Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl/Lucy Loud: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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|Damage=14% / 21% / 12%
|Damage=14% / 21% / 12%
|Active=19 - 23
|Active=19 - 23
|Total Frames=42
|Total Frames=42
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|Damage=13% / 19% / 10%
|Damage=13% / 19% / 10%
|Active=15 - 19
|Active=15 - 19
|Total Frames=42
|Total Frames=42
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|Damage=15% / 21% / 12%
|Damage=15% / 21% / 12%
|Active=16 - End
|Active=16 - End
|Total Frames=-
|Total Frames=24

Revision as of 11:25, 27 April 2023



Lucy is the 5th Youngest of the Loud family, and is a very gloomy and stoic goth girl. Her uncanny ability to suddenly appear in places also applies to the Brawl! Lucy has a variety of moves to startle and creep the opponent. They really won't know what hit em with her teleport!


Lucy is a technical "install" character with short range and light weight, compensating for this with her truly privileged attack speed and being able to alter the attributes of her Special Attacks with her "Scare Mode" gimmick. In skilled hands, her combo game will leave anyone she faces feeling just as gloomy as she is.

By using her Neutral Special Dark Bite she will become coated with an aura indicating she is in either Vampire Mode or Ghost Mode. She can cycle through her modes by biting her opponent an additional time, and it always cycles with Vampire first and then Ghost second. In general, Vampire Mode is used for damage while Ghost Mode is used for additional maneuverability options.

If you're technically minded enough to take advantage of these two modes and to master each of their benefits, Lucy will put any foe you face into an early grave!

Lucy Loud

NASB lucy character.png

The Loud Houe

Weight Class


Character Discord

Lucy character discord

Home Stage

Royal Woods Cemetery

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Two Morbid Modes: As stated above, Vampire and Ghost modes grant Lucy different kinds of benefits, and a skilled player can easily swap between the two with deadly efficiency by simply slipping in a Neutral Special in the middle of their combos. Your opponent won't know what hit 'em!
  • Privileged Lights: Lucy Loud does not have a Light Attack slower than Frame 5 and even has her Light Up Air come out on Frame 4, this allows Lucy to disrespect pressure better than most characters in the game and bully slower characters by simply having better frame data.
  • Jump Scare: Lucy's Down Special Jump Scare can either allow her to travel across the ground faster than any character in the game or to threaten early kills with her infamous Coffin.
  • Predictable Gameplan: Despite their boons, the two modes are also easy to counter. Switching modes requires you to hit the opponent with Dark Bite, and anyone familiar with the MU will know that's what Lucy will be fishing for and will do everything to make sure that doesn't happen. Someone with a longer reach like Leonardo or a solid projectile like Spongebob will do well in keeping Lucy from getting her fangs on them due to her close-range nature.
  • Extremely Fragile: Coming alongside the damage or knockback buffs of Lucy's two Scare Mode is the fact that they make this relatively lightweight character the lightest character in the game.

Moves List

Light Attacks

Three of Swords
5L / Neutral Light
NASB lucy light mid.png
"You will soon be blown away."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% / 10% / 6% 4 5 - 6 20 -6


Roundhouse Kick
8L / Up Light
NASB lucy light up.png
"Failure. It is not an option, yet it's something you choose. The man with a plan is destined to lose."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% / 10% / 6% 4 5 - 7 22 -10


Eight of Spades
2L / Down Light
NASB lucy light down.png
"I dig a lot of graves, so I'm pretty handy with a shovel."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% / 10% / 6% 4 5 - 6 20 -6


Ghost Float
66L / Run Light
NASB lucy dash light.png
"Am I floating?"
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% 4 5 - 12 35 -26


Jumping/Air Light Attacks

Aerial Three of Swords
j5L / Jump Light
NASB lucy aerial light mid.png
"Your stock will end in... tragedy."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% / 12% / 6% 4 5 - 6 20 -8


Aerial Roundhouse Kick
j8L / Jump Up Light
NASB lucy aerial light up.png
"Failure. It's all your fault, this streak of bad luck. No escape from this cycle in which you are stuck."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
8% / 12% / 6% 3 4 - 6 22 -8


Axe Kick
j2L / Jump Down Light
NASB lucy aerial light down.png
"Failure. You know there is no one else to blame. For the choices you make are always the same."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
10% / 14% / 7% 4 5 - 7 30 -16


Strong Attacks

Umbrella Poke
5S / Neutral Strong
NASB lucy strong mid.png
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
14% / 20% / 11% 18 19 - 23 42 -6


8S / Up Strong
NASB lucy strong up.png
"Not quite there. I think we need to lose a limb."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
13% / 19% / 10% 14 15 - 19 42 -10


Coffin Slam
2S / Down Strong
NASB lucy strong down.png
The final step of the ritual for true Vampires of Melancholia fans!
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
15% / 21% / 12% 12 13 - 19 40 -10


Bat Swarm
66S / Run Strong
NASB lucy dash strong.png
"Ready guys? Just like we practiced."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
13% 15 16 - 20 46 -19


Jumping/Air Strong Attacks

Aerial Umbrella Poke
j5S / Jump Neutral Strong
NASB lucy aerial strong mid.png
"We shouldn't be out here. We belong in the darkness."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
14% / 21% / 12% 18 19 - 23 42 -6


Aerial Scythe
j8S / Jump Up Strong
NASB lucy aerial strong up.png
"I've been waiting my whole life to do this. Not to mention my past lives."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
13% / 19% / 10% 18 15 - 19 42 -10


Poetry Slam
j2S / Jump Down Strong
NASB lucy aerial strong down.png
"Will someone please hand me my poetry journal? I have some VERY strong feelings to express."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
15% / 21% / 12% 15 16 - End 24 -6


Special Attacks

Dark Bite / Bats / Invisibility
5P / Neutral Special
NASB lucy special mid.png
"I was bitten by Lana's liberated vampire bat. Greatest day ever."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
3% 11 11 - 14 29 -5
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
5% 13 13 - 17 35 -13
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
5% 13 13 - 35 35 -13

The piece of resistance of Lucy's moveset. Information on Lucy's different modes will be detailed here, and the frame data above represents her different modes as well.

Standard Mode: After biting her opponent, it transforms her into one of her other 2 modes, Vampire and Ghost mode. During Standard Mode, Dark Bite will transform Lucy into Vampire Mode. (If the bite animation is interrupted by getting attacked, it will deal the 3%, but will not transform her.) A completed bite can be accomplished by either biting the opponent or biting a projectile. At high percentages, Dark Bite can combo into kill options. If Dark Bite is tapped, it will just do the bite. If Dark Bite is held during her Standard State, nothing will happen.

Vampire Mode: Lucy's Vampire mode is easily her best mode due to it's ability to deal damage and kill early, at a price. You can enter Vampire Mode by getting a Successful Bite. You will also gain a red aura around you.

If the bite is successful, it will transform Lucy into Ghost Mode. If Dark Bite is held during, Lucy will stall in the air, have an AOE around you that deals 3%, and release 4 bats above that fly up and last for 120 frames. If the bats were to connect to the enemy, it will deal 6%. The bats can be grabbed only if the opponent is at a higher elevation than you. After holding down Dark Bite, you will return back to Standard Mode. Although you leave Vampire mode, you will have a better recovery.

Ghost Mode: Lucy's Ghost Mode is definitely her least exciting one. Ghost Mode is definitely the most safe out of the 3 mainly due to boosted jump height and invincibility. You will gain a white aura similar to Vampire Mode.

If the bite is successful, it will transform Lucy into Vampire Mode. If Dark Bite is held, Lucy will have an AOE around you that deals 3% (roughly Twice as big as Vampire Mode's AOE). It will start on from frame 13 and last for 26 frames. 20 Frames into holding Dark Bite, Lucy will turn invisible for 180 frames. The only things you can see during this mode is particle effects such as Dash start up, attacks, and jumps. During the time of Invisibility, you will be Standard Lucy except for your inability to use Jumpscare.

Flight of the Bats
8P / Up Special
NASB lucy special up.png
"Hurry, Fangs!"
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
- - - 60 -
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
4% 14 14 - 59 65 -
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
4% 41 41 - End - -

Standard Mode: Flight of the Bats sends Lucy up using the power of her pet bat, Fangs. During the recovery, the bat does not have a hitbox, so don't get worried about getting gimped earlier. She gets sent into the air in a straight line vertically, however the angle can be adjusted. The max angle you can change in the recovery is 22.5°. The Recovery does not grab ledge. The recovery itself lasts for 44 frames. It can reach top blast zone if used on stage.

Vampire Mode: Flight of the Bats in Vampire mode will send Lucy up at a 40° angle dependent at the direction you are facing. In Vampire Mode, you will not be able to adjust angle of which this travels. This move can be B-Reversed. This move will not grab ledge. 14 frames into the recovery, Fangs gets a hitbox that deals 4% and makes it easier for Lucy to recover. The bat hitbox lasts for 24 frames. The Recovery itself lasts for 44 frames. If you are directly under the ledge near the blast zone, it will would be best for you to get out of Vampire Mode so you have a better recovery that goes straight up.

Ghost Mode: Lucy's worst recovery option. This recovery has you go up half the height as Standard Mode Up-Special, but will have you do a kick move that sends you back to the ground having 32 frames of endlag. Similar to Standard mode, this recovery goes directly up, and can be adjustable. You will go up for 40 frames and can adjust at an angle of 30°. During this phase, you will be able to move twice as fast left and right compared to Standard Recovery, however you will move the same speed as Standard when you do your kick down. The kick takes 25 frames to get back on the ground and deals 4% and will send opponents down. This will not be able to grab ledge on your way up or down.

Jump Scare
2P / Down Special
NASB lucy special down.png
"You forgot me."
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
- - - 40 -
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
5% - 12 - 26 40 -
Damage Startup Frames Active Frames Total Frames Safety
5% 14 14 - 15 55 -32

Standard Mode: Lucy's overall best move. In Standard Mode, it teleports her 1/4th of the length of Jellyfish Fields in 12 frames. It is a great move to get out of sticky situations, especially if you are off stage. In Standard Mode, this move can be jump cancelled. That means if you Jumpscare into jump-cancelled Jumpscare, you can teleport half the stage in just under half a second. With this, it is very easy to get an early bite to get into vampire mode, and it is very easy to get a kill using Strong Neutral Air when your opponent isn't expecting it.

Vampire Mode: Lucy's overall best Kill move. On hit, the move will do 5% and deal heavy knockback, but it takes 55 frames to complete and Jumpscare only lasts for 2 frames, specifically on frame 14 and 15. If you Jumpscare off stage under the ledge, you will die. Vampire Mode Jumpscare travels 80% of the length of Standard Lucy Jumpscare. This move is entirely worth the risk, especially due to combos that lead into it.

Ghost Mode: When you Jumpscare, you get 15 frames of invulnerability that start on frame 12. During these 15 frames, you can cancel into different moves, but you lose your invulnerability. Although it is better, it isn't worth the risk.


Taunt Button
NASB lucy taunt.png
Lucy's pent up aggression from the constant state of being forgotten released all at once! It serves as a reference to the Loud House episode, 'Spell it Out'.

Strafe Taunt
Taunt Button + Strafe
NASB lucy strafe taunt.png
The universe is empty.
And there's nothing to be sure of but darkness.
There's no music in the void, 
so why bother anyway? 
Embrace the emptiness. 
Own the futility. 
The only song worth singing is silence.


NASB lucy character.png NASB Lucy alt costume 1 .png

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April O'Neil
Danny Phantom
Helga Pataki
Hugh Neutron
Jenny Wakeman
Lincoln Loud
Lucy Loud
Nigel Thornberry
Patrick Star
Powdered Toast Man
Ren & Stimpy
Sandy Cheeks
SpongeBob SquarePants
Toph Beifong