JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Vanilla Ice/Strategy

From SuperCombo Wiki

General Strategy and general tips

Try to play it safe and not to take many unnecessary risks at all. Be aware of all the shit your opponent can do and always keep in mind what you need to do in order to counter it

If your opponent has lifelead and is playing defensively, thats your queue to approach (usually by just walking forward in stand on mode, ready to block/poke if needed or by turning stand off, dodging, and immediately turning stand back on so as to avoid any unnecessary chip damage)

Against most character that have a projectile/ranged move, try to keep in mind at what range you can activate tandem for a full punish and keep yourself in that area. If you have lifelead you dont need to approach, but try to keep yourself out of the corner so that you arent potentially putting yourself in an unfavorable situation

In neutral, s2B s2C/s6C are effective for disrupting approaches and checking buttons, just try not to get too obvious with it because it is punishable.

If your opponent consistently blocks your unblockables you either need to make it tighter, or if that doesnt work, change the timing up so your 662A will hit first or vice versa

If you hop and force an opponent in the air to block an air-to-air 8A you can follow that up with S.6C while theyre still falling from blockstun

If you hop and hit an opponent in the air with an air-to-air 8A depending on how low to the ground you were when it hit you can probably combo that up with S.5C

On the other hand, if you hop and force an opponent in the air to block an air-to-air 7/9B (while theyre a bit farther away than 8A reaches) you can use the time they spend falling from the blockstun you forced them in to reposition yourself closer to them (you can grab, 662A or just dash forward a bit and turn stand on so youre in poking distance)

When youre pressuring your opponent, dont just do a bunch of 2A 6C 214Cs, youll get blown up against someone who knows how to counter it. Instead go for a blockstring like s2B s2C, no need to commit to something like 214C in the middle of your blockstring

When you airtech in stand on mode, keep in mind you can airdash and you still have a double jump too, so if you want to airdash to a better place for you to be (either in position for something like a spaced dookie drop into j.A/j.B, or for a backward airdash to retreat into dookie drop for a fast and safe landing landing)

Neutral hop j.B is a pretty strong poke as it can't be easily punished by most of the cast (chars like kak and ice who eat sleep and breathe anti-airs are an exception) and goes over lows, mix it up with some of ice's stand on normals and you can use swat people who try to air-to-air/jump-in against you and also hit people trying to approach with a low normal using j.B.


Your options on opponents wakeup, your okizeme

214+A/B/C - 662A - 2A - 6B - 214S

50\50 that if timed right can leave 1 frame for your opponent to switch their block. Button pressed depends on how far away which ever character youre fighting.

If your opponent is blocking this correctly either go for another oki or learn how to switch up high/low and low/high with 214A 662A.

Best option against characters whose wakeups are 34 frames or lower. You can read wakeup speeds on the System Info page.

214+A/B/C to force block into superjump, j.A/grab/2A

Good mixup overall

Beats buffered GCs/GCs on wakeup in general Against most (all?) characters, if the 214A is timed right then GC cant punish it, and since youll be superjumping over it you should be able to punish their GC with a full combo.

214+A/B/C 664 5B UNCOMBO ... Completely unblockable(?) because both 214A and 5B hit meaty, what you do after the "..." is up to you Will reset back to neutral, also the only unblockable you can do against Petshop

Dookie Drop into 9C 2A 6B 214S Good for chars that wake up really fast and you need to quickly pressure them.

Dookie-okis are a good option for characters whose wakeups are 33 frames (yes in actual matches ive found that the 1 frame difference matters) or faster, some can still punish you if your timing isn't perfect so it's usually recommended to just reposition yourself and not go for oki instead in that situations Dookie Drop is explained in the important things section.

Empty Dookie Drop into 2A 6B 214S Effective mixup if theyre expecting you to throw out 9C.

Empty Dookie Drop to bait out counter\super ... Good against people who are expecting the dookie

Dashing Dookie Drop to go over and cross-up slower wakeup characters

This is only useful after something like (in corner) 236AA or S.623AA (as they both leave you in stand on and in perfect position) and your opponent is blocking/GCing your 50/50 consistently for some reason

(Midcombo AFTER 6 HITS 66A 2B) 214+A 662A 2A 6C 214S

Allows you to set up oki safely against characters that could punish you like Rubber Soul. Also the only way to knock down Petshop. If you're confused about (midcombo blah blah) basically you use 66A to combo into 2B as a combo ender after 6 hits in a combo and it should knock down instead of launching and let you recover faster than 2C, allowing you to oki rubber more easily

Important things

If you want to wake up reversal, use his tandem, It has a huge amount of i frames, leaves you safe for only 1 meter and youll just build it back up anyway. Dont use every time you wake up but keep an eye out for whenever you might be able to pull it out.

The easy guide to buffer Instant Air Dashing: Tech passed down from generation to generation, heres a vid explaining how to do it

Dookie Drop (or slurpdropping): This is the term for when you turn off your stand in the air as Ice. Notation would be: s.9s It can be good for mix-up purposes such as going for a quick overhead/empty dookie into low but dont get crazy with it in neutral because almost anything (except moves with some very low hitboxes) will beat it out An example of how to use the dookie is back in the ol' okizemes section

Vice's Tandems

His tandems are well known for being ridiculously easy to pull off as a beginner, and can do some good damage. Though simply mashing ABC won't get you that far, especially if you're not doing follow up combos. Not only that, he has a couple of important techniques that further optimize the damage by ten-fold, killing opponents in one combo. One being the famous Nao tandem, and other being the Maha tandem, which is a special glitch that applies to active stand users like Vice.

Nao Tandem

Starting off with the Nao tandem, it is the most optimal tandem option for Vice. It requires pressing ABC and 214x together at insane speeds, allowing for monstrous damage to be applied to your opponent. Unlike other tandems, there is no written limit in how many buttons you should press during your activation phase, so rep to your heart's content. However, with the freedom of having a high rep count, it now becomes harder to predict when the combo ends. This is where the 214x input comes into play; by FIRST doing (ABC)n THEN (214x)n, it becomes a bit easier to predict when the tandem will end. I highly suggest practicing your reaction time a lot with this because it pays off in the end.

Famous tandem at 1:30

Nao Enders

Here are some notable enders when doing this tandem:

Ender from the video

  • 2A>6Cxx214C>66A>6sA>s.6B>s.6C>6SCxx236aa

Maha Tandem

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System Info
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New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph