Marvel vs Capcom/Assists

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< Marvel vs Capcom
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Assists Introduction

There are 20 Assist characters with 2 secret helper characters. Just push a button during the assist select screen and you get whichever assist the random selector was on. There is a limited amount of times you can use each assist which is dependent on how useful they are. Assists are very useful in creating distractions among other things. You can easily connect many supers after an assist connects too. It is important to note that all assists can be knocked away if hit. All attacks from assists take chipping damage.

How To Select An Assist

The Assist Select grid is labeled from 1 to 20 from left to right, top to bottom. Shadow and Sentinel are 21 and 22, respectively. For instance, say you want Ton-Pooh. Since she is the first square on the 2nd row, her number is 5. To select her, before the Assist Select gird appears, simply hold down HP and LP, since 4 + 1 = 5. Below is the compilation of what buttons to use for selecting the character. In other words, it's like binary code.

LP = 1 MP = 2 HP = 4 LK = 8 MK = 16 HK = 32?

List of Assists

01. Unknown Soldier - Forgotten World
Code: Lp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

He shoots out some beams at your opponent covering most of the bottom half of the screen. He shoots both above and below the opponent, so at least he covers his bases. Can interrupt grounded opponents pretty well, albeit the damage is subpar. You can rely on his assist helping you out since the projectiles travel at a comfortable speed to allow some good ground control.

02. Lou - Chariot
Code: Mp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

He's an elf that shoots several arrows and flame at your opponent. With a whopping 8 uses, Lou's arrows hit low, so while it's useless for aerial opponents (unless maybe they're falling), it is an excellent pressure tool that can lead to unblockable setups if the opponent doesn't react correctly, and in general is free blockstring pressure that the opponent has to eat. Comes out very fast, too.

03. King Arthur - Ghouls n Ghosts
Code: Lp.png + Mp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

He throws lances at your opponent. The fun part is that if he gets hit, he loses his armor! The lances are a very bland projectile. They don't pose much threat and aren't very big with limited range to boot. A carefully timed Arthur summon is still more useful than Pure and Fur, though.

04. Saki - Nigiirochou no Kiseki
Code: Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She shoots a laser at your opponents. Not the most threatening laser, but it comes out quick, deals decent damage, there's a good amount of uses, and can catch people off guard a little. You could lead to some setups with it if you lab, since it would force the opponent to crouch to avoid chip damage, but it's not as long as Thor's assist. Still, can be useful with the right team.

05. Tong-Pooh - Strider
Code: Lp.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She does a long range kick in the middle of the screen.

06. Devilot - Cyberbots
Code: Mp.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She comes in on a mech which self-destructs after a LONG time. It's unblockable though so use her in cornering the opponent! If you can set up traps where the opponent is forced to be stuffed, it can be a very useful assist for free damage.

07. Anita - Darkstalkers
Code: Lp.png + Mp.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Her disembodied doll heads float around her as she walks forward, making a shield of sorts. Eventually, she will release her doll heads forward. Her hitboxes don't really activate until a little while has already passed, unfortunately. She's (probably) fully invincible, though, so no one can interrupt her and they'll go right through her instead, but her projectile attack is basically just another homing-but-not-really-homing projectile attack. Fewer uses than Jubilee's assist, but at least it's a lot more consistent, so you could potentially get some blockstring pressure in with her.

08. Pure and Fur - Capcom Mascot
Code: Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She makes a whole bunch of dice rain down as far behind your character as possible. Pretty much the worst assist in the game. Although several dice fall in front of her, it barely does anything to the opponent, pushes them far back so they can't receive any real damage, and has few uses. More or less just a joke assist.

09. Michelle Heart - Wings of Ales
Code: Lk.png + Lp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She appears on the same level as the opponent and shoots beams in three directions. She looks bad, but she's definitely anything but. She comes out quite fast, covers crouching, standing, and aerial approaches easily, and it's quite difficult to jump in-between the aerial shots to break free. If the opponent jumps in after their partner was KO'd, this pretty much prevents any chance for them to attack back. Overall a very useful assist to lock the opponent down as an aggressive assist, but is useless if the opponent manages to jump past her.

10. Thor - Marvel Comics
Code: Mp.png + Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Shoot lightning at his opponent in a horizontal beam. It can be ducked, as it only hits high, but it can be a decent anti-air and is useful for locking your opponent down, preventing them from being able to move for a bit as they're forced to crouch.

11. Cyclops - X-Men
Code: Lp.png + Mp.png + Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Optic blasts his opponent. Uses his low Optic Blast. Comes out fast, but also loses its hitbox fast. Simple, fast poke so it can be good to setup unblockable scenarios but there's not much else to say about it. Good assist, just not amazing.

12. Magneto - X-Men
Code: Lk.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Throws out an EM disrupter beam. It's crouchable, and knocks the opponent far away. Fairly quick, too, so there isn't much of an active hitbox. Certainly not an awful assist, but's underwhelming when similar assists do a better job at it. If you love Magneto, then there's no harm in using him, at least.

13. Storm - X-Men
Code: Lp.png + Hp.png + Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She throws out a vertical typhoon a bit in front of you, akin to Mega Man's Tornado Hold. If you play Mega Man regularly and know Tornado Hold setups, or how best to use the attack, it can be a helpful assist. The big issue: the range is pathetic. There's not much room for Storm to pressure with anything, unless the opponent approaches you, so while it can anti-air, at best it's a defensive assist, assuming you can catch the opponent out of the air.

14. Jubilee - X-Men
Code: Mp.png + Hp.png + Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Shoots out several firecrackers at different angles that slightly track the opponent, pops her gum and leaves. 8 uses at least, but each projectile deals pitiful damage, and it's likely not all of them will even hit the opponent. Not really a good anti-air either, since they'll have just enough time to react and block.

15. Rogue - X-Men
Code: Lp.png + Mp.png + Hp.png + Lk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She does her rushing punch special from XSF. Starts from the middle of the screen and moves diagonally upward. Useless as a ground assist since Rogue only hits the opponent once if they're close. As an anti-air assist, it can be handy when they're close enough, since she can interrupt the opponent and possibly lead to an air combo, however unlikely. Hard to time, but not too bad.

16. Psylocke - X-Men
Code: Mk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

She does a Psi-Thrust super on your opponent, dashing in from the side. The second best assist in the game, and an assist that beats out Colossus. She's easier to interrupt, but she's essentially a female Colossus assist otherwise.

17. Juggernaut - X-Men
Code: Lp.png + Mk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Comes barreling toward the opponent, doing a weak version of his Juggernaut Headcrush. Fills the entire screen. One of the best assists, although you only get 3 uses. Very high priority, large hitbox, hard to interrupt, decent damage to boot. If you use Gambit, Juggernaut will allow you to do a TOD combo from midscreen to corner, albeit it uses all 3 assists.

18. Iceman - X-Men
Code: Mp.png + Mk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Makes a whole bunch of ice blocks fall onto the screen. It is much more consistent than Storm or Pure and Fur, but it's still not good for pressure and should really only be used for defensive play. The opponent won't be hit by very many ice chunks, and they don't deal huge damage, and it could push the opponent away, which may prevent you from doing setups. He can still work, though.

19. Colossus - X-Men
Code: Lp.png + Mp.png + Mk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Dives in, then shoulder charges into the opponent. 5 frigging uses! Easily the best assist in the game, as he has very high priority and can truck through most attacks, but can be beat out by Psylocke, the other best assist. Multi-hit properties, too, and he's incredibly powerful for blockstring pressure, so shaking him off (if at all) will be incredibly difficult.

20. US Agent - MSH vs SF
Code: Hp.png + Mk.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Does a Charging Star across the screen. Not the greatest range, and even though he hits twice, he can't combo both hits with each other. Still a pretty useful assist, though. Comes out fast, has a fairly tall hitbox, and makes for a good way to shake people off of you from up close.

21. Shadow - MSH vs SF
Code: Lp.png + Mk.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Does his Somersault Super move(the one where he does three flash kicks). Good anti-air, but not terribly useful on the ground. Very few uses, too. You could probably set up some combos with him if you get creative.

22. Sentinel – XCOTA
Code: Mp.png + Mk.png + Hp.png + START
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Meter Gain Property
- - - - - - - - - Ground

Flies across the screen and physically attacks the opponent. Mostly fills the entire screen. How they dropped the ball so hard on Sentinel as an assist, only to become a god tier in MVC2 is something that only meteorologists could possibly hope to figure out. Anyways, he's a charging assist and he fills the entire screen! That's about it, though. Bland pressure, bland damage, not useful in the corner as he doesn't trap the opponent very long.

Game Navigation

Capcom Characters
Captain Commando
Chun Li
Mega Man
Shadow Lady
Marvel Characters
Captain America
Gold War Machine
Hyper Venom
Orange Hulk
Spider Man
War Machine