JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Kakyoin/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki


There are two important things to note for Kakyoin's Normals.
Damage is variable, depending on Player health, Opponent health, who the Opponent is playing, and whether they are in Stand Off or Stand On. All damage numbers are based on a full health Kakyoin vs a full Health Shadow DIO, who has about an "Average" defense value. Numbers in parentheses are block/chip damage.
Kakyoin's frame data is slightly deceptive, due to almost every single move being able to cancel into specials, particularly his Nets. His Nets being so quick and non-committal, alongside the fact that having a net on the screen can add hit/blockstun to cover other things you are doing, means that moves being minus on hit or block, doesn't matter as much as you might think.


Stand Off

Kakyoin move placeholder.png
The calm before the storm
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 2 1 3 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+8 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Straight jab punch. Can combo into several other normals. Kakyoin's fastest Stand Off normal. Combo Filler.
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff +4 hit
5B (Close)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Would have actually been a decent anti-air
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 3 3 4 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+9 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Proximity normal. Kakyoin performs a straight high kick. While it does come out faster than the far version, its hitbox covers a very weird area, which makes this move ineffective against most crouching or short characters. This move can combo into most dashing normals and 5B (Far).
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
5B (Far)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
How milquetoast.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8,5 3 2 5 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+10 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Kakyoin performs a straight mid-level kick. Very bland move with not much use.
  • Move has less startup if you're already in the 5B pose
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 1 (6) 2 20 8,4 (2,1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-4 {{{block}}} - SP, SU, TA, ROLL IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Hierophant appears on top of Kakyoin to use his Drill, hitting the opponent twice. Strong normal with good priority, and a massive disjoint. Powerful panic button in almost any scenario.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit (First hit only)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Don't You (Forget About Me)
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 2 6,1 3 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4,+9 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Low
  • Kakyoin does a quick low kick. Can combo into most normals. Can be easily forgettable due to Kakyoin have options like nets to start combos and moves like 2B and 5C to counterpoke with, but is a good combo starter nonetheless. Hits low.
  • Recovery shortened by letting go of down, however you it can link into another 2A even if you hold down. Game's weird.
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 1 16 6 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-2 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=No Scales=No Low
  • Hierophant Green turns its arm into a drill and attacks the opponent's legs. Comes out very fast and has decent range. Good poke and counterpoke. Hits low.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Friendly reminder that even the best opponents will have habits that you can exploit, like leaving their homes unlocked or sleeping with the lights off.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 1 (8) 1 10 7,5 (2,1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-8/HKD {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=No Scales=No Low,Mid
  • Hierophant Green attacks the opponent twice with its arms. Good move to end combos with as it gives very good oki. Don't overuse this. Only the first hit is low. Second hit can whiff at max range.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit (First hit only)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
The move equivalent of slamming your pinky toe on the coffee table
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 1 13 5 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-4 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=No Low
  • Kakyoin performs his 2A low kick while moving towards the opponent. Absolutely useless.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
When the imposter has better active frames!😳
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 9 Until Landing 7 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+10 {{{block}}} - SP IPS=No Scales=No High
  • Quick jab pointing downwards. Comes out fast and deals high damage. Useful during combo extensions into Nets.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Dude's built like a twig
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 14 Until Landing 4 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+10 {{{block}}} - SP IPS=Yes Scales=No High
  • A far-reaching kick. Slower than j.A and does less damage, but covers more range and has more active frames. Best hitbox for jump-ins.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Welcome... To the True Kusoge World.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 1 (3) 3 Until Landing 10,10 (3,3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
10,10 {{{block}}} - SP IPS=No Scales=No High
  • Hierophant turns its arm into a drill and hits the opponent twice. Has an insane disjoint and will beat almost every other air move. But, the hitbox is kind of high and will whiff shorter characters. Does high damage.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit (First hit only)


Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 2 8 3 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+2 {{{block}}} - WIP IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • 5A, but dashing. You will maybe use this for a cheeky air-ub hit when they have 1HP left, otherwise it has no use.
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Time to abuse those ice physics
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 3 15 4,8 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-3 {{{block}}} - WIP IPS=Yes Scales=No Mid
  • Kakyoin performs his kick attack while dashing. Used to confirm into his Tandem attack in Stand Off. The Roll Cancel is only on whiff, but can allow you to dodge some supers on reaction (S.on Knives). Not safe on block, but can create some ghetto pressure by repeatedly dashing and cancelling into net, or even remote mode for a cheeky mixup.
  • B and C are both the same move in every single way except for damage, which C does more.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
In case you weren't already scared of blocking high while 30 feet away
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 2 6 3 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 {{{block}}} - WIP IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Low
  • This is your main combo starter in stand off (aside know.). The extra range from dashing momentum more than makes up for the slightly slower startup.
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
FNAF Jumpscare
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 1 13 10 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+1 {{{block}}} - WIP IPS=No Scales=No Low
  • Oddly more plus and damaging than the regular version, but they're both cancellable so who cares. Has more range than 662A, so can be slightly better for poking, but honestly this move is very underwhelming.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
And he goes forward and he runs and he starts shooting, and he gets backstabbed by a spy that's been sitting with the cloak and dagger in the corner for at least the last 68 seconds.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 1 (8) 1 14 7,5 (2,1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD {{{block}}} - WIP IPS=No Scales=No Low,Mid
  • Good range due to dashing momentum, safe on block, and leads to HKD on hit. Overally pretty decent. Important to note though that due to pushback, cancelling the second hit on block into net will mean the net will be out of range of the opponent, so be careful.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit (First hit only)

Stand On

Kakyoin move placeholder.png
My fist is the divine breath.
Blossom O fallen seed and draw upon thy hidden powers.
Grant unto thee the power of the glorious "mother of destruction".
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 5 1 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+7 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Absolute bonkers normal, while it isn't huge like some of the other insane normals in this game, it's absolutely ridiculously safe, fast, and a pure disjoint. Your best anti-air for when opponents are right on top of you, or just anti-airing in general. Good for tech chasing, used in combos, gives Kak the 3rd fastest meterbuild in the game and easily the safest. There are many times where you could just sneak one in such as Mariah trying to wear your patience with 236X>623X>repeat. Only real downside is it whiffs on crouching characters and short characters.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Congratulations, you've learned 50% of this character.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 1 (2) 4 19 10,10 (3,3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-10,-7 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=No Scales=Yes Mid
  • Contender for the best normal in the entire game. Fast initial hit, but that second hitbox is where things get nutty. Ludicrous disjoint, this move alone gives Kakyoin better Anti-Air potential than almost anyone who isn't S tier. 6f with that range still isn't anything to scoff at either, making this an extremely powerful button to just throw out in close range scrambles. This move, S.2C, S.6B, and Net together will invalidate a chunk of the cast.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
What do you mean I have to actually think about when to use a move?
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 1 (4) 3 (8) 4 12 5,7,12 (1,2,3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+3 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA* IPS=No Scales=Yes Mid
  • Tied for S.5A as your fastest S.on normal, this isn't really a button you press in scramble situations. The strict cancel window and lengthy recovery means you'll generally only use this during combos as a tandem link, or in the corner loop. If you've conditioned your opponent to stick to the ground, it can be good to keep certain characters out, but is not as reliable as Kakyoin's many many other strong normals.
  • Third hit does 10 if the first 2 hit
  • Only first hit can be canceled
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit (First hit only)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Up your ass and to the left
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 6 16 5 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-9 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Mid
  • Very outclassed move. Slower than S.5B and a worse overall hitbox for anti-airing and a large horizontal hurtbox makes it really bad at anything else. You'll only use this move when you get crossed up while doing S.4A, in which case it will usually hit the opponent anyways, but overall underwhelming. It does have use in tandems to hit shorter opponents.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Sit your ass down.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 3 18 11 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-5 {{{block}}} - S.5C IPS=No Scales=Yes Mid
  • While slower than some of your other options, S.6B has a load of range and is one of your strongest pokes. It also can work well as a preventive anti-air, slapping them early out of their jump from a distance. The strange cancel option of S.5C makes this move a little more awkward than your other pokes however, since the hitstop can make cancelling into S.5C and quickly cancelling that first hit harder to do when you hit S.6B.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 8 15 12 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD/Wallbounce {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=No Scales=Yes Mid
  • While it's not the fastest move, it is disjointed horizontally to such a degree that it's funny. Good to use as a counterpoke or a preventive option to cover certain moves/angles your myriad of other Anti Airs struggle to cover.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Giga...Drill...-Well, the size isn't accurate. But the power might be.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 3 10 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+0 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA,Chain IPS=Yes Scales=Yes Low
  • Quick low. Good for up close mixups and keeping your pressure going after IADs.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Now that we've found this precious place
How do we keep from going crazy now?
My life was leading to this day
Watching the whole thing slip away
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 2 21 8 (2) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-7 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA,Chain IPS=No Scales=Yes Low
  • With decent startup and great range, this is a powerful low to allow you to play your mixups and pressure the opponent from a distance.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
It's comical really, how little I'm trying right now.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 10 16 12 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA* IPS=No Scales=No Low
  • The legendary sweep. Hits from 3/4ths of the screen away, comes out way fast than you'd expect something this huge to, and can be really difficult to punish due to the sheer size and disjoint. The advantage on knockdown is nothing to scoff at either. Easily one of Kakyoin's best moves, however it is one of his most committal as well, it can leave you open to well-timed jumps if they read you, as well as other moves like Ice's Ball. So y'know, have a LITTLE bit of thinking while you use it.
  • Only cancellable before the first active frame.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 3 Until Landing 5 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
16 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • Good range and good speed, and even a disjoint before recovery frames. But the damage leaves much to be desired compared to its rival in S.8C, and is worse at being an IOH due to the higher hitbox.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
You're a disgrace to my A button.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 Until Landing 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+11 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • The 1 niche this move has is being Kakyoin's highest hitting normal during airdashes, but're not gonna use this
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
The sensation of hopelessness and helplessness you will feel while mid-air of an ego shattering super will be a sobering moment for the both of us
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 Until Landing 10 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+11 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • Can work as a replacement for S.9C for IADs, but only do his if you really want to keep C net held. Better air-to-air during airdashes than S.9C Best normal for Air Net juggles.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 Until Landing 13 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+16 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • Neutral jump is a strong option for Kakyoin, and S.8C and its brother S.8A is a definite factor for it. Hard to contest fast air normals to swat at anyone while keeping your powerful aerial state. Similarly it can be used as an IOH alternative instead of S.J.3x on taller enemies to stay airborne.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Get over here coward, you're not an intellectual! You're a fake and a fraud!
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 Until Landing 13 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+11 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • Your best move for IAD, and generally your best for jump ins as well. Hits lower than S.J.B but less disjointed. Will usually give better advantage.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Ah gottem ggs
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 Variable Until Landing 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+11 {{{block}}} - SP,SU IPS=No Scales=Yes High
  • Kakyoin's Instant Overhead. Used to mix your opponent endlessly combined with his strong lows, nets, and IAD to cover any distance created. Easily combos into low chain. Button strength determines angle that Kakyoin travels at.
  • If done frame perfectly, the hitbox won't come out at all
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit


Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 5 4 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scaling=Yes Mid
  • The same bonkers normal, but on the move. Can allow you to "chain" dashes to try and make up distance for oki if you aren't confident in your IADs (can also lead into a sneaky grab for oki). Doesn't chain into itself as quickly or easily, but can still allow you to press buttons while running away for squeezing a bit more meter out of everything you do. Good for tech chasing, combos, and pressure against tall opponents as well.
  • Dashing S.6A does not exist, this comes out regardless of what standing direction you input
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 3 18 11 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-5 {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=Yes Mid
  • Dashing momentum allows you to hit people early out of jumps from even farther away, however it is completely uncancelable and unsafe even on hit, so you'll want to use it sparingly. The disjoint can help you from eating full combo punishes, but you'll definitely be giving up your turn when using this.
  • Dashing S.5B does not exist, this comes out regardless of what standing direction you input
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 8 15 12 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD/Wallbounce {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=No Scaling=Yes Mid
  • Can be used as a moving cancelable disjoint, a last ditch meaty to dissuade jumping due to active frames, but is a pretty niche move. Used in Wallbounce loops in the corner.
  • Dashing S.5C does not exist, this comes regardless of what standing direction you input
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 3 10 4 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+0 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scaling=Yes Low
  • Useful as a tick for Raging Demon, but otherwise pretty mediocre.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Stop worrying about pleasing others
Do more of what makes you happy
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 2 21 8 (2) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-7 {{{block}}} - SP,SU,TA IPS=Yes Scaling=Yes Low
  • Due to retaining its cancel properties, this is an excellent poke and approach tool.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
There is not a single fucking pixel of this screen where you are safe
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 10 16 12 (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD {{{block}}} - None IPS=Yes Scaling=No Low
  • The legendary sweep, reborn. From 3/4ths of the screen to truly fullscreen, this move creates whiff punish opportunites from anywhere, and completely shuts down some characters gameplans, such as Mariah or Young Joseph trying to set up projectiles. Simply by this move existing as an option, forces your opponent to be on their toes and ready to block low. It forces Vanilla Ice to be wary when building meter from a distance, since a well timed sweep can interrupt it, especially with the disjoint. It's not even any more unsafe on block frame data wise, but the forward momentum can place you closer and make certain punishes easier. Which is why it makes an incredible tool for deterring someone from chasing you on the ground, if you dash back with it.
  • Meter gain: 3 whiff +4 hit


Stand Off

236X (Emerald Splash)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 2x4 (0) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+26 +43*
+17 +34**
{{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • This move has very little use. Low damage, outclassed zoning, only combo potential is in unoptimal style combos. It can be used in some situations to provide defense against an approach attempt from the opponent, however you will usually have better options and you won't net much damage from it. The real thing that makes this move useless is you cannot do anything involving Hierophant Green until he is completely recovered from doing this move, meaning you lose your best normals, going Stand On, and placing nets.
  • *Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
  • **Kakyoin has several different poses when performing special moves, one of which is slower and has more recovery.
  • Meter gain: 0.
214X (Hierophant's Field)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 2 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+83 (+74*)
!SC+67 (!SC+59)**
{{{block}}} - None IPS=Yes Scaling=Yes Mid Projectile***
Air-OK Can be held
  • Kakyoin places an invisible net on the stage. Depending on the button pressed, nets will be positioned slightly differently, with the A version placing it slightly in front of Kakyoin, B version directly at his position, and the C version right behind him. After laying down a Net, hold down the button to keep the Net active, then release it to attack the opponent while they're in its range. You can have up to 3 nets active at the same time.
  • This is the single best move in the entire game. Net is an extremely useful special move that's both a great defensive and offensive tool. Once an opponent is hit by the Net, they will be stunned for roughly 2 seconds. Note that Kakyoin's nets will also always force a Stand Crash. All Nets will disappear if either opponent lands or techs a grab, and automatically activate after Tandem attack activation. Nets can be cut down by opponent's Stand type attacks. However, as soon as you release the button, the hurtbox disappears. After successfully hitting a Net, they cannot be used again for a brief period of time. If the net is broken or simply misses, then the cooldown is MUCH shorter. Nets will disappear if they have been on the field for 29 seconds (lol.)
  • *Kakyoin has several different poses when performing special moves, one of which is slower and has more recovery.
  • **Surprisingly enough, Nets have significantly less hitstun when standcrashing, despite the opposite normally being the case.
  • ***The net hitbox acts as a projectile and will trade with other projectiles but not normal hitboxes, while the net hurtbox is completely immune to projectiles
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff/ 4 hit
463214X (Tie Wrap Snake)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 1x8 (2) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Untechable Launch {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Low
Can be held
  • Kakyoin can hit the opponent while they are tangled, and can follow up with oki or a super after the launch, however you must stretch the screen to avoid a wallbounce. If the button is held, Kakyoin can move around before the button is released and the attack is launched. Highly punishable by supers or projectiles if held or if it whiffs, and it has its own lingering hurtbox and Kakyoin himself cannot block while it is out. The opponent can also wiggle themselves out of the entanglement if Kakyoin does not immediately start hitting the opponent by pressing left and right fast enough.
  • Overall a pretty mediocre move, the complex input makes using it in Nkak-style combos asinine, and it has a lot of drawbacks and catches to be consistently useful. Even its use as a combo ender can be done better by S.4C.
  • *Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
  • **Kakyoin has several different poses when performing special moves, one of which is slower and has more recovery.
  • Meter gain: 0
236S (Remote Mode Activation)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
N/A {{{block}}} - None* IPS=N/A Scaling=N/A
  • Puts Kakyoin in remote mode. In Remote Mode, you control Hierophant Green directly. Your walk speed is increased, you gain a triple jump, and you take less stand gauge damage on hit but more on block. If Kakyoin is hit, he will take massively increased damage and stand gauge damage, however Hierophant Green will be put in little to not hitstun, even if swept to the floor, allowing for instant retaliation.
  • If Kakyoin is grabbed or techs a grab, remote mode is disabled immediately. Hierophant Green cannot be grabbed.
  • *During activation, Hierophant Green cannot be hit (but Kakyoin can!). During these frames, before the animation is finished, you can act and perform normals, specials, and grabs. But not supers or tandems.

Stand On

S.236X (Emerald Splash)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
18 Until hits/goes offscreen 24 16** (3) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-9 +16* {{{block}}} - S.463214X IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • Unlike the Stand Off variant, this move is a good harassment tool for basic zoning game since it travels fast and goes fullscreen. Just note that when spammed it becomes quite predictable. A low to the ground air version can help cover certain character's approaches better, or catch players off guard attempting to go over your projectiles. Since it has 8 projectiles, this move can beat a lot of other zoning tools in the game, however it is not completely unstoppable. Hoingo's S bullet has 10 hits, so it won't stop it. Petshop's 5S has only a third of the startup and goes under Emerald Splash. Hol Horse's C bullet can also go under. They key to beating these options is being pre-emptive, throwing out your projectile first and shutting them down from using theirs.
  • *Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
  • **Each individual emerald does either 2 or 4 damage, adding up to 16 at max health every time.
  • Meter gain: 0.
S.214X (Hierophant's Field)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 2 (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+79 !SC+63* {{{block}}} - None IPS=Yes Scaling=Yes Mid Projectile**
  • Kakyoin places an invisible net on the stage. Depending on the button pressed, nets will be positioned slightly differently, with the A version placing it slightly in front of Kakyoin, B version directly at his position, and the C version right behind him. After laying down a Net, hold down the button to keep the Net active, then release it to attack the opponent while they're in its range. You can have up to 3 nets active at the same time.
  • These nets are all placed further forward than the Stand Off versions, based on Hierophant Green's collision.
  • Placing a net after an airdash attack allows you to jump or airdash again, leading to even trickier air movement than before.
  • *Surprisingly enough, Nets have significantly less hitstun when standcrashing, despite the opposite normally being the case.
  • **The net hitbox acts as a projectile and will trade with other projectiles but not normal hitboxes, while the net hurtbox is completely immune to projectiles
  • Meter gain: 0 whiff/ 4 hit
S.463214X (Tie Wrap Snake)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
14 17 29 2x4+1xN** (2) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Untechable Launch {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Low
  • Unlike the Stand Off version, Kakyoin cannot move during or after this attack. Instead, after the opponent becomes entangled, you can mash A, B, and C rapidly to fire projectiles at the opponent. Depending on the number of hits, the opponent might not be launched by this attack, and will instead fall to the ground instantly. Strangely, you can cancel into this move from Stand On Emerald Splash during a short window, and it can combo if the emeralds hit. Pretty much useless, but can be a stylish ender if you like that stuff.
  • *Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
  • **Damage depends on your mash, can reach insane amounts in TAS
  • Meter gain: 0


Stand Off

236AA (Super Emerald Splash)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 0, 49**** (27) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+80 +95**
+43 +57***
{{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • This super does high damage and high chip as well, however, it's quite ineffective against characters with Stand On, as it launches them and half of the emeralds will go straight through, and if they block it they will take 0 chip damage. You will mostly be using this as a combo ender for damage, not particularly good as a reversal, since it lacks iframes. It does have some use for punishing certain things at fullscreen as well. Right after the startup, Kakyoin is free to move and attack the opponent.
  • *Initial hit, does not combo with the rest of the super. Avoid hitting with this.
  • **Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
  • ***Kakyoin has several different poses when performing special moves, one of which is slower and has more recovery.
  • ****Each individual emerald does either 5 or 6 damage, adding up to 49 at max health every time.
  • *****(aaaaaaa) In addition to being distance based, each emerald has rng determining its angle and seemingly frame advantage.
214AA (India's Arm)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP Inconsistent -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Inconsistent {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • Hierophant Green launches a single tentacle that moves slowly forward doing multiple hits and launching the opponent into a juggle state if it connects.
    The tentacle will move differently depending on the two attack buttons pressed. In addition, Kakyoin can also move during the super and perform his stand off normals.
  • A+B - Goes along the floor for a while and then keeps going up forward until it retracts.
  • A+C - Goes along the floor for a while, then goes up and back towards Kakyoin until it retracts.
  • B+C - Goes upwards to the height of Kakyoin's shoulders moving forward, then goes back down to waist level until it retracts.
  • A+B+C - Draws a star directly in front of itself.
  • AVOID THIS MOVE AT ALL COSTS. The patterns do a horrible job at juggling the opponent or protecting you, and much like your stand off specials you can't block or use Hierophant during it, and it has its own lingering hurtbox. One of the worst supers in the entire game.

Stand On

S.236AA (Super Emerald Splash)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP 0, 49*** (27) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-2 +7**
{{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • Technically it is the same move as the Stand Off version, only differences being that Kakyoin cannot move on his own after performing this Super, it can be performed midair, and the spread can be tightened (hold 6) or expanded (hold 4) Expanding the spread will often make the super do much less damage or even drop, but it can hit opponents outside of the normal vertical range. Tightening the spread can help bag more damage in air net combos, if your positioning is off. Just make sure you're accurate.
  • *Initial hit, avoid hitting with this, even on block as pushblocking can leave you open to many supers or tandems.
  • **Frame data is variable, based on distance. Minimum and maximum distance calculated.
S.214AA (India's Arm)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP Inconsistent -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Inconsistent {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Mid Projectile
  • Stand On India's Arm, unlike Stand Off, has some MINOR use since you can control the pattern. The tentacle is fully controllable by the players movement inputs. With the right pattern you can do the most damage of any super in the game, and it can sometimes frame trap people, but if you're not careful it can be rolled past and you're completely vulnerable until the tentacle returns to you. While the move is activated Kakyoin will stay in place until the move has finished.
S.623AA (Hierophant Finish)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP Inconsistent (1) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Inconsistent {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Low
  • Hierophant shoots out a downwards angled tentacle that launches the opponent into a barrage of tentacles and emeralds with a finishing emerald splash that launches the opponent across the stage. Since the initial hit of the super is a downwards angled tentacle, it is fairly hard to connect. As well, the hits within the super and ESPECIALLY the final splash are inconsistent and will do wildly different amounts of damage. Despite the flashiness, overall a very niche super that you will barely find use for.
S.A A 6 B C (Punishment Time)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Will you make the right choice? Or the dreadfully wrong one?
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP 39 27 30 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
HKD {{{block}}} - None IPS=No Scaling=No Command Grab
  • Hierophant launches itself forwards and moves slowly. If the move connects with the opponent, Hierophant will shrink itself and jump into the opponents head and do damage in a cutscene. This move is Kakyoins Raging Demon move. It's an unblockable command grab that does good damage upon hit. It cannot be linked into with nets or any other combo, but you can set up for it by doing an IAD and when the attack hits, doing the input of the super. Upon landing the move will connect instantly. If the move is avoided by the opponent, Hierophant will retract back to Kakyoin, leaving him vulnerable for a short while. After the move has hit, you get a shaky 50/50 mixup on the opponent. The time to meaty is incredibly tight on most characters, so be wary or go for a reversal bait after oki-ing unless you've sufficiently conditioned the opponent.


214S/S.214S (Tandem Attack)
Kakyoin move placeholder.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
WIP WIP WIP Variable -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
N/A {{{block}}} - None IPS=No* Scaling=N/A**
  • The screen will pause, and Kakyoin will pose. During this time, any buttons you press will be used by the stand as it rushes forward after the pause. This super is very quick, has a lot of iframes, and leads to huge damage. When using a tandem in a combo as Kakyoin, there is one thing you do, input A>B>C as many times as you can. You will also hold 6 during this if the opponent is short. The average is 5, but 4 is acceptable and more is possible. Make sure to get clean reps without any missing buttons. After performing a tandem confirm you want to quickly jump or roll over to get to the other side of the opponent and keep mashing 5a to keep them close to Hierophant Green as he does his attacks (and do more damage). Be wary of your timing however, if you hit 5A on the same frame as 5C(2), it'll drop. Keep track of how many reps Hierophant Green has done, so you can time your tandem ender (See combos section).
  • Tandem is an AMAZING reversal, chock full of iframes, a long screen pause, and the ability to choose what buttons you press make it a massive option select and allow you to react to the situation and adapt. It can also be used to punish overextensions and certain moves like DIO's S.on Knives. If you know your opponent is going to miss their meaty, it can work as a great wakeup reversal.
  • Tandem also has use as an anti-air, very good for closing out rounds or forcing the opponent to abandon their current approach and reset neutral (or even begin a tech chase). Input some S.5B's or maybe an S.5A first, and watch them helplessly get smacked out of the sky. Very good for closing rounds against jumpy opponents like Chaka. Just make sure your opponent has used, or doesn't have, a double jump.
  • *Tandem hits will reset IPS
  • **Tandem hits will apply scaling if the original hits do

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