Killer Instinct (2013)/Tusk

From SuperCombo Wiki




Strengths Weaknesses
  • Chunky Damage: Tusk's damage output in and out of combos is among the highest in the game.
  • In Progress
KI2013 Tusk CSS.png
Character Data
Forward Walk Speed 59f to cross two large training mode squares
Backwards Walk Speed 74f to cross two large training mode squares
Forward Dash Duration 25f
Backdash Duration 25f
Pre-Jump Frames 5f
Jump Duration 38f
Landing Recovery 4f
Advantage Post Grounded Combo Breaker +1

Universal Mechanics


Stoneskin: Gargos sacrifices movement speed, dashes, extra jumps, and the ability to block for infinite armor. At any time, he can perform Eruption to remove the armor and keep half of his remaining Instinct meter.

Combat Traits

Ranged Autos & Linkers: Gargos can start a combo from any distance after a long-range L Oblivion opener.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Standing Light Punch
Stand LP/5LP
Gargos SLPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
8(2%) 10(2%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 6 2 9 16f +4 +6 +2 Chain

To Do

Standing Medium Punch
Stand MP/5MP
Gargos SMPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 8 2 19 28f +5 +8 +0 --

To Do

Standing Heavy Punch
Stand HP/5HP
Gargos SHPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 14 5 21 39f +15 +33 -1 Stagger

To Do

Standing Light Kick
Stand LK/5LK
Gargos SLKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 5 4 16 24f 0 +2 -1 --

To Do

Standing Medium Kick
Stand MK/5MK
Gargos SMKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 10 2 26 37f -1 +2 -4 --

To Do

Standing Heavy Kick
Stand HK/5HK
Gargos SHKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 14(3%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 17 8 23 47f +33 +33 -22 --

Utterly enormous anti-air.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
Crouch LP/2LP
Gargos CLPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
8(2%) 10(2%) -- 1.6 2.4 Mid 6 2 9 16f +4 +6 +1 Chain

To Do

Crouching Medium Punch
Crouch MP/2MP
Gargos CMPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
18(5%) 22(6%) -- 2.4 4 Mid 7 3 17 26f +5 +8 +1 --

To Do

Crouching Heavy Punch
Crouch HP/2HP
Gargos CHPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 28(7%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 13 5 17 34f +5 +8 -3 --

To Do

Crouching Light Kick
Crouch LK/2LK
Gargos CLKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
12(3%) 16(4%) -- 1.6 2.4 Low 6 5 7 17f +2 +4 -2 --

To Do

Crouching Medium Kick
Crouch MK/2MK
Gargos CMKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
24(6%) 30(8%) -- 2.4 4 Low 11 2 24 36f -1 +2 -4 --

To Do

Crouching Heavy Kick
Crouch HK/5HK
Gargos CHKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Low 18 2 28 47f +53 +53 -10 Hard knockdown

To Do

Air Normals

Jumping Light Punch
Jump LP/8LP
Gargos JLPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
16(4%) 20(5%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 7 5 4 15+f +15 +17 +8 --

To Do

Jumping Medium Punch
Jump MP/8MP
Gargos JMPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 2.4 4 High 7 5 4 17+f +3 +2 -4 Crossup

To Do

Jumping Heavy Punch
Jump HP/8HP
Gargos JHPhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
28(7%) 32(8%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 22 3/17 4/42 28+f/80+f +61/+15 +61/+15 0/-58 Launcher

To Do

Jumping Light Kick
Jump LK/8LK
Gargos JLKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
16(4%) 20(5%) -- 1.6 2.4 High 8 8 4 19+f +15 +17 +8 --

To Do

Jumping Medium Kick
Jump MK/8MK
Gargos JMKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
20(5%) 24(6%) -- 2.4 4 High 13 7 4 23+f +16 +19 +8 Cross-up

To Do

Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump HK/8HK
Gargos JHKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
10(2%) 14(3%) -- 4 4.5 Mid 21 4 4 28+f +40 +40 -1 Soft knockdown

To Do


Gargos LPLKhb.png
Test Caption
Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
30.4 (8%) - - - - - - - - 36f - - - Hard Knockdown

Builds 10.1(2%) Potential Damage and sets up a minion summon.

Special Moves

Killer Instinct-2023 02 04-21 53 04.png
Killer Instinct-2023 02 04-21 53 44.png
Killer Instinct-2023 02 04-21 54 22.png
|175x250px|center|class=move-image]] Test Caption
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP 20(5%) 20(5%) -- ?? ?? Mid 13 5 22 39f +5 +5 -11 Launcher vs. airborne

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP 24(6%) 24(6%) -- ?? ?? Mid 27 5 22 53f +25 +25 -6 Soft knockdown

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP 24(6%) 24(6%) -- ?? ?? Mid 32 5 22 58f +48 +48 -6 Ground Bounce

To Do

Devil's Divide (Grab)
Gargos 214LPhb.png
Gargos 214MPhb.png
Gargos 214HPhb.png
Gargos 214JPhb.png
|175x250px|center|class=move-image]] Test Caption
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LP -- -- -- ?? ?? -- 5 2 28 34f -- -- -- --

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MP -- -- -- ?? ?? -- 23 2 36 60f -- -- -- --

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HP -- -- -- ?? ?? -- 11 6 20 36f -- -- -- --

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
JP -- -- -- ?? ?? -- 11 2 4 16+f -- -- -- --

Automatically performs Sadistic Drop.

Devil's Divide
Sadistic Drop.png
Sadistic Hurl.png
Sadistic Appetite.png
Sadistic Intent.png
|175x250px|center|class=move-image]] Test Caption

Gargos 236LKhb.png
Gargos 236MKhb.png
Gargos 236HKhb.png
|175x250px|center|class=move-image]] Test Caption
Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
LK 28(7%) 34(9%) -- ?? ?? Mid 23 14 23 59f +20 +20 -38 --

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
MK 38(10%) 44(12%) -- ?? ?? Mid 8 24 36 67f +4 +4 -44 --

To Do

Version Damage Counter-Hit Damage Potential Damage Shadow On Hit Shadow On Block Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Duration On Hit On Counter-Hit On Block Special Properties
HK 50(13%) 54(15%) -- ?? ?? Mid 48 11 22 80f +31 +31 -12 Full invul 1-47f

A very slow reversal, if you can even call it that. Instinct cancel this to be plus, armored, and close.

KI2013 Navigation

Controls and Notation
Shadow Jago
TJ Combo
Kim Wu
General Raam
Shin Hisako