JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Petshop/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki



Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 2 17 3 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+2 0 -3 5A,SP,SU Mid

A small ice spike. Mainly used in combos, apart from that it doesn't have much use apart from being a decent poke while in midair.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 2 19 9 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+5 +3 -5 SP,SU Mid

Fuckin useless. You'll probably never use this button unless you're misinputting 66C [BC]

Petshop 5C .png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 2 20 15 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+9 +7 -6 SP, SU Mid

Amazing button. Great hitbox, great in combos, and a pretty good anti air too. Walk cancelling this move will be your best meter build at fullscreen.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 3 12 3 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+6 +4 +1 2A,5B (UnCrC),5C (UnCrC),SP,SU Low

Really great poke for getting enemies into that UB. Can cancel into moves such as 5C making it a very valuable combo starter

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 1 18 12 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+7 +5 +3 SP,SU Mid

2B isn't too great. It's not got the fastest startup, pretty slow recovery, and can only be cancelled into either supers or a move that you can't combo off without icicles.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 1 27 16 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Knockdown -4 -12 SP,SU Low

Hard knockdown. Hitbox is surprisingly small. Doesn't give an awful lot of frame advantage. Not much to say about this one it just kinda sucks.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
28 - - 4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+10 +1 +4 - Mid

Petshop fires three of these projectiles that fly straight forward. Builds quite a bit of meter on hit. No chip damage.

Dashing Normals

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 1 9 3 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+11 +9 +6 5B (UnCrc),5C (UnCrc),SP,SU Low

The fucking amazing godlike move. You'll be using the dashing version to set up most of your unblockables. Mistime your icicles and go for a d.2A too soon? Not a problem. This shit combos into 2A which can also be used as a blockstring to push opponents into icicles.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 1 27 9 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-2 -4 -12 SP,SU Low

2B but useful. Dashing version hits low, and it hits Petshop, meaning it can be used as an alternate UB setup starter. Still situational though.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 1 27 9 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-2 -4 -12 SP,SU Low

Exact same properties as dashing 2B but worse. Can only be used for UB setups in the corner, doesn't knock down.

Command Normals

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 5 19 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+2 0 -8 SP,SU Mid

Kinda sucks. Not a terribly great poke or anti-air in comparison to 5C. Only comes out one frame faster then 5C, not as disjointed as it looks.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
34 - 11 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+20 +17 -7 SP,SU Mid

A pseudo-teleport where petshop burrows into the ground and fires a projectile upwards towards the opponent. This move can crossup and combos into every one of Petshop's moves except for itself. Be careful when throwing this out, as it can become predictable and punishable when used unsafely.

4C/6C (Close)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
- - - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
- - - - Grab

Petshop's tick grab. Petshop's grab is pretty good as it deals decent damage and isn't punishable unlike Dio's grab or Hol's grab. Due to some forbidden cursed spooky magic, Petshop's grab becomes one of the best in the game. If your opponent techs one of your tick grabs, the screen will become locked and will be unable to become fullscreen if your opponent tries to run away, effectively trapping them inside a smaller screen where all your icicles can hit. Only Petshop moving can allow the screen to move.


236A (Ice Claw)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 8 30 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-10 -20 -22 - High

Do you like moves that basically completely fucking useless? If so, this is the one for you! It has quite a good bit of startup and a ton of recovery all for basically no return. You will struggle to find a scenario in which this move is useful I promise you. Oh yeah and it hits overhead.

236B/C (Ice Bullet)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 15 16 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-3 -13 -15 - Mid

This move isn't all that great. It's best use is in some niche combos when used to cancel out of a move like 2B. B version does more damage than C for some reason. Without icicles this move isn't plus enough on hit to get any proper combos from it. Please do not do this on blocking opponents.

41236S (Frost Missiles Barrage)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
37 - - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+21 +13 +2 - Mid

Fires the same projectiles as 5S, but fires 6 projectiles instead of 3 that track the opponent rather than flying straight. Has more startup than 5S. Excellent tool for okizeme. Does no chip damage.

214A/B/C (Ice Lance)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
- 13(A)
- -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-16(C) - Mid

An ice spike that emerges from the ground. Do not trust the sprite, the hitbox only goes around halfway up. Depending on the button used, the distance will change (as shown in the three different images). Knocks down after the 9th hit in a combo and can be used to poke opponents while you are in midair. Apart from that it does not have much use.

1/2/3S (Death Freeze)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
19 8 26 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch -25 -34 - Low

A hitgrab that hits low. Depending on the direction input with S the position of the trap shall change place, with 1S being next to Petshop and 3S being further away. Very punishable on whiff/block. Risky outside of combos or UB setups. Opponents can mash 6/4 to escape from this trap if they are not being hit similar to Kak/Nkak/Rubber's wraps.

236S (Death Freeze Followup)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
- - - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
- - - - -

Inputting 236S after this attack will summon Petshop's stand, Horus. After Horus is summoned, pressing any button will throw an ice shard at the opponent. You will be able to get around 30 hits from this followup from mashing buttons to throw ice shards, after which the opponent is hit with an untechable launch, which can be followed up with a super or used to set up your okizeme.

[X] ]X[ (Icicle Break)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
90 17 0 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+26 +24 +18 - High

Ever wondered what makes Petshop broken to the point that he's banned? No, it's not flying. It's these fucking overhead icicles babey! This is the shit that breaks this character to the point that he's banned from most tournaments. "But what's so great about this move?" Good question. These bitches can be used to set up UNBLOCKABLE ATTACKS THAT CAN CONVERT INTO TOUCH OF DEATH COMBOS. "But Hol, Hoingo, Devo, Vice, and Polnareff all have unblockable setups, why aren't they banned?" Big difference is that each of these characters have to at least commit to their unblockable setup. Petshop? He can just hold a button for 90 frames and then the funny spike appears at the top of the screen and now your opponent has a section of the screen they can't walk under without putting themselves at massive risk. Need I mention that you can not only block while holding these fuckers, but you can generate them WHILE BLOCKING? It's like a guard cancel that you can fucking ToD off. Not to even mention the MASSIVE damage you get from these things and their combo potential. Petshop get a ton of loops and combos from icicles if you're able to hold buttons well. Even his baby transformation via Alessi gets combos because of these. There's an alternate universe where Capcom interns decided against adding these unholy shits and Petshop sits around low B tier, god help your opponents for being born here. Also note depending on the button held, the distance from petshop that the icicles appear will differ, with A being closest and C being furthest. Learn to use these, they will be what allow you to absolutely dominate most opponents.

623A/B/C (While blocking)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 4 20 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch -1 -8 - Mid

Hits the opponent with a techable launch. Basically the same as his 214A. Not much use considering Petshop's other options on block.


236AA (Giga Frost Missiles)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 - - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch +19 +11 - Mid

Shoots 30 projectiles, similar to those created by 5S, 236S, and 41236S. Thankfully however, this one does chip damage. Mostly used after 236S launch as a finisher or just as a combo ender in general.

214AA (Death Penalty)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 6 21(Hit/Block)
- -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Knockdown +22 -2 - High

A giant overhead icicle, does quite a lot of chip damage, especially on stand meter. This move will knock down on hit, however if used in a combo to stand crash an opponent or against a crouching opponent it will not knock them down and the combo can be continued, thus it can be used as a powerful combo extender in the right scenario.

AA6BC (Terminal Lock-On)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
2 20 8 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
grab -19 -24 - Mid

Okay "Terminal Lock-On" may be the Japanese name but let's be honest "Raging birdie" sounds way better. Despite the raging demon input and animation, this move is blockable on ground and in midair as it functions as a hitgrab, however note that it will still hit midair opponents. Holding [2] or [8] during the animation will cause you to fly slightly downward up upward respectively. This move is best used as a combo ender or reversal due to the fact it's iframes kick in quickly. Note that this super loops on Nkak, Kak, Iggy, and Rubber Soul and can be cancelled into from any of Petshop's normals and still connect.

Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph