Advanced V.G. 2/Tamao/Move List

From SuperCombo Wiki

Move List

AVG2 Tamao stLP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
9 Mid 5 - - +2

A quick uppercut, a solid enough jab and chains into most of her other normals.

Chains to:
Lk.png > Hp.png > Hk.png
LK may be omitted, HP and HK may be swapped

AVG2 Tamao stLK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
13 Mid 5 - - +2

A low shin kick, looks like a standing low but is still mid. With primarily the same frame data and range as stLP, stLK may seem like a better option but it has no chain routes.

AVG2 Tamao stHP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28 Mid 3 - - -3

A particularly good lunging punch, with 3f startup and being only -3 on block you will get a lot of mileage out of this poke. It can chain into both stHK and crHK but will not combo, being more of a frame trap. Be aware, however, that this will whiff on Tamao, Satomi, and Saki if they are crouching. This does have a special cancel window on it, but it's MEGA early in the move. So much so that it would be wise to attempt Negative Edging out a special if you are looking to cancel from st.HP

Chains to:

AVG2 Tamao stHK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
32 Mid 10 - - -7

A beefy step-in high kick, great range and decent enough frame data. You will get more use from stHP but stHK does go a little further.

AVG2 Tamao crLP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
9 Mid 3 - - +2

A snappy crouching jab. Can link into itself and stLP for a combo confirm.

AVG2 Tamao crLK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
14 Low 4 - - 0

A nearly MK11 Terminator-looking crouch kick. Can link into itself for nothing (no special cancels) or into cr.LP for a chain combo.

AVG2 Tamao crHP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28 Mid 6 - - -1

A stubbier poke than her standing ones, crHP is important because it can be chained into and have a more acceptable special cancel window than st.HP. This becomes a important poking tool as not only can you crHP into specials for a combo, but a max range crHP into LK Kusenkyaku will whiff and set you up for a throw.

Chains to:

AVG2 Tamao crHK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
32 Low 5 - - -6

A quick shoto sweep, the frame data isn't bad on it but the range is atrocious. Causes knockdown.

AVG2 Tamao jLP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
9 High 5 - - -

Standard jumping jab, angled downward.

Chains to:
j.Hp.png / j.Hk.png

AVG2 Tamao jLK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
13 High 5 - - -

A flying knee similar to Kyo Kusanagi's, and much like his you can cross up with this. What is perhaps more important is that this will very easily look like it's going to cross up but stay on the same side. It is also able to hit standing opponents while rising.

Chains to:
j.Hp.png / j.Hk.png

AVG2 Tamao jHP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28 High 10 - - -

A two-handed club also similar to Kyo Kusanagi's but this does not operate the same as his. While you cannot cross up with this, it does have a great hitbox for aerial defensive plays and as a chain ender.

AVG2 Tamao jHK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
32 High 6 - - -

A massive dropkick, Tamao's preferred jump in normal for damage and range.

Command Normals

AVG2 Tamao 3HP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
32 Low 10 - - -2

A low scooping punch, causes knockdown by itself but is more useful as Tamao's OTG pickup button.

AVG2 Tamao 6HK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
32 Mid 15 - - -9

A hopping hip attack, it makes a funny noise when you hit your opponent but you'll never hear it because the range on it is offensively bad, it has the lower range than ever her smallest of pokes. It's possible to whiff this to set up a command grab, I suppose.

AVG2 Tamao 66HP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
37 Mid 6 - - -39~0

Tamao does her best Sasquatch impression by leaping through the air head first to conk the opponent with her noggin. This attack actually has a secondary hitbox if she misses, as she will slide forward on her face (still a mid) after she lands, which is still part of the attack. This face slide is special cancelable so if your opponent isn't ready for it you can immediately cash out into a EX or Lightning Crash. Bless her heart, she's trying her best.

AVG2 Tamao 4HP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28 Mid 14 - - -3

A backfist strike, causes knockdown on hit.

Special Moves

AVG2 Tamao Kikoudan.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
Lp.png 26 Mid 15 - - --6

Tamao's attempt at Yuka's fireball, tragically she cannot make it powerful enough to travel the entire distance of the screen. Thankfully this is not a Dan Hibiki-level fireball, so it does go far enough to actually be useful, it just wont zone from full screen.

Hp.png 28 Mid -17 - --6

With the power of a extra couple frames of concentration, Tamao is able to make her fireball travel a bit further but still not full screen.

Lp.pngHp.png 28 (3x) Mid 1 - - --4

Tamao spends her meter to deliver a single fireball that has maybe a pixel more range than her HP version. It deals decent enough damage but isn't particularly useful for the meter spent.

AVG2 Tamao Soryugeki.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
Lp.png 24 Mid 5 - - --42

A standard Shoryuken anti-air, but Tamao tragically did not learn from Yuka that these things need to have invincibility frames. The best she gets is that she crouches low before rising with a strike, allowing her to sometimes shrink enough to not get hit before being active.

Hp.png 22, 18 (3x) Mid 5 - - --43

Tamao's better DP, it has legitimately stupid amounts of horizontal range (more range than her LK Kusenkyaku), meaning that this is a great combo ender from ranges you would never expect a DP to hit from. The airborne animation has her pumpping out multiple punches, but this is purely visual, if using this as an anti-air it will still only hit airborne opponents once. Thanks to the first three hits being still grounded, Tamao has a sizeable window to EX or Super cancel, which makes HP Shoryugeki one of her staple combo extensions. She also uses it as an ender after EX Soryugeki loops.

Lp.pngHp.png 34, 18 (4x) Mid 0 - - --53

It may not have any invincibility still, but at least that meter is being well spent on a 0f unblockable. This is the cornerstone of Tamao's damage as you can link mulitple EX Soryugeki's together in a juggle to cash out big damage.

AVG2 Tamao Kusenkyaku.jpg
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
Lk.png 28 Mid 10 - - --4

Almost exactly like Dan Hibiki's replacement tatsu, the LK version of Kusenkyaku is a snappy leaping kick that is mostly safe on block (a 0f super will catch it) and knocks down on hit. One of Tamao's better tools in terms of both effectiveness and safety. Because this is so fast and recovers so quickly, she can whiff it in front of her opponent to set up a throw.

Hk.png 25 (3x) Mid 10 - - --16

While no longer anywhere near as safe as the LK version, HK Kusenkyaku is a three hit series of kicks that works best as a combo confirm tool. You will get punished if this is blocked.

Lk.pngHk.png 30 (4x) Mid 9 - - --21

Her HK Kusenkyaku, but with one incredibly funny addition; the falling face slide from her Running HP. If this move hits normally the 3rd kick will knockdown and the face slide will whiff, but if the opponent isn't ready for the 4th hit (still a mid, so it's not a mixup) or if all the kicks whiff before the face slide hits (nearly impossible as you would have to do this at nearly full screen) the opponent is launched in the air for a combo. Absolutely hilarious, but it will almost never hit.

Pokopoko Midare Uchi
AVG2 Tamao Pokopoko Midare Uchi.jpg
Hcb.pngHp.png (hold P.png or [ K.png )
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
- N/A - - -

Tamao's command grab, she mounts the opponent's shoulders and starts raining down fists on their head. A very helpful addition to her kit, especially since her command grab has no whiff animation and she has no overlapping special that will come out if it misses. By holding either Punch or Kick immediately after the throw she gets access to a different ender that does slightly less damage, but offers a 3HP OTG pickup in the corner. Punch ender does the lowest damage but gives you the easiest pickup whereas Kick ender is the highest damage but leaves a smaller window to get the OTG.

Guard Cancels

Lp.png Guard Cancel
AVG2 Tamao stHP.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv

Uses Tamao's Hp.png. Generally speaking, this is Tamao's best guard cancel option thanks to its 3F startup. However, it has a propensity for being low profiled, so you may want to use Lk.png guard cancel for opponents pressuring with crouching normals.

Lk.png Guard Cancel
AVG2 Tamao stHK.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv

Uses Tamao's Hk.png. Slower than her Lp.png guard cancel, but useful as a backup against crouching opponents.

Hp.png Guard Cancel
AVG2 Tamao Kikoudan.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv

Uses Tamao's Lp.png Kikoudan. There aren't really any good reasons to use this guard cancel.

Hk.png Guard Cancel
AVG2 Tamao Soryugeki.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv

Uses Tamao's Lp.png Soryugeki. What would otherwise be a fantastic guard cancel is held back by the move's lack of any invulnerability.

Super Moves

Lightning Crash
AVG2 Tamao Lightning Crash.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
18 (20x) Mid - - -+4

A 2 bar super that does stupid damage, usually 45% percent. Tamao's best use of meter, as she gets great damage, can combo into it, hits fullscreen, is plus if blocked, and does crazy amounts of chip damage. Chipping out a low life opponent with this is a super relevant strategy.

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