its relatively slow startup and a terrible vertical hurtbox but when paired with another attack beforehand or used in okizeme, it becomes a devastating follow-up and Rubber's most damaging combo starter respectively. It's also Rubber's main wrap ender as it causes a hard knockdown against airborne Passive/Stand OFF opponents. Against airborne Stand ON opponents it can lead to an UB Reset if followed up when they land (j.S UB Reset). Can combo into itself against airborne opponents if they're high enough in the air for even more damage.

Rubber cannot move for 4 frames after landing.
Rubber cannot move for 4 frames after landing.
==Guard cancel==
  |recovery=29 - 10
  |block= +25
  |properties=Air-UB, untechable
  |description=Similar in appearance as 5S. The best Guard Cancel in the game; twice as fast as the average one, never trades, causes an Instant Stand Crash on hit against Stand ON opponents and can be followed up for extra damage before the opponent hits the ground. Oh, and leads to okizeme too
==Special moves==
  |block= +26
  |description=Rubber Soul fires 4 goopy projectiles in front of him that travel relatively slow but cover some good horizontal space. This move serves well as a combo starter. It can also be used as a combo extender but you have to cancel into it almost point blank in order for it to combo midscreen. The trajectory of the projectiles themselves is RNG based, meaning sometimes they can go higher or lower than others; some hits may end up whiffing against short characters or taking longer to reach them. <br> <br>
Unlike with other Stand attacks, Yellow Temperance remains completely intangible at all times without a hurtbox. Rubber can move 17 frames after inputting the move so it's relatively safe to throw out in neutral.
  |hit=Untechable launch
  |block= -20
  |properties=Hitgrab, Untechable, Wallbounce (techable)
  |description=Rubber's hitgrab and main combo ender. After it connects, Rubber is free to move around standless and hit the opponent with jabs. <br> <br>
If Rubber doesn't follow it up with a jab fast enough, the opponent has a chance of breaking free by mashing 4/6 eight times. <br> <br>
Rubber can move standless 15 frames after the opponent is hit.
  |block= N/A
  |guard=Whiff :)
  |properties=Counter, Untechable
  |description=Rubber's counter move. Causes an Instant Stand Crash on hit. Can be either followed up with j.S for an aerial combo that lead to okizeme or can be followed up with 236+AA, most effective when the opponent still has plenty of their health remaining. <br> <br>
May whiff upon activation against some disjointed attacks but Rubber always remains safe covered in i-frames during its recovery after being triggered, having enough time to safely jab the opponent or perform another counter.
==Super moves==
  |block= +68
  |properties= Launcher
  |description=Rubber's Fullscreen Projectile Super. All of 236+A's uses also apply to 236+AA making it basically 236+A on steroids. This will be your super you'll be dumping your meter on. It has a relatively slow startup with no i-frames before the superflash but it can be pretty rewarding once it comes out. Used mainly as a combo ender after wrap launches and in projectile wars, where it's near unmatchable. Against grounded opponents it can easily set up a Jab UB Reset after its last hit. <br> <br>
Unlike Kakyoin's super emerald splash, this attack does plenty of Stand Gauge damage too. <br>
Rubber can move standless from frame 56. Superflash is 31 frames.
|caption=Comes built in with a memory testing minigame!
|name=6248A/B/C or 4268A/B/C
  |hit=-18 or untechable launcher
  |block= N/A
  |properties= Command grab, Launcher, untechable if opponent has not been techably launched since their last tech.
  |description=Rubber Soul's Unblockable Command Grab Super. Due to its poor range and the fact that its superflash can be easily reacted to and jumped out of, its uses are limited to a few combos and setups. It can also be used as a wakeup reversal or for some situational hard reads in neutral, guaranteed to give the opponent a heart attack and force them to jump, hopefully creating some bad situations for them in the air, especially near the corner.
<br> <br>
When it lands, because of the way the super was coded, it may be untechable or techable (and potentially punishable) depending on the tech value of the opponent. (For more info refer to the Miscellaneous section). Can be comboed off in the corner for even more damage when untechable.
<br> <br>
Superflash is 31 frames.

Latest revision as of 01:56, 18 February 2024


RUBBER 5a.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
2 4 4 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+6 (+9) +4(+7) +1(+4) 5A Crouch Cancel Special/Super Mid Air-UB

Solid Jab punch. Rubber's most damaging jab normal. Can be used as an Anti-air. Whiffs against most crouching opponents. Can be Crouch Cancelled to combo into 5B or 2A to minimize pushback.

RUBBER 5b.png
Also known as "The wall"
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 5 38 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-16 -18 -26 Special/Super Mid Air-UB

Great poke. Its disjoint and active frames make it perfect to intercept aerial and grounded approaches. Its vertical hitbox makes it Rubber best Anti-air move. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.

RUBBER 5c(1).png
RUBBER 5c(2).png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 / 1 3 / 2 49 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-6 -8 -25 Special/Super Mid Air-UB

You will most likely only see this move as a misinput for an attempted grab. It has decent horizontal range but no real utility outside meterbuilding and some characters can duck under it. If you use it by accident, you can convert into a full combo in the corner if it hits, even at max range, surprisingly enough. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.

RUBBER 2a.png
The shin slayer.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
2 3 13 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+6 +4 +1 2A Special/Super Low

Rubber's primary combo tool. Slightly longer range than 5A. Combos into itself. Roll cancellable during its active frames.

RUBBER 2b.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 / 1 2 / 2 42 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-6 -8 -19 Special/Super Low

Rubber has no bad moves... except this one. Anything that 2B does, 2A and 2C do it better so there's no reason to use it. Unsafe if not cancelled into a special.

RUBBER 2c(1).png
RUBBER 2c(2).png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 / 6 2 / 2 40 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-KND -4 -22 Special/Super Low

The simplest and least commital way of getting a hard knockdown during okizeme and also the least common. Can be used as an alternative when you're not feeling like doing combos or grabbing and the fact that it hits twice might surprise your opponent and catch them off-guard. It's nothing special but at the very least it builds some meter, deals some cheap damage and it's enough to keep the vortex going so let's just say it's good enough.

Using this move despite knowing full well that you have better options at your disposal can be seen as a way of disrespecting your opponent by deliberately prolonging their time trapped in the vortex, so maybe this move can serve as some form of psychological warfare... Probably not.

All praise the mighty Godhand, the palm of destruction, the king of all air-to-air.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 Infinite Until landing - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 +10 +7 j.S High

It's not unheard of to give grappler characters oppressive aerial attacks to prevent opponents from being too jump-happy and j.A does exactly that and much more. Nigh-Uncontestable in air-to-air battles due to its good priority and infinite active frames, it truly shines and becomes scary when paired with j.S, leading to hard knockdowns and j.S UB Resets against airborne opponents and true cross-ups and 50/50 mixups when used as a jump-in.

j.A's seemingly abusable nature in low level play and outstanding reputation has caused the other aerial moves to be slept on, unfortunately. j.A lacks vertical priority and can be easily anti-aired when used recklessly.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 3 Until landing - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 +10 +7 j.S High

Not as horizontally oppressive as j.A but better suited for hitting characters below Rubber or crouching characters on whom j.A wouldn't even work. This move does twice more damage than the average YT Stand Attack to the opponent's Stand Gauge so it can be used as an IOH to cause Stand Crashes/Crushes when the opponent's Stand Gauge is low or as a surprise overhead when the opponent is one hit away.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 3 Until landing - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 +10 +7 j.S High

Similar in appearance as j.B except slower and stronger. Used mainly for optimal air combos, meter building and j.S frametraps. Curiously enough, j.C plays quite an important role in increasing Rubber's damage output overall alongside j.S so make sure to integrate it to your gameplan if you wanna make every hit count.

Dashing Normals

RUBBER 5a.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 3 13 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+6 +4 +1 Special/Super Mid Air-UB

Visually the same as 5A but it comes out slightly slower. With added forward momentum, this move is usually used as a poke against taller characters and has a few uses in combos, especially unscaled routes.

RUBBER 5b.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 5 38 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-16 -18 -26 Special/Super Mid Air-UB

Dashing variation of 5B. Unlike the standing version, the stand remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker, which is terrible because you can no longer cancel into counter to keep you safe, making it highly committal.

It's not useless, however; it comes out pretty fast on top of doing unscaled damage so it comes pretty handy as a grab follow-up in the corner to take the round if the grab doesn't kill. It also has some uses in tech chase scenarios and stylish combos, just avoid using it in neutral.

RUBBER 5c(1).png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 / 1 3 / 2 47 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-4 -6 -23 Special/Super Mid Air-UB

Dashing variation of 5C. Unlike the standing version, the stand remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker. Its only practical use is an advanced okizeme option very hard to execute; timing d.5C double drill attack with Backbreaker's active frames makes for a virtually unblockable setup since they won't be able to jump their way out the super on wakeup.

RUBBER 2a.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 4 12 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+6 +4 +1 Special/Super Low

Roll cancellable during its active frames. It's pretty meaty so it's perfect for catching landing frames during UB Resets and can lead to Unscaled Wrap combos.

RUBBER 2b.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 5 31 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-9 -11 -19 Special/Super Low

Dashing variation of 2B. From bad to worse. This one probably takes the cake for Rubber's worst move ever. It no longer hits twice despite having a gap between active frames lmao. Avoid using at all costs. Anything that d.2B can do, d.2A and d.2C can do better.

RUBBER 2c(1).png
RUBBER 2c(2).png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 / 6 2 / 2 42 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+1 -1 -22 Special/Super Low (1st hit) Mid (2nd hit)

Dashing variation of 2C. Second hit no longer causes a hard knockdown and hits mid for some reason. Remains active after being cancelled into 214+S or Backbreaker which can lead to some interesting combo routes. Its first hit deals the most amount of damage out of all Rubber's normal attacks so it's used as a starter for optimal grounded punishes, especially unscaled combo routes.

Command Normals

6/4C (close)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
0 - - - N/A
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KND - - None Proximity Grab

Most damaging grab in the game and also the only grab that builds meter (over 30% of a stock). Leads to okizeme. Can be followed up in the corner against most characters before they hit the ground.

Unique Moves

Yellow Temperance - S (Air OK)

Rubber Soul calls out Yellow Temperance to perform a variety of attacks while mimicking Kakyoin's Hierophant Green. Any S attack can be used to cancel a normal move. This is where Rubber Soul's moveset starts to shine, as all of his S attacks put him at large frame advantage. The only downside is that after using them, Rubber Soul can only attack using his jabs and he cannot block either. Learning to keep yourself safe during this period is the key to playing this character in neutral.

RUBBER 5s.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 4 29 - 10 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch +15 +12 None Mid Air-UB

Most damaging grounded S move on par with 2S. Rubber's main combo ender in optimal wrapless combos but may fall out of range due to its limited reach. Causes an instant hard knockdown against Passive/Stand OFF characters after the combo reaches 5 hits onwards.

Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.

RUBBER 6s.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 4 44 - 10 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+20 +18 +15 None Mid Air-UB

Rubber's longest poke. Amazing horizontal range but whiffs against most crouching opponents and is pretty unsafe, even on hit, if Rubber doesn't cover it up with a dashing jab. It's used mostly as a combo extender, a whiff punish tool or during tech chases at max range.

RUBBER 4s.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 2 26 - 10 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch +18 +15 None Mid Air-UB

4S might as well be Rubber's best move simply because of how versatile it is. It is used in blockstrings, tech chases, wrapless combos, anti-airing, close to midrange punishes, meterbuilding, etc. It's a great counterpoke and has no trouble outpoking other S Tier level pokes. It's the safest S move on whiff so it should be your go-to special to cancel normals into. Causes an instant hard knockdown against Passive/Stand OFF characters after the combo reaches 7 hits onwards.

Against Stand ON opponents it can be used to set up j.S UB Resets, Jab UB Resets in Stand Crash combos or 4S UB Resets when the combo counter goes beyond 7 hits. It's just great.

Characters in Stand On won't be knocked down, which means that during longer combos, they will recover from the move nearly instantly. Watch out for that.

RUBBER 2s.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 4 49 - 10 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+15 +13 +10 None Low

The fastest and most damaging attack out of all the grounded S moves. It's used mainly as a combo extender in optimal combos since it hits all crouching opponents unlike 6S but its range limits its uses to very close distances. Key move in Jab UB Resets to catch the opponent during their landing frame. Because of its speed, damage and active frames, this move can have some utility as an optimal low combo starter during okizeme, especially in the corner.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
12 3 24 - 10 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+17 +15 +12 None High Untechable

Extremely risky to throw out on its own due to its relatively slow startup and a terrible vertical hurtbox but when paired with another attack beforehand or used in okizeme, it becomes a devastating follow-up and Rubber's most damaging combo starter respectively. It's also Rubber's main wrap ender as it causes a hard knockdown against airborne Passive/Stand OFF opponents. Against airborne Stand ON opponents it can lead to an UB Reset if followed up when they land (j.S UB Reset). Can combo into itself against airborne opponents if they're high enough in the air for even more damage.

Rubber cannot move for 4 frames after landing.

Guard cancel

Rubber Soul Guard Cancel.webp
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 4 29 - 10 - Mid
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch +25 +12 N/A Air-UB, untechable

Similar in appearance as 5S. The best Guard Cancel in the game; twice as fast as the average one, never trades, causes an Instant Stand Crash on hit against Stand ON opponents and can be followed up for extra damage before the opponent hits the ground. Oh, and leads to okizeme too

Special moves

Rubber Soul 236X.webp
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 - 56 - Mid
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+28 +26 +17 None -

Rubber Soul fires 4 goopy projectiles in front of him that travel relatively slow but cover some good horizontal space. This move serves well as a combo starter. It can also be used as a combo extender but you have to cancel into it almost point blank in order for it to combo midscreen. The trajectory of the projectiles themselves is RNG based, meaning sometimes they can go higher or lower than others; some hits may end up whiffing against short characters or taking longer to reach them.

Unlike with other Stand attacks, Yellow Temperance remains completely intangible at all times without a hurtbox. Rubber can move 17 frames after inputting the move so it's relatively safe to throw out in neutral.

Rubber Soul 214X.webp
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 18 33 - Low
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Untechable launch -20 -49 None Hitgrab, Untechable, Wallbounce (techable)

Rubber's hitgrab and main combo ender. After it connects, Rubber is free to move around standless and hit the opponent with jabs.

If Rubber doesn't follow it up with a jab fast enough, the opponent has a chance of breaking free by mashing 4/6 eight times.

Rubber can move standless 15 frames after the opponent is hit.

Rubber Soul 214S(1).webp
Rubber Soul 214S(2).webp
Rubber Soul 214S(3).webp
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
2 24 16 - Whiff :)
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch N/A N/A None Counter, Untechable

Rubber's counter move. Causes an Instant Stand Crash on hit. Can be either followed up with j.S for an aerial combo that lead to okizeme or can be followed up with 236+AA, most effective when the opponent still has plenty of their health remaining.

May whiff upon activation against some disjointed attacks but Rubber always remains safe covered in i-frames during its recovery after being triggered, having enough time to safely jab the opponent or perform another counter.

Super moves

Rubber Soul 236AA.gif
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
60 - 42 - Mid
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch +68 +1 - Launcher

Rubber's Fullscreen Projectile Super. All of 236+A's uses also apply to 236+AA making it basically 236+A on steroids. This will be your super you'll be dumping your meter on. It has a relatively slow startup with no i-frames before the superflash but it can be pretty rewarding once it comes out. Used mainly as a combo ender after wrap launches and in projectile wars, where it's near unmatchable. Against grounded opponents it can easily set up a Jab UB Reset after its last hit.

Unlike Kakyoin's super emerald splash, this attack does plenty of Stand Gauge damage too.
Rubber can move standless from frame 56. Superflash is 31 frames.

6248A/B/C or 4268A/B/C
Rubber Soul 360.webp
Comes built in with a memory testing minigame!
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
37 4 5 - N/A
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-18 or untechable launcher N/A N/A N/A Command grab, Launcher, untechable if opponent has not been techably launched since their last tech.

Rubber Soul's Unblockable Command Grab Super. Due to its poor range and the fact that its superflash can be easily reacted to and jumped out of, its uses are limited to a few combos and setups. It can also be used as a wakeup reversal or for some situational hard reads in neutral, guaranteed to give the opponent a heart attack and force them to jump, hopefully creating some bad situations for them in the air, especially near the corner.

When it lands, because of the way the super was coded, it may be untechable or techable (and potentially punishable) depending on the tech value of the opponent. (For more info refer to the Miscellaneous section). Can be comboed off in the corner for even more damage when untechable.

Superflash is 31 frames.

Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph