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{{Character Subnav HFTF|name=Iggy}}  
{{Character Subnav HFTF|name=Iggy}}  

Stand off Iggy has the smallest hitbox and the fastest walk speed out of any character in the game, which means many combos and moves will flat out not hit Iggy. You can try to bait an opponent into attacking Iggy's large stand hitbox, just to turn it off and punish accordingly. Be careful, though, many moves can still hit even if the animation doesn't look like it. He has an airdash, but it's more of a glide forward, and can only be done once per jump. His combos aren't very long or complex, but do decent damage for what they are. His grab is also excellent, a hard knockdown that lets you set up your many oki options.
Stand off Iggy has the smallest hitbox and the fastest walk speed out of any character in the game, which means many combos and moves will flat out not hit Iggy. You can try to bait an opponent into attacking Iggy's large Stand On hitbox, just to turn it off and punish accordingly. Be careful though, many moves can still hit you even if the animation doesn't look like it. He has an airdash, but it's more of a glide forward, and can only be done once per jump. His combos aren't very long or complex, but do decent damage for what they are. His grab is also excellent, a hard knockdown that lets you set up your many oki options.

Iggy heavily relies on his ability to either force his opponent into nasty guessing games or his okizeme options. In some matchups, he'll be rushing you down, in others he'll be hanging back, waiting for you to make a mistake. He needs to have a good grasp of when to switch from stand off to on (and vice versa). You'll need how to know how his sandballs work, and to apply creative pressure and reads. If you get your opponent in the corner, his pressure gets very scary. As Iggy, you'll want your opponent to get panicked and predictable. If an opponent is on very low health, his sandballs suddenly become a lot scarier. That minimal damage is gonna be a water(sand?)fall of potential death to a very low health enemy.
Iggy heavily relies on his ability to either force his opponent into nasty guessing games or his okizeme options. In some matchups, he'll be rushing you down, in others he'll be hanging back, waiting for you to make a mistake. He needs to have a good grasp of when to switch from stand off to on (and vice versa). You'll need to know how his sandballs work, and to apply creative pressure and reads. If you get your opponent in the corner, his pressure gets very scary. As Iggy, you'll want your opponent to get panicked and predictable. If an opponent is on very low health, his sandballs suddenly become a lot scarier. That minimal damage is gonna be a water(sand?)fall of potential death to a very low health enemy.

Iggy's IOH (Floating, throwing a sandball and landing with an aerial as early as possible) is very important to his game. You can go into your BNB or even start a corner loop from it. Many characters have trouble approaching you and your sandballs, so sometimes you've got to lay back and let the opponent run into you. If you get predictable, you will get anti aired. So be careful when using it, but dont get scared of using it.
Iggy's IOH (Floating, throwing a sandball and landing with an aerial as early as possible) is very important to his game. You can go into your BNB or even start a corner loop from it. Many characters have trouble approaching you and your sandballs, so sometimes you've got to lay back and let the opponent run into you. If you get predictable, you will get anti aired. So be careful when using it, but dont get scared of using it.

One of the reasons iggy is so powerful is because of how many options he has on most of the cast. But one of the most important things to remember when playing iggy is which oki works on which character. Before we didn’t have the data but thanks to @DDJames#3868 we now do. This section will go over iggys main options from stand off grab.
The main thing that makes Iggy strong is his neutral. He has tons of different options to frustrate your opponent and whittle them down without even needing his insane oki. It’s important to note that Iggy’s neutral is extremely matchup dependent. Depending on the opponents tools, certain options will become much stronger or weaker. It’s important to learn your matchups as an Iggy, since otherwise you will not succeed.

Meaty 2b/6b

This is a very good option and basic since it works on almost everyone and 6b is a fast 19 frame overhead meaning it's hard to react to. After you hit them you can go for a tandem, a super or 236s. And with 6b you can do 63214c for good meterless damage if 6b didn’t hit meaty. The only downside to this is because of how iggys grab works some people can jump away from this setup but not everyone can since you can catch some characters jumping with 6b.
'''-STAND OFF'''
*'''5C (close):''' This button is mainly used as an anti-air in situations where 2B won’t work. While it does have very low reward in that regard, it has an amazing hitbox and doesn’t actually go away if you get hit during the active frames. 5C (close) is limited as an anti-air by the fact that it’s a proximity normal, which sometimes makes it unreliable, and since 5C (far) is a very bad anti-air. Be sure to stand right under your opponent before you use this move to ensure the right version comes out.

Meaty sandball
*'''5C (far):''' This button is ridiculous. It’s a poke that goes about a third of the screen and is entirely disjointed. This move might as well be a projectile. Because of this, it can beat moves that are normally unchallengeable, such as Avdol's 2C or Ice's s.2C. This is also one of his only long range options in Stand Off, making it essential in certain match-ups. While this button isn’t as slow as most projectiles, it’s still slower than most other pokes, meaning you have to be careful when using it. This move also hits very low to the ground, meaning characters with fast jump ins can punish this move, especially at closer ranges.

Meaty sandball is a very powerful tool since you can do a lot with, the most basic option being going for a ioh with it or just making them block it and go for a low or grab and put them in the same situation. If they try and pushblock it they put themselves in more block stun and the only good way to deal with it is to gc buffer.  
*'''2A:''' This button is your best short ranged poke/jab. It has a disjointed hitbox and great frame data, making it a strong tick grab tool. On hit, you can go for a tick grab or walk cancel into your Stand On bnb, as well as link it into 236aa and after that further okizeme.

Command grab oki
*'''2B:''' This button lowers your hitbox even more, giving it a variety of uses. It can be used as a counter-poke for certain moves that whiff against it. This works best against dashing approaches, since it offsets the short range. This button is also useful to catch your opponents landing. Doing this instead of anti airing will leave the opponent grounded on hit, giving you higher damage and combo potential. Being able to do this depends a lot on how low your opponents aerials can hit, so use it with caution.

This option works on characters with medium to slow wakeup speeds. Since you can get hit by a command grab while in block stun you can do 63214c then go for walk 2b or j.a if they block it then they get hit by the command grab which does a lot of damage because you can do 2ax4 6b [2] ]8[c.  
*'''j.C: ''' This move is a fairly versatile aerial. While it does have a small hitbox, it’s insanely fast and covers your entire body. It also hits twice, giving it great mixup potential. Use it for mixups, anti airs, jump ins, whatever you want.

Meaty 2a into tik throw
*'''Grab: ''' Iggy’s grab is one of the best in the game, not only for the oki you get off it, but also for how easy it is to land. Iggy’s fast walk speed and the range of the grab gives you a very large area from where you can grab your opponents. Not to mention that if you whiff the grab, you'll be doing two moves that are both very strong at beating counters to it. Some characters have strong buttons that make it hard to get close enough, but besides that, it’s a very powerful option and a core part of Iggy's gameplay.

A very basic but still somewhat effective oki because it puts them in the same situation if you’ve already grabbed them. Most people after getting hit by this once or twice will try to tech or jump which leaves them open to your other options. It also catches prejump frames but in hftf after a knockdown the opponent has 2 frames of grab invulnerability after a wakeup.
*'''63214C: ''' Please don’t use this move in neutral. It might look like a moving hitbox you can approach with, but it has a terrible hitbox, huge hurtboxes, and locks you from using your Stand On attacks. This move should only be used for oki. This move will also just straight up not hit Petshop standing (flying) :/

Close 5c to unblockable tandem
*'''623A/421A: '''The teleports have a varied amount of use depending on the match-up. They have their specialized use cases. Generally, they'll be useful to mix up your movement. Don’t get predictable with these, as you'll likely get punished when coming out of them. If an enemy is about to stop time, you can use this move to evade any potential attacks if you time it so that time stops when Iggy is off-screen.

This option works on most of the cast and it works by doing close 5c after a grab and making them block it. After that you do a normal tandem but start with s.2a instead of s.5a. The s.2a hits low but iggy has time to do a j.c at the same time s.2a hits which makes it unblockable. And even if you don’t do it perfectly it's still shooting stars level hard to block
*'''236AA: '''This move isn’t used too much in neutral, as most characters can counter it with supers and guard cancels. If you’re sure of yourself however, you can use it as a preemptive counter-poke, but you shouldn’t rely on this. This move is better against grounded opponents, since many of the hits will end up missing if you hit them in the air. Nevertheless, it still has use as an anti-air if your opponent has committed to a jump-in as the i-frames will protect you for the cost of 1 bar and less damage than normal. If you're up close to the opponent and they block this move, you can make the situation into a 50-50 by doing a low or high move right after the super flash, having punishes covered by the continued hits of 236aa. It is worthy of note that this super is very susceptible to guard cancels by most of the cast both at long and short ranges, which often nullifies the aforementioned cover.

Walk up s.ioh
*'''[4]6C: '''This move is an amazing poke, but does not come without its problems. It has low damage and a lingering hurtbox, making it easier to punish. The stand also takes a few seconds to come back, locking you out some of your moves and more crucially, blocking. Don’t use this move unless you have enough room to run away. This move is however insanely quick for how far it goes. Combining this with 5c (far) can make you extremely annoying at a range, and make your opponent much more cautious at a distance, giving you an opportunity to move in for a grab.

Basic ioh that's unreatable and leads into a tandem, bnb or knockdown. Can also hit meaty but s.jc is active for 2 frames but s.j.b is active for 4 frames and only does slightly less damage. You can also mix it up with a low or just a grab if they start blocking up or upbacking your oki.
'''-STAND ON'''
*'''s.5B: '''This move isn’t always useful, but it has uses as an anti air for opponents right in front of you. Be careful with this, as this move doesn’t have a great hitbox and is quite slow to come out.
*'''s.2A: '''This move is a strong combo starter and your main low in stand on. Iggy has tons of ways to change his air momentum, making his high-low mix ups very ambiguous. Using this move after jump-ins is generally the best time to use it, but it can also work decently as a poke.
*'''s.2B: '''This button is fast, disjointed, and very active, making it a great counter-poke. Using this move is a good way to stuff approaches. This move is also your main meter build option on whiff. If you’re full-screen and your opponent can’t attack you, just spam this move to build some quick meter.
*'''s.j.B: '''This move is best used against people above you. Iggy can’t double jump [[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Iggy/Misc|conveniently]], so a super-jump s.j.B is his best way to hit people going super high. Because of this, it’s also a strong tech chasing tool. It’s much more rewarding than sandballs, so it's a viable option if you want more damage at the risk of possibly getting hit.
*'''s.j.C: '''This move is an amazing aerial. It has an amazing hitbox and can be used in a variety of ways. Doing IADs with this move is your main approach option. It can also be used for IOHs in combination with fast floats. The hitbox also makes this a great air to air. It can be a little slow and it doesn’t hit right below you, so you should mix this with other moves.
*'''d.s.5C: '''This button is a fairly decent dashing normal, but also committal. It’s extremely fast and has a reasonable hitbox, meaning it’s fairly easy to land. One good use for this is after your opponent blocks something in the air, to anti air them while they’re falling. This move is unsafe on block and hit, so you've gotta cancel it into something to make it safe.
*'''s.[4]6C: '''This move is the signature new player trap. While it may catch some people off guard, this move is extremely unsafe, sometimes even [ on hit]. Using it in neutral is not recommended unless your opponent doesn’t know how to punish it. However, this move has many more uses than it seems. Against characters with slow projectiles or lingering hurtboxes, this can be used as a risky punish. Because this move is air unblockable, this can also be a strong option to catch people back-teching if you manage to time it correctly. You can also use this to escape the corner easily. Finally, if you use this move after launching your opponent with something like sandballs, there isn’t really anything they can do to stop it.
*'''s.[2]8A: '''This move can be very strong when used right. One of the main uses for it is as an anti air, even though it's blockable in the air. Firstly, it’s generally recommended to use the A version of this move, as it’s a lot safer than the other two. The C version can sometimes be better at longer distances. It can be used to punish certain approaches that other characters can’t. Another use for this move is as a reversal. This is because the move is invincible on startup, so it will at the very least trade with other moves it encounters. It is technically unsafe, but Iggy only has 2 recovery frames on the ground, meaning you can usually just tech away to avoid any damaging follow ups.
=Stand Off Grab Okizeme=
Another reason Iggy is so powerful is because of how many options he has on most of the cast. But one of the most important things to remember when playing Iggy is which oki works on which character. Before we didn’t have the data but thanks to [ DDjames] we now do. This section will go over Iggy's main options from stand off grab.
===Meaty 2b/6b===
This is a very good option and basic since it works on almost everyone and 6b is a fast 19 frame overhead meaning it's hard to react to. After you hit them you can go for a tandem, a super or 236s. And with 6b you can do 63214c for good meterless damage if 6b didn’t hit meaty. The only downside to this is, because of how Iggy's grab works, it is possible to simply hold 8 and jump away. Not everyone can do this because of the varying amounts of pre-jump frames however.
===Meaty sandball===
Meaty sandball is a very powerful tool which you can do a lot with. The most basic option would be going for an Ioh or just making them block it and go for a low or grab to continue the cycle. If they try and pushblock it they put themselves in more block stun. The only good way to deal with it is to gc buffer.
===Command grab oki===
This option works on characters with medium to slow wake-up speeds. Since you can get hit by a command grab while in block stun you can do 63214c then go for walk 2b or j.a, and if they block it then they get hit by the command grab which does a lot of damage. Most of this damage comes from Iggy hitting the enemy together with The Fool, the bnb route being: 2a(x4), 6b, [2] ]8[c.
===Meaty 2a into tic throw===
A very basic but still somewhat effective oki because it puts them in the same situation if you’ve already grabbed them. Most people after getting hit by this once or twice will try to tech or jump which leaves them open to your other options. It also catches pre-jump frames but in HFTF after a knockdown the opponent has 2 frames of grab invulnerability after a wakeup.
===Close 5c to unblockable tandem===
This option works on most of the cast and it works by doing 5c (close) after a grab and making them block it. After that you do a normal bnb tandem but start with s.2a instead of s.5a. The s.2a hits low, with Iggy having time to do a j.c at the same time, making it unblockable. And even if you don’t do it perfectly it's still shooting stars level hard to block.
===Walk up s.ioh===
Basic Ioh that's unreactable and leads into a tandem, bnb or knockdown. Can also hit meaty. s.jc is active for 2 frames and s.j.b is active for 4 frames and only does slightly less damage so both are viable options. You can also mix it up with a low or just a grab, etc if they start blocking up or upbacking your oki.
===Safejump s.j.B===
Generally only used when your opponent has too fast of a wakeup speed to hit any other oki options with and/or they have strong reversal options. In case you don't know, the idea of a safejump is to land with an aerial right as they wake up while also holding back, so the move will connect if they block, and if they use a reversal, you can block it when you land. You're unlikely to mix people up with this, but it will stop them from just going autopilot up back on wakeup, as this can catch jumps. Using this, you can start your pressure afterwards and mix them there. And if you use this enough, you can condition them to sit still, letting you land some of the more powerful options above against faster wakeup characters.
{| class="wikitable"
Iggy's frame advantage from stand off grab
! Character !! Plus frames
| Petshop || +26
| Polnareff and Black Polnareff || +31
| Avdol || +34
| Rubber Soul || +35
| Hol Horse and Hol Horse and Boingo || +36
| Shadow Dio || +36
| Ice || +40
| Chaka || +41
| Devo || +45
| Iggy || +46
| Mariah || +52
| Midler || +52
| Alessi || +53
| Khan || +62
| Dio || +62
| Kakyoin and New Kakyoin || +65
| Jotaro || +79
| Old Joseph and Young Joseph || +82
=Stand on sweep oki=
While not as good as stand off grab oki since Iggy has less options here, you still have options that work with against most of the cast. And its good to learn since having constant oki in most situations is really good for Iggy and he still has some strong options here.
===IAD oki===
This one is pretty basic since its leads into a 50/50 high low mixup that loops into itself on most characters. It can be done by doing IAD and going for a meaty s.j.b by pressing any of Iggy's air buttons so you fall quicker and go for a meaty 2a. This doesn't do to much damage but it does loop into itself and you can mix it up with a stand off grab or use Iggy's air buttons and do an IOH into a tandem for damage. This oki is a bit harder compared to Iggy's other options since IAD has to be done very quickly for it to work on some characters due to their faster wakeup speed.
===Walk up oki===
This is a decent option since its and easy to do, safe and works on most of the cast depending on the range. Iggy can turn stand off and walk 2a and be +6 on normal block and +3 at worst if they pushblock you. you can also mix this up with walk up grab to get even better oki on most of the cast or walk up s.jb depending on the character since that takes the longest. Walk up 6b also works but only on a few characters and if they pushblock early the move will become unsafe even if you cancel into 236s.
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[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]
[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]

Latest revision as of 17:53, 18 February 2023


Stand off Iggy has the smallest hitbox and the fastest walk speed out of any character in the game, which means many combos and moves will flat out not hit Iggy. You can try to bait an opponent into attacking Iggy's large Stand On hitbox, just to turn it off and punish accordingly. Be careful though, many moves can still hit you even if the animation doesn't look like it. He has an airdash, but it's more of a glide forward, and can only be done once per jump. His combos aren't very long or complex, but do decent damage for what they are. His grab is also excellent, a hard knockdown that lets you set up your many oki options.

Iggy heavily relies on his ability to either force his opponent into nasty guessing games or his okizeme options. In some matchups, he'll be rushing you down, in others he'll be hanging back, waiting for you to make a mistake. He needs to have a good grasp of when to switch from stand off to on (and vice versa). You'll need to know how his sandballs work, and to apply creative pressure and reads. If you get your opponent in the corner, his pressure gets very scary. As Iggy, you'll want your opponent to get panicked and predictable. If an opponent is on very low health, his sandballs suddenly become a lot scarier. That minimal damage is gonna be a water(sand?)fall of potential death to a very low health enemy.

Iggy's IOH (Floating, throwing a sandball and landing with an aerial as early as possible) is very important to his game. You can go into your BNB or even start a corner loop from it. Many characters have trouble approaching you and your sandballs, so sometimes you've got to lay back and let the opponent run into you. If you get predictable, you will get anti aired. So be careful when using it, but dont get scared of using it.


The main thing that makes Iggy strong is his neutral. He has tons of different options to frustrate your opponent and whittle them down without even needing his insane oki. It’s important to note that Iggy’s neutral is extremely matchup dependent. Depending on the opponents tools, certain options will become much stronger or weaker. It’s important to learn your matchups as an Iggy, since otherwise you will not succeed.


  • 5C (close): This button is mainly used as an anti-air in situations where 2B won’t work. While it does have very low reward in that regard, it has an amazing hitbox and doesn’t actually go away if you get hit during the active frames. 5C (close) is limited as an anti-air by the fact that it’s a proximity normal, which sometimes makes it unreliable, and since 5C (far) is a very bad anti-air. Be sure to stand right under your opponent before you use this move to ensure the right version comes out.
  • 5C (far): This button is ridiculous. It’s a poke that goes about a third of the screen and is entirely disjointed. This move might as well be a projectile. Because of this, it can beat moves that are normally unchallengeable, such as Avdol's 2C or Ice's s.2C. This is also one of his only long range options in Stand Off, making it essential in certain match-ups. While this button isn’t as slow as most projectiles, it’s still slower than most other pokes, meaning you have to be careful when using it. This move also hits very low to the ground, meaning characters with fast jump ins can punish this move, especially at closer ranges.
  • 2A: This button is your best short ranged poke/jab. It has a disjointed hitbox and great frame data, making it a strong tick grab tool. On hit, you can go for a tick grab or walk cancel into your Stand On bnb, as well as link it into 236aa and after that further okizeme.
  • 2B: This button lowers your hitbox even more, giving it a variety of uses. It can be used as a counter-poke for certain moves that whiff against it. This works best against dashing approaches, since it offsets the short range. This button is also useful to catch your opponents landing. Doing this instead of anti airing will leave the opponent grounded on hit, giving you higher damage and combo potential. Being able to do this depends a lot on how low your opponents aerials can hit, so use it with caution.
  • j.C: This move is a fairly versatile aerial. While it does have a small hitbox, it’s insanely fast and covers your entire body. It also hits twice, giving it great mixup potential. Use it for mixups, anti airs, jump ins, whatever you want.
  • Grab: Iggy’s grab is one of the best in the game, not only for the oki you get off it, but also for how easy it is to land. Iggy’s fast walk speed and the range of the grab gives you a very large area from where you can grab your opponents. Not to mention that if you whiff the grab, you'll be doing two moves that are both very strong at beating counters to it. Some characters have strong buttons that make it hard to get close enough, but besides that, it’s a very powerful option and a core part of Iggy's gameplay.
  • 63214C: Please don’t use this move in neutral. It might look like a moving hitbox you can approach with, but it has a terrible hitbox, huge hurtboxes, and locks you from using your Stand On attacks. This move should only be used for oki. This move will also just straight up not hit Petshop standing (flying) :/
  • 623A/421A: The teleports have a varied amount of use depending on the match-up. They have their specialized use cases. Generally, they'll be useful to mix up your movement. Don’t get predictable with these, as you'll likely get punished when coming out of them. If an enemy is about to stop time, you can use this move to evade any potential attacks if you time it so that time stops when Iggy is off-screen.
  • 236AA: This move isn’t used too much in neutral, as most characters can counter it with supers and guard cancels. If you’re sure of yourself however, you can use it as a preemptive counter-poke, but you shouldn’t rely on this. This move is better against grounded opponents, since many of the hits will end up missing if you hit them in the air. Nevertheless, it still has use as an anti-air if your opponent has committed to a jump-in as the i-frames will protect you for the cost of 1 bar and less damage than normal. If you're up close to the opponent and they block this move, you can make the situation into a 50-50 by doing a low or high move right after the super flash, having punishes covered by the continued hits of 236aa. It is worthy of note that this super is very susceptible to guard cancels by most of the cast both at long and short ranges, which often nullifies the aforementioned cover.
  • [4]6C: This move is an amazing poke, but does not come without its problems. It has low damage and a lingering hurtbox, making it easier to punish. The stand also takes a few seconds to come back, locking you out some of your moves and more crucially, blocking. Don’t use this move unless you have enough room to run away. This move is however insanely quick for how far it goes. Combining this with 5c (far) can make you extremely annoying at a range, and make your opponent much more cautious at a distance, giving you an opportunity to move in for a grab.


  • s.5B: This move isn’t always useful, but it has uses as an anti air for opponents right in front of you. Be careful with this, as this move doesn’t have a great hitbox and is quite slow to come out.
  • s.2A: This move is a strong combo starter and your main low in stand on. Iggy has tons of ways to change his air momentum, making his high-low mix ups very ambiguous. Using this move after jump-ins is generally the best time to use it, but it can also work decently as a poke.
  • s.2B: This button is fast, disjointed, and very active, making it a great counter-poke. Using this move is a good way to stuff approaches. This move is also your main meter build option on whiff. If you’re full-screen and your opponent can’t attack you, just spam this move to build some quick meter.
  • s.j.B: This move is best used against people above you. Iggy can’t double jump conveniently, so a super-jump s.j.B is his best way to hit people going super high. Because of this, it’s also a strong tech chasing tool. It’s much more rewarding than sandballs, so it's a viable option if you want more damage at the risk of possibly getting hit.
  • s.j.C: This move is an amazing aerial. It has an amazing hitbox and can be used in a variety of ways. Doing IADs with this move is your main approach option. It can also be used for IOHs in combination with fast floats. The hitbox also makes this a great air to air. It can be a little slow and it doesn’t hit right below you, so you should mix this with other moves.
  • d.s.5C: This button is a fairly decent dashing normal, but also committal. It’s extremely fast and has a reasonable hitbox, meaning it’s fairly easy to land. One good use for this is after your opponent blocks something in the air, to anti air them while they’re falling. This move is unsafe on block and hit, so you've gotta cancel it into something to make it safe.
  • s.[4]6C: This move is the signature new player trap. While it may catch some people off guard, this move is extremely unsafe, sometimes even on hit. Using it in neutral is not recommended unless your opponent doesn’t know how to punish it. However, this move has many more uses than it seems. Against characters with slow projectiles or lingering hurtboxes, this can be used as a risky punish. Because this move is air unblockable, this can also be a strong option to catch people back-teching if you manage to time it correctly. You can also use this to escape the corner easily. Finally, if you use this move after launching your opponent with something like sandballs, there isn’t really anything they can do to stop it.
  • s.[2]8A: This move can be very strong when used right. One of the main uses for it is as an anti air, even though it's blockable in the air. Firstly, it’s generally recommended to use the A version of this move, as it’s a lot safer than the other two. The C version can sometimes be better at longer distances. It can be used to punish certain approaches that other characters can’t. Another use for this move is as a reversal. This is because the move is invincible on startup, so it will at the very least trade with other moves it encounters. It is technically unsafe, but Iggy only has 2 recovery frames on the ground, meaning you can usually just tech away to avoid any damaging follow ups.

Stand Off Grab Okizeme

Another reason Iggy is so powerful is because of how many options he has on most of the cast. But one of the most important things to remember when playing Iggy is which oki works on which character. Before we didn’t have the data but thanks to DDjames we now do. This section will go over Iggy's main options from stand off grab.

Meaty 2b/6b

This is a very good option and basic since it works on almost everyone and 6b is a fast 19 frame overhead meaning it's hard to react to. After you hit them you can go for a tandem, a super or 236s. And with 6b you can do 63214c for good meterless damage if 6b didn’t hit meaty. The only downside to this is, because of how Iggy's grab works, it is possible to simply hold 8 and jump away. Not everyone can do this because of the varying amounts of pre-jump frames however.

Meaty sandball

Meaty sandball is a very powerful tool which you can do a lot with. The most basic option would be going for an Ioh or just making them block it and go for a low or grab to continue the cycle. If they try and pushblock it they put themselves in more block stun. The only good way to deal with it is to gc buffer.

Command grab oki

This option works on characters with medium to slow wake-up speeds. Since you can get hit by a command grab while in block stun you can do 63214c then go for walk 2b or j.a, and if they block it then they get hit by the command grab which does a lot of damage. Most of this damage comes from Iggy hitting the enemy together with The Fool, the bnb route being: 2a(x4), 6b, [2] ]8[c.

Meaty 2a into tic throw

A very basic but still somewhat effective oki because it puts them in the same situation if you’ve already grabbed them. Most people after getting hit by this once or twice will try to tech or jump which leaves them open to your other options. It also catches pre-jump frames but in HFTF after a knockdown the opponent has 2 frames of grab invulnerability after a wakeup.

Close 5c to unblockable tandem

This option works on most of the cast and it works by doing 5c (close) after a grab and making them block it. After that you do a normal bnb tandem but start with s.2a instead of s.5a. The s.2a hits low, with Iggy having time to do a j.c at the same time, making it unblockable. And even if you don’t do it perfectly it's still shooting stars level hard to block.

Walk up s.ioh

Basic Ioh that's unreactable and leads into a tandem, bnb or knockdown. Can also hit meaty. s.jc is active for 2 frames and s.j.b is active for 4 frames and only does slightly less damage so both are viable options. You can also mix it up with a low or just a grab, etc if they start blocking up or upbacking your oki.

Safejump s.j.B

Generally only used when your opponent has too fast of a wakeup speed to hit any other oki options with and/or they have strong reversal options. In case you don't know, the idea of a safejump is to land with an aerial right as they wake up while also holding back, so the move will connect if they block, and if they use a reversal, you can block it when you land. You're unlikely to mix people up with this, but it will stop them from just going autopilot up back on wakeup, as this can catch jumps. Using this, you can start your pressure afterwards and mix them there. And if you use this enough, you can condition them to sit still, letting you land some of the more powerful options above against faster wakeup characters.

Iggy's frame advantage from stand off grab
Character Plus frames
Petshop +26
Polnareff and Black Polnareff +31
Avdol +34
Rubber Soul +35
Hol Horse and Hol Horse and Boingo +36
Shadow Dio +36
Ice +40
Chaka +41
Devo +45
Iggy +46
Mariah +52
Midler +52
Alessi +53
Khan +62
Dio +62
Kakyoin and New Kakyoin +65
Jotaro +79
Old Joseph and Young Joseph +82

Stand on sweep oki

While not as good as stand off grab oki since Iggy has less options here, you still have options that work with against most of the cast. And its good to learn since having constant oki in most situations is really good for Iggy and he still has some strong options here.

IAD oki

This one is pretty basic since its leads into a 50/50 high low mixup that loops into itself on most characters. It can be done by doing IAD and going for a meaty s.j.b by pressing any of Iggy's air buttons so you fall quicker and go for a meaty 2a. This doesn't do to much damage but it does loop into itself and you can mix it up with a stand off grab or use Iggy's air buttons and do an IOH into a tandem for damage. This oki is a bit harder compared to Iggy's other options since IAD has to be done very quickly for it to work on some characters due to their faster wakeup speed.

Walk up oki

This is a decent option since its and easy to do, safe and works on most of the cast depending on the range. Iggy can turn stand off and walk 2a and be +6 on normal block and +3 at worst if they pushblock you. you can also mix this up with walk up grab to get even better oki on most of the cast or walk up s.jb depending on the character since that takes the longest. Walk up 6b also works but only on a few characters and if they pushblock early the move will become unsafe even if you cancel into 236s.

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New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph