Killer Instinct (2013)/Kilgore/Character Intro

From SuperCombo Wiki




Strengths Weaknesses
  • In Progress
  • Bullet Heck: Kilgore's primary strength in neutral is his ability fill the screen with a bunch of junk. In the time other characters would throw one projectile, Kilgore throws 3-12 projectiles. This ability to consistently pollute the screen overwhelms most of the other casts' zoning kits and forces almost every character to try to get in vs Kilgore.
  • "CCIX? More Like CCXI!": While zoning is cool and Kilgore is by definition a zoner, the real best feature of Kilgore is the conditional but extreme burst damage he has access to. Kilgore rounds are more often won with a series of catastrophes than the usual by attrition.
  • Gigantic Arsenal of Invulnerable Moves: Kilgore is very formidable on defense thanks to his wide selection of invincible moves. All of which are good by themselves but are improved by using them together in unpredictable ways, forcing offense to not only determine when Kilgore is going to try to escape but with what he will use too.
  • Exhaust: Exhaust is a unique corrective tool that can turn bad fireballs into beefy anti airs at the cost of a bar.
  • Limited chip: None of Kilgore's bullet normals or specials do damage on block.
  • Zoning tools suffer from high total duration: Kilgore shoots more projectiles than the average zoner but he takes more time to do so. Making Kilgore whiff his zoning and be forced to spend meter to not get hit is go to anti Kilgore strat (TO DO)
  • Meter Guzzler:Kilgore has to spend meter to do any damage and to fix his zoning mistakes that happen often due to having slow to finish fireball (TO DO)
  • Poor mixup:Its just mids, pal (TO DO)

Universal Mechanics


Quality Assurance: Kilgore's spin speed is maxed out, while combining the benefits of overheating without the drawbacks.

Ground Normals

Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
Stand LP/5LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- -- -- Mid 5 2 10 16f +3 +5 -1 Chain
  • Whiffs on crouchers (except RAAM, Aganos and Arbiter)
  • Situational Anti-Air
  • A suprise juggle tool

Standing Medium Punch
Stand MP/5MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 26(7%) -- -- -- Mid 7 2 19 27f +1 +4 -2 --
  • Poke
  • Slight backswing on startup; used in spacing traps
  • leads to a small strike-throw situation on point blank hits
  • Weak to low profile

Standing Heavy Punch
Stand HP/5HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
11.5(3%) 11.5(3%) 1.8(0.3%) - - Mid 10 -- 48 58f -7 -7 -21 --
  • Head level anti air
  • crouchable (but not while blocking it)
  • can confirm into a combo with bar
  • very negative on block

Standing Light Kick
Stand LK/5LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- -- -- Mid 5 3 10 17f +5 +10 +1 -
  • Plus on block and high pushback
  • +10 on counter hit! 5LK(CH),6HPxx214LK leads to outlier damage from a Jab
  • Moves Kilgore forward in cancel which can be useful for positioning Kilgore during blockstrings
  • Can use Hitstop OS to confirm normal hits at the cost of giving up juicy CH starters

Standing Medium Kick
Stand MK/5MK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 26(7%) -- -- -- Mid 8 4 19 31f +5 +8 0 --
  • Combos into 214LK on hit & 236LK on hit vs crouchers
    • one frame faster than 6HP and still goes into missile pod which is a gigantic upgrade from gun dash so optimized those -8 punishes
  • 5MKxx214LK frame traps

Standing Heavy Kick
Stand HK/5HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
36(10%) 44(12%) -- -- -- Mid 12 4 19 34f 0 +4 +1 --
  • High damage mid
  • Lower KV build than 6HP
  • Hit confirmable via Hitstop OS so let those unsafe openers rip (Not metal ball that will get you killed)

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
Crouch LP/2LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 5 2 8 14f +4 +6 -1 Chain
  • Longest range 5f normal
  • One of Kilgore's Pressure tool
    • 2LP,Throw (fake tick throw) vs 2LPx2 (CH confirm starter) vs 2LP,5LK (hope for a CH)
  • Low recovery; used to target slow reversals and backdashes
  • +6 on CH, 2 frame CH confirms
  • Chains three times (Four times vs some characters)

Crouching Medium Punch
Crouch MP/2MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 26(7%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 7 2 13 21f +84 +84 +2 Hard knockdown(+first launcher bug)
  • Primary pressure tool;+2 on block,
  • Cancelable launcher that causes a hard knockdown
    • Opener; can go for one chances the opponent may not expect
    • launches for 14 frames
  • Normal throw after 2MP has bugged KV

Crouching Heavy Punch
Crouch HP/2HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
11.5(3%) 11.5(10%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 10 -- 43 53f -2 -2 -16 --
  • Hits grounded opponents; grants unrivaled ground contral
  • Very negative on block outside of Overheat
  • Weak to lower body invulnerable moves

Crouching Light Kick
Crouch LK/2LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 1.6 2.4 Low 5 2 10 16f +4 +6 -2 chain
  • Hits low
  • Short range
    • Call that low short
  • chains 2x (3x in corner)
  • only light that doesn't get blown up by low profile moves

Crouching Medium Kick
Crouch MK/2MK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 26(7%) -- 2.4 4 Low 7 = 4 16 26f +2 +5 -1 --
  • Longest range Kilgore poke (excluding 2HK which is unsafe)
  • Hits mid
  • extends hurtbox forward
  • High pushback; can setup spacing traps
  • weak to lower body invulnerable moves

Crouching Heavy Kick
Crouch HK/5HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
30(8%) 38(10%) -- - - Low 9 3 21 33f +76 +76 -9 Hard knockdown
  • Low hitting sweep attack
    • Goes into oki or L barrage
  • Farthest reaching non chain gun normal
  • Unsafe
  • modest low profile

Command Normals

Chain Gun Sweep
Back HP/4HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
8(2%) 8(2%) 0.7 -- -- High 10 -- 42 52f -3 -3 -17 -
  • Its like 5HP but moves backwards which is good for the zoner character
  • Not cancelable into shadows

Towards HP/4HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
38(10%) 44(12%) -- -- -- Mid 9 2 22 32f +18 +22 -2 Stagger
  • HIGH damage, safe on block, +18 on hit mid
    • A a honest mid
    • 6HP,6HPxx214LK>5HK>dmg ender does 31%
  • Backswing during startup, can be used for throw baits and spacing traps
  • low pushback
  • 6HPxx214LK frame traps

Short Circuit
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
0(0%) 0(0%) -- ?? ?? N/A 27 -- 6 33f -- -- -- Strike invul
  • DO NOT shake hands with s-groove players
  • DO NOT talk to s-grove players
  • DO NOT make eye contact with s-groove players (To do)

Air Normals

Jumping Light Punch
Jump LP/8LP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 8 11 4 18+f +15 +17 +8 -

To Do

Jumping Medium Punch
Jump MP/8MP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 30(8%) -- 2.4 4 High 8 8 4 15+f +16 +19 +12 --

To Do

Jumping Heavy Punch
Jump HP/8HP
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
11.5(3%) 11.5(10%) -- 4 4.5 High 10 - 17 20+f +23 +23 +9 --

To Do

Jumping Light Kick
Jump LK/8LK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 6 10 4 24+f +15 +17 +8 --

To Do

Jumping Medium Kick
Jump MK/8MK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 30(8%) -- 2.4 4 High 9 9 4 17+f +16 +19 +12 -

To Do

Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump HK/8HK
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
30(8%) 38(10%) -- 4 4.5 High 11 7 4 17+f +20 +24 +17 --

Sends airborne opponents straight down.


Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
45.0 (12%) - - - - - 5 2 29 35f - - - Hard Knockdown

To do

Special Moves

Chain Gun Dash
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP 8(2%) 8(2%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 12 -- 42 54f -5 -5 -18 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 8(2%) 8(2%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 12 -- 43 55f -5 -5 -19 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 8(2%) 8(2%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 12 -- 44 56f -6 -6 -20 --

Chain Gun Barrage
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP 11.5(3%) 11.5(3%) 1.8 -- -- Mid 19 -- 41 60f = +1 -13 +1 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 11.5(3%) 11.5(3%) 1.8 -- -- Mid 19 -- 41 60f = +1 -13 +1 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 11.5(3%) 11.5(3%) 1.8 -- -- Mid 19 -- 41 60f = +1 -13 +1 --

Chain Gun Barrage
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP 33.8(9%) 39.8(9%) 1.3 -- -- Mid 5 7 42 53f = +36(6) -41 +36(6) --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 33.8(9%) 39.8(9%) 1.3 -- -- Mid 10 7 42 57f = +36(6) -41 +36(6) --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 33.8(9%) 39.8(9%) 1.3 -- -- Mid 15 7 41 62f = +36(6) -41 +36(6) --
Metal Ball
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LK 20(5%) 32(8%) -- -- -- Mid 15 13 18 45f +5{12} +5{12} -34 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MK 20(5%) 32(8%) -- -- -- Mid 15 18 16 48f +2{12} +2{12} -36 --
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HK 20(5%) 32(8%) -- -- -- Mid 15 26 16 56f +5{12} +5{12} -33 --

Missile Pod
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LK 32.8(9%) 32.8(9%) 4.3 -- -- Mid 21 -- 35 56f +5{12} +5{12} -5 -
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MK 32.8(9%) 32.8(9%) -- -- -- Mid 38 -- 23 61f +17 +17 +7 -
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MK 32.8(9%) 32.8(9%) -- -- -- Mid 38 -- 23 61f +17 +17 +7 -

Shadow Moves

Shadow Gun Dash
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
S 13.2 (2%) 13.2(2%) 2.4(1%) 0 0 Mid 3+5(8) - 66 74f -6 -20 -6 -

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
S -- -- -- 0 0 Mid 3+0(3) -- -- 3f -- -- -- -

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
S 33.6(9%) 49.6(13%) 7.2 0 0 Mid 3+3(6) 3[2]1[1]1[1]1 38 54f 41(11) 41(11) -24 -

To Do

Shadow Metal Ball
Rash 236KKhb.png
Test Caption
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
S 44(12%) 50(13%) -- 0 0 Mid 3+10(13) 25 15 53f +7{12} +7{12} -33 Recapture, Juggle Cashout

To Do

Shadow Wrecking Ball
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
S 62(17%) 62(17%) 14 0 0 Mid 5+9(14) -- 51 65f +81(11) +81(11) -10 -

To Do


Chain Gun Dash Ender
Rash 236Pnv.png
Test Caption
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 1 Wallsplat -1/+15 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 2 Wallsplat 0/+20 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 3 Wallsplat 0/+25 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 4 Wallsplat -2/30 --

Metal Ball Ender
Rash 236Knv.png
Test Caption
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 1 Exchange/HKD +55 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 2 Exchange/HKD +54 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 3 Exchange/HKD +54 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 4 Exchange/HKD +54 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Shadow Stagger/Recap -- --

Missile Pod Ender
Rash 214Knv.png
Test Caption
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 1 Damage 27 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 2 Damage 33 --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 3 Damage 35(5) --
Version Ender Type On Hit Special Properties
Level 4 Damage 35(5) --

KI2013 Navigation

Controls and Notation
Shadow Jago
TJ Combo
Kim Wu
General Raam
Shin Hisako