SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Violent Ken

From SuperCombo Wiki
洗脳されたケン, Brainwashed Ken
"I-is...this... the joy of the powerful...? Heh...heh...heh, heh, heh."
Difficulty Mostly Easy
Max Mode Needed? Benefits from it
Tier Placement Top Tier (S)
Standing Hitbox Average
Crouching Hitbox Short



Ken got kidnapped by Shadaloo (aka M. Bison's organization), got brainwashed, and has turned into a killing machine known as Violent Ken. Compared to normal Ken, who gives very little reason to pick him if at all, Violent Ken is one of the strongest shotos in the game with really strong offensive power, including a nifty forward teleporting dash special and even a tatsu that mimics the properties of the SF2: Hyper Fighting/Turbo tatsu that Ryu and Ken had. He sports strong juggles, effective ways to open the opponent up, and overall makes for one of the stronger boss characters as a solid top tier. He's harder than normal Ken for sure, but his unique appeal makes it very easy to have fun playing as him.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Mostly easy to play
  • Teleport dash that gives him free pressure/mixup windows
  • Unique air Tatsu
  • Strong DP has more invincibility frames
  • Shinryuken is no longer an Exceed
  • Can juggle the opponent relatively easily
  • Strong combo potential
  • Max Mode is very useful, but not a requirement
  • Overall better Exceed than Vanilla Ken
  • Worse health than Vanilla Ken (who already has bad health)
  • Slow walking speed
  • Air Tatsu can't extend combos
  • Weaker jump arc
  • Bad projectile
  • Teleport only travels one direction
  • You'll be doing a lot of DPs
  • Most damaging combos locked behind Max Mode

How to select Violent Ken (Outside of Super Plus)

  • You want to play as Violent Ken? While you're in the character select screen, do those inputs, before the timer reaches 10 seconds:
  • (While holding start, press) Up(2x), Down, Left(2x), Right, Left, Up
  • Console Method: Hold R1/RT above Vega

Moves List

Normal Moves

Close Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Not that good for Light Attack chains, because it will whiff against some characters. Normal cancellable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Good for Light Attack chains, but as a ender. You can't chain this move into itself, or other Light Attacks.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Use this normal in combos. Can be easily cancelled into almost all of Ken's Special/Super Moves.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Like cl.C, but it's a knee, and cannot be cancelled.

Far Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Good poking move. It's a incredible one just because it doesn't whiff against low crouching characters. Can be normal cancelled, and even chained into itself.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Can be useful as an anti-air, though DP is usually better. Cannot be cancelled.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Fast, but not that useful. Will whiff against low crouching characters unlike st.A, and cannot be normal cancelled.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Ken's poke with the best reach. Won't whiff against low crouching characters, and it has decent recovery too, which makes it good to use. Can't be normal cancelled.

Crouch Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Just a little punch that is useful as a poke. Has a little more reach than st.A. Can be normal cancelled, chains into itself, and even other Light Attacks.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • A kick that hits low. Good to use in Light Attack chains, but as a starter. Can be normal cancelled, and chained into itself.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Another anti-air. Can be normal cancelled. You can use this in combos instead of cl.C if necessary.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • The Shoto's sweep. Can be used as a low poke. You can actually cancel this move, so if you need meter, cancel it into a Projectile/DP/Tatsu, or for the block pressure. Fireball is the safest choice, so default to that.

Jumping Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Can be used as a neutral jump-in attack for combos.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Can be used as a jump-in attack, but Ken has better options for that.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Kick aiming up. Good to use if your opponent has a high jump.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • One of Ken's jump attacks for crossup combos, and it's very easy to combo after it. Ken has better options for crossup attacks, but that doesn't mean that you can't use this move.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • Almost the same as j.C, but aiming a little for the ground.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Punch for jump-in attacks. Good damage on this one.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Neutral Jumping Attack
  • An air-to-air defensive move.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Overhead - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • Useful as an air-to-air, jump-in, and for crossup combos. Use either this or j.B for crossup combos.

Command Moves

Inazuma Kakato Wari

  • f+LK - Ken's overhead kick. It's a little fast, but you cannot cancel it(Outside of MAXIMUM Mode). Do it mostly on the opponent's wakeup. You can MAX cancel his normals into this move, but you can't connect them.

Kurubushi Kick (aka cr.MK)

  • db+HK - The Shoto's classic cr.MK. Ken has the fastest cr.MK between the Shotos in this game(It is so fast that he can link two cr.MKs), which is good for him and his combos. It hits low too.

Special Moves

Hadou Ken

  • QCF+P - Ken's regular projectile, but it is purple now(Probably to match with the Psycho Power). No changes between Ken/V.Ken(Meaning that this move is still bad). The button pressed will determine the speed of the projectile.

Shouryuu Ken

  • DP+P - A regular DP. The HP version has purple flames, and more invincibility frames. Use the LP version as an anti-air, and the HP version on combos, as it can be MAX canceled into supers, and even into itself(You'll see that later, and the regular Ken can do the same thing, in an easier way).

Rasetsu Kyaku

  • DP+K - V.Ken's new teleport move, which resembles Yang's. It is a dash teleport, and has some invincibility frames on the startup(Only). You can pass through your opponent while Ken gets invisible, but when he appears again(At the end of the move), the opponent will be pushed instead. There is a MAXIMUM Mode loop using this move too.

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

  • QCB+K - Ken's regular tatsu. The button pressed will determine how many hits it will do. Better when used on the corner(You'll get more hits in there). Can be used as an anti-air as well.

Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

  • QCB+K(In the air) - V.Ken's unique horizontal tatsu. The direction the tatsu will go depends of the jump(If you jump backwards, Ken will move backwards. If you jump forward, Ken will move forward. If you neutral jump, Ken will move forward as well). You can't do many things with it(V.Ken can't cancel air normals, and you can't combo after it, unlike the other Tatsus), so use this one as an air-to-air move only, or as an runaway move.

Kama Barai Geri

  • HCF+LK - One of Ken's "Geri" moves. It is cool to use, but Ken has better options. It will whiff on most crouching chars as well. You can MAX cancel it too.

Nata Otoshi Geri

  • HCF+HK - The best "Geri", in my opinion. It does two hits, where the first will hit any character, and the second will whiff on small hitboxes.

Oosoto Mawashi Geri

  • HCF+KK - Just a kick, and the worst "Geri" move, in my opinion. You can anti-air with it, but the DP is just better. It will knock the opponent down, so you can't combo after it. (Important note: All of the "Geri" moves can be MAX canceled, but you can't cancel a "Geri" move into another "Geri" move.)

Inazuma Kakato Wari

  • Hold K(After any "Geri" move) - Ken will do his f+LK Command Move. Dunno if it's useful, because it won't combo after the "Geri" moves.

Super Moves

Shinryuu Ken

  • QCF(2x)+K - The regular Ken's Exceed, but with less damage, because it is a Super now(But you can mash the kick buttons to get more damage and hits!). It has the same properties(Without assuming the damage nerf), but it is cooler now. You can use this as a damaging anti-air as well. For combos, this move is better when used after the Super below.

Kuzuryuu Reppa

  • QCB(2x)+K - V.Ken's Super for combos. It is like a Jinrai-Kyaku + Shoryu-Reppa mix that will leave the opponent on a juggle state. You can follow it up with the Super above(You don't even need to move, just do the super's input), but it will cost you 2 bars; the regular DP(Use the Heavy one, and make sure you get at least 2 hits, because this Super + DP+HP is a setup for a MAXIMUM Mode loop), and even confirm the Exceed(Time well for that).


Shinbu Messatsu
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
- - Mid - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Probably one of the coolest Exceeds in this game. Ken rushes into the opponent, and when he connects, V.Ken will do a punching-and-kicking series, finishing with a strong uppercut, which makes an energy pillar, and a head appears on it(I think that this pillar is part of one of Rugal's Super moves). Ken does a pose(Which makes me think that he can't control himself), and the Super ends. It does one health bar in damage terms, and you have some great options to confirm it.

The Basics

V.Ken's gameplan

Violent Ken is a great "In your face" character, like the regular version. You'll want to do many stylish(And damaging) combos on the opponent, because your character is strong, and cool. But without meter, he can't do many things, sadly, and that's why you'll need to save it for the MAXIMUM Mode, and/or for a big Kuzuryu-Reppa punish. To anti-air, just use the DP+LP, it is one of the safest(And best) things on Ken's arsenal. For the Exceed, no worries, really. You can confirm it easily. That's it, Good Luck with him.

Advanced Strategy

(Important note: Most of the things here are in the regular Ken's section as well, but with some little changes)

Double Shoryuken cancel

This is a tech that you should learn for V.Ken's advanced combos(It's a good way to spend meter). The Double Shoryuken cancel is a very important thing in his game(Isn't unique for him, he isn't the only character that can link more than one DP in one combo), but it's a little tricky to do. This can be called "Double", but you can repepat it many times, but based in your MAXIMUM Mode gauge. Now, "How can I do it?" First, V.Ken must not have the ability to use his Exceed(If you assume you are in a real match, you can either be with the yellow life, or you can even spend your Exceed before you try this). Now, Ken must be in MAXIMUM Mode(You should open your training mode while you read this). Now, do a DP+HP, and as you already know, it does 3 hits(And we don't need the 3rd hit). Now, the tricky part begins. First, try to "cancel" the first hit of the DP+HP into a HCB+PP(Normally, if you had the Exceed avaliable, you would combo into the Exceed. It's like Kim's Haki cancel, if you know what I mean). You can be asking: "Is this a special move?" No, this isn't even a move, it's just part of the trick. Now, after you "canceled", did V.Ken flash? If not, I'm sorry, because you missed. If yes, that's fine, but that's only the easiest part. Now, try to, after the "cancel", do another DP+HP on your opponent by canceling the second hit of the DP. V.Ken will do another DP+HP, and remember that in MAXIMUM Mode, you can Supercancel the DP+HP, leading to more damaging combos! But sadly, you can't do DP into Exceed, because you must not have the Exceed avaliable to use this tech... I know, it's hard to do, but with practice, you can master this technique. (Important note: This thing is a little easier to perform with the regular Ken.)



V.Ken has cool and easy combos to use in any match, so you can learn most of them to expand your options.

(Without Max Mode)
Shoryuken (DP+P) combos
Combo Damage Notes
[Jump Attack] cr.LK, DP+HP - 4-5 hits A great combo with a low starter. Don't add another Light after the cr.LK, because the opponent won't be knocked down, and the opponent will have time to punish you after it.
[Jump Attack(Only works if you crossup)] cl./cr.HP, DP+HP - 4-5 hits This one is for punishing purposes.
[Jump Attack] cl./cr.HP, db+HK, QCB(2x)+K, wait, DP+HP (When the opponent is near you) - 24-25 hits A cool combo which does almost 50% in damagee. Use this in case you don't have meter to do a Shinryuken after the super.
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (QCB+K) combos Note: For any tatsu combo, it's better if you use the LK version on midscreen, because it is safer, and the HK version in the corner, for more hits.
[Jump Attack] cl./cr.HP, db+HK, QCB+K - Around 8 hits This is the most damaging thing you can do with the tatsu. Good for punishing too.
[Jump Attack] cr.LK, db+HK, QCB+K - 8-9 hits The most effective tatsu combo, which starts with a low-hitting move. In the corner, you add more cr.LKs.
Combos with "Geri" Moves (HCF++LK/HK/KK)
[Jump Attack] cl./cr.HP, HCF+HK - 2-4 hits Cool combo, but risky to use on small characters because it can whiff.
[Jump Attack] cr.LK, HCF+HK - 3-4 hits Just a combo starting with a low. V.Ken can do better things.
Shinryuken (QCF(2x)+K) combos
[Jump Attack] cr.LK, QCF(2x)+K - 10+ hits Just a simple confirm. You can add another cr.LK, but this will make part of the super whiff. To get more damage, switch the cr.LK with a cl./cr.HP.
Kuzuryu-Reppa (QCB(2x)+K) combos
[Jump Attack] cl./cr.HP, db+HK(Optional), QCB(2x)+K, DP+HP/QCF(2x)+K/Exceed - Roughly 24-35 hits V.Ken's way to combo into anything he wants. You can do 2 cr.LKs instead of the cl.HP, db+HK, if you want a low starter, and those 3 options are the best follow-ups for the Super. You should learn each one, because they are all useful depending on the situation. Use DP+HP when you don't have meter, and if you like Max Mode loops, you should learn the timing to get at least the first hit of it. QCF(2x)+K is risky, because you'll lose meter, but you'll make the opponent lose one health bar which also gives them Exceed. The Exceed is mainly for punishing, thanks to the incredible damage. You can confirm it with a Max Mode loop, but in case you don't have Max Mode, you can just use it alone.
Exceed (QCF, HCB+PP) combos:
[Jump Attack] cl./cr.HP, Exceed - 13-14 hits This is an easy confirm. You might be able to add a db+HK after the cl./cr.HP, but it's already very hard to cancel it into the Exceed.
(With Max Mode)
[Jump Attack] cl.HP/cr.LK, cl.LK, DP+HP, (Optional Double Shoryuken Cancel; Cancel the second hit of the DP into), QCB(2x)+K, any possible followup - At least 22 hits This one is regular Ken's Max Mode BnB, but better, thanks to the juggle after the super. You can get damage easily after the super, with something like: Shinryuken, or even DP+HP into Exceed, V. Ken's most damaging option.
Any combo ending with the QCB(2x)+K Super, DP+HP (Make sure to get the first and the second hits of the DP, but cancel the second hit) DP+LK (HK will cross up) DP+HP, (Cancel the second hit into) DP+LK, ... (Cancel second hit of DP into) QCF(x2)+K/Exceed - More than 30 hits V. Ken's Max Mode loop, and also the best V.Ken combo. You'll need this one, but if you don't like loops, stick with the above. This combo deals more damage, however.

Game Navigation

SNK Characters
Choi Bounge
Geese Howard
Genjyuro Kibagami
Leopold Goenitz
Iori Yagami
Kasumi Todoh
Kim Kaphwan
Kyo Kusanagi
Mai Shiranui
Mars People
Mr. Karate
Orochi Iori
Ryo Sakazaki
Serious Mr. Karate
Terry Bogard
Capcom Characters
Dan Hibiki
Demitri Maximoff
M. Bison
Red Arremer
Rockman Zero
Shin Akuma
Violent Ken