JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Mariah/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki

Damage is split into 2 parts, regular/stand damage and meter building. first set of numbers contain regular and stand damage while second set of numbers contain amount of meter built on whiff and hit respectively.


A poke with more active frames than most of your other normals
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 4 2(crc) 14(block) 6(crc) 9(whiff) 0(crc) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 (+13) {{{block}}} - 5a (chain) Crouch Cancel Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Simple knife poke with good range. Turns into an "auto combo" with the third hit being visually similar to 6b but not comboing. Can be crouch cancelled.

5a (Chain)
Mariah5A Chain.png
Ah yes, the "auto combo"
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
13 3 26 (hit/block) 16 (whiff) 9/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+3 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB

The useless end to the 5a auto combo, mainly due to the fact that it doesn't actually combo from 5a and despite how it visually looks like 6b, it is not an overhead. Should you use it on accident be aware it does cancel into specials/supers and at the very least it doesn't trigger IPS.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 3 25 (hit/block) 17 (whiff) 8/9 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - specials/supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Limited range but decent poke, use instead of 5c if opponent can just duck under it but be careful where you use it. Avoid using it in combos or cancelling into supers as it scales and triggers IPS

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 3 30 (hit/block) 22 (whiff) 14/16 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - special/super Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

One of Mariah's better normals. Functions as a really good poke and an even better anti air that can cancel into Burner on reaction for additional damage. Be careful when using this move though, as some characters can duck under it and whiffing it (even if you cancel) can be deadly for you.

Tap Tap Tap
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
3 4 (hit/block) 2 (Whiff) 6 (hit/block) 0 (whiff) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 {{{block}}} - 2A (Chain) Specials/Supers Low IPS Scaling

Behold, your bnb for the entire game. It's basically 5a except slightly less range but a frame faster and generally better frame data. It combos not only into itself, but into every other normal (yes her dashing normals included) excluding her command normals. Not to mention that the auto combo knocks down anyone stand off allowing for an oki.This move is not perfect though, despite having + frames on pushblock, being pushed back will render you outside the move's effective range in most cases and if you have already developed a habit of mashing 2a to get the auto combo, chances are you're going to get punished for it. Additionally, this is your main (and probably only) low move that you would want to use in a 50/50 oki situation.

2A (Chain)
Mariah2A Chain.png
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 3 21 (hit/block) 13 (whiff) 3/4 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KD {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Low Knockdown

Mariah's BNB. Pretty much the entire game you want to fish for this combo, it's safe on anyone who doesn't push block and sets up oki on knockdown. On stand on opponents you don't really want to use it, even if your opponent doesn't know how to punish it, it's just bad practice. Don't forget you can cancel out of the sweep, so in the case you don't knockdown or you land this on a stand on opponent you can follow up.

Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 3 23 6/9 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+1 {{{block}}} - Special/Super Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

One of Mariah's better pokes. Don't get me wrong, the recovery is still horrible, and you only get +1 frame advantage (which is a lot more than a lot of her other normals) but its range is better than 5b and despite the fact it doesn't hit low it still can hit most, no all characters even if they're crouching. Outside of that don't use this, it triggers ips, scaling, and there are much better alternatives.

Leg Sweeper
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
11 2 24 (hit/block) 15 (whiff) 12/16 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KD {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Low KD IPS Scaling

Limited range knockdown that triggers ips and scaling despite being a knockdown/launch move. Recovery and framedata is a lot worse than the auto combo counterpart but at least you don't have to press 2a 2 time before hand.

Don't be deceived, it's not the knife that does damage, it's the handle.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 upon landing 4/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers (air versions only) High IPS Scaling

Despite the hitbox, this move is great for meaties and can occasionally cross up your opponent. Use the B version though, as the A version of this move is exactly the same but does less damage.

Totally not J.5A but more damage.
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 until landing 7/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers (air versions only) High IPS Scaling

Just read the first sentence of the J.5A description, and then realize that j.5B has the exact same hitbox, frame data, and properties but for some reason builds meter on whiff and does extra damage.

The (almost) instant overhead
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 3 until landing 13/9 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+12 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers High IPS Scaling

You read right, j.5C has even better startup than her other air moves, making this one the go to air-to-air, assuming you understand that it's only active for 3 frames. On some characters you can short hop and get a pretty close to unreachable overhead. There will be a table of characters that this works on but even then this is a really good normal you should use a lot.

Dashing Normals

Your favorite poke but now has more range
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 4 14 (hit/block) 9 (whiff) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

It's 5A but with momentum, great poking tool and potentially good for tick grabs. If need be you can even cancel into a super.

Stabs deeper
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
9 3 25 (hit/block) 17 (whiff) 6/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Same 5B with added momentum but has longer start up. Similarly to d.5A you can cancel into supers if need be. The alternative to d.5c when d.5c whiffs. Still negative on everything though.

Dabs Intensely
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
8 3 30 (hit/block) 22 (whiff) 12/3 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-1 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

Probably Mariah's best and most used dashing attack. Great range and damage as well as being able to cancel into 214aa after a 2a. Also a good sorta late anti air that will also combo into burner and set up a tech chase. Still negative on everything though.

Dashing 2A
Another potential infinite for a bad character that got shut down because of IPS
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
4 4 14 (hit/block) 9 (whiff) 3/3 0/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+4 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Low IPS Scaling

A quick low dashing move to apply some pressure. You can combo into 2a (which can again combo into d.2a for an "infinite") or cancel into supers if need be.

Dashing 2B
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
7 2 24 6/9 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+1 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS Scaling

One less active frame than the original, but still a pretty good long range poke. Whiffing it means 24 frames of recovery, but you can always cancel into stuff when need be.

Dashing 2C
Sweep Sweep Sweep
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
11 2 24 (hit/block) 15 (whiff) 12/16 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KD {{{block}}} - Special/Supers Low KD IPS Scaling

Lacks active frames but is great to set up a ub oki and catch people by surprise. Launches stand on characters (some of which can be comboed into outlet)

Command Normals

Grab 6C/4C (close)
Haha Untechable grab
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
0 1 100 15-20 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
KD {{{block}}} - None Proximity Grab Untechable Launch

Extremely good grab, launches opponent very far away, allowing for zoning shenanigans and if done in the corner, well, you're right next to them and can set up a close up oki. Unfortunately, recovering from this grab takes a while, on some characters by the time you recover the opponent is already awake so you really need to be careful. Don't be afraid to grab with Mariah, it could win you the game.

Fancy Twirl
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
20 3 29 (hit/block 19 (whiff) 9/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
0 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers High Air-UB

Slow but effective overhead that combos into supers. A key part of Mariah's oki game especially when your opponent can duck under j.c. Doesn't scale so if you land this close up, 214aa should be your follow up.

4B (also known as knife)
k n i f e
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
12 read description 24 5/1 3/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+25 {{{block}}} - Specials/Supers Projectile IPS Scaling

Mariah takes a knife from her infinite collection of knives and throws it over her head. After 40 frames of the knife appearing the knife will either home in or drop on the floor depending on where the opponent is during the 40 frames. The Activation period for this is around 8 frames and level does NOT affect the distance. The uses for this move are MASSIVE. To keep it short, it's a combo tool, sometimes can be used as a meaty, a defensive option, a grab set up, an anti air, and there is even a glitch associated with this move. All this will be discussed in the Strategy tab.

Knife Uppercut
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 4 21 (hit/block) 16 (whiff) 13/7 6/8 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch {{{block}}} - Special/Supers Mid Air-UB IPS

Extremely good move, one of Mariah's 4 frame active normals (which is like, the max excluding her supers and specials). Make sure to use this in blockstrings but be aware of its limited range. This move can combo into outlet on some characters and will almost always combo into 214aa for full unscaled damage.

GC and Outlets

Bast's Magnetism (also known as outlets or magnets)
You know you want to run into them
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
12 (standing) 11 (air) 183 24 (Standing) 28 (Crouching) until landing + 5 (air) 4/1 3/4 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-3 (standing) +5 (air) {{{block}}} - None Projectile 2s hits low

183 frame long outlet (roughly 3 seconds). This is Mariah's most essential move as every time an opponent gets hit by it your "level" increases by 1. This stops at max or level 8. The outlets are projectiles so they collide with other projectiles but unlike most projectiles, outlets also function like nets and can be destroyed by stand attacks. Since this move also counts as a special, you can cancel normals into outlets and the outlet becomes active 8 frames after appearing on screen. See the gif to see where outlets get placed.

Guard Cancel
A decent guard cancel that still hits overhead
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 3 29 (hit/block) 19 (whiff) 9/3 4/5 -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
0 {{{block}}} - None High Air-UB

Decent guard cancel that's a quicker version of 6b. Range is a bit limited but it's invincible until the hitbox appears, meaning it'll trade with most multi hits. Use this as an alternative to pushblocking if need be.


Rng Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
12 N/a 38 - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+38~ {{{block}}} - None Scaling

Full screen projectile with the added bonus of being able to home in on your opponent. This move is really slow so it is imperative that you use it under the safety of an outlet or cable from a distance. The amount of hitstun and random properties are determined by the type of metal object (fork, knife, etc). The properties of all of the objects are not known, but I would not recommend relying on any one object for a combo as this move is heavily rng based. Can be done in the air but you are most more likely to be meatied upon landing or just anti aired. One of her few chip/stand guage damage specials. Higher levels means faster projectiles and better homing. s

Enrapture, Wrap, or wires
Wire not cable
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
21 N/A 5 N/A -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Hitgrab {{{block}}} - None Hitgrab

Wires is a fickle move, it's a great grab set up against people that like to push block and can condition people to jump or roll. You would think that it being 25 frames in total it would be the fastest special to cancel into but in reality the nature of wrap makes it very risky and even punishable. If it lands you get 94 frames to do whatever you want to the opponent until they get sent into an untechable launched (of which they can tech after wall bouncing unless they were previously hit by a move that cannot be teched). The opponent cannot escape it normally however any hit they take during the wrap will send them flying unless it's done on the frame they get released.

Electric Burn(er) or Cable
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
11 (49 for cable) always (knife) 15-86 (cable depending on level) 28 5/1 0/4 (knife) 2/1 0/4 (cable) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
-3 (knife) 39-95 (cable) {{{block}}} - None Mid

The cable, my (VagueText) personal favorite of her specials. A version throws a knife right above her, B a bit further, and C at a roughly 45 degree angle. The knife acts as a sort of vertical anti air whereas the cable acts as a multi purpose tool. It has a large hurtbox, meaning it can be cut HOWEVER, the cable can increase the recovery of the move used to cut it anywhere from 0-8 or more frames depending on the move used, acting as a bait. Since the hurtbox can't move it's also an incentive in some cases for your opponent to approach. It is her main follow up after a knockdown into oki and can even be looped.


What are you thinking?!
Mariah236aa (2).gif
Da Booba Supa
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
10 14 long 0/3 0/4 (initial hit) 3/1 0/0 (projectiles) -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch (+47) {{{block}}} - None (Initial Hit) Launch

Very situational super. Doesn't trigger ips or scaling but it scales horribly and can even lose damage due to accuracy or opponent getting knocked down too early. At high levels this super does more overall unscaled damage than 214aa though, and unscaled routes aren't hard to come across. Note this is one of her most active moves at 14 for the initial hit. It's air ub too so you could actually use this as an anti air if you wanted, the benefits being that you'd rarely get stuffed out and should you trade what ends up happening is you take a hit but your opponent gets stand crashed and sent into an untechable launch. Can actually combo into 214aa in the corner too. Number of projectiles increase with level.

What are you thinking?! (air)
Air Boobs
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
5 11 long
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
Launch (44) {{{block}}} - None (initial hit) Launch

Overall a faster version of the grounded super. Can be used after an air normal which allows from double overheads. The overhead itself is actually pretty small so don't expect it to hit often. Like the grounded version this one scales horribly. There are advantages to each version. Usually outside of damage you'll be using this super for chip damage. The air version is better close up (and high in the air), you're less likely to get guard cancelled and it's generally more accurate close up. Further away the arc won't fully encompass your opponent and there is the risk your opponent will jump over you or use an air move to stop you. Both versions are cable of a lot of damage at high levels when unscaled. Number of projectiles increase with level

Iron Crush
This is jojos, ofc the worst character has a TOD
Startup Active Recovery Damage Guard
6 4 - - -
Hit Adv. Block Adv. Pushblock Adv. Cancel Properties
+54 {{{block}}} - None Stand Crash

High utility super. Much more likely to see someone using this than 236aa. Iron crush is easy to combo into and is the better super to use in a scaled combo. It guarantees a knockdown for oki. While it's better for unscaled combos, combinations of 3c and outlets when unscaled can make this super do a lot more damage. There is a glitch associated with this super where the opponent is airborne before being knocked down and Mariah has recovered by then. This allows her to do another 214aa indefinitely for a TOD. It requires 3 meter at max level but you can also ub reset by doing 5a xx 214x during this window. UB resets guarantees unscaled combos, wrap follow ups, and cable loops but can be techable and punished accordingly. This super is NOT air UB so don't try using this as an anti air unless you know it'll work. Total damage depends on the level but doesn't vary much unscaled.

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