JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Khan/Strategy

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Revision as of 19:08, 2 August 2021 by JtheSaltyy (talk | contribs) (lot of additions to the strategy section)

HFTF Khan Spin.gif

Summary & Playstyle

Khan's main strategy is playing lots of neutral and pressuring your opponent until their defense cracks and you capitalize from their mistakes, allowing you to hit them with basic combos and super confirms.

You should usually approach with 2A/662A and j.C since most of the damage will be dealt through them and Khan's BnB combos, although you still have some other choices. Make good use of Khan's tools, like his anti-airs (5S, 5B, 623C, etc.) and in some cases even his Counter, as it can win you a round if you manage to catch a good move, but it may also cost you a round if it whiffs.

I'm sorry to say that you'll find yourself playing dirty as Khan. Surprise supers, tick grab spam, hyper hop spinning, and abusing Khan's excellent back dashes are all necessary in a majority of his matchups. As much as he appears to be an honest character, there's no way he can really win without playing dirty a little.

Unfortunately, a lot of Khan's dirt does not work on experienced players, or even worse, players who know their matchup against you. You need to ramp up the frequency and variety of Khan's tricks and outplay your opponent using reads, use mixups, block everything, guard cancel, etc. and pray to come out on top versus an experienced player. He may be easy to learn but he's hard to master due to the amount of uphill battles you're going to constantly be playing.

Ultimately, Khan is a fun character who is unfortunately unfinished. Khan is an easy character to pick up, but winning as Khan takes experience and execution. Be happy with every win you garner as Khan, you outplayed your opponent, you simply had the better neutral and game. Call them a noob in the chat as much as you want, you earned it.

If you enjoy characters that have to approach each matchup differently, you'll love Khan. Khan doesn't have consistency because of how weak he is. In the end he bends down to his opponent's character.



Tick grabs are surprisingly easy and useful for Khan, not for damage, but for cracking down on the opponent's defense, turning stand off and maneuvering characters into the corner where Khan wants them due to the long throw. Note that Khan's throw has a soft knockdown and does poor damage.

(Tick grabs can be done by hitting the opponent with a move that has a lot of hitstun and then grabbing them quickly after they recover from it. Tick grabs are harder to tech-grab than normal ones)

You can either use normals to tick grab or you can just empty hop and grab the opponent. (second option is more preferably used in okizeme)

Moves you can tick grab with (j.S is situational. Works if you hit the opponent while trying to get in):

2A, 5A, d.2A, d.2B, j.C, j.B, j.S

You're going to frequent j.C and 2A as your main go-to trick grab options. The opponent knows you will, but if you do it unpredictably enough, they won't have the reactions to tech it,


Khan's grab is easily punishable as it gives you 14 frames of disadvantage after the opponent techs in corner (it can also be punished midscreen by some characters but it isn't as easy).

However, there are some ways around this for Khan to avoid getting punished. You have to roll in a certain 1f window as it gives Khan i-frames to avoid getting hit.

This is explained in the video below and in the In-Depth System Info section.

Do not always rely on this, however. As there are people who are willing to punish you by grabbing your roll.

For example doing empty tandem after teching and grabbing Khan while he is rolling, or for some characters who simply can't punish Khan's grab in general.


Khan has a few tricks for his okizeme. First one can be done by just simply landing a j.C as they get up.

Simple and effective, if it lands you can go into any of Khan's combos, even another knockdown.

It's also the safest option on block. Mix it up with empty jump 2A.

You can go for an IOH (Instant Overhead) j.C, then cancel it to j.S to escape in case the opponent was about to punish you.

Another option is to simply grab them on wakeup. You can further expand on this by backdashing, waiting for them to wakeup. At this point your opponent will think to throw out an attack instead of an anti-wakeup measure so you can dash in with 2C to knock them down again, 2A to tick grab them or 2A/2B to combo into 214AA. Note that tick throws are a very risky option if done in the corner.

After landing a hard knockdown against characters that take a longer time to wake up, you can attempt to do a long jump behind them and try to give them a sneaky low or high from behind. If 214AA stand crashed, you should have more than enough time to pull this off.

You can also do the Counter Learning move after the opponent wakes up to catch them but it is extremely unrecommended, as there is a chance you might die if it doesn't work out.

The last okizeme option is using meaty okizeme with 5C, 5B or any other normal that has a lot of active frames. In case the first 5C whiffs, you can still do the follow-up 5C>5C to catch the opponent if they were trying to whiff punish you. But if it connects or if they block high, following up with a [4]6+C may surprise them and result in another knockdown.
This option is a risky one if you're going for an unsafe normal like 5C. You really have to condition the opponent to stick out a button every time they wake up other wise your meaty will get push blocked and punished. Preferably meaty j.C is your go-to meaty option with oki.

HFTF Khan FakeOki1.pngHFTF Khan FakeOki2FIXED.pngHFTF Khan FakeOki3FIXED.png


Khan should mostly use short hop j.C, dashing 2A, and 4B for the neutral game (and in some safe cases 5C however you won't find much options to use it) meaning most characters will beat him in the neutral game. However, it may be beneficial to play in the neutral game with characters that are simply too powerful for Khan to risk closing in on (e.g. Vice and Jotaro). Certain normals like 4B should be used with caution as if not spaced correctly it can be punished hard on hit, even harder on block. You'll also frequent his amazing dashes, as they're great at the old bait and punish game, or they're a great way of beginning your approach. If you use all these options right, Khan's neutral is actually pretty strong and also very cool to watch, however it's still most likely going to be nothing compared to the higher top tiers of the game. Still though, mastering Khan's neutral already puts you a big step forward in any of Khan's matchups, as playing perfect neutral is a key component in almost every matchup he has.

Charging is an option you have in neutral, [4]6B into 623+C is often Khan's best option of whiff punishing big attacks and can open the way for Khan to start comboing. A nice trick is to [4]6+B underneath your opponent if they jump high and 623+C in the other direction to catch them in an air cross up. However, using this to catch an opponent on the ground is VERY risky and shouldn't be frequented. If you whiff your [4]6B or it gets blocked, it's game over. It's far too unsafe. If it gets blocked, you can intentionally delay your 623C and wait until an opponent tries to punish you and then do the 623C. This is also pretty risky, as 623C has no i-frames, meaning that if they do a move that can beat it clean, you're screwed.
Doing a charge accidentally may cost you a whole round. Some opponents may use this trick against you. They could preemptively bait you into trying a charge, and then they could block and punish you hard for it.
For example crossing you up while you are holding back or down back so you let out a charge after trying to reach to the opponent.
Another example is by simply rolling, you try to grab the opponent by doing 6C and end up doing a knockdown charge which results in you being open for a punish.
To avoid this, simply do 4C instead of 6C to not a get a charge and grab the opponent. It will take a while to get used to if you're used to always doing 6C to grab.

Khan's defense is abysmal. He has no defensive options and the best option is to usually to push block like a madman if you're caught. Both his roll and guard cancel are average meaning Khan will be caught out often. If worst comes to worst and Khan is caught in the corner, super jump over your opponent and spin as far as you can.
j.S is the only strength Khan's defense has. When done off of a dash hop or super jump it takes him far away. However, you can get clipped out of the air fairly easily if you're too high (e.g. Jot's s.5A or Ice's s.6B)

Your best chance for getting an aggressive opponent off your back is either jumping back and using j.B into S to retreat or hoping your GC lands. Push blocking isn't exactly a bad idea either, you might have enough time to even retaliate with some attacks of your own, however that little time you get from push blocking is mainly going to be used for trying to run away.

In some rare cases, his Counter Special can be very useful. Landing it is difficult, but if you tag the correct move e.g. Shadow DIO's 5S or Khan's 2A you will really slow them down and sometimes it can slide the game in your favor. Still, it's a really risky tactic as the counter has abysmal recovery if it doesn't work.
Not to mention that Khan's Counter is actually punishable on hit by some characters with fast wakeup speed, because Khan doesn't get any i-frames during his taunt like the other Anubis characters.


Phew, finally a definitive strength for Khan.

Khan's S spin offers him unrivaled mobility in the air, possibly only contested by Kak and Ice's IAD. The speed at which the spin moves is determined by the direction Khan jumped in and the speed at which he did his jump, so a normal jump is slow while a hyper hop is much faster. Air-recovering into a spin is also great as it can be helpful in safely escaping from tech chases. Spin also works in air-to-air best at the same height, not at all if they're lower than you and somewhat if they're higher than you. Most times you're using j.B as an air-to-air and keeping j.S as a mobility tool and hitconfirm from j.B/j.C. Also note that if your opponent sees your j.S and has a very good anti air, like DIO s.5C, they can clip you in the air and you have to tech. If you try another j.S they might go for the same anti-air again, which is why you don't want to get too predictable with your j.S movement.
Then there's the option of laming. Mainly used by players like RYUQUAZA, Khan's j.S in tandem with his backdash offers some very good laming. In some matchups characters can't do nothing but cope and seethe at the sight of Khan's laming like BPol. Other times it's probably going to get you killed against characters like Jotaro. The effectiveness of using j.S as a laming tool comes down to who you're up against.


Often your opponent thinks they can simply zone out Khan, but as soon as an opening appears in their attempts, Khan can nearly teleport into their face. This startles and shocks, causing them to make bad decisions, usually a roll. Khan can punish the opponent then and stick to them like glue for the rest of the round.

Spin can avoid being anti-aired too. You can control the speed by holding either forward or backward. Naturally, you want to go as fast as possible in most cases so you would hold forward, but if you see your opponent preparing an anti-air you can switch to holding backward, the anti-air then misses, you hold forward again and you can punish. The only problem with the spin is its recovery after you hit the ground. If you hit the opponent 3 times while still having quite a long distance to the ground, you'll put yourself at a disadvantage. Thankfully, close to the ground the air spin is plus on hit, even guaranteeing some follow-ups if it hits deep enough.

Khan's backdash is also great. It's a quick leap back, similar to the ones in the KOF series, that covers a decent amount of ground. Note that Khan can cancel the backdash into the spin when his feet are off the ground, lending him a small amount of protection, but the recovery from the spin is far longer than from the dash. Backdashing into his Learning Counter is also a neat trick. Not only that but it's great when used with the forward dash in his neutral, making it difficult for the opponent to see what Khan will do next, and it will also make it hard for the opponent to try and hit Khan as his forward dash has flexible cancelling and his backdash goes far and leaves fast. Khan's forward dash is decent. Its speed is serviceable, certainly fast enough to slip d.2A in and go for tick grabs. It can be canceled at any time though it's not instant (you can cancel his dash by pressing back).


Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph