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{{Infobox Character SSBM
=="B" Moves List==
===Move Analysis===
|discord= 0xLggx3U7EICyMm5
==Frame Data==
|weight=100 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Weight|(9th)]]
|fallspeed=1.6/Fast 2 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Fall Speed|(20th/3rd)]]
|gravity=0.069 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Gravity|(24th)]]
===Character Specific===
|jumpsquat=4f [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Jumpsquat|(10th)]]
===Additional Note===
|walkspeed=1.1 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Walk Speed|(13th)]]
|idashspeed=1.34 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Initial Dash|(8th)]]
===Serious Advantage Match-ups===
|idashlength=10f [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Initial Dash|(4th)]]
===Advantage Match-ups===
|runspeed=1.34[[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Run Speed|(5th)]]
===Fair Match-ups===
|traction=0.025 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Weight|(26th)]]
===Disadvantage Match-ups===
|jumpheight=Full 46.546/Short 14.91/Air 38 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Jump Height|(25th/7th/4th)]]
===Serious Disadvantage Match-ups===
|airspeed=0.68[[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Air Speed|(26th)]]
|airaccel=0.04 [[Super Smash Bros. Melee/Attributes#Air Acceleration|(24th)]]
== Ground Moves ==
===== <span class="invisible-header">Jab</span> =====
|input=Jab (5AAA)
|version=Jab 1
|description=Generic jab. Often used in conjunction with overshot wavedash as an approach mix-up, or as pseudo-shield pressure followed by grab/dsmash/upb
|version=Jab 2
|description=Not used as often as single or triple jab, but works as a timing mix-up similar to single jab
|version=Jab 3
|recovery=24 (finisher)
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description=Decently fast string of jabs. Can be effective in scramble situations as a quick get-off-me option.
===== <span class="invisible-header">Dash Attack</span> =====
|name=Fists of Fear
|active=33(Frames 4, 10, 16, 22, 29 and 37)
|damage=2%(total 6 hits)
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description= Arguably the worst dash attack in the game. Supposed to have a 7th hit, but the hitbox is missing. Nearly useless.
===== <span class="invisible-header">fTilt</span> =====
|name=Plumber Kick
|input=fTilt (t.6A)
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description=Fast with good range. Useful for catching dashbacks and is a generally good neutral tool. Can be angled up to more easily catch aerial opponents and down which gives it a set knockback of 1, effectively not sending the opponent anywhere and making it mostly useless outside niche edgeguarding situations.
===== <span class="invisible-header">uTilt</span> =====
|name=Cat Punch
|input=uTilt (t.8A)
|description=Arching move that starts behind and ends in front of Luigi, similar to uSmash. Great as both a combo starter and extender.
===== <span class="invisible-header">dTilt</span> =====
|name=Heel Kick
|input=dTilt (t.2A)
|description=Rarely used due to dSmash filling a similar function of grounded low hitbox. Can combo into KO moves at very high %.
===== <span class="invisible-header">fSmash</span> =====
|name=Trowel Stab
|input=fSmash (s.6A)
|subtitle="2 dollar slices!"
|description=Fairly strong KO move. Great for a DI mix-up finisher after a chaingrab. Can be angled up and down for 1% higher and lower damage respecively, as well as a higher and lower launch angle.
===== <span class="invisible-header">uSmash</span> =====
|name=Lead Headbutt
|input=uSmash (s.8A)
|description=Good for snuffing out some aerial approaches due to invincibility on the head. Because of Luigi's low traction and shield pushback, it can be hard to punish on shield.
===== <span class="invisible-header">dSmash</span> =====
|name=Breakdance Sweep
|input=dSmash (s.2A)
|active=Front: 2, Back: 2
|description=One of Luigi's most common offensive tools. Fast start-up, good damage, sets up for combos, can also KO.
== Aerial Moves ==
===== <span class="invisible-header">nAir</span> =====
|name=Plumber's Boot
|input=nAir (j.5A)
|subtitle=C-c-c-combo breaker!!!
|autocancel=<3 35>
|damage=Clean: 15% / Late: 8%
|bkb=Clean: 20 / Late: 20
|description=One of Luigi's defining and most versatile moves. Used as a combo starter, extender and finisher, as well as breaking out of combos and pressuring shields.
===== <span class="invisible-header">fAir</span> =====
|name=Chop Chop
|input=fAir (j.6A)
|autocancel=<2 19>
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description=A quick chop with okay range above and in front. Good as a combo finisher or as walling in neutral with short hop double fAir.
===== <span class="invisible-header">bAir</span> =====
|name=Drop Kick
|input=bAir (j.4A)
|autocancel=<6 18>
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description=A solid neutral tool with decent range. Good for keeping opponents out and edgeguarding from ledge.
===== <span class="invisible-header">uAir</span> =====
|name=Bicycle Kick
|input=uAir (j.8A)
|autocancel=<2 15>
|description=Great as an aerial combo extender into fair/dair/nair/upb. Can also be used for aerial interrupts.
===== <span class="invisible-header">dAir</span> =====
|name=Screwdriver Kick
|input=dAir (j.2A)
|autocancel=<6 23>
|angle=361(Sakurai angle)
|description=Strong aerial with great downward range and IASA window for safe poking in neutral. Has a small meteor hitbox that opens up new combo trees and is particularly useful as a rest punish.
== Special Moves ==
===== <span class="invisible-header">Fireball</span> =====
|input=nB (5B)
|autocancel=<0 0>
|effect=<span style="color:Orange;">Flame</span>
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">Green Missile</span> =====
|name=Green Missile
|input=sideB (4/6B)
|subtitle=Praying for a Misfire
|factive=Charging: 18 / Hitbox: 5
|active=Charging: 18-89 / Hitbox: 5-44
|autocancel=<0 0>
|description=* Placeholder
|effect=<span style="color:Orange;">Flame</span>
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">Super Jump Punch</span> =====
|name=Super Jump Punch
|input=upB (8B)
|onshield=Clean: -20 / Late: -31
|damage=Clean: 25 / Late: 1
|bkb=Clean: 70 / Late: 1
|kbg=Clean: 73 / Late: 1
|angle=Clean: 90 / Late: 80
|effect=Clean: <span style="color:Orange;">Flame</span> / Late: Coin
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">Luigi Cyclone</span> =====
|name=Luigi Cyclone
|input=downB (2B)
|onshield=Spin Hit: -67 / Strong Hit: -65
|damage=Spin Hit: 8 / Strong Hit: 12
|description=* Placeholder
== Grabs & Throws ==
<!-->Put a character's grab, zair, and throws here.<-->
===== <span class="invisible-header">Grab</span> =====
|input=Grab (Z)
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">Dash Grab</span> =====
|name=Dash Grab
|input=d.Grab (d.Z)
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">Pummel</span> =====
|description=* Placeholder
===== <span class="invisible-header">fThrow</span> =====
|input=fThrow (g.6)
|description=The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).
===== <span class="invisible-header">bThrow</span> =====
|name=Sand Attack
|input=bThrow (g.4)
|damage=Throw: 10 / Collateral: 8
|bkb=Throw: 80 / Collateral: 20
|kbg=Throw: 65 / Collateral: 100
|description=The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).
===== <span class="invisible-header">uThrow</span> =====
|name=Sand Attack
|input=uThrow (g.8)
|description=The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).
===== <span class="invisible-header">dThrow</span> =====
|name=Sand Attack
|input=dThrow (g.2)
|description=The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).
== Universal Mechanics ==
==Advanced Frame Data==
This table shows the frame data for all of Luigi's non-special moves. Including shield advantage at different timings and cancels.
{| class = "wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Shield Advantage
! move||start||end||lcancelledLandingLag||autoCancelAfter||iasa||missedLcancelLandingLag||totalFrames||damage||shieldstun||bestShieldAdvantage||lcancelledShieldAdvantage||missedLcancelShieldAdvantage||earlyHitAutoCancelledShieldAdvantage||lateHitAutoCancelledShieldAdvantage||earlyHitIASACancelledShieldAdvantage||lateHitIASACancelledShieldAdvantage||earlyHitTotalFramesShieldAdvantage||lateHitTotalFramesShieldAdvantage
{{Smash Melee}}
{{Smash Melee}}
[[Category: Super Smash Bros. Melee]]

Latest revision as of 22:58, 29 February 2024


Luigi ranks at 12th on the 2021 Melee tier list, right at the top of B- tier, placing him in the dead center. Luigi is notable for having a very long wavedash due to his low traction. Luigi also has some very good approach options; Luigi's wavedash alone is the longest in the game, which can take him roughly half across Final Destination and traversing the area in a speed only slightly slower than Captain Falcon's dash. Luigi also has access to strong KO moves, including a powerful forward smash and a very fast, powerful sex kick for his neutral air. Luigi's traction, however, acts as a double-edged sword; while it gives him an excellent wavedash, it also limits some of his approaches on the ground if he's not wavedashing. Additionally, Luigi's recovery is slow and predictable, with very few mix-ups available to him.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Wavedash: Luigi has the longest wavedash in the game and is able to cover a lot of ground quickly
  • Combos: Overall strong combo game on most of the cast, including floaties
  • Strong aerials: Has one of the best set of aerials, that are good for combos and KOs alike
  • Combo breaker: Using his quick nAir can help you break out of combos if opponents over-extend and start your own combo instead
  • Out of shield reversals: Luigi has access to a few quick options out of shield in the form of nAir and Up B, which can either combo or kill reckless opponents respectively
  • Disadvantage: In spite of solid aerials, Luigi is particularly susceptible to extended juggles due to his poor aerial drift and slow falling speed
  • Recovery: Slow and predictable recovery that's easy to edgeguard. Sometimes has to rely on misfires to make it back
  • Low traction: While his low traction allows for an excellent wavedash, it also makes him slide further when hit, which makes punishing things out of shield or crouch cancel harder than for other characters
  • Limited approaches: Due to relying on wavedashes to approach, it can be hard for Luigi to get in on characters that are able to safely put out hitboxes within his wavedash range to snuff him out
  • Projectile spam: Luigi is very susceptible to projectile spam like Falco's lasers and Sheik's needles. While a few of his moves have decent range, he lacks a good projectile of his own
  • Vertical speed: On the ground Luigi has access to very fast movement and while he has a high full hop, it is hard for him to catch characters who can quickly traverse platforms and get from side to side above him
SSBM Luigi Portrait.png
Weight 100 (9th)
Fall Speed 1.6/Fast 2 (20th/3rd)
Gravity 0.069 (24th)
Ground Movement
Walk Speed 1.1 (13th)
Initial Dash Speed 1.34 (8th)
Initial Dash Length 10f (4th)
Run Speed 1.34(5th)
Traction 0.025 (26th)
Jumpsquat 4f (10th)
Jump Height Full 46.546/Short 14.91/Air 38 (25th/7th/4th)
Air Speed 0.68(26th)
Air Acceleration 0.04 (24th)

Ground Moves

Jab (5AAA)
Jab 1 First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
2 2 13 16 - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
3% 0 100 83 Normal -10

Generic jab. Often used in conjunction with overshot wavedash as an approach mix-up, or as pseudo-shield pressure followed by grab/dsmash/upb

Jab 2 First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
2 2 14 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
2% 0 100 83 Normal -13

Not used as often as single or triple jab, but works as a timing mix-up similar to single jab

Jab 3 First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 2 24 (finisher) 22 - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
5% 10 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal -14

Decently fast string of jabs. Can be effective in scramble situations as a quick get-off-me option.

Dash Attack
Fists of Fear
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
4 33(Frames 4, 10, 16, 22, 29 and 37) 27 59 - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
2%(total 6 hits) 2 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal -20

Arguably the worst dash attack in the game. Supposed to have a 7th hit, but the hitbox is missing. Nearly useless.

Plumber Kick
fTilt (t.6A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
4 4 24 32 - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
10% 2 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal -21

Fast with good range. Useful for catching dashbacks and is a generally good neutral tool. Can be angled up to more easily catch aerial opponents and down which gives it a set knockback of 1, effectively not sending the opponent anywhere and making it mostly useless outside niche edgeguarding situations.

Cat Punch
uTilt (t.8A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
4 8 17 - 0 -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
9% 30 127 100 Normal -14

Arching move that starts behind and ends in front of Luigi, similar to uSmash. Great as both a combo starter and extender.

Heel Kick
dTilt (t.2A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 2 26 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
9% 10 80 80 Normal -23

Rarely used due to dSmash filling a similar function of grounded low hitbox. Can combo into KO moves at very high %.

Trowel Stab
"2 dollar slices!"
fSmash (s.6A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
12 2 28 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
13% 20 135 55 Normal -21

Fairly strong KO move. Great for a DI mix-up finisher after a chaingrab. Can be angled up and down for 1% higher and lower damage respecively, as well as a higher and lower launch angle.

Lead Headbutt
uSmash (s.8A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
9 3 28 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
17% 35 98 110 Normal -19

Good for snuffing out some aerial approaches due to invincibility on the head. Because of Luigi's low traction and shield pushback, it can be hard to punish on shield.

Breakdance Sweep
dSmash (s.2A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 Front: 2, Back: 2 22 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
17% 40 80 90 Normal -22

One of Luigi's most common offensive tools. Fast start-up, good damage, sets up for combos, can also KO.

Aerial Moves

Plumber's Boot
C-c-c-combo breaker!!!
nAir (j.5A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
3 28 14 - 7 <3 35>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
Clean: 15% / Late: 8% Clean: 20 / Late: 20 100 90 Normal +1

One of Luigi's defining and most versatile moves. Used as a combo starter, extender and finisher, as well as breaking out of combos and pressuring shields.

Chop Chop
fAir (j.6A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
7 3 25 33 12 <2 19>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
12% 43 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal -5

A quick chop with okay range above and in front. Good as a combo finisher or as walling in neutral with short hop double fAir.

Drop Kick
bAir (j.4A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
6 12 11 - 7 <6 18>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
11% 12 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal -1

A solid neutral tool with decent range. Good for keeping opponents out and edgeguarding from ledge.

Bicycle Kick
uAir (j.8A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 3 26 30 7 <2 15>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
13% 0 100 55 Normal +/-0

Great as an aerial combo extender into fair/dair/nair/upb. Can also be used for aerial interrupts.

Screwdriver Kick
dAir (j.2A)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
10 5 18 29 9 <6 23>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
16% 20 100 361(Sakurai angle) Normal +/-0

Strong aerial with great downward range and IASA window for safe poking in neutral. Has a small meteor hitbox that opens up new combo trees and is particularly useful as a rest punish.

Special Moves

nB (5B)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
17 17-67 0 0 0 <0 0>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
6 5 25 361 Flame 0
  • Placeholder
Green Missile
Green Missile
Praying for a Misfire
sideB (4/6B)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
Charging: 18 / Hitbox: 5 Charging: 18-89 / Hitbox: 5-44 - - 41 <0 0>
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
6 30 100 361 Normal -
  • Placeholder
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 5-44 - - 41 -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
25% 20 100 83 Flame -55
  • Placeholder
Super Jump Punch
Super Jump Punch
upB (8B)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
5 5-23 - - 40 -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
Clean: 25 / Late: 1 Clean: 70 / Late: 1 Clean: 73 / Late: 1 Clean: 90 / Late: 80 Clean: Flame / Late: Coin Clean: -20 / Late: -31
  • Placeholder
Luigi Cyclone
Luigi Cyclone
downB (2B)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
18 6-43 46 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
Spin Hit: 8 / Strong Hit: 12 50 80 90 Normal Spin Hit: -67 / Strong Hit: -65
  • Placeholder

Grabs & Throws

Grab (Z)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
7 7-8 22 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
- - - - Normal -
  • Placeholder
Dash Grab
Dash Grab
d.Grab (d.Z)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
11 11-12 28 - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
- - - - Normal -
  • Placeholder
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
17 17-24 - - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
3 - - - Normal -
  • Placeholder
fThrow (g.6)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
12(W) 12(W)-28(W) - - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
8 60 65 45 Normal -

The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).

Sand Attack
bThrow (g.4)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
44(W) 44(W)-67(W) - - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
Throw: 10 / Collateral: 8 Throw: 80 / Collateral: 20 Throw: 65 / Collateral: 100 45 Normal -

The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).

Sand Attack
uThrow (g.8)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
18(W) 18(W)-40(W) - - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
7 70 72 100 Normal -

The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).

Sand Attack
dThrow (g.2)
First Active Active Recovery IASA Landing Lag Autocancel
18(W)-40(W) - - - - -
Damage Base Knockback Knockback Growth Angle Effect On Shield
7 75 30 110 Normal -

The speed of this throw depends on the opponent's weight (W).

Universal Mechanics

Advanced Frame Data

This table shows the frame data for all of Luigi's non-special moves. Including shield advantage at different timings and cancels.

Shield Advantage
move start end lcancelledLandingLag autoCancelAfter iasa missedLcancelLandingLag totalFrames damage shieldstun bestShieldAdvantage lcancelledShieldAdvantage missedLcancelShieldAdvantage earlyHitAutoCancelledShieldAdvantage lateHitAutoCancelledShieldAdvantage earlyHitIASACancelledShieldAdvantage lateHitIASACancelledShieldAdvantage earlyHitTotalFramesShieldAdvantage lateHitTotalFramesShieldAdvantage
dtilt 5 8 N\A N\A N\A N\A 34 9 6 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -23 -20
dtilt 5 8 N\A N\A N\A N\A 34 9 6 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -23 -20
dtilt 5 8 N\A N\A N\A N\A 34 9 6 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -23 -20
uair 5 7 7 15 30 15 33 13 7 0 0 -8 -7 -5 -17 -15 -21 -19
uair 5 7 7 15 30 15 33 13 7 0 0 -8 -7 -5 -17 -15 -21 -19
fsmash_h 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 14 8 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -20
fsmash_h 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 14 8 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -20
fsmash_h 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 14 8 -20 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -20
fsmash_l 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 12 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
fsmash_l 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 12 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
fsmash_l 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 12 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
jab3 4 5 N\A N\A 22 N\A 29 5 4 -12 N\A N\A N\A N\A -13 -12 -21 -20
ftilt_l 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_l 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_l 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_h 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_h 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_h 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
dashattack 4 4 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -52 N\A N\A N\A N\A -52 -52 -57 -57
dashattack 4 4 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -52 N\A N\A N\A N\A -52 -52 -57 -57
dashattack 10 10 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -46 N\A N\A N\A N\A -46 -46 -51 -51
dashattack 10 10 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -46 N\A N\A N\A N\A -46 -46 -51 -51
dashattack 16 16 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -40 N\A N\A N\A N\A -40 -40 -45 -45
dashattack 16 16 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -40 N\A N\A N\A N\A -40 -40 -45 -45
dashattack 22 22 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -34 N\A N\A N\A N\A -34 -34 -39 -39
dashattack 22 22 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -34 N\A N\A N\A N\A -34 -34 -39 -39
dashattack 29 29 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -27 N\A N\A N\A N\A -27 -27 -32 -32
dashattack 29 29 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -27 N\A N\A N\A N\A -27 -27 -32 -32
dashattack 37 37 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -19 N\A N\A N\A N\A -19 -19 -24 -24
dashattack 37 37 N\A N\A 59 N\A 63 2 2 -19 N\A N\A N\A N\A -19 -19 -24 -24
dair 10 14 9 23 29 18 32 16 9 0 0 -9 -8 -4 -9 -5 -13 -9
dair 10 14 9 23 29 18 32 16 9 0 0 -9 -8 -4 -9 -5 -13 -9
dair 10 14 9 23 29 18 32 16 9 0 0 -9 -8 -4 -9 -5 -13 -9
bair 6 17 7 18 N\A 15 28 11 6 1 -1 -9 -10 1 N\A N\A -16 -5
bair 6 17 7 18 N\A 15 28 11 6 1 -1 -9 -10 1 N\A N\A -16 -5
usmash 9 11 N\A N\A N\A N\A 39 17 9 -19 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -19
jab2 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 17 2 2 -12 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -13 -12
jab2 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 17 2 2 -12 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -13 -12
jab2 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 17 2 2 -12 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -13 -12
jab1 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 15 3 3 -9 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -10 -9
jab1 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 15 3 3 -9 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -10 -9
jab1 2 3 N\A N\A N\A N\A 15 3 3 -9 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -10 -9
ftilt_m 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_m 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
ftilt_m 4 8 N\A N\A 32 N\A 32 10 6 -17 N\A N\A N\A N\A -21 -17 -22 -18
nair 3 6 7 35 N\A 15 45 15 8 1 1 -7 -28 -25 N\A N\A -34 -31
nair 3 6 7 35 N\A 15 45 15 8 1 1 -7 -28 -25 N\A N\A -34 -31
nair 7 31 7 35 N\A 15 45 8 5 -2 -2 -10 -27 -3 N\A N\A -33 -9
nair 7 31 7 35 N\A 15 45 8 5 -2 -2 -10 -27 -3 N\A N\A -33 -9
dsmash 5 6 N\A N\A N\A N\A 37 17 9 -22 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -23 -22
dsmash 5 6 N\A N\A N\A N\A 37 17 9 -22 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -23 -22
dsmash 14 15 N\A N\A N\A N\A 37 17 9 -13 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -14 -13
dsmash 14 15 N\A N\A N\A N\A 37 17 9 -13 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -14 -13
fsmash_m 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 13 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
fsmash_m 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 13 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
fsmash_m 12 13 N\A N\A N\A N\A 41 13 7 -21 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -22 -21
utilt 4 12 N\A N\A N\A N\A 29 9 6 -11 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -19 -11
utilt 4 12 N\A N\A N\A N\A 29 9 6 -11 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -19 -11
utilt 4 12 N\A N\A N\A N\A 29 9 6 -11 N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A -19 -11
fair 7 10 12 19 33 25 34 12 7 -5 -5 -18 -9 -6 -18 -15 -20 -17
fair 7 10 12 19 33 25 34 12 7 -5 -5 -18 -9 -6 -18 -15 -20 -17

Game Navigation

Controls & Notation
Game Mechanics
Universal Strategy
Controller Meta
Archived Information
Gecko Codes
Disc Files
Dr. Mario
Donkey Kong
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Young Link
Mr. Game and Watch
Non-Playable Characters
Male Wireframe
Female Wireframe
Master Hand
Crazy Hand
Giga Bowser