JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Kakyoin/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Kakyoin's combo game is fairly simple, fluid, and interchangable while giving high damage and/or oki in any situation.
==Kakyoin's Net Link==
As his main (pretty much only) tandem ender, Kakyoin has to link a jumping normal into a net. This link is absolutely crucial to getting good at Kakyoin. The input is 8 j.A/B/C 214A 5A. The way you do it is by connecting the jumping attack as Kakyoin is falling, while still in the air, input 214A as soon as you land press 5A. 5a should hit before the net.
==Anti Air Combo==
Any time you land your opponent in an air net you have 3 combos:
(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B s.236x - This is your basic meterless option. Deals less damage and builds less meter, but isn't height dependent. Launches the opponent fullscreen, giving you ample space. If they tech in, it's the easiest anti-air of your life. And if they don't tech the anti-air hit, they can end up falling into a hard knockdown for free oki. I recommend s.5A for this.
Note that you will need to horizontally orient yourself with the opponent for the Emerald Splash, do this by either double jumping or landing then jumping.
(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B S j.C - This meterless option does more damage and builds more meter than the other option, however the first hit of j.c can whiff against characters with smaller air hurtboxes if they're too high. It also leaves the opponent a lot closer to you which might be scary if you're struggling against their pressure.
(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B s.236aa - The same as the first meterless option, but with a super. A disgusting round stealer, this combo will often do at least 1/4th of the enemies health, if not 1/3rd. Huge reward off a simple anti-air.
While the first net can be any of them, the net mid-combo should always be A or B, since C will whiff. A is preferable if possible. Also don't hit the opponent before doing your Emerald Splash special or super, since they can tech out and you waste your damage.
You can also take an air net as an opportunity to tech chase instead.
Kakyoin's grounded combos will almost always go into tandem, so this will be split between starters and enders.
Stand Off
2A 2A d.5C 214S ABCxN
d.2A 5A 2A d.5C 214S ABCxN
d.2A 5A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN - s.5a s.665a loops can be difficult at first, so don't be discouraged if you can't do them.
j.C (landing) j.C SC! j.214A d.5C 214s ABCxN - Niche standcrash combo using a low landing j.C comboing into a second j.C. Only works vs Dio and standing Vanilla Ice, everyone else is too short. Can also go into an extended tandem (see below)
Stand On
s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN
IAD s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN - This will only work against tall hurtboxes, like people in stand on, or if they just don't block the overhead. You will need to get your IAD pretty low to combo after, however it is a frame more lenient than comboing into his low chain.
All of these enders will begin with j.A j.214A 5A
214B 214C (hold) 9 5B (close) 5B (far) (Release C) 214A 214B 44 236AA
S 214B 214C (hold) 9 s.j.66B (jump over, then airdash back into opponent) (Release C) s.214A s.214B 44 s.236AA
214B 214C (hold) 9 d.5B/d.2B (Release C) 214A 214B 463214A 665A 5AxN 44 (dash away from the wrapped opponent to fullscreen) 214A/B S - Wrap ender, leads 50/50 net oki. Cannot be done if you're comboing from a meaty hit, due to the taiwrap whiffing from command grab invulnerability that lasts through the whole combo because of a glitch. Make sure you aren't too close to the corner or they will hit the wall after being launched from the wrap and be able to tech, taking away your oki.
S s.214B s.214C (hold) 9 s.2A s.2B (Release C) s.4C s.214A - Gives pretty much the same oki as wrap with none of the downsides
214B 214C (hold) 9 463214A 665A 5AxN 44 (dash away from wrapped opponent to fullscreen) 236AA (Release C) 236AA - Meter dump wrap combo, more difficult than the previous wrap combo due to needing to land the Taiwrap as soon as you land on the other side of them. Has the same issues of not working after a meaty and screen positioning.
214B 214C (hold) 9 d.2A 5A 2A (Release C) S s.665A s.5A s.5C (1 hit) s.236AA - A personal favorite of mine, purely for style, will usually drop due to IPS.
In case you couldn't tell, Kakyoin's options are incredibly freeform. For the most part, you can switch around whatever you do before and after Releasing the C net as you please. All of these pale in comparison to tandem looping, which is incredibly easy and can even be done with an...
==Extended Tandem==
If you ever land a net on a grounded opponent, you can go into an extended tandem.
(A/B Net hit) s.214A/B s.214C (hold) 9 s.j.66B (Release C) s.214A/B s.214A/B 214S (Hold S) ABCxN
By using his nets, Kakyoin can set up a combo where he can hold S to extend his tandem, something no other character can do ( easily.). Whenever it says A/B, do the one that's off cooldown, if the initial net was A, do B and then A and etc. If the initial net was C, then simply walk up and do s.214A/B s.214A/B 214S. This can bag absolutely HUGE damage for 1 meter and can easily be done after a tandem if you're willing to tandem loop. When going for extended tandems, 10 reps is a good number to go for, but do as many as you can!
==The Corner Loop==
s.214A/B s.214A/B (Hold) s.5C(3 hits) (Release A/B) 66 s.214A/B (Hold) s.5C(3 hits) (Release A/B) - Kakyoin's corner loop, IPS hates this combo so be careful going for multiple reps. The key is to not go too fast, you need to let your nets respawn during each rep, and remember to alternate your nets. Best done after oki from a stand on grab or a d.2c knockdown. Can end it with a super or s.664C>net loops into a super (these are kinda character specific, C net is especially inconsistent, and are generally risky. AND it can still get IPS'd).
==Combos Without Tandem==
Without tandems, Kakyoin's combos are either inoptimal combo movie insanity, or simple reliable hard knockdowns.
IAD s.2A s.2B s.2C - The most useful tandemless combo, gives you a knockdown after an IAD, making your pressure much stronger from farther ranges. Won't knockdown against stand on opponents, so you can replace the s.2C with a net cancel and continue to mixup and pressure after that.
s.j3x s.2A s.2B s.2C - Same as above, but from his divekick move. Better at close range due to speed, and a lot easier to time
s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) s.236AA - s.5C(1 hit) can also combo into Super Emerald Splash, if you feel like doing something different.
[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]
[[Category:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]

Revision as of 04:48, 25 March 2021


Kakyoin's combo game is fairly simple, fluid, and interchangable while giving high damage and/or oki in any situation.

Kakyoin's Net Link

As his main (pretty much only) tandem ender, Kakyoin has to link a jumping normal into a net. This link is absolutely crucial to getting good at Kakyoin. The input is 8 j.A/B/C 214A 5A. The way you do it is by connecting the jumping attack as Kakyoin is falling, while still in the air, input 214A as soon as you land press 5A. 5a should hit before the net.

Anti Air Combo

Any time you land your opponent in an air net you have 3 combos:

(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B s.236x - This is your basic meterless option. Deals less damage and builds less meter, but isn't height dependent. Launches the opponent fullscreen, giving you ample space. If they tech in, it's the easiest anti-air of your life. And if they don't tech the anti-air hit, they can end up falling into a hard knockdown for free oki. I recommend s.5A for this.

Note that you will need to horizontally orient yourself with the opponent for the Emerald Splash, do this by either double jumping or landing then jumping.

(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B S j.C - This meterless option does more damage and builds more meter than the other option, however the first hit of j.c can whiff against characters with smaller air hurtboxes if they're too high. It also leaves the opponent a lot closer to you which might be scary if you're struggling against their pressure.

(Net hit) s.j.B s.214A/B s.236aa - The same as the first meterless option, but with a super. A disgusting round stealer, this combo will often do at least 1/4th of the enemies health, if not 1/3rd. Huge reward off a simple anti-air.

While the first net can be any of them, the net mid-combo should always be A or B, since C will whiff. A is preferable if possible. Also don't hit the opponent before doing your Emerald Splash special or super, since they can tech out and you waste your damage.

You can also take an air net as an opportunity to tech chase instead.


Kakyoin's grounded combos will almost always go into tandem, so this will be split between starters and enders.

Stand Off

2A 2A d.5C 214S ABCxN

d.2A 5A 2A d.5C 214S ABCxN

d.2A 5A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN - s.5a s.665a loops can be difficult at first, so don't be discouraged if you can't do them.

j.C (landing) j.C SC! j.214A d.5C 214s ABCxN - Niche standcrash combo using a low landing j.C comboing into a second j.C. Only works vs Dio and standing Vanilla Ice, everyone else is too short. Can also go into an extended tandem (see below)

Stand On

s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN

IAD s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) xx 214S ABCxN - This will only work against tall hurtboxes, like people in stand on, or if they just don't block the overhead. You will need to get your IAD pretty low to combo after, however it is a frame more lenient than comboing into his low chain.


All of these enders will begin with j.A j.214A 5A

214B 214C (hold) 9 5B (close) 5B (far) (Release C) 214A 214B 44 236AA

S 214B 214C (hold) 9 s.j.66B (jump over, then airdash back into opponent) (Release C) s.214A s.214B 44 s.236AA

214B 214C (hold) 9 d.5B/d.2B (Release C) 214A 214B 463214A 665A 5AxN 44 (dash away from the wrapped opponent to fullscreen) 214A/B S - Wrap ender, leads 50/50 net oki. Cannot be done if you're comboing from a meaty hit, due to the taiwrap whiffing from command grab invulnerability that lasts through the whole combo because of a glitch. Make sure you aren't too close to the corner or they will hit the wall after being launched from the wrap and be able to tech, taking away your oki.

S s.214B s.214C (hold) 9 s.2A s.2B (Release C) s.4C s.214A - Gives pretty much the same oki as wrap with none of the downsides

214B 214C (hold) 9 463214A 665A 5AxN 44 (dash away from wrapped opponent to fullscreen) 236AA (Release C) 236AA - Meter dump wrap combo, more difficult than the previous wrap combo due to needing to land the Taiwrap as soon as you land on the other side of them. Has the same issues of not working after a meaty and screen positioning.

214B 214C (hold) 9 d.2A 5A 2A (Release C) S s.665A s.5A s.5C (1 hit) s.236AA - A personal favorite of mine, purely for style, will usually drop due to IPS.

In case you couldn't tell, Kakyoin's options are incredibly freeform. For the most part, you can switch around whatever you do before and after Releasing the C net as you please. All of these pale in comparison to tandem looping, which is incredibly easy and can even be done with an...

Extended Tandem

If you ever land a net on a grounded opponent, you can go into an extended tandem.

(A/B Net hit) s.214A/B s.214C (hold) 9 s.j.66B (Release C) s.214A/B s.214A/B 214S (Hold S) ABCxN

By using his nets, Kakyoin can set up a combo where he can hold S to extend his tandem, something no other character can do ( easily.). Whenever it says A/B, do the one that's off cooldown, if the initial net was A, do B and then A and etc. If the initial net was C, then simply walk up and do s.214A/B s.214A/B 214S. This can bag absolutely HUGE damage for 1 meter and can easily be done after a tandem if you're willing to tandem loop. When going for extended tandems, 10 reps is a good number to go for, but do as many as you can!

The Corner Loop

s.214A/B s.214A/B (Hold) s.5C(3 hits) (Release A/B) 66 s.214A/B (Hold) s.5C(3 hits) (Release A/B) - Kakyoin's corner loop, IPS hates this combo so be careful going for multiple reps. The key is to not go too fast, you need to let your nets respawn during each rep, and remember to alternate your nets. Best done after oki from a stand on grab or a d.2c knockdown. Can end it with a super or s.664C>net loops into a super (these are kinda character specific, C net is especially inconsistent, and are generally risky. AND it can still get IPS'd).

Combos Without Tandem

Without tandems, Kakyoin's combos are either inoptimal combo movie insanity, or simple reliable hard knockdowns.

IAD s.2A s.2B s.2C - The most useful tandemless combo, gives you a knockdown after an IAD, making your pressure much stronger from farther ranges. Won't knockdown against stand on opponents, so you can replace the s.2C with a net cancel and continue to mixup and pressure after that.

s.j3x s.2A s.2B s.2C - Same as above, but from his divekick move. Better at close range due to speed, and a lot easier to time

s.5A s.665A s.5A s.665A s.5A s.5C(1 hit) s.236AA - s.5C(1 hit) can also combo into Super Emerald Splash, if you feel like doing something different.

Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph